Teaching and educational space of the school as an environment that forms a personality. Consultation on the topic: Consultation for educators "A developing object-spatial environment is a necessary condition for the artistic and aesthetic development of a child."

Describing the educational system of the school, V. A. Sukhomlinsky paid special attention to “the material base of the school and the environment surrounding children”, rightly considering them “a necessary condition for a full-fledged pedagogical process” and “a means of influencing the spiritual world of pupils, a means of shaping their views, beliefs and good habits."

Based on the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, we define subject-spatial environment of education how a set of material things organized in space and time that surround the teacher and students in the educational process.

The subject-spatial environment includes:

1) buildings and premises of the school (classrooms, corridor, dining room, gym, etc.);

2) the school yard and the space adjacent to the school;

3) furniture and equipment (various means of carrying out the pedagogical process - from a blackboard and chalk to a personal computer and a complete set of musical instruments for a school orchestra);

4) means of ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions (lighting, temperature, cleanliness, ventilation) and safety;

5) elements of the subject-spatial environment, which are the results of the work of the subjects of the pedagogical process themselves:

Exhibitions of student crafts, drawings, essays, etc.;

Exhibitions of creativity of adults: teachers and parents of students;

Photo, audio, film, video chronicles of school life;

School archive (or museum) that stores files of old wall newspapers, posters, thematic albums, results of local history work, etc.;

Elements of artistic and aesthetic design of the interiors of the school and the space adjacent to it;

Labor-intensive objects created with the active participation of schoolchildren, as well as in the community of the family and the school: a hill and a snow town near the school, scenery and costumes for school productions, etc.;

6) special elements of aesthetic design (design of interiors, exhibitions and expositions, as well as individual drawings, panels, indoor plants that take their place in the aesthetic design);

7) lighting and sound effects, musical arrangement;

8) clothes and personal belongings of teachers and pupils (the appearance of a person carries information not only about him, but also about his environment; one “ragamuffin” in a group of neatly dressed people looks like a “black sheep”, however, the neatness of clothes is likely to cause ridicule in a group of sluts);

9) information-organizing elements of the subject-spatial environment: class schedule, "bulletin board", school newspaper, "classroom corner" (a specially designed place in the classroom for visual placement of information necessary in the life of the class), as well as a variety of school documentation (class magazine , student diaries, work plans, etc.).

The creation of a favorable subject-spatial environment implies such an organization of space in which educational work is carried out most effectively. For this, it is necessary that the space where the educational process takes place is in itself a means of education, carrying a large semantic and emotional load.

The effectiveness of the subject-spatial environment in education is determined by the following conditions:

1. Compliance with the goals and objectives of education.

2. Compliance with health and safety standards.

3. Aesthetics and accuracy.

4. Cultural conformity (compliance with general cultural requirements, taking into account the peculiarities of the culture of a given nationality, a given area).

5. Emotional and information saturation.

6. Correspondence of the organization of space to the organization of the pedagogical process in a given school.

7. Compliance with the age characteristics of students.

8. Multi-channel educational impact of the object-spatial environment (through various sense organs).

9. Maintenance in a functional state (timely repair, cleaning, replacement of material resources; constant updating, improvement of the object-spatial environment).

10. Participation of pupils in the creation and maintenance of the object-spatial environment.

Sukhomlinsky V. A. Pavlysh secondary school. - M., 1979. S. 116.

P.S. A favorable environment is made up of little things that provide comfort and aesthetics of the space to which any - not only pedagogical - process is carried out. Beautiful and hygienic finishing materials and functional elements of the interior play an important role in this. Shabby, shabby, poorly fixed shelf, door, window frame not only do not contribute to the aesthetic education of children, they can become sources of serious physical injury.
In different cities of Russia there are trading and design firms offering a wide selection of high-quality doors. Doors interroom and entrance in Rostov are offered by one of such firms caring about comfort and safety of the consumer.

Advice for educators.

Developing object-spatial environment is a necessary condition for the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

We, adults and children, are constantly confronted with artistic and aesthetic phenomena: in the sphere of spiritual life, everyday work, communication with art and nature, in everyday life, in interpersonal communication - everywhere the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic play a significant role in our lives. In our time, the problem of artistic and aesthetic development, the development of the personality, the formation of its aesthetic culture is one of the most important tasks facing education in general and preschool education in particular.

