A scary story told at night. Short horror stories - a creepy story

You live on the sixth floor of an apartment building. But one day, looking out the window, you saw passers-by walking past your window.

After burying his mother, the guy returned home from the cemetery. Going into his room and sitting on the bed, he heard from the kitchen: "Son, go eat!".

Throwing a stone into an abandoned well, the girl did not expect that someone would throw a stone at her from the well back.

The pathologist quit his job. A dead man was brought to him, with a severed head. The body lay in the refrigerator for two days, and then the pathologist began to autopsy. He sewed the head back to the body, after which the deceased opened his eyes, looked at the pathologist and said with blue lips - "How do I look?"

Waking up at night to drink water, you go to the kitchen. Going back to the bed, you see yourself sleeping on it.

During the funeral, when the coffin was about to be lowered into the grave, everyone nearby heard loud knocks coming from the coffin. In a panic, the men began to unscrew the lid of the coffin, but opening it, they saw the same stiffened body without changes and, in bewilderment, twisted the lid and lowered the coffin into the ground.

One woman was told by a fortune-teller that her son would drown at the age of eight. At that time, my son was five years old. His mother did not take her eyes off him, every time she punished and warned about water. The boy is 8 years old. In the summer they went to the country. In the yard the child played under the supervision of his mother. But, having gone to the house for a while, the mother returned to the yard and saw a terrible picture. Near the fence stood large buckets of water for watering the garden. Her son was on his knees and his head was in the bucket.

One guy was riding a motorcycle on a night track. Suddenly, on the side of the road, he saw a girl who was walking slowly forward. The guy stopped and offered to throw up, to which the girl silently climbed onto the motorcycle. Having driven a little, the guy felt something wet and slippery on his neck. Looking around, he saw that instead of a human face, the girl had a horse's muzzle. Yelling in fright, the guy lost control and the motorcycle skidded. Falling to the ground and immediately jumping up, he began to look around, but the girl with the horse's head was nowhere to be found. The guy started the motorcycle and pulled at high speed down the road. Ahead, he again saw the same girl, this time she was standing on the side of the road, waving her hand and smiling.


At night, my dog ​​woke me up by jumping on my bed. Out of habit, I opened the blanket, the dog climbed under it and lay down at my feet. Suddenly I opened my eyes and my heart began to race. My dog ​​was hit and killed by a car three days ago. Who is lying at my feet under the covers?!

The security guard went to work on the night shift. Arriving in the duty room, he saw his sleeping partner on the bed. After making himself some coffee, the man sat down at the table to check the visit log. The phone rang and the man heard the voice of his partner in the receiver, he said that he would not be able to go out today. Without answering, the man slowly turned his head towards the sleeping man on the bed. The "partner" was no longer sleeping, but looked at the man and smiled ominously.

With my girlfriend, I went fishing with an overnight stay. We decided to sleep in a tent. In the morning I woke up and got out of the tent, my girlfriend was sitting in the car and drinking coffee from a thermos.

You were all icy at night when I hugged you, - I said to my girlfriend.

To which she looked at me and after a little silence answered:

I slept in the car all night and did not even look into your tent.

Today I saw a man who seemed familiar to me. I remembered that once upon a time I worked with him. But I'm 64 now, and he still looks the same as thirty years ago.

It got cold at night and I tried to straighten the blanket through my sleep. But now, they carefully cover me and stroke my head, and I can no longer sleep, because I live alone.

At Christmas the little boy did not receive presents. His parents had not forgotten about him, just their dismembered bodies lay under the tree.

They sent me a video on my phone from an unknown number. I was on the video, I filmed myself and cheerfully said that it was very cool in Moscow. Then the video cuts off another recording, in which someone cuts my throat. Thinking that this is all a montage and a stupid prank, I dialed this unfamiliar number, but the girl's voice told me that this number does not exist. I deleted the video and went to bed. The next day, my boss called me to his office and said that he was sending me on a business trip to Moscow. And now I don't want to go...

