Why are blacks an inferior race. Black and white

Hello, dear lovers of interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often exaggerated on various Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why can representatives of the Negroid race boast of more impressive "dignities" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size is controversial. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So there is a lot of gossip and fiction, one more fantastic than the other.

lovers films for adults, comparing the parameters of white and black actors, tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all comforted by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks have more than whites. The one who has been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men “in all their glory” claims that white guys have absolutely nothing to be sad about.

The hype around penis size did not arise from the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers from different countries with the opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

white slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of the genitals arose in the era of the colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very respectable size.

Historians studying the US south before the Civil War believe that the physical data of black slaves - who were just taken out of Africa - inspired their owners with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for his wife to betray him (which happened not so rarely).

The white conquerors of the new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and the inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southern women. Puritan customs reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with the statistical data. Many researchers dealt with the issue of the size of penises among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the well-known Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men of different nationalities. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltics are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a Syrian-born researcher. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a penis size map, unique in its kind, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

The victory in this tacit international competition was won by the exceptionally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of the excited penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, the owners of 20- Ticentimetric organs are quite common.

In total, the Gabonese and Guineans are inferior to them by 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, the inhabitants of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian natives (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks penis larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Referring to the Gundersen map, it is easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It is warmer here, and the temperament of the locals is “out of bounds”. The heat causes the blood to boil in the veins and the growth of anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large-sized" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the ice-bound Greenland, the penises of the guys are 3-4 cm longer than those of the inhabitants of China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. The equatorial pagan tribes lived for thousands of years by hunting. You will not meet farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is brought up on the meat of freshly killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always full. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't the men here also be gifted in the physical sense?

India and China have a different story. In this part of the world such world religions as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

The population of these countries massively switched to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become undersized. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among Africans? Here local cultural traditions played a role.

Unburdened by puritanical morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies in front of their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

Aborigines of Africa from time immemorial profess the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called “koteka” (a special case for the penis) appear. A true symbol of male power!

It is unlikely that under such conditions, guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to be complex about this. Size does not play a special role, at least in most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

FACT #1: The white race has crossed the seas, conquered rivers and mountains, dried up deserts, and colonized the most barren ice expanses. Whites invented printing, electricity, flight, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, photography, motion pictures, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, the railroad, the microscope, the computer, and millions of other technological marvels. They opened up countless medical improvements, incredible applications, scientific advances, and so on. Whites were such great people as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Edison, Bell, Pasteur, Livenhoek, Mendeleev, Newton, Galileo , Watt, Luther, Leonardo da Vinci and thousands, thousands of other famous geniuses.

FACT #2: In 6,000 years of recorded history, the African Negro hasn't invented anything. No writing, no cloth, no calendar, no plow, no roads, no railroad, no ships, no number system, not even a wheel. (Note: This refers to purebred Negroes.) They were never known to have domesticated wild animals for farm use (although many powerful and docile animals abounded around them.). They knew the only means of transporting goods on top of his curly head. To protect their home, they never went further than the hut, caked with mud, although even a beaver is capable of creating much more reliable fortifications.


FACT #3: The I.Q of American Blacks is 15 to 20 points, on average, lower than that of White Americans.

FACT #4: These differences between Blacks and Whites have been shown repeatedly by every test ever administered by every US government, military, state, county, school board, US Department of Education, and so on. The same coefficient of difference has been confirmed for at least 40 years.

FACT #5: Considering that the average I.Q. is 85, only 16% of blacks rise above 100, while half of the White population is up to the task. (see pic.)

FACT #6: One in ten blacks have an I.Q. an indicator of 50 to 70, equating them to backward schoolchildren, while one in six Whites shows an intelligence of 130 units or more.

FACT #7: According to a study by the US government, prospective professional or administrative employees must show an I.Q rating when applying to universities. 70 or higher. Of those who passed this quota, 58% are Whites, and only 12% are Negroes. (Recall that everywhere hereinafter, purebred representatives of both races are meant). If we take the upper plan, then the difference between White and Black increases to astronomical proportions. 16% of White applicants score 90 or higher, while only 0.2 percent of Negro applicants go up to that mark. Thus, it can be deduced that the ratio of the intelligence of Whites to Blacks is 80 to 1.

FACT #8: Differences between Black and White children widen with age, the difference in performance being greatest at US colleges and high schools.

FACT #9: Differences in intelligence between Whites and Negroes are constantly justified by the living conditions of both. But at least five experiments that attempted to equate socioeconomic backgrounds for both races found no significant change in relative outcomes. As the environment improves, the Negro gets smarter, but so does the White. The gap is not reduced. In fact, extensive research by Dr. H. J. McGark, professor of the Psychological Association at Villanova University, shows that the intelligence gap between blacks and whites INCREASES when the socioeconomic levels of both races are raised to middle class levels.

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G. W. Ferfuson took 1,000 high school students in Virginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested their intelligence. Average. Purebred Blacks scored 69.2% of Whites. Three-quarters blacks - 73.0%. Half-blacks - 81.2%. One quarter blacks - 91.8%. All these blacks lived like the full-blooded blacks in question. Their habitats and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the same.

FACT #11: The results of an Experimental Test conducted by the US Army on over 386,000 illiterate soldiers during World War I showed that Negro conscripts were "below Whites" on all types of tests used in the Army. “Additionally, tests were carried out among pure Negroes, mulattoes, and quadroons. It was found that “the lighter groups performed better. "

FACT #12: Studies with identical twins reared separately in radically different environments provide conclusive evidence that the overall influence of heredity outweighs environmental influence by a ratio of approximately 3 to 1.

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of family income and number of children per family, Blacks still have an average I.Q. 12 to 15 points lower than the comparable White. This includes cases where black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q. can be improved by the environment, but they are still closer to the biological parents than to the adoptive ones.

FACT #14: Equality ideologues often discount I.Q test scores. with the excuse that they are artificially rigged. However, NOBODY, neither the United Negro Foundation, nor any other pro-Negro organization, has been able to develop an intelligence test that shows the sameness of blacks and Whites.

FACT #15: American Indians, who often live in far worse conditions than American blacks throughout their lives, nevertheless consistently outpace them on I.Q. tests.

FACT #16: The outcome of interracial marriages tends to be lower in I.Q. than a white parent.


FACT #17: Numerous studies across the human races have been done to compare the brains of Whites and Negroes with results showing that the Negro brain is 8-12 percent lighter. Such studies were carried out by Bean, Pearl, Wint, Tierney, Gordon, Todd and other scientists.

FACT #18: In addition to the difference in weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than the White. Although the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the White brain, development stops at an earlier age, which limits further intellectual advancement.

FACT #19: The thickness of the supragranular level (outer layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner on average than the White brain.

FACT #20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract, conceptual thinking, are smaller relative to body weight and less complex than those of the White brain.