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children is a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality of a child, capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty in life and art.

The tasks of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards are:

Development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world;

The formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around;

Formation of elementary ideas about the types of art;

Perception of music, fiction, folklore;

Stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art;

Realization of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

The main means of artistic and aesthetic development are:

Developing subject-spatial environment;

Works of art;

* Nature;

educational activities;

Independent artistic activity of children;

Holidays, entertainment, leisure, exhibitions.

The design of the developing subject-spatial environment is designed to teach the child to feel and understand the beauty of life, to educate in him the desirecreate and protect it. The artistic design of a preschool institution is determined by the content of educational work, the requirements for protecting life and promoting health, and its artistic development. Cleanliness and order are not only hygienic, but also aesthetic requirements for the interior of the kindergarten. It is important that the design is stylistically consistent. In the design of the premises, you can use drawings of children, parents, educators. The design of the kindergarten site must also meet the relevant hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

Already from the first steps of a small person, from his first words, actions, the artistic and aesthetic education of the individual takes place. Nothing but the environment leaves an imprint on his soul for life.

Having barely mastered the elementary movements, the baby pulls his hands to a beautiful, bright toy and freezes when he hears the sounds of music. Having matured a little, he examines the illustrations in the book, saying: "beautiful", and he himself tries to create beauty that only he understands on paper with a pencil. Therefore, the design of group rooms must be given great importance.

When creating a developing subject-spatial environment, it is necessary to be guided by the general principles defined in the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

Medium saturationmust correspond to the content of the educational program developed on the basis of one of the exemplary programs, as well as to the age characteristics of children.

The organization of the educational space should ensure the playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with materials available to children, physical activity, and emotional well-being.

Transformabilitysuggests the possibility of changing the object-spatial environment, allowing to bring to the fore one or another function of space, depending on the interests and capabilities of children.

Polyfunctionalitymaterials include:the possibility of various use of the components of the subject environment (children's furniture, mats, soft modules)The presence of polyfunctional items that are not rigidly fixed, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (for example, natural materials)

Environment variabilityinvolves the periodic replacement of the game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the artistic, aesthetic, cognitive, gaming, physical activity of children.

Environment Availability- this is free access to all games, toys and materials, manuals.

Environment securityassumes the compliance of its elements with the requirements for ensuring reliability and safety.

The developing object-spatial artistic and aesthetic environment (V. V. Davydov, L. P. Pechko, V. A. Petrovsky) should be:

Replaceable, variable, dynamic, should include a variety of components that contribute to the formation of various types of activities;

Interconnected with all its parts and the environment, integral, which will allow children to freely engage in various activities, interact with each other;

It should not be complete, frozen, it should be periodically transformed, taking into account the specifics of children's perception, to stimulate the activity of children;

Actively include children in the creation of the environment, this contributes to the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the environment, comfort for all children and adults of the group of the children's institution, the desire and ability to coordinate their desires and interests with others;

Should be organized so that the materials and equipment necessary for children to carry out any activity are within the child’s field of vision, available so that he can take them without asking for help from an adult.

Order in everything provides comfort and beauty, pleases the eye, creates a good mood - materials may be needed for classes by other children or the same child;

It must correspond to the age, gender, psychophysiological characteristics of children.

A huge role in the artistic and aesthetic development is played by works of art. They are used in the design of a preschool institution, during training, independent activities. For this purpose, select:

Works of household and fabulous painting (portraits, still lifes, landscapes),

Graphics (prints, engravings, book illustrations),

Small forms of sculpture (faience, plaster, wood products),

Works of arts and crafts (ceramics, artistic glass, folk decorative, etc.).

A variety of activities in kindergarten are necessarily accompanied by music (morning exercises, leisure, etc.).

Growing up among nature, the child learns to see the harmony, beauty, richness of colors of each season, reproduce his impressions in oral stories, drawings, etc. All this is accompanied by the teacher's stories that nature is a powerful and perfect creator of beauty, painters draw inspiration from it , composers, writers, using their works (for example, "The Four Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky, reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin, etc.). Excursions to nature are effective, because the impressions experienced by a child at preschool age leave a mark on his whole life. It is important for the teacher to choose such words to accompany the observation that would meet the objectives of artistic and aesthetic education.