Once in the hospital on the operating table with appendicitis, the doctors mistakenly amputated both of my legs.

This morning I was both surprised and scared. My husband brought me breakfast in bed and my kids gave me drawings that said "Mom is 35, congratulations!". Everything is very nice, only I celebrated my seventeenth birthday with my parents yesterday.

I am always hungry and want to eat. Mom feeds me, but I'm still hungry. It makes my stomach hurt and I can't sleep. Mom said that something is wrong with me and tomorrow we will go to the doctor.

"Probably something is really wrong with me," I thought to myself as I finished eating my three-month-old brother. "That's why I ate."

Scary tales. Stories full of horror and horror

Dedicated to Dot, with gratitude


Don't scare the kids

At the very beginning of the 19th century, the German linguists brothers Jakob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm (1786–1859) Grimm began to collect throughout Europe [Or rather, in the fragmented German principalities, which were still waiting for their unification into a single Germany. Here and further approx. translator.] folk tales, seeking not only to find in them a reflection of the cultural identity of Germany, but also to preserve these stories themselves, passed down from generation to generation in oral tradition for centuries.

This led to many different versions of the same tales in different regions (especially in France), and the Brothers Grimm not only compiled them into a coherent manuscript for the first time, listening to stories from friends, family members and other storytellers and writing them down, but and preserved the ancient religious beliefs reflected in these stories.

It is no exaggeration to call Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm the creators of one of the first anthologies of horror literature. This is because, despite subsequent editing and reworking by various authors (including Wilhelm himself), many of the original stories contain scenes of extreme violence and implied sexuality, which made them, in the eyes of the first reviewers, completely inappropriate for the youngest readers (who, however, initially they were not, in fact, their target audience).

Spiritual and religious motifs were added to later versions of the tales to make them more inspiring to middle-class readers, while the violence, sexuality, and anti-Semitism motifs were significantly toned down at the same time. The Brothers Grimm even added intros in which advised parents to make sure that only those fairy tales that are suitable for their age will be available to their offspring.

In the context of the culture of that time, education was largely based on fear, and often such tales served as a kind of “warning” so that children would not behave badly, otherwise something terrible would happen to them (they would be thrown into the fire or eaten alive).

Between 1812 and 1862 "Kinder- und Hausmärchen" ("Children's and Family Tales", or "Tales of the Brothers Grimm", as they later became known) was printed seventeen times and revised many times, the number of fairy tales gradually increased, increasing in some of the most complete editions from 86 to 200. The book was also often reprinted illegally, so that other compilers often added various folk tales to it.

Now, two centuries after Jacob and Wilhelm first published their collection, these tales are more popular than ever. Admittedly, Hollywood (and especially Walt Disney Studios) has been taking the Brothers Grimm's legacy quite liberally almost since the birth of cinema, and lately we've been literally inundated with their "reimaginings", such as the werewolf-themed "Little Red Riding Hood" (2011), " Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) and Jack the Giant Slayer (2013), not to mention the various versions of Snow White, as well as popular TV series such as Once Upon a Time ”) and Grimm (both published since 2011).

Over the years, even the Grimms themselves have been the subject of biopics (with lavish fantasy elements), such as George Pal's The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm and Terry Gilliam's slightly darker The Brothers Grimm (2005).

And for this edition, I invited several famous writers to submit their interpretations of classic fairy tales, inspired by the Brothers Grimm or folklore stories from other cultures. Since it was conceived primarily as an anthology of horrors, I put before the authors the only obligatory condition - that early versions of fairy tales, not emasculated by censorship, be taken as a model.

I am happy to report that all of the writers featured in this edition have done an excellent job of creating their own unique versions of classic stories while steadfastly sticking to the source material.

Their works are truly creepy and exciting stories worthy of the 21st century.

In 1884, a new translation of the brothers' tales by the British novelist Margaret Hunt (mother of science fiction writer Violet Hunt) was published in England. Not only have I used some of these translations as the basis for contemporary fairy tales, but I have included them in the collection, interspersed with the original material.

