Wise thoughts about education. Golden Education Quotes and Learning Aphorisms

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up. Aristippus

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

We study, alas, for school, not for life. Seneca

Education is what remains after everything that has been taught is forgotten. A. Einstein

A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others to improve. Dickens C.

We must believe in what we teach our children. Woodrow Wilson

Only the wisest and the most stupid are unteachable. Confucius

You can only learn what you love. Goethe I.

I never let my schoolwork interfere with my education. Mark Twain

Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never. Aesop

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students as to their mind, to achieve understanding, and not mere memorization. Fedor Ivanovich Yankovich de Marievo

A child educated only in an educational institution is an uneducated child. George Santayana

In order to educate others, we must first educate ourselves. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn. Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better. Rabbi Nachman

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. V. Klyuchevsky

The mark of a good education is to speak of the highest subjects in the simplest terms. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some go to university to learn how to think, but most go to learn what the professors think.

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov

People are a thousand times more concerned about acquiring wealth than about educating the mind and soul, although what is in a person is undoubtedly more important for our happiness than what is in a person. A. Schopenhauer

The great goal of education is not only knowledge, but above all action. N.I. Myron

Education cannot be the goal itself. Hans Georg Gadamer

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge acts educationally. L.N. Tolstoy

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca

You have to learn a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu

The student will never surpass the teacher if he sees in him a model, and not a rival. Belinsky V. G.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Now they study in order to surprise others. Confucius

A person who reads nothing is more educated than one who reads nothing but newspapers. T. Jefferson

School prepares us for life in a world that does not exist. Albert Camus

Teaching adorns a person in happiness, but serves as a refuge in misfortune. Suvorov A.V.

Book learning is an ornament, not a foundation. Michel Montaigne

Education gives dignity to a person, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery. Didro D.

Learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is dangerous. Confucius

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three. Confucius

Nothing that is important to know can be taught - all a teacher can do is point out the paths. Aldington R.

One who tends to contradict and talk a lot is incapable of learning what is needed. Democritus

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashionableness, vanity will develop in them. Kant I.

Education is the face of the mind. Kay Kavus

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

There is no need to prove that education is the greatest blessing for a person. Without education, people are rude and poor and unhappy. Chernyshevsky N. G.

“Stay hungry. Stay reckless." And I have always wished that for myself. And now that you are graduating from college and starting over, I wish you the same.

"Steve Jobs"

He who advances in the sciences, but lags behind in morality, goes more backward than forward.


If you stock up on patience and show diligence, then the seeds of knowledge sown will certainly give good shoots. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

"Leonardo da Vinci"

Learning to lie should be like everything else, from the smallest.

"Samuel Butler"

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the angelic rank. We ourselves can crawl into any hole we like, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere worthy of their rank. You can't be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can't make them the plaything of your mood: either gently kiss them or stomp your feet furiously at them.

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once.

"John Locke"

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

"Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky"

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his fatherland.

"Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov"

Just as Christianity did not overcome science in its field, but in this struggle determined its essence more deeply, so science in a field alien to it will not be able to break the Christian or any other religion, but will more clearly define and understand the forms of its conduct.

"Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky"

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it.

"T. Fuller"

Orally stated is more successfully acquired than written.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Now they study in order to surprise others.


The roots of science are bitter, the fruits are sweet.

Education is primarily to seed our hearts with habits beneficial to the individual and society.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Nature begins, art guides, practice completes.

Raising your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity.

"Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky"

The more things I have to do, the more I learn.

Do not be surprised, do not be indignant, but understand!

Teaching is only light, according to a popular proverb - it is also freedom. Nothing frees a person like knowledge.

"AND. Turgenev"

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.


Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.


After bread, the most important thing for the people is school.

"AND. Danton"

You can't stop learning.


You have to learn a lot to know even a little.

"Charles Louis Montesquieu"

Learning is the sweet fruit of a bitter root.


Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

"Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"


Quotes about studying

Not all ages are suitable for school.

"Plavt Titus Maccius"

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge.

"AND. Krasnovsky"

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself.

Worst of all, those who are poorly trained from a young age do not admit this until old age.

