Wise proverbs and sayings. Russian folk proverbs and sayings


Every young man has a craft to face


The potatoes are ripe - get down to business
If there was a cow, there would be milk
An ugly cow, but gives milk
Lion does not get along with laziness
A good horse gets warm from food
The good shepherd does not care about himself - about the flock
The plow from work shines
The swallow builds nests, the bee builds honeycombs
The bee is small, but it works
What is the garden, such are the apples
The wormhole is not a reproach to the red apple
Apples don't grow on a pine tree
An apple from an apple tree, and cones from a spruce
A good gardener has a good garden
A good gardener is a large gooseberry
Beans are not mushrooms: if you don't sow, they won't sprout.
Kindness and the brute understands
And the beast knows who feeds it

About labor.

More action, less words
In small words, you can drown a big deal
A small deed is better than a big one

About overcoming difficulties.

Cool berezhyok, but the fish is good
Difficult is not impossible
What is difficult is given, the heart is forever sweet; what is easy, parting is easy

About neglect.

It's better to sit back than to do a slipshod job
Negligence has three brothers: one - “maybe”, the other - “probably”, and the third - “somehow”.

About education.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step
Do not teach idleness, teach needlework
What Vanya did not learn, Ivan will not learn

About silence.

Chatty silence is a burden
Good silence than not an answer?

Not every shooter who shoots a lot, not every speaker who talks a lot
A sharp word pierces the heart

About sayings.

Proverb - flower, proverb - berry
A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye
Russian proverb comes in handy for everything

A good word will build a house, and an evil word will destroy a house.
The horse will break free - you will catch up, but you will not return the spoken word

About friendship.

Friendship is not a mushroom: you will not find it in the forest
If you want friendship, be a friend

About love.

Without love, like without the sun, you can not live
Separation is for love, what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a big one even more.

About simplicity.

Not arrogance paints a person, but simplicity
Simplicity, purity, rightness - the best beauty

About patience.

Patience is a flower that does not grow in every garden

About respect.

Every person loves respect
To whom Luka, and to you Luka Kuzmich; to whom Luka Kuzmich, and to you uncle
Respect the person, respect yourself

About children.

Without a father - a son of a naughty, without a mother - a daughter
All beavers are kind to their beavers
Children are like flowers: they love care
Feeding children is not breaking a branch
Little children are heavy on their knees, big ones are heavy on their hearts.

About arrogance.

You carry your head high - you stumble, but you fall

About envy.

The envious dream numbs

When I am lazy to work: in winter - cold, in spring - puddles, in autumn - mud, and in summer there is no time

About illness.

Give free rein to pain, and it will bend into an arc
Better a small wooden house than a big stone disease
The doctor helps the sick, and the hungry kalach
Not the sick one who lies, but the one who sits over the pain

About doctors.

Not the doctor who heals, but the one who himself suffered the disease

The first pancake, but lumpy, and the second with butter, and the third with kvass
Water won't cloud your mind
Mushrooms do not grow on the window
Shchi is not thick without cabbage
There is no cream without milk
Eat a carrot if there is no apple
Cucumber - and that order loves
Small piece of the pie, but worth a lot of work
Everyone needs lunch and dinner

Animals, nature.

She dragged a squirrel of nuts into a hollow: she will be warm in winter
If the bush was not nice, the nightingale did not pitch its nest
Rook - spring bird
The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten from it
For the city, every tree is expensive
Sandpiper is small, but still a bird
Lily does not grow on a wild rose bush
A good dog does not bark at the wind
Aspen makes noise even without wind
Cat on the stove, dog on the porch
Old dog, yes faithfully serves
Small titmouse, yes the claw is sharp
Know the falcon by flight, and the owl by rise
The nightingale is a small bird, but sings - the forest trembles
And there is a hollow in the pine
Burdock does not grow higher than an ash tree, a rooster does not fly higher than a hawk


In August the sun is warm and the water is cold
Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July
What is the age, such is the person
April with water, and May with grass
In March, the chicken under the threshold will get drunk
October will cover the earth - where with a leaf, where with a snowball

natural phenomena.

The wind will not bring down the oak grove
Thunderstorm hits a tall tree
The rain will beat - the sun will rise
Well, frost - nails out
From a big cloud, yes a small drop

Proverbs are considered to be the treasure of everyday wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. Here you will find proverbs about wisdom collected from all over the world.

Proverbs about wisdom from all over Europe

What is a proverb? This is a popular saying that expresses the generally accepted truth. And here are some of them:


  • True wisdom is born with gray hair.
  • Whoever has money is wise.
  • The accumulation of wealth does not bring wisdom.
  • Every wrinkle is an ounce of wisdom.
  • Wisdom comes with the ability to listen and repent.


  • The dying cannot leave their own wisdom or experience to their heirs.
  • Kings learn wisdom from associating with wise men.
  • The basis of wisdom is the ability not to trust others too hastily.
  • Wisdom is cheap to those who get it at someone else's expense.
  • Sometimes wisdom masquerades as a fool.
  • Wisdom does not consist of clothes.
  • Experience gained through suffering teaches wisdom.
  • Thinking is the parent of wisdom.
  • Education improves our lives, but wisdom governs them. (Read collected from around the world).
  • Often wisdom can be found under a shabby coat.
  • Wisdom is darkened by wineskins.


  • Food is not more important than wisdom, its beginning is the fear of God.
  • Though wisdom is good at the beginning, it is much better at the end of any business.
  • A man may die from the wind, but he will never die from wisdom.
  • Women are stronger than men because they don't die of wisdom.


  • The most obvious sign of wisdom is constant cheerfulness.
  • Things are quickly done when wisdom advises.
  • A fool needs great wisdom.
  • Patience is the mother of all wisdom.
  • True wisdom is the oil that lubricates relationships between spouses and between parents and children. (I recommend to get acquainted with the list).


  • A drop of wisdom is better than a sea of ​​gold.
  • Age brings experience, and wisdom brings intelligence.
  • Better a drop of wisdom than a golden ocean.
  • Gray hair is a sign of age, not wisdom.
  • Even from an enemy a person can learn wisdom.
  • Surprise is the beginning of wisdom.


  • Wine has wisdom, beer has strength, and water has bacteria.
  • Better conscience without wisdom than wisdom without a good conscience.
  • Much wisdom is lost in poor human mouths.
  • Loneliness is the nurse of wisdom.
  • Bought wisdom is best.


  • Through wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is maintained.
  • Wisdom does not always speak Greek and Latin.
  • Power without wisdom is like an abyss without edge.
  • Experience is the father of wisdom, and memory is its mother.
  • A genius does not shout his wisdom from the roof of a house.
  • With age comes wisdom.
  • Knowledge prides itself on knowing much; wisdom is humble and says that it knows little yet.


  • Wealth and grace go from wisdom to art.
  • Whoever gets up early will find wisdom.
  • Wisdom is the least burdensome travel bag.
  • Wisdom bypasses the ruins of madness.


  • Wisdom is a good buy, although it may be expensive for us.
  • Wisdom in a man, and patience in a wife, brings peace to the house and a happy life. (In this article you will find some ways).
  • Much wisdom is strangled in the poor man's head.
  • Money can replace any wisdom.


  • There is no wisdom below the belt.
  • Beauty passes, wisdom remains.
  • Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.
  • In an empty stomach there is neither wisdom nor courage.
  • You cannot buy wisdom abroad if you do not have it at home.

Proverbs about wisdom from all over Africa

  • Too much wit harms wisdom.
  • One head cannot contain all wisdom.
  • Wisdom that every person can wear in any weather.
  • Wisdom outweighs strength.
  • Wisdom is like a baobab tree that no one can reach.
  • A madman lacks wisdom.
  • Do not underestimate the wisdom of the ancestors.
  • If wisdom is measured by the size of a beard, then the goat is the philosopher king.
  • Knowledge without wisdom is like water poured into sand.
  • To become wise, you need to remember the wisdom of your ancestors.
  • If you watch closely, then you will find wisdom even in the shadows.

  • Whoever wants to grind millet should use knowledge of rainy clouds and winds wisely.
  • The ability to remain silent is wisdom from the ancestors.
  • Wisdom is not like
  • With great knowledge there is much sorrow, and with great wisdom there is much weeping.
  • The old men and women in the village are books of history and wisdom.
  • If you fill your head with pride, you won't have room for wisdom.
  • The wisdom of the elderly is like the sun, it illuminates the village and the great river.
  • There is more wisdom in listening than in speaking.
  • Never confuse wisdom with luck.
  • The turtle stores its wisdom in its own shell.

Proverbs and sayings about wisdom: Asia and the East

Arabic proverbs

  • Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
  • Wisdom has ten parts, where nine parts are silence and one part is just a few words.
  • Words of wisdom come from ordinary people.
  • Wisdom is not with those who are able, but with those who love. (Read on this site).


  • Beauty is the wisdom of women.
  • Great doubts in deep wisdom.
  • A person is endowed with intelligence at birth, but he needs to acquire wisdom.
  • There is no wisdom to shut up.
  • Deep doubts - deep wisdom; a little doubt, a little wisdom.
  • Wisdom in difficult conditions is like a pine tree remaining green even in winter.
  • The beginning of wisdom is to call a spade a spade.
  • The palace leads to glory, the market leads to fortune, and loneliness leads to wisdom.
  • There is no wisdom where there is total silence.
  • Wisdom is gained by learning to control one's tongue.