Not all stories written for this book were influenced by the Brothers Grimm, but in these cases I have tried to find analogues from among their older fairy tales, either thematically related or serving as a starting point for more modern stories composed after them. And, since this is, after all, an anthology of horrors, I took the liberty of replenishing the book with a couple of little-known "horror stories" that were originally part of the collection of German brothers.

Finally, to repeat the warning that Jakob and Wilhelm gave to their readers two hundred years ago: while the stories in this edition are based on folk tales and myths, they may not be entirely appropriate for young readers.

Unless, of course, you want to fill their tiny minds with horror!

Stephen Jones

London, England

year 2013

naughty child

Once upon a time there was a self-willed girl who did not obey her mother. God was angry with the girl for her waywardness and sent her a disease, so much so that none of the doctors could cure her and she soon died.

The girl was lowered into the grave and covered with earth, when suddenly a child's hand stuck out from under the ground and waved. The grave was covered again and again with fresh earth, but it was all in vain, each time the hand protruded out.

The mother had to come to the girl's grave and hit her hand with a rod. As soon as she did this, the hand went underground, and the naughty child finally found peace underground.

Ramsey Campbell

guess my name

Doreen woke up suddenly and tried to figure out what had woken her up. A dog barked at the far end of the tennis court, another echoed from the golf club, and then Doreen heard sounds from Anna's former room. There, Benjamin shifted in the crib - the "baby monitor" simultaneously distorted and amplified the sound. Doreen was about to quietly look into his room, but the baby fell silent, and she again dropped her head onto the pillow. Before closing her eyes, she glanced at the bedside clock, which showed midnight. The woman was about to doze off when a soft voice reached her. "Now you're mine, Benjamin," he said.

It seemed that the night had fallen on her with its suffocating weight and crushed, and yet Doreen managed to unstick her naughty lips.

This will never happen. Get out, Danny, or I'll call the police.

I am not the boy's father. His mother got what she wanted, now it's my turn.

It must have been a dream - there was no one in the empty house to talk to Doreen - but she was terrified.

And what did Anna want?

For her son to be with her until he is one year old.

Half of that time, the child's father tortured and abused her. Maybe that's what she wanted too?

She wished - I fulfilled. She knew what the price was.

Tears welled up in Doreen's grief.

She paid the price for her mistake.

Doreen herself did not understand what she was trying to do - understand him or wake up.

What is your time?

Your year with Benjamin is almost over, so say goodbye to him while you still can, Doreen.

What's your name, since you already know my name?

Nobody knows mine. Doreen heard a muffled chuckle, though perhaps someone had just scratched the plastic microphone. “See you on his birthday,” the voice said. - I'll leave you a sign.

The dogs barked again, followed by others. Their barking was real, and, Doreen felt it, there were no other sounds in the night - realizing this, she fell asleep.

Late in the morning, lying in bed, Doreen remembered her dream. Perhaps she really is afraid that Benjamin's father will show up to them, having sniffed out that her husband has left for a meeting of directors? But the court ruled that Danny kept away from the child, and in which case the police could be called. Or maybe she is so anxious because exactly a year ago, on his first birthday, Benjamin lost his mother. That is why Doreen wanted to try to give her grandson a real holiday this time, and she was considering how to do it when she heard that the boy was messing around.

In the morning, the baby always mumbled sleepily some kind of incoherence, as if his tongue needed time to wake up. “A veil of winds, fat, a chain,” she almost believed that she could discern something like this in his babble, or even something like this: “The boar is roasted in a greenhouse” - and where does he get these words? Thirty years ago, she was delighted, listening to Anna's infantile monologues, but now she tried not to remember it. Meanwhile, Benjamin spoke to Spout and Grumpy, the teddy bears who slept with him in the crib. When he began to beat on wooden slats, half as a drummer, half as demanding freedom, Doreen entered the nursery.

