How to make a large font in Word. How to make the font bigger

When working with text documents in the Word editor, small fonts are usually used. Therefore, when the need arises to make a really large font, most users are faced with difficulties. They simply do not know how to make the font larger than 72 in Word. If you also faced a similar problem, then this material should help you.

Making a big font with a dropdown list

If you need to make a large font in Word 2010, 2007, 2013 or 2016, then the easiest way to do this is to use the Font Size drop-down list, which is available on the Home tab. This list is located in the upper left part of the program window, next to the list of available fonts. The screenshot below shows how it looks in Word 2010 text editor.

By default, font sizes from 8 to 72 are available in the list. If one of the standard sizes suits you, then you can simply select it from the list. If you need a font with a size greater than 72, then this is also no problem. Just select the current font size with the mouse and enter any other value using the keyboard. For example, you can enter the number 100 and get a font size of 100 points.

If you are using Word 2003, then everything is about the same there. The toolbar has a drop-down menu with a list of font sizes. Here you can select one of the standard sizes or you can enter the desired font size using the keyboard.

Fonts larger than 72 are also well supported in Word 2003.

Making the Font Bigger with the "Increase Font Size" Button

In addition, in new versions of Word (for example, in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016) there is another tool for changing the font size. These are the "Increase size" and "Decrease size" buttons, which are located to the right of the drop-down list with font sizes.

These buttons allow you to increase or decrease the font size by one step according to the list of sizes. That is, if you currently have font 14 installed, then after clicking on the "Increase Size" button, you will get font 16 (the next value in the list of font sizes).

After 72 font size, the increase is 10 points (80, 90, 100, 110, etc.).

Making a large font using the "Font" window

You can also make a large font using the "Font" window, which is opened using the key combinations CTRL+D or CTRL-SHIFT-P. This window contains all the settings that relate to fonts. Among other things, there is also a font size.

In order to make a font with a size greater than 72, you need to enter your value in the "Size" field and save the settings using the "OK" button.

When working at a computer, you never need to strain your eyesight. This can cause headache, discomfort, initiate the appearance of early expression lines. In addition, vision may deteriorate. Therefore, you should take care of your own comfort when you sit down at the computer. For example, you can increase the font.

Office suites (Microsoft Office, Open Office) have a special function that allows you to increase the font in a document, in a spreadsheet. Each user can customize the program for themselves by choosing the optimal font size. If you want to increase the font of an already written document in Microsoft Word, select the required fragment with the mouse, hover over it, right-click the mouse, select "Font". A window will appear in which you can select the desired font size and set other parameters (font name, style, etc.). If you want the settings you have chosen to be automatically generated by the system every time a Microsoft Word document is created, click the "Default" button and confirm your decision by clicking the "Yes" button. You can also change the font size on the toolbar. In Microsoft Word 2007, on the "Home" tab, there is a "Font" block where you can choose the font size that is most convenient for you. It should be understood that the described actions affect the change of the font in the document itself. When you want to print the information, it will be displayed on paper in the form in which you see it on the screen. If you only need to increase the data for viewing, and you do not plan to make changes to the text, you can use the “zoom” function. In Word 2007, on the "View" tab in the "Scale" block, click on the function of the same name (a magnifying glass is shown on the icon). A window will appear in which you can select the desired scale from the proposed standard options or set your own scale. A sample document will appear below after the changes have been made. When you select the desired parameters, click "OK". When printing, the changes will not be displayed, the document will be printed on paper in the form that it was originally. Returning the scale to its original position is very easy: click on the "100%" icon in the "Scale" block on the "View" tab. In Microsoft Excel, everything works according to the same principle: on the “Home” tab you can make changes to the document, and on the “View” tab you can only change the file display scale.

If you are not comfortable reading information on the Internet, then you need to do otherwise. The fact is that the user does not have access to editing any parameters of someone else's site, including not being able to increase the font size. But this does not mean at all that you have to squint and feel uncomfortable. Open the page you want to see, press "Ctrl" and "+" at the same time. Each time you press this combination again, the picture will become even larger. At the top right, you will see information about which scale is applied. If you need to return the original page settings, click "Default Scale" or a combination of "Ctrl" and "-". In addition, you can press "Ctrl" and rotate the mouse wheel, this will also change the scale (away from you - the image will become larger). Some sites offer their own font size setting: for example,

Those who have used the MS Word word processor at least a couple of times in their lives probably know where in this program you can change the font size. This is a small box on the Home tab, located in the Font tool group. The drop-down list of this window contains a list of standard values ​​​​from smallest to largest - choose any.