FACT #21: The name Homo sapien was first used in the 18th century by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. The word "sapien" means "intelligent". The term was originally used in reference to a White person, synonymous with "European". As a result, much later taxonomists and geneticists believed that blacks and other races should be classified as distinct species. In fact, Darwin stated in his book that the human races are so distinct that they can be compared to the differences found in any animal species.

FACT #22: In his mammoth work The Origin of Races, Professor Charton Kuhn, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the world's premier geneticist, collected massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, linguistics, archeology to test his theory" semi-intelligent races." In other words, Homo erectus was a separate race even during the development of Homo sapien.

FACT #23: According to Dr. Kuhn, while the Caucasian subspecies (White race) developed in Europe, the Negro race stopped at an evolutionary level and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in brain and skull development.

FACT #24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain and thicker cranial bones than the White, is prognathic; that is, the lower face protrudes forward, like the muzzle of an animal. As a consequence, the Negro jaw is generally longer than the White.

FACT #25: A black man's skin is thicker, which keeps germs out and protects him from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

FACT #26: The dark color of Negro skin is created by the pigment melanin, which is distributed at all levels of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain.

FACT #27: An African dentist can tell a Negro's tooth from a White man's at once.

FACT #28: Blacks have arms that are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives the Black athlete an advantage over the White in boxing. The skeletal and muscular features of the Negroes gave them considerable success as runners.


FACT #29:
. The hair is black, "obscure" in texture, flat and elliptical without the central channel found in European hair.
. The nose is thick, broad and flat, with close-set nostrils exposing the red internal structure of the membrane like a monkey.
. The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than those of the European.
. From the position of the observer, large orbits of black eyes are visible. The eyes are prone to "chicken blindness" similar to the gorilla.
. The Negro has a shorter spine, the cross section of the chest is more circular in Whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer, like a monkey's.
. The mouth is wide with very thick, large and prominent lips.
. Leather has a thick surface layer that resists scratches and prevents germs from entering.
. The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of the anthropoids.
. The cranial structure is simpler than in the White type.
. The ears are roundish, rather small, set somewhat high.
. The jaw is larger and stronger. The chin is outward which, along with the low-protruding forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
. The hands and fingers are proportionately narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more powerful.
. The skull is thicker, especially on the sides.
. The Negro's brain is on average 20% smaller than the White's.
. The teeth are larger and wider than the White race.
. Three curvature of the spine is less proclaimed in Negro than in White and thus more ape-like.
. The heel is wide, the leg is long and wide, the big toe is shorter than that of the White.
. The two bones corresponding to the nose are sometimes combined, as in some monkeys.

FACT #30: Blood type studies done during World War II suggest that American Negro genes were about 28% White. - This is despite all the ways of establishing discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that test results for a true Black African would show even greater differences from Whites.


FACT #31: Blacks commit murder thirteen times more than Whites; violence and robbery ten times. This information is provided by the FBI. The reports have changed somewhat from year to year but give a fairly accurate picture of the past decade.

FACT #32: According to the US Department of Justice, 1 in 4 black men between the ages of 20 and 29 are currently in prison or on probation.

FACT #33: Making up only 12% of the American population, blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in America.

FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all black men have been arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.

FACT #35: A Black person is 56 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa.

FACT #36: Black gangs choose White victims more than 54.9% of the time, which is 30 times more than Whites choose Blacks.

FACT #37: An annual report from the Department of Justice shows that when Whites commit violence, they do it to blacks two times out of a hundred. Blacks, on the other hand, target Whites with MORE THAN ONE OF THE TWO.

FACT #38: In New York, any White is 300 TIMES MORE SUCCESSFUL to be attacked by a black gang than a black by a White gang.

FACT #39: Many people claim that this data only refers to violent crimes committed by the underclass. However, blacks commit a disproportionate number of violations in the non-violent realm as well. In 1990, blacks were nearly 3 times more likely to be arrested for forgery, fraud, and embezzlement than whites.

FACT #40: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and a lack of "advantages." However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salary and is second only to the state of Alaska in per capita personal income, excels in every crime category, including murder, robbery, robbery, and motor vehicle theft. The District of Columbia also has the highest gun sales in the country, the highest per capita police spending, the highest number of police officers and officers per citizen, and the highest security tax rate. With all this, about 80% of the crimes there were committed by blacks. The US state of West Virginia, which has the lowest crime rate in the country, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment rate in the US. It also has the least amount of police per capita. The US state of West Virginia is over 96% White.


FACT #41: 46% of urban blacks aged 16 to 62 refuse to work, preferring to live on welfare.

FACT #42: More than 66% of Negro children are born out of wedlock. Per capita, they number ten times that of Whites.

FACT #43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely than Whites to get rich.

FACT #44: More than 35% of all black people in US cities use drugs or hard alcohol on a regular basis.


FACT #45: In January 1986, in the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, there was an article "Skin color preference, sexual dimorphism and sexual choice: a case of gene culture co-evolution?" written by Peter Frost and Pierre van der Herhe, who found that in any race , women have more complexes associated with skin color than men. Conducting standard ethnographic surveys in 51 societies on five continents, they recorded their preferences for human skin color, finding that in 30 groups studied, lighter women were preferred, and in 14 lighter women and men were preferred. The cultures of India, China, Brazil, as well as Arabs and Negroes, regard the fairest-skinned women as the most beautiful - perpetuating the aesthetic standard of attractiveness: fair-skinned, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed, blond - the "Scandinavian ideal" of female beauty - even if they do not directly possess the genetic ability to reproduce such an organism. Over time, studies have shown that the upper classes of all races became lighter skinned than their lower compatriots because they repeatedly mingled with women of the above ideal image.

FACT #46: A scientific study of what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 respondents of various racial types were shown photographs of different women and asked to determine the best type, found that the Scandinavian type was recognized by everyone as the most attractive, even by blacks. Respondents were instructed to rate faces solely on his or her "personal standards of beauty and not to consider popular norms". The results of the study - "Age, Gender, Race and Perception of Facial Beauty" are psychologically related to development.

FACT #47: In experiments in which black children played with White and Black dolls, it was found that most of them preferred to play with White dolls. This is true throughout the world. Even in places like Tobago.


FACT #48: The Declaration of Independence, which contains the oft-repeated phrase "... All men are created equal..." was written by Thomas Jefferson, who owned approximately 200 slaves and never freed any of them, including mulattoes and quadroons. Jefferson's words certainly had nothing to do with the Negroes, who at that time held no place in American society except as property.

FACT #49: The Constitution, like the Declaration of Independence, was written for the DESCENDANTS of America's pioneering whites. All 55 delegates gathered in Philadelphia to write the Constitution and all 13 representatives of the state convention who ratified it were of White skin.

1828 WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY defines DESCENDANTS. 1. Descendants; children, children of children, etc. Uncertain; a race that proceeds from a progenitor. 2. In a general sense, following the generations; against the ancestors...

