Which feature is indispensable for the language norm. Characteristic features of the literary norm

Topic number 3. The concept of a language norm. The main types of norms.

Causes of mass speech errors

The causes of negative phenomena in speech practice include:

· people's trust in the printed word (the habit of considering everything printed and said on television as an example of the norm);

· reduction of editorial exactingness to journalists regarding observance of language norms;

Decrease in the quality of proofreading work;

· the gap between the complicated requirements of the new school curriculum in the Russian language and the real possibilities of today's Russian school;

Decreased interest of schoolchildren in classical literature;

· problems in replenishment of the library fund;

· the transformation of the "Rules of Spelling and Punctuation" of 1956 into a bibliographic rarity and the absence of their new edition;

disrespect for the humanities;

disrespect for addressees of speech;

disregard for one's native language.

In this regard, in the modern school, in the lessons of the humanitarian cycle, it is necessary to pay great attention to the problems of the modern language, not to ignore the existing linguistic facts, but to interpret them and form the attitude of schoolchildren to the development of their native language.

Topic number 3. The concept of a language norm. The main types of norms.

1. What is the norm of the language and what are its features?

Language norm (literary norm)- these are the rules for the use of language means, a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of elements of the literary language in a certain period of its development.

Features of the language norm:

Stability and stability, ensuring the balance of the language system for a long time;

General prevalence and obligatory observance of normative rules;

Cultural and aesthetic perception (assessment) of the language and its facts; in the norm, all the best that has been created in the speech behavior of mankind is fixed;

Dynamic character (variability), due to the development of the entire language system, which is realized in live speech;

The possibility of linguistic "pluralism" (the coexistence of several options that are recognized as normative).

Codification is a linguistically reliable description of the fixation of the norms of the literary language in specially designed sources (grammar books, dictionaries, reference books, manuals).

2. What is the inconsistency of the norm?

The linguistic norm is a complex and rather contradictory phenomenon: it dialectically combines a number of opposite features.

1. Relative sustainability and stability language norms are necessary conditions for ensuring the balance of the language system for a long time. At the same time, the norm is a historical phenomenon, which is explained by the social nature of the language, which is constantly developing along with the creator and native speaker - society itself.

The historical nature of the norm is due to its dynamism, change. What was the norm in the last century and even 10-15 years ago, today may become a deviation from it. If you turn to dictionaries and literary sources 100 years old, you can see how the norms of stress, pronunciation, grammatical forms of words, their (words) meaning and use have changed. For example, in the 19th century they said: closet (instead of a closet), zhyra (instead of heat), strict (instead of strict), quiet (instead of quiet), Alexandrinsky Theater (instead of Alexandrinsky), vernivshis (instead of returning); at the ball, weather, trains, this beautiful paleto(t) (coat); certainly (instead of mandatory), necessary (instead of necessary), etc.

2. On the one hand, the norm is characterized ubiquity and ubiquity compliance with certain rules, without which it would be impossible to "manage" the elements of speech. On the other hand, one can also talk about "linguistic pluralism"- the existence of several options (doublets) at the same time, which are recognized as normative. This is a consequence of the interaction of traditions and innovations, stability and variability, subjective (author of speech) and objective (language).

3. Basic sources of language norms- these are, first of all, works of classical literature, exemplary speech of highly educated native speakers, generally accepted, widespread modern usage, as well as scientific research. However, recognizing the importance of literary tradition and the authority of sources, it should also be remembered author's individuality capable of violating norms, which, of course, is justified in certain situations of communication.
The change in language norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants (doublets), which actually already exist in speech and are used by native speakers. Variants of the norms are reflected in special dictionaries, such as the Orthoepic Dictionary, the Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language, the Dictionary of Word Combination, etc.
At present, the process of changing language norms has become especially active and noticeable against the backdrop of events of historical and political significance, economic reforms, changes in the social sphere, science, and technology. It should be remembered that the language norm is not a dogma: depending on the conditions, goals and objectives of communication, on the characteristics of a particular style, a deviation from the norm is possible. However, these deviations should reflect the variants of the norms that exist in the literary language.

3. What are the trends in the development of language norms?

In the development of language norms, certain trends are observed:

1) the trend towards savings. This tendency is manifested at all levels of the language (from nomination to syntax) and is expressed in the contraction of words and elements, for example scientific (scientific library), you brought me (out of balance); loss of suffixes, endings: rails - rail, grams - grams, wet - wet.

2) a tendency towards unification - trimming private grammatical knowledge under a general form: director, professor

3) the expansion of colloquiality into book speech and the neutralization of colloquial elements in literary speech.

4. What are the differences in the degree of normativity?

According to the degree of normativity, it is customary to distinguish the following types of norms:

1. Strict(mandatory) norm (norm of the 1st degree) - in this type of norm there is only one correct option. Ex: document.

2. Neutral norm (norm of the 2nd degree) - there are two equal options. Pr: cottage cheese - cottage cheese.

3. Movable norm (norm of the 3rd degree) - has two options, these options are not equal: the 1st option is the main one, the 2nd option is not literary.

The norm of 1 degree is called imperative, norms of 2 and 3 degrees - dispositive norms.

5.What types of norms can be distinguished in accordance with the main levels of the language and the areas of use of language tools?

In accordance with the main levels of the language and the areas of use of language tools, the following are distinguished types of norms.

1. Orthoepic norms(Greek correct speech) - the norms of stress and pronunciation. Spelling errors interfere with the perception of the speaker's speech. The social role of correct pronunciation is very great, since knowledge of orthoepic norms greatly facilitates the process of communication.

In order not to make mistakes in speech, you need to use special dictionaries, such as the Dictionary of Russian Stress, Orthoepic Dictionary, Dictionary of Oral Speech Difficulties, etc.

