Scientific article on physics for schoolchildren. Physics - real and fake

If you think that physics is boring, then this article is for you. We will tell you interesting facts that will help you take a fresh look at an unloved subject.

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#1: Why is the Sun red at night?

Actually, the light from the sun is white. White light in its spectral decomposition is the sum of all the colors of the rainbow. In the evening and morning, the rays pass through the low surface and dense layers of the atmosphere. Dust particles and air molecules thus act as a red filter, best passing through the red component of the spectrum.

#2: where did atoms come from?

When the universe was formed, there were no atoms. There were only elementary particles, and even then not all. The atoms of the elements of almost the entire periodic table were formed during nuclear reactions in the interiors of stars, when lighter nuclei turn into heavier ones. We ourselves are made up of atoms formed in deep space.

#3: How much "dark" matter is there in the world?

We live in the material world and everything that is around is matter. You can touch it, sell it, buy it, you can build something. But in the world there is not only matter, but also dark matter. It does not emit electromagnetic radiation and does not interact with it.

Dark matter, for obvious reasons, has not been touched or seen. Scientists decided that it exists, observing some indirect signs. It is believed that dark matter occupies about 22% of the composition of the universe. For comparison: the good old matter familiar to us takes only 5%.

#4: What is the temperature of lightning?

And so it is clear that it is very high. According to science, it can reach 25,000 degrees Celsius. This is many times more than on the surface of the Sun (there are only about 5000). We strongly do not recommend trying to check what temperature the lightning has. There are specially trained people in the world for this.

There is! Considering the scale of the Universe, the probability of this was previously estimated quite high. But it's only relatively recently that humans have begun to discover exoplanets.

Exoplanets revolve around their stars in the so-called "life zone". More than 3,500 exoplanets are now known, and more and more are being discovered.

#6: How old is the Earth?

The earth is about four billion years old. In this context, one fact is interesting: the largest unit of time is the kalpa. Kalpa (otherwise - the day of Brahma) is a concept from Hinduism. According to him, the day is replaced by a night equal to it in duration. At the same time, the duration of the day of Brahma with an accuracy of 5% coincides with the age of the Earth.

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#7: Where Do Aurora Borealis Come From?

The aurora borealis, or northern lights, is the result of the interaction of the solar wind (cosmic radiation) with the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Charged particles from space collide with atoms in the atmosphere, causing them to become excited and emit light. This phenomenon is observed at the poles, as the Earth's magnetic field "captures" particles, protecting the planet from being "bombarded" by cosmic rays.

#8: Is it true that the water in the sink swirls in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres?

Actually it is not. Indeed, there is a Coriolis force acting on the fluid flow in a rotating frame of reference. On the scale of the Earth, the action of this force is so small that it is possible to observe the swirling of water during runoff in different directions only under very carefully selected conditions.

#9: How is water different from other substances?

One of the fundamental properties of water is its density in solid and liquid states. Thus, ice is always lighter than liquid water, therefore it is always on the surface and does not sink. Also, hot water freezes faster than cold water. This paradox, called the Mpemba effect, has not yet found an exact explanation.

#10: How does speed affect time?

The faster an object moves, the slower time will go for it. Here we can recall the paradox of twins, one of which traveled in an ultra-fast spacecraft, and the second remained on earth. When the space traveler returned home, he found his brother an old man. The answer to the question why this happens is given by the theory of relativity and relativistic mechanics.

We hope our 10 facts about physics helped to make sure that these are not only boring formulas, but the whole world around us.

However, formulas and tasks can be a hassle. To save time, we have collected the most popular formulas and prepared a memo for solving physical problems.

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Other articles are devoted to questions that lie within physics. What is mass, what is Ohm's law, how does an accelerator work - these are internal questions of physics. But as soon as we ask a question about physics in general or about the interaction of physics with the rest of the world, we have to go beyond it. To look at her from the outside, to see her precisely "as a whole." And now we will do it.

How physics is arranged and works

Imagine that your goal is to build bridges. What do we have to do? Mining iron ore, smelting steel, making nails, felling timber, sawing logs, driving piles, laying decking, and so on. Learn to make bridge calculations, and learn by yourself and teach others - and count, and build. It is not bad to exchange experience with other bridge builders, you can start publishing the magazine "Across the River" or the newspaper "Our Svay". What's important is that it's a process, and at every step we can tell you exactly what to do; you can feel a nail, you can sit on a hammered pile and fish. The results of the bridge calculation can be compared and verified, a model of the bridge can be built and tested. In addition, in the course of all this activity, a skill, ability, construction technology and a special language for describing bridges arise. Builders use their own terms, understandable only to them - console, caisson, diagram, etc.

This is how physics works. Those who do it create accelerators, microscopes, telescopes and many other devices, write and solve equations that describe the relationship between various parameters of our world (for example, the relationship between pressure, temperature and wind speed in the atmosphere). Like bridge builders, physicists create their own language and system for teaching future physicists. The experience of solving problems is accumulating, the technology of cognition is emerging.

All this does not fall from the tree by itself, like a mythical apple. Instruments are expensive and do not always work well, not everything can be understood, not all equations can be solved, and it is often unclear how to write them down, not all students study well, etc. But in the end, the understanding of the world improves - i.e. Today we know more than yesterday. And since we know from books that the day before yesterday we knew even less, we conclude that tomorrow we will know even more.

This is physics - the known world, the process of knowing the world, the process of creating the technology of knowing, the description of the world in a special "physical language". This language partially overlaps with the regular language. The words "weight", "speed", "volume", etc. exists both in physical language and in ordinary language. Many words exist only in physical language (exciton, gravitational wave, tensor, etc.). The words of ordinary language and the words of physical language can be distinguished: you can explain to any person - so that he says "understood" - what is weight and speed, but you will not be able to explain to almost anyone what a "tensor" is. By the way, professional languages ​​intersect: for example, the word "tensor" is also found in the language of bridge builders.

