Effective ways to attract customers. Ways to attract customers

Today, there are many techniques, all kinds of tools that help to interest the consumer. But the main idea of ​​all methods is to regularly disseminate information about your company/service and update the data. This will help to attract the attention of the audience, among which your potential customers, including regular ones, may be. How this is done - this is our article.


Here are the most simple and common methods that have shown their effectiveness in different areas of business:

  • Swipe.
  • Announce discounts or sales.
  • Arrange a drawing (a coupon is issued upon purchase, according to which the owner of a valuable prize is subsequently selected).
  • Tell us about expanding the range of services.
  • Organize a masterclass.
  • Use win-win lotteries for buyers by account (for example, every tenth) or by the amount of the check (for example, when buying for 1 thousand rubles, get a gift).

These are not all ideas and tricks that will help you make a purchase or use your particular service. And only part of the answer to the question is how to make people find out about the events that you hold, come to you and trade goes uphill.

Step by step

Do you want the interaction with the client to be effective, and the technologies are simple and preferably not very expensive? There is a technique that helps to find new customers productively and on a budget. Let's talk about the common types of promotion.

Distribution of leaflets

One of the easiest ways to quickly attract first customers. It is necessary to develop a memorable and catchy design in order to surely get into the field of view of a potential buyer. Agree that you yourself will not take or immediately throw away a faded leaflet with standard information.

But the leaf is bright, with an unusual headline, evokes the opposite feeling. However, during the creative process, do not forget that contacts, address, phone number must be indicated. An integral part is a unique selling proposition: tell why the product is worth buying from your company.

Do not forget a simple rule: the main thing for people is that the acquisition brings them BENEFIT. Be guided by this both if your offer is more expensive than competitors, and if it is cheaper.

Leaflets are distributed in several ways:

  • Handing over in person in crowded places: bus stops, supermarkets.
  • Distribution by mailboxes.
  • Placement on tables in cafes or in company offices.

It is worth noting that this method is not aimed at the quality of interaction with consumers, but at their quantity.

Posting ads

This method of attracting customers has a number of significant disadvantages as a process:

  • In the Internet age, few people look at bulletin boards.
  • As a rule, the nature of the announcements on the boards is rather primitive. This is information about renting / selling real estate, offers from microfinance organizations. The most striking and more or less informative are posters of upcoming concerts and other cultural events.
  • Often, consumers have a negative image of companies that advertise on poles and boards.

Display advertising

Such options will require costs, and even more. But they are definitely worth it: the consumer automatically associates this kind of statement about himself with the status of the company. Place information about your business on billboards, public transport (use popular routes). And, of course, do not forget such types as advertising on TV, radio, in print media. This is one of the solid ways to notify customers about events or promotions held by large companies.

One minus: not everyone can afford media sources. A wide audience coverage implies the need to invest significant money in .

word of mouth

It's safe to say that it's practically free to attract a customer. Ask your friends, family, colleagues, existing customers to tell their acquaintances about your offer. After all, the opinion of the environment directly affects the credibility of a product or service, because we trust our friends, right? If your friend said: “Recently I was in a cafe, great service, amazing pasta! And on Sundays there is also a free dessert. Be sure to go!” - Won't you take a look there?

The opinion of the environment directly affects the credibility of a product or service.


An example of this type of customer attraction is the “Pay as much as you like” campaign. If you have a coffee shop, you can offer customers one of the drinks (for example, new or rarely ordered) for the price that they are willing to pay for one day. The main thing is that the barista should be able to prepare this same drink at such a level that it will be bought in the future at its usual price.

Remember an important truth: nothing attracts a buyer like a reduced cost and an opportunity to save money.

Demonstration or tasting of goods

On the way to attracting new buyers for consumer products, a good way is to offer a free treat, show the product and talk about it. This is effective because many people cannot make a purchase due to the usual distrust: everyone is afraid of buying a low-quality product and, thereby, losing money. Through activities such as demos and tastings, they can learn more about your product without losing anything.

Gift certificates and discount coupons

This method is widely used by both marketers of large companies and owners of small organizations - hairdressers, cafes and many others. The system is extremely simple: by all available means, you distribute coupons that specify the conditions for receiving a gift or a discount on a product/service.

Examples. A nail studio can offer every client who shows a coupon a 10% discount on a coated manicure. The coupons themselves can be cut out of the newspaper, picked up at the grocery store (where they were placed in advance), or downloaded from a public social network.

Another common option is also possible, such as "Bring a friend and show a coupon - get a nail design as a gift." Slightly inferior in price for each order, you, nevertheless, will earn on increasing the flow of customers.

Slightly inferior in price for each individual order, you, nevertheless, will earn on increasing the flow of customers.


Give out discount cards for nothing or when buying for a certain (but reasonable) amount and make them cumulative. As a rule, people can lend a card to friends so that they receive a discount from you, and the holder has an added amount to the accumulation. Thus, you simultaneously get new visitors and keep regular customers.

bright signboard

Customer motivation systems are great, but let's talk a little about the appearance of an office or outlet. Be sure to order the installation of a catchy, bright sign. Now there are a lot of technologies: for example, LED signs. Develop a unique design, display information about promotions or intriguing headlines on a ticker - in general, everything that can arouse interest and keep the eye on you.

A person may not log in now, but an interesting message will be stored in memory, and he can look in the future.


Fortunately or unfortunately, marketing ploys are powerless if the service offered is not up to par. To ensure that a client who comes to you for the first time will certainly come back again, train your staff (or yourself) to follow these simple rules:

  • To smile.
  • Be polite and welcoming.
  • Do not make visible differences in relation to buyers of different "caliber".
  • Be an expert in your field.
  • Don't be intrusive and try to help the client.

Marketing tricks are powerless if the service offered is not up to par.

And finally

Ways to attract customers are very diverse, everything is limited by your imagination. We have listed only the basic, relatively inexpensive, showing their effectiveness close to 100% of cases.

But remember: selling is a complex science and a real art, and at the same time a huge field for new ideas and a flight of fancy. Innovation, originality and initiative are always welcome and, for sure, will be appreciated by consumers.

Reading time: 15 minute(s)

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse"
(Translation: I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse)
Quote from the movie "The Godfather", 1972

Hi all.

In today's article, I would like to talk not about where and how to find targeted potential customers on the Internet, but about how to turn these potential customers into real buyers.

This is a real problem. I have always believed that my role as an online advertising specialist is to bring the advertiser people who need the product that he sells. I am very frustrated that lately I hear too often as a reason for not using our services the fact that people actually come, they are interested in the advertised offer, but in the end they do not buy. As a result, the client tells me that in principle he is satisfied with the advertisement, there are applications, but he cannot continue it, since these applications are not converted into orders. Of course, this is not our area of ​​responsibility as an advertising agency, but in the end we suffer. It seems that we are doing a good job, but they cannot pay us for it.

Therefore, I decided to help you a little, dear customers, and those who will become them. By no means do I take the responsibility of teaching you how to sell products or services, but I will give you some advice. And you already see for yourself how they suit you.

I think no one will argue that the best way to understand whether you want to buy something or not is if you give it a try for free in advance.

I want to list some ways and tricks on how you can let the client take advantage of your offer, so that later you have more meaningful reasons to close it for sale.