Options that are outside the literary norm are accompanied by prohibitive marks: “ no rivers."(Not recommended), "wrong."(not properly), "rude."(rough), "bran."(swear words), etc.

2. lexical rules, or norms of word usage are: a) the use of the word in the meanings that it has in the modern language; b) knowledge of its lexical and grammatical compatibility; c) the correct choice of a word from a synonymic series; d) the appropriateness of its use in a particular speech situation.

3. Morphological norms regulate the formation and use of grammatical forms of the word. Note that the morphological norms primarily include: the norms for determining the grammatical gender of some nouns, the norms for the formation of the plural of nouns, the norms for the formation and use of case forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns; norms for the formation of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs; norms for the formation and use of verb forms, etc.

4. Syntactic norms associated with the rules for the construction and use of phrases and various sentence models. When building a phrase, it is necessary first of all to remember about management; when building a sentence, one should take into account the role of word order, follow the rules for using adverbial phrases, the laws of constructing a complex sentence, etc.

Morphological and syntactic norms are often combined under the general name - grammar rules.

5. Spelling norms (spelling norms) and punctuation norms do not allow distortion of the visual image of a word, sentence or text. To write correctly, you need to know the generally accepted rules of spelling (writing a word or its grammatical form) and punctuation (punctuation marks).

6. Where is the language norm fixed? Give examples.

The language norm is fixed in normative dictionaries and grammars. A significant role in the dissemination and preservation of norms belongs to fiction, theater, school education and the media.

Some names and denominations (for example, names of geographical objects) may exist in the language in various forms (variants), however, usually only one of them is normalized form, that is, in a form that is mandatory for use in scientific, reference and educational publications, as well as in periodicals. For example: St. Petersburg (Peter).

Language norm- this is the generally accepted use of language means: sounds, stress, intonation, words, syntactic constructions.

The main properties of the language norm:

objectivity- the norm is not invented by scientists, is not prescribed by them;

obligation for all native speakers;

sustainability- if the norms were not stable, easily subjected to various influences, the connection between generations would be broken; the stability of norms ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the development of national literature;

historical variability- as the language develops, language norms gradually change under the influence of colloquial speech, various social and professional groups of the population, borrowings, etc.

Changes in the language lead to the emergence of variants of some words. For example, the options tunnel - tunnel, galoshes - galoshes, cottage cheese - cottage cheese are absolutely equal

However, more often the options receive unequal evaluation: the main option is recognized, which can be used in all styles of speech, has a broader meaning. For example, in all styles of speech, the variant of the contract is appropriate, while the form of the contract has a colloquial coloring. Phenomenon form can be used in all senses of the word, and the colloquial phenomenon is used only in the sense of "a person with unusual abilities".

Many forms that have a colloquial coloration are outside the literary language: calls, understood, lay down, etc.

The admissibility of traditional and new pronunciation gives rise to the idea of two types of norms- "older" and "younger": older– recommended, more strict; the only possible one in stage and announcer speech; younger- permissible, freer, characteristic of everyday speech.

Society consciously cares about the preservation of linguistic norms, which is reflected in the process of codification - the ordering of linguistic norms. The most important means of codification are linguistic dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, from which we can get information about the correct use of language units.

In relation to the literary norm, several types of speech are distinguished, for example:

elite speech which is characterized by observance of all literary norms, mastery of all functional styles of the Russian language, the transition from one style to another depending on the sphere of communication, observance of ethical standards of communication, respect for a partner;

literary speech of the middle level, which is owned by most of the intelligentsia;

literary and colloquial speech;

colloquial familiar type of speech (usually speech at the level of family, relatives);

colloquial speech(speech of uneducated people);

professional speech.

Types of language norms.

The most important quality of good speech - correctness - is based on the observance of various language norms. The types of language norms reflect the hierarchical structure of the language - each language level has its own set of language norms.

Orthoepic norms is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation. Orthoepy in the proper sense of the word indicates how certain sounds should be pronounced in certain phonetic positions, in certain combinations with other sounds, as well as in certain grammatical forms and groups of words, or even individual words, if these forms and words have their own pronunciation features.

Here are some examples of mandatory orthoepic norms (pronunciation of consonants).

The explosive sound [g] at the end of the word is deafened and in its place it is pronounced [k]; fricative pronunciation [γ] is allowed in the words: God, Lord, good.

Voiced consonants, except for sonorants [r], [l], [m], [n], at the end of words and before voiceless consonants are stunned, and voiceless consonants before voiced ones, except for sonorants, are voiced: [teeth] - [zup], [ kas'it'] - [kaz'ba].

All consonants, except [w], [w], [c], before vowels [i], [e] become soft. However, in some borrowed words, the consonants before [e] remain solid: chalk [m'el], shadow [t'en '], but pace [temp].

At the junction of morphemes, the consonants [h] and [g], [h] and [w], [s] and [w], [s] and [g], [h] and [h '] are pronounced as long hissing sounds: sew [shshtyt '], squeeze [burn '].

The combination of th in the words that, to, nothing is pronounced as [pcs].

Equally important for orthoepy is the issue of stress placement. “There are many words, the pronunciation of which serves as a litmus test of the level of speech culture. It is often enough to hear from a stranger an incorrect stress in a word (like: youth, shop, invention, newborn, tool, document, percentage, whooping cough, beetroot, athlete, self-interest, associate professor, portfolio, condolences, translated, transported, make it easier for people, etc. .p.), in order to form a not too flattering opinion about his education, the degree of general culture, so to speak, the level of intelligence. Therefore, there is no need to prove how important it is to master the correct stress” [K.S. Gorbachevich. Issues of pronunciation of words are discussed in detail in orthoepic dictionaries, for example: Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language. Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / edited by R.I. Avanesov. M., 1995 (and other ed.)