FACT #50: The 14th Amendment is invalid for the following reasons:

It has never been ratified by three-quarters of all the states in the Unification under Article 5 of the US Constitution. Out of 37 states, 16 rejected it.
. Many states that were recognized as having ratified it were forced to do so under threat of military intervention. Any official act introduced by the force of threat and coercion automatically has no legal force.
. The fact that 23 Senators were illegally expelled from the Senate shows that the Joint Enabling Committee proposing the Amendment was not presented or passed by the constitutional Congress.
. The provisions of the 14th Amendment are contrary to the original US Constitution.

FACT #51: In Abraham Lincoln's Declaration of Equality in September 1862, he said, “I persuaded the Negroes to go back to Africa and I will continue. My Emancipation Proclamation was connected with this plan... I cannot imagine any greater disaster than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life on equal terms with us... Within twenty years we may colonize the Negroes peacefully... Under conditions in which he can gradually achieve the likeness of a man. This he can never achieve here. We will never be able to achieve the perfect union that our fathers dreamed of with millions of foreigners, assimilation into an inferior race is neither possible nor desirable."

FACT #52: Lincoln actually proposed a constitutional amendment to authorize Congress to send all freed blacks back to Africa. In August 1962, Congress had over half a million dollars available for this purpose. Thousands of Negroes were sent back until Lincoln was shot.


FACT #53: The District of Columbia, which is approximately 70% black, excels in the US in many areas:
. Highest crime rates
. Uncontrolled arms trade
. The highest birth rate
. Highest death rate
. Highest per capita federal aid rate
. The highest number of rich people per capita
. Highest crime rate
. The highest incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis
. The highest number of AIDS diseases.


FACT #54: By steadily increasing its population, Portugal has risen over four centuries to be the most powerfully colonial nation in the world. Large commercial and maritime activities required large colonies in Asia, Africa, and America. Portuguese sailors were the first to explore West Africa, and they brought back hundreds of Negro slaves. In 1550, at the height of Portugal's power, one-tenth of its population was black. Today, Portugal's population is one of the most homogeneous in Europe, slowly merging into Negro genes. By l975 she had lost all her outer territories. The workers are the lowest paid in Europe, and they have the highest illiteracy rate and the highest infant mortality rate. In the field of art, literature, music, science and philosophy, the “new” Portugal has produced virtually nothing over the past 100 years and, by most indicators, claims to be the last in Europe.


FACT #55: The Republic of Haiti, the only completely black republic in the Western Hemisphere, is also the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It also has the lowest standard of living, the highest illiteracy, the lowest per capita paper consumption, and the lowest level of political stability.

FACT #56: Haiti once had a promising future. In 1789, as a French colony under the White government, Saint Domingo (Haiti) was as rich as or even more affluent than all 13 American United Colonies. The colony was called the "jewel of the crown" of the French colonial system, and was in fact the most prosperous in the world. It was inhabited by 40,000 Whites, 27,000 freed mulattos, and 450,000 black slaves, and with a wonderful, warm climate and productive soil, it provided all of France and half of Europe with sugar, coffee, and cotton. But in 1791, the French government issued a decree giving the right to vote to mulattoes, and soon to all slaves. It ended in a bloody civil war in which the entire White population (approximately 40,000 French) were killed to the last man, including women and newborns.

FACT #57: After the emancipation of blacks into the last of the White Colonies in 1804, Haiti remained part of Santa Domingo until 1844 when it became a separate "republic". Between 1844 and 1915, only one Haitian president ended his reign by natural law. Fourteen of them were expelled by armed uprisings, one was blown up, one was poisoned, and another was hacked to pieces by the mob. Between 1908 and 1915, the number of revolutions and killings increased so rapidly that the United States was forced to station troops there to restore order. This went on from 1915 to 1934. From that time twelve years the mulatto elite ruled, which ended in the resumption of control by the black military in 1946. Since then, violence and political assassination have become the rule.


FACT #58: The Negroid peoples of India have been subjected to numerous White invasions over the course of 5000 years, causing the rise and fall of one civilization after another as the White individual is swallowed up by the non-white masses. Then, about 1800 B.C. The Aryans again took over the northwest of India, establishing a rigid caste system of White minority domination, which eventually developed into an integral part of the Hindu religion. Interracial mixing was prohibited and punishable by death.

FACT #59: Led by the Aryan ruling class, ancient India blossomed into a great culture, bringing forth fine examples of philosophy, poetry, science, mathematics and literature.

FACT #60: The caste system lasted for about 2,000 years (probably longer than any civilization under similar racial circumstances.) However, eventually the castes collapsed and by modern times, there were virtually no pure Whites left.

FACT #61: India today has 834 million people who speak 150 different languages ​​and dialects. When the amount of annual rainfall is insufficient, they starve to death at rates ranging from 2,000,000 to 6,000,000 per year. India has the highest birth rate in Asia and one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, with an illiteracy rate close to 70%.


FACT #62: Ancient Egypt was formed by the Mediterranean race as early as 4500 B.C. The period of his greatness can be outlined from 3400 to 1800 BC. It was characterized by amazing architecture, pyramids, temples, mastery of mathematics and technology, the remnants of which are still evident today. The White Egyptians discovered medicine, chemistry, astronomy, and law; In many cases, their achievements remain incomparable.

FACT #63: But, around 3400 B.C. Egyptian civilization began to spread along the Nile, coming into close contact with the black Nubians to the south. Soon they began to use blacks for slave labor, and Egypt became the first self-destructive state in history.

FACT #64: The influx of Negro blood came directly from the bottom of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, given political equality, and took on government positions.

FACT #65: By the time of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (1370-1352 BC), even the ruling classes were assimilated and Egypt began to fall. Today, the once mighty Egypt is just a Third World country that has lost its art, medicine, architecture and position in world affairs.
The absurd notion that Ancient Egypt was the product of Negro ingenuity is now widely spread in schools. Although scientists know this is a lie, they support the deception, claiming it will increase the "self-esteem" of black children.


(Please note: These facts are likely to change now that South Africa has fallen to black rule)

FACT #66: White people have lived in South Africa much longer than blacks. There have been White settlements in South Africa for 300 years, about the same length of time that Europeans lived in North America. Even 150 years after the formation of the first colonies around Cape Town, in the early 19th century, there were still no blacks around within a 500 mile radius. Blacks wandered in Central Africa, in search of profitable trade or because of famine. In fact, most blacks in South Africa were born in other countries.

FACT #67: South Africa is the most developed and most advanced country in Africa, producing nearly 75% of the continent's Gross National Product. It is almost completely self-sufficient, so boycotts have little effect on the economy. In fact, most of Africa depends on South Africa. South Africa is governed by parliament and is strictly racially segregated. South Africa grants full self-government to blacks in their own areas of the country.