Educational activities

The formation of ideas about the beautiful, the skills of artistic and creative activity, the development of aesthetic assessments, experiences and tastes are facilitated by special training for preschoolers in kindergarten. To do this, they use educational activities in all areas of artistic and aesthetic development, joint activities of teachers with preschoolers, didactic games, holidays, matinees, excursions, walks, performances, etc.

Direct educational activities:

Visual activity;


Reading fiction.

A necessary condition for the successful development of children's abilities is to provide them with great freedom in choosing activities, in alternating tasks, in the duration of doing one thing. Independent artistic activity of children is an important means of aesthetic education of preschoolers. In the process of artistic activity, they realize their creative ideas, inclinations, which can subsequently develop into the ability for artistic creativity.

The following factors stimulate the development of independent artistic activity:

The process of learning in the classroom, its developmental nature, the formation of methods of independent action;

Artistic impressions of children, encouraging them to further incarnation in activities;

Pedagogically appropriate aesthetic subject environment;

Encouraging influence of parents who stimulate creative searches and attempts of children;

The indirect influence of the teacher, who initiates an independent search for children.

For the development of independent artistic activity in the group, special zones (centers) are created with the necessary equipment and materials that children can freely use. At the same time, the teacher takes care of the diversity of children's activities, the combination of various types of artistic activity: visual, artistic and speech, theatrical and gaming, musical.

However, in the independent activity of children, the role of an adult takes place. It consists of benevolent unobtrusive help.

Holidays organized in the kindergarten form children's ideas about everyday and holidays, bring up attention and love for the people around them.

Holidays, leisure activities, entertainment, exhibitions are associated with bright aesthetic experiences of children, the desire to test themselves in different genres of art. Preparation for the holiday, the participation of children in the creation of its program, the conditions for holding it, the expectation of the festive action form a special pre-holiday collective mood. Parents of children are involved in the preparation and celebration, which gives them emotional warmth.

A special role belongs to exhibitions of parent-child creativity, which allow expressing the aesthetic feelings and aspirations of not only preschoolers, but also adults.

An equally important aspect of the content of artistic and aesthetic development is its focus on the personal development of preschoolers.

First of all, it is necessary to form in preschoolers aesthetic needs in the field of art, the desire to comprehend the artistic values ​​of society. The most important element of the content of artistic and aesthetic development isbring up e preschoolers have artistic perceptions.

Perception is a mental process of conscious, personal, emotional comprehension and comprehension of a work of art. These perceptions must cover a wide range of aesthetic phenomena. It is necessary to perceive the beautiful not only in literature, fine arts and music, but also in nature, as well as in the surrounding life. The child perceives artistic images in his own way, enriches them with his own imagination, correlates them with his personal experience. One of the main tasks of the teacher in this direction is the development of emotional responsiveness. Through empathy, complicity, “entering the image”, the foundations of the artistic and aesthetic culture of the personality of a preschooler are formed.

An essential component of artistic and aesthetic development is the acquisition of knowledge by preschoolers related to the understanding of art and the ability to express their thoughts and feelings in relation to them.

The main goal of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is:

Development of the ability of artistic vision of the world;

Introduction to the world of art;

Development of artistic and creative abilities

The artistic and aesthetic development of the child involves the creation of the following conditions:

Enrichment of the child's sensory experience in all types of activity;

Organization of artistic activities appropriate for this age: musical, visual, theatrical, artistic design, plot-role-playing and director's play;

Giving the child the opportunity to choose the type of activity, plots, materials and means of embodying the artistic concept;

Support for children's spontaneity, encouragement, stimulation of the child's fantasy and imagination.

Aesthetic development is associated with the formation of all facets of personality. At preschool age, the foundations of needs and tastes are formed, a love for art is born, and creative abilities manifest themselves, with which every child is endowed to varying degrees. For their implementation, properly organized upbringing and education is necessary, which takes into account the characteristics of the age, the individuality of the child.