  • Wisdom and virtue are like two wheels on a cart.
  • Knowledge without wisdom is like hundreds of books up your ass.
  • Wisdom is lost in the fat man's body.
  • It is only through suffering and sorrow that we acquire wisdom not found in books.
  • Wealth interferes with wisdom.


  • The rivalry of scientists advances wisdom.
  • Silence is a fence around wisdom.
  • The greatest wisdom is kindness.
  • What is the use of wisdom when madness reigns?
  • If you want to have a reputation as a wise man, agree with everyone.
  • He who trains in wisdom cultivates true courage.
  • Wisdom without morality is like a ring without a precious stone.

Proverbs about stupidity and wisdom from around the world

  • Develop wisdom from the stupidity of others. (Romanian)
  • A fool develops emptiness and disappointment over the years, because he spent his childhood and youth on the thoughtless satisfaction of his momentary desires. (In this article you will find).
  • Wisdom becomes foolishness if one is not guided by it. (Persian)
  • Wisdom makes a poor man a king, a weak man a powerful man, and a foolish man a wise man. (Irish)
  • Wisdom is to a foolish man, like a comb to a bald man. (African)
  • Useless wisdom and stupidity are equal. (Icelandic)
  • The greatness of wisdom is that it allows you to recognize your own stupidity. (English)
  • It is useless to learn wisdom in order to then live foolishly. (Dutch)
  • A fool is one who boasts of his own wisdom. (French)

  • A foolish person who tries to replace wisdom with knowledge will lose understanding. (African)
  • By doing stupid things, a man learns wisdom. (Jewish)
  • People can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools have been known to the world as scientists. (Spanish)
  • Too much wisdom leads to stupidity. (German)
  • Useless wisdom is a kind of double stupidity. (Icelandic)
  • If wisdom has a price, then stupidity has a dollar. (Dutch)
  • Even a stupid fool can find wealth or the love of a woman for himself, but wisdom will never be born in his stupidity. (Norwegian)
  • A man is considered intelligent when he seeks wisdom, but if he insists that he has found it, then he becomes a fool. (Iranian)
  • If a rich man eats a snake, they will say that it is because of his wisdom. If the poor man ate it, then they will say that it is because of his stupidity. (Arabic)
  • After stupidity it is impossible to learn wisdom. (Czech)
  • The foolish one delights in evil behavior, but the man of understanding thrives on wisdom. (Italian)

Sayings about wisdom from around the world

  • One word of wisdom can replace a hundred ordinary words. (Tibet)
  • Adversity brings wisdom. (Vietnam)
  • Wisdom can be found in travel. (Sri Lanka)
  • Excessive boasting drives away wisdom. (Philippines)
  • Gold without wisdom is like clay without a potter. (Slovakia)
  • Do more things with wisdom rather than force. (Hungary)
  • Seek wisdom as a beggar seeks riches. (Burma)

  • Wisdom is easy to bear, but difficult to develop. (Czech Republic)
  • Wisdom is better than strength. (Romania)
  • Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard. (Swedish)
  • When anger comes, wisdom goes. (Hindi) (In this article you can learn about)
  • Wisdom in books (Burma)
  • Meditation is the essence of wisdom. (Persian saying)

Aphorisms about wisdom

  • The economy is the wealth of the poor and the wisdom of the rich. (France)
  • If old age were the same as wisdom, any old donkey would be a famous judge of justice. (Portugal)
  • Beauty without wisdom is like a flower in the mud. (Romania)
  • When passion enters the front gate, wisdom enters the backyard. (Spain)
  • Wet your tongue with wisdom, then give advice. (Israel)
  • The useless remarks of the rich are perceived by the poor as axioms of wisdom. (Ecuador)
  • A person who is able to admit the mistakes he has made is on the path to wisdom. (Colombia)
  • Each person must act in the rhythm of his time ... such is wisdom. (Poland)
  • Wisdom comes only when you stop fruitlessly searching for it and start living the life that the Creator has given you. (India)
  • Seek wisdom, not just knowledge. Knowledge is rooted in the past, while wisdom is rooted in the future. (India)
  • The boss's wisdom is a list of old stories, good and bad. (Kashmir)
  • Wisdom and serenity should not go hand in hand in one person. (Kashmir)


I hope you enjoyed these proverbs about wisdom collected from around the world. In this collection, I tried to include proverbs, sayings and aphorisms that are not found and unfamiliar to our reader, with which our world is so rich. Share them with your friends to lift their spirits.

Sincerely, Helen.

In conclusion, look at 20 wise Jewish proverbs.

We, adults, often say to children the following phrase: “What do you understand in life? Here you will grow ... "

I also thought that a child of 2 or 3 years old does not think at all about what life is. But my grandson, when he was 2.5 years old, made me change my mind.

Once my daughter went to the store with him. And, like many small children, the grandson began to ask for something there. But the strict mother did not follow his lead. Then the child stepped aside and uttered a monstrous phrase: "I'm tired of living!"

So you need to start talking about life with children as early as possible. And this can be done with the help of proverbs.

If you are alive, you will be well fed.

Thrift is better than wealth.

Worry about what to buy, not about what to sell.

Be afraid to live, but don't be afraid to die.

Live and learn.

In one hour you can destroy what has been created for centuries.

On the way you need a companion, but in life - sympathy.

In a difficult hour, perseverance is needed; in an hour of fun, vigilance is needed.

Loyalty is known during great troubles.

Praising yourself is a waste of time. If you are good, they will understand.

Speak to the point, live according to your conscience.

It is always easier to act fairly in good fortune than in misfortune.

Don't judge others, look at yourself.

Trust and life are lost only once.

Learn until death, correct yourself until the grave.

Life is given for good deeds.

Life is measured not by years, but by labors.

To live life is not a field to cross.

Life is like a river: it flows on its own.

I live the way I live, not the way people want.

Live quietly - you will not see dashing.

Live according to your strength, stretch according to prosperity.

Life will stretch - everything will get.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.

Know more and say less.

Seek profit for yourself, and do not wish death to another.

What it is to live, such is to be sung.

Who gets up early, he lives long.

Who gets up early, God gives him.

It is better to walk and sit down on the way than to run and lie down.

Don't be afraid to slow down, be afraid to stop.

Do not live as you want, but live as you can!

Nothing is over for one who is alive.

Do not live those days that have passed.

It is not the one who lives longer who lives longer.

Wear a dress - do not take it off, endure grief - do not say.

They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.

Note the weekdays, and the holidays themselves will come.

Do your best and leave the rest to fate.

The destiny of life is patience, for there are more enemies than friends.

Walk - do not stagger, speak - do not stumble. Eat - do not overeat, stop - do not swing.

Rather than wishing the death of an enemy, it is better to wish a long life for yourself.

Sayings about life

Save money about a rainy day.

I always take it on my own, so as not to grunt when walking.

It all went away like a fire.

Everything went down the drain.

It was in the hands, but it floated on the fingers.

They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

You can't jump above your head.

Goal like a falcon, but sharp like a razor.

A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

Business time, fun hour.

Lives, does not live, but lives lives.

Live not as you want, but as God commands.

Lives - chews bread. Asleep - smokes the sky.

Live everyone with your good, but with your hump.

Life goes like clockwork.

Penny to penny - the family will live.

It is easier to live with money than to make money.

It's cold outside, and the money is melting in your pocket.

Looking at people, to live - to cry at yourself.

Not affordable.

There is silk on the belly, and a click in the belly!

The father accumulated, and the son became cowardly.

Fluff to fluff - and a perinka will come out.

Live with ours and chew on porridge, then you will know.

Learn to dance from a young age - you won’t learn in old age.

The ruble makes money, and two - lives.

Work saves money, and hop drowns money.

If you want to ride - know how to carry sleds.

Rather than smoke like rotten straw, it is better to flare up and burn out immediately.

What was - then swam away, and the former overgrown with past.

What goes around comes around.

Yesterday I asked my grown nine-year-old grandson: “Stas, what is life?” And he answered me: “Life is joy, because everyone is healthy and happy. Because I can chat with my friends. Because my family is next to me. Life is when I wake up in the morning and I want to smile!”

Well said! So be healthy, live richly!

And a long journey begins with a close one ... Laconically and at the same time very deep. We invite you to get acquainted with the spiritual wealth and philosophy of life in Japan.

1. If the problem can be solved, then you should not worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then it is useless to worry about it.

2. Having thought - make up your mind, and having decided - do not think.

3. Do not delay the departing, do not drive away the newcomer.

4. Fast is slow, but without interruptions.

5. Better to be an enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad one.

6. There are no great people without ordinary people.

7. To ask is ashamed for a minute, and not to know is a shame for life.

8. When you draw a branch, you need to hear the breath of the wind.

9. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

10. There are no great people without ordinary people.

11. Whoever strongly desires to go upstairs will invent a ladder.

12. A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

13. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

14. The sun does not know the right. The sun knows no wrong. The sun shines without the purpose of warming someone. The one who finds himself is like the sun.