Benjamin was standing, holding on to the back of the crib, facing the door, and again she involuntarily thought of Anna. His tiny face was almost a copy of his mother's - blond hair, a high forehead, a small upturned nose, full lips, a stubborn chin. Only Anna's eyebrows were constantly frowning lately, and she dyed her hair in a variety of colors, but none of them helped bring her husband to a peaceful disposition - however, there was little that could calm him down at all. Last year, Anna's eyes had gone blank and lifeless as stones, and her smile - Doreen saw her very rarely - was more like a plea for help, even after she decided to break up with Denny. At least Anna practically brought the case to court, but perhaps because of this, she was even more afraid? Doreen assumed that was the case.

Ready for an adventure? she turned to Benjamin.

Vengeance [Play on words: adventures - adventures, avengers - avenger.].

Oh you little parrot! Doreen smiled and suddenly shuddered. The baby monitor microphone she always placed on top of the blue chest of drawers lay on the floor. It was clear that Benjamin would not have been able to reach the wire, and she froze as she realized she hadn't heard the sound of the fall. The thought flashed that it was her mistake: she herself missed something - apparently, she is getting old.

Don't do that again, Benjamin," she said, setting the microphone down.

The boy stuck out his lower lip stubbornly.

I didn't, bah.

Well, don't be silly. If not you, then who?

What other uncle?

Walks to me.

Who comes to you, Benjamin? It's not yours... - she blurted out in excitement and reluctantly finished, - not your father? Isn't that dad?

Not dad, - said the kid and laughed.

Doreen suspected that he might just be repeating the words after her.

Who then is Benjamin?

The child paused, looking puzzled, then said:

I mean, you didn't see him. Do you know why? He's not real. It's just a dream.


Sometimes it seems to me that you tease me ... - Doreen said, although she herself did not believe it.

Of course, Benjamin must have hit the microphone when he woke up. Doreen took the baby in her arms, and he, warm from sleep, wrapped his arms around her neck. He was impatient to get on the floor as soon as possible and run through the rooms. Doreen caught up with him in the kitchen and helped him take off his nightgown. Taking it off the potty and praising him for having done everything, she dressed him, trying to do everything so that it seemed to the baby that he had practically dressed himself. Then she sat her grandson in a high chair, cooked breakfast, and then watched him manage cereal without spilling milk or getting dirty. Nevertheless, she carefully wiped his cheeks - Benjamin tried his best to dodge - and asked:

What are you and I to do this morning?

Watch trains.

Benjamin chatted nonstop as they walked half a mile along a wide suburban road. “They jump for the ball,” he said at the tennis courts, and “What a little car,” near the golf course. "Let's go read," he said as he passed the deserted schoolyard. Doreen knew that her grandson remembered how she explained that he would go to school. “Pitchers of thieves,” Benjamin announced at the window of the antique shop, and she realized that now he was thinking about the fairy tale about Ali Baba, which she read to him. He called the patrons of the barbershop “astronaut aunts” because of the shape of the hair dryers under which they sat, and at the window of the flower shop he said: “Where do the flowers go,” and Doreen, hearing this, tried to drive away thoughts of the funeral. When they got to the railroad, she tightened her grip on his trusting warm little hand. "Red bell," said Benjamin. Indeed, when the red signal lights were lit, a sharp bell rang out. When the barriers came down on both sides of the crossing, they had to stop, and Benjamin moved his fingers impatiently, clenched in Doreen's fist. As the train pulled out of the station, Doreen became curious and asked, "What does it look like?"

For many brands.

Benjamin still remembered how they put stamps on the envelopes for last Christmas - the strip of carriage windows reminded him of them. Anna at his age loved to lick Christmas stamps before sticking them on. Now they were simply separated from the sticky base, and the next generation, Doreen thought, would probably not know this if the greetings were sent out by a computer. Six trains passed them and the barrier was lowered three times before Benjamin agreed to go home.

After putting him to bed, Doreen cooked dinner and took care of dinner. After lunch, they walked past the Conservative Club and the Masonic Hall to the children's group "Sturdy Kids".