Creating an artistic and aesthetic environment provides the child with:

Feeling of psychological security, trust in the world, joy of existence;

Intellectual and aesthetic development;

Opportunities for self-expression in musical activity;

Social adaptation (harmonization of relations with society).

The created developing object-spatial environment evokes a feeling of joy in children, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches it with new impressions, encourages active creative activity, and contributes to the intellectual and social development of preschool children.

from 45 to 60 - about a high degree of commitment of the teaching staff to the humanistic principles of education.

VI. Analysis of some organizational conditions of the upbringing process

1. Recommendations for the analysis of the subject-aesthetic environment of an educational institution

It would seem that such an analysis is always a subjective assessment, a matter of taste. Someone may like one version of the organization of the school space, someone else. And tastes, as you know, do not argue. But in this case, we should not talk about aesthetic evaluation. It's about pedagogical assessment. That is, not about the correspondence of certain components of the school environment to the aesthetic preferences of experts, but about their pedagogical expediency.

In this regard, we recommend that experts conducting an analysis of the subject-aesthetic environment of the school turn to the opinion of such specialists as T.I. Kislinskaya and Yu.S. Manuilov. Our recommendations are based on their professional pedagogical view of the subject-aesthetic environment of the school.

So everything is important in school. After all, educational material, and the manner of the teacher to dress, and the appearance of the school building have educational potential. But, unfortunately, the potential of the subject-aesthetic environment of the school is usually remembered only when holding a matinee or graduation party. But the environment of the yard, lobby, classroom - this is what the child deals with daily. Aesthetic values ​​that excite the imagination, amaze with elegance and purity of forms, artistic perfection, “polish” feelings and “mint” taste, making children more selective in choosing and transforming the conditions of their lives. No less important is the fact that the subject-aesthetic environment contributes to the formation of a child's attitude to school as to "their own".

In this regard, it is important, in our opinion, that each school has a model for arranging the living space of students. Moreover, it does not have to be reflected in the drawings or sketches. It is enough for the teaching staff to have a very clear vision of the external appearance of the school and an idea of ​​how each element of the environment will work for education. Another thing is also significant. The financial situation of our schools is such that the improvement of their appearance can at best be carried out in stages. And the presence of a model can help create the artistic and aesthetic unity of the school environment, if not today, then in the future. Options for organizing the subject-aesthetic environment of the school can be very different. This variability is primarily due to the diversity of types of schools.

The educational role of the school interior is undeniable. A lot of articles have been written about this in the last two decades, both by architects and designers and researchers in the psychology of color perception. There is a normative document that has not been canceled by anyone, which determines the sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic conditions of the educational environment. Finally, the Rostov region can be proud of the fact that the regional institute for advanced training of teachers was the first (and so far the only one) in Russia to publish back in 1990 methodological recommendations for school principals "School Interior". It has been proven that:

The use of color in accordance with age or national preferences can have a tonic effect on students;

The nature of the color painting of the walls (color, texture, texture) has a serious impact on the intellectual performance of students, on concentration;

The rest (recreation) environment should be in contrast to the one that caused fatigue (study rooms);

The success of training largely depends on the presence of a "field of visual interest" in the interior of the classroom.

It is known that any environment, including educational, provokes a person to certain actions, creating favorable conditions for them. It is unlikely that there will be someone who will throw a piece of paper or a cigarette butt on the white marble steps of the stairs of any St. Petersburg palace. And on the gray concrete stairs, reminiscent of casemates? ..

The process of education makes special demands on the architectural organization of space. The leading beginning here is the functional organization of the educational process and its expression in a three-dimensional solution.

The psychological and pedagogical possibilities of architecture are most often not taken into account, although they are more significant than it seems at first glance. A two-year study in two different US underground schools showed that the same teachers with the same textbooks and programs in traditional schools (with natural light) achieved worse results in mastering the material, especially in science subjects that require a lot of abstraction. Underground schools being built in the United States to protect students from natural disasters have confirmed that a closed environment contributes to a better assimilation of educational material: the performance of students in elementary grades increases by 34%, in senior classes - by 9%, and 58% of children said that the bright color of the interiors school encourages them to feel better about their studies.

The main groups of premises of any educational institution are classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls, workshops, studios and recreational facilities that combine the functions of recreation and communications.