15. And a long journey begins with a close one.

16. Even if the sword is needed once in a lifetime, it must always be worn.

17. Beautiful flowers do not bear good fruit.

18. No one stumbles while lying in bed.

19. The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.

20. One kind word can warm three winter months.

21. Make way for fools and lunatics.

22. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

23. Grief, like a torn dress, must be left at home.

24. Do your best and leave the rest to fate.

25. Excessive honesty borders on stupidity.

26. Happiness comes to a house where they laugh.

27. When there is love, smallpox ulcers are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks.

28. It happens that a leaf sinks, and a stone floats.

29. Cold tea and cold rice are tolerable, but a cold look and a cold word are unbearable.

30. A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

  1. What are their differences?
  2. Working on them
  3. To the sounds A-Z, I-S, E
  4. On T-D, V-F, K-G
  5. Sounds R-R, L-L, M, N
  6. Sayings on Ts, Zh-Sh, Ch-Sch

Russian proverbs and sayings are apt expressions, the so-called "catch phrases" invented and used by the Russian people. And also these are borrowed phrases from written sources and literary works, briefly and succinctly expressing wise and deep thoughts. Most Russian proverbs and sayings consist of two or more rhyming and proportional parts. Proverbs almost always have a direct and figurative meaning. Often there are several variants of proverbs with similar morals. This is called the moral invariant:

Business before pleasure.

You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.

The work of the master is afraid.

What are their differences?

A proverb is a figurative and apt expression that reflects some kind of life phenomenon. As a rule, they do not make sense, and they are limited to various allegorical expressions. This is their main difference between sayings and proverbs.

Prove that you are not a camel.

Don't keep a fig in your pocket.

Wind in my head.

Keep your nose to the wind.

Proverbs differ from sayings in a more meaningful sense. The ancient proverbs that have survived to this day date back to the 12th century.

A proverb is a genre of folklore that is of interest to people, is the most mysterious, and also the most incomprehensible. They clearly express the experience accumulated over the years and the mind of an entire nation. According to proverbs, one can judge the values ​​of the people, they reflect the most different aspects of people's lives.

Proverbs arose during the primitive communal system, they were passed from mouth to mouth. Their main feature is the conciseness and accuracy of the transmitted information. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. In the first - there is a description of the subject, and in the second - there is an expressive assessment of the oral object or phenomenon.

Thus, proverbs are not only the most ancient genre of oral folk art, but also modern, of interest to scientists and people.

On the left is a proverb, on the right is a proverb

Working on them

To the sounds A-Z, I-S, E

Dv A wait for wives A mil A former A et: as in the hut at input at t yes, how did you get out at T.

Sun I who cares A its I parties A.

This is n A our floor I I of the year.

Kom A r p A rnu n O gu giving And l.

Kom at it's not a year And tsya, that one is not a year And tsya.

Crazy heads A- legs A m p A lip.

B A ba drunk A- all alien A.

Two br A the one with Arb A ta, O ba hump A You.

Apt e no matter what A vit v e ka.

B A ba on the bases A r three g O yes serch A la, a baz A p tog O and don't notice A l: sobir A sighed and collected A lysya.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

Poverty is not a vice, but a misfortune.

Oatmeal itself xv A lit, a gr e helluva people xv A lit.

Welcome, and the hat itself.

Don't swing the stick and the dog won't bark.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Make mistakes, admit it.

The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar A.

And quiet water shore A washes away.

Tyap yes blunder - the ship will not come out.

Proverbs for the sounds of I-Y

And where cabbage soup, there and search And.

Water with him And be that in the nettle garden And tsya.

Where is the lie And in - there Mr. And lo.

Pasha is not lazy, you will live happily.

Famously does not lie quietly.

Antipas not l And pa, and, tearing off the bast, do not cover.

It would be desirable A nie, rest adj O lives.

Not estimated I With And ly, do not raise A th in And ly.

Don't fight the strong, don't sue the rich.

Do not be proud of the title, but be proud of the knowledge.

Thunderstorm And t mouse to a cat, yes from a hole.

TO And flinched, and turned over.

He boasted, boasted, but fell downhill.

There would be bread, but with teeth s shy.

What is Martin, such is his altyn.

To whom is the rank, to whom is the pancake, and to whom is the wedge.

glance And sh - a picture, and a look And sh - cattle.

They came not called, let's not fight.

wolf A mi live - like a wolf howl.

St A thawed, sv A thawed, yes everything and popr I thawed.

Chalk And, Emelya, your week.

Business is time, fun is an hour.

For the right thing to become bold.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Not Spanish O rv affairs, m A you won't be a jerk.

young heart r e call full O.

Know how to work, know how and have fun.

Check first, then believe.

A bad honor when there is nothing to eat.

Eat while the bread is fresh.

Who cherishes the earth, the earth pities.

M O lodo - h e lazy, take a walk in e lazy.

First on the board, first on the answer.

Lost - do not say, found - do not show.

Honor honor, yes business business.

Do not rely on grandfather for someone else's dinner.

Went prov e give yes left to dine.

Skill will always find an application e nee.

Patience gives skill.

Human recognition A eat when from seven stoves with him cabbage soup A eat.

Proverbs for the sounds O-Yo, Z-S, U-Yu, P-B

Lots of p O that, yes a little pr O ku.

Couch potato and the sun is not in p O ru rises.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The cat sees milk, yes r s lo k O rotko.

A living word is more precious than a dead letter.

Lives - does not reap, but chews bread.

Who is the day before O that slave O melts, that insomnia at night And does not know.

work until p O that, and eat in the hunt.

Strong as he can, as much as he can O zhet.

What O tree, so is the fruit.

Red O the field is millet, and speech is the mind.

Owls O k, yes not l O wok.

Who wants, he can.

As you live, so you will be known.

I don't understand your hint.

Bel speaks O, but makes black O.

Without truth, not living, but howling.

What's with the cart A lo then prop A lo.

Badly O vtsam, where the wolf is the governor.

This is a hedgehog, you can’t take it with your hands.

Top is clear, bottom is dirty.

Not all that glitters is gold.

Flattery without teeth, but with bones will eat.

When the owner is close, and the cat will cope with the dog.

V l And hosti yes z A see no matter O ku no no r A achieve

Top is clear, bottom is dirty.

Oatmeal porridge And lass, as if with cow butter And lass.

Say with a fingernail O to, but they will retell with an elbow O To.

You can't keep up with your tongue even barefoot.

Zn A if only a neighbor would recognize us e dka.

I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven.

skaz A l - what knot O m stuck A l.

He sings, he listens, he praises himself.

Stab, fight, but still hope.

Do not sit in your sleigh.

sun si I no, but the month is only St. e tit.

Sun I who has his own sleep O vka.

Strength by strength - os And only, but force is beyond the power - os I go.

Kindness is everything to live and grow And, but evil, so that from the path And sweep away.

Youth is not a sin, and old age is not laughter.

To the sounds of woo

You will not be smart with someone else's mind.

Tr at tnyam holiday and b at days.

Science is not flour.

And it doesn’t blow in the mustache, and it doesn’t lead with the ear.

For a friend - everything is not t at go.

Friend so far s- the same n e Friend.

stupid wasp at dit and smart rass at dit.

You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.

White pens other people's work s love.

I don’t sleep, I don’t doze off Yu, and all d at mayu doom at.

himself at bit who doesn't like people.

Feels the heart and friend and e friend.

If there was a friend, there will be dos at G.

Friendship from hostility live close.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

People think, they think of something, but we think, we don’t get out of thinking.

Live with the mind - t e to sew, to live without a mind - to suffer.

One is grieving, and art e l is fighting.

called gr at zdem - climb into the body.

A bad friend's service is resilient.

Beloruchka is not a worker.

Pobal at eat - spoil at eat.

Trouble will come - it will knock you off your feet.

There would be a bull, but there would be meat.

Watch out for trouble while it's gone.

Trouble is not trouble, trouble drives.

Inactivity is the sister of disease.

They are greeted by the dress, escorted by the mind.

Srobel is gone.

Bestolkov, yes A mindful.

Hurry, don't rush, hurry up.

Life lived And t - not a field to go.

The awl shaves from people, but even the razor does not take from us.

If not, mushrooms would grow, but all porcini would.

Good - good memory.

You plow deeper - you will take more bread.

Not the stupid one who is stingy with words, but the stupid one who is actually stupid.

Hit or miss.

If it were not for the baldness, then there would be no head.

There will be rain, there will be fungi, and there will be fungi, there will be boxfish.

On T-D, V-F, K-G

Do not teach idleness, teach needlework.

To live without work is only to smoke the sky.

Not known - a friend, but known - two.

Art e pour the city take.

Literacy is a second language.

Fedot, but not that one.

Who amuses, about that and the people speak.

fool fool xv A lit.

Still waters run deep.

A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday on Monday.

Where two fools fight, there is a third watching.

Whoever has a lot of work ahead, he does not look back.

You are for the cause, and the cause is for you.

The work of the master is afraid.

A good tree brings good fruit.

And there is no leaf on leaf on the tree.

Friendship is strong A not flattery, but truth and honor.

Good is not sought from good.

Expect praise for a good deed s boldly.

Take care of the dress O Wu, and honor from a young age.

Things went well - and I'm glad about that.

