On what date to kiss on etiquette. Is it worth kissing a girl on a first date and how to do it right

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to push her away, but, on the contrary, to attract her to him. Improvisation, of course, is a good thing, but it's better to prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. Having penetrated into the personal space of a girl, you get closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only the kissing technique, but also hygiene and accuracy.

  1. A pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. Therefore, be sure to use a good men's cologne, but do not overdo it.
  2. Another logical remark that should still be mentioned is brushed teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Weathered lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you would not like the weathered and unattractive lips of your partner.
  4. The opinion of women about facial hair was divided. Some have a positive attitude towards the beard, others like smooth-shaven men, and others do not pay attention to such a male feature at all. Of course, if you wear a beard, you still shouldn’t shave it off, but giving it a well-groomed look is a prerequisite.

In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to stop worrying and “shaking”. Your excitement will definitely be transferred to your partner, who can think anything - up to the point that she is unpleasant for you.

Therefore, get together, discard unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points that can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and “chemistry” that is emerging between you.

For some guys who want to appear macho, kissing on the first date is considered a must or completely natural condition. We will not argue with this opinion, but it is still not worth rushing.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow the following rule - a kiss on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to make sure the gentleman's intentions are serious, others have not kissed at all yet, so they are a little scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will unambiguously hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to risk it so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Knowing all the intricacies of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to a real kiss on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers are embarrassed when their noses collide.

There are a lot of techniques for contacting lips, and the kissing process is very diverse, so describing them is a thankless task. So rehearsal is extremely important, but do not forget about expressing true emotions.

Your sympathy and sincere desire can smooth out any missteps.

It is extremely important to choose the right moment and time for a kiss on the lips. It is not so difficult to determine the signs of a girl's "readiness" if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that the young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • she lets you into the zone of personal comfort (less than 50 cm);
  • when communicating, she twists her hair, touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips while talking;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • responds positively to short touches (does not withdraw).

In addition, it is important to choose the right place for this "sacrament". Many girls are embarrassed to kiss with a large crowd of people, fearing that their friends will see them.

The last rows in the cinema are not always the ideal place for kisses, since it is important for some young ladies to see their partner at this crucial moment.

Therefore, it is best to choose a quiet place and a time when the number of people hurrying or walking past is minimized.

To be honest, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. You should not push and even more so force this process, because by doing so you will create a characteristic impression about yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura, make it clear to the young lady what your intentions are. The ideal option consists of three components:

  • get closer to your beloved (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • slowly and gently touch your lips.

When you slowly approach the girl's lips, this gives the young lady the opportunity to evade if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to switch to such a close acquaintance.

Girls may react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels uncomfortable when other people are looking at her at that moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, and still others seek to test the male reaction to refusal.

Important! Despite the girl's reluctance to kiss, you need to behave with dignity. It does not even make sense to remind that insults or other such acts are simply unacceptable.

It's important to show that her decision didn't hurt you, so keep the conversation going and be positive. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

On the Internet and in the male environment in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl's permission before a kiss.

The so-called pikapers claim that men who ask permission for kisses look weak and insecure in the eyes of young ladies. "Be an alpha male, man!" such advisers say.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk more about the opposite point of view, which says that a kiss is an act that takes place by mutual agreement, especially when it happens on a first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her partner's opinion is not very interesting.

The main arguments in favor of the fact that it is necessary to ask permission from a girl before a kiss:

  1. This is an indicator of male upbringing. When a guy asks a young lady if she can be kissed, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. A young lady may not be ready for a kiss, or simply do not want to kiss right here and now.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication, sexual attraction and the desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. There is an opinion that touching lips without asking another person can also be attributed to sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you. Most likely, in the process of communication, you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against a kiss on the first date, or will she say a firm “no” to any encroachment on your part.

Kissing on a date is completely normal. But no lady would want a man to consider her too accessible. Men, on the other hand, need struggle and conquest, because each of them is a hunter and the harder the prey, the more valuable the victory will be. But it’s also not worth pulling too hard with rapprochement so that interest doesn’t disappear. Each date is a kind of game in which everyone dictates their own rules.