So, let's begin:

1. Test rental of goods

If the product is simple, everything is simple with trial use. You can try products, watch TV before buying.

But if the effect of using your product is not immediately obvious?

For example, a gyro scooter. Who knows if I can ride it or not? Will it be convenient for me to move around the office on it, or will it gather dust in the corner after purchase?

Now, if you give me a product to rent for a week, then I can make an informed decision on the purchase, and if my decision is positive, then I am guaranteed not to be disappointed in the purchase (of course, if the product is of high quality).

To secure the lease must be formalized. With a pledge, signing an agreement and other legal subtleties.

2. Free first stage

This option is more suitable for the provision of services. Break down your service into simple steps and offer to do one of them for free.

You've probably come across this method before, even if you haven't thought about it explicitly. For example, the departure of the measurer when buying stretch ceilings. Even if you did not buy a stretch ceiling, you know that measurers come for free. So measuring your ceiling is the first stage of the purchase.

The first free lesson in sports clubs is already almost a standard. Now it's frustrating if it's not there.

But be careful. The first step should be simple, non-committal and without consequences for the client. For example, cutting half a doorway into a concrete wall for a client might not be the best first step.

3. Demo period

This method is suitable for those who charge for the time of using the product. That is such, it is possible to tell, subscriber business. For example: digital TV, internet, online cinema subscription.

In this case, it is obvious that demo access can be a certain period of time during which users are offered to use the product for free. Also, demo access can be provided by crediting a certain amount to the client's balance, which the user can spend on the company's services.

4. Show the result in advance

It is difficult to feel the benefit of a service in which the result achieved after all the work has been completed is important. Hairstyle, suit style, new wallpaper. How do you know in advance whether one of the listed purchases is right for you or not? Modern technologies are ready to help us. Now you can already see on the screen whether such a hairstyle will suit you or how the interior of your room will play with wallpaper of a different color. There are such programs, and there are even online versions that do not require serious skills to master.

By the way, a portfolio can also be regarded as an opportunity to preview the result in advance.

Part of the ship, part of the crew, or involvement is everything.

Not all products and services can be given a try or show results in advance. In such cases, marketing gurus are advised to involve customers in the activities of the company, to put them on the same side of the barricades with you.

5. Let's play

Games solve the task of involvement very well. The game can be any: both online and offline. Hide some prize in the city and conduct a small quest to find it. If you sell ceilings, let your customers try to guess the material of the ceiling by touch. In general, the flight of fancy does not need to be limited.

6. Playing with a good prize - a double effect

The games are great on their own. But if you give customers the opportunity to win a good prize, it will be even better. People are gambling. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Use this lack of human nature to your advantage.

Quizzes, contests, lotteries - everything will go. You can play a discount on a product, the product itself, just some significant item, for example, something from household appliances, etc. And hello loyalty and good attitude of potential customers.

7. Work together

Give the client the opportunity to take part in the production of goods, which he then buys himself. The main thing is that the actions that the client will have to perform would be unobtrusive, easy to perform and not very responsible.

Let, for example, the client himself wind a skein of cotton candy on a stick, draw a leaf on a painted plate, tighten a screw in his new handmade chair. It will be interesting, and it is already more difficult to refuse a purchase.

But the main thing is not to overdo it and not make the client work for you. It will be strange if the car wash offers the client to wax the car himself. In general, you understand.

8. Access to the workshop

Show clients how you work. Show the room, masters. Give the opportunity to look into the creative process, "to stand above the soul."

Excursions to the office or production, large transparent windows - all this works. Can't let a person physically come to you? Let go virtually. Install cameras and broadcast online - the effect is the same.

We saw how in some auto repair shops they broadcast from rem. zones in the waiting room for customers? Is this really cool?

Give expertise - educate the client.

This block of recommendations is good for a number of reasons. Firstly, you show your professionalism, that is, you recommend yourself as an expert in this field. Secondly, in the process of training, the true needs of the client are revealed, which he did not even think about himself. Thirdly, knowing the true needs of the client, you know how to satisfy them and leave the client happy, and therefore permanent.

9. Appreciate what is

Expert - a very good tool to increase its importance and authority in the eyes of the client. You can check almost everything. Therefore, this technique can be suitable for any business.

Well, as they say, God himself ordered to use this technique in medicine. Free health diagnostics and instant treatment offer are a hit. Unfortunately, now there are many not very conscientious honey. institutions that take advantage of people's fears for their health and life, and invent "left" diseases when diagnosing, in order to breed a person for "loot". But this only confirms the effectiveness of the proposed method.

10. Master class

This technique is well suited for products that are not yet very popular, and the target audience needs to be shown the benefits that can be obtained by using a new product. In addition, during the master class, there is a high probability of instant spontaneous purchases.

Think about what you can teach your potential customers. By the way, you don't have to do it yourself. Hire trusted teachers, masters of their craft. Your clients will be satisfied.

Currently, the market is at such a stage that everyone is actually selling the same products. In this case, the service and the client’s pleasure from communicating with you come to the fore (by pleasure, I mean a number of parameters: trust, recognition of your expertise, understanding of your interest in solving problems, friendliness and courtesy in communication, etc.).

If a person is pleased to communicate with you, then he will even be ready to turn a blind eye to the fact that your price will be slightly higher than the market price. And what to talk about with the client, if not about the product?

Consult your clients. Do this in detail, answering their objections and dispelling their doubts.

To understand exactly how this works, imagine a simple situation. You buy fish at the market (for those who are younger, imagine that you are taking a salad in a cafe), ask the seller to give you this fish, and the seller says: “Do not take this fish, it is stale. Better take this one, they just brought it today. And that's all. You are almost already in love with this person. All the others are deceivers and scammers, but here is a crystal-clear honest seller, and now you will only buy from him.

12. Goods locomotive

You can offer the client something for free, and then additionally load them with related products and services.

For example, in a bakery shop, offer a customer a cup of tea. A penny case: a tea bag, 200 ml. boiling water and a spoonful of sugar. But how to drink tea in a bakery without a delicious cake? Do you understand?

13. Free version with restrictions

This technique is used by many online services. For example, which by the way you can purchase from us. They give you a limited version of the product with basic features. When the basic features are no longer enough for you, you will have to buy advanced functionality.

Or, for example, Avito's ads. You can give a free ad and calm down. And you can pay for paid placement and stand out from other ads. Of course, in this case, you will find a buyer for yourself faster.

14. Attract some, sell to others

In this case, I suggest that you "sell the audience" that you can collect.

Are you hosting an event? Sell ​​sponsored ad space. Or you can earn on what you get in the process of working with the audience for free. Exchange of old equipment for a discount when buying a new one. In addition to the fact that the action itself motivates you to buy new equipment, you actually get a lot of spare parts for the repair of equipment in your service center for free.

Do you cut trees? Make sawdust to fill pet litter boxes or burn it into barbecue coals.

Ideas can be many.


Before taking any of the proposed methods into work, first calculate the effectiveness so that it is not at your loss.