Not to the point, but to the point.

People are not judged by words A m, and according to their cases A m.

V-F sounds

Live and learn.

How not to believe, but do the work.

Every vegetable has its time.

From a sick head to a healthy one.

One for all and all for one.

If all the people breathe, there will be wind.

If you lie, you won’t die, but they won’t believe ahead.

Curls curl, but do not forget about the matter.

Everything has its time.

Time does not wait.

It's not that the sheep A V O Lka ate, but the point is how she e la.

He flew high, and sat in the chicken coop.

Time paints, bezvr e meunier st A rit.

VR e don't turn me on O silence.

Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

In war, the army is strong as a governor.

Yesterday's glory in the war does not live.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt. Autumn a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

Evidently, Arsenya will have to wait until Sunday.

Who whom l Yu bit, that one and the goal at bit.

Sense of the century, but there is no sense.

The cat loves milk, but the stigma is short O.

The cat gets used to the house, and the dog to the person.

Red A river banks.

Pebbles rolled down the hill, pounded against the deck.

not sun I something l s ko in strings at.

Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.

Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.

Any goat climbs into insects.

When it's hot in the oven, then it's cooked.

Who has what taste: who loves melon, who loves watermelon.

It's not about boots - you can't throw off your feet.

Gorky A work, yes bread is sweet.

What's the job, what's the pay.

TO O los from to O moose not heard A t and g O moose.

Literacy is always useful to learn.

It is bad for the tongue to shout when the hands are silent.

Wandered the sandpiper And: no bread, no flour.

Without literacy as in the dark.

Sounds R-R, L-L, M, N

Truth is the light of reason.

A good spinner has woven shirts.

Aunt Arina spoke sweetly.

Good temper, yeah O ditch not good.

Diligence is learned for three years, laziness - for three days.

Craft not bark s layer - the shoulders will not pull.

A frisky foal and the wolf does not take.

Speech is quiet, but the heart is dashing.

Joy straight And t, steep And on cr Yu cheat.

Not years st A ryat, but grief.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

Rejoiced at the crumbs, yes the carpet And gu lost.

The old horse will not spoil the furrow.

Seven gates, but all in the garden.

The hand washes the hand, and the rogue is a rogue A covers.

An old sparrow on the pulp And you won't pass.

The old raven will not croak in vain.

Hands work, and the head feeds.

The early bird cleans the sock, and the late one pierces the eyes.

Chop the tree for yourself.

Lyovka is doing well.

The fox tribe only flatters and beckons.

The moth eats clothes, but the sadness of a person.

An affectionate word and an affectionate look and a ferocious to the hands of prim A nit.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better.

It's easy to brag, it's easy to fall down.

Youth is stronger with shoulders, old age is stronger with head.

They danced that they were left without bread.

The sun is shining, but we haven't eaten yet.

Big in body, small in deed.

Once he lied, he became a liar forever.

Went for oil, and went out in the oven.

Caresses in the eyes, and A zew barks.

The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.

Fili had it, he drank it at Fili's, and he beat Fili.

The wolf catches, but they catch in O lka.

Word no arrows A, but clings to the heart.

He ate not ate, but sat at the table.

Small spool but precious.

Boastful word Mr. And lo.

Tree look into fruit A x, a man in business.

Proverbs for sound M

Mal is small less.

Lots of good ones, but no sweet ones.

You want a lot - you can do a little.

I call a lot, but little sense.

Mutit, like a water mill.

Don't trust me A crowbar yes onion A vomu.

A hundred cowardly will not replace one courageous one.

The miller is not afraid of noise, they O rushes.

Soap ser O yes washes white O.

Clings like a fly to honey.

Exchanged the awl for soap.

In cute no post s logo, but in the post s scrap no cute.

Be able to speak, be able to be silent.

Lots of smoke, but little heat.

Young in years, old in deeds.

Let's rest and see if we're sitting well.

You can't walk past the peas and past the girls.

Many summers, and many already gone.

I remember a lot, but do not return.

My home is my castle.

How not to throw - everything is a wedge.

There is no snow and no trace.

Every day is not Sunday.

Seven Fridays in a week.

Thick at first, empty at the end.

Dinner is not needed, there would be lunch.

Our fidget is neither at home nor at the neighbor's.

Pig eyelids do not look at the sky.

Where the tail is the beginning, there the head is the bast.

An elephant does not chase a mouse.

Sleepy and lazy - two brothers.

Not all bad weather, the sun will peep through.

Put the pig on the table, she will put her feet on the table.

The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

Wake up and take a stump for a wolf.

Do not sniff lemons with a pork snout.

They do not fight by force, by skill.

Don't rejoice when you find it, don't cry when you lose it.

The bear is wrong that he ate the cow; not right and the cow that went into the forest.

Almsgiving is not like an old man.

Sayings on Ts, Zh-Sh, Ch-Sch

Bow - forward useful.

He cares like a wolf about sheep.

A hut is not cut down with a cry, but the matter is not argued with noise ..

Doesn't get carried away like a chicken and an egg.

Happiness does not wind in the air, but is taken by hand.

You tell the chicken, and she's the whole street.

For mother and father, and the pig goes well done.

Every well done to his example.

Give a question A twists, and we will be A to go.

The leg will stumble, and the head will get.

Whoever fights for happiness, to that it tends.

Those who are proud are no good.

Not everything happens as it is said.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

Day ring, night done well.

Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep himself.

A flatterer is like a snake under flowers.

He bows, he bows, he will come home and stretch out.

The horse also stumbles, but recovers.

Caring like a wolf O vzah.

Sounds of W-SH

Hurry, don't make people laugh.

Murder will out.

What goes around comes around.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

As you lay down, so you sleep.

Who trembles, he runs.

What you go for, you will find.

The earlier you start, the earlier you finish.

Whose to at shano, togo and sl at shano.

Izh And l n at waiting, forgot, etc. at zhbu.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Good glory lies under the bench, and bad fame runs far.

good to A shka, yes small A h A scale.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Fear has eyes that are like bowls, but they do not see a crumb.

And we will eat, and we will dance, we will only plow the arable land.

To live with someone else's mind is not to make good.

It's not nice to eat lying down.

Feel sorry for the bag - not to see a friend.

What you reap is what you grind.

Proverbs in Ch-Sch

I cry, I cry, but I hide grief.

Which hour strikes, we will count it.

Wait from h A sa for an hour.

Happiness is on horseback, misfortune is under horseback.

Shchi - at least rinse your head.

R s bar s fight with s that.

Honor is honor, and business is business.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.

Clean as a chimney sweep.

From a pure heart, pure eyes see.

Though a sheep's coat, but a human soul.

Where good cabbage soup, do not look for other food.

A shaft from a flea, an ax handle from a match.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

At least for an hour, but jump.

The nose is pulled out - the tail is stuck, the tail is pulled out - the nose is stuck.

Don't look at the name, look at the bird.

Happiness would not happen, but misfortune helped.

In a hurry - a lump and a bunch.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

A wonderful miracle, a marvelous marvel: from a black cow and white milk.

1. He who wants to teach someone who has a high opinion of his mind is wasting his time.

2. Small children are heavy on the knees, and big ones on the heart.

3. Good spouses have two souls, but one will.

4. A thin face has a thin custom.

5. Everyone hears what they understand.

6. A fool fails because the complex seems simple to him, and a smart one because the simple seems to him difficult.

7. When it's fun, you want to live; when you are sad, you want to die even tomorrow.

8. A noble person knows only duty, a low person knows only benefit.

9. The good and the best soon become boring and everyday.

10. Other people's stupidity never makes us smart.

11. There is nothing worse than a fool who wants to portray a smart guy.

12. Who knows nothing, and there is nothing to be mistaken about.

13. What we sin in youth, we have to atone for in old age.

14. It is dangerous to deceive the state, but there is no sense in nature.

15. My wealth is visible in the fact that I do not have it.

16. A smart woman can behave as she pleases.

17. It is difficult to speak intelligently, it is even more difficult to remain silent intelligently.

18. There are many people who read a lot in order not to think about anything.

19. He who thinks to do good does not have time to do it.

20. The ability to be old is an art, not everyone knows how to master it.

21. Living with a person you love is as difficult as loving with a person you live with.

22. Better a little and good than a lot and bad.

23. You can not love either the one you are afraid of or the one who is afraid of you.

24. A well-organized brain costs more than a well-filled brain.

25. Silence sometimes hides the most cruel criticism.

26. Men are interested in what they think about them, women, what they say about them.

27. The one who has nothing more to say speaks the most.

28. A fool speaks, but there is an even greater fool who will admire him.

29. The rarer the pleasure, the more pleasant it is.

30. Individualism is an accentuated weakness.

31. We live too short and die too long.

32. Self-control is the key to possession.

33. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

34. There are more fools in the world than swindlers, otherwise they would have nothing to live on.

35. Women are never as strong as when they arm themselves with weaknesses.

36. He who boasts that he had many friends actually had none.

37. By old age, you acquire experience that cannot be used.

38. He who considers himself limited is closest to the truth.

39. Half-truths are harder to expose than pure lies.

40. Do not be sad that people do not know you, be sad that you do not know people.

41. Where the mind is lacking, everything is lacking.

42. Being too smart is the most shameful kind of stupidity.

43. You have to be so proud to be above pride.

44. Money interferes equally when it is and when it is not.

45. In order to receive recognition, it is necessary, no - it is necessary, to die.

46. ​​Most fools read little, but there is another category - these are fools stuffed who study a lot.