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According to psychologists, the first kiss is especially difficult for those who are in love with no memory. This is explained by the fact that a person in love is afraid to take the wrong step, which would destroy such a fragile relationship. But excessive persistence can lead to the fact that the first date will be the last, because the girl will consider his behavior arrogant. And it will be extremely difficult to correct the first impression.

What does kiss mean?

This is not a simple touch on the cheek or lips of a person for whom there is sympathy. The psychology of kissing is very deep. It expresses trust in a person, readiness to open his personal space.

A kiss is a manifestation that a person is pleasant and taken seriously. Therefore, each woman must decide for herself which date to kiss, listening to the voice of her heart.

It is the first kiss that is filled with the deepest meaning, because it is a kind of signal that a man or woman is a potential loved one, and not just a friend or comrade.

Is it possible to kiss on the first date?

Today, women have much more freedom than they did a few decades ago. In the days of our grandmothers, a kiss on the first date was considered unacceptable, only promiscuous women allowed themselves to do this, for whom reputation was not important. On the first date today, not only a kiss is quite possible, but also intimacy.

If the heart is eager to meet a person and this is mutual, you should not resist feelings just because there are some conventions. Mutual feelings will never lead a man to the idea that a woman is too accessible and ready to kiss the first person who meets her path.

There is nothing wrong with kissing on the first date in such cases:

  • intimacy is the purpose of a date;
  • long-term relationships are not possible, for example, a holiday romance.

If a man and a woman want a long-term relationship, psychology does not recommend kissing, and even more so intimacy on a first date.

What date to kiss?

Many girls believe that the first kiss is only possible on the third date, explaining that by this time it is possible to figure out whether or not a man is interested in continuing and developing relationships. The thing is that the representatives of the stronger sex will rarely spend their time on a lady for whom there is no deep sympathy. For cautious women who would like to check how they feel and the young man they like, a kiss on a third date is the best option.

There is also an opinion that five dates should pass before the moment of the first kiss, and it should take place on the sixth or seventh. It all depends on whether the guy is ready to endure for as long as the girl wants. If so, then he really has feelings, he is afraid of losing those relationships that are developing. He will not demand from his beloved what the lady is not yet ready for, he will treat all wishes very carefully and attentively.

A woman, in this way, checks a man, gradually recognizes him. If all he has in mind is sex, which he can't get yet, he's unlikely to make it to the sixth date.

Perfect time for a kiss

Already the first contact of the lips of a man and a woman will allow them to understand a lot about each other. If you don’t like the process, such a relationship is doomed to failure, even external beauty and common interests cannot help.

The first kiss does not need witnesses because it is a very intimate moment. Doing this in a crowded place or in the presence of friends is not a good idea.

Taking a woman home after a date after a meeting, a man can understand that a woman is waiting for a kiss if she is in no hurry to say goodbye to him. A hasty farewell means that the time has not come. Then you need to invite the lady for one more date and try to charm her.

If the fair sex is ready for a kiss and wants it in every possible way, regardless of whether it is the first date or the tenth, she does not have to be active at all. Such behavior can frighten off a man. But she can hint to her partner that the time has come to act with such simple signs:

  • slightly open your mouth and pout your lips;
  • look straight into the eyes;
  • smile playfully.

If a person is not ready for a kiss, this can be understood by this behavior:

  • keeps aloof, does not allow to reduce the distance;
  • looks away, trying not to meet eyes;
  • spoils the mood when frivolous jokes sound;
  • avoids touching and tries not to touch the partner himself;
  • purses his lips.

The kiss will take place at the moment when both partners need it, you just need to trust the call of your heart and fate. It is very difficult to hide sincere sympathy, but if you want to keep the intrigue, exciting romantic moments, you should not rush.

You go to a meeting with a guy or a man you like, but you don’t know how to behave properly, and is it possible to kiss on the first date? You can find answers to this exciting question in our article. Read it carefully and draw your own conclusions.

