What do we know about summer? Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A.

"CHEST" for educators, parents and children https://vk.com/club_sunduk_ru

and development of children!

Quiz script with older children
"What do we know about summer!"
Goals and objectives:
To consolidate the knowledge of preschool children about the season SUMMER.
To form a respectful attitude towards nature, the ability to see and appreciate it
Develop thinking ability, resourcefulness, ingenuity; bring up
responsibility, organization.
Children's entrance to the music
Dance composition using sports attributes, on
background video about how the children spent the summer. At the end of the composition, the children
occupy their pre-allocated positions.
Child 1
Where does summer come from?
Does anyone know this?
"He'll probably come by train."
"Read in the chat -
Ride on a scooter!"
"Summer will come
On an old bike!
: "Well, you give!
Summer is on the plane!
Child6 "This time
Don't take your eyes off him.
I last year in May
I saw summer on the tram."
Child 7
- Not true! We are all used to
To fly on a motorcycle.
Child 8
- I saw him being taken
In a white car.
Child 9
- Not true! It's in the carriage!
Child 10

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- In the carriage? .. Well, what can I say!
I'll tell anyone who doesn't understand:
Summer has a yacht on the sea!
And summer came on foot
Circling in the meadows barefoot.
And everyone was surprised by it.
Hello summer!
Enter Summer to the music.
Summer: Hello guys. How big and tanned you all are. Fine
have a rest in the summer?
Children: Yes!
Summer: Let's check if we know what SUMMER is? Shall we play a quiz?
Children: Yes!
Music sounds, the children are divided into two teams "Rose" and "Sunflower"
Summer takes a place in one of the teams.
Captains, introduce your teams:
Our sunflower is like the sun.
Happy yellow petals.
Look at the seeds in the windows
And wink at us
The rose is a symbol of perfection
Wisdom and purity.
Recognize her dominance
In the midst of a flower riot.
Competition "Question-Answer"
Children take turns asking riddle questions to each other.
1. "sunflower"
Well, which one of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes?
Answer: sun

After the rain happens
half the sky closes.
The arc is beautiful, colorful,
Appear, then fade.
Answer: rainbow

2. "sunflower"

"CHEST" for educators, parents and children https://vk.com/club_sunduk_ru
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Little fashion-girl
Sat on her hands.
red dress
With black polka dots
Answer: ladybug

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away
Answer: Butterfly

3. "sunflower"
These months are brothers
everyone is similar
very, too.
And heat and rain
and their names.
Answer: June and July

The night is longer, the day is shorter
Rain increasingly wets the earth,
Sing apples and pears,
Berries are boiled and dried
Prepared for the future -
Summer is coming soon!
What month? Guess,
And then meet September!
Answer: August

4. "sunflower"
Slightly touched by a gentle wave
And shake us with you.
It will allow you to swim to the buoy ...
And we can't go any further!
Answer: Sea

If you want - you dive into the water,
If you want, play on the sand.
How many castles will you create here!
What kind of place is it? ...Answer: Beach

"CHEST" for educators, parents and children https://vk.com/club_sunduk_ru
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and development of children!

I clung to my native land
And blush near the stump.
That's why they call
People affectionate me.
Answer: Strawberries

Sometimes darker than the night.
The sky is blue blue.
Who wants to eat more
Brighten up more.
Answer: blueberry

The relay race is called "Pick the berries"
Pictures (vegetables, berries, fruits) are laid out on the table.
The first child, on command, runs and puts a picture with a berry, passes
basket and so on in turn the whole team.
At the end of the game, the facilitator and parents check the correctness of the children's choice.
In the summer I saw a rainbow:
“Ah yes beauty!
Who painted you
in different colors?
In the summer after the rain, there is often a rainbow.
"Gather the Rainbow"
Children from cardboard strips collect rainbows on the tables.
Slide "Rainbow"
slide quiz.
Here are daisies, look
Lost petals.
Help, help
Collect chamomile petals.
And now the competition is the relay race “Collect a camomile”.
At some distance from the teams on the track lies a yellow circle -
chamomile heart. Each participant holds a flower petal. On signal
children take turns running up to the mug and putting their petal on it.
The team that collects the flower first wins and gets a token.

"CHEST" for educators, parents and children https://vk.com/club_sunduk_ru
Come to us, we have a lot of interesting material for education, training
and development of children!