It is important to remember that using any of these tricks does not guarantee you a sale. These are just ways to get a potential client to prefer your offer, but they will not replace the work of your salespeople. Therefore, if your sales department is not ready to close incoming sales requests, you risk hearing “thank you very much” as an effect of the events held, and that’s it. Agree, this is not quite the result that we need. Draw your own conclusions.

Good luck and good luck with your business.

Ways to attract customers: determine the target audience

The exact definition of the target audience is 50% of the success of a manager's cold call. For a point hit to the right people and identify their needs, make a portrait of your target audience.

We are talking about two tools: ABCXYZ-analysis and RFM-analysis of the current base in order to clarify the portrait of the target audience.

ABCXYZ analysis

ABCXYZ-analysis explores the current base in 2 sections: counterparty and product. For each of these entities, 2 criteria are applied: volume and regularity of purchases. As a result, 9 groups will be formed, of which 4 are targeted, with 1 you can work in terms of improving the quality of the product or increasing loyalty, and the remaining 4 should be discarded as inappropriate from the point of view of doing business.

RFM analysis

RFM-analysis also examines regular and "disappeared" buyers according to several criteria: recency - the age of the transaction, frequency - the number of transactions, monetary - the amount spent. Thus, the current base is segmented by loyalty.

The scientific approach involves a certain plan of action, which will lead to the formation of a whole program with ways to attract customers.

  • Examining the current database using ABC XYZ or RFM analysis
  • Description of the portrait of the target audience
  • Segmentation of target buyers/customers according to the assortment matrix within a multidimensional system, which will reflect: their income (B2C) or field of activity (B2B), factors influencing the choice, age (for B2C) or business size (B2B), geography, price range etc.

If such “precise” tools are not yet available to you, then just act logically, in a practical way. The second method is based on the following principle: take all the company's customers and discard the "bad" ones. That is, those contractors who speak negatively about the company, place orders rarely and for small amounts, pay with a delay, etc. It is more expensive to interact with them - working with them does not bring either profit growth or pleasure.

Ways to attract customers: analyze the nature of demand

Ways to attract customers: looking for common ground

Ways to attract customers: we intrigue with interesting content

Ways to attract customers: use Instagram

One of the best ways to attract customers in recent years has become Instagram. This social network allows you to collect leads from a variety of target segments. Therefore, for sure, it will be suitable for your business. Well-known Internet marketer Maria Solodar gave some advice on maintaining an Instagram account.

1. Don't chase over the number of subscribers. You don't need everything. The main thing is the quality of leads, which is determined by interest in the product and solvency.

2. Starting to post posts that have a professional focus, consider the need to personalize your account. One way or another, if you, of course, want to achieve outstanding results, you will have to “light up” your personality. People are more likely to trust a specific person than a faceless company. Trust is the foundation of loyalty that leads to sales.

3. Be sure to use collaborations. We are talking about promotion in other accounts. Sometimes you have to pay for it, but the result is worth it.

Ways to attract customers: analyze the sales funnel

The idea that simply increasing the number of cold calls per day is enough to grow a company's revenue is not entirely true. After making a cold call, the sales employee has yet to present the product, draw up a commercial offer, contract, etc. The deal can fail at any of the stages, therefore, in order to increase traffic, it is important to analyze the intermediate actions of managers and adjust them at each stage.

Ways to attract customers: manage the marketing funnel

In order for a new client to become permanent in the company after applying the above methods of attracting, it is important to take a few more steps after the transaction:

  • Organize sales;
  • Put on service;
  • Build customer loyalty.

Remember that after making a payment, the interaction with the client does not end.

  • Persuade them to change the work schedule so that the store opens an hour earlier - at 8 in the morning, and not at 9;
  • Convey who are the true buyers.
  • The first, in the end, allowed to increase revenue. But this would not have happened if the second and third had not happened. Taking into account the fact that only one department of ready-made food was opened at 8 am, and not the entire store, we managed to optimize costs and achieve profitability.

    In addition, at first there were difficulties with the solvency of new traffic. Parents simply did not give their children money, fearing that they would be spent on not the healthiest foods. The problem with cash was solved cardinally. The store invited parents to purchase coupons, which the children then exchanged for healthy breakfasts.

    Regardless of what product or service you are promoting in the market, an important task for any business is to determine the most effective methods for attracting new customers and encouraging them to return to you again and again. In the conditions of fierce competition, the requirements of consumers to business have increased. As before, an individual approach, care and reliability in relation to your future customers contribute to increasing loyalty and trust in your product or service.

    You will learn:

    • How to choose the right way to attract customers.
    • What are the most effective ways to attract customers?
    • What methods of attracting customers are used on the Internet.
    • What are the ways you can attract new customers in the field of b2b.

    Now a large number of channels and marketing activities are offered to attract customers. It is important to understand which methods will work best in your business area, with your target audience. To do this, we offer an overview of the most popular and effective ways to attract customers.

    The most common and effective ways to attract customers

    This communication channel attracts a multi-million audience. The breadth of coverage is one of the clear advantages of TV advertising and allows you to recoup the costs of perhaps the most expensive type of promotion. In addition, television, due to our cultural characteristics, is extremely influential. After all, most of the information - news, entertainment, educational - we get thanks to him. From here, consumers may have more confidence in the products or services that you promote through this channel.

    In order to attract the attention of your client, you need to create a commercial that will highlight the merits of your product, attract the attention of your target audience, be memorable and not like other advertising plots.

    It is important that your advertising reflects the benefits of the product truthfully. In terms of breadth of coverage, strength of influence, degree of impact and involvement, information on TV is the most effective way to attract customers. But if for some reason it is not available to you? Then we propose to consider other methods of attracting customers.

    Method 2.Stock

    With the help of promotions, we influence our target audience, thereby heating up demand. And this influence can be informational (when our consumer has the opportunity to get acquainted with the product visually, test it, taste it directly at the point of sale, get samples, etc.), or it can be stimulating (when a client can receive a gift, a discount for buying our product for future purchases).

    Individual manufacturers can raffle off very valuable prizes: a tour package, a car, a certificate for the purchase of household appliances, etc. Also, your consumer will not be indifferent to the fact if, when buying two goods, he receives the third one for free. Properly organized promotions are a very effective way to attract customers. They can significantly increase demand, despite seasonality, and be an effective method of dealing with competitors.

    • Calculating the effectiveness of promotions and sales: formulas and examples

    Method 3.Presentation

    A very effective way to attract new customers is a presentation. It has many design options and implementation methods. This can be a real performance or a high-quality video that is broadcast on a big screen in places where your target audience is congested, as well as your participation in specialized exhibitions.

    The concept of your presentation should be carefully thought out and consistent with the product or service being promoted. If you combine it with some promotion, it will increase your audience at times. If people, having come to the presentation, can participate in a win-win lottery, receive a discount, gift card or valuable prize, their loyalty and involvement in the process will be provided to you.

    Method 4.Informing by phone

    The method of attracting customers through cold calls is a very common way to increase your customer base. And very popular, by the way, because of the apparent simplicity and a huge range of applications. Calls can be received by both individuals and legal entities.

    Small call centers that are designed to make these calls can be found in many companies. Telemarketers make phone calls to an existing database, advertise goods or services, inform customers about current promotions, fill out applications for the purchase of a product online.