Oh, our talker has arrived! said De Maitland from afar, as Benjamin rushed to meet his girlfriend Daisy, a talker like himself. Doreen usually didn't trust her grandson to strangers - she even retired prematurely to take care of her grandson - but this time she asked Jonquil, Daisy's mother, if she would agree to pick up Benjamin after the group tomorrow while she baked her grandson a birthday cake .

With joy, more willingly than any other child, Jonquil replied, and for some reason Doreen remembered her midnight dream.

At home, she was surprised to see what a mess Benjamin had made - toys were scattered all over the floor. But in the morning he even helped her clean up - and when did he manage to scatter everything again? Doreen reminded herself that before she could look back, the boy would be older, and she was sad in advance that she would lose all this mess, and after eating she hesitated, not hurrying to wipe his soiled cheeks. She finally calmed down when Hubert called.

Where is the head of the family? he asked.

At the moment - under the supervision of a woman.

That's how it is ... - Hubert seems to be puzzled by her tone. - Is everything all right at home?

It's just weird that you're not around.

I'll be back by the big day, you know. And everything else is all right with you?

Yes, in general, everything is as usual. - Doreen felt: this is what her husband hopes to hear, these are the words he expects from her. - And how are you? she asked.

Not particularly. Imagine, I have three more days to listen to how we can improve the image of banks in the eyes of the public. I would prefer to improve their work whenever possible, for that matter. - Hubert spoke too loudly, risking being heard by colleagues whose voices were heard nearby. - But ... stop grumbling. Will you let me talk to the young man at bedtime?

He hasn't gone to bed yet, - Doreen answered, switching to the speakerphone, - Do you hear who it is, Benjamin?

Uncle. - But when Hubert greeted Benjamin, the boy's voice sounded much more joyful: - Grandpa!

How's the young shift doing? Only three more nights and we'll see you.

Look, night!

Well, yes, three nights. Do you listen to grandma? Keep an eye on her and make sure nothing bad happens to her while I'm in the meeting.

For a moment, Doreen thought the baby was worried.

Nothing bad.

Nothing will happen, Doreen assured him. - And now wish your grandfather good night. He is tired and wants to rest.

Good night, grandfather, - said Benjamin with such enthusiasm that the grandmother and grandfather laughed together.

Before bathing, the grandson helped Doreen clean up the toys.

Hot,” he said seriously as Doreen tested the water, and then, “Not now.

Doreen could hardly call herself religious - she paid even less attention to this aspect than her parents, which is apparently why her prayers for Anna, it would seem, were so earnest, did not reach the goal - and yet every time she saw Benjamin, sitting in the bath, the font and baptism involuntarily came to her mind. Doreen dried her grandson, kissed her, and swore to herself to protect him as long as she lived - even if it sounded somehow pompous.

Doreen helped the baby into his nightgown, then tucked him into bed. Sitting nearby, she turned over the pages of Anna's old book, and her eyes fell on the title of one of the fairy tales. The one Anna loved the most. It is not surprising that Doreen dreamed something like this, but now she did not want to read this particular story to Benjamin.

Many years ago,” she began instead, “there was a poor woodcutter with his wife and two children; The boy's name was Hansel, and the girl's name was Gretel...

She missed the oven and the terrible danger that threatened the children. The children were saved and Benjamin fell asleep peacefully. Doreen turned off the lights and carried the baby monitor receiver downstairs and held it in front of her on the kitchen table while she ate dinner. The day with Benjamin exhausted her, as usual, but she wouldn't want anything else for herself. Doreen went to bed early.

She woke up suddenly, as if from a shock, and immediately noticed the zeros on the dial - the bedside clock showed midnight. It was not enough, she thought, to make it a habit to wake up every night at the same time, and then a voice was heard. It sounded so muffled, like it was in her head.

Is it you again? she whispered, or thought. - What do you want this time?

What I always get.