Competition "I know many colors"
Teams take turns calling flowers and throwing the ball to each other.
Our final competition for captains. It's called Draw
Sun". But the task is complicated by the fact that it must be completed with
Competition: Homework - A story on the theme "Summer is a great time"
Presentation of photographs of children.
Well done boys! I think it's time for the quiz. Summer! Liked
you our guys?
Summer: Yes! I have prepared gifts for them.
Dance "This is what our summer is like"

"CHEST" for educators, parents and children https://vk.com/club_sunduk_ru
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and development of children!




Classes for the middle group d / s No. 18

Topic: "Final talk about summer"

Educator: Savelyeva T.V.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition" (FTsKM), "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical culture", "Safety".
Target: Generalization and expansion of children's knowledge on the topic "Summer".
consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, in the summer, about insects, their structure, habitats, wild berries and mushrooms;
to consolidate the ability to guess riddles, classify clothes according to the season, form adjectives from nouns, independently evaluate their knowledge;
develop communication skills;
improve general motor skills and coordination of movements;
develop emotional responsiveness and environmental education;
cultivate respect and love for nature.
Types of children's activities: cognitive - research, communicative, play, perception of fiction, musical perception.
Materials and equipment: an artificial meadow with flowers and insects, a caterpillar, threads for a cocoon, a butterfly in a cocoon, a spider, counting sticks, a poster with drawings of clothes, caps and panama hats, two helium balloons, a panel with flowers and butterflies according to the number of children, ICT: presentations “Where is whose house?”, “Who is superfluous?”, “A walk in the summer forest”, “Check the basket with mushrooms”, a video clip with Kikimora.
Lesson structure.
1. Organizational moment.(The teacher has the sun in his hands) Guys, look, the sun has come to visit us. We enjoy the sun in all seasons. What season is it now? (Spring).
2. Seasons
What other seasons do you know? (Answers of children).
The sequence of the seasons:
Guys, who can make pictures of the seasons in sequence, starting from autumn? (The teacher hangs out a picture of autumn, the wishing child continues the chain.) What season completes the chain? (Summer) We'll talk about him today.
3. Statement of the problem.
Guys, we already talked about summer in class. But the sun wants to know: do we know a lot about summer or not? How do you think? (Answers of children).
Who believes that we know enough about summer, get under the yellow ball. Who thinks that we know little about summer, get under the orange ball. (Children stand under the balls, the teacher counts and asks to go to the chairs).
4. Summer.
To go to the summer we have to choose the right clothes.
D / game "Summer clothes".
Target: Show the ability of children to classify clothes according to the season.
So, summer clothes are chosen. I invite you to a summer meadow. Come on, put on caps, panamas, hats ... (children put on hats).
Tell me, why, going to the summer, we put on hats? (The sun shines brightly in summer, it's hot and without panama hats, the head can overheat and sunstroke can occur).
The teacher praises the children for the correct answer, calls to play the game:
Summer, summer, summer - what color is it?
Come on, tell me, and come on, show me.
Gently - green, like a grasshopper in the grass (they jump like grasshoppers),
Yellow, yellow, like the sand by the rivers (they show the sand and the wave of the river),
Bright, blue, the most beautiful (raise their hands up, spin around themselves),
What a summer.
Is everyone ready to go to summer? (Yes!) Then go. (Soothing music sounds, children approach the prepared clearing and sit around). Children look at flowers, recognize and name them. The teacher praises the children for the correct answers, shows the green soft grass and asks: “Who can live here without being noticed?”. If the guys have difficulty answering, it suggests that these tenants are very small, very tiny. Summing up the children's reasoning, the teacher says that insects are unusual animals, they can hide in the grass so that no one will notice them; interested in what insects do children know? (Fly, bee, mosquito, ant, dragonfly, wasp, ..)
I will give you riddles about insects, and you will guess them and find this insect in the clearing.
black peanut
Not in growth pulls the load. (Ant.)

Composition Summer night

What is a summer night? These are bright stars in the sky, which can be seen in all their glory, only in the wilderness. Summer night is a warm breeze that gets tangled in the hair and quietly plays with them, and they, in turn, enjoy a gentle hug.

Essay why i love summer

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Nature shows its miracles in full force, dressing everything around in green (and many other) outfits. Animals run the streets with might and main, fulfilling their roles and tasks.