    But this method of attracting customers has a number of disadvantages that should be analyzed before deciding to attract customers in this way. In fact, there is a global problem - the potential buyers you call are happy with the status quo: they are satisfied with the current service providers or they are not at all interested in your product. If you still resorted to this method of attracting customers, you should remember that special attention should be paid to raising the professional level of call center operators, motivating them, and monitoring professional burnout. Buyers should not be annoyed by their calls.

    Method 5.Discounts and sales

    On the one hand, this is a very common and popular way to attract customers, on the other hand, this can hardly surprise anyone now. They are offered by almost all stores, regardless of the format and target audience.

    Discounts can be offered on various categories of goods and are timed to coincide with various holidays, weekends, etc. The only thing to always consider is that any bonus should still allow you to make a profit. One of the types of discounts is a discount program. Such cards work as accumulative. Points are credited to the account, which are summed up and subsequently used by customers to make new purchases. This is how you encourage consumers to buy from you.

    Method 6.BTL technology

    What methods of attracting customers are called BTL-technology?

    One of the effective BTL tools are coupons and leaflets. Surely you have come across a situation where promoters distribute such advertisements in the immediate vicinity of large chain stores, inviting you to visit the store. And when you present a flyer or a coupon, you get a discount on the product.

    The effectiveness of this method can be illustrated by the example of a taxi service. With the help of promoters on the street, the company organizes the distribution of cards to random passers-by. And this ad allows you to make one free trip, and on subsequent orders you can receive a discount. All you need to do is to dictate your card number to the operator. This method will surely attract new potential customers to you, since people are always happy to take part in the process of obtaining a discount on a product or service.

    Method 7.Ambassador

    The next way to attract customers, which we will consider, is called "ambassador". This method is based on the positive evaluation of consumers. An ambassador is a person who advertises the consumer properties of your product, thus forming a club of your brand adherents. This channel works on the principle of word of mouth.

    Where can an ambassador advertise your product or service? Yes, anywhere. He can create an advertising page on the Internet and post information about your product or service on it. This method is more direct but less efficient. That is why we will consider a different approach. The Ambassador creates high-quality, detailed, truthful reviews on forums, special platforms where you can leave feedback about everything in the world - from toothpaste to a book you read. Or maybe attend social events, tastings, seminars, exhibitions - in a word, those events where your target consumer often happens. Therefore, there may be several such people, depending on their specialization.

    Method 8.Exhibitions

    Exhibitions are another channel of your communication with a future client, a fairly effective way to attract potential buyers. Participation in specialized exhibitions, if it is prepared, your customers are informed about it in advance and you have worked competently at the stand, is another method to attract consumers and increase sales. Of course, if you have chosen this method of attracting customers, you need to properly organize the preparatory period: provide mailing lists, prepare booklets, advertising leaflets, flyers. In addition, the stand should look bright and interesting. In this case, the influx of potential customers is guaranteed to you.

    Expert opinion

    An example of an effective promotion

    Ekaterina Kuznetsova,

    Marketing Director, Alltech Development, Moscow

    What methods of finding and attracting clients in the real estate market can be defined as effective? Housing is an important commodity that satisfies the diverse needs of people. As a rule, real estate projects must be sold at the time of delivery of a particular object. When the project life cycle is short enough, in this case, it is not up to the formation of brand loyalty. At the peak of the current offer, you need to attract the maximum number of potential buyers. It is at this point that you should find the best ways to find the maximum number of customers.

    In addition, we cannot but take into account the pronounced seasonality of this market. There are several peaks of consumer activity: from February to June and from mid-September to November.

    Due to the fact that the second peak is limited in time, an advertising campaign to attract new customers must be even more dynamic, effective and win-win. We set ourselves the task of developing and holding just such an action that would draw attention to our objects of that part of our audience that we were unable to attract by traditional marketing methods.

    As a non-standard solution, the action "9 1/2 weeks of treasures in the Count's Forest" was developed and carried out. When a client purchased a plot with a contract in a club village, he was offered one of nine gifts: a white piano, a playground, a hedge, a housewarming party, an arbor, a royal Ashera cat (the most expensive breed in the world), a certificate for the purchase of furniture, a car like a buggy or a live Christmas tree.

    The quality and status of gifts made it possible to stir up the interest of our potential buyers. For example, the client did not suspect what prize would be drawn this week. If the surprise did not impress him, we offered to postpone the deal until next week. And if the consumer wanted to choose any gift from the list on his own, they offered to make it in the last half a week, when the full assortment was provided for his choice.

    This promotion turned out to be the most effective way to attract a profitable client. Our slogan only emphasized the status of the acquisition: "Who owns the house, owns the treasure." We actively promoted our action on the radio, in the press, on the Internet, and used outdoor advertising.

    Thanks to an effective way to attract customers, interest in real estate increased by 79% during the specified period. And this despite the short duration of the second season. The launched promotional campaign made it possible to record the highest rate of incoming calls and initial calls to the agency in September. And I give this comparison in the context of the year. An increase in activity (+ 26%) was also recorded in relation to the first season. In addition, in the week when rare breed cats were given away, traffic was 75% higher than the previous week.

    Online tools to attract customers

    Companies use many online marketing tools out of habit, even as they attract fewer and fewer customers.

    In the article of the magazine "Commercial Director" you will find an overview of modern, effective and inexpensive ways that will allow you to achieve high lead generation.

    Working ways to attract customers via the Internet

    Of course, the starting condition for attracting customers via the Internet is to create your own website. This is what will allow you to have a space on the Web, with the help of which you, using all your creativity, can increase your customer base again and again.

    The concept of an Internet site has long and firmly entered our lexicon. A company website is a web project that is the face of your company, brand, product or service. And it is also part of the team, a fully paid employee, a showcase, a corner of the office space. Let's look at effective ways to find and attract customers.

    1. Promotion of the company's own website

    The essence of promoting your site is that it can be found on all sorts of search queries that are formulated by your potential customers.

    What does the coveted acronym SEO stand for? Search Engine Optimization, in fact, is the search engine optimization of the site. This is a whole complex of nuances of interaction with search engine robots. And also - the originality of photos, the literacy of tags for each graphic element, page layout, navigation and internal links, in general, optimization of the structure.

    Search engines correlate the degree of relevance of content to the entered query. In addition, complex search engine algorithms take into account the number of links to your resource. All this allows your site to be higher than others in the search. In order to get to the 1st place, it is necessary to analyze the success of sites that already occupy first places, identify chips, patterns and apply them in promoting your resource. All this work makes your site one of the most effective methods of attracting potential customers.

    We will look at another method of attracting potential customers. Recall what contextual advertising means. In fact, these are advertisements of an advertising nature placed by the search engines Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun.

    With a competent approach (you need to decide on which keywords for which the search is carried out, your ad is shown to the user), contextual advertising is able to provide the highest possible conversion, that is, the conversion of users into customers. This is one of the most important nuances of such a promotion, otherwise you will be wasting large advertising budgets.

    If we compare the financial costs of SEO and contextual advertising, it is more obvious that SEO as a way to attract customers is more profitable. You can spend 180 thousand rubles per year on SEO and, with proper optimization, have hundreds of visitors to the site from search results. Contextual advertising, especially in competitive markets, can cost 100–200 rubles per person. If you calculate the cost of contextual advertising in the long term, for example, per month, with the same 100 visitors per day, it can cost you 300 thousand rubles per month.