Agree, all of us, women, have different attitudes towards close relationships with members of the opposite sex. It depends on our upbringing and worldview, and sometimes on the circumstances, so it’s difficult to give an exact answer to the question on which date you can kiss.

Nevertheless, let's try to figure out when kisses become really appropriate and necessary.

First of all, you must figure out what a kiss is for you. Some girls consider a kiss just a gesture of sympathy and appreciation, while for others it is a symbol of tenderness, love and trust. When people start kissing - on the first date or later - depends on their character, attitude towards each other and further intentions.

Surely you or your girlfriends found themselves in situations where a guy climbs to kiss shortly after they met. If you think this is unacceptable and you are counting on a long-term serious relationship, do not continue communication with such a person.

Get out of the situation

When a new relationship is just being started, it’s hard to predict anything, let alone plan a romantic evening. It is important to adhere to your own principles and views on the beginning of an intimate relationship.

The fact is that if you initiate a kiss ahead of time or accept it, then the guy may find the girl easily accessible. With the persistence of a guy on a first or even second date, he may be rejected by the fair sex.

If this process is delayed, the guy may lose all interest and your relationship will end without even starting. How to be? Is there a compromise so that everyone is happy and the relationship develops in the right direction?

On which date to kiss, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. Most likely, it all depends on the feelings between the opposite sexes. If young people like each other, then usually their first kiss occurs on the second or third date.

It is difficult for other people to sort out their feelings, it may not be enough for them even five meetings, but your boyfriend is unlikely to be able to do without kisses for so long.

If you like a person, and you want to see him further in your life, it is not necessary to kiss him, you can just hug him goodbye, this will be a good sign that you want to continue the relationship.

What guy are you going on a date with?

Do you know that all guys and girls can be divided into several groups? Their opinions are radically different from each other about whether it is possible to kiss on the first date. The first group consists of people who are passionate, impulsive, sexual, they crave thrills.

If you belong to this group of people, you should find yourself a guy with the same ardent temperament. By all means, the two of you will take the initiative not to kiss on the second date, it is quite painful for you, you will have passionate kisses already during the first meeting!

The other group is made up of people who believe that intimate relationships require getting to know each other well, and this always takes time. As a rule, these are romantic personalities, shy and modest. It often turns out that their relationship does not develop into love affairs, they remain at the level of friendship.

Such a girl, in order to decide on a kiss, will take too much time, which not all young people are ready for. This group includes not only girls, but also guys who are also convinced that it is unacceptable to kiss on the first date.

And finally, the third group is people with the nature of a “hunter”. They go to a meeting in anticipation of a passionate relationship, for them a kiss is a kind of trophy.

You should guess that you should not count on a long-term relationship here, because having reached the goal - after kissing you, the guy goes in search of another object to confirm his perfection and unsurpassedness.

Such a man usually climbs to kiss on the first date, because this is his goal of communicating with you. If he succeeds, it is likely that on the same evening your communication will not end with kisses.

female look

Most girls by nature are true romantics. Going for the first time to meet a young man, they attach special importance to the date, believe in the sincerity of feelings and make plans for the future.

In order to please the guy and make a good impression on him, before, there were no thoughts about such early kisses. However, modern teenage girls look at this issue differently, but in vain ...

Men's opinion

If a representative of the opposite sex likes a girl, he is ready to kiss her, no matter what date they have. Few people want to wait until the second date, because right after they meet, feelings are so overwhelmed that it often becomes difficult to keep them in oneself.

But it is worth noting the fact that men really like those girls who, nevertheless, do not allow themselves to be kissed at the first meeting or substitute their cheek for this.

Whether you kiss soon after meeting or postpone it for later, no one should judge you, because this is your relationship.

You are an adult and have the right to decide this issue yourself. But if you do not refuse and reciprocate, then you should know how to kiss on the first date so as not to lose control of feelings. The kiss should be gentle and reverent, only in this way a pleasant impression will be formed about the girl and you will want to meet her again.