FACT #68: Although South Africa is a state regime criticized by the whole world, accused of separatism, blacks live better there than blacks in any other African country and multiply rapidly, free of disease. 87% of black expenses are paid by the White man. This includes food, clothing, education, housing, health care, even retirement pensions.

FACT #69: Thousands of South African blacks graduate from college each year, more than three times the number in the rest of Africa. Every black newborn graduates from elementary school. Africa's largest hospital, serving almost exclusively blacks and performing over 1,800 surgeries per month, is in South Africa.

FACT #70: Blacks in South Africa own more cars than all citizens of the Soviet Union.

FACT #71: South Africa has more black doctors, lawyers, professionals and millionaires than the rest of the world combined.

FACT #72: In fact, conditions for blacks in South Africa are "so bad" that the country has a huge problem with illegal black immigration, amounting to over a million illegal foreign workers.


FACT #73-75: Iceland, the only completely white country in the world, has the highest literacy rate of 100%. It is an island of cooled volcanic magma located on the edge of the Arctic Circle. It has no coal, no fuel, no timber, no mineral wealth or natural resources, and no navigable rivers. 75% of the territory is uninhabited and only about 1% is arable land. It is the youngest country in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. However, Iceland is second in the world in terms of living standards and has one of the highest per capita incomes. She has excellent medical facilities and specializes in the publishing business. Virtually every family has a telephone. At the end of high school, every Icelander has learned five languages.


FACT #75-77: On January 31, 1977, FBI-recorded statements by Martin Luther King Jr. were sealed in court until 2027 because his wife said "publicity would destroy his reputation." These tapes are rumored to contain samples of bizarre sexual perversion and homosexuality, and evidence that King was a direct agent of Soviet spies and funded by the Communist Party.

FACT #78: The Wall Street Journal (November 9, 1990) revealed that the editors at Stanford University had long known that King was guilty of plagiarizing his university doctoral dissertation by borrowing significant portions from the work of other authors and students.

FACT #79: Martin Luther King often enjoyed prostitutes and paid for them with the money of his church. However, Congress voted to make King's birthday a national holiday in most places, replacing Columbus Day or Washington's Birthday as an official celebration.

FACT #80: Almost every state celebrates King Day, and almost every city has a King Boulevard or King Civic Center. However, suffrage suggests that Americans almost always fail honors for King when given the opportunity.


FACT #81: The entire continent of Africa, arguably the richest land on the planet, accounts for only 3% of world trade.

FACT #82-84: Nearly all blacks who were great at anything other than athletics and jazz had some White ancestry. According to the Reuters agency, "... Of the famous people whom the Negro race has produced, at least thirteen to fourteen are people of mixed blood."

FACT #85: Blacks are 50 times more susceptible to syphilis than Whites.

FACT #86: Twice as many Blacks as Whites are expelled from the US Army.

FACT #87: A white woman is 15 times more likely to contract AIDS by having sex with a black man than with a straight white man. (US Center for Health Management)

FACT #88: 90% of American children with AIDS are black or Hispanic.

FACT #89-92: In 1950, American schools were among the best in the world. However, lobbying elements within our society demanded that public schools have a social role as well as an educational one. The destruction of American education was ordered by the Supreme Court to break down racial barriers. For 30 years, American schools have devoted enormous resources to forced integration, quotas, operations, and the like. (Few people realize just how expensive it is. The annual cost can be in the tens of billions of dollars. In 1990, California alone was spending $500 million a year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budget on these programs. Results? Today's students rank the lowest place worldwide in science and math, approximately 40% of American adults are functionally illiterate and standardized test scores have declined across the board for both Whites and Blacks.Today, the average White on the CAT test is still 200 points higher than the average Black.Americans spend more in education than any other country in the world but has the worst record.In 1983, after almost two generations of racial experimentation had ended, the Department of Education was prevented from stating that black children were educating measurably better after desegregation.

FACT #93: In Black Africa, the average term for a head of state is 7 months.

FACT #94: By 1995, a third of American students will be non-White, and Whites will be a minority in 5 state schools.

FACT #95: Dr. William Shockley, Nobel laureate for the invention of the transistor and also a famous geneticist at Stanford University, said: "The main reason for the American Negro is heredity and thus cannot be corrected by the improvement of the environment."

FACT #96: In 1930, approximately 33% of the world was White. Today, according to the UN, only approximately 9.5% of the world population is such. This percentage is dropping rapidly.

FACT #97: Every race has an equal ability to recognize and contribute to civilization, and any differences are due to prejudice and racism. The fact that all modern civilization is associated with Whites is just a game of wealth and coincidence. Any attempt to distinguish between races is driven by paranoia and hatred. We must prevent any exploration of the subject in order to melt society into a raceless, nationless harmonious utopia. (?)

FACT #98: In 1988, there were 9,406 cases of Black-on-White violence and less than 10 times White-on-Black violence.

FACT #99: In INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT by Raymond Cattell, three different American scientists compare national I.Q. The difference is observed on average throughout the world and is a warning against the decline in intelligence of any nation whose population exhibits declining intelligence. When accounting for differential population growth of US ethnic stocks, they concluded that US capacity is declining rapidly.

FACT #100: American taxpayers have spent over $2.5 TRILLION trying to increase black computing power since the 1960s.

FACT N1: The white race has crossed the seas, conquered rivers and mountains, dried up deserts, and colonized the most barren ice expanses. Whites invented printing, electricity, flight, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, photography, motion pictures, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, the railroad, the microscope, the computer, and millions of other technological marvels. They opened countless medical improvements, incredible applications, scientific progress.
FACT #2: In 6,000 years of recorded history, the African Negro hasn't invented anything. No writing, no cloth, no calendar, no plow, no roads, no railroad, no ships, no number system, not even a wheel. (Note: This refers to purebred Negroes.)
FACT #3: The I.Q of American Blacks is 15 to 20 points, on average, lower than that of White Americans.
FACT N5: Considering that the average I.Q. is 85, only 16% of blacks climb higher than 100, while half of the white population is up to the task
FACT N6: One in ten blacks has an I.Q. an indicator from 50 to 70, equating them to backward schoolchildren.
FACT #7: According to a study by the US government, prospective professional or administrative employees must show an I.Q rating when applying to universities. 70 or higher. Of those who passed this quota, 58% are Whites, and only 12% are Negroes.
FACT N8: Differences between Negro and White children widen with age, the difference in efficiency being greatest in US colleges and high schools.
FACT #9: Differences in intelligence between Whites and Negroes are constantly justified by the living conditions of both. But at least five experiments that attempted to equate socioeconomic backgrounds for both races found no significant change in relative outcomes. As the environment improves, the Negro gets smarter, but so does the White. The gap is not reduced. In fact, extensive research by Dr. H. J. McGark, professor of the Psychological Association at Villanova University, shows that the intelligence gap between blacks and whites INCREASES when the socioeconomic levels of both races are raised to middle class levels.
FACT N10: In 1915, Dr. GW Ferfuson took 1,000 Virginia schoolchildren, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested their intelligence. Average. Purebred Blacks scored 69.2% of Whites. Three-quarters blacks - 73.0%. Half-blacks - 81.2%. One quarter blacks - 91.8%. All these blacks lived like the full-blooded blacks in question. Their habitats and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the same.