Study as if you are constantly feeling the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.


Able to think and think only a well-read person

He who examines his soul deeply catches himself so often in error that he willy-nilly becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Not the teacher to the student, but the student must go to the teacher.

Learn from those who know, and teach those who do not know.

Writing exercises polish speech, and speech exercises enliven writing style.


The whole meaning of life lies in the endless conquest of the unknown, in the eternal effort to know more.

"Emile Zola"

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.


The letter teaches, the letter also corrupts.

We study, alas, for school, not for life.


Study everything not out of vanity, but for the sake of practical benefit.

"Georg Christoph Lichtenberg"

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.

You need to know a little about everything, but everything about a little.

"Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev"

Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never.

Violent training may not be hard, but something with joy and fun.

We give birth to children so easily and carelessly, but we care so little about the creation of man! We all yearn for some wonderful person. It is in our will to help him appear on earth! So let us use up our will so that he appears sooner, and perhaps we will be rewarded for this happiness to see among us the young forerunners of the one for whom our soul has been yearning for so long.

"Maksim Gorky"

We all learned a little something and somehow.

"Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"

I would gladly listen to your theory if I were not smarter than you.

The study of wisdom uplifts and makes us strong and generous.

The goal of learning is to achieve the greatest satisfaction in obtaining knowledge.

The educator himself must be educated.

"Karl Marx"

Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike.

"Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov"

If you want to express serious thoughts, first stop talking nonsense.

"Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues"

It is necessary to study until old age and death, when the teaching ceases by itself.

He who asks nothing will learn nothing.

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone.

"M. Bitter"

All education comes down to living well yourself, educating yourself: this is the only way people influence others, educate them.

"Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy"

Every nation can and should learn from others.

"Karl Marx"

It is much more useful to study not books, but people.

The living word teaches.

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students.


Education aims to make a person an independent being, that is, a being with free will.


One young artist, using the unprofitable methods of his teacher, painted a picture and showed it to Raphael. "What do you think of this picture?" he asked him. “That you would soon learn something,” Rafael replied, “if you didn’t know anything.”

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us.

"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"

Only for creation you must learn!

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

Only when the heart is cleansed of filth can one begin to read books and study antiquity. Otherwise, having learned about one good deed, you will want to benefit from it for yourself, and having heard one smart word, you will want to justify your vices with it. Studying with such thoughts in your head is like "giving weapons to the enemy and sending provisions to robbers."

Never argue with a fool - people may not notice the difference between you.

The first law of the dispute

Take on everything that you know and can do or dream to know and be able to do. In courage lies genius, power and magical power.

W. Goethe

Great things need to be done, and not pondered endlessly.

Julius Caesar

In every great undertaking, it takes a certain amount of insanity to be successful.

William Shakespeare

Success is not the end, failure is not the end. The only thing that matters is courage.

Winston Churchill

The one who does not risk the most risks.

Ivan Bunin

The ability to communicate with people is a commodity that can be bought just like sugar and coffee ... And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything in the world.

J. Rockefeller

It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness all your life.


If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you are right.

Mary Kay Ash

I'm not afraid of losing my head, I'm afraid of losing my face.

Alexander the Great

Neither I nor anyone else can walk this road for you, you have to walk it yourself.

Walt Whitman

Find the beginning of everything, and you will understand much.

Kozma Prutkov

For those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm.

Michel de Montaigne

Only the heart is vigilant, you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes... Words only make it difficult to understand each other...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Deprived of insight are not those people who have not reached the goal, but those who have passed it by.

François de La Rochefoucauld

A man without principles and without will is like a ship that has no rudder and compass, it changes its direction with every change in the wind.

Samuel Smiles

When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him.


Freedom is the right to do what is permitted by law.

Charles Montesquieu

The first condition for correction is the awareness of one's guilt.


There is no shame in confessing your mistake to a person.

A. V. Suvorov

Of all the passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy.


Friendship is unanimity regarding the beautiful and the just. Friendship is participation in good deeds and trials.


Love gives nobility even to those whom nature has denied it.