You can kiss on the first date or not - it's up to you. Listen to your feelings, whether you really like the person with whom you spent time. If you do not intend to communicate with him anymore, do not waste yourself on him, but wait for a more suitable candidate.

The first kiss is perhaps the most exciting event that both guys and girls are waiting for, preparing for a meeting with the object of their sympathy. At the same time, both of them ask one question: is it possible to kiss on the first date, or should the first kiss be postponed until the next meeting? The desire to kiss, touch a partner is quite natural, it is a manifestation of sensual interest, sympathy, an opportunity to “hint” to a person that he is more than a friend. However, the first kiss can be both a great start to a relationship and ruin it. How and why - let's figure it out.

Kissing on a first date: a male look

For a guy, kissing a girl he likes means confessing his sympathy to her, declaring his rights, and it’s quite normal for him to do this already on the first date. However, the first kiss for a man is just as exciting, long-awaited and gives rise to a storm of emotions when it comes to serious intentions and feelings towards a lady. If the purpose of the date is a non-committal relationship, then the guy will not miss the opportunity to kiss the girl as soon as possible in order to move on to more active actions later.

Be that as it may, the main burden of responsibility and initiative during the first date is the lot of a man. And he, in turn, is tormented by doubts:

  1. Kiss - what if it's too early, and she thinks that I'm just pestering?
  2. If I don’t kiss, he will consider me indecisive or consider that I don’t like it.
  3. I miss the moment to kiss - hello friendzone.

Of course, everything is individual, but most situations regarding the first kiss are still typical. Men in the same way doubt, worry about whether it is worth taking this step so that everything is correct and the girl positively assesses the first date.

How do girls feel about kissing on a first date?

Ambiguous. It all depends on upbringing, attitudes, previous experience. Some people think that only frivolous ladies kiss on the first date. There is a certain amount of truth in this, however, in the 21st century, kissing on a first date is not something shameful.

Some girls, on the contrary, prefer that the kiss must take place - it serves as an indicator of the attractiveness of a man for them.

For many women (and for men too), a kiss on the first date is too abrupt an invasion of personal space - it takes much more time to get used to a person and get close to him.

There is a category of girls for whom kissing is an obligatory attribute of any romantic meeting, even the first one: these are new sensations, vivid emotions, a kind of confirmation of their own attractiveness. They live with emotions, succumbing to fleeting impulses, getting carried away, falling in love, "collecting" impressions. In any case, due to the romantic nature of their nature, the beautiful half of humanity, even being strictly educated and possessing natural modesty, still secretly dreams of a kiss.

It is worth preparing thoroughly for such an important, without exaggeration, event as the first kiss. First of all, morally - prioritize, cope with emotions, determine all the pros and cons.

First kiss: how to behave a girl and prepare for it

1. Understand yourself

Going on a date with this or that man, it is worth answering a number of questions for yourself. First of all, regarding the purpose of this meeting. If a date is planned with a potential partner for sex, then it hardly makes sense to postpone the first kiss until later. If the girl is set for a serious relationship, then all the risks should be assessed:

  • will a man treat her with the same awe and respect if she allows herself to be kissed right away;
  • whether a kiss would be appropriate (if, for example, the acquaintance took place on the Internet and this will be the first meeting);
  • what a new kiss can bring to a relationship, and what it can deprive them of;
  • will she be disappointed if the man rushes the kiss or, on the contrary, postpones it until the next meeting.

2. Know common mistakes and avoid them

Many girls agree to a kiss on the first date (or even initiate it themselves), afraid of appearing notorious, “behind the progress”, thereby scaring off the guys. An even sadder result awaits girls who are striving to “get” a man at all costs, “win” him, forcing events and allowing themselves to be kissed during the first meeting.

Do not forget that the guys are hunters themselves, and too easy “prey” leads to a quick loss of interest.