FACT N11: The results of a US Army Experimental Test of over 386,000 illiterate soldiers during World War I showed that Negro conscripts were "below Whites" on all types of tests used in the Army.
FACT N12: Studies conducted with identical twins reared separately in radically different environments provide conclusive evidence that the overall influence of heredity exceeds that of the environment by a ratio of approximately 3 to 1.
FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of family income and number of children per family, Blacks still have an average I.Q. 12 to 15 points lower than the comparable White. This includes cases where black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q. can be improved by the environment, but they are still closer to the biological parents than to the adoptive ones.
FACT N14: The notorious "equality" ideologues often devalue I.Q test scores. with the excuse that they are artificially rigged. However, NOBODY, neither the United Negro Foundation, nor any other pro-Negro organization, has been able to develop an intelligence test that shows the sameness of blacks and Whites.
FACT #15: American Indians, who often live in far worse conditions than American blacks throughout their lives, nevertheless consistently outpace them on I.Q. tests.
FACT N16: The outcome of interracial marriages tends to be lower in I.Q. than a white parent.

FACT N17: Numerous studies among the human races have been done to compare the brains of Whites and Negroes with results showing that the Negro brain is 8 to 12 percent lighter. Such studies were carried out by Bean, Pearl, Wint, Tierney, Gordon, Todd and other scientists.
FACT N18: In addition to the difference in weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than the White. Although the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the White brain, development stops at an earlier age, which limits further intellectual advancement.
FACT N19: The thickness of the supragranular level (outer layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner on average than the White brain.
FACT N20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract, conceptual thinking, are smaller relative to body weight and less complex than those of the White brain.

FACT N21: The name Homo sapien was first used in the 18th century by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. The word "sapien" means "intelligent". The term was originally used in reference to the White man, synonymous with "European". As a result, much later taxonomists and geneticists believed that blacks and other races should be classified as distinct species. In fact, Darwin stated in his book that the human races are so distinct that they can be compared to the differences found in any animal species.
FACT N22: In his mammoth work "The Origin of Races", Professor Charton Kuhn, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the world's premier geneticist, collected massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, linguistics, archaeology to test his theory of "near-intelligent races". In other words, Homo erectus was a separate race even during the development of Homo sapien.
FACT N23: According to Dr. Kuhn, while the Caucasian subspecies (White race) developed in Europe, the Negro race stopped at an evolutionary level and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in brain and skull development.
FACT N24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain and thicker cranial bones than the White, is prognathic; that is, the lower face protrudes forward, like the muzzle of an animal. As a consequence, the Negro jaw is generally longer than the White.
FACT N25: The skin of the Negro is thicker, which prevents the penetration of germs and protects from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
FACT N26: The dark color of Negro skin is created by the pigment melanin, which is distributed at all levels of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain.
FACT N27: An African dentist can tell a Negro's tooth from a White man's at once.
FACT N28: Negroes have arms that are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives the Black athlete an advantage over the White in boxing. The skeletal and muscular features of the Negroes gave them considerable success as runners.
FACT N29: The hair is black, "obscure" in texture, flat and elliptical without the central channel found in European hair. .The nose is thick, broad and flat, with close-set nostrils exposing the red internal structure of the membrane, like a monkey. . The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than those of the European. .From the position of the observer, large orbits of black eyes are visible. The eyes are prone to "chicken blindness" similar to the gorilla. .The Negro has a shorter spine, the cross section of the chest is more circular than that of the Whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer, like a monkey's. .The mouth is wide with very thick, large and prominent lips. .Leather has a thick surface layer that resists scratches and prevents the penetration of germs. The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of the anthropoids. The cranial structure is simpler than in the White type. .The ears are roundish, rather small, set somewhat high. .The jaw is bigger and stronger. The chin is outward which, along with a low-protruding forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans. .Hands and fingers proportionately narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more powerful. .The skull is thicker especially on the sides. The brain of a Negro is on average 20% smaller than that of a White. .The teeth are larger and wider than the White race. .Three curvatures of the spine are less proclaimed in Negro than in White and thus more ape-like. .The heel is wide, the foot is long and wide, the big toe is shorter than that of the White. .The two bones corresponding to the nose are sometimes combined, as in some monkeys.
FACT N30: ​​Blood type studies done during World War II suggest that American Negro genes were about 28% White. - This is despite all the ways of establishing discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that test results for a true Black African would show even greater differences from Whites.

FACT N31: Blacks commit murder thirteen times more than Whites; violence and robbery ten times. This information is provided by the FBI. The reports have changed somewhat from year to year but give a fairly accurate picture of the past decade.
FACT N32: According to the US Department of Justice, 1 in 4 black men between the ages of 20 and 29 are currently in prison or on probation.
FACT N33: Making up only 12% of the American population, blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies, and 60% of all murders in America.
FACT N34: Approximately 50% of all black men have been arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.
FACT N35: A Black person is 56 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa.
FACT #36: Black gangs choose White victims more than 54.9% of the time, which is 30 times more likely than Whites choose Blacks.
FACT N37: An annual report from the Department of Justice shows that when Whites commit violence, they do it to blacks two times out of a hundred. Blacks, on the other hand, target Whites with MORE THAN ONE OF THE TWO.
FACT N38: In New York, any White is 300 TIMES MORE SUCCESSFUL to be attacked by a black gang than a black by a White gang.
FACT N39: Many people argue that this data only refers to violent crimes committed by the underclass part of society. However, blacks commit a disproportionate number of violations in the non-violent realm as well. In 1990, blacks were nearly 3 times more likely to be arrested for forgery, fraud, and embezzlement than whites.
FACT N40: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of "advantages". However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salary and is second only to the state of Alaska in per capita personal income, excels in every crime category, including murder, robbery, robbery, and motor vehicle theft. The District of Columbia also has the highest gun sales in the country, the highest per capita police spending, the highest number of police officers and officers per citizen, and the highest security tax rate. With all this, about 80% of the crimes there were committed by blacks. The US state of West Virginia, which has the lowest crime rate in the country, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment rate in the US. It also has the least amount of police per capita. The US state of West Virginia is over 96% White.

FACT N41 46% of black city dwellers aged 16 to 62 refuse to work, preferring to live on welfare.
FACT N42: More than 66% of Negro children are born out of wedlock. Per capita, they number ten times that of Whites.
FACT N43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely to be wealthy than Whites.
FACT N44: More than 35% of all black people in US cities use drugs or hard alcohol on a regular basis.

