Conversation with children on the topic "Summer". middle group

Every season is beautiful in its own way. The change of the month is like a new life. You can start all over again, from scratch. And summer is not only a period of opportunities, but also a period of desires.

Everything that happens in the summer gives people joy, happiness and warmth.

Quotes about the summer of Russian poets

Russian poets have always been distinguished by eloquence and depth of words. Therefore, they, like no other, were able to convey all the shades of summer.

““I will love you all summer” sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!

M.I. Tsvetaeva

“Ah, red summer, I would love you if it weren’t for dust, but heat, but mosquitoes, and flies ...”

A.S. Pushkin

"There's something beautiful about summer
And with the summer, the beautiful in us.

S.A. Yesenin

“How clear is August, gentle and calm,
Aware of the transience of beauty.
Gilded wood sheets,
He put the feelings in order slender "


"Not cooled from the heat,
The night of July shone...
And over the dull earth
A sky full of thunder
Everything in the lightning trembled ... "

F.I. Tyutchev

Quotes about the summer of Russian writers

The beauty and charm of summer days were described not only by poets, but also by prose writers. In their notes about the summer, they were able not only to describe the beauty of these months, but also to convey to the reader their feelings, their attitude to life.

“There is something very special in the warm and bright nights of Russian county towns at the end of summer. What a world, what prosperity!”

I.A. Bunin

"Ah, our northern summer is a caricature of southern winters."

A.S. Pushkin

"Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter."

A.P. Chekhov

“It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time.”

I.S. Turgenev

“All the main events of our life happened in the summer for the most part. In winter, it is very sleepy due to the cold. True, in summer it also tends (because of the heat!), But in winter it is more. Therefore, we, to the best of our ability, adjusted all events to summer time.


Quotes about the summer of foreign writers

Foreign writers are in no way inferior to Russian ones. Each line they wrote carries a huge amount of energy that the author wanted to convey to us. Therefore, reading these texts, it seems to us that we are living someone's life.

“... The vague, restless melancholy of the three long spring months somehow subsided. In the final week, it burned out - it flared up, exploded and crumbled to dust. He unrepentantly turned to face the endless possibilities of summer."

Francis Scott

"Our summer is just a green-painted winter."


“One has only to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.”

Ray Bradbury

“Summer is the time of the year when it’s very hot to do things that were very cold to do in winter.”

Mark Twain

“Do you feel the air? August has arrived. Farewell Summer".

Ray Bradbury

Movie Quotes About Summer

It seems that it is much easier for cinematographers to convey all the beauties of summer days. Yes, the picture is important, but the words are much more important.

"It's summer, remember? It's only begining!"

From the musical "Vacation"

"If you care about bad things in the summer, then problems will follow you into the fall"

From the movie "Naked Summer"

“Probably, everyone in their life has such a summer when you walk on the earth, as if you are flying in the sky.”

From the movie "I love you"

Quotes about the summer of contemporaries

“My favorite time of the year is June, the beginning of summer. When everything is still ahead. This is how you should live without looking back. And to believe that the whole summer is ahead, and the whole winter is behind.

Natalya Andreeva

"A strange kind of summer idleness, in which the days creep exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly."

Evgeny Grishkovets

“However, at the end of summer it is always sad to remember how it began ...”

Yuri Slepukhin

Conversation for preschoolers "So summer has come"

At the beginning of the lesson, ask the children what seasons they know. (Spring, summer, autumn, winter.) Talk about the signs that characterize the four seasons. How do we know that winter, summer has come? .. Tell the children that at different times of the year the Earth exposes its surface to the sun's rays in different ways. When the sun's rays fall more vertically, directly, the Sun heats hotter. If the rays of the Sun fall on the earth's surface at an angle, then they heat less. This is where the change of seasons comes into play.

Tell us that now you will get acquainted with a wonderful time of the year - summer. Conduct conversations by direction. At the end of the lesson, you can invite the children to draw a portrait of Red Summer.

Hello red summer!

Comes after spring. People, plants, and animals were waiting for him. In summer, the sun is high in the sky during the day, it shines brightly and warms - it becomes hot. The day is long, the nights are short and bright. Everything blooms, smiles, rejoices in the warmth. Now you can walk in light clothes and shoes (or even barefoot) and walk for a long time. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer everyone swims and sunbathe with pleasure.

In summer there are thunderstorms and warm showers. The chicks begin to leave the nests and learn to fly. Dragonflies circle over the water, butterflies and bees over the flowers.

Fruits are pouring in the gardens, juicy berries ripen. In the meadows there is a lush carpet of herbs and flowers. A lot of people work in the field, in the meadow and in summer cottages.