    3. SMM promotion

    First, what does the acronym SMM mean? Translated from English, Social Media Marketing is a marketing method of attracting customers that is quite in demand today. Basically, you advertise your product in popular communities. Of course, this type of advertising is not suitable for all products. It is necessary to take into account the target audience of advanced users of social networks.

    So, first you need to understand in which social networks and communities your target consumer is, then choose ways to promote your product or service and attract potential customers. Not all products can be promoted on social media. It is unlikely that you would want to subscribe to advertising for funeral services. In any case, SMM promotion can present your brand in many ways and introduce potential customers to your product in detail.

    4. Email marketing

    Unfortunately, recently E-mail marketing has been compared to spam more and more often, although it is still one of the most effective ways to find and attract customers. Such an unseemly comparison became possible because it is really possible to buy databases of e-mail addresses on the Internet and make advertising mailings on your own or order them from these addresses. Of course, the main difference between email marketing and such advertising is the consent of subscribers to receive your emails.

    Of course, email marketing needs to be considered in the long term. As a way to attract customers, it is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. Here you need to take into account your ability and speed to collect a subscriber base and bright, catchy content of your promotional mailing list.

    But if you take into account the possibilities of this method of attracting customers, they are truly limitless. Essentially, you are directly communicating with your target audience. Your sales will grow in proportion to the increase in the subscriber base. Agree, it's a lot to seriously consider E-mail marketing as an effective way to attract potential customers.

    5. Partnership programs

    Affiliate programs are a fairly effective method of attracting customers. This tool works quite simply. You expand your audience by attracting partners.

    Partners use every opportunity to attract new customers to you, and you pay them a small percentage of the profits.

    • How to find business partners who will increase your sales

    Ways to attract new customers in b2b (examples)

    Method 1.Lifetime refueling for investor clients

    This way of attracting customers is best illustrated by the example of the Dutch company Fastned, which specialized in the construction of gas stations for electric vehicles. The company's marketers came up with a brilliant move - to create a Club of the company's founders. Anyone could become a shareholder of this company by purchasing at least 2.5 thousand shares at a price of 10 euros per share. In return, the investor received a lifetime recharge. This has resulted in significant growth. As part of the project, 34 stations have already been created, and Fastned plans to build about 200 more within two years.

    Method 2.Retail format for b2b clients

    The experience of the Russian branch of Samsung, which opened a network of departments for working with b2b clients in its own branded stores, is very interesting. They have a manager who advises buyers by phone, various equipment and concludes contracts. Samsung increased sales in the FMCG sector, restaurants, shopping centers, etc. in this way. This method of attracting customers is not yet widespread in Russia.

    Method 3.Fishing to Strengthen Bonds

    There are companies that use the hobby of their founders, top managers to increase customer loyalty. In this regard, the experience of the director of N.C.Pharm is very interesting. His passion is fishing. And this hobby formed the basis for organizing the event - the "Fishing Cup", which takes place annually in Norway, beyond the Arctic Circle. Top managers of large clients are invited to it. Such informal communication allows you to strengthen business ties, agree on new prospects for cooperation, and also increase customer loyalty to your business. Why not a creative way to attract and retain customers?

    Method 4.Trojan horse in the 21st century

    DHL has been creative in its battle to win customers over major competitors USP and TNT. The company hired couriers from competing companies to deliver black parcels. When drivers reached hard-to-reach addresses and took boxes out of their cars… they suddenly changed color to yellow before the eyes of the astonished public, but most importantly, the inscription “DHL is faster” was displayed. All this was made possible with the help of heat-sensitive inks and the creativity of the people who came up with this action. Videos of these events were filmed and posted on the Internet, which ensured a massive coverage of the target audience, a fun and effective advertising campaign.

    Method 5.Bicycles for loading

    You can always work on the "packaging" of your product or service as a way to attract new customers. It would seem, what else can you think of in the field of cargo transportation? Let's take the French company La Petite Reine as an example. She suggested using cargo bikes for transporting goods. They are equipped with attractive vans with a load capacity of 150 and 180 kg. The speed of such a vehicle is low, only 20 km / h. But there are certain advantages of delivery using a cargo bike - maneuverability, the absence of exhaust gases from fuel, polluting the atmosphere during emissions, noise, the time factor in the realities of traffic jams.

    Method 6.Taking over offices with free coffee

    Now customers want to receive a complete service, quality service in one place. Offering all sorts of tastings and tests in your area is not a new way to advertise your product or service. What did CBM come up with to conquer business centers and office spaces? By the way, the company promotes coffee equipment and coffee beans on the market. She offered customers free testing of coffee machines and coffee tasting with a visit to their office. The consumer could keep the Bosch TCA5201 coffee machine, provided that he would buy at least 4 kg of coffee per month. In this way, the company has determined for itself the best way to attract customers.

    Method 7. Washingcarts

    How many of you can imagine a super- or hypermarket without such an integral part of the service as a cart? That's right, nobody. And not even because the cart allows the buyer to free his hands: it makes it possible to purchase more goods and, accordingly, brings additional profit to retail chains.

    PureCart Enterprises, by developing a special system for handling these carts before and after use, found an opportunity to generate additional income. Not only are the carts sanitized and safe to use, they also smell good. Why not a service to attract new customers?

    Method 8.Guaranteed income on the company's birthday

    Some large companies develop and launch discounts and promotions in honor of their birthday. Let us give an example of the experience of the Auchan hypermarket as one of the methods for attracting potential customers. He sent letters to his suppliers informing them about discounts and bonuses, but not free for them. To get a discount, suppliers had to pay Auchan a certain amount. So, for example, the logo of the supplier's company sized 4x4 cm in color booklets with a circulation of 5 million copies "Auchan" estimated at 600,000 rubles. And placing a panel with the name of the supplier's company or one of its brands at the entrance to all stores - 60,000 rubles.

    Expert opinion

    Lead generation in b2b

    Maxim Gorbachev,

    Russian School of Management expert on b2b sales

    The term “lead generation” has been around for over 10 years. In the original language, it sounds like this: Lead Generation. Basically, it is a marketing tactic to find potential customers with any contact details. It can be a phone number, E-mail, an account in a social network. This method of attracting customers allows direct contact and contact with them.

    There are various lead generation tools:

    • outbound activities aimed at contacting potential customers. These are mailing lists, telemarketing (cold calls), exhibitions, conferences, coffee breaks;
    • incoming calls. And in this case, we primarily mean Internet marketing tools (SEO optimization, contextual, banner, teaser, advertising, social networks), specialized exhibitions, affiliate programs.

    Method 1. Job invitation

    This method of attracting potential customers was invented by the Arbitration Court - a non-profit organization that deals with the resolution of economic disputes, the parties to which can be both legal entities and individuals. The Arbitration Court Sales Department was supposed to sell to lawyers of medium and large companies the service of an arbitration court, that is, a sole arbitrator for resolving a dispute that arose with a client from civil law relations.