47. Use present pleasures so as not to harm in the future.

48. In order not to be guilty, you need to be right a hundred times.

49. Many receive awards not according to ability, but according to need.

50. My God, how old I am! I still remember decent people.

51. A fool who confesses that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

52. Youth is happy that it has a future.

53. Laziness is like rust - it corrodes.

54. A short mind has a long tongue.

55. An angry fist does not hit a smiling face.

56. Modest is the person who irritates others the least.
57. If you only tell the truth, you won't need to remember anything.
Mark Twain.

58. Knowing too much or too little of a friend interferes with intimacy.
L. Tolstoy.

59. Not the stupid one who does not know, but the one who does not want to know.

60. Men say whatever they want about women, and women do whatever they want with them.

61. The true age is not recorded in the passport, but on the walls of blood vessels.

62. Nothing empties the mind like empty talk.

63. My wealth is visible in the fact that I do not need it.

64. I am grateful to those who will honor me and twice grateful to those who refuse this honor.

65. There are no gloomy ideas, there are gloomy people.

66. There are limits to reading, but not to the mind.

67. What we know is limited, but what we do not know is unlimited.

68. A good upbringing reliably protects against people who are poorly educated.
69. There are limits for a genius, but no for the mind.

70. Fighting yourself is the strongest opponent.

71. ... half-smart and half-stupid people are equally dangerous.

72. Being completely frank is as indecent as nudity.

73. When a person has no means, it is better that his life is not conspicuous.

74. The best questions are those that you are able to find answers to.

75. If a fool were not afraid to say something stupid, he would not be a fool.

76. A deceiver ultimately deceives himself.

77. Don't always say what you think, but always know what you are saying.

78. When we care about the happiness of others, we find our own.

79. Happy is he who is happy at home.
L. Tolstoy.

80. The worst desire is to be liked by absolutely everyone.

81. Better a terrible end than horror without end.
82. The wife is not the property of the husband, the husband is not the property of the wife.
83. Imagine that you are washing, and there comes a tour.
Ranevskaya (apparently complaining about how difficult it is to be popular).

84. No need to fight with the shortcomings of the whole world, you can get back.

85. Wrinkles should indicate only those places where smiles used to be.
Mark Twain.

86. Stupidity, even when it reaches its goal, is never satisfied.

87. When a person has a life, it is better not to be conspicuous.

88. Why is a person who has nothing to say not silent?

89. I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.

90. Of the two arguing, the one who is smarter is to blame.

91. The greatest poverty is the poverty of the heart.

92. Wisdom has an edge, stupidity is boundless.

93. Accept as truth what you cannot change yourself.

94. Do not do good, you will not receive evil.
95. Respect can be only for the strong, only compassion for the weak.

96. ... to break a mirror to avoid meeting a fool.
(It is a pity that the author is not known to me).

97. If a sharp word left traces, we would go all dirty.

98. Being in love is happiness, love is pain.

99. To sleep before the children, to eat to the teeth.

100. Opening the secret corners of our souls, we risk becoming the object of universal ridicule, and, as has happened more than once, our revelation will be the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
Stephen King (And why, in fact, not - still the most popular author of the past century).

101. Actions are not the result of the way of thinking, but the way of thinking is the result of character. Truth has nothing to do with it. Truth doesn't exist at all.
S. Maugham.

102. Sin is an empty prejudice, from which it is time for a free person to get rid of. In the struggle against the human personality, society uses three weapons: the law, public opinion and conscience; law and public opinion can be outwitted, but conscience is a traitor in its own camp.
S. Maugham.

103. Right is always on the side of the strong.
S. Maugham.

104. Love has teeth, and they bite, love inflicts wounds that never heal, and no words can make these wounds heal. There is truth in this contradiction: when wounds from love heal, love itself is already dead. The kindest words can kill love.
S. King.

105. When you want to consult someone about your business, first of all pay attention to how he arranges his affairs.

106. An angry person is always full of poison.

107. Each person is a reflection of his inner world. As a person thinks, such is he in life.

108. Frivolity is characteristic of a flourishing age.

109. Each age has its own characteristics.

110. Only the family as a whole represents a person.

111. Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens the door.
Saint Exupery.

112. Who firmly knows what to do - he tames fate.
N. Miklukha-Maclay.

113. The impact of pressure depends on the material: some are compressed under pressure, others are straightened.
S. Lets.

114. Weakness of character is the only flaw that cannot be corrected.

115. Thrift, kindness and naivety are a vice for men, but a virtue for women.
A. Hasdai.

116. Good people become more from exercise than from nature.

117. To be bitter - they will spit it out, but to be sweet - they will swallow it.

118. Give a man everything he desires, and at that very moment he will feel that all this is not all.
I. Kant.

119. Only a very few live today, the majority are preparing to live later.
J. Swift.

120. At twenty - a peacock, at thirty - a lion, at forty - a camel ... at seventy - a monkey, at eighty - nothing.
B. Gracian.

121. People usually think that it is better to err in a crowd than to follow the truth alone.
K. Helvetius.

122. Many people mistake their memory for intellect and their views for facts.
P. Masson.

123. Man is nothing but a series of his actions.
G. Hegel.

124. It is better to suppress the first desire than to satisfy everything that follows it.
B. Franklin.

125. He is prudent who does not grieve over what he does not have, and, on the contrary, is glad for what he has.

126. Just as a medicine fails to reach its goal if the dose is too great, so are censure and criticism when they exceed the measure of justice.
A. Schopenhauer.

127. We rarely fully understand what we really want.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

128. Strong passions often hide only a weak will.
V. Klyuchevsky.

129. Only a person can be distracted.
V. Nabokov.

130. God can forgive us our sins, but the nervous system - never.
W. James.

131. Everyone is unhappy exactly as much as he considers himself unhappy.

132. The most incurable grief is imaginary grief.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach.

133. He who suffers earlier than necessary suffers more than necessary.

134. Endure without complaint what cannot be changed.
Pubilius Sir.

135. We are born in tears, we live complaining, and we die disappointed.
T. Fuller.

136. Hell and heaven are in your own soul.
S. Marechal.

137. Sitting on a pin, you forget about a toothache.
A. Bennett.

138. The weak in spirit always see everything through a mourning veil.
A. Dumas - father.

139. We create rules for others, exceptions for ourselves.

140. Love is the sister of lofty thoughts.
S. Schipachev.

141. Everyone sees what you seem to be, but few feel what you are.
N. Machiavelli.

142. A person's character can never be more accurately understood than by the joke at which he is offended.
G. Lichtenberg.

143. Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intent, but out of weakness of character.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

144. An old man, if he does not shine with intelligence, is always arrogant, arrogant and impregnable.
J. de LaBruère.

145. Whoever asks timidly will ask for a refusal.

146. Whoever respects himself inspires respect in others.

147. Change your attitude towards things that bother you, and you will be safe from them.
Marcus Aurelius.

148. Youth changes its tastes because of the ardor of feelings, but old age keeps them unchanged by habit.
F. de La Rochefoucauld

149. It is not the eyes that see, but the person; it is not the ear that hears, but the soul.

150. Man is like a brick: being offended, he becomes hard.
B. Show.

151. It is much easier to show wisdom in other people's affairs than in one's own.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

152. You are forever responsible for those whom you have tamed.
A. Saint-Exupery.

154. The strongest of all is the one who controls himself.

155. Everyone praises their friendship, but no one dares to praise his mind.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

156. When grief visits you, look around and console yourself: there are people whose lot is even harder than yours.

157. Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.
V. Hugo.

158. Our actions are more often determined by our character than by our interests.
R. Holl.

159. Even the truth should be kept silent if it brings misfortune.
Ancient Indian saying.

160. Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the way of life.

161. We are all smart when it comes to giving advice, but when it comes to avoiding mistakes, we are nothing more than children.

162. It is better to meet evil face to face than to think about it.

163. Love grows from long expectation.
And quickly goes out, having received its own.

164. Character is nothing but a long-term habit.

165. The less a person needs, the closer he is to the gods.

166. Gratitude is a sign of the nobility of the soul.

167. When you do not know words, there is nothing to know people.

168. There is no sin heavier than passions.
Lao Tzu.

169. Studies leave an imprint on character.

170. Excessive confidence usually leads to trouble.

171. Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

172. An evil tongue is a sign of an evil heart.
Pubilius Sir.

173. The bow breaks from tension, the spirit from relaxation.
Pubilius Sir.

174. Master the passions, otherwise the passions will master you.

175. A wise man struggles with passion, a fool becomes its slave.

176. Faithful love helps to endure all burdens.
F. Schiller.

177. Life turns and sways a man more abruptly, but it crushes a woman more strongly.
D. Pisarev.

178. Women's honor is more important than men's.
A. Schopenhauer.

179. To live not only in oneself, but also in another.
V. Solovyov.
180. Culture begins with the individual.
I. Kant.

181. The family is an organic whole.

182. Marriage follows love, just like smoke follows fire.
N. Chamfort.

183. An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.
G. Maupassant.

184. Remember that your children will treat you the same way you treat your parents.

185. Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you.