Composition Summer rain

Rain is always the same, it does not change, but we look at it differently. Autumn rain brings sadness and thoughts, winter rain - slush and swell, spring rain - joyful and rumbles with thunder

Today I will talk about my experience when I went to the sea for the first time. It was beautiful, bright, unforgettable. For those who are interested, read on.

Essay how i want to spend my summer

Holidays. This word evokes so many positive emotions, memories and new plans. We always look forward to them, with a smile we cross out the remaining days in the calendar

So the last month of spring - May, ends, and at the same time the next academic year. The long-awaited summer holidays will come, where you can take a break from long studies and endless homework.

Composition Where would I like to go in the summer and why? 5th class (at sea, to the countryside, to Paris)

I am looking forward to summer holidays. On them I really want to go to my grandmother in the village. I spent almost three months with her last summer.

Composition What do I expect from summer reasoning

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? From the summer, first of all, I expect, like all those who study at school, at the institute, at the university, I look forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

Composition My summer holidays

The long-awaited summer is here. Three months of rest. My parents decided to spend it not in the country, but to take me to the sea. To tan and improve my health. Because I can't stand the heat

Composition Summer is a small life

Summer is a special time. You can forget about school for three whole months. What to do in the summer and how to spend time with benefit. Only in the summer can you start hardening the body. To do this, bathe in a river, in a pond, under a shower with cool water or in a pool.

Every summer is filled with bright events and pleasant memories. Last summer, my dad and I went to visit his brother. This trip was a real summer adventure.

Composition Summer Village Nights

Summer village nights. Every person who was lucky enough to spend a night in the village at least once in his life will never forget these magical memories.

Summer is a wonderful time. I always look forward to this time of the year, as it is warm in summer, you can walk longer, because it gets dark later. I love summer because at this time of the year I have fun: I play with friends, go with my family to swim in the sea and relax

Composition the most boring day of vacation

Everyone says that the most boring days of the holidays are when it rains. But I don't agree with that. For me, the most boring day was the hottest. When there was an unbearable stuffiness

Like any child, I always look forward to summer with impatience. In the summer, life flies quickly, but you remember it more than anything else. My best day was when I first visited the capital's amusement park

This summer I went to camp. The ticket was given to my mother at work. When I found out that I was going to the camp, I was very happy. Immediately I began to think that I would need in the camp. I decided that I would take a couple of toy cars

Essay how i spent my summer holidays

All schoolchildren love summer holidays: those who do not really like school, and even excellent students

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because every day of the summer holidays is filled with vivid impressions, new events, interesting acquaintances.

This summer has been amazing. I spent almost all the time at my grandmother's dacha. She has a German Shepherd named Bars in her yard. Even despite the fact that the dog is a watchdog, it turned out to be very kind towards me.

Summer is my favorite time of the year, a wonderful time full of joy and fun! I always use and enjoy warm summer days.

Composition theme Park in the summer or summer in the park

The long-awaited summer has come - the city has become stuffy, dusty and very hot. However, in any, even the smallest town, there are oases. These are parks and squares. Sometimes you run into such a place from the scorching sun and it’s as if you find yourself in another world.

One summer, as always, I was walking with the neighboring boy Vaska on the outskirts of the village, not far from my grandmother's house. We have our own small house there, built by us from branches and unnecessary boards. And suddenly he heard squeaking sounds somewhere not far away.

Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to my grandmother. I spend all summer there. It's very good there. I have many friends there. And most of all I love spending time with my horse.

Probably, each of us has some memories that involuntarily make you think about something, think, or just make you smile. This is how I associate summer

What could be more beautiful than a summer walk in the forest? After all, this is what many artists, poets and poems devote their paintings to. Only at this time of the year the forest is beautiful in its own way and it seems that it has its own secret.

More recently, the sun shone so brightly that you had to close your eyes while walking around the city. Increasingly, the cold breeze makes you cringe from the unpleasant feeling of autumn on your shoulders.

I spent this summer in my hometown. Every morning I woke up at 8 or even 9 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast, the guys and I played football and other games in the yard for a long time, or just ran a race.

Summer in the village is fresh air, blue sky, fragrant smell of the forest, a variety of delicious berries and mushrooms. I look forward to hot summer days to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of closeness to nature.

