Topic: "Sound Z" Organized educational activities educational area "Speech development" section "Sound culture of speech. Lesson on speech development "Sound culture of speech: acquaintance with sounds and

Topic: "Sound Z" Organized educational activities educational area "Speech development" section "Sound culture of speech"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 2 of the city of Tuymazy of the municipal district Tuymazinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan, Tuymazy - 2015

Completed by: Educator: Khamitova D.A. 10 years experience in this position.

Program content:

Learning tasks: teach children to pronounce the sound correctly and clearly "Z" in words, syllables, phrases.

Developmental tasks: to promote the development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing; develop the ability to use the height and power of the voice.

Educational tasks: to cultivate the ability to play in a team of peers.

Region Integration: "Speech development" , "Cognitive Development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Physical development" .

Vocabulary work: mosquito, fly up, fly off.

Material and benefits: funny tongue (crumb), plane mosquito on a stick, mosquitoes on strings, cube (crumb).

Methodical techniques: game, visual, verbal.

Educator: - Good morning dear children! I am very glad to see you today. We have guests today. Now we will smile and give a good mood. We take our seats. Sit nicely, back straight, legs together, hands on knees.

Look who came to visit us, this is a Merry tongue (showing). The tongue knows a lot of fairy tales. And he will tell one of his tales. And we will help him. Can we help? Listen carefully.

Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. It's him. Children do you have tongues? Show. Oh, what beautiful tongues you have. Our tongue had a home. What is this interesting house, do you think?

Children: Roth (show)

Educator: So that the cheerful tongue does not run out, his house was closed. Why is the house closed?

Children: Lips (show).

Educator: There were two doors in his house, one door was lips, and the second door was teeth. Show. The teeth tightly close the house and do not release the tongue into the street. Let's all close and open the house together. They opened the house, smiled, showed their teeth, closed the house (children do the exercise).

One day, Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe fresh air. And the tongue stuck out, but not all, only the tip. The tongue appeared and hid. A minute later, the fidget looked out again. I saw children playing hide-and-seek in the street. And began to hide behind the lower teeth. Like this. Now let's show it together.

The tongue loves to sing different songs. The tongue hid behind the lower teeth and began to sing the song Z-Z-Z. Let's try to sing a song together. Smiled, hid the tongue behind the lower teeth and sing (choral and individual).

It became warm outside and our Tongue looked out into the street and saw who? (showing).

Children: He saw a mosquito.

Educator: Speech breathing exercise "Mosquito on a string" . And the mosquito flew not alone, but with its mosquito friends. See how many there are. Can they fly? We will check now. Come and take one mosquito. And in order to see how beautifully they fly, you will have to stand near your chairs. We hold the mosquito in front of us, do not raise our shoulders, inhale through the nose, blow our lips on the mosquito with a tube, do not puff out our cheeks (2 times).

Educator: Mosquito liked how you played with his friends, and now let's play together.


In the morning the mosquito woke up
Stretched, smiled
Once - he washed himself with dew
Two - gracefully twirled
Three - bent down and sat down
On four - flew (2 times).

Educator: Your mosquitoes are tired, let them rest. Let's put them on the tray.

They sat on chairs, straightened their backs, legs together, hands on their knees.

Educator: And now the mosquito wants to play a game with you "Loud quiet" . When the mosquito flies close, you say the song of the mosquito loudly Z-Z-Z, and when the mosquito flies away from you, you say the song of the mosquito quietly z-z-z.

Teacher: Let's play a new game. The game is called "Repeat" . I will speak and you will repeat.

For - for - for - Zoya has a goat
Zo - zo - zo - Zoya has an umbrella
Zu - zu - zu - Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella
Zy-zy-zy - Zoe has no umbrella, no goat

Educator: The mosquito rested and flew and sat on a magic cube. Look how beautiful and bright he is. Shall we play with him?

Children: Let's play.

Teacher: Everyone stand in a circle. Before you start the game, you need to say the magic words "Spin, spin, lie down on the tank" . Who is it? What's this? (choral and individual).

Educator: We liked the tongue and the mosquito very much. You know how to sit so beautifully, to answer correctly. What song did our tongue sing? (z-z-z). The mosquito leaves his mosquito friends for you to play with.


  1. Fomicheva M.F. Teaching children the correct pronunciation. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981.
  2. Nishcheva N.V. "Fun Articulation Gymnastics" Publisher: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, Publisher: AST

Svetlana Malueva
Lesson on speech development "Sound culture of speech: acquaintance with the sounds [w] and [w]"

Lesson on speech development "Sound culture of speech: acquaintance with the sounds [g] and [w]".