You should not count on the further development of normal, serious relationships.
Those who try to appear overly modest also make a mistake, delaying the moment of the first kiss for weeks and months - there is a high probability that the guy will come to terms with his fate, perceiving such behavior as a lack of feelings other than friendly.

3. Assess the situation

If the date is with a person with whom the girl is already familiar (friend, classmate, colleague, friend from a common company), then with mutual sympathy, it makes no sense to refuse a man (and yourself too) a kiss, at least on the cheek. For this situation, this is normal and natural.

If there is a “blind date”, a meeting with a man whom he met on the Internet, then here you should be guided by the situation. It may turn out that the guy does not like it, and the first date will be the last. You can let him kiss you on the cheek goodbye, and not offend the person, but also without giving him false hopes, maintaining a distance.

The behavior of a guy can also say a lot. If at the very first meeting he persistently climbs to kiss, tries to hug too passionately, it means that he is not particularly disposed to a serious relationship.

What to do in this situation:

  • if such “attention” is unpleasant for a girl, then she should immediately say “no”, and after that - indicate the permissible boundaries of communication;
  • explain to the man why he did wrong;
  • give the opportunity to correct the situation;
  • politely say goodbye to the person and offer to remain friends.

4. Make a decision

If, from the point of view of a girl, a man behaves correctly (he is gallant, attentive, romantic, moderately persistent), there is mutual sympathy, there is no reason to deny him the opportunity to kiss himself. The first kiss is often the very spark that ignites great love.

If shyness wins over emotions or impressions from a date and from the guy himself are still ambiguous, you can turn your cheek for a kiss. Refusing to kiss at this moment will not mean for a man that he automatically falls into the friend zone - if there is sympathy on the part of the girl, then you need to show it: smile, jokingly suggest repeating the route and trying to kiss yourself (for example, at the same time in the same place at a future meeting).

What you should pay attention to:

  • compliance with the image and behavior (if a girl came on a date in a miniskirt and with a deep neckline, then there is no point in playing the role of a shy girl);
  • non-verbal communication (this is a great opportunity to signal to a man whether he behaves correctly in relation to a girl or not);
  • mood, emotional response to the partner's actions (for example, the desire to repeat the kiss).

Why doesn't a guy kiss on the first date?

The reasons can be very diverse. The most typical:

Is it worth it to kiss on the first date - a question that worries not only girls, but also guys. And the latter, for the most part, will answer it in the affirmative.

The most important rule of success is attentiveness, a sense of proportion and the romance of the moment. These components will help melt a woman's heart and make the first kiss unforgettable:

  1. The atmosphere is one of the most important things. A man should responsibly approach the choice of a place for a date, surround the girl with care and attention, choose the right moment for a kiss.
  2. Compliments are the best prelude before a kiss. There is not a single woman in the world who would not be pleased to hear them addressed to her (and admiration not only for forms, figure, but also for human qualities).
  3. Visual and emotional contact. The girl should feel interest, admiration not only in words, but also in her eyes. Also, a man should pay attention to her emotional background: if she feels free, shows interest, does not avoid fleeting touches, then she will most likely not object to a kiss.
  4. Knowing of limits. Perseverance is good, but only such that it does not border on arrogance. It is unlikely that a girl will regard this as a sign of serious interest in herself if a man pounces on her with passionate kisses from the first minutes of a date. The first kiss should be light, gentle, short - so that you want to repeat it. Even if a girl likes it so much that it blows the roof off from an excess of feelings, you don’t need to immediately climb with hugs and kisses with your tongue.
  5. No stupid questions. When asking a girl if it is possible to kiss her, you should rather expect a negative answer, even if she herself wants it.
  6. Kissing on the first date is for dessert. It is better to leave them towards the end of the date (ideally, goodbye), especially if this is the first meeting and people are only at the acquaintance stage.
  7. Feedback. The kiss happened! After that, the girl can be shy, embarrassed, even indignant - this is normal. The main thing is to track the emotional background of the partner, mood, look. They will tell you better than any words whether the first kiss was successful and whether she wants to repeat it.