    Functionally, the work in the sales department of the arbitration court was divided as follows. First, call center operators called potential customers. Then the managers went out for negotiations, during which they talked about the benefits of working with an arbitration court. Such organization of sales allowed making 2-3 meetings per day.

    This did not sit well with the organization, and it changed the way it attracted new clients, given the motivation of every lawyer to rise to become a judge. The Arbitration Court offered lawyers from companies that were potential clients to come to work as an arbitrator. Since often the goal of potential clients was to get an arbitrator's certificate, and not the actual work itself, this offer soon helped increase the sales funnel from 2-3 to 12-15 per day. The invited lawyers, wishing to obtain the status of an arbitrator, lobbied the interests of the arbitral tribunal in their companies, urging them to refer clients' civil disputes to the arbitral tribunal.

    In this way, in a short time, it was possible to attract large companies to work, the development of which took months of work.

    Method 2. Conducting an interview

    I will share information about the method by which one Internet service attracted new customers. The telemarketer posed as an employee of a well-known Internet portal who calls to conduct a survey of target consumers. During the interview, several questions were asked about ways to attract customers through the Internet. Of course, the question was raised about the use of a specific Internet resource. After the client gave a negative answer, the telemarketer offered to help connect this service for free and talked about all sorts of benefits of using it. Sometimes the consumer did not even know that he was the victim of a cold call.

    Method 3. Purchase of used equipment

    In this case, the call center operator approached the client not with an offer to sell, but with the aim of purchasing from him what the client himself is selling. This is such an original way to attract customers! Let me illustrate this with an example of a company that sells commercial vehicles.

    It is no secret that logistics companies that own their own transport fleet update it quite rarely. When selling a used vehicle, they place on the Internet on the sites auto.ru, drom.ru, avito.ru in the Commercial Vehicles section an advertisement for the sale of an old truck in order to find a buyer as soon as possible. So, such information is an indicator of readiness for a partial renewal of the fleet.

    The company, which was engaged in the sale of commercial vehicles, undertook to monitor such sites in search of such sellers. After that, she offered to buy an old truck as a down payment on a new one. Of the ten sellers, three were willing to consider this scenario. Such a contact became a lead and was already transferred to the sales department for further processing and entering into a deal.

    Method 4. Sales to tender winners

    This is a very easy way to find and attract customers. For example, you work in the market of building materials or contracting services for construction projects. You can track companies that have won construction tenders. Such information becomes a lead to convert a potential customer into an existing one.

    Method 5. Site visitor identification

    With SEO optimization, you generate traffic to your website. But how to distinguish your potential client among the visitors who left the site and did not place an order or call? Some of them can definitely be returned by identifying their accounts on social networks, such as VKontakte. For these purposes, specialized services are intended (for example, smmmanager2.ru). Thus, identifying your website visitors can be another way to find and attract customers. You can contact a potential buyer through a social network directly and discuss your offer with him again. According to statistics, from 0.5% to 4% of leads then turn into real customers who place an order.

    Non-standard ways to attract customers in examples

    Method 1. Gamification

    If you are serious about how to make your advertising campaign more effective, you need to consider gamification as a method to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This method helps to form the emotional component of the consumer, maintain loyalty around your brand and build a human relationship to it.

    Gaming moments in loyalty programs fuel the excitement. Let's illustrate this statement with an example of an application that offers the user the opportunity to guess the designer of the dress several times, and in case of a positive answer, assigns a certain number of points or assigns a certain status.

    Sometimes gamification is used to promote a new product. Suffice it to recall the advertising campaign of the emailga.me service, saturated with game elements that stimulate participants to work more intensively with e-mail. In this case, the creators of the advertising campaign limited the time to respond to incoming mail. Users who managed to do everything on time were waiting for nice prizes and rewards.

    Method 2.Storytelling

    A certain type of myth-making, which has firmly entered our lexicon under the term "storytelling". How it works? You choose for your company in an advertising communication or online presentation a well-known character who is facing some kind of problem, and it is your brand that allows him to solve this issue. It is desirable that your client easily associates himself with such a character. Experts advise using the storytelling method to create presentations and attract potential buyers.

    Method 3.Social Solution

    The socially oriented solution of your brand has a very powerful emotional impact. People like the social component, the charitable orientation of the business. It becomes the most effective method of attracting new customers. Examples include the shoe company TOMS Shoes. Each pair sold contributed to the next one being given to needy children. The example of the company Warber Parker Glasses, which launched the action: "Buy a Pair, Give a Pair", is similar. In this case, every second pair of glasses was also given to the poor as a charity.

    Social networks today play one of the leading roles in the development of your business and attracting new customers. On any platform - VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter - you can form a club of admirers of your brand. These are already studied resources, and advertising posts in them, on the one hand, will not surprise anyone, on the other, you can pretty tire. You have probably noticed that posts promoting a particular product can trigger comments about how tired the ad is. Are there alternative ways to attract new customers on social media?

    Now Instagram and Pinterest networks are actively developing, in which the emphasis is on visual content. Instagram, of course, is now more actively used by businesses than Pinterest, although the latter is in the same row of resources that make a choice in favor of a visual communication channel with potential customers. Investors highly appreciate the potential of these services in the future.

    Method 5."Hungry" parking

    The campaign was so successful that marketers decided to develop this theme when referring to car owners. For this, parking lots in different US cities were symbolically painted - white markings interspersed with yellow lines drawn diagonally. And if drivers followed the yellow markings, they saw the inscription on the pavement: “You park here when you are hungry” and, of course, a picture of your favorite Snickers bar. This example can be another illustration of the creative approach to creating an effective method of attracting new customers.

    Method 6. Armored strike battalion

    And another option for non-trivial attraction of customers was invented by the Taxi 6,000,000 company from St. Petersburg. An interesting marketing tool in this case was a bright red armored vehicle, which replenished the company's fleet. In this case, marketers decided not to scare potential customers with camouflage.

    This is a very successful marketing move, since such development of our own fleet fully justifies the company's slogan "Safe Taxi". In addition, in St. Petersburg, entangled in a web of canals and bridges, there are many who want to cross the Neva when the bridges are already drawn (you can also swim on the BRDM). So we can assume that the new marketing tool is 100% one of the ways to attract new customers to the company.

    Method 7. Lifetime Discount

    In part, we have already talked about the trend to personalize promotions and discounts. Personalization is an important component of the loyalty programs of large companies and, as a result, one of the most effective ways to attract and retain customers. As an example, consider the experience of the American hypermarket Kroger, which commissioned a study of consumer demand by Dunnhumby USA. They studied sales statistics, identified the main product preferences of loyal customers. And then they presented them with an unlimited discount on the group of goods that the buyer regularly purchases in the hypermarket.

    The success of this method was confirmed by the increased sales volume of the store. Such an effective way to attract new customers was immediately picked up by other market players. A similar loyalty program was launched by the Safeway hypermarket chain.

    Method 8. Reward for vandalism

    The American airline JetBlue Airways has launched an original advertising campaign. Its essence was in "decisive" actions. It was necessary to tear off the poster from the stand and take it with you. New Yorkers were called to action by a patriotic inscription on the advertising poster: "Only real New Yorkers can do this." The advertising campaign included many prizes for participants: from ice cream and a ticket to a sports match to the main prize - a free flight on an airline route that the client is interested in.