Lexical norms- These are the rules for the use of words in accordance with their meanings and possibilities of compatibility.

Lexical norms are subject to historical changes. For example, it is interesting to see how the norm of using the word entrant has changed. In the 1930s and 1940s, both those who graduated from high school and those who entered the university were called applicants, since both of these concepts in most cases refer to the same person. In the post-war years, the word graduate was assigned to those graduating from high school, and the entrant in this sense fell into disuse. Applicants began to call those who pass the entrance exams at the university and technical school.

Dictionaries are devoted to the description of the lexical norms of the Russian language: Vakurov V.N., Rakhmanova L.I., Tolstoy I.V., Formanovskaya N.I. Difficulties of the Russian language: Dictionary-reference book. M., 1993; Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language. M., 1999; Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M., 2002, etc.

Morphological norms These are the rules for the formation of words and word forms.

Morphological norms are numerous and relate to the use of forms of different parts of speech. These norms are reflected in grammars and reference books.

For example, in the nominative case of the plural of nouns, according to the traditional norms of the literary language, most words correspond to the ending -ы, -и: locksmiths, bakers, turners, searchlights. However, in a number of words there is an ending -a. Forms with the ending -a usually have a colloquial or professional coloring. Only in some words the ending -a corresponds to the literary norm, for example: addresses, banks, sides, sides, centuries, bills, director, doctor, tunic, master, passport, cook, cellar, professor, variety, watchman, paramedic, cadet, anchor , sails, cold.

Variant forms, forms corresponding to the literary norm, are described in detail in the book: T.F. Efremova, V.G. Kostomarov. Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language. M., 2000.

Syntactic norms These are the rules for constructing phrases and sentences.

For example, choosing the right form of government is perhaps the most difficult thing in modern speech and writing. They reflect the features of the construction of phrases and sentences in the Russian language. The greatest difficulty is usually caused by the choice of a controlled form in a phrase, the agreement of the subject and the predicate, the use of participial and adverbial phrases, as well as the construction of some types of complex sentences.

Stylistic norms- these are the rules for choosing language means in accordance with the situation of communication.

Many words of the Russian language have a certain stylistic coloring - bookish, colloquial, colloquial, which determines the peculiarities of their use in speech.

For example, the word dwell has a bookish character, so it should not be used in combination with stylistically reduced words that evoke ideas of a reduced nature. Wrong therefore: I went to the barn where the pigs lived ...

Mixing vocabulary of different stylistic colors can be used for artistic purposes, for example, to create a comic effect: The forest owner loves to feast on polydrupes and angiosperms… with a concomitant increase in the lipid layer. Yes, the minus range of Mikhailo Ivanovich is not terrible: at least where the hairline, and the noble epidermis ... (T. Tolstaya).

We should not forget about the rules of spelling, which are given the most attention in the school course of the Russian language. These include spelling norms- rules for writing words and punctuation norms - rules for punctuation marks.

The concept of a language norm

Every cultured person should be able to correctly pronounce and write words, place punctuation marks, not make mistakes in the formation of word forms, the construction of phrases and sentences.

The concept of language norm is closely connected with the concept of speech correctness.

Language norm - this is the generally accepted use of language means: sounds, stress, intonation, words, syntactic constructions.

The main properties of the language norm:

    objectivity - the norm is not invented by scientists, is not prescribed by them;

    mandatory for all native speakers;

    stability - if the norms were not stable, easily subjected to various influences, the connection between generations would be broken; the stability of norms ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the development of national literature;

    historical variability - as the language develops, language norms gradually change under the influence of colloquial speech, various social and professional groups of the population, borrowings, etc.

Changes in the language lead to the emergence of variants of some words. For example, the options are absolutely equal tunnel - tunnel, galoshes - galoshes, cottage cheese - cottage cheese

However, more often the options receive an unequal assessment: the main option is recognized, which can be used in all styles of speech, has a broader meaning; A secondary option is one whose use is limited. For example, in all styles of speech, the option is appropriate contract, while the form agreement has a conversational tone. The form phenomenon can be used in all meanings of the word, and the colloquial version phenomenon used only in the meaning of "a person with unusual abilities."

Many forms with colloquial coloring are outside the literary language: calls, understood, lay down and etc.

The admissibility of the traditional and new pronunciation gives rise to the idea of ​​two types of norms - "older" and "younger": older - recommended, more strict; the only possible one in stage and announcer speech; the younger one is permissible, freer, characteristic of everyday speech.

Society consciously cares about the preservation of linguistic norms, which is reflected in the process codification- streamlining of language norms. The most important means of codification are linguistic dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, from which we can get information about the correct use of language units.

In relation to the literary norm, several types of speech are distinguished, for example:

    elite speech, which is characterized by compliance with all literary norms, mastery of all functional styles of the Russian language, the transition from one style to another depending on the sphere of communication, compliance with ethical standards of communication, respect for a partner;

    literary speech of the middle level, which is owned by most of the intelligentsia;

    literary and colloquial speech;

    colloquial-familiar type of speech (usually speech at the level of family, relatives);

    colloquial speech (speech of uneducated people);

    professional speech.

Types of language norms

The most important quality of good speech - correctness - is based on the observance of various language norms. The types of language norms reflect the hierarchical structure of the language - each language level has its own set of language norms.

Orthoepic norms - it is a set of rules that establish uniform pronunciation. Orthoepy in the proper sense of the word indicates how certain sounds should be pronounced in certain phonetic positions, in certain combinations with other sounds, as well as in certain grammatical forms and groups of words, or even individual words, if these forms and words have their own pronunciation features.

Here are some examples of mandatory orthoepic norms (pronunciation of consonants).