186. Conjugal love multiplies the human race, friendly love perfects it, while immoral corrupts and humiliates.
F. Bacon.

187. In one hour of love - a whole life
O. Balzac.

188. Losing the love of a woman, one can only blame oneself for the inability to keep this love.
N. Dobrolyubov.

189. Whoever wants new ways should go out not for a walk, but to work.
V. Veresaev.

190. A smart person differs from a fool in that when he gets angry, the smart one becomes a fool, and the fool becomes smart.
V. Klyuchevsky.

191. Great deeds are not done all at once.

192. Unfortunate is the man who does not do what he can and takes on what he does not understand.

193. Wanting is not enough, one must act.

194. Other people are like livers: they quickly go out of fashion.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

195. Getting by with a small amount of money is also a talent.
J. Renard.

196. Just thinking is not enough: you have to think about something definite.
J. Renard.

197. Now kindness is in fashion, but fashion will not last long.
J. Renard.

199. ... And if youth knew, and if old age could ....

200. Even Gods are powerless against stupidity.
F. Schiller.

201. Where there is thought, there is power.
V. Hugo.

202. The most pleasing to us are those words that give knowledge.

203. Talk to people according to their reason.

204. Fantasy is higher than knowledge.
A. Einstein.

205. Talent is a matter of quantity.
J. Renard.

206. He wore his laurel wreath on one side.
J. Renard.

207. I wonder what the eye does when covered with an eyelid.
J. Renard.

208. It is necessary that the word fights with the thought, but does not give it trips.
J. Renard.

209. The wisdom of people is not proportional to their experience, but to their ability to do so.
B. Show.

210. Consciousness of one's own strengths increases them.
L. de Vauvenargues.

211. If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius.
O. de Balzac.

212. A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
W. Blake.

213. Truth is worth the fact that we could not find it for several years.
J. Renard.

214. If you don't act, there's no point in going crazy.
Sh. Rustaveli.

215. It's never too early to ask yourself: am I doing business or trifles.
A. Chekhov.

216. Try to do great things, but do not promise anything great in advance.

217. Where morals are without enlightenment, or enlightenment without morals, it is impossible to enjoy happiness and freedom for a long time.

218. For a sage, fact is true poetry and the most beautiful of fairy tales.
R. Emerson.

219. You can recognize a true genius by the fact that all the dullards plot against him when he appears.
R. Emerson.

220. Even though there is no benefit to a person to lie, this does not mean that he is telling the truth: they lie simply in the name of lies.
B. Pascal.

221. Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless we learn.

222. Everyone loves to guess others, but no one likes to be guessed.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

223. Love for a neighbor is something different than love for a neighbor.
T. Gobbi.

224. I condemn any violence in raising a young soul.
M. Montaigne.

225. Love is one, but there are thousands of crafts for it.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

226. There are no people who, having ceased to love, would not begin to be ashamed of past love.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

227. We cannot fall in love a second time with those whom we once really stopped loving.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

228. In jealousy there is more selfishness than love.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

229. While people love, they forgive.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

230. There is such love, which in its highest manifestation leaves no room for jealousy.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

231. Any passion pushes to mistakes, but love pushes to the most stupid ones.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

232. There are different cures for love, but there is not a single reliable one.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

233. All violent passions do not suit women, but love does not suit them less than others.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

234. When a woman falls in love for the first time, she loves her lover; in the future, she loves only love.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

235. Vanity often makes us go against our inclinations than reason.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

236. Sometimes great talents are made up of bad qualities.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

237. People slander not so much out of a desire to do harm, but out of vanity.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

238. There are people who are destined to be fools: they do stupid things not only of their own free will, but also by the will of fate.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

239. Stubbornness is born from the limitations of our mind: we are reluctant to believe what goes beyond our horizons.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

240. Only great people have great vices.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

241. Is it really impossible to invent a means that would make women love their husbands?
J. de La Bruyère.

242. A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a man who would awaken love in her.
J. de La Bruyère.

243. True friendship hides charm, incomprehensible to ordinary people.
J. de La Bruyère.

244. Love begins with love; even the most ardent friendship can produce only the faintest semblance of love.
J. de La Bruyère.

245. It is difficult to distinguish from true friendship those relations that we establish in the name of love.
J. de La Bruyère.

246. We truly love only the first time; all our subsequent hobbies are no longer so reckless.
J. de La Bruyère.

247. Women know no middle ground in anything: they are either much worse or much better than men.
J. de La Bruyère.

248. If happiness lies in money, then give it to your neighbor.
J. Renard.

250. Honor is the soul of conjugal consent.
D. Fonvizin.

251. It is difficult to make a man happy by dooming a woman to suffering.
V. Hugo.

252. All men have shortcomings. Women are weaknesses.
E. Furmanov.

253. Women live longer than men because they do not stop taking care of their health.
E. Furmanov.

254. "Titmouse also set fire to the sea, and someone believed her for a minute."

255. The honeymoon began with a week of demonstration of the female character.
E. Furmanov.

256. Truthfulness is everywhere, and especially in education, the main condition.
L. Tolstoy.

257. In order for the upbringing of children to be successful, it is necessary that the educators educate themselves without ceasing.
L. Tolstoy.

258. Sincerity is a great and rare virtue, and we forgive her many weaknesses and sins.
G. Toro.
259. Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must be prudent without fail.
P. Beaumarchais.

260. Do not judge a person by what views he holds, but judge by what he has achieved with their help.
G. Lichtenberg.

261. There is no defeat until a person himself admits defeat.

262. The character of a person is best revealed when he speaks about the character of another.
J. Richter.

263. You should not enter politics unless you have thick skin like a rhinoceros.
F. Roosevelt.

264. When a wise man dies, it is difficult to replace him, but when a king dies, all Israel, without exception, is ready to ascend the throne.
Jewish proverb.

265. Happiness has no tomorrow; he does not have yesterday either; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that is not a day - but a moment.
I. Turgenev.

266. Everything that fate sends us, we evaluate depending on the disposition of the spirit.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

267. A person is never as happy or as unhappy as it seems to him.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

268. Some people repel, despite all their advantages, while others attract, despite all their shortcomings.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

269. The gratitude of the majority of people is nothing more than a hidden expectation of even greater blessings.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

270. Our pride suffers more when our tastes are condemned than when our views are condemned.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

271. If we were not overcome by pride, we would not complain about the pride of others.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

272. Pride is characteristic of all people; the only difference is how and when they show it.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

273. The equanimity of the sages is only the ability to hide one's feelings in the depths of one's heart.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

274. A person's happiness and unhappiness depend as much on his temper as on fate.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

275. Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

276. From the very birth of a person, apparently, the measure of his virtues and vices is predetermined.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

277. Doing good is easier than being kind.
J. Wolfram.

278. If you cannot improve yourself, then how can you improve other people.

279. Nothing softens the heart so much as the consciousness of one's guilt, and nothing petrifies it so much as the consciousness of one's rightness.

280. Passions are the enemies of peace, but without them there would be neither art nor science in this world, and everyone would doze naked on his dung heap.
A. France.

281. Not a single person wants to have passions; for who wants to put chains on himself when he can be free?
I. Kant.

282. All passions are good when we own them; everyone is bad when we obey them.
J. J. Rousseau.

283. It often happens that it is better not to notice an insult than to avenge it later.

284. Passions are the winds that blow the sails of a ship... sometimes they sink it, but without them it could not swim.

285. An example is stronger than a threat.
K. Corneille.

286. A good deed is done with effort; but when the effort is repeated several times, it becomes a habit.
L. Tolstoy.

287. In education, the whole point is who the educator is.
D. Pisarev.

288. Advice is like castor oil: you give enough of it, but it's damned unpleasant to take it.
B. Show.

289. Beatings and abuse are like opium: sensitivity to them is quickly dulled, and doses have to be increased.
G. Beecher Stowe.

290. Start nothing in anger! Foolish is he who boards a ship during a storm.
I. Gaug.

291. If you do not have bad thoughts, there will be no bad deeds.

292. If you go over the limit, then the most pleasant will become the most unpleasant.

293. What is natural is not shameful.

294. There is no love more sincere than the love of food.
B. Show.

295. Be attentive to your thoughts, they are the beginning of actions.
Lao Tzu.

296. Envy is nothing else than hatred itself, since another's misfortune causes pleasure, and, conversely, another's happiness causes displeasure.

297. Man is like a fraction: its numerical value is what he is, and the denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.
L. Tolstoy.

298. When a small man conceives a great undertaking, he always ends up reducing it to the level of his mediocrity.
N. Bonaparte.

299. Our shortcomings grow on the same soil as our virtues, and it is difficult to wrest one out while sparing the others.
I. Turgenev.

300. People without faults have very few virtues.
A. Lincoln.

301. You should not visit your friend too much, so that he does not get fed up with you and hate you.

302. In a dispute, boldness and eloquence often win, and not truth.

303. As rust eats away iron, so do envious people have their own temper.

304. Happy is not the one who seems like this to someone, but the one who feels like this.
Pubilius Sir.

305. The greatest fruit of justice is serenity.

306. Each of us is half of a person.

307. Being famous is ugly ... shameful, meaning nothing, being a parable on everyone's lips ...

308. Every woman can and should please.
J. J. Rousseau.

309. Nothing makes life so easy to bear as activity directed towards one goal.
F. Schiller.

310. The most important task of civilization is to teach man to think.
T. Edison.

311. What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained with the help of words that are not understood at all.
G. Flaubert.