Composition Summer at the sea (trip to the sea)

This summer, we will again go on vacation to the Black Sea with the whole family, as every year we try to adhere to this tradition. I'm looking forward to this magical time

Hooray! Here comes the summer. This is the most favorite time of the year, as you are looking forward to it. I really looked forward to these holidays, as in the summer there is an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for the next academic year

I like Indian summer. Autumn has come, rainy and cold. Sad. And then it turns out that they will give another piece of summer. It becomes warm and beautiful. The leaves are already yellowing.

The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river, to the outdoor pool and swim there

After spring comes summer. People, plants, and animals were waiting for him. In summer, the sun is high in the sky during the day, it shines brightly and warms - it becomes hot. The day is long, the nights are short and bright. Everything blooms, smiles, rejoices in the warmth. Now you can walk in light clothes and shoes (or even barefoot) and walk for a long time. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer everyone swims and sunbathe with pleasure.

In summer there are thunderstorms and warm showers. The chicks begin to leave the nests and learn to fly. Dragonflies circle over the water, butterflies and bees over the flowers.

Fruits are pouring in the gardens, juicy berries ripen. In the meadows there is a lush carpet of herbs and flowers. A lot of people work in the field, in the meadow and in summer cottages.

Thunderstorms are frequent in summer. Summer thunderclouds are made up of an infinite number of water droplets charged with electricity. Between two such clouds slips an electric charge of great power. This is lightning. Sometimes lightning occurs between a thundercloud and the ground. Then a tree or a haystack, which was struck by lightning, may catch fire. That is why in a summer thunderstorm one cannot hide from the rain under lonely standing trees. During the discharge of thunderclouds, first we see the flash of lightning, and then we hear the peals of thunder. This is because sound travels slower in air than light. If there is a very long gap between lightning and thunder, then this means that the thunderstorm is going somewhere far away.

Usually it is clear in advance that a thunderstorm is gathering: the sun bakes strongly, moisture accumulates in the air, it becomes quiet and stuffy. On the horizon, a cluster of powerful cumulus clouds is noticeable. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and even a special - pre-storm - light is felt. The wind blows in gusts, abruptly changes direction, and then intensifies, raises clouds of dust, plucks leaves and breaks tree branches, and can tear off the roof coverings of houses. Then a wall of heavy rain, sometimes with hail, falls from above from a rising cloud. Lightning flashes, deafening peals of thunder are heard. Dangerous, but very beautiful sight!

Why is a thunderstorm dangerous? First of all, lightning discharge. Lightning can cause a fire. A direct lightning strike can lead to death! Another hazard is strong winds that break tree branches and damage buildings. Trees falling from the wind often damage power lines. Because of them, people can get injured. And finally, a heavy downpour with hail. The hail is destroying the crops. If you do not hide from him in time, then bruises and abrasions cannot be avoided. Tell us about the sizes of hailstones, show them with examples!

After the rain, when the sun peeps through the thick veil of clouds, A beautiful seven-color rainbow appears in the sky. She appears where the thunderclouds go. A rainbow is visible as long as raindrops often and evenly fall to the ground. The larger the drops and the more often they fall, the brighter the rainbow.

The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a strictly defined order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors make up the white sunbeam, which during rain is refracted in rainwater drops. To remember this sequence, people came up with a sentence in which the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

Usually we see a rainbow when the rain has not yet ended, but the sun is shining in the sky. The rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, but also in the fountain, while swimming in the river, when a lot of spray rises. The main thing is that the sun and water "work" together.

In summer you can see a lot of insects: butterflies, ladybugs, flies, mosquitoes, bees, bumblebees.

In the summer, in the heat, you need to be attentive to food, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, and also do not consume perishable foods uncontrollably.

At the same time, you need to know the elementary rules, the observance of which reduces the risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases:

Before eating, be sure to wash your hands, and certainly with soap;

Products must be kept in the refrigerator or sold quickly, in hot weather they deteriorate very quickly;

When going to the forest, you need to dress properly. Clothing should be light and shoes high. It is advisable to cover the neck with something. In no case should you go to the forest in shorts, in a sleeveless T-shirt and without a headdress, since tick bites are very dangerous. The tick is dangerous not only in the forest. This insect can get into the house with a bouquet of flowers, tree branches, grass, on the fur of pets, as well as on the outer clothing of a person who has returned from the forest. Therefore, leaving the forest, you need to carefully examine your clothes, and do it again at home.