1. The explosive sound [g] at the end of the word is deafened and [k] is pronounced in its place; fricative pronunciation [γ] is allowed in the words: God, Lord, good.

2. Voiced consonants, except for sonorants [p], [l], [m], [n], are stunned at the end of words and before voiceless consonants, and voiceless consonants before voiced ones, except for sonorants, are voiced: [teeth] - [zup] , [kas'it'] - [kaz'ba].

3. All consonants, except [g], [w], [c], before vowels [i], [e] become soft. However, in some borrowed words, the consonants before [e] remain solid: a piece of chalk[m'el], shadow[t'en'], but pace[tempo].

4. At the junction of morphemes, the consonants [h] and [g], [h] and [w], [s] and [w], [s] and [g], [h] and [h '] are pronounced as long hissing sounds: sew[shsht'], squeeze[buzz'].

5. Combination thu in words what to, nothing pronounced like [pcs].

Equally important for orthoepy is the issue of stress placement. As K.S. Gorbachevich, “the correct placement of stress is a necessary sign of a cultured, literate speech. There are many words, the pronunciation of which serves as a litmus test of the level of speech culture. It is often enough to hear from a stranger an incorrect stress in a word (like: youth, shop, invention, newborn, tool, document, percentage, whooping cough, beetroot, athlete, self-interest, associate professor, portfolio, condolences, translated, transported, make it easier for people, etc. .p.), in order to form a not too flattering opinion about his education, the degree of general culture, so to speak, the level of intelligence. Therefore, there is no need to prove how important it is to master the correct stress” [K.S. Gorbachevich. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1981].

Issues of pronunciation of words are discussed in detail in orthoepic dictionaries, for example: Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language. Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / edited by R.I. Avanesov. M., 1995 (and other ed.)

Lexical norms- These are the rules for the use of words in accordance with their meanings and possibilities of compatibility.

Can you name an exhibition? opening day? The seagull on the curtain is mascot Art Theater or emblem? Are the words used the same? thanks tobecause of, become - stand up, place - place? Can expressions be used? a cavalcade of buses, a memorial monument, a forecast for the future? Answers to these questions can be found in lectures no. 7, № 8, № 10.

Like other types of norms, lexical norms are subject to historical changes. For example, it is interesting to see how the norm of using the word enrollee. In the 1930s and 1940s, both those who graduated from high school and those who entered the university were called applicants, since both of these concepts in most cases refer to the same person. In the postwar years, the word was assigned to those graduating from high school graduate, a enrollee has fallen into disuse in this sense. Applicants began to call those who pass the entrance exams at the university and technical school.

Dictionaries are devoted to the description of the lexical norms of the Russian language: Vakurov V.N., Rakhmanova L.I., Tolstoy I.V., Formanovskaya N.I. Difficulties of the Russian language: Dictionary-reference book. M., 1993; Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language. M., 1999; Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. M., 2002, etc.

Morphological norms These are the rules for the formation of words and word forms.

Morphological norms are numerous and relate to the use of forms of different parts of speech. These norms are reflected in grammars and reference books.

For example, in the nominative case of the plural of nouns, according to the traditional norms of the literary language, most words correspond to the ending -s , -and : locksmiths, bakers, turners, spotlights. However, in some words there is an ending -a . Forms with ending -a usually have a colloquial or professional coloration. Only in some words the ending -a corresponds to the literary norm, for example: addresses, shores, sides, sides, centuries, bills, director, doctor, tunic, master, passport, cook, cellar, professor, variety, watchman, paramedic, cadet, anchor, sail, cold.

Variant forms, forms corresponding to the literary norm, are described in detail in the book: T.F. Efremova, V.G. Kostomarov. Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language. M., 2000.

Syntactic norms These are the rules for constructing phrases and sentences.

For example, choosing the right form of government is perhaps the most difficult thing in modern speech and writing. How to say: dissertation review or for a dissertation, production control or for production,capable of sacrifice or to the victims,monument to Pushkin or Pushkin, decide fate or fate?

The book will help answer these questions: Rosenthal D.E. Reference book on the Russian language. Management in Russian. M., 2002.

Stylistic norms- these are the rules for choosing language means in accordance with the situation of communication.

Many words of the Russian language have a certain stylistic coloring - bookish, colloquial, colloquial, which determines the peculiarities of their use in speech.

For example, the word dwell has a bookish character, so it should not be used in combination with stylistically reduced words that cause ideas of a reduced nature. Wrong therefore: Went to the shed wherepigs lived...

Mixing vocabulary of different stylistic colors can be used for artistic purposes, for example, to create a comic effect: The forest owner likes to feast on polydrupes and angiosperms ... And when the siverko blows, how dashing bad weather makes fun - the general metabolism of Toptygin sharply slows down, the tone of the gastrointestinal tract decreases with a concomitant increase in the lipid layer. Yes, the minus range of Mikhailo Ivanovich is not terrible: at least where the hairline, and the noble epidermis ...(T. Tolstaya).

Of course, one should not forget about spelling rules, which are given the most attention in the school course of the Russian language. These include spelling norms- spelling rules punctuation norms- punctuation rules.

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Language norm

The concept of the norm and its signs

language norm literary codification

The concept of a norm is usually associated with the idea of ​​correct, literary literate speech, and literary speech itself is one of the aspects of a person’s general culture.

The norm, as a socio-historical and deeply national phenomenon, characterizes, first of all, the literary language - recognized as an exemplary form of the national language. Therefore, the terms "linguistic norm" and "literary norm" are often combined, especially when applied to the modern Russian language, although historically this is not the same thing.

