Stressors are factors that cause a state of stress. The impact of stress on human health

Stress is a complex of physical, chemical and other reactions of a person to stressors in the environment, the action of which unbalances his physiological and mental functions. Stress can be positive and negative.

Positive stress causes us to perform better and more creatively. In this case, all our organs of perception are clear and ready for work. Such positive stress is not only not dangerous, no, but even useful. It can improve performance. Negative stress, on the contrary, deprives a person of strength and creates great problems for the individual and the organization.

The causes of stress are formed with the influence of two groups of factors:

a) organizational factors:

1) overloading the employee during the working day leads to anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, etc.;

2) too little load of the employee during the working day contributes to the emergence of anxiety about their value, their professionalism;

3) uninteresting work;

4) role conflict occurs when conflicting requirements are presented to an employee;

5) ambiguity of roles in case of unclear formulation of tasks and powers for the use of resources;

6) poor working conditions;

7) poor awareness;

8) the uncertainty of the position of the employee, the uncertainty in anticipation of the decision of the management.

b) personal factors accompanying any change:

1) positive events (wedding, appointment to a new position, very large purchase, pregnancy, etc.);

2) negative events (divorce, illness, refusal of management to be promoted, dismissal from work, financial losses, etc.).

Scientists have found that the attitude of each person depends on how quickly and strongly he reacts to stress. For an ambitious person, stress and workload harm much more than for someone who perceives excessive demands and expectations more detachedly. It is decisive whether a person feels under pressure in a tense situation or perceives it more as a challenge, as an opportunity to prove what he really is worth. Each person has their own criteria for defining something as tension and pressure. Some are just getting a taste of it and blossoming noticeably when others feel utterly exhausted and destabilized. Some people are especially sensitive in certain areas and it is here that they react extremely quickly to stress with physical symptoms. A certain measure of tension is necessary and even useful for us. For example, in situations of apparent danger, it is important that the body works quickly and reliably, throwing out a large dose of adrenaline and thereby providing the ability to respond that is needed at the moment. Stress helps to react quickly in a critical situation. And in less dangerous moments, it is often useful to be in a special tone in order to quickly perceive and use important information. For example: in an exam or test situation, in the event of an important conversation with colleagues or superiors, on the road, during telephone conversations with clients, in the case of communication with various authorities and city services, when it comes to financial issues or relationships. Even in situations that we would not associate with the concept of stress, our body often reacts with the same tension that it reacts in the situations listed above.

It is situations that require the application of all your energy that teach you flexibility and push you to develop other strategies. But if you try to solve new problems, handle new workloads with old strategies, you will very quickly hit your limits. And you will feel exhausted and exhausted, i.e. you will be under stress.

The sooner you decide to meet the challenges and cope with the tasks that the world around you sets before you, the more stable your health and performance will be. This confidence in your abilities will support you the more, the more consistently you try not to make demands on yourself. This is where stress relief techniques come into play.

A huge number of organizations pay great attention to stress management training. The fact is that their employees simply must be able to cope with such situations. After all, if they allow stress to overcome them, their efficiency will be much lower. And when employees have poor performance, then the organization loses all its advantages in the market. Effective stress management comes down to this: change the things you can change and accept the things you can't change.

Environmental stress factors: 1. Work: quantitative, overload, qualitative, overload, unexplained, variable, poor equipment. 2. Structural climate: poor communication, lack of participation, incorrectly defined hierarchy. 3. Non-Organizational Factors Keywords: family, economy, society, life circumstances, crime, price increase 4. Role at work: role conflict, role ambiguity, responsibility for people, lack of support from the manager, inconsistency with status. 5. Career issues: slow progress, too fast progress, injustice, lack of preparation, qualification mismatch 6. Relations: with managers, subordinates, employees, clients 7. Personal stress: needs, hopes and achievements, emotional instability, overestimated (underestimated) self-esteem, ambiguity.

There are at least two classifications of methods for neutralizing stress. The first classification is based on the nature of the anti-stress effect:

physical (bath, hardening, water procedures, light exposure),

biochemical (pharmacotherapy, alcohol, herbal medicine, etc.),

physiological (massage, acupuncture, exercise, etc.),

psychological (auto-training, meditation, rational therapy, etc.).