    The lucky winners of various prizes willingly shared their acquisitions and, most importantly, their emotions on social networks. Without a doubt, the advertising campaign was a great success, and the residents of the city gladly took part in it in the hope of receiving the main prize - a lucky ticket to their destination. This allows us to talk about this promotion as a marketing method to attract new customers.

    Method 9. Mini marketing for a mini product

    In a rather original way, Coca-Cola presented its new product - a drink in a mini-jar. The advertising campaign was created by Ogilvy & Mather Berlin. On the streets of large cities in Germany, miniature retail outlets were installed - kiosks, which accounted for an adult to the waist. Of course, such points of sale immediately attracted the attention of consumers who not only wanted to buy a drink in a new mini-package, but also to be photographed against the backdrop of a toy store. This promotion can also be seen as an original way to attract potential customers.

    Method 10. Collector from California

    And here is another original way to attract the attention of your target audience. This time we will focus on the series "Ray Donovan". How do you think the Russian TV channel REN TV increased the rating of the series? In the Moscow chain of restaurants Kruzhka, business cards of Ray Donovan, a universal specialist, a fixer (as such specialists are called in the USA) appeared on the tables, capable of solving any problem. The range of tasks that the character of the series offered to immediately deal with in a brutal voice who called on the indicated phone number was quite wide: walk the dog, knock money out of the debtor, and even hide the corpse.

    How to choose one or another way to attract customers: step by step instructions

    Step 1. Making a plan

    Before proceeding with the choice of methods for attracting new customers, it is necessary to plan the expected result: the number of attracted customers, sales volume, marginality. Perhaps the most important step at this stage is the definition of the target audience, its interests, its needs.

    The connection between your target audience and your product should be clear and transparent. With the help of your product or service, the client must receive some benefit, solve some problem, improve something qualitatively in his life. And for this you need to crystallize your competitive advantages, highlight the unique properties of the product.

    So, the most detailed description of your target audience, the competitive advantages of your product, the list of needs that your customers can satisfy with your product or service - these are the cornerstones of determining effective ways for your business to attract new customers.

    Step 2Forming an offer

    Based on the analytics that you conducted in the first stage, you should create an offer for your customers. In this case, it is important to focus not on the product, but on the final benefit from its acquisition. In this regard, a new task appears: to convey information to your target consumer. In order to realize this, you can use the services of a professional call center.

    Step 3We evaluate the profitability of ways to attract customers

    Next, you form a marketing budget that involves calculations: how many customers you need to attract per month in order to reach a certain sales volume. Set aside your desired monthly income. Further, based on the portrait of your client, you determine the most effective channels of communication with him, in your opinion. After analytics, calculations and determining methods for attracting customers, you form a monthly marketing budget. Of course, you will need to analyze the effectiveness of each communication channel.

    Mistakes in Customer Retention Rate Calculation

    70% of managers consider the main task to attract new customers, while 20% believe that retaining existing customers is the most important thing.

    Customer retention rate is an indicator of the effectiveness of the product, marketing, customer service and pricing policy. If buyers are still loyal, it means the effort can be redoubled. If not, it's time to change your strategy. It looks simple, but in reality, retention is influenced by many factors.

    The editors of the magazine "Commercial Director" cites 4 common mistakes that companies make when calculating. Learn them and do not allow them in your work.

    Why Some Ways to Engage Customers Don't Work

    Many firms, despite the huge budgets of advertising campaigns, are nevertheless dissatisfied with their effectiveness and complain about low returns. The study of successful and not so similar actions allows us to identify typical mistakes that significantly reduce their effectiveness.

    • Too abstract definition of the target group of consumers. There is simply no product for everyone. In this case, you need to start with market segmentation, which will allow you to limit the target group.
    • You do not train the staff of your companies. Employees do not know the competitive advantages of the product that offers the market. The product needs to be trained, as well as sales. For this, special trainings should be developed, and experienced specialists will help in organizing the training.
    • A small number of channels are used, the effectiveness of which is not analyzed. Meanwhile, it is necessary to skillfully manipulate, combine different methods to attract new customers, as well as study new ideas and practices of successful companies. You can successfully match ATL and BTL ad elements.
    • Lack of tangible competitive advantages that favorably distinguish your brand and products from direct competitors. The benefits should be clear and in the form of benefits that your customer receives by purchasing your product or service.
    • Low level of professional sales skills of your managers. They do not know how to fully and maximally profitably present information about your product to customers. This situation can be corrected by effective training in sales techniques.

    To identify such errors, you need to analyze your business, study the effective practices of other companies, track the relationship between your choice of effective channels for attracting potential customers and fluctuations in consumer demand. All these simple tools will allow you to timely identify the reasons that prevent you from attracting new customers and growing your business.

    Information about experts

    Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Marketing Director of Alltech Development, Moscow. Alltech Development implements all stages of the life cycle of settlements, from the creation of a concept to the management of ready-made settlements and infrastructure facilities. The company manages 6 objects on Kievskoye, Rublevsky and Novorizhskoye highways with a total area of ​​more than 400 hectares. The value of assets managed by ALLTECH Development exceeds RUB 10 billion. The company has no unsecured financial liabilities. It is part of the ALLTECH group of companies.

    Maxim Gorbachev, expert of the Russian School of Management on b2b-sales. Maxim Gorbachev is one of the top 10 trainers according to Sales B magazine. He has a legal and psychological background. Areas of expertise: sales and negotiations, kickback management, sales representatives management, distribution management, organization of sales departments from scratch, development and implementation of customer service standards, automation of sales departments.

    In the struggle for a client, successful managers attend various trainings and hone their skills, bosses negotiate major deals, store owners come up with various promotions and discounts, all in order to attract consumers.

    In conditions of high competition, luck occupies a huge place in addition to the efforts of people interested in success. Without a smile from Lady Fortune, deals fail, and the buyer chooses a nearby shop in search of the right product. Simple conspiracies to attract customers and buyers can help lure good luck in business.

    How to read a conspiracy correctly

    Reading a plot, performing a simple ritual to attract good luck is already magic that does not tolerate mistakes, try to follow the general rules so that your ultimate goal is achieved.

    Conspiracy for the first profit

    Such a conspiracy is suitable for those who have just started work, opened a store, beauty salon or any other business. As soon as you receive the first proceeds, you need to build a fan out of banknotes and wave it over your workplace or over a shop window with the words:

    "Money for me, services for you, or money for me - my goods for you."

    Try not to spend the first proceeds and do not hand over the change with it.

    Conspiracy for the first client

    This method is suitable for people who have recently opened their own business or are just planning to do so. To conduct the ceremony, buy a delicious treat, it should be something of high quality and tasty, not cheap toffee. Lay the treat on a beautiful dish and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “I treat, treat, I invite customers to make it sweet for you, so that the business is for money! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Be sure to treat the first client with charmed sweets or cookies, try to make him satisfied with the product and service. His positive attitude will attract more appreciative customers to you.