FACT N45: In January 1986, in the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, an article "Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphism, and Sexual Choice: A Case of Gene Culture Co-Evolution?", written by Peter Frost and Pierre van der Herhe, found that in any race, women have more complexes related to skin color than men. Conducting standard ethnographic surveys in 51 societies on five continents, they recorded their preferences for human skin color, finding that in 30 groups studied, lighter women were preferred, and in 14 lighter women and men were preferred. The cultures of India, China, Brazil, as well as Arabs and Negroes, regard the fairest-skinned women as the most beautiful - perpetuating the aesthetic standard of attractiveness: fair-skinned, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed, blond - the "Scandinavian ideal" of female beauty - even if they do not directly possess the genetic ability to reproduce such an organism. Over time, studies have shown that the upper classes of all races became lighter-skinned than their lower-class counterparts because they repeatedly mixed with women.
the above ideal image.
FACT N46: A scientific study of what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 respondents of various racial types were shown photographs of different women and asked to determine the best type, showed that the Scandinavian type was recognized by all as the most attractive, even by blacks. Respondents were instructed to rate faces solely on his or her "personal standards of beauty and not to consider popular norms". The results of the study - "Age, Gender, Race and Perception of Facial Beauty" are psychologically related to development.
FACT N47: In experiments in which black children played with White and black dolls, it was found that most of them preferred to play with White dolls. This is true throughout the world. Even in places like Tobago.
48. The US Declaration of Independence, containing the oft-repeated phrase "... All men are created equal...", was written by Thomas Jefferson, who had approximately 200 slaves and never freed any of them, including mulattos and quadroons. . Jefferson's words, of course, had nothing to do with the Negroes, who at that time occupied no place in American society except as property.
49. The US Constitution, like the Declaration of Independence, was written for the DESCENDANTS of America's pioneering whites. All 55 delegates who met in Philadelphia to write the Constitution, and all 13 representatives of the state convention who ratified it, were White.
WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY of 1828 defines the term DESCENDANT as follows:
1. Descendants; children, children of children, etc. Uncertain; a race that proceeds from a progenitor. 2. In a general sense, following generations; against the ancestors...
50. The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution is inadmissible for the following reasons: 1. It has never been ratified by three-quarters of all states under Article 5 of the US Constitution. Of the 37 states, 16 rejected it. 2. Some States, recognized and considered to have ratified it, were compelled to do so under the threat of military invasion. It is clear that any official act introduced by force is not legal. 3. The provisions of the 14th Amendment are contrary to the original US Constitution.
51. In the "Declaration of Equality", written in September 1862, Abraham Lincoln said: "I persuaded the Negroes to go back to Africa, and I will continue to do so. My Emancipation Proclamation was connected with this plan ... I cannot imagine a greater disaster than the assimilation of Negroes into our social and political life on equal terms with us ... Within twenty years we can peacefully colonize Negroes ... Under conditions in which they can gradually achieve the likeness of a man. This they never "can't make it here. We'll never get the perfect union our fathers dreamed of with millions of foreigners. Assimilation with an inferior race is neither possible nor desirable."
52. Lincoln actually proposed an amendment to the US Constitution that would require Congress to ensure that all freed blacks were sent back to Africa. In August 1862 Congress disposed of more than half a million dollars for this purpose. Thousands of blacks were sent back to their historical homeland until the assassination of Lincoln stopped this process.
53. The District of Columbia, which is approximately 70% black, excels in the US in many areas:
The highest crime rates. Uncontrolled trade in weapons. The highest birth rate. Highest death rate. The highest rate of federal assistance per capita. The highest number of rich people per capita. The highest percentage of cases of gonorrhea and syphilis. The highest number of AIDS cases.
54. Originally inhabited by White people, Portugal rose in four centuries to become the most powerful colonial country in the world. The great commercial and maritime activity of the Portuguese required large colonies in Asia, Africa and America. Portuguese sailors were the first to explore West Africa. It was they who brought to Europe many hundreds of Negro slaves. In 1550, at the height of Portugal's power, one-tenth of its population was black. To date, the population of Portugal is one of the most mixed in Europe - the Portuguese are slowly but surely dissolving in the Negro gen*x. By 1975, the country had lost all of its external territories (colonies). Portuguese workers today are the lowest paid in Europe. They have the highest illiteracy rate and the highest infant mortality rate. In the field of art, literature, music, science and philosophy, the "new" Portugal has produced virtually nothing in the last 100 years. By most indicators, it claims the last place in Europe.
55. Haiti, the only completely black republic in the Western Hemisphere, is one of the poorest countries in the world. The standard of living of the population is very low. 90% of the country's population can't even read and write. The Republic of Haiti is known for having the lowest per capita paper consumption in the Western Hemisphere and the lowest level of political stability.
56. The Republic of Haiti once had a promising future. In 1789, as a French colony and under the control of White people, the future Republic of Haiti was as rich as or even more rich than all 13 of the then American United States colonies (states). Haiti was called "The Jewel of the French Crown". This prosperous colony was inhabited by 40,000 Whites, 27,000 freed mulattoes, and 450,000 black slaves. With a beautiful, warm climate and fertile soil, it provided all of France and half of Europe with sugar, coffee and cotton. But in 1791, the French government issued a decree giving the right to vote to mulattoes, and soon to all black slaves. This ended in a bloody civil war in which the entire White population (approximately 40,000 French) was destroyed to the last man, including women and newborns.
57. After the liberation of the blacks in the last of the White colonies in 1804, the territory of Haiti remained part of Saint-to-Domingo for 40 years. In 1844, an independent "republic" was proclaimed in Haiti. Between 1844 and 1915, only one Haitian president ended his reign by natural law. Fourteen of them were expelled by armed uprisings, one was blown up, one was poisoned, and the other was chopped to pieces by the mob. Between 1908 and 1915, the number of bloody revolutions, coups and massacres in Haiti increased so rapidly that the United States was forced to deploy troops there to restore at least rudimentary order. The occupation of the country lasted from 1915 to 1934. Then the mulatto elite ruled for twelve years. In 1946, the black military came to power in the republic. Since then, violence and political assassination have become the rule in Haiti.
58. The Negroid peoples of India have been subjected to numerous White invasions for 5000 years. The Aryan conquerors were the bearers of high culture. Their conquests of India created the conditions for the birth, rise and fall of one civilization after another there. But sooner or later, the White aliens mixed with the black natives of the peninsula, as a result of which high culture disappeared. Then, about 1800 B.C., the Aryans again took over the northwest of India, establishing there a rigid caste system of White minority domination, which eventually developed into an integral part of Hinduism. Interracial mixing was prohibited and punishable by death.
59. Led by the Aryan ruling class, ancient India blossomed with great culture. It was during this period of its history that wonderful examples of philosophy, poetry, science, mathematics and literature were revealed to the world.
60. The caste system in India lasted for about 2000 years. This is much longer than any other civilization under similar racial circumstances. However, eventually the castes collapsed, the prohibitions on interracial mixing with black people ceased to exist, and by our time there are no pure White people left in India.
61. Today there are 834 million people in India who speak 150 different languages ​​and dialects. When the amount of annual rainfall is not enough, they die of starvation in the amount of 2 to 6 million people a year. India has the highest birth rate in Asia and one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. The illiteracy rate of the Indian population is close to 70%.
62. Ancient Egypt was formed by the Mediterranean race of White people as early as 4500 BC. The period of his greatest power lasted from 3400 to 1800 BC. It was then that pyramids, temples and other amazing architectural structures were built, the remains of which are still visible today. The White Egyptians gave the world mathematics, medicine, chemistry, astronomy and law. In many cases, their achievements are still unsurpassed.
63. But about 3400 B.C. Egyptian civilization began to spread south along the Nile, coming into close contact with the black natives of those lands - the Nubians. Soon the Egyptians began to use blacks for slave labor. In the future, interracial marriages between black and white people began to occur. This was the beginning of the end. Egypt became the first self-destructive state in the history of mankind.
64. The influx of Negro blood came directly from the lower part of Egyptian society. The slaves were eventually freed, given political equality and took office in government.
65. By the time of Pharaoh Tutankhamen (1370-1352 B.C.), even the original White ruling classes had been assimilated by the Negroes. Egypt began to fall down. Today, the once mighty Egypt is only a third world country that has lost culture, art, medicine, architecture and positions in world affairs.
The absurd notion that ancient Egypt was the product of Negro ingenuity is now widely circulated in schools. Scientists know this is a lie, but support the hoax, claiming it will boost the "self-respect" of black children.