Explain the sayings: “Dawn meets dawn in summer”, “In summer the sun is high, and far from morning to evening” (Large daylight hours.) Why do they say: “In summer, every bush will let you spend the night”? (Because summer nights are very warm.)

Invite the children to think about what you can say "summer"? (Rain, day, haymaking, meadow, garden, garden, forest.) "Summer"? (Weather, cloud, thunderstorm.) "Summer"? (Cloud, mood, sun, sky, morning.) Ask them to come up with definitions for the word "summer". What is it? (Sunny, rainy, generous, affectionate...)

Ask the children to think about why they say “summer is red” about this season? "Red" in Rus' was called all the most beautiful (red sun, red girl, Red Square). How beautiful is summer? And it is beautiful with golden sunbeams and pearl clouds, silver rains and diamond dews, emerald herbs and seven-colored rainbows. And the countless flowers that bloom at this time of the year.

All fields, meadows in flowers,

Like in colorful scarves.

We love it so much

Our sunny ... (summer).

Rain and dew

Watch the warm summer rain with your children. Hear how he makes noise. See the puddles bubbling. After the rain, pay their attention to how the foliage turned green, how all the blades of grass and flowers sparkle and shimmer in the sun. Tell me that there are drizzling, blind, overflowing, mushroom, spore, striped, oblique, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (downpours).

What is the difference between spore rain and mushroom rain? The word "arguable" means - fast, fast. Spore rain pours steeply, strongly. It usually approaches with an incoming noise. A small mushroom rain sleepily pours from low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. It's like he's whispering. Forest humus and moss absorb it slowly, thoroughly. Therefore, after it, mushrooms begin to grow rapidly.

People say about the blind rain falling in the sun: "The princess is crying." Drops of this rain sparkling in the sun look like large tears.

You can follow the play of light during the rain for a long time, the variety of sounds - from the measured knock on the roof and the liquid ringing through the drainpipe to the continuous intense rumble when the rain pours like a wall.

Remind the children of the morning dew. There is no rain, and the grass and leaves of plants growing near the ground are wet. Let the children run their hands over the grass: their palms will become wet. Previously, peasant children loved to run barefoot in the dew. They thought it was an incomparable pleasure!

On warm summer days, the sun warms the earth well, but at night the air cools. The water vapor in the air settles on the plants, which quickly cool down from the night cold, and turns into small water droplets - dew. Dew does not form on the ground or paths, as they retain the heat of the sun for a long time. In the morning the sun warms the earth again and the dew disappears. People have long noticed that if there is heavy dew and fog in the morning, then this is good weather.

summer thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are frequent in summer. Summer thunderclouds are made up of an infinite number of water droplets charged with electricity. Between two such clouds slips an electric charge of great power. This is lightning. Sometimes lightning occurs between a thundercloud and the ground. Then a tree or a haystack, which was struck by lightning, may catch fire. That is why in a summer thunderstorm one cannot hide from the rain under lonely standing trees. During the discharge of thunderclouds, first we see the flash of lightning, and then we hear the peals of thunder. This is because sound travels slower in air than light. If there is a very long gap between lightning and thunder, then this means that the thunderstorm is going somewhere far away.

Usually it is clear in advance that a thunderstorm is gathering: the sun bakes strongly, moisture accumulates in the air, it becomes quiet and stuffy. On the horizon, a cluster of powerful cumulus clouds is noticeable. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and even a special - pre-storm - light is felt. The wind blows in gusts, abruptly changes direction, and then intensifies, raises clouds of dust, plucks leaves and breaks tree branches, and can tear off the roof coverings of houses. Then a wall of heavy rain, sometimes with hail, falls from above from a rising cloud. Lightning flashes, deafening peals of thunder are heard. Dangerous, but very beautiful sight!

Why is a thunderstorm dangerous? First of all, lightning discharge. Lightning can cause a fire. A direct lightning strike can lead to death! Another hazard is strong winds that break tree branches and damage buildings. Trees falling from the wind often damage power lines. Because of them, people can get injured. And finally, a heavy downpour with hail. The hail is destroying the crops. If you do not hide from him in time, then bruises and abrasions cannot be avoided. Tell us about the sizes of hailstones, show them with examples!

rainbow arc

After the rain, when the sun peeps through a thick curtain of clouds, a beautiful seven-color rainbow appears in the sky. She appears where the thunderclouds go. A rainbow is visible as long as raindrops often and evenly fall to the ground. The larger the drops and the more often they fall, the brighter the rainbow.