William Shakespeare

Student years are a wonderful time that gives a lot of discoveries, fun and allows you to make new friends. A student is a unique person who can not eat, not sleep, skip classes, and then take it and learn everything in a couple of nights. Although, there are jokes about this, that no matter how much a student studies and no matter how he prepares for exams, one night is still not enough for him to learn everything.

Student and session are inseparable concepts. But luck often smiles at students and helps them get the right ticket. During their studies, student people often complain about how hard it is for them to live, because they constantly lack scholarships and twice a year for a couple of weeks they have to become a superman. But as soon as they say goodbye to the university, they realize that it was the best time in their lives. Appreciate your student years, because they will fly by so quickly, and, alas, they will not return back.

We bring to your attention a selection of quotes and aphorisms about students. Put them in your statuses and remember that a student is not a vocation, but a state of mind!

Who was not a student
So do not understand:
How you want to eat!
How you want to sleep!

A student is a person who always wants to sleep and eat.

“Good!” said the professor and ruined the student's red diploma.

Better than good, can only be excellent!

Conscience is wealth, and students, as you know, are poor people.

If students have the audacity not to go to lectures, then there is no conscience to ask for a test.

Tired students are sleeping, books are sleeping ... Evil teachers with credits are waiting for the guys ... A harmful lecturer goes to bed so that we can dream at night ... Close your eyes, Za-bee-wai ...)))

Students perceive couples as a place where you can sleep ...)

“And if in a whisper? ” - 95% of students thought when they learned about Google voice search!

During a test or exam, students are visited by many brilliant thoughts, but the necessary information does not come to mind ...

Students and money are compatible things, but rarely and not for long.

Student people are usually in poverty ...

A student is like a dog ... Eyes are smart, but he can’t say anything.

Only dogs are devoted to their owners, but students are not to study ...)

A student in the 1st year - at least they would not be expelled! On 2 - now they probably won't kick me out. At 3 - now they definitely won’t be kicked out! On 4 - let them just try! On 5 - yes, I myself will expel anyone you want!

The first 2 years the student works in his own name, the rest - the name works for the student!

The student counts everything else for a long time or does not count at all ...

We drink in different doses. We fall asleep in different positions. We remember different moments. It's all called the word "students"!

Students can sleep as they like: on the go, in class, even during the exam they can fall asleep

The student does not understand at first, and then gets used to it.

It's only sad when such students start teaching or treating people...

About doctors

Learning to be a doctor means learning to be human!

The profession of a doctor is one of the noblest!

A good student is a good doctor, a bad student is the Chief Physician!!!

Twins are always lucky...

It is enough to look through a textbook on medicine, for example, a practical course in surgery, to understand whether you are a doctor or not.

If you do not faint from the illustrations and understand the meaning of at least 2/3 of the words, then you can become a doctor ...)

And the diagnosis was incorrect, and the prescription was inaccurate.

Medical students should study well, then they should treat people ...

In the operating room:
Doctor, it hurts!
- Quiet! We have an exam!!

If a medical student didn't faint during surgery, he has a future...)))

Medical students: "... you cut the meat, put it in a pan, fry it, somewhere between the second and third degrees of burns, you add vegetables to it..."

Medical thinking should be manifested even in everyday life!)))

“Doctor, I just found out I'm going to be operated on by a trainee.
Yes, surgery tomorrow.
- So it will kill ...
- And we will give him a bad mark for the exam ...)

Experience comes only with practice, you have to learn from someone ...)))

It is only the medical students of our group who can conduct a survey of the patient, and only after leaving the ward remember that they forgot to ask for the name.

And what hurts him, at least you didn’t forget to ask?)))

There is an artery in me that completely characterizes me - the same sleepy one.

There is such an artery in every person!

Preparing for an exam in pharmacology ... I have never wanted to clean, wash, bake pies, in general, anything, just not to teach ...

The student is ready for anything, just not to take exams at the medical faculty ...)

A selection of funny quotes

After what uni did to my brain, they should marry it.

Just pay him off first for the knowledge he gave you...)

Peace is peace! Student - beer!

You will not find a student who did not drink beer during the day with fire ...

A constantly cheating student learns from the mistakes of others.

You can't learn from someone else's mistakes as much as you learn from your own.