You didn't get that in the fairy tale, right? Because your name was guessed.

Are you talking about this junk? Don't believe everything you read.

Why, isn't your name Rumplestiltskin?

It's just a fairy tale. - Issuing a stifled chuckle, similar to the rattling of many small teeth, the voice continued: - Something is true there. I know when it's needed.

Then you should understand when you don't need it at all.

Your daughter needed when she needed a witness.

Don't you dare talk about her. - Doreen even managed to squeeze out a chuckle. - Why am I even talking to you? You are just a dream.

This scary tale of his own composition - with an unexpected ending. It starts off really scary. You read it - and imagine an incredible picture. Something terrible is flying ... Brrr! How did the events in the fairy tale develop? How did it end? A moment of patience ... Now we will read a fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Little Hero"

In one Terrible Kingdom, the Terrible State, lived a terrible bucket. It flew wherever it wanted, and at such a speed that it was really scary.

This bucket gave no rest to anyone. It kept the entire Dark Forest in fear. Still would! Who wants to get hit on the head with a bucket?!

It was said that the bucket was either black or brown, and either Likho the one-eyed, or Koschei the Deathless, controlled it. They allegedly intimidate everyone in this way.

The forest dwellers were very afraid. For food, they began to walk, bowing their heads. We tried to walk quietly, barely audible.

For the sake of truth, it must be said that no one saw the flying bucket with their own eyes. But fear has big eyes. Today no one saw - but tomorrow will arrive!

And then one day a nightingale appeared in the Dark Forest. He immediately noticed that the forest seemed to have died out. Since he knew nothing about the flying bucket, he was not afraid of anything. He calmly sang songs, flew where he wanted. And suddenly he saw a bucket. Such a small paper ice cream bucket. The wind picked it up from the ground, it tumbled and flew at great speed. But the nightingale was not afraid of him. Here's another! He will be afraid of some small bucket!

And he came up with a funny, funny song on the go, which speaks of a cheerful bucket driven by the wind.

The forest inhabitants, having heard the song of the nightingale, left their secluded places. They suddenly became happy. They were afraid of some cardboard bucket! To whom to tell, they will laugh.

And the savior of the nightingale has since been called the “winner”. Winner of what? Flying buckets!

Questions and tasks for a scary tale

What fairy tales do we call "terrible"?

What were the inhabitants of the Dark Forest afraid of?

Describe the bucket that scared everyone.

Who was driving the scary bucket?

Why was the nightingale not afraid of the flying bucket?

How did the forest dwellers know that the bucket is not terrible?

What proverb is mentioned in the story?

What proverbs about fear do you know?

One little girl's mother died. The father grieved, grieved and brought a new wife into the house. She was a widow and had a daughter of her own. With the advent of the stepmother, the orphan began a completely different life. Her stepmother made her do all the hard work around the house and hardly fed her: she would give a piece of cold pasta with salt and a mug of water, that's all the food - for breakfast, and for lunch, and for ...

Once in the winter, cabs were driving along the Volga River. One horse balked and darted off the road to the side; the driver immediately chased after her and was just about to hit her with a whip, when she fell into the lane and went under the ice with the whole cart. - Well, pray to God that she left, - the peasant shouted, - otherwise I would have whipped your sides!

Not in any kingdom, not in which the state lived, there was a peasant with a hostess. He lives with a rich hand, he has enough of everything, he has a good capital. And they say among themselves, sitting with the hostess: - Here, mistress, we have enough of everything, only we have no children; let us ask God, perhaps the Lord will create for us an offspring, at least in the last, in old age.

One poor man had so many children that he already invited the whole world to be godfathers, and when another child was born to him, there was no one left whom he could invite to godfathers. And he did not know what to do now - he lay down with grief and fell asleep. And he dreamed that he should stand at the gate and call the first person he met to be godfathers.