In summer, people take care of the crops in the fields and gardens. At this time of the year, it is necessary to fight weeds, pests, water and feed plants, and loosen the soil. In order for the plants not to burn out from the drought, canals are built in the steppe regions, and sprinklers are installed in the fields. This makes it possible to grow corn, melons, watermelons, various vegetables.

people are busy in summer preparation of pet food. One such feed is silage. This is cut grass laid in special pits. The pits are closed so that air does not penetrate into them.

Haymaking has just passed in July, and the peasants have even more new hard work. No wonder they say that August is bitter hard labor, but after that the poppy will be sweet. Starchy potato tubers and sweet beetroots ripen in warm soil. In the fields, the cornfield is widely agitated, the ripe rye ear has become heavy, it asks for a threshing machine. Apples are pouring in the orchards, raspberries and late strawberries have not yet departed. Heads of cabbage are already curling in the gardens, carrots are growing juicy, broad-bodied tomatoes are ripening. "August is a farmer, a thick-eater, a pickle: there is plenty of everything." The bounties of August are incalculable. They store bread for the whole year, get food, prepare pickles: "Winter has a big mouth." Discuss proverbs:

August cooks, September serves at the table.

August is the crown of summer.

August and the fish have a satisfying time.

In August, the woman oppresses the ridge in the field; yes, life is honey for her: the days are shorter, longer than the night; aches in the back, but pickles on the table.

August prepares pickles for the winter table.

What a peasant gathers in August, he will be full of winter winter.

What is born in April, will grow in May, in June - July it will bloom, ripen, in August it will be buried in bins and barns.

Conversation for preschoolers "So summer has come"

At the beginning of the lesson, ask the children what seasons they know. (Spring, summer, autumn, winter.) Talk about the signs that characterize the four seasons. How do we know that winter, summer has come? .. Tell the children that at different times of the year the Earth exposes its surface to the sun's rays in different ways. When the sun's rays fall more vertically, directly, the Sun heats hotter. If the rays of the Sun fall on the earth's surface at an angle, then they heat less. This is where the change of seasons comes into play.

Tell us that now you will get acquainted with a wonderful time of the year - summer. Conduct conversations by direction. At the end of the lesson, you can invite the children to draw a portrait of Red Summer.

Hello red summer!

Comes after spring. People, plants, and animals were waiting for him. In summer, the sun is high in the sky during the day, it shines brightly and warms - it becomes hot. The day is long, the nights are short and bright. Everything blooms, smiles, rejoices in the warmth. Now you can walk in light clothes and shoes (or even barefoot) and walk for a long time. The water in the pond, river, lake is heated, so in the summer everyone swims and sunbathe with pleasure.

In summer there are thunderstorms and warm showers. The chicks begin to leave the nests and learn to fly. Dragonflies circle over the water, butterflies and bees over the flowers.

Fruits are pouring in the gardens, juicy berries ripen. In the meadows there is a lush carpet of herbs and flowers. A lot of people work in the field, in the meadow and in summer cottages.

Explain the sayings: “Dawn meets dawn in summer”, “In summer the sun is high, and far from morning to evening” (Large daylight hours.) Why do they say: “In summer, every bush will let you spend the night”? (Because summer nights are very warm.)

Invite the children to think about what you can say "summer"? (Rain, day, haymaking, meadow, garden, garden, forest.) "Summer"? (Weather, cloud, thunderstorm.) "Summer"? (Cloud, mood, sun, sky, morning.) Ask them to come up with definitions for the word "summer". What is it? (Sunny, rainy, generous, affectionate...)

Ask the children to think about why they say “summer is red” about this season? "Red" in Rus' was called all the most beautiful (red sun, red girl, Red Square). How beautiful is summer? And it is beautiful with golden sunbeams and pearl clouds, silver rains and diamond dews, emerald herbs and seven-colored rainbows. And the countless flowers that bloom at this time of the year.

All fields, meadows in flowers,

Like in colorful scarves.

We love it so much

Our sunny ... (summer).

Rain and dew

Watch the warm summer rain with your children. Hear how he makes noise. See the puddles bubbling. After the rain, pay their attention to how the foliage turned green, how all the blades of grass and flowers sparkle and shimmer in the sun. Tell me that there are drizzling, blind, overflowing, mushroom, spore, striped, oblique, heavy rolling rains and, finally, downpours (downpours).