(Please note! These facts are likely to change now that South Africa has fallen to black rule)
66. White people appeared in South Africa much earlier than Negroes. Even 150 years after the formation of the first colonies in the Cape Town area, at the beginning of the 19th century, there were still no blacks around within a radius of 500 miles. In those days, blacks wandered somewhere in Central Africa, in search of profitable trade or because of hunger. Most blacks living in South Africa today were born in other countries.
67. South Africa is the most developed and most advanced country in Africa. It produces almost 75% of the national gross product of the continent. South Africa is an almost completely self-sufficient state, which means that boycotts against it by the so-called world community have very little effect. Everyone in Africa knows that most countries on the continent are economically dependent on South Africa. South Africa is governed by parliament and is strictly racially segregated. The South African leadership grants full self-government to blacks in their own areas of the country.
68. South Africa - the state regime, criticized by the whole world, accused of racism. But blacks live better there than in any other African country. Free from disease, they multiply rapidly. 87% of the expenses of the black population of the country are paid by the White man. This includes food, clothing, education, housing, health care, even retirement pensions.
69. Every year, thousands of South African blacks graduate from college. Their number is more than three times that of the rest of Africa. Every black child in South Africa completes primary school. Africa's largest hospital, which serves almost exclusively blacks and performs over 1,800 operations per month, is located in South Africa.
70. Negroes of South Africa have more cars than all citizens of the USSR.
71. More black doctors, lawyers, professors and millionaires live in South Africa than in the rest of the world.
72. The conditions in which blacks live in South Africa are "so bad" that the country has a huge problem with illegal black immigration, amounting to more than a million people a year.
73 - 75. Iceland is the only completely white country on our planet. The percentage of literate people here is the highest in the world - 100%. Iceland is an island of chilled volcanic magma located at the very edge of the Arctic Circle. The Icelandic state has no coal, no oil, no timber, no gas, no mineral wealth. There are also no navigable rivers. The territory of the state is 75% uninhabited. Only 1% of the land can be used for plowing for crops. Iceland is the youngest country in Europe and one of the most isolated countries in the world. However, it ranks second in the world in terms of living standards and has one of the highest per capita incomes. Fine medical products are produced here, and the publishing business is flourishing. Every Icelandic family has a telephone. At the end of high school, every Icelander is fluent in five languages.
75 - 77. Secretly recorded by the FBI statements of Martin Luther King, uttered by him in a narrow circle of his friends and like-minded people, on January 31, 1977, were sealed by the court and put under lock and key until 2027. According to the judges, their "publicity could destroy King's reputation." Those in the know say the tapes contain examples of bizarre sexual perversion, homosexuality, and evidence that King was an agent of the Marxists, Zionists, and funded by the Communist Party.
78. On November 9, 1990, The Wall Street Journal told its readers that Stanford University officials had long known that King was guilty of plagiarizing his university doctoral dissertation, much of which he copied from the work of other authors and students. .
79. Martin Luther King often used the services of prostitutes and paid for them with money from the cash desk of his church. Despite these and other facts of King's apparent immorality, the US Congress voted to make his birthday a national holiday, an official celebration on a par with Columbus Day or Washington's birthday.
80. All states celebrate King's Day. Almost every city in the US has a King Boulevard or the King Civic Center

81. The entire African continent, perhaps the richest land on the planet, accounts for only 3% of world trade.
82 - 84. Nearly all blacks who were famous in anything other than boxing and jazz had some White ancestry. According to Reuters, "... of the famous people whom the Negro race has produced, at least two out of ten are people of mixed blood."
85. Blacks are 50 times more susceptible to syphilis than Whites.
86. Blacks are twice as likely as Whites to be expelled from the US Army.
87. A white woman is 15 times more likely to contract AIDS by having sex with a black man than with a straight white man. This is information from the US Health Management Center.
88. 90% of American children infected with AIDS are blacks or Hispanics.
89 - 92. In 1950, US schools were among the best in the world. However, various lobbies within American society, including Jewish and Negro ones, demanded that public schools have a social role as well as an educational one. American education in order to destroy racial barriers has become methodically destroyed. For this, the Supreme Court and other state structures were used. For 30 years, American schools have devoted enormous financial resources to forced integration, quotas for blacks, desegregation, and the like. Few people realize how expensive it is. The annual cost of these undertakings can reach tens of billions of dollars. In 1990, California alone was spending $500 million a year on integration. Many school districts spend a quarter or more of their budget on these programs. Results? Today's American students are ranked lowest in the world in mathematics, with approximately 40% of American adults being functionally illiterate. Standardized test scores have dropped across the board for both Whites and Negroes. Today, the average White American on the CAT is still 20 points higher than the average Black. Americans spend more on education than any other country in the world, but have the worst results. In 1983, 33 years after the start of racial experimentation, the Department of Education still failed to report that black children were noticeably better educated after desegregation.
93. In the Negro countries of Africa, the average term of the head of state lasts 7 months.
94. By 1995, a third of American students will be non-white. White children will be a minority in 5 state schools.
95. Dr. William Shockley, Nobel laureate for the invention of the transistor and famous geneticist at Stanford University, said: "The main trouble of the American Negro is his heredity, which means that it cannot be corrected by improving the environment."
96. In 1930, approximately 33% of the world's population was White. Today, according to the UN, only approximately 9.5% of all people inhabiting our planet are such. This percentage is dropping very quickly.
97. In 1988, there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white violence in the United States, and only about 900 cases. White over black.
98. In Raymond Cattell's book "INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT" there is a passage where three famous American scientists compare the indicators of the American national I.Q. from the 1930s to the present day. Similar studies are being carried out all over the world to prevent the decline in the intelligence of any nation whose representatives exhibit such tendencies. Scientists have concluded that the American intellectual capacity is declining very rapidly. The reason for this, in their opinion, is that the percentage of the black and other non-white population in the United States is increasing every year.
99. American taxpayers have spent over $2.5 TRILLION since 1960 trying to increase the computing power of blacks.
100. QUOTATIONS. "Negroes are ignorant, they have never invented any effective weapon of defense or destruction. They are incapable of forming any vast plans of government or conquest. The apparent subservience of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by other nations at all times." Edward Gibbon, great historian, author of The Fall of the Roman Empire.
"Everywhere where you find a black man, everything drops around him, and wherever you find a white person. You see how everything around him improves." Letter from General Robert E. Lee to Colonel Thomas X. Carter. USA, May, 1865.