312. He who has nothing to hope for has nothing to despair of.

313. I consider free one who does not hope for anything and is not afraid of anything.

314. To be satisfied with one's position, one must compare it with a worse position.
B. Franklin.

315. People tend to blame fate, the gods, and anything else for their misfortunes, but not themselves.

316. The expectation of happiness is a worse misfortune than misfortune itself.
T. Tasso.

317. In order to find peace in both worlds, observe two rules: be magnanimous with friends, restrained with enemies.

318. Scorpio stings not out of anger: such is his nature.

319. How few friendships would survive if everyone suddenly found out what friends are saying behind his back, although just then they are sincere and impartial.
B. Pascal.

320. We do not so much need the help of friends as the confidence that we will receive it.

321. If you want your friend not to notice your hump, don't look at his warts yourself.

322. Truth, legality, virtue, justice, meekness - all this can be combined in the concept of "honesty".

323. If you sow an act, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.
English proverb.

324. He who shouts in anger is ridiculous, but he who is silent in anger is terrible.

325. The best horses come out of the wildest foals, if only they are properly brought up and ridden.

326. The wheel of fate turns faster than the wings of a mill; and those who were above yesterday, today are cast into the dust.
M. Cervantes.

327. Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.
L. Vovenarg.

328. Be firm in striving for a goal and soft in the methods of achieving it.

329. Minor afflictions make a person soft, large ones callous and ferocious.
A. Chenier.

330. Everything passes in due time for those who know how to wait.
O. Balzac.

331. The revolution is prepared by geniuses, fanatics do it, and crooks enjoy the fruits.

332. If a person is able to listen to an insult with a smile, he is worthy to become a leader.
N. Bratslov.

333. There is no great mind without an admixture of madness.

334. Praise makes good people better, bad people worse.
T. Fuller.

335. Think slowly, but act decisively; give in generously, but resist firmly.
C. Colton.

336. Difficulties generate in a person the abilities necessary for overcoming.
W. Phillips.

337. A Russian peasant harnesses slowly, but drives fast.

338. A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them.
Seneca the Younger.

339. Everyone is worth as much as what he is busy with is worth.
M. Aurelius.

340. Why do people follow the majority? Is it because it's right? No, because it is strong.
B. Pascal.

341. Women admire handsome men, adore smart men, fall in love with good men, but marry willingly only strong men.
V. Klyuchevsky.

342. A man listens with his ears, a woman with her eyes; the first is to understand what is being said to him, the second is to please the one who speaks to her.
V. Klyuchevsky.

343. There are people so miserly, as if they were going to live forever, and so extravagant, as if they were going to die tomorrow.

344. Greed for money, if it is insatiable, is much more burdensome than need, for the more desires grow, the greater needs they give rise to.

345. Happy is he who, with small means, enjoys a good mood; unfortunate is he who, with great means, does not have spiritual joy.

346. They try gold with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

347. Jealousy is the art of inflicting even more harm on oneself than on others.
A. Dumas (son).

348. Test the temperament of your friends in various ways, especially see how someone is in anger.

349. Ambition in itself may be a vice, but it is often a source of dignity.

350. Shamelessness is a vice.
B. Mandeville.

351. Beauty, physical attraction and benevolence are inseparable.
D. Hume.

352. Happy circumstances exist for each of us, but not everyone knows how to use them.
N. Chernyshevsky.

353. Absolute truth is known in love.
P. Florensky.

354. The family is the most aristocratic form of life.
V. Rozanov.

355. A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.
I. Turgenev.

356. Love without respect can neither go far nor rise high; it is a one-winged angel.
A. Dumas (son).

357. The more a woman tries to compete with a man, the more she loses his love and devotion.
W. Schwebel.

358. A woman who attacks a man like a man is defeated as a woman even before the man begins to defend himself.
W. Schwebel.

359. One must enter into life not as a cheerful reveler, as into a pleasant grove, but with reverent awe, as into a sacred forest, full of life and mystery.
V. Veresaev.

360. With your love, with the memory of her
I am stronger than all the kings in the world.
W. Shakespeare.

361. Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father.
D. Diderot.

362. It should be remembered that we must extract from experience only the wisdom contained in it, and no more.
M. Twain.

363. In the majority of people, lethargy and laziness are stronger than even their ambition. Hence the success of fools.
A. Morua.

364. I swear on my honor, it's stupid enough to make a fool smart.
G. Lichtenberg.

365. It is not enough to count the impressions of experience; they must be weighed and compared, thought through and purified.
M. Montel.

366. Expect poison from stagnant water.
W. Blake.

367. An eagle never wasted so much time as when he agreed to learn from a crow.
W. Blake.

368. It is useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you.

369. Knowing good is more important than knowing much.
J. J. Rousseau.

370. It is wonderful to invent oneself, but to know and appreciate what others have found is less than to create?
I. Goethe.

371. Knowledge is always preceded by an assumption.
A. Humboldt.

372. True imagination requires brilliant knowledge.
A. Pushkin.

373. One must gain enough wisdom to forget about wisdom.
D. Feuchtwanger.

374. Do not strive to know everything, so as not to become ignorant in everything.

375. He who cannot concentrate in himself or is carried away by something, then, seeing, he will not see, hearing, he will not hear, while tasting, he will not distinguish the taste.

376. The moderation of happy people results from the tranquility bestowed by unfailing good fortune.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

377. The great surprises us, the insignificant repels us, habit reconciles us with both.
J. de La Bruyère.

378. Children have neither a past nor a future, but, unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.
J. de La Bruyère.

379. Not a very good character is one who does not tolerate the bad character of his neighbor: let us remember that both gold and small change are required in circulation.
J. de La Bruyère.

380. To laugh at the clever is the privilege of fools who play the same role in society as jesters at court, that is, none.
J. de La Bruyère.

381. Only one who has been waiting or is waiting for an inheritance from elderly relatives knows how dearly one has to pay for it.
J. de La Bruyère.

383. Most people judge their neighbors by their wealth or worldly success.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

384. No matter how we explain our sorrows, most often they are based on deceived self-interest or wounded vanity.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

385. There are few unattainable things in the world; if we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

387. We have no idea what our passions can push us to.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

388. Old age is a tyrant who, on pain of death, forbids us all the pleasures of youth.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

389. Where there is hope, there is also fear: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

390. Not a single flatterer flatters so skillfully as selfishness.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

391. Passion often turns an intelligent person into a fool, but no less often endows fools with intelligence.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

392. Recklessness can be cured, but a crooked mind cannot be corrected.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

393. Recognizing minor shortcomings, we thereby try to convince others that we do not have major ones.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

394. The mind and heart of a person, as well as his speech, preserve the shade of the country in which he was born.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

395. To become a great person, one must be able to skillfully use everything that fate offers.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

396. Many people, like plants, are endowed with hidden properties; only chance can discover them.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

397. Only a combination of circumstances reveals our essence to others and, most importantly, to ourselves.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

398. There can be no order in the mind and heart of a woman if her temperament is not in harmony with them.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

399. We are outraged by people who are cunning with us because they consider themselves smarter than us.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

400. Foolish people usually condemn everything that goes beyond their understanding.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

401. You can give reasonable advice to another, but you cannot teach him reasonable behavior.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

402. You can outwit one person, but you can't outwit everyone in the world.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

403. A wise man is happy being content with a little, but a fool is not enough; that's why all people are unhappy.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

404. It is better to nip a desire in the bud than to later satisfy all the desires born of it.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

405. We scold ourselves only to be praised.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

406. Nowhere can rest be found for what lies beyond our horizons.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

407. Self-confidence is the basis of our confidence in others.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

408. Truth does not suffer in the least from the fact that someone does not recognize it.

409. If we did not flatter ourselves, we would not be spoiled by someone else's flattery.
F. de La Rochefoucauld.

410. We should look back only for the sake of drawing lessons from past mistakes and benefiting from the good experience we have bought.
D. Washington.

411. If doing was as easy as knowing what to do, then chapels would become temples, and poor huts palaces.
W. Shakespeare.

412. You are like ice: until you melt, you are strong as a stone, but if you melt, there will be no trace of you.
I. Turgenev.

413. The only animal that is redder is man, and must blush in certain situations.
M. Twain.

414. Life is a game: only a good actor can afford to lose it.

415. …It is like health: when you do not notice it, it means that it exists.
I. Turgenev.

416. Love is still egoism.

417. He who fears many must fear many.

418. A man is not a nut: you can’t figure it out right away.
Russian proverb.

419. Not only did you fall, they will also step on you.
Japanese proverb.

420. Two sit down on a gentle donkey.
Armenian proverb.

421. There is no arrow that pierces a stone, but there is water that sharpens it.
Korean proverb.

422. Even a donkey's tail cannot be cut off in public: some will speak briefly, others long.
Armenian proverb.

423. A thousand mice will not replace one elephant.
Chinese proverb.

424. The destiny of fate is revealed only to the gods.
Egyptian saying.

425. He who sees too far is not calm in heart. Do not grieve for anything in advance and do not rejoice in what is not yet.
Egyptian saying.