The simplest will be physical methods to reduce stress - exposure to high or low temperatures, light of different spectral composition and intensity. Numerous observations show that hardening, sauna and Russian steam bath are excellent anti-stress methods that have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Sunbathing in moderate doses also has a beneficial effect on mental and physical health.

Biochemical methods of stress relief include various pharmacological preparations, medicinal plants, narcotic substances, alcohol and aromatherapy.

The last method is to manage the mental state of a person using essential oils, which have sedative and anti-stress properties. The most famous soothing properties are the smells of lavender, valerian, lemon balm, ylang-ylang and neroli. For aromatherapy, an aromatic water lamp, smoking sticks, fragrant baths or massage with oils are used.

Physiological methods of stress regulation consist in a direct impact on the physiological processes in the body, in particular, on the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems. They include massage, acupuncture, exercise, muscle relaxation and breathing techniques.

Psychological stress reduction methods are autogenic training, meditation, biofeedback, breathing techniques, muscle relaxation, rational psychotherapy, stress dissociation, the use of positive images (visualization), neurolinguistic programming.

Let's take a quick look at the main psychological methods. Autogenic training is one of the options for self-hypnosis, with its help a person can have a significant impact on mental and vegetative processes in the body. The system appeared in the 1930s, thanks to Johann Schulz, who created his own direction in the western and eastern (in particular, the yoga system).

Meditation has common roots with autogenic training, but still differs from the latter, which requires great willpower and conscious control over the process of self-regulation. So while auto-training requires a constant effort of will to combat the unstable modulation of thoughts and sensations, then in meditation there is no volitional control.

Biofeedback (BFB) is understood as such methods of self-regulation of human vegetative functions that allow you to directly monitor your own physiological parameters and influence them using technical devices.

Breathing techniques are also very effective in normalizing the psychological state of a person. Our psychological state is reflected in the nature of breathing, and, on the other hand, by changing the nature of breathing, we can change our mood in the right direction.

There are many ways to neutralize stress. Some methods involve awareness of a stressful situation, the development of stages to overcome stress. Others - relaxation - activities, methods to reduce stress (rest, sleep, special exercises, communication with loved ones), are especially effective in situations of fatigue, professional burnout. Ideally, use not one, but a combination of these methods.

1. So it is necessary start with an analysis of your feelings, sensations(“I feel tired, depressed, irritated, aggressive, indifferent, etc.”). Finding the source of stress is essential. It is the knowledge of the source that determines whether it should be fought.

2. A common cause of professional stress is time pressure. Meetings, negotiations, departures - all these events are regular. Effective time management is a great value in the modern world. In this case, you should plan activities for each day (everyone, not just leaders!). To do this, it is necessary to answer the questions: what tasks need to be solved first of all? What are the most important issues? But you should also leave time for unforeseen situations.

3. Rest, relaxation must be added to the to-do list. In this case, we are talking about both short-term rest (these are various relaxation exercises that can be used during work), and regular rest - sleep. And yet, which is also very significant, the need for vacation to recuperate. Each of us has the same need for rest as the need for activity, even if you are very efficient and emotionally stable, tension tends to gradually turn from a “ball” into a big “snowball”.

4. Doing your favorite activities gives energy, brings pleasure. Doing what you love, you feel a certain freedom: after all, this is completely your choice. A hobby often gives us new information, helps us learn something, develop something in ourselves, whether it be reading, collecting something, traveling, cooking, sports and much more.

5. Exercise- a well-known way to reset the negative. Charging, swimming, sports games are an excellent way to release negative energy.

6. Be outdoors more often: The beneficial effect can be seen from a picnic with friends, and from a simple walk.

7. Listen to music, attend concerts. Such an atmosphere helps to immerse yourself in a special world - the world of fantasy. In addition, being in a circle of people opens up the possibility of new acquaintances, communication.

8. Assemble a small house collection of favorite books, music, films, which help you relax and have a good time.

9. Occasionally give gifts to your loved ones and yourself in particular, when you are in a bad mood, you are depressed by something. By doing something nice for the dearest people, you yourself will feel better, rejoice together. Taking care of loved ones, we stop feeling lonely, we feel our significance and the value of family and friendships.

10. Look at the problem situation from different angles: imagine how you usually act in such moments, and what else you can do. And the more options you can find, the better. Let the list include even those decisions that are completely uncharacteristic of you, unusual and, perhaps, seem unacceptable. Or is this the best way out? It is often useful to move away from the usual programs, patterns of behavior. This helps to get rid of obsession and stereotyped thinking, the manifestation of flexibility, and hence creativity.