Penis size is important for a man's ego. It is known that men who are satisfied with the length of their penis practically do not experience erectile dysfunction. At the same time, men with a small erect penis may begin to complex about this and dramatize the situation. There are also cases when a man's penis reaches 20 cm, and the man is dissatisfied with its length, assuring the doctor that all his friends have a penis larger than 25 cm, and he urgently needs such an increase.

What is the normal average penis length for men around the world? Representatives of which nation have the greatest dignity in the world, and does size matter? Let's watch and get acquainted with thematic videos.

How to measure?

To begin with, let's consider how to properly measure the penis in a healthy man and at what age this can be done. After all, over the course of life, the length of the penis naturally changes:

  • Newborns have the smallest penis.
  • During growing up and puberty, the penis grows.
  • It is fully formed only by the age of 18-20.

Therefore, it makes sense to measure its length among representatives of all peoples of the world (it does not matter whether it is a European or an Arab) only after the end of puberty. Otherwise, the results will be unreliable.

Changing the penis must be carried out in a state of erection, i.e., with full blood filling of its cavernous bodies. It is desirable that the room is not cold or hot. The measurement should be carried out with a ruler along the back of the penis from the skin of the pubic bone to the edge of the head.

For more information on how to measure the length of the penis correctly and what are the medical standards, see the video.

World statistics

According to the World Penis Average Size Studies Database, the average length of the penis in men in different countries can vary significantly. For example, the penis size of an African is larger than that of a European, and 2 times longer than that of a Korean. The average penis size for men in different countries is presented in the table compiled in this interesting study.

The length of the penis, among residents of different countries, can vary significantly.

The table shows that the largest length of the penis is observed in the blacks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In general, the African continent occupies a leading position in the world in this indicator. The countries of South America are not far behind. But the farther east from Africa, the smaller the penis size in men. So, the Arabs have a member that is not at all long, and the Asian penis is even smaller than the Arab one. In Europeans, a decrease in the length of the penis is also noted from west to east. Men from Japan, China, Thailand and other eastern countries have a small penis. Well, the shortest people in the whole world are in Korea.

Country and size, cm

Country and size, cm

Country and size, cm

DR Congo 17.93

Slovenia 15.31

Canada 13.92

Ecuador 17.77

Jordan 15.29

Greenland 13.87

Congo 17.33

Spain 13.85

Nicaragua 15.26

Saudi Arabia 13.80

Colombia 17.03

Slovakia 15.21

Estonia 13.78

Venezuela 17.03

Uruguay 15.14

Finland 13.77

Lebanon 16.82

Mexico 15.10

Libya 13.74

Cameroon 16.67

Morocco 15.03

Azerbaijan 13.72

Bolivia 16.51

Bulgaria 15.02

Afghanistan 13.69

Hungary 16.51

Costa Rica 15.01

Ethiopia 13.53

Sudan 16.47

Tunisia 15.01

Turkmenistan 13.48

Jamaica 16.30

Honduras 15.00

Australia 13.31

Panama 16.27

Argentina 14.88

Armenia 13.22

Benin 16.20

El Salvador 14.88

Russia 13.21

Brazil 16.10

Serbia 14.87

Portugal 13.19

Sweden 14.80

France 16.01

Croatia 14.77

Ireland 12.78

Haiti 16.01

Albania 14.73

Mongolia 12.77

Puerto Rico 16.01

Greece 14.73

Romania 12.73

Dominican Republic 15.99

Belarus 14.63

Yemen 12.72

Czech Republic 15.89

Iceland 14.56

Pakistan 12.20

Senegal 15.89

Indonesia 11.67

Gambia 15.88

Singapore 11.53

Germany 14.48

Malaysia 1 1.49

Netherlands 15.87

Eritrea 14.39

Vietnam 11.47

Belgium 15.85

Israel 14.38

Bangladesh 11.20

Zambia 15.78

Switzerland 14.35

Hong Kong 11.19

Italy 15.74

Norway 14.34

Japan 10.92

Angola 15.73

Poland 14.29

China 10.89

Egypt 15.69

Somalia 14.20

Sri Lanka 10.89

Zimbabwe 15.68

Algeria 14.19

Philippines 10.85

Bosnia and Herzegovina 15.67

Austria 14.16

Thailand 10.78

Guatemala 15.67

Turkey 14.1 1

Burma 10.70

Georgia 15.61

New Zealand 13.99

India 10.24

Paraguay 15.53

Macedonia 13.98

Cambodia 10.04

Nigeria 15.50

Ukraine 13.97

North Korea 9.66

UK 13.97

South Korea 9.66

The average penis size for Russians and Armenians is approximately the same and is about 13 cm. In another study, 60% of Russian men surveyed indicated the same length.

Significance of size

We must not forget that the length of the penis is not the most important thing in sex. After all, the penis also has volume. And some of the girls it may be preferable. But the main thing is that the woman's vagina in a calm state is only 7-8 cm long and stretches depending on the size of the man's penis. Therefore, both a member of a European and even the smallest penis of a South Korean man are quite suitable for successful sex, and they do not need to be further enlarged. In addition, many women are put off by a large penis, as it can cause pain during intercourse.

Thus, the size of the penis, of course, is influenced by nationality:

  • Africans tend to have longer penises than anyone else in the world.
  • Europeans have an average.
  • The smallest is among the representatives of the eastern countries.

But if size is so important for men, then for women it does not always matter. After all, the reproductive health and sexual skills of a partner, as well as his ability to inspire a woman’s trust, are of much greater importance for intimate relationships.