Purpose: To train children in the distinct pronunciation of words with the sounds of w and w, to develop phonemic hearing, to exercise in distinguishing sounds by ear.

Material: pictures, in the name of which there are sounds Zh and Sh; blue and green circles; two houses on the board; gates.

Lesson progress:

Turn left, turn right and smile at each other!

Let's remember our rules of conduct in the classroom:

"Every day, always, everywhere,

In the classroom in the game,

Loudly, clearly, we speak,

We're not in a hurry!"

What is this poem about?

About what you need to try to speak beautifully and clearly.

This is what we learn in our speech development classes. Today we will learn to distinguish sounds. To find out what sounds we are talking about, guess the riddles:

“Who is longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

Crawling on the ground ... (snake) "(takes out a snake from the box)

What is the song of the snake?

That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... This song sounds muffled- Yes?

Let's designate it with such a movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (a snake is crawling).

Now guess another riddle:

Someone is flying in the dark

Making a loud sound.

Who is arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May .... (beetle)" (takes out a beetle from the box)

What does the beetle song sound like? Firmly? And loud!

Our movements will be as follows: put our hands in front of our chest, cross our hands and move them up and down (the beetle flies).

How are these sounds different? If you put your hand to the neck, then we can feel how our vocal cords work. Let's try - When we pronounce the sound [w] - the neck is silent, and when the sound [w] - trembles.

Now let's try not to get confused ... (The teacher helps the children to master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to distinguish what movement you need to make. (Sounds are pronounced w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w)

Today for the lesson I picked up funny tongue twisters for these sounds. Now we will all pronounce them together.

We recall that tongue twisters are folklore jokes that are needed for correct pronunciation.

1. Ash-ash-ash Masha has a pencil. - slowly

2. Shu-shu-shu, quiet in the autumn in the forest. - faster

3. Sha-sha-sha, our Dasha is good. - fast

4. Ms. Ms., I caught a snake. - quiet

5. Zhu-zhu-zhu, I caught a bee yesterday. - slowly

6. Zhi-zhi-zhi, books, fairy tales are good. - quiet

Physical education minute

Well done! Let's loosen up a bit!

I am a cheerful Maybug (Point at yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag finger)

I’m circling above the ground - I’m circling, (Spread your arms, imitation of flight)

And buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes, (we make movements in the text)

I squat, straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs - sideways!

My song is a buzzer (spread your arms, raise your shoulders)

Tired of everyone. And w-w-it's a pity!

Well done. Let's sit down at the tables and play on

Now we will play the game "Be careful".

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Zh, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound Sh in the word, raise the green circle. So:

Giraffe, ball, crane, cat, beetle, bump, frog, chamomile, mouse, foal, car, hat, garage, snowflake, hedgehogs, ladle, Cinderella.

And now a new game. It's called "Settle the House". We have two houses on the board and a gate with a lock that needs to be opened to release our sounds.

Here are pictures depicting objects whose names contain the sound Sh or Zh. The sound Sh lives in the left house, and Zh sound lives in the right house. The one whom I call will come to the blackboard, show the picture to everyone and call it out loud. If the word contains the sound Sh, then it must be placed in a house, which is located on the left side. And if there is a sound Zh in the word, then the picture must be identified in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).


Guys, let's remember:

what sounds did we learn to distinguish in today's lesson?

Did you enjoy the activity? (What was interesting and what did you find difficult).

You are great! Now you will not confuse the sounds sh-zh.

Everyone tried to be attentive, correctly raised the circles, tried to remember the verses.

I am very glad that you coped with almost all the tasks.

Target. Find out how children master the skills that were formed in the older group.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children to explain what kind of objects lie in front of them and why they are needed in a speech development lesson (chips (small objects), pictures from mathematical sets, pieces of paper, pencils).

The teacher monitors the correct use of words by children, the construction of sentences.

Then he reads "Counting" by A. Shabunin:

On the way to,
in a puddle
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

The teacher explains the task to the children: “Listen to the funny counting rhyme again. Be careful. Count words with sound c and pick up the right card... (Two words.) Now I will repeat the counting rhyme, and you count the words with sound h and hold up the appropriate card. (Three words.)

And now a very difficult task. Count words with sound R. (Ten words.) The fact that you are wrong is not a problem. But the fact that you do not work independently is bad.

Now a new task. Quickly draw a grid of three cells. Mark with a chip(s) where in the word chest(or knot) sound is heard h; in the word cloak- sound sch, in the word ground beetle- sound and.