Language norm develops in the real practice of verbal communication, is worked out and fixed in public use as an uzus (Latin usus - use, use, habit); the literary norm is undoubtedly based on the usage, but it is also specially guarded, codified, i.e. legitimized by special regulations (dictionaries, codes of practice, textbooks).

literary norm- these are the rules of pronunciation, word usage, use of grammatical and stylistic language means adopted in social and linguistic practice. The norm is historically mobile, but at the same time stable and traditional, it has such qualities as familiarity and obligatory nature. The stability and traditional nature of the norm explain a certain degree of retrospectiveness of the norm. Despite its fundamental mobility and variability, the norm very carefully opens its borders for innovations, leaving them for the time being on the periphery of the language. A.M. spoke convincingly and simply about this. Peshkovsky: “The norm is what was, and partly what is, but by no means what will be.”

The nature of the norm is two-sided: on the one hand, it contains the objective properties of an evolving language (the norm is the realized possibility of the language), and on the other hand, social taste assessments (the norm is a stable way of expression fixed in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society). It is this combination of the objective and the subjective in the norm that creates the somewhat contradictory nature of the norm: for example, the obvious prevalence and general use of a linguistic sign does not always (or at least not immediately) receive approval from the codifiers of the norm. Thus, the living forces that direct the natural course of the development of language (and the consolidation of the results of this development in the norm) collide with the traditions of linguistic taste. The objective norm is created on the basis of the competition of variants of linguistic signs. For the recent past, classical fiction was considered the most authoritative source of the literary norm. At present, the center of norm formation has moved to the mass media (television, radio, periodicals). In accordance with this, the linguistic taste of the era also changes, due to which the very status of the literary language changes, the norm is democratized, it becomes more permeable to the former non-literary language means.

The main reason for changing the norms is the evolution of the language itself, the presence of variance, which ensures the choice of the most appropriate options for linguistic expression. The meaning of expediency, convenience is more and more noticeably included in the concept of exemplary, standard of normative language means.

The norm has a certain set of features that must be present in it in their entirety. K.S. writes in detail about the signs of the norm. Gorbachevich in the book "Word variance and language norm". He identifies three main features: 1) the stability of the norm, conservatism; 2) prevalence of the linguistic phenomenon; 3) the authority of the source. Each of the signs separately can be present in a particular linguistic phenomenon, but this is not enough. In order for a language tool to be recognized as normative, a combination of features is necessary. Thus, for example, errors can be extremely common, and they can persist over a long period of time. Finally, the language practice of a sufficiently authoritative printed organ may turn out to be far from ideal. As for the authoritativeness of the artists of the word, then there are special difficulties in assessing, since the language of fiction is a phenomenon of a special plan and high artistry is often achieved precisely as a result of free, not according to strict rules, use of the language.

The quality (sign) of the stability of the norm manifests itself in different ways at different language levels. Moreover, this sign of the norm is directly related to the systemic nature of the language as a whole, therefore, at each language level, the ratio of “norm and system” manifests itself to a different degree, for example, in the field of pronunciation, the norm depends entirely on the system (cf. the laws of alternation of sounds, assimilation, pronunciation of groups consonants, etc.); in the field of grammar, the system gives out schemes, models, samples, and the norm - speech implementations of these schemes, models; in the field of vocabulary, the norm is less dependent on the system - the content plan dominates the expression plan, moreover, the systemic relationships of lexemes can be adjusted under the influence of a new content plan. In any case, the sign of the stability of the norm is projected onto the linguistic consistency (an extra-systemic linguistic means cannot be stable, sustainable).

Thus, the norm, having the listed features, implements the following criteria for its evaluation: systemic criterion (stability), functional criterion (prevalence), aesthetic criterion (source authority).

An objective linguistic norm is formed spontaneously by choosing the most convenient, expedient variant of a linguistic means, which becomes widespread and widely used. A strictly enforced rule in this choice is compliance with the language system. However, such a spontaneously established norm will not necessarily be officially recognized yet. What is needed is the codification of the norm, its legalization through official regulations (fixation in normative dictionaries, sets of rules, etc.). This is where some difficulties arise in the form of resistance to the new norms on the part of codifiers or the public, and finally, some group of professionals or "lovers of literature". As a rule, it looks like a ban on everything new. Purism is the desire for conservative motives to keep something (for example, in a language) unchanged, to protect it from innovations (purism - French purisme, from Latin purus - clean).

Purism is different. In the history of Russian literature, for example, ideological purism associated with the name of A.S. Shishkov, a Russian writer, president of the Russian Academy since 1813, later minister of public education, who acted as an archaist who did not tolerate any innovations in the language, especially borrowed ones. In our time, one can encounter gustatory purism, when linguistic facts are evaluated from the everyday positions of “cuts or does not cut the ear” (it is clear that the ear can have different sensitivity), as well as scientist purism, which deserves more attention, because it is able to influence development of recommendations. Most often, these are the emotions of a bibliophile, who is a prisoner of tradition. This is revealed in prohibitive recommendations placed in dictionaries, manuals, etc. In part, such purism can be useful, it has the quality of a deterrent.