The problem is that not all users know how to increase the font in Word more than 72 units, specified by default, or how to make it less than the standard 8, or how you can set any arbitrary value. In fact, it is quite simple to do this, which we will discuss below.

1. Select the text, the size of which you want to make larger than the standard 72 units, using the mouse.

Note: If you're just planning on entering text, just click where it should be.

2. On the quick access panel in the tab "Home" in the tool group "Font", in the box next to the name of the font, where its numerical value is indicated, click the mouse.

3. Highlight the setpoint and delete it by pressing back space or "Delete".

4. Enter the desired font size and click "ENTER", not forgetting that the text still has to somehow fit on the page.

5. The font size will be changed according to the values ​​you specified.

In exactly the same way, you can change the font size down, that is, less than the standard 8. In addition, arbitrary values ​​​​other than standard steps can be set in the same way.

Change font size step by step

It is far from always possible to immediately understand what kind of font size is needed. If you do not know this, you can try changing the font size step by step.

1. Select the piece of text you want to resize.

2. In the tool group "Font"(tab "Home") press the button with a capital letter BUT(to the right of the window with the size) to increase the size or the button with a smaller letter BUT to reduce it.

3. The font size will change with each click on the button.

Note: Using the buttons to incrementally change the font size allows you to increase or decrease the font only in standard values ​​(steps), but not in order. And yet, in this way it is possible to make the size larger than the standard 72 or less than 8 units.

You can learn more about what else you can do with fonts in Word and how to change them in our article.

As you can see, increasing or decreasing the font in Word above or below standard values ​​is quite simple. We wish you success in the further development of all the subtleties of this program.

Thanks to Word and Publisher, you can print letters for posters and change their size from 1 to 1638.
For beginners, the difficulty is that it is not clear how to make the letters larger if the standard sizes are limited to the 72nd font size.
This article discusses the issue of increasing the standard font size, as well as the question of how to create a WordArt title.

How to type big letters

1. Set the scale smaller since we need to see the sheets and the letters on them in order to edit the inscription.
1.1. In Word 2010, in the status bar, we find the tool - scale.
Using the slider or by clicking on the minus button, we reduce the size of the sheet.

tool - scale

(Picture 1)

1.2. In Word 2003, the scale can be set in two ways - by selecting the desired one from the toolbar.

(Picture 2)

The second way is to click "View" / "Zoom"

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)
After we have chosen the scale, we can see several sheets at once and how the inscription will look like.

2. Change the size of the letters.

If you don't know how to increase the letter size (greater than 72pt), it's easy enough.
Erase what is written in the "Font Size" window:
- set the cursor inside the "Font Size" window;
- delete the number indicating the old size using the backspace or delete key;
- we print a new font size, remembering that the upper limit is the number 1938 and if you type 1939, the program will report an error.
2.1. In word 2010, go to the "Home" tab, erase the old font size and type 72, and then press Enter.

(Figure 5)

2.2. In word 3003, you also need to erase the font.

(Figure 6)

That's what I did.

(Figure 7)

Working with WordArt

In Word 2010, this feature is not available, but it is present in Publisher, where the inscription can be printed and copied to word.

3. To make WordArt text, in Word 2003 we turn on the drawing panel, for this we press "View" / "Toolbar" / "Drawing". Now click on the letter A in the WordArt panel and select the font for the ad text.

(Figure 8)

And now you can write the text in whole or in parts ...

(Figure 9)

4. After we have received a part of the text, we need to move it, move it, but it won’t work that easily - we will have to change the settings of the WordArt object. To do this, select the text, right-click on the selected object and select "Format WordArt Object" in the window that appears.

(Figure 10)

5. Then in the window that appears, we must go to the "Position" tab and select "Along the contour", now we can freely move and enlarge our object.

Go to the Position tab and select Follow Contour

(Figure 11)


If you are going to print an inscription for a poster in word, then this can be done using regular enlarged text and WordArt text.
And not always the new program has the best features and the outdated word program can print in the same way, you just need to know the location of the tools.
Good luck with your poster.