Students who failed the exam for the third time are asked to remove the stable expression “Live and learn” from the lexicon.

Do they think they won't have to study at work?)

The biggest student lie is the "Literature List".

In this list, students usually insert everything that is relevant to the topic, and not everything that they used.

If you want to lose weight - go to the students.

No gym helps to lose weight like a session.

The condom in the pocket of an excellent student Sidorov recently celebrated its third anniversary.

Conscientious study is good, but you should not forget about your personal life!

In our country, most people, after graduating from a university, do not work according to their specialization; a diploma, in fact, is a certificate confirming that its owner is not a fool.

This is where the question arises, why do you need a diploma at all?))

Leading dozens or even thousands of people is much easier than raising one single person - your child.

It is the duty of every parent to instill in their offspring a love of learning. Only they will help the unreasonable baby to become a real person.

The benefits of study are so obvious that to convince anyone of it must seem like contempt of the highest degree.

Reasonable thinking is the most valuable thing that education can give a person.

By being attentive to your studies in your youth, you will ensure an interesting old age.

Intellectual rivalry must be an integral part of any study, only in this way can the student surpass the teacher.

Beliefs that are not supported by the knowledge gained in the process of studying give birth only to convinced ignoramuses.

I would gladly listen to your theory if I were not smarter than you.

The most effective school is the school of life, which includes the obligatory course of unhappiness.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with onlookers. – George Bernard Shaw

One young artist, using the unprofitable methods of his teacher, painted a picture and showed it to Raphael. "What do you think of this picture?" he asked him. “That you would soon learn something,” Rafael replied, “if you didn’t know anything.” — Claude Adrian Helvetius

First of all, I would like to clarify what philosophy is ... the word "philosophy" denotes the occupation of wisdom and that by wisdom is meant not only prudence in business, but also a perfect knowledge of all that a person can know; the same knowledge that directs life itself serves the preservation of health, as well as discoveries in all sciences. - Rene Descartes

For scientific development, it is necessary to recognize the complete freedom of the individual, the personal spirit, because only under this condition can one scientific worldview be replaced by another, created by the free, independent work of the individual. - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

See the great danger in the fact that all the internal moral forces of the pupil go only to fulfill your will. Let your pupil be rebellious, self-willed - this is incomparably better than silent humility, lack of will. - Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Multi-knowledge does not teach the mind. - Heraclitus of Ephesus

Education is the impact on the heart of those whom we educate. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The upbringing of a personality is the upbringing of such a stable moral principle, thanks to which a person himself becomes a source of beneficial influence on others, he himself is educated and, in the process of self-education, even more asserts his own moral principle. - Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Education seems to be difficult only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and only one question remains: how should one live oneself? - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Writers only learn when they simultaneously teach: they acquire knowledge best when they communicate it to others at the same time. — Brecht Bertolt

Read not in order to contradict and refute, not in order to take it for granted, and not in order to find a subject for conversation; but to think and reason. — Francis Bacon

If children were not forced to work, they would not learn famota, or music, or gymnastics, or that which most strengthens virtue - shame. For shame is usually born from these occupations. – Democritus

To what do you think I owe my developed brain? The need to move, move your body? Not at all. A rat with half the size of my brain moves just like me. The main thing here is not the need to do something, but the need to know what you are doing so as not to destroy yourself in a blind desire to live. – George Bernard Shaw

From history we draw experience; on the basis of experience, the most vital part of our practical mind is formed. – Johann Gottfried Herder

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the angelic rank. We ourselves can crawl into any hole we like, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere worthy of their rank. You can’t be obscene with impunity in their presence ... you can’t make them a toy of your mood: either gently kiss, then madly stamp your feet on them ... - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Mutual conversation should be conducted in such a way that each of the interlocutors benefited from it, acquiring more knowledge. - Heraclitus of Ephesus

Activity is the only way to knowledge. – George Bernard Shaw

The educator himself must be educated. – Karl Heinrich Marx

The will that strives for knowledge is never satisfied with the finished work. — Giordano Philippe Bruno

Children teach adults not to dive into a business to the end and remain free. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

You need to know a little about everything, but everything about a little. – Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev

The wealth of society is made up of the diversity of its constituent individuals, because the highest goal of education is the person himself. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

All education boils down to living well yourself, educating yourself: this is the only way people influence others, educate them. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The whole meaning of life lies in the endless conquest of the unknown, in the eternal effort to know more. — Emile Zola

Everything we know, we know thanks to the dreams of dreamers, dreamers and learned poets. - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

True knowledge does not consist in familiarity with facts, which make a man a mere object, but in the use of facts, which makes him a philosopher. – Henry Thomas Buckle

He who advances in the sciences, but lags behind in morality, goes more backward than forward. – Aristotle

The most important of human efforts is the pursuit of morality. Our inner stability and our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions gives beauty and dignity to our life. To make it a living force and to help to clearly understand its significance is the main task of education. - Albert Einstein

In order to improve the mind, one must think more than memorize. - Rene Descartes

Violent teaching cannot be firm, but what enters with joy and merriment sinks firmly into the souls of those who listen. - Basil the Great

At first, maternal education is most important, because morality should be planted in the child as a feeling. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Raising your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov)

Who knows nothing at twenty, does not work at thirty, has not acquired anything at forty, he will never know anything, will not do anything and will not gain anything. – Axel Oxenstierna

Each person from the poverty of the mind tries to educate the other in his own image. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. – George Bernard Shaw

Time is a space for the development of abilities ... - Karl Heinrich Marx

We give birth to children so easily and carelessly, but we care so little about the creation of man! We all yearn for some wonderful person. It is in our will to help him appear on earth! So let us use up our will so that he appears sooner, and perhaps we will be rewarded for this happiness to see among us the young forerunners of the one for whom our soul has been yearning for so long. - Maksim Gorky

All moral education of children is reduced to a good example. Live well, or at least try to live well, and as you progress in the good life, you will raise your children well. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Education aims to make a person an independent being, that is, a being with free will. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Whoever wants to learn to fly must first learn to stand, and walk, and run, and climb, and dance: you cannot learn to fly right away! - Friedrich Nietzsche

Just as Christianity did not overcome science in its field, but in this struggle determined its essence more deeply, so science in a field alien to it will not be able to break the Christian or any other religion, but will more clearly define and understand the forms of its conduct. - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

Sex is boring: I read! - Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya

It is not the quantity of knowledge that matters, but the quality of it. You can know a lot without knowing the most necessary. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The purpose of education is to learn to do without a teacher. — Elbert Hubbard

If you want to express serious thoughts, first stop talking nonsense. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

If you don't have money for a restaurant, talk to the girl in the student dorm. Buy kefir and a bun. – Alexander Lukashenko

There is as much difference between an educated person and an uneducated person as there is between a living person and a dead person. – Aristotle

Believe in life, because it teaches better than any books. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Respect for truth is the beginning of wisdom. - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

We often meet people whose learning serves as a tool for their ignorance - people who the more they read, the less they know. – Henry Thomas Buckle

The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children. – Democritus

“Stay hungry. Stay reckless." And I have always wished that for myself. And now that you are graduating from college and starting over, I wish you the same. - Steve Jobs

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the misty abyss of the future, but indifference is blind and stupid from birth. — Claude Adrian Helvetius

In essence, old age begins from the moment when a person has lost the ability to learn. – Arturo Graf

Ignorance is always more certain than knowledge, and only the ignorant can say with certainty that the sciences will never be able to solve this or that problem. – Charles Robert Darwin

Knowledge is not an inert, passive visitor that comes to us whether we like it or not; it must be sought before it is ours; it is the result of great work and therefore great sacrifice. – Henry Thomas Buckle

Who knows more, suffers more. Isn't there a tree of science - a tree of life? – George Gordon Byron

Ignorance is the mother of malice, envy, greed and all other low and gross vices, as well as sins. - Galileo Galilei

Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people. – Aristotle

Science is an Exchange of ignorance, where only one Ignorance is replaced by another. – George Gordon Byron

Truly, like the sun, I love life and all deep seas. And this is what I call knowledge: so that everything deep rises to my height! - Friedrich Nietzsche

We know more useless things than we don't know useful things. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