The norm is based on the usage, the custom of use, the codified norm officially legitimizes the usage (or in some particular cases rejects it), in any case, codification is a conscious activity. Since codifiers, both individual scientists and creative teams, may have different views and attitudes, different degrees of manifestation of prohibitive intentions, recommendations in officially published documents often do not coincide, especially with regard to stylistic marks in dictionaries, fixing a number of grammatical forms, etc. . Such disagreements testify not so much to the fact that different criteria can be used when covering linguistic facts, when establishing a norm, but rather to the inconsistency of the linguistic material itself: the language is rich in variant forms and structures, and the problem of choice sometimes turns out to be difficult. In addition, the "language policy" of the moment is also taken into account. At different stages of the life of society, it declares itself in different ways. The term originated in the 1920s and 1930s. and means conscious intervention in speech practice, the adoption of protective measures in relation to it. At present, the state of our statehood and the state of society are such that no one even thinks about protective measures in relation to social and speech practice. The literary norm is clearly being shaken, and above all by the mass media. The phrase "linguistic lawlessness" began to be used along with others, where the internal form of this former slang word (lack of measure in anything that is evaluated negatively) is actively manifested - administrative lawlessness, legal lawlessness, lawlessness of power, army lawlessness, etc. This word became so widely used (in different contexts) that even in dictionaries it acquired new marks, in particular, in the Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova of the 90s of the edition, the word is presented with the mark “colloquial”, although before this period the word was not included at all in this dictionary as belonging to criminal jargon. The modern popularity of the word could not go unnoticed in the linguistic environment: articles are devoted to it, many pages in monographs.

So, the codification of the norm is the result of normalizing activity, and the codifiers, observing the speech practice, fix the norm that has developed in the language itself, giving preference to the option that is most relevant for a given time.

Norm and occasionalism. General language and situational norm

Normativity rests on linguistic consistency and develops in the objective processes of linguistic development. In parallel, of course, on a different scale, the process of individual language creation is taking place. Writers, poets, journalists need to create new words and word forms. This is how occasionalisms arise (from Latin occasio, genus occasionis - occasion, occasion) - individual, single neologisms. Naturally, they are not included in the concept of usage and norm. Occasionalisms can be found in any writing person, and they do not at all claim to be universally recognized, although many special cases of the “general” life of an occasional word are known.

In this case, we are interested in the so-called systemic occasionalism, which gives rise to potential words - words that do not exist, but they are possible if “historical accident” so desired (G.O. Vinokur). For example, according to the model of the earth move, the word lunar rover is created, under the influence of a well-known event in astronautics. In parallel with it, the word lunobil flashed in one of the newspapers, which was not supported by speech practice, since it turned out to be non-systemic (there was no similar earth-biller in the language). The next possible word would be a rover (modern technology prepared its birth).

Systemic occasionalisms quickly lose the quality of novelty and pass into the normative vocabulary of the language. By the way, it is they who quickly acquire new single-root connections: with the advent of the lunar rover, the word lunodrome is born, by analogy with the lexemes cosmodrome, motordrome, autodrome, deltodrome, etc.

Actually, occasionalisms are always tied to a single, specific context. Each time created, created (and not reproduced), they do not go further than the context that gave rise to them. There are many such words in V. Mayakovsky, E. Yevtushenko, V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn. Some examples from A. Solzhenitsyn's work "At breaks": ... And what a feeling of disgusting emptiness, weekday; ... Lost this: a constant sense of beauty in science, when even a chill takes; ... Discussed with the guys advice; ... He now tremblingly hated these grabbers (and openly - and envied them? ...); from the book "Two Hundred Years Together": The terms of my life are exhausted. Other examples: We moved like figures from a dream... Sluggish and none. Under-images (A. Makanin); The Seine had no time for gatherings (V. Rasputin).

It is clear that such verbal units have nothing to do with the concept of the norm, although they were created according to certain linguistic analogues, with the help of the word-formation means available in the language - roots, suffixes, prefixes (in the same A. Solzhenitsyn's adverbs - spring jump up, tremblingly hate, nod at will; verbs - ready to be smart, smash into small enterprises; adjectives - overlooked article, wall chair row, quick-changing inscriptions, a successful young man).

The current state of the Russian language, the wide representation of variant forms in it, their stylistic and stylistic differentiation made it possible to form a new view on the nature of the norm: the characteristics normative - non-normative turned out to be insufficiently accurate and inadequate in relation to a number of linguistic phenomena. A differentiated idea of ​​the norm appears - the norm turned out to be quite elastic, as close as possible to the situation of communication, to the topic of communication, to the environment of communication. This is where different versions of the norm were required.

The norm can be imperative (universal, obligatory) and dispositive (allowing choice, variant), for example: stresses in the words alphabet, means, leisure, portfolio, catalog are obligatory for everyone, while in the words cottage cheese and cottage cheese, otherwise and otherwise, simultaneous and simultaneous variance is allowed. Or more possible options within the normal range: born and born (outgoing form); barge and barge; focus and focus; factory and factory; to the address and to the address.

In addition, the norm can be general language (with or without options) and situational (stylistic), the latter most often characterizes professional speech, for example, the general language literary norm requires the ending -i, -s in plural. h. masculine nouns such as engineers, editors, proofreaders, accountants; profiles, navigators, etc. Professional and colloquial speech allows options for -а, -я: engineer, editor, proofreader, accountant; profile, navigator. With the general language norm report, compass, slipways, sailors will definitely use the forms report, compass, slipway, etc. Physicians have many professional options, for example: epilepsy in the general language form of epilepsy (Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, this option already refers to the general language option) and even alcohol (instead of the general language option, alcohol).

The situational norm can distinguish between variants of the semantic plan: wait for a train (any), wait for a train (specific); a lump of sugar and sugar, but the production of sugar; a variant can mean a stylistic affiliation: to be on vacation and vacation (the second characterizes colloquial speech). More examples of options associated with stylistic and semantic differences: to walk in the forest, but in Ostrovsky's Forest (meaning the play); in the garden, but in Chekhov's Cherry Orchard, etc.