Show (you can use your fingers) how many sounds you hear when I pronounce ka-. Do you think this is a word or part of a word? Let's try to remember words that begin with ka-: porridge, reed, canary-. You remembered, and even then with my hint, only a few words starting with ka-. In fact, there are a lot of such words in Russian. Let's open the dictionary: wild boar, heel, cavalier, stone, gate, cadet, cactus, incident.

Do you know all the words? Who is a cadet? And the cavalier? What is a case?

Then the teacher specifies what time of year it is and what month.

September is the first month of autumn. What do you think, the word or sentence I just said? A sentence usually contains a few words. In this offer their..? (Four.) List the words in the order they appear in the sentence.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children what they have learned today.

“And yet,” the teacher adds, “we trained attention.”

Lesson 4. Lexico-grammatical exercises

Target. Activate children's vocabulary. Help preschoolers accurately characterize the subject, correctly build sentences.

Lesson progress

The teacher tells the children that today he will find out how successfully future schoolchildren master their native language and how rich their vocabulary is. Then he gives the children a task: “What words can answer the question“ who is this ”? (Sometimes children need a hint, for example, the name of an animal.) What about the question “what is this”?

Remember the words that answer the questions: “What?” (Blue.), "Which?" (Sweet.), "Which?" (Cold.)

List what the person can do. Remember the habits of animals.

“And who needs the rest of the bags and why?” - specifies the educator.

Offering to consider a picture depicting hats (from the same manual), the teacher asks: “Who will go to school in which hat? And who and in what cases will need a hat (a handkerchief with polka dots)?

Lesson 5. Why do we need poetry?

Target. Talk to children about why people compose, read and recite poetry. Find out which program poems the children remember.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children collections of poems: one author and different authors, regular and gift editions. He explains that all these books contain poems: about love, nature, human joys and sorrows, serious and comic poems. Then he proposes to discuss a number of questions:

Why do people write poetry?

How do you recognize a poem by ear? (The lines in the poem are rhymed, very rhythmic. An extra or not very precise word in meaning can break this rhythm.) Remember how Dunno wrote poetry, how he suffered and then refused to be a poet.

Can everyone write really good poetry? These are, for example:

Winter morning

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies,
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
A. Pushkin

- Listening to poetry, of course, is pleasant, but is it worth learning them by heart?

After listening to the reasoning of the children, the teacher summarizes: “The more good poems you hear and remember in childhood, the richer, brighter and more expressive your speech will be. People around are always pleased to have a conversation with a benevolent cultured person. A cultured person is a person with good manners and rich, figurative speech.

In middle and senior groups we learned very good poems. Let's remember them."

The teacher reads the first lines from Russian folk songs: “Shadow-shadow-sweat”, “Grandfather wanted to cook an ear”; from the poems of Y. Kushak "The Deer", A. Barto "I know what I need to think up", I. Surikov "Childhood", V. Orlov "Tell me, forest river", I. Belousov "Autumn".

Lesson summary

« Sound culture of speech: sound Zh "

for children of the general developmental group,

aged 4 to 5 years

The date:

Educational area : Speech development

Occupation: Speech development

Priority : Speech development,integrates c physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development.

Target: education of sound culture of speech.



Exercise children in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sound Zh (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with the sound Zh.


Develop memory, attention, speech breathing.

Develop phonemic awareness.


- Cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the answers of your comrades.

Preliminary work: btalking about insects, looking at pictures, making beetles on a string.

Forms of work: Individual, joint activities of the educator with children.


verbal : questions for children, riddles, an excerpt from the story "The Singing Bouquet" by V. Biryukov (conversation during the story)

Visual : beetle "Beetle Zhukovich", a card with the image of a beetle and a flower.

Practical : game exercises -"Magic Path», breathing exercise: "Beetle on a string.""Say a word."

tongue-twisters, "Attentive ears »,

Types of children's activities : playful, communicative, motor.Individual work: Clean tongue with the sound J.

Materials and equipment:

Demo material: a box with a beetle, an audio recording of "Beetles", a card with the image of a beetle and a flower.

Handout: beetle on a string, mirrors for each child.

Motivation: trip to the school for bugs.

Lesson progress:


Motivational moment:

caregiver : I have a box in my hands, and some song comes from there all the time. Do you want to listen? (children's answers )

The song of the beetles sounds:

We are bugs, bugs

We live by the river.


We fly and buzz

We follow our routine.


Who sings this song? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's open the box and see if you guessed right.