No person in the world is born ready, that is, fully formed, but all his life is nothing but a constantly moving development, an unceasing formation. - Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Education is the influence of one person on another in order to force the educated person to adopt certain moral habits. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The aim of scientific knowledge should be to direct the mind in such a way that it will make sound and true judgments about all objects encountered. - Rene Descartes

You can give reasonable advice to another, but you cannot teach him reasonable behavior. — Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Ignorance is not a lack of intelligence, and knowledge is not a sign of genius. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Education is primarily to seed our hearts with habits beneficial to the individual and society. — Claude Adrian Helvetius

Every day in which you have not replenished your education with at least a small but new piece of knowledge for you ... consider it fruitless and irretrievably lost for yourself. - Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

There is no doubt that learning, just like travel and any other auxiliary means of education that perfects a person with healthy mental faculties, makes a fool ten thousand times more intolerable, since it supplies his stupidity with various material and gives him the opportunity to show his tastelessness. — Thomas Alva Edison

There are many kinds of education and development, and each of them is important in itself, but moral education should stand above all of them. - Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

He who examines his soul deeply catches himself so often in error that he willy-nilly becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others. — Claude Adrian Helvetius

What good is it that you knew a lot, since you did not know how to apply your knowledge to your needs. — Francesco Petrarch

Grief is the teacher of the wise. – George Gordon Byron

You should deepen your mind, not expand it, and, like the focus of a burning glass, collect all the heat and all the rays of your mind at one point. — Claude Adrian Helvetius

The only cure for superstition is knowledge; nothing else can remove this plague spot from the human mind. – Henry Thomas Buckle

People do not believe in anything so strongly as in what they know least about. — Michel Montaigne

We know very little and learn poorly: therefore we must lie. - Friedrich Nietzsche

If a person feels his participation in the life of society, he creates not only material values ​​for people - he also creates himself. From work in which the spirit of citizenship is clearly expressed, true self-education begins. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The upbringing of children is only self-improvement, to which nothing helps as much as children. - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person. - Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

If science in itself did not bring any practical benefit, then even then it would not be possible to call it useless, if only it refined the mind and put it in order. — Francis Bacon

Each person is worth exactly as much as life experience remains of him and continues in the experience of the next generations. – Gyula Iyesh

Stupid is the man who always remains the same. – Voltaire

There are no difficult subjects, but there is an abyss of things that we simply do not know, and even more of those that we know badly, incoherently, fragmentarily, even falsely. And these false information stop us and bring us down even more than those that we do not know at all. - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

What can human education consist of? What should it be based on? On measure. All the laws of nature rest on it, just like all our clear and correct concepts, our feelings of the beautiful and noble, the use of our forces for the good, our happiness, our enjoyment: only the measure nourishes and educates us, the measure forms and preserves creations. . – Johann Gottfried Herder

In the art of the word, everyone is each other's students, but each goes his own way. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Always - to learn, everything - to know! The more you know, the stronger you become. - Maksim Gorky

Before proceeding with the construction of the palace of the universe, how much more material must be extracted from the mines of experience! — Claude Adrian Helvetius

You should learn to lie, like everything else, from the smallest. — Samuel Butler

The main idea and goal of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest. - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The history of mankind is basically the history of ideas. — Herbert George Wells

Whoever argues, referring to authority, does not use his mind, but rather his memory. Good learning, born of good talent; and since it is more necessary to praise the cause than the effect, you will praise a good talent without learning more than a good scientist without talent. — Leonardo da Vinci

A sad fate awaits the one who is endowed with talent, but instead of developing and improving his abilities, he exalts himself excessively and indulges in idleness and narcissism. Such a person gradually loses the clarity and sharpness of the mind, becomes inert, lazy and overgrown with rust of ignorance, corroding the flesh and soul. — Leonardo da Vinci

It is impossible to wean people from studying the most unnecessary subjects. — Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

People are not born, but become who they are. — Claude Adrian Helvetius

Whoever cannot be taken with kindness will not be taken with strictness. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

In marriage, mutual education and self-education does not stop for a minute. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The correct formulation of the question indicates some familiarity with the subject. — Francis Bacon