11. Speaking of creativity. Should more often refer to the verb "create". It can be ideas, objects, anything. By creating something new, a person develops himself, increases his significance. Therefore, it is more often worth connecting the imagination, and there is always a field for creative activity in any job.

12. Try treat certain situations with humor. Laughter gives relaxation, reduces the significance of a stressful situation, helps to regulate the emotional state.

13. Is always try from difficult situations extract experience. This, firstly, contributes to personal and professional growth. Secondly, it helps to adapt to possible stressful situations in the future.

Similar information.

The causes of stress lie in negative and positive situations: the lack of control over emotions triggers a stressful state. Stressors are the "causative agents" of panic, depression and apathy.

Stressors cause different reactions - from panic to apathy.

The types of stressors are determined by the psycho-emotional state of the victim and the experience. Such factors differ in the duration of exposure and frequency of repetitions.

What is stress?

Stressors trigger stress: to a greater extent, negative situations destroy a person’s defenses and cause a response. In conflictology, stressors are assigned a separate category of causes of protracted interpersonal conflicts.

Stress is a loss of control over emotions and one's own behavior. A state of increased tension occurs after prolonged exposure to stressors. By identifying the root cause of a person’s emotional instability, you can get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears.

Why do "irritants" appear

Environmental stressors appear with a certain frequency or only once. Against the background of constant depressive states, any reminder of a traumatic event triggers the body's reaction. The influence of negative factors is intensified by the personal non-perception of oneself as a person. Such stressors: hunger, cold, extreme environmental conditions can cause irreversible changes in the victim's psyche.

What are the most dangerous causes of stress?

  • change of main place of work;
  • death of a loved one;
  • physiological changes (diseases, injuries);
  • injustice (feelings of guilt, envy, betrayal);
  • adverse environmental factors.

Aggressive reactions due to stress can change a person's life: deprive of peace, destroy the family idyll, disrupt harmony. Factors such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a loved one trigger strong rejection.

The victim of stress does not accept the tragedy, and the denial of death leads to aggravation of mental disorders. The level of stress depends on the individual resilience of a person.

Psychological problems can arise due to poor adaptation of a person. Getting out of your comfort zone is stressful for people of all ages.

Envy is one of the causes of stress

Variety of stressors

In psychology, the classification of stressors covers physiological and mental changes in a person. The main negative reactions affect the victim's well-being, his attitude and the perception of the people around him. Personality is lost in society, removed from society - poor communication does not allow a person to settle in life and start strong relationships.

Classification of stressors and their characteristics:

  1. Active activity factors. The main types of load are the overload of the physical condition of a person. The body sends signals about the threat to life. Underloads and overloads can create stress. Production factors are associated with professional responsibilities: the stressor is responsibility for one's life and responsibility for subordinates. Contests and competitions disturb the tranquility of the individual.
  2. Evaluation factors. There are social stressors with bad experiences. Fear of competition, performance, fear of the public arise from the expectation of failure. These types of stressors arise spontaneously. Social factors are formed against the background of constant victories or defeats. Love failures, problems in the family (destruction of a child's family or an adult's family) create stress factors.
  3. Disagreement of actions. Relationships of family, lovers, colleagues generate stress from separation. Social problems, disrupted communication, overload in everyday affairs create the prerequisites for stress and mental disorders. Stressors include sensory deprivation, diseases that cannot be controlled (viral and infectious diseases). Disagreements in family life lead to tension, to unjustified expectations. As a result, the social personality closes in on itself, alienated from the family. The level of stress from mismatched actions is tantamount to the loss of a loved one.
  4. physiological stressors. Muscular loads among athletes, injuries, surgical intervention increase the level of stress and create conditions for the development of mental disorders. The psycho-emotional reaction of a person is a natural defense. Social skills and communication in such cases do not play an important role. Types of physiological stressors: sounds, darkness, limited space, environmental conditions.
  5. Psychological stimuli. Psychological stress increases the level of stress in people holding high positions or leading an active social life. Such types of psychological stressors as public expectations or increased responsibility have a strong influence on the personality. Psychological problems arise from a person's thoughts, from internal pressure.

professional stress. These types of overloads are familiar to employees of large corporations or weak individuals. Psychological punishments, competition, constant moral pressure lead to an increased level of stress (the level depends on the susceptibility of the worker).

family crises

Vertical and horizontal stressors occur in the family. The basis of such factors is the upbringing of children, the myths about family life, laid down in the new generation. Vertical factors run through the beliefs that each of the spouses received in childhood. Vertical stress factors are formed in three or more generations: these are misconceptions about the position of husband and wife, about their role and main responsibilities.