426. It is easier to stop the rain than a girl about to get married.
Abkhaz proverb.

427. The husband must be deaf and the wife blind, and there will be complete harmony in the house.
English proverb.

428. An owl is blind during the day, a crow at night, and lovers are blind both day and night.
Indian proverb.

429. A woman hides her love for forty years, but hatred and disgust will not hide even one day.
Arabic proverb.

430. Love is like soup: the first sip is very hot, but then it gets colder and colder.
Spanish proverb.

431. A camel does not see his own hump, he sees only the hump of a camel.
Greek proverb.

432. A quick-tempered person will never know the truth.
Ancient Egyptian saying.

433. A sensitive person is like an icicle: warm it up and it will melt.
Russian proverb.

434. Every person's destiny is created by his morals.
Latin proverb.

435. Reason without courage is the property of a woman; courage without reason is the property of cattle.
Ancient Indian saying.

436. It's better for me not to have a cow, if only my neighbor didn't have two.
Armenian proverb.

437. Whoever has bile in his mouth, everything is bitter for him.
Russian proverb.

438. A fox counts chickens in a dream.
Russian proverb.

439. Each shortcoming contains some advantages, and each advantage contains some shortcomings.
French proverb.

440. The adornment of a person is wisdom, the adornment of wisdom is calmness, the adornment of tranquility is courage, the adornment of courage is softness.
Ancient Indian saying.

441. For the greedy, there is neither good nor bad, there is no glorious and shameful, there is no good and evil - there is only profitable and unprofitable.
Ancient Indian saying.

442. If you are wise, do not contradict a rich man, a ruler, a child, an old man, an ascetic, a sage, a woman, a fool and a teacher.
Ancient Indian saying.

443. A woman will eat twice as much as a man, she is four times more cunning than him, six times more determined, and eight times more voluptuous.
Ancient Indian aphorism.

444. Coquetry with a loved one replaces a declaration of love in a woman.
Ancient Indian aphorism.

445. Insatiable ambition darkens the mind of a person, and he does not notice the dangers that threaten him.

446. Do not fall in love with women - women despise lovers. Associate only with those women who are in love yourself, and avoid those who are indifferent.
Ancient Indian aphorism.

447. Let her get the god of love himself - she will wish for another man, such is the nature of all women.
Ancient Indian aphorism.

448. Look at your mother, take your daughter.
Armenian proverb.

449. A tree is supported by roots, and a person by relatives.
Abkhaz proverb.

450. Maternal anger is like spring snow, and much of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
Russian proverb.

451. True love is recognized in misfortune.
Latin proverb.

452. Twins from the same mother, but different.
Tatar proverb.

453. Maternal caress has no end.
Russian proverb.

454. Years are what grief: furrows are laid.
Russian proverb.

455. A child brought up will not disgrace himself when he becomes a father.
Tatar proverb.

456. It is easy to get married, it is difficult to sew a shirt for a husband.
Azerbaijani proverb.

457. Married in a hurry, but for a long torment.
Russian proverb.

458. Everyone is born, but not everyone is fit for people.
Russian proverb.

459. A day without sunshine is not beautiful, but life is sweet without small children.
Russian proverb.

461. Whoever wants to know much needs to sleep less.
Russian proverb.

462. Speak, thinking, sit down, looking around.
Russian proverb.

463. Life is a deception. We are placed in it without asking our consent, and put out against our will. As soon as it seems to us that we have gained something, this “something” disappears. And we love only ghosts, and everything else for us is a mystery that we will never solve.
Schmidt. "Dedication to Eve".

464. Life is not a joke or fun, life is not even pleasure, life is hard work.

465. The danger of a rational person is that he is most susceptible to the temptation to fall in love with the unreasonable.
F. Nietzsche.

466. He who does not live in the sublime, as at home, perceives the sublime as something terrible and false.
F. Nietzsche.

467. People striving for greatness are, as usual, evil people: this is their only way to endure themselves.
F. Nietzsche.

468. People of quality strive for small things.
F. Nietzsche.

469. Those who have hitherto loved a man the most have always caused him the greatest pain; like all lovers, they demanded the impossible from him.
F. Nietzsche.

470. Whoever wants to become a leader of people must for a good period of time be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.
F. Nietzsche.

471. If you are lucky enough to remain in the dark, then you can also use the privileges provided by the darkness, and in particular "talk about everything."
F. Nietzsche.

472. There is nothing good in herds, even when they run after you.
F. Nietzsche.

473. In weariness we are seized by notions long overcome.
F. Nietzsche.

474. …Love is not a tender violet, love is a weed that blossoms even in darkness.

475. You can seduce any woman if you have patience until four in the morning to sit and listen to her complaints.
Martin Cruz Smith.

476. We live too short and die too long.

477. In grief, in the cold, in the coldness of life,
In case of heavy loss and when you are sad,
To seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
K. Simonov.

478. For this reason, death is set at the end of life, in order to be more conveniently prepared for it.
Kozma Prutkov.

479. A weakening memory is like a dying lamp.
Kozma Prutkov.

480. What we have we do not keep, having lost, we weep.
Kozma Prutkov.

481. Do not joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent.
Kozma Prutkov.

482. Man is bifurcated from below, and not from above, because two supports are more reliable than one.
Kozma Prutkov.

483. Spit in the eyes of the one who says that one can embrace the immensity.
Kozma Prutkov.

484. Vaksa blackens with benefit, but an evil person with pleasure.
Kozma Prutkov.

485. It happens that diligence also overcomes reason.
Kozma Prutkov.

486. Love your neighbor, but do not give him in exchange.
Kozma Prutkov.

487. Not every tickling gives pleasure!
Kozma Prutkov.

488. Speaking with a sly man, weigh your answer.
Kozma Prutkov.

489. Aces do not win in every game.
Kozma Prutkov.

490. Bewildered by fate, you still do not despair.
Kozma Prutkov.

491. The best thing seems to everyone, for which he has a desire.
Kozma Prutkov.

492. A cork of champagne, with a noise soaring up and just as instantly falling, is a fair picture of love.
Kozma Prutkov.

493. Do not resort to tickling, wishing to cheer up a friend - another will call you ignorant for this.
Kozma Prutkov.

494. From small causes come very important consequences; so, gnawing a burr gave my friend cancer.
Kozma Prutkov.

495. A man's head is placed at the top so that he does not walk upside down.
Kozma Prutkov.

496. There is sediment at the bottom of every heart.
Kozma Prutkov.

497. If they do not converge in the theory of probability, then they are in trouble.
Kozma Prutkov.

498. Girls in general are like checkers: not everyone succeeds, but everyone wants to get into kings.
Kozma Prutkov.

499. A dog sitting in the hay is harmful. A chicken sitting on eggs is healthy. From a sedentary life they grow fat: so, every money changer is fat.
Kozma Prutkov.

500. Every human head is like a stomach: one digests the food that enters it, and the other gets clogged.
Kozma Prutkov.

501. Starting your career, O young man, do not waste precious time!
Kozma Prutkov.

502. The present is a consequence of the past, and therefore unceasingly turn your gaze to your behinds, in this way you will save yourself from notable mistakes.
Kozma Prutkov.

503. If the shadows of objects did not depend on their size, but had their own arbitrary growth, then, perhaps, not a single bright place would soon remain on the entire globe.
Kozma Prutkov.

504. Reason primarily guides the actions of any mind.

505. None of us is the beginning, we are all a continuation.

506. One must learn to live, and not adapt.

507. Everyone wants to feel like a hero.

508. Jealousy is a monster that conceives and gives birth to itself.

509. Jealous people always look through a spyglass, which turns small things into big ones, dwarfs into giants, conjectures into truth.

510. Children are small - they won't let you eat, children are big - they won't let you live.

511. We do not believe a liar even when he tells the truth.

512. A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

513. Pushkin is our everything, but who are the rest?

514. Whatever life has taught me, I still believe in miracles.

515. Emotion is a bad adviser.

516. It cost me such labors to grow old that I do not want to get younger.

517. Every person during his life at least once had the intention of committing suicide, or at least tossed about with the annoying thought of suicide.

518. Is laziness the mother of all vices? There is no laziness, but stupidity, and it is impossible to imagine what human stupidity can lead to - no fantasy can catch up ...

519. You have to be very smart to understand nonsense, you needed such smart people as Alexei Tolstoy and Zhemchuzhnikov to write Kozma Prutkov.

520. Memory is not a sure thing.

521. All the wisest advice was given to us millennia ago. We must learn to use them. For example, do not take everything to heart. After all, in fact, "everything is vanity."

522. A close neighbor is better than distant relatives. Other relatives only until a rainy day.


524. New law of Archimedes: liquid immersed in a body will go to school in seven years.
The author of the joke is unknown (a bit vulgar, but generally true!).

525. Freedom is not an abstraction, it is something that a person, having received, must “spend”, realize.

526. He who spits on the stars hits himself in the face.
Eastern proverb.

527. Life is a struggle with ghosts under the vaults of the heart and mind. To create poetically means to judge oneself.
G. Ibsen.