If necessary, show the children a rainbow and ask them to look at it, name the order of colors. Pay attention to the children that the rainbow lines are in the shape of a semicircle and unequal length. Have the children identify what the rainbow looks like (a bridge). Tell us that in ancient times the rainbow was called that - a bridge thrown in time, connecting heaven and earth. She is painted in seven colors given to her by the rays of the sun. The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a strictly defined order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors make up the white sunbeam, which during rain is refracted in rainwater drops. To remember this sequence, people came up with a sentence in which the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

Usually we see a rainbow when the rain has not yet ended, but the sun is shining in the sky. The rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, but also in the fountain, while swimming in the river, when a lot of spray rises. The main thing is that the sun and water "work" together.

In winter, in severe frost, many ice crystals act together with the sun in the same way as drops of water, but the rainbow turns out to be paler. Even the bright light of street lamps on a frosty evening creates a smoky luminous circle around them, in which you can sometimes find faint shades of pink and yellow.

Children love to draw rainbows. Combine topical stories and drawing lessons.

Introduction to the quiz

Summer! Grasshoppers frolic in the bushes. The rays of the summer sun caress the earth. Golden bees are circling above the flowers. Their cheerful song flows in the warm air ...

Summer quiz contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Summer Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1 question:
The sun bakes
linden blossoms,
The rye is ripening
When does it happen?
Answer: of course, in the summer

2. By what signs can you determine that summer has come?
Answer: Hot weather, long daylight hours, short nights, polyphony of birds, fragrant flowers, poplar fluff, mushrooms, berries…

3. Now I will ask you three riddles about the summer months. And you tell me the answers to them:

Riddle 1
Warm, long, long day.
At noon - a tiny shadow.
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Ripe strawberries.
What month is it, please?
Answer: June

Riddle 2
Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of bread has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the pinnacle of summer.
What, say, for a month is this?
Answer: July

Riddle 3
Maple leaves turned yellow
Flew to the countries of the south
Fast-winged swifts.
What month, please?
Answer: August

4. What songs about summer do you know?
Answer:"Song of Summer" (Authors: Music: E. Krylatov Lyrics: Y. Entin)

Here it is, our summer,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Breathe in summer breeze...

5. Continue the proverb
Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart ... ( winter)
Sitting at home in summer - bread in winter ... ( not have)
Bad summer, since the sun ... ( There is not)

6. In summer we are often pestered by mosquitoes. Try to guess who is the author of the poem about annoying mosquitoes?

“Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cold in the garden now
But that's how mosquitoes bite
Why don't you run out of the garden!

Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The stubborn temper of a mosquito
But she is stubborn!”
Answer: Agniya Barto

7. What proverbs do you know about summer?

Answer: What you collect in the summer, you will find on the table in the winter.
Summer for a peasant is father and mother.
Summer day feeds the year.

“It’s all winter… But where is summer?
All winter...
Where is summer?
Animals, birds!
Waiting for an answer!

- Summer, -
The swallow thinks
Coming very soon.
Summer needs to hurry up
And it flies like a bird!
Answer: Boris Zakhoder

9. Question: What fairy tales about summer do you know?
Answer:“The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail”, author D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak

10. Why is there summer?
Answer: The reason for the change of seasons is the tilt of the axis of rotation of our planet Earth to the plane of its rotation around the Sun.

11. What summer berries do you know?
Answer: Strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries

12. Guess the riddle:

"And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden.
Started to pinch -
They began to cry and sob"

Answer: green onion

Composition Summer night

What is a summer night? These are bright stars in the sky, which can be seen in all their glory, only in the wilderness. Summer night is a warm breeze that gets tangled in the hair and quietly plays with them, and they, in turn, enjoy a gentle hug.

Essay why i love summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Nature shows its miracles in full force, dressing everything around in green (and many other) outfits. Animals run the streets with might and main, fulfilling their roles and tasks.

Composition Summer rain

Rain is always the same, it does not change, but we look at it differently. Autumn rain brings sadness and thoughts, winter rain - slush and swell, spring rain - joyful and rumbles with thunder

Today I will talk about my experience when I went to the sea for the first time. It was beautiful, bright, unforgettable. For those who are interested, read on.

Essay how i want to spend my summer

Holidays. This word evokes so many positive emotions, memories and new plans. We always look forward to them, with a smile we cross out the remaining days in the calendar

So the last month of spring - May, ends, and at the same time the next academic year. The long-awaited summer holidays will come, where you can take a break from long studies and endless homework.

Composition Where would I like to go in the summer and why? 5th class (at sea, to the countryside, to Paris)

I am looking forward to summer holidays. On them I really want to go to my grandmother in the village. I spent almost three months with her last summer.