Motivated deviations from the norm

In practical speech activity, deviations from the norm are often observed - in pronunciation, in the placement of stresses in a word, in the use of grammatical forms, in word usage. Deviations can be of a different nature: they can indicate elementary illiteracy, insufficient speech culture, but they can be conscious, specially planned, carrying a certain meaning. Such deviations are of a secondary nature, designed to understand their meaning and represent a special literary device. The conscious, special use of speech “errors” that characterize a particular speech situation may be acceptable in an educated environment of professionally connected people, when the fallacy of speech introduces an element of ease, usually irony, into the communication of interlocutors who understand each other well. This is a kind of "game of mistakes", a game with easily perceived overtones. L.V. said this magnificently. Shcherba: “Only an impeccable knowledge of the language and grammar makes it possible to feel the beauty of deviation from the rules. These deviations become a means of subtle and well-aimed characterizations.

In another case - in journalism, in fiction - the violation of the language norm turns out to be artistically significant. These deviations from the norm become a verbal image, a means of conveying a special, characterological meaning. For example, in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (July 17, 1971) an article was printed about illegal admission to the institute. The heading of this note is: "Pray to institute." As they say, comments are superfluous. Or the following example: “Telephone communication in Russia, of course, exists, but the telephone does not work. There are a thousand reasons for this, as they will immediately explain to you - from “busy all the time” to “a pole fell down and a cable was broken, fix it ...”. And hurricanes, and fires? And what about the floods that continuously hit our long-suffering Motherland? No, no, it’s better not to try to call the Russian outback on the phone ”(F. Neznansky. Private investigation).

As you can see, erroneous spelling can be a striking stylistic tool. Journalists and writers often use this means of characterization. Another example: “There is an old joke about how a resident of the Far North received a medical degree. And here is the first operation, an ordinary appendectomy. The patient is on the table, the stomach is open, the intestines are out, and the doctor in complete desperation throws the scalpel, stamps his feet and shouts: “It won’t hurt!”

Doesn't crease. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the ministers in our government are honest. Do they really love their homeland? The main trouble is that they do not know how and do not know (MK, 1994, September 6).

A conscious speech error, made to the point and with meaning, gives the speech some piquancy. The fact is that ideally normative speech psychologically creates a feeling of dryness, insipidity, it does not touch emotional strings. As, for example, correctly (according to grammar) punctuation marks are not noticed, but unusual characters attract attention. This is a kind of stylistic "charm". No wonder A.S. Pushkin uttered the catchphrase, which later became a catchphrase, “Like the lips of ruddy ones without a smile, without a grammatical error, I can’t stand Russian speech.”

In fiction, deviations from the norm serve as a method of speech characteristics. Techniques, as you know, are not involuntary, but are subject to the speaker / writer. They perform an artistic function. It often happens that the great artists of the word, for example, the level of L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, allow such errors in the language that are not allowed for an ordinary native speaker. Not without reason, after all, Yu. Olesha advised writers to study the "illiteracy" of L. Tolstoy's language. Artistic flair helped him to feel the significance of such "illiteracy". A similar thing can be found in A. Blok - in spelling, in the accent design of a word, in grammar. Blok persistently protected his grammatical errors from publishers, since they had a figurative and aesthetic price for him. Sound and verbal repetitions, allogisms when combining homogeneous members of a sentence, violation of control and coordination, these elementary miscalculations that violate the rules of practical style, can serve the purposes of a special plan. A subtle verbal or grammatical game makes one feel the originality of the style, the ability to freely and easily handle the inexhaustible wealth that language provides us. And deviations from the norm in the creation of such a syllable occupy a special place. It is known, for example, that many stylistic and grammatical "mistakes" are elevated to the rank of literary and artistic devices that adorn speech, making it witty, pictorial, often ironic. For example, zeugma is a figure of speech that creates a humorous effect by the semantic and grammatical heterogeneity and incompatibility of the sentence members: ... The host, shining with glasses and wit, led the table, and behind him on the wall in full growth was Peter the Great himself in over the knee boots (M. Belkina. Crossing of Fates); A doctor with a preoccupied face, promising a crisis, often has a stick with a knob and a bald head (A. Chekhov); Marya Alexandrovna is sitting by the fireplace in the most excellent mood and in a light green dress that goes to her (F. Dostoevsky); Daughter, a slender and melancholic girl of about seventeen, brought up on novels and in the open air (A. Pushkin); Some dine with wine, others with friends, some use chopsticks, others by chance, some eat at the table, others for nothing (P. Weil, A. Genis Russian cuisine in exile).

A conscious deviation from the norm as a literary device gave rise to a new term and the opposition between norm and antinorm. The reproduction of the norm makes the text standard, and the production of the antinorm gives it individual uniqueness. As we see, the norm is always reproduced, and the antinorm is created.

Considering the relationship between norm and antinorm, L.N. Murzin formulated the criteria for their differentiation: statistical (the more often used, the more normative); derivational (all derivative forms of the language tend to be non-normative, all producing forms tend to be normative); logical(those forms that correspond to logical structures are normative - for example, the direct word order is more normative than the reverse one); psychological (the more neutral the linguistic form, the more normative it is, since it is more familiar than the marked one; the latter fall into the focus of attention).

The main processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena

Both spontaneous and conscious processes are involved in the formation and evolution of the modern language norm. To recognize the normativity of a linguistic phenomenon or fact, as already mentioned (see about the three signs of a norm), it is necessary to be based on a combination of data on the correspondence of the phenomenon to the language system, on the fact of mass and regular reproducibility of the phenomenon and on its public approval. The form of such approval is codification, which fixes in dictionaries, grammars and reference books the phenomena that have developed spontaneously in speech practice.

In modern Russian, the process of normalization proceeds unevenly in different aspects of the language system and in different forms of language implementation. In the first case, there are differences in the rate of change in the norm, for example, in the field of pronunciation. Or at the lexical level. And the point is not only that lexical norms are much more mobile than orthoepic ones, but also that the normalization of vocabulary occurs on a wider social and territorial basis. Moreover, the correlation between the spontaneous and the conscious in normalization also manifests itself ambiguously in different aspects of the language system. For example, the preponderance of the conscious fixation of the norm is of greater importance for spelling than for vocabulary, and even more so for syntax, where the spontaneous formation of the norm is more active.