Educator: Yes, there are indeed bugs. What song did they sing? (children's answers)

Educator: Correctly. Look, our big beetle, and his name is Zhuk Zhukovich, took off and sings: Zh-zh-zh-zh-zh. He sings loudly, with a voice. He invites you to learn to sing his song. Do you agree? And in order to learn how to sing the same song, Zhuk Zhukovich invites you to his school for bugs. Are you willing to fly to bug school? (children's answers)

Educator: First, let's turn everything into bugs:

Spin around, spin around

And they turned into bugs.

So, we ended up in the school of bugs. Sit down in your seats. Take mirrors. We begin to learn the song of the beetle. Open your mouth wide. Place the tongue on your lower lip. Now gently lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth. Shut your mouth. Get some rest. Let's repeat. As soon as the tongue hides behind the upper teeth, make round lips and start singing: zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh.

Sing the bug's song softlychoral and individual ). And now the boys will sing the beetle song loudly, and the girls will sing the beetle song softly.

Children sing a beetle song.

Educator: Well done! And Zhuk Zhukovich has prepared a lot of tasks for you. The first exercise"Magic Path ". Help the beetle fly to the flower. Swipe your finger along the path from the beetle to the flower, while clearly pronouncing the sound: zhzhzh.

(Children perform the exercise "Magic Path" - one child goes to the board, performs this exercise individually, and when the teacher shows, they say it in unison)

Educator: Good. And now we'll play a game"Attentive ears ". I will speak the words and if you hear a word with a soundAND clap your hands.

(Noise, beetle, tea, belly, cat, toad, animal, star).

Educator: Well done, you were very attentive! In this unusual school, baby beetles sing complex songs. Listen carefully and then repeat.

Syllabic songs sound:

Zha-zha-zha-zha - we found a hedgehog in the forest

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu - they gave an apple to a hedgehog

Same-same-same - the hedgehog has already eaten it

Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi - show us your tummy

(Children, together with the teacher, pronounce these tongue twisters: choral and individual answers).

Educator: And now I suggest you take a break.


On the lawn, on the chamomile

The beetle flew in a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I am friends with daisies.

Quietly swinging in the wind

I bow down low.

I sat on a flower

rest and fly.

Now fly to your seats.

Educator: Please note that our beetle is also on a string. Let's blow on the bugs and they will fly:

Breathing exercise: "Beetle on a string."

A beetle flew into our group

Buzzed and sang: w-w-w-w

Beetle on the nose wants to sit

Let's not let him sit down.

Educator: And now, I will read you a poem called"Why does the bouquet sing?"
Beetle in a striped shirt
Came to play with the guys
On a purple flower sat -
Singing a ringing song
I drank sweet juice
I fell asleep in the bell
Yes, I got into the bouquet to Marinka
And buzzing, buzzing in the basket!
But Marina does not understand:
Why does the bouquet sing? (N. Golovina)

Educator: Why did he sing a bouquet? (children's answers) Do you want to listen to a story about how the beetle fell asleep in a bell and got scared when it got to the girl? I will tell, and you, when I ask, help me.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story "The Singing Bouquet" by V. Biryukov:

The beetle flew about its business, buzzing: "Buzz as you want to drink." (What and how did the beetle buzz? (Choral and individual responses ))

He saw a lilac flower in the meadow, he was delighted: “Here I will find something to quench my zhzhzhazhzhzhda.” He climbed into the bell, looked around: “Beautiful! You can live!” (What did the beetle buzz?) He tried the bottom of the flower with his antennae and said: “Juice! Delicious!"

He drank, and he became merry. "Live well!" sang the beetle. (What did he sing about?)

He sang and sang and did not notice how he fell asleep. A girl was walking through the meadow, picking flowers. I collected different colors, put them in a jar of water.

And suddenly there was a buzz: “Buzz! Where am I? People live here." (What was the beetle buzzing about this time?)

Educator: Zhuk Zhukovich's next task "Say a word ". I will read poems, and you will guess the last word. The words that you will guess must begin with the sound "g". We answer in chorus:

couch potato red cat

I lay down for myself ... (stomach)

Mom knits a long scarf

Because the son ... (giraffe).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos

And slaps them on ... (tummies).

The sun is shining very bright

The hippos became ... (hot).

Educator: Well done boys! Zhuk Zhukovich is glad that you coped with all the tasks.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's spin around ourselves three times, and turn back into girls and boys.

III .Final part


Who came to visit us today?

What did he come for?

Guys, where were we today?

Did everything work out for you or were there difficulties?

Guys, and Zhuk Zhukovich wants to see how you do physical education, and then tell your bug friends how to exercise to be healthy.