Composition What do I expect from summer reasoning

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? From the summer, first of all, I expect, like all those who study at school, at the institute, at the university, I look forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

Composition My summer holidays

The long-awaited summer is here. Three months of rest. My parents decided to spend it not in the country, but to take me to the sea. To tan and improve my health. Because I can't stand the heat

Composition Summer is a small life

Summer is a special time. You can forget about school for three whole months. What to do in the summer and how to spend time with benefit. Only in the summer can you start hardening the body. To do this, bathe in a river, in a pond, under a shower with cool water or in a pool.

Every summer is filled with bright events and pleasant memories. Last summer, my dad and I went to visit his brother. This trip was a real summer adventure.

Composition Summer Village Nights

Summer village nights. Every person who was lucky enough to spend a night in the village at least once in his life will never forget these magical memories.

Summer is a wonderful time. I always look forward to this time of the year, as it is warm in summer, you can walk longer, because it gets dark later. I love summer because at this time of the year I have fun: I play with friends, go with my family to swim in the sea and relax

Composition the most boring day of vacation

Everyone says that the most boring days of the holidays are when it rains. But I don't agree with that. For me, the most boring day was the hottest. When there was an unbearable stuffiness

Like any child, I always look forward to summer with impatience. In the summer, life flies quickly, but you remember it more than anything else. My best day was when I first visited the capital's amusement park

This summer I went to camp. The ticket was given to my mother at work. When I found out that I was going to the camp, I was very happy. Immediately I began to think that I would need in the camp. I decided that I would take a couple of toy cars

Essay how i spent my summer holidays

All schoolchildren love summer holidays: those who do not really like school, and even excellent students

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because every day of the summer holidays is filled with vivid impressions, new events, interesting acquaintances.

This summer has been amazing. I spent almost all the time at my grandmother's dacha. She has a German Shepherd named Bars in her yard. Even despite the fact that the dog is a watchdog, it turned out to be very kind towards me.

Summer is my favorite time of the year, a wonderful time full of joy and fun! I always use and enjoy warm summer days.

Composition theme Park in the summer or summer in the park

The long-awaited summer has come - the city has become stuffy, dusty and very hot. However, in any, even the smallest town, there are oases. These are parks and squares. Sometimes you run into such a place from the scorching sun and it’s as if you find yourself in another world.

One summer, as always, I was walking with the neighboring boy Vaska on the outskirts of the village, not far from my grandmother's house. We have our own small house there, built by us from branches and unnecessary boards. And suddenly he heard squeaking sounds somewhere not far away.

Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to my grandmother. I spend all summer there. It's very good there. I have many friends there. And most of all I love spending time with my horse.

Probably, each of us has some memories that involuntarily make you think about something, think, or just make you smile. This is how I associate summer

What could be more beautiful than a summer walk in the forest? After all, this is what many artists, poets and poems devote their paintings to. Only at this time of the year the forest is beautiful in its own way and it seems that it has its own secret.

More recently, the sun shone so brightly that you had to close your eyes while walking around the city. Increasingly, the cold breeze makes you cringe from the unpleasant feeling of autumn on your shoulders.

I spent this summer in my hometown. Every morning I woke up at 8 or even 9 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast, the guys and I played football and other games in the yard for a long time, or just ran a race.

Summer in the village is fresh air, blue sky, fragrant smell of the forest, a variety of delicious berries and mushrooms. I look forward to hot summer days to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of closeness to nature.

Composition Summer at the sea (trip to the sea)

This summer, we will again go on vacation to the Black Sea with the whole family, as every year we try to adhere to this tradition. I'm looking forward to this magical time

Hooray! Here comes the summer. This is the most favorite time of the year, as you are looking forward to it. I really looked forward to these holidays, as in the summer there is an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for the next academic year

I like Indian summer. Autumn has come, rainy and cold. Sad. And then it turns out that they will give another piece of summer. It becomes warm and beautiful. The leaves are already yellowing.

The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river, to the outdoor pool and swim there

September 14 (September 1, old style) Indian summer begins. For us, this means that autumn gives a little more summer warmth before the cold weather. What do we know about Indian Summer?

It is interesting that the concept itself exists in other countries, but it is confined to different times. In Poland and the Czech Republic, "Indian summer" refers to the prolonged warm weather in autumn, regardless of the month. In Bulgaria, there is an "Indian spring" - the so-called "Indian days" correspond to the end of March ...

In some regions of Germany, as early as the end of the nineteenth century, there was one day or even several hours a year, which were considered women's, women's. On this day, husbands had to obey their wives and unquestioningly fulfill all their desires and commands.