In the second case (meaning different forms of language implementation - oral and written speech), normalization also proceeds unevenly. This is connected chronologically with different stages in the life of the language. At a time when the forms of written and oral speech are sharply demarcated due to historical reasons, the norms of written speech change much more slowly, and they turn out to be more conservative than the norms of oral speech, especially since the percentage of consciousness in the normalization of written speech is much higher than in speech. oral, the norms of which are formed mainly spontaneously. There were such periods in the life of the Russian language, especially in pre-Pushkin times.

In modern Russian, the norms of written and oral speech are approaching, their active interaction is observed. Even more can be said: oral speech in its general colloquial stylistic variant literally invades written speech. This process is especially evident in the language of the mass press. For example, colloquial syntax, born on the basis of oral speech, has significantly supplanted grammatically “correct”, classical syntactic constructions, which are presented as normative in textbooks, manuals, reference books.

The present time is characterized by the unification of speech practice. There are serious social reasons for this - the spread of education and the increased role of the media. Against this general background, the process of normalization proceeds.

The following trends are especially noticeable: the convergence of the norms of written and oral speech, as well as book and colloquial styles, while maintaining their fundamental differentiation; an increase in the variance of language means within the normal range; differentiation of the norm in relation to different speech situations; weakening the norm in the direction of its democratization.

The problems of the norm are covered in the works L.V. Shcherby, IN AND. Chernysheva, G.O. Vinokura, V.V. Vinogradova, S.I. Ozhegov, V.G. Kostomarov, V.G. Gaka, A.A. Leontief, L.I. Skvortsova, K.S. Gorbachevich, OK. Graudina and etc.

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A language norm is a historically conditioned set of commonly used language means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as the most suitable in a particular historical period. The language norm is the result of a collective understanding of the language, but is based on the private, individual use of language means in the process of speech activity of each native speaker separately.

norm linguistic literary codification

language norm. Aspects and features

One of the main features of the literary language is its normalization, i.e. the existence of norms.

Language norms(norms of the literary language, literary norms) are the rules for the use of language means in a certain period of development of the literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, spelling, word usage, grammar. A norm is an example of a uniform, generally recognized use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences). A linguistic phenomenon is considered normative if it is characterized by such features as: compliance with the structure of the language; mass and regular reproducibility in the process of speech activity of the majority of speakers; public approval and recognition. Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional slang, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural.

The linguistic norm is defined and studied in at least two aspects.

Firstly, the language norm is understood as stable variants of language units fixed in the process of communication. In this case, the norm determines what is widespread in a given period of development of the national language, describes the options that are often found in speech. With this approach, the language norm reflects the words actually used in the language, their forms and pronunciation features, as well as syntactic constructions (sentences). Thus, the norm understood takes into account the frequency of pronouncing the variant sounds (compared to ringing), the variant ahny (compared to them), but in no way evaluates the correctness or incorrectness of the variants. One can draw an analogy between such an understanding of the language norm and an indicator of the central tendency in statistics. Just as the indicator of the central trend in statistics does not reflect the assessment of the phenomenon, the most common variants of language units detected by the language norm are not evaluated.

Secondly, the language norm is considered not only as a linguistic, but also as a socio-historical category. In this case, the norm reflects the social aspect of communication, which is manifested not only in the selection and description of linguistic phenomena, but primarily in the system of their assessments. The variants of language units found in speech are not considered as frequent or rare, but as correct or erroneous, appropriate or inappropriate, beautiful or ugly. It can be said that the linguistic norm, understood as a socio-historical category, evaluates the linguistic variants described by the linguistic norm, understood linguistically. The assessment of a linguistic phenomenon includes a normative (correct/incorrect), situational (appropriate/inappropriate) and aesthetic (beautiful/ugly) component. The language norm has two constructive features: the plan of functioning and the plan of codification.

Operational plan- this is the "reality" of the norm, i.e., the presentation by speakers and writers (listeners and readers) of what is correct and appropriate in speech, and what is erroneous. This "reality" of the norm is presented in the minds of people unformulated, as a habit. Functioning norms are embodied in everyday speech and do not exist outside the collective. As an example, let's cite the dialogue of schoolchildren standing in front of a shop window: "You can't puddle a bag on the window, you'll break the glass!" - "We must say not to puddle, but to lie!" Both interlocutors use incorrect variants of the verb, however, in the mind of one of them, the variant lie represents a functioning norm, not being a codified norm (the codified norm recommends putting the variant). Functioning norms are formed on the basis of the frequency of the variant in speech experience.

Codification plan- this is an explanation and description of the norms in the specialized literature. Codification involves the awareness of the norm, fixing it in the codes of rules. Such a set of rules may exist separately from the speakers and rarely appear in everyday speech. For example, the normative variant of pronunciation of the provision is very rare even in official speech, being displaced by the non-recommended vernacular variant of the provision. The codified norm is established on the basis of an analysis of functioning norms, socio-historical and cultural conditions of communication.

The norm as a set of stable and unified language means and rules for their use, which are deliberately fixed in dictionaries and textbooks, is a specific feature of the literary language at all stages of its development. The norm of the literary language is developed by specialists on the basis of the analysis of oral and written speech in various situations of communication. It is described both in scientific and mass publications intended for a wide range of readers of different ages. Possession of the literary norm of the native language is one of the indispensable conditions for education. In the dictionary of linguistic terms, the norm is defined as "the most common of the coexisting, entrenched in the practice of exemplary use, language (speech) variants that best perform their function" (Rosenthal, Telenkova 1976: 210).