In a certain kingdom, not in our state, there lived a rich merchant, his wife was beautiful, and his daughter was such that she even surpassed her own mother in beauty. The time came, the merchant fell ill and died. It was a pity for the merchant, but there was nothing to do; buried her, wept and grieved, and began to stare at his daughter. He was seized by impure love, he comes to his own daughter and ...

Late in the evening, a Cossack arrived in the village, stopped at the last hut and began to ask: - Hey, master, let me spend the night! - Go, if you are not afraid of death. “What kind of speech is this!” - the Cossack thinks, put the horse in the barn, gave him feed and goes to the hut. He looks - and the peasants, and the women, and the little children - they are all sobbing sobbing and praying to God; prayed and became...

The father had two sons. The older one was smart and intelligent, everything went well with him, but the younger one was a fool: he didn’t understand anything properly and was incapable of learning; people would look at him, it happened, and say: - With this, my father will have to tinker a lot more! If something had to be done, then the eldest son would always manage the matter; but if his father tells him to do something...

There was a man, he had three sons. He lived richly, collected two cauldrons of money - he buried one in a barn, the other at the gate. This man died, but he didn’t tell anyone about the money. Once there was a holiday in the village; the violinist went to a party and suddenly fell through the ground; failed and ended up in hell, right in the place where the rich man was tormented. - Hello...

Once upon a time there was a miserly miser, an old man; had two sons and a lot of money; heard death, locked himself in a hut and sat on a chest, began to swallow gold money and banknotes, and so ended his life. The sons came, put the dead man under the holy icons, and called the deacon to read the psalter. Suddenly, at midnight, an unclean man appears in the form of a man, raised ...

A selection of 4 scary stories for children. For the best frightening effect, it is recommended to read at night!

Tale of the swing

One boy had a long nose. And his name was Yegor. Somehow Egor came out into the yard and immediately sat on the swing. And began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. He rode for two hours and everything was not enough for him.

Other children in the yard began to ask:

Yegorka! Let us ride!

But Yegor did not answer, but only began to sway even more - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. Only the long nose flickers. Then other children joined hands and began to sing a teaser that they themselves composed:

“Egor is a long nose,
I've grown to the swing!

Yegor was offended, but he did not cry from the swing. And the children were also offended and went to eat pancakes with sour cream. Egor still swayed and decided that it was time to go home and eat something, but he couldn’t stop - the swing didn’t want to let him go! Already he was spinning and shouting - nothing helps. The swing swayed even harder and creaked so much that other children had sour cream on their pancakes.
Then the Little Witch came out into the yard and shouted:

Yegorka! Let's ride!

I would give, - Yegor answered, - but I can’t get off the swing!

Why? What's happened?

Yes, I swayed and swayed, and other children began to tease me with a Long Nose and also that I had grown to the swing. Help me-e-e!

You have been bewitched! exclaimed the Little Witch.

Well, break me down!

It's not so easy, you have to come up with a spell that will stop the swing, - the Little Sorceress answered and sat down to think on the edge of the sandbox.

And Yegor kept swaying and yelling.

At this time, a policeman was walking by, who immediately realized that something was wrong. The policeman grabbed the swing to save Yegor, but he only stuck to it and they began to swing together.

I think I've come up with it, - the Little Sorceress said quietly, - now let's try it. - And quickly, quickly muttered:

"Swing-swing, Egor sorry
And let me go home as soon as possible."

Then something tinkled, and the swing stopped. Yes, so quickly that the policeman from surprise fell on the flower bed, and Yegor - on him. Then Yegor jumped up and ran home to eat pancakes with sour sour cream. And the policeman smiled and went to his office to write a report on the boy's rescue.

And the Little Witch sat on the swing and began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. And when the next morning Yegor went out into the yard, she immediately gave him a place. Well… almost immediately.

Very scary story

In one Sicilian city, boys began to disappear at night (girls if you tell girls in the ward), and only boys disappeared (girls if you tell girls in the ward), who did not sleep after moonrise.

Many tears were shed by mothers and fathers until the terrible secret was revealed.