    Conspiracy to attract customers to the store

    Such a plot is suitable if you need to attract customers to the store. Choose a gold-colored coin, dip it in essential oil, preferably with a bright, pleasant smell. Go outside the counter, where customers are usually located and say the text of the plot:

    “Trading roads lead customers to my store. Take money, send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

    After that, throw a coin on the floor to make it ring and say: "Purchased, paid!". Do not pick up the coin, let him stay in place and attract money to the store. It will be great if the customer picks it up and buys something from your own store.

    Salt spells to attract customers

    Anyone can use such a plot: from a manager who is looking for new customers to a seller who has a percentage of the store's revenue.

    Take a handful of salt with you when you leave for work. When there are a few steps left before entering the office or store. You need to throw salt over your head back and pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

    “I am talking salt, I am attracting buyers! Grains fall, customers queue up. No one will leave without goods, they all bring me money! Amen."

    After the words are spoken, continue on your way and do not look back. The result will not keep you waiting.

    The second conspiracy for salt involves the use of clean water. Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say over it:

    “I am standing on a mountain, on a mountain-hill, I look at the Sun, the Sun is red. Get up, red sun, from the blue sea to the blue sky, rise up, carry handfuls of gold full. Full of your gold in my house (name), and in my garden, in my yard and in my oven. Full, full in the chest and in the underground, in the attic and in the hallway, on the table and in the crate and in the trade. Neither the wind will blow, nor the rain will flood, nor the snow will freeze, nor the heat will burn - your gold is a light around for a hundred miles. So be it, I say, I take water and salt as witnesses. So be it, I say, meeting your dawn. Amen".

    Then take a little charmed water into your mouth and spray the counter, showcase or desktop. After that, be sure to spray yourself.

    Ancient conspiracy with honey to attract buyers

    Such a plot was popular among merchants in ancient times, it was believed that honey could attract buyers like flies.

    To do this, you need to find and buy a jar of natural honey, do not skimp, it must be a real good product. Drop a few drops on the threshold of a store or office and say the text of the plot.

    “Everyone loves sweet natural honey, given to people by bees. I, the Servant of God (proper name), affirm that this is how buyers will love the threshold of my store (my counter). As bees reach for flower nectar, so do customers in a row pull into my store (to my counter). Amen".

    Poppy conspiracy for sellers

    A universal conspiracy is suitable for both professional sellers and ordinary people who want to realize any thing.

    You need to buy a pack of poppy seeds, it is important to prepare the required amount without change. Choose a day that suits the lunar calendar, take a pack of poppies and say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker into it.

    If you are a store owner, then sprinkle poppy seeds in front of the counter, from the side of the buyers. If you need to sell an apartment or a car, sprinkle accordingly, in front of the front door or around the car. It is necessary that the buyer stepped on the poppy. Sprinkling poppy, you need to pronounce the words:

    • "Step on a poppy - you bought it from me."

    Comb plot to attract customers to the office

    To perform the ritual, you need to buy a wooden comb on the day of the growing moon, it can also be bone, but not made of plastic. Every day, when you come to the office, you need to comb your hair to the very ends in front of a large mirror thirty-three times, while repeating the words of the conspiracy:

    “There is a flat path to my threshold. Let the clients run, they will be helped here. Good for people, but for me (my name) - a bucket of money. As there are no tangles in my hair, so I have no problems and debts. Amen."

    February 7th conspiracy to trade for the whole year

    This ritual came to us from ancient times, it was used by merchants for successful trading all year round. The date was not chosen by chance, on this day it has long been customary to resolve financial issues.

    The ritual is held once a year - on the seventh of February. You will need a piece of sugar and an oven with a blower. If there is no stove, you should be puzzled and find a house or cottage with it, you can rent it.

    Before dawn, you need to put a piece of sugar in the blower and kindle the stove with aspen wood. When the fire flares up, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    Fire-fire, don't touch my sugar
    And touch people, move them, they went for their goods.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    After pulling out the sugar, do not clean it from burning, carefully wrap it in a cloth and take it with you to the workplace. You need to position it so that it does not catch anyone's eyes. Sugar will attract customers all year round. Eleven months later, the ritual is repeated, and last year's piece of sugar must be buried under any fruit tree.

    An anthill plot to improve sales

    To attract sales, there is another strong conspiracy. To do this, you need to go to the forest, any time of the year is suitable, except for winter, since you will not find an anthill under the snow.

    In the forest, take some sticks from the top of the anthill and put them in a cloth bag. Arriving at the store, sprinkle the product that you want to sell from the bag, while saying out loud:

    • « As many ants in that house, as many buyers went to me, God. Amen».

    It is believed that there will be as many buyers as there are ants in an anthill.

    surrender conspiracy

    It often happens that the buyer does not take the change as change, refuses it. This can be used to attract new customers. Take the change home with you and read the conspiracy over it three times:

    “A full month, an average month and a young one! Folk me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper, So you also bring a big treasure to me! Amen!"

    Coins do not need to be spent, put them in a separate pocket in your wallet and wear them. They will bring you financial success.

    Strong ritual for successful trading

    Such a ceremony should be carried out on a waning moon. Take an old, inconspicuous rag and dust off the counter or table with it, saying the words of the prayer three times

    “Dashingly poor, famously unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, Don't call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the snag. So that I don’t know poverty, my goods don’t stale, I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Power, water, language. Amen!"

    The rag should be thrown into a pond, preferably with stagnant water. Remember that you should return home without turning around and without talking to anyone.

    Prayers for successful trading

    There is nothing sinful about successful trading, so you can go to church and pray for her.

    You can pray to any Saint, but most often people associated with trade choose Nicholas the Wonderworker and Seraphim of Saron, the patron saint of trade.

    “O our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, pious and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in business. Behold my work and efforts, humility and fidelity to the Lord God. Protect from hardships and falls, add mind and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, let him save us from the machinations of enemies and direct us to the right path. May you save us from temptations and dishonest deeds. Let us be rewarded for our suffering, for our zeal and humility. We hope for your petition, we ask for help. We fall to the face of your saint with prayers. Cover with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help not to disappear into the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy.”

    “O Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!To all who resort to You, a quick-obedient helper!In the days of Your earthly life, no onet You are skinny and inconsolable when you leave, nO everything in sweetness was the vision of Your face andthe divine voice of your words.

    To this same gift of healing, the gift of insight, dthe ar of the weak souls of healing is plentiful in appearing in Thee.When God called you from earthly labors toheavenly peace,and Thy fingers are loved from us, andit is impossible to count your wonders,multiplying like the stars of heaven:

    Se bo at all ends of our earth lappear to the people of God and grant them healing. Twe eat and we cry to you, ohquiet and meek Pleaser of God, dprayerful to him,Ikolizhe calling thee otrevayay!

    Lift up Your pious prayer for us to the Lord of forces,but give us all that is useful in this life andall useful for spiritual salvation, dbut protect us from the falls of sin andmay he teach us true repentance,o still without hesitation to enter intoeternal kingdom of heaven, andwhere you are now in the glory that shines beyond your reach, andtamo sing with all the saintsand the original Trinity forever and ever.Amen".

    Do not forget to share part of the profits with those in need, make donations, buy gifts for children from low-income families. Live in accordance with your conscience and pure thoughts, wish people only good, and you will notice how your affairs will begin to improve, and the whole life as a whole will come into harmony.

    How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

    The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

    Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website