Horizontal factors refer to the stages of family relationships. At their core, such problems arise due to external difficult situations: lack of money, problems with housing and the organization of family life.

Horizontal factors are based on material values ​​and do not relate to the spiritual life of the family. Normative crises manifest themselves at the stage of formation of family life. Clash of values ​​and principles create normative crises in future family life. Regulatory crises can involve both horizontal and vertical factors. The role of such stressors is determined by the origin of partners and their upbringing.

Family quarrels are another type of stressors.


What stresses affect a person's life? The professional life of an employee is subject to frequent stresses associated with excessive pressure and expectations. Personal relationships can become a battlefield for two conflicting personalities: life principles have an impact.

The influence of unfavorable factors is reflected in the victim. The socialization of the consequences of the transferred stress explains the alienation of a person, the lack of desire to build strong relationships and start a family.

People say that all diseases are from nerves. And this statement is partly true. The impact of stress on human health is one of the most serious and pressing issues today. The fast rhythm of life, psychological stress and the desire to do everything make themselves felt. People often get sick, referring to overwork or stress. What is it and what are

What do we know about stress?

Stress has long been an integral part of life, perhaps, of every person. Psychologists by this word mean a special and neuropsychic stress. In modern conditions, it is almost impossible to avoid it. At the same time, different people have different reactions to the same loads. So, for example, one group reacts actively, that is, their work productivity continues to grow to the maximum possible limit (psychologists call this type "lion stress"). Another group of people shows a passive reaction, i.e. their work productivity immediately drops (this is the "stress of the rabbit").

In addition, stress can be acute. That is, it occurs once and is characterized by severe physical and mental shock. An example of such a form would be accidents. A person once gets into then comes rehabilitation. However, there is a long-term form, when stress gradually accumulates, overwhelming a person. It can be long-term conflicts in the family or a typical workload.

Stress and health are interrelated components. To find the key to recovery from ailments, you need to understand the causes that cause stress.

The reasons

The causes of stress are external stimuli, or stressors. These are uncomfortable situations that a person finds himself in at work, at home, at school, etc. They have a different nature, degree of impact, and consequences.

Stressors include any changes in a person's life. But not all situations can be regarded as negative, pressing, constraining. The severity of stress is deeply individual. And its root lies in uncertainty and loss of control over the situation. In many ways, the impact of stressors depends on a person's awareness of personal responsibility and the staging of personal participation in the established state of affairs.


Experts divide the factors that cause stress into two main groups: physiological and psychological. This classification is based on the nature of stressors. According to the degree of manifestation, stressors are a kind of limitation. They can be actual and possible (or potential).

The types of stressors of the second category depend on the psychological attitudes and individual abilities of a person. Simply put, is he able to adequately assess the degree of load and correctly distribute it without harming his health.

However, stressors are not always external stimuli. Sometimes stress arises due to a discrepancy between the desired and the actual. That is, the stress factor focuses on the very collision of the inner and outer worlds of a person. From this position, stressors are divided into subjective and objective. The first correspond to the incompatibility of genetic programs with modern conditions, incorrect implementation of conditioned reflexes, incorrect communication and personal attitudes, etc. Objective stressors include housing and working conditions, emergencies, and interaction with people.


Physiological factors that cause stress include:

  • Pain effects
  • Extreme temperatures, noise and light exposure
  • Taking excessive amounts of certain drugs (such as caffeine or amphetamines), etc.
  • The group of physiological stressors can include hunger, thirst, isolation. Depending on the degree and duration of exposure, these stressors can cause both significant and minor harm to health.

    A typical reaction to physiological stress can be a rapid heartbeat, muscle tension, tremors (tremors) in the limbs, and an increase in blood pressure.


    According to experts, psychological stressors are the most destructive for the human body. They are conditionally divided into informational and emotional:

  • A threat to self-esteem or the immediate environment.
  • The need for an urgent decision.
  • Excessive responsibility for someone or for something.
  • Conflict situations (various motives).
  • Danger signal, etc.
  • Emotional stressors are known to be the most profound in their impact. They form resentments and fears in a person, which over time, without an adequate assessment of the situation, like a weed, will only grow. Thus, stress and health will become a single, destructive mechanism.