The fact is that at night a ship with blood-scarlet sails entered the bay. From it at night sailors went to the shore in boats. Having found an awake boy / girl on the shore in some house, they euthanized the child and took him away.

The crew of the ship was cursed, and to get rid of the curse, it was necessary to collect a collection of 239 brushes from small children.

On the ship, a terrible doctor, while the child was under anesthesia, cut off his hand.

The child, waking up from anesthesia and not yet understanding what was happening looking at the stump, asked the doctor:

Uncle, where is my pen?

To which the doctor replied:

Here she is.!!! Here she is!!! Here she is!!!

The last line is staged to the closest child... You just shake your brush in front of his face.

The kids are scared at first, but then they start laughing.

Scary tale "Carnation"

There lived a mother and a daughter. Nobody went to them, because they had a nail sticking out of the floor. He stuck out in the middle of the room and the girl had to go around him all the time. The girl often asked her mother:

Mom, let's get that nail out!

What are you daughter! Never, ever touch that nail. And never invite anyone to your house.

And why?

Because someone wants to pull out this nail, and then there will be trouble!

But what will happen?

Better not ask me, daughter. There will be a terrible, terrible misfortune.

And the girl stopped asking. So the years passed. The girl grew up, and she wanted to invite guests.

And then one terrible, terrible autumn evening, the girl's mother went to the cemetery to get some fresh air; and the girl called the guests. The guests began to dance, but the nail hindered them all the time. Then the guests said:

Let's get that nail out!

And the girl screamed:

It is forbidden! No need! Something terrible is about to happen!

But the guests laughed at the girl and, seizing the moment, pulled out the nail. And then there was a terrible roar. Some time later, the doorbell rang. The girl wanted to open the door, but the guests shouted:

No need! Do not open!

The girl was a pioneer and therefore opened it all the same. A woman dressed in black stood in the doorway. She immediately began to enter the apartment. She kept coming and going, and the guests and the girl backed up and backed away until the apartment ran out.

What have you done ... - said the black woman in a quiet, creaky voice, like that of a dead man. - What have you done. she repeated a little louder. - Under this floor, in my apartment ... - and then she yelled in some terrible inhuman voice. - ... the chandelier has fallen off!!!

Scary fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower"

Once upon a time there was a girl Zhenya. And then one day, on New Year's Eve, she received a seven-flower flower as a gift from Santa Claus. Zhenya was delighted, and in the evening she went to a disco. She tore off a red petal from a seven-flowered flower and said:

I want to be sausage! - and began to sausage at the disco. Five hours later, Zhenya got tired of sausage, she tore off the orange petal and said:

I want me not to be sausage, - and immediately stopped sausage. She sat for a while and felt sad. Then she tore off the yellow petal and said:

I want to have fun! - and it became so fun for her that it’s impossible to retell that she soaked it for joy. When there was no one to amuse, Zhenya tore off a green petal and said:

I want to not have fun, - and immediately stopped having fun. Zhenya looked around at the floor strewn with young corpses and decided to punish herself. She tore off the blue petal and said:

I want to be sad, - and immediately began to cry.

Zhenya walked to her yard already knee-deep in tears. In the yard, she saw the neighbor boy Vitya, who tried to climb onto the bench so as not to get his shoes wet. Vitya liked Zhenya for a long time for his beautiful crutches. She wanted the same, covered with skillful intricate carvings, trimmed with gold and ivory, studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, but, unfortunately, she was not lame like Vitya.
Now, when Zhenya felt so bad, it seemed to her that Vitya was not happy enough. Maybe he needs something else besides crutches? Wife was prevented from thinking by tears running from her eyes in continuous streams. She tore off the blue petal by touch and quickly said:

I want me not to be sad, - and, having stopped crying, she swam up to Vita.

Hello Vitya. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that you're a cool dude, and I want to do something cool for you so that you don't suck on this bench.

With these words, Zhenya tore off the purple petal and said:

I want Vita to have sausage...

And the good girl had no more petals ...