In Brussels, there was also such a day - January 19, when a woman was considered the sovereign mistress of the house, and the husband was obliged to obey her in everything. In Ukraine, "Indian Summer" begins from October 1 to October 8, according to the old style. Why exactly this time, the legend explains.

Once upon a time, these days there was a strong cold. The fruits in the orchards were not yet collected, so they must have inevitably disappeared. Here the women, having gathered together, began to ask the Lord God to return warmth to them. The prayer was heard. And the warm time really returned, and the fruits were successfully harvested. It was then that the first week after the Intercession began to be called "Indian Summer".

Due to the fact that in the customs of different countries this time was considered as such when a man had to obey his wife, there is an assumption that the expression "Indian summer" contains the remnant of the former domination of women over men, and the word "summer" denotes not the time of the year , and year, time.

In Russia, Indian summer has long been timed to coincide with the week from September 1 to 8, according to the old style. In this regard, there was an assumption that this time is called "Indian summer" because in September the constellation Pleiades, in other words, Baba, is visible in the sky.

Remember how at the beginning of September the thinnest cobweb, barely noticeable to the eye, begins to fly? It is now known that it is woven by tiny spiders. And in ancient times, people did not know where the finest threads come from in the air. In pagan times, it was believed that the appearance of the cobweb is the result of the work of the gods.

The pagan Slavs believed that one of the gods they worshiped entangled the whole world with invisible thin threads of the web. Later, after the adoption of Christianity, the origin of the threads began to be attributed to the Mother of God.

In the minds of the peasants, the threads of the web hovering in the air meant that it was time to start women's work: weaving, spinning, sewing, knitting.

At this time, the time began for women when they had to prepare fabrics, threads to sheathe and tie their entire family.

Indian summer begins on a day called Semin, or the day of Semyon the Pilot. The Church remembers on this day one of its great ascetics Simeon the Stylite (IV-V centuries).

Since until 1700 the New Year began on September 1, many beginnings in peasant life are associated with this day. On Semin Day, the old fire was usually extinguished, and in the morning wood fire was struck again by rubbing wood against wood. There was a tradition on Semin Day to complete contracts and transactions related to trade. For many centuries there was a custom on the day of Simeon to put a boy who has reached four years of age on a horse.

From that day on, women soaked hemp, dried and crushed flax, and dug potatoes. There was also a funny custom to bury flies and cockroaches on this day so that they would not be found.

Blame the anticyclone

Indian summer is not summer at all, which returned for a week or two in mid-September. Warm autumn days are the last waves of the Azores anticyclone, thanks to which the air and soil do not have time to cool quickly.

The Azores High is a huge zone of high pressure in the Atlantic. In summer, it affects only the northern hemisphere, from 40° to 65° north latitude. Under its influence is the United States, all of Europe and the European part of Russia. Therefore, Indian summer is a local phenomenon.

From May to September, anticyclones bring heat, and in the remaining months - cold. Since the weather changes along a sinusoid, about once every 5-7 days a cyclone replaces an anticyclone and vice versa. In this respect, September in mid-latitudes is no different from the rest of the months. So "Indian summer" is just an anticyclone that has not yet had time to "cool down" for winter.

How trees help

Since the cyclone replaces the anticyclone approximately once a week, why does the Indian summer last longer? It is believed that this is to blame ... fallen leaves.

Indian summer comes to the territory of our country after the leaf fall begins. Fallen leaves emit additional heat into the atmosphere, which does not allow the soil to cool quickly, and thus delay the Indian summer for another couple of days.

Why Indian Summer Doesn't Last Longer

In Russia, the arrival of Indian summer is traditionally expected by September 14th. But in Europe and the US, Indian summer comes much later. In America, "Indian summer" is expected from early October to mid-November, and in Germany - from late September to early November.

By October, the air masses of the Azores anticyclone, which gives us Indian summer, weaken. They can no longer cross Europe and reach Russia, so continental cold comes into force in our country. But European countries are enjoying the warmth brought from the ocean for a few more weeks.

About spiders and cobwebs

In some countries, Indian summer is called "spider summer" or "Maryina yarn". These names are connected with the fact that, due to leaf fall, tree branches are exposed and the previously invisible web becomes visible. Moreover, often cobwebs break from trees and go flying.

Two Indian Summers

Until the middle of the 20th century, it was believed that Indian summer came twice - in late August and mid-September. Many signs were associated with each of them, such as “if there is a lot of netting (autumn cobweb) in the air, then the autumn will be clear, and the winter will be cold” or “Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet”.

Today, only the “old” one, which comes in mid-September, is called Indian summer. "Young" comes in August, when it's still warm, so it often goes unnoticed.