Educational premises must meet a set of requirements - pedagogical, hygienic, psychological, aesthetic, functional. The architectural solution of this group of premises should provide the spatial organization of various forms and methods of teaching - collective, group, individual, which implies some universality of their dimensions. The interior of each classroom must have its own "face" and meet the requirements of ergonomics (light and color climate, natural light, orientation to parts of the world, temperature, conditions of natural or forced ventilation).

There is the concept of "color shower". Depending on the adopted color environment, the assimilation of curricula may be different. Yellow and orange colors have been proven to improve mental performance; yellow color, more than blue, promotes concentration.

The educational process is characterized by intensive intellectual loads. Information overload, accurate visual work with different requirements for color discrimination, high psychophysical stress cause significant fatigue of students. In many ways, this depends on the architectural solution of the space of educational premises and recreation. Thus, lighting within the range of brightness contrasts with no glare, a color scheme that takes into account the optimal distinction between the object of attention and a planar background (notebook-table, blackboard-wall), creating conditions for concentration, concentration of attention (creating a “field of visual interest” with color) contributes to less fatigue of students.

To comply with the rule of intervals in the perception of information (the time of saturation with information and a short rest), it is necessary:

Creation of a color field of visual relaxation (spatial background, more intense coloring of the wall opposite the board);

Changing the environment during the day, which increases the tone of the cerebral cortex.

It has already been noted that the environment of rest (recreation) should be in contrast to the one that caused fatigue. Contradiction can be achieved in terms of the shape and size of spaces, the color and nature of lighting, the texture and texture of wall surfaces, etc.

The color climate of the entire room is of great importance for the well-being of the student. The role of color in the interior has especially increased in connection with the desire to compensate for the monotony and simplification of the forms of typical samples of space, furniture and equipment, due to modern technology of industrial construction methods. Color as a component of the environment affects human performance. According to official data, the loss of working time associated with an unfavorable color climate reaches 10-20%. Hence the importance of color characteristics.

Red color has a stimulating effect. Laboratory studies have established that it irritates a person, makes him rush, causes an increase in blood pressure, accelerates the rhythm of breathing, and increases sweating. Therefore, in school buildings, this color can only find a place on stairwells.

Orange color causes joy, creates a feeling of well-being, but excites and quickly tires, although it stimulates mental work. If all the walls in a small room are painted orange (or yellow), then a long stay in it will make a person dizzy and nauseous. Therefore, in its pure form, the orange color can be used in places where children stay for a short time - in the stairwell, in recreation, in the dining room, in the buffet. Primary school children love it, so if orange is used in the classroom, it should be a soft, "watered down" (pastel) color.

Green and blue colors- Loved by high school students. They cause a feeling of freshness, relieve excitement and fatigue, and soothe. Blue color causes a feeling of coolness, lowers blood pressure.

Purple- amorphous, lifeless. It causes sadness and passivity.

Brown and olive colors somewhat soothe, cause depression, dull emotions. These are "heavy" colors.

White and light gray colors with their abundance in the interior, they give the impression of cold, emptiness.

This information is very useful for the teacher, since today the repair of classrooms throughout the country is carried out “on their own”, with funds collected by the parents of students, and serious mistakes in the color scheme of the interior are not uncommon.

The color of walls and furniture should be closely related to the degree of their natural and artificial illumination. In rooms oriented to the north, the walls should be painted in "warm" colors (yellow, beige, canary, light green). They successfully compensate for the lack of light. On the contrary, in bright, sunny rooms facing south, you can use saturated colors - light blue, light green, compensating for an excess of light that is tiring for the eyes.

The aesthetic qualities of color, which appeal to our senses, have a distinctly physical coloration. Fashionable hobbies for plastic lead to undesirable consequences - the accumulation of static electricity and dust, and the variegation of coloring is frankly annoying and tiring. In addition, plastic (especially light colors) gives bright reflections of light that greatly interfere with the visual perception of information.

An aesthetically designed educational environment creates a positive psychological attitude (attitude) of a person's behavior, predisposing him to actions in accordance with the functions of the social process taking place in this environment. It has been proven that schools with higher aesthetic qualities have a lower level of vandalism.