    Occupational stressors are a mixed group. They combine psychological and physiological stressors. These are external irritants and loads that each person experiences at work. Consider the example of a rescue worker. It most clearly accumulates the maximum level of stressors. Namely, with high responsibility, mental stress of readiness, negative environmental factors, information uncertainty, lack of time for decision-making and danger to life.

    It is noteworthy that stressors tend to "infect" the masses with themselves. Using the same example of an employee of the rescue service, one can see that not only the performer of the task is subjected to stress, but also the team and family of the employee. This is due to the psychological factors of interaction, trust, solidarity in society. Thus, when distributing the internal load and reserves, a person gets rid of the accumulated stress.

    The effects of stress

    The impact of stress on human health, regardless of its degree of impact, is a negative phenomenon and has a fairly wide range of psychological, physical and social consequences. All of them can be divided into:

    • Primary- appear on the psychological and intellectual level in connection with the occurrence of extreme situations (loss of attention, fatigue, psychoneurotic states).
    • Secondary- arise as a result of unsuccessful attempts to overcome a maladaptive state. Among these consequences are emotional "burnout", abuse of nicotine, alcohol or sedatives, decreased performance, aggressive or depressive states.
    • Tertiary- combine the psychological, social, intellectual and physical aspects. They can be expressed in the deformation of the personality, the increase in conflicts with other people due to internal disorder, in the severance of family and work ties, the loss of work, study, pessimism and social apathy. The extreme degree of tertiary consequences are suicides.

    Every day a person faces many stressful situations. There is no escape from this, so psychology offers people ways to avoid or deal with stress.

    From what stressors surround a person, and how a person reacts to them, a general picture of his psychophysical and emotional state is formed.

    Types of stress - good and bad

    The principle of action of stressors on the body

    Stress is the body's reaction to the action of stimuli, which are called stressors. In psychology, there are such concepts as useful and harmful stress. They are distinguished by their effects on the human body and the consequences that occur after a while.

    Distress has a devastating effect on the nervous system and on the internal organs of a person. It is he who causes depression, chronic diseases and mental disorders. In addition to it, there is also eustress - a positive form of stress. It does not have a destructive effect and is often associated with joyful moments in a person's life.

    Stressors can be any factors that surround a person in everyday life.

    Some have a short-term and insignificant effect on the subject, while others act for a long time, which leads to chronic manifestations of stress.

    One way or another, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. In order to reduce the impact of stressors on the body, psychologists have developed special techniques and training to increase the stress resistance of individuals.

    Stages of development of stress

    Classification of stressors according to L. V. Levy

    According to the works of L.V. Levy, a person is constantly in a state of stress. This is due to any influence from the outside or processes inside the body. Levy divides stressors into two types: short-term and long-term.

    short-term stressors

    They may appear suddenly or recur over a period of time. They have little effect on the nervous system and cannot become chronic. These include:

    1. Failures, mistakes, misses. Signals can also come with a reminder of a stressor. If a person independently recalls a past bad experience or someone reminds him of it, then the force of stress can be as strong as at the time of the event. In general, the severity of the reaction to memories decreases over time.
    2. Noise, bright light, unpleasant swings, temperature changes. The impact of external stimuli on the individual during the performance of any work leads to a decrease in concentration.
    3. Fear, fear. Expectation and fear of physical pain, fear of hurting others, criticism or ridicule of him lead a person into a state of stress. If a person experiences these feelings for a long time, then they become long-term stressors.
    4. Discomfort. The influence of external factors on the human body, such as heat, cold, dampness, etc., causes a reaction of the defense system, which is quite normal.
    5. Speed, haste, high pace. When the subject is rushed, forced to do something faster than he is used to, he is exposed to a stressor.

    Long term stressors

    Their prolonged exposure not only makes adjustments to a calm and measured life, but can also significantly affect the health of the subject.