What is the difference between spore rain and mushroom rain? The word "arguable" means - fast, fast. Spore rain pours steeply, strongly. It usually approaches with an incoming noise. A small mushroom rain sleepily pours from low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. It's like he's whispering. Forest humus and moss absorb it slowly, thoroughly. Therefore, after it, mushrooms begin to grow rapidly.

People say about the blind rain falling in the sun: "The princess is crying." Drops of this rain sparkling in the sun look like large tears.

You can follow the play of light during the rain for a long time, the variety of sounds - from the measured knock on the roof and the liquid ringing through the drainpipe to the continuous intense rumble when the rain pours like a wall.

Remind the children of the morning dew. There is no rain, and the grass and leaves of plants growing near the ground are wet. Let the children run their hands over the grass: their palms will become wet. Previously, peasant children loved to run barefoot in the dew. They thought it was an incomparable pleasure!

On warm summer days, the sun warms the earth well, but at night the air cools. The water vapor in the air settles on the plants, which quickly cool down from the night cold, and turns into small water droplets - dew. Dew does not form on the ground or paths, as they retain the heat of the sun for a long time. In the morning the sun warms the earth again and the dew disappears. People have long noticed that if there is heavy dew and fog in the morning, then this is good weather.

summer thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are frequent in summer. Summer thunderclouds are made up of an infinite number of water droplets charged with electricity. Between two such clouds slips an electric charge of great power. This is lightning. Sometimes lightning occurs between a thundercloud and the ground. Then a tree or a haystack, which was struck by lightning, may catch fire. That is why in a summer thunderstorm one cannot hide from the rain under lonely standing trees. During the discharge of thunderclouds, first we see the flash of lightning, and then we hear the peals of thunder. This is because sound travels slower in air than light. If there is a very long gap between lightning and thunder, then this means that the thunderstorm is going somewhere far away.

Usually it is clear in advance that a thunderstorm is gathering: the sun bakes strongly, moisture accumulates in the air, it becomes quiet and stuffy. On the horizon, a cluster of powerful cumulus clouds is noticeable. They quickly approach and soon occupy the entire sky, which begins to change in a special way and even a special - pre-storm - light is felt. The wind blows in gusts, abruptly changes direction, and then intensifies, raises clouds of dust, plucks leaves and breaks tree branches, and can tear off the roof coverings of houses. Then a wall of heavy rain, sometimes with hail, falls from above from a rising cloud. Lightning flashes, deafening peals of thunder are heard. Dangerous, but very beautiful sight!

Why is a thunderstorm dangerous? First of all, lightning discharge. Lightning can cause a fire. A direct lightning strike can lead to death! Another hazard is strong winds that break tree branches and damage buildings. Trees falling from the wind often damage power lines. Because of them, people can get injured. And finally, a heavy downpour with hail. The hail is destroying the crops. If you do not hide from him in time, then bruises and abrasions cannot be avoided. Tell us about the sizes of hailstones, show them with examples!

rainbow arc

After the rain, when the sun peeps through a thick curtain of clouds, a beautiful seven-color rainbow appears in the sky. She appears where the thunderclouds go. A rainbow is visible as long as raindrops often and evenly fall to the ground. The larger the drops and the more often they fall, the brighter the rainbow.

If necessary, show the children a rainbow and ask them to look at it, name the order of colors. Pay attention to the children that the rainbow lines are in the shape of a semicircle and unequal length. Have the children identify what the rainbow looks like (a bridge). Tell us that in ancient times the rainbow was called that - a bridge thrown in time, connecting heaven and earth. She is painted in seven colors given to her by the rays of the sun. The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a strictly defined order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors make up the white sunbeam, which during rain is refracted in rainwater drops. To remember this sequence, people came up with a sentence in which the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

Usually we see a rainbow when the rain has not yet ended, but the sun is shining in the sky. The rainbow can be seen not only in the sky, but also in the fountain, while swimming in the river, when a lot of spray rises. The main thing is that the sun and water "work" together.

In winter, in severe frost, many ice crystals act together with the sun in the same way as drops of water, but the rainbow turns out to be paler. Even the bright light of street lamps on a frosty evening creates a smoky luminous circle around them, in which you can sometimes find faint shades of pink and yellow.

Children love to draw rainbows. Combine topical stories and drawing lessons.