    Stressor - military service

    Long term ones include:

    1. Complete restriction or isolation. For example, imprisonment, total parental control, military service or a regular diet. Any infringement of the body in its usual needs has an effect on the nervous system.
    2. Dangerous job or extreme lifestyle. People who do their duty, risking their lives, are exposed to long-term stressors. Love for extreme sports or adrenaline addiction contribute to the manifestation of stressors.
    3. background impact. With the constant need to resist in any of the spheres of life, a person suffers from his psychophysical state. The reason for this may be hostility with some subject or hostilities.
    4. Overwork, long-term performance of the same type of work. Actions that lead to mental or physical fatigue can significantly affect the functioning of organs and systems.

    In order to reduce the influence of surrounding stimuli, you need to avoid collision with them or change your attitude towards them.

    Influence of different types of stressors

    Family stressors

    The main stressors of the environment lie not at all in the outside world, but in the family. The influence of stressors on the psychophysical state of a person is classified according to two parameters: there are normative and non-normative stressors.

    The former are a natural stage in the life of any individual. Like any violation of the boundaries of the current reality, they cause a stressful state. The most common is eustress. But distress is no less common.

    Family stressors - quarrels of parents

    Crisis moments of a regulatory nature are:

    • creating your own family;
    • expectation of the firstborn;
    • raising a child, etc.

    In addition to such stages in life, other incidents can occur that leave an imprint on all family members. It could be:

    • illness or death of a loved one;
    • divorce;
    • division of children and property;
    • treason;
    • domestic violence;
    • change of residence, etc.

    In every family there are stressful situations that can strengthen it or destroy it. Regardless of the age and social status of family members, difficulties will inevitably arise. Only the nature of their origin and the reaction of households to them differ. Poor communication between relatives only increases the impact of stressors on their lives.

    Among other things, in family stress, horizontal and vertical stressors are distinguished.

    These are the lines of development of stressful situations that have an impact not only on the current situation, but also on the future life of people. This fact once again confirms that people, for the most part, repeat the life of their parents.

    What can be a stressor - a list

    Stressors by degree of control

    Depending on the events taking place in a person's life, his future destiny is formed. But the main thing that makes the body out of any stress is memory. The lack of stress resistance is compensated by aggressiveness and a conflicting attitude towards others. Over time, the subject becomes so accustomed to this state of affairs that he does not see other options for reaction at all.

    Psychologists have compiled a gradation of types of stressors: from those that can be influenced by a person to stressors that are not subject to the will of the subject. This helps to better understand the nature of the origin of stressors and develop principles for dealing with them.

    2 types of stressors

    The classification of stressors according to the degree of control can be considered in the following example:

    • A torn off button on a favorite suit - this factor can be completely corrected by the subject himself;
    • Lack of money or other material assets can also be corrected. But you have to put in more effort and spend a significant amount of time;
    • Quarrels in the family - to correct the situation, the mutual desire of opponents will be required, it is very problematic to resolve the situation on your own;
    • Illness - such a stressor cannot always be changed even with a great desire and aspiration;
    • Country of residence - can be corrected, but it will take a lot of effort to do this, without a certain material base, this stressor cannot be excluded;
    • Government - man alone can not change this fact;
    • Epoch - such a stressor cannot be changed in any way.

    Illness is a major stressor

    If you look at this list, it becomes clear that it is precisely those stressors that a person himself can influence that cause more discomfort. From this we can conclude that avoiding most distress is not so difficult.

    Occupational stressors

    Labor activity is the root of most disorders of the psychophysical state, as well as chronic neuroses in middle-aged people. Unbearable loads, as well as pressure from the management, introduce the subject into a stressful state. A person lives this story from day to day, and the stress becomes chronic.

    Occupational stressors - types

    Labor stressors look like overloads and underloads at work:

    • Excess labor activity has an extremely negative effect on the body. It leads to the depletion of the physical and psychological resources of a person.
    • The disadvantage provokes problems with the perception of the usefulness of one's "I". Decreased self-esteem and irritability are possible.

    Excess and lack of labor activity have almost the same effect on the body.

    Job stressors manifest themselves at the moment when the requirements for him become incomprehensible to a person. Uncertainty causes feelings of anxiety and inadequacy.

    Career stressors are nothing more than promotion or, conversely, its absence, or dismissal. Influence is also exerted by such a factor as injustice towards employees. Personal factors indicate problems in balancing work and personal life.


    Using the example of various types of stressors, we can consider the influence of the characteristics of the impact of stress resistance. The higher it is in a person, the less he is subject to distress.

    Depending on the lifestyle of the subject, various stressors affect him. Their influence can be reduced, but avoiding them completely is simply unrealistic, because stress is an integral part in the process of human life. It is thanks to stressors that his habits and instincts are formed, which are passed down from generation to generation and determine the behavioral reactions of various groups of people.

    Stress - a complex of physical, chemical and other reactions of a person to stressors. stressors- (or incentives) in the environment, the action of which unbalances the physiological and mental functions of a person. Under certain conditions, it helps to mobilize the efforts of the employee to solve production problems or achieve personal goals. Stress has both negative and positive implications for a person. Stress is inevitable. Stress can unbalance, lead to a discrepancy between his condition and the environment. This, in turn, gives rise to fatigue, a sense of danger, a weakening of mental abilities, rising blood pressure, a passive attitude to work, a decrease in the level of organization, and a violation of labor discipline. This leads to losses in the organization due to accidents, a decrease in the quality of work, an increase in staff turnover, and premature death of employees. Classification of stressors:

    stressors Effects
    stressors in the environment. environment personal stressors Subjective: disorders, fatigue, anxiety. guilt. Behavioral: the danger of the incident, "bad" conversations. Cognitive: weak decisions, poor focus. Physiological: Coronary disease, rising blood pressure, high cholesterol, ulcers. illness, etc. Organizational: absenteeism, staff turnover, low labor productivity, job dissatisfaction.
    Production: overload (underload), inexplicable. changes, schedule changes, bad equipment. Role-playing: role conflict, role ambiguity, responsibility for people, lack of support, lack of status. Structural: Poor communication, lack of empathy, bad hierarchy Career: Slow promotion, unfairness, lack of promotion opportunities, lack of necessary training. Relational: relationships with management, with subordinates, with colleagues, with clients, with workers. Non-organizational: the state of the economy, the growth of crime, prices, life circumstances, family relationships. needs, hopes, achievements emotional stability flexibility tolerance ambiguity self-esteem

    Creation of conditions for overcoming and warning. stress. situations: stress management - this is the process of purposeful influence on the personnel of the organization in order to adapt the individual to a stressful situation, eliminate sources of stress and master the methods of neutralizing them by all personnel of the organization.1 - it is necessary to determine the causes of stress, which are. stressors. It is necessary to learn how to cope with them by methods of neutralization, drawing up individual programs for neutralizing stress, holding seminars, training employees in relaxation techniques, ways to change behavior. Methods for neutralizing stress: planning (plan for solving problems - personal, service, correlation with the goals of the organization), physical exercises, diet, psychotherapy, meditation and relaxation. Creating conditions for the smooth operation of the organization by protecting, preserving and effectively using financial, material, information and human resources while reducing threats and the negative consequences of undesirable events ensures the economic security of the organization

    42. Formal and informal groups in the organization, their role and dynamics .

    Group- this is a relatively isolated association of several people (no more than 10) who are in fairly stable interaction and carry out joint actions for a sufficiently long period of time.

    The group is an environment of self-affirmation and self-knowledge, it is an objective human need for communication.

    Depending on the purpose of the association, two types of groups are distinguished:



    Formal groups are created for the implementation of production activities in accordance with the chosen strategy at the behest of the leaders of the organization. They have a formally appointed leader, a formal structure, a position within the group, their tasks and functions are described and formally fixed in the relevant documents. These groups can be created on a permanent or temporary basis.

    There are three main types of groups in an organization: leadership groups, work groups, and community organizations.

    informal groups are formed by members of the organization, often spontaneously, in accordance with their mutual sympathies, common interests, hobbies, habits, etc. In most enterprises, there are many informal groups. There can be as many of them as there are basics for communication. Due to the formal structure, people interact with each other for many years.

    The natural result of communication is the spontaneous emergence of informal groups.

    Usually these groups have an explicit or implicit leader. In many cases, informal groups have a significant influence on the behavior of group members, sometimes even more than formal ones.

    AT formal group the head is the formal leader. The success of the group's work largely depends on him, since the leader forms the basic principles of interaction, sets the vector of development, influences the socio-psychological climate, relationships in the team, he has the right and power to encourage or punish group members based on the results of work.

    AT informal group The leader also plays an important role. He contributes to the fulfillment of the tasks of the group, allows its members to satisfy their needs, embodies the core values ​​of the group, represents the point of view of the group when interacting with leaders of other groups, smooths out contradictions in the group.