How physics is related to society

Physics, as well as the construction of bridges, is connected with the outside world. The first connection is that being a physicist (as well as a builder) is pleasant. Man survived because he learned new things and did new things. Mammoths had warmer wool, saber-toothed tigers jumped better, but the two-legged one reached the final. Therefore, as an adaptive feature, as support for the correct way of action that improves survival, the joy of recognition and the joy of creativity are laid in a person. Just like the joy of love or friendship.

The second connection between physics and society is that being a physicist (as well as a builder of bridges) is prestigious. Society respects those who do good for it. Respect is manifested in salary, in ranks and orders, admiration of girlfriends and friends. The degree of this respect and its forms at different stages of the development of society can, of course, be different. And they depend on the general condition of a given society - in a country that wages many wars, the military is respected, in a country that develops science - scientists, in a country that builds - builders.

Everything that is written above applies not only to physics, but also to science in general - despite the fact that although biology and chemistry have many of their own characteristics, the scientific method itself is the same as in physics.

Where does pseudoscience come from?

A person seeks pleasure and does not seek - if this in itself does not give him pleasure - to work. Therefore, it is quite natural that next to physics, in which one has to work hard to get pleasure from the knowledge of truth and recognition by society, there is some other area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, called, to put it politely, "parascience" or "pseudoscience".

Sometimes they say "pseudoscience", but this expression is inaccurate - it is customary to call a conscious and purposeful deception a lie, and among the figures of pseudoscience there are quite a lot of sincerely mistaken people. We will mainly talk about pseudophysics, although recently, for example, pseudohistory and pseudomedicine are very popular. In accordance with the properties of physics listed above, pseudophysics can be of several types.

Type 1- designed primarily to receive money and honor from the state. The traditional theme is "superweapon". For example, shooting down enemy missiles with "plasma clots". Similar ideas were successfully used to pump money out of the budget in Soviet times, and they were used on the other side of the ocean. For example, the use of telepathy to communicate with submarines. True, the system of independent expertise and less corruption prevent the development of this type of pseudoscience in other countries.

Type 2- designed mainly to satisfy their own ambitions. Traditional themes are the solution of the most complex, fundamental and global problems. Proof of Fermat's theorem, trisection of an angle and squaring of a circle, perpetuum mobile and an internal combustion engine on water, elucidation of the nature of gravity, construction of a "theory of everything", etc. Unlike Type 1 papers, some of these papers cost next to nothing, except for publication money.

In general, pseudoscience is based on two psychological characteristics of people - the desire to get something (money, honor), without making an effort, or to learn something, also without making an effort ("theory of everything"). People are especially willing to believe in all sorts of miracles (UFOs, instant heals, miracle weapons) during a period of failure - either personal or public. When the complexity of the tasks facing a person or society turns out to be higher than usual and many people feel bad. A person in such a situation turns either to religion (as a rule, to its external paraphernalia), or to pseudoscience, or to mysticism. For example, today, in terms of the degree of interest in mysticism, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world, far ahead of Western societies living a normal life.

Is there any harm from pseudoscience

There is no particular harm, however, directly from the belief in UFOs and plants that feel at a distance that they are about to be plucked. Worse than the other - a person who has learned to perceive everything uncritically, who has unlearned to think with his own head, becomes an easy prey for all sorts of crooks. And those who promise to make untold money out of thin air, and those who promise to build a paradise tomorrow and solve all problems, and those who undertake to teach him everything in thirty hours - even a foreign language, even karate, even management.

Pseudo-science brings direct harm, perhaps, only in one case - when it is pseudo-medicine. Those who were treated by healers, sorcerers and hereditary fortune-tellers usually can no longer be saved by doctors. It is sometimes said that healers and sorcerers heal by suggestion, hypnosis, etc. It is possible, but, firstly, it has not been proven, and, secondly, a short-term improvement is usually achieved by suggestion, and the disease goes on as usual and leads to a natural outcome.

How to distinguish between science and pseudoscience?

Or, at least, physics and pseudophysics? Let us recall the main features of physics (and science in general) listed above.

First. Physics creates knowledge about the world that increases with time. And not in the form of separate revelations, but in the form of a system of related statements, and the reliability of each is a consequence and cause of the reliability of others. Any physical work develops some results of previously performed work (either using or challenging). Previous results in the same area cannot be ignored.

Second. Physics allows you to do "things" (for example, build bridges - through the study of the properties of materials and the development of new ones). Therefore, we check the reliability of modern physics every day a hundred times - without it there would be no radio and television, without it the car and subway would not run, neither a cell phone nor an iron would work without it.

Physics accumulates skill, technology, apparatus of cognition, builds its own language in which this experience is realized, and an education system - both for those who will work in physics and for those who will not.

Pseudoscience, which satisfies the ambitions of its creators and people's desire for a simple "explanation" of everything in the world, differs from science in all these points. She doesn't do anything on that list.

And in one aspect it imitates science. What is "science" for a person? First of all, there are many obscure words, some of which (holography, proton, electron, magnetic field, vacuum) are often repeated in newspapers. In addition, science means ranks: academician, corresponding member, vice president, and so on. Therefore, pseudoscience uses a lot of "scientific words", and completely out of place, and usually walks hung from neck to knees with titles. Today, every ten honest lunatics and five normal crooks, having gathered together, declare themselves an academy.

Why physicists don't like this topic

People who want to understand the issue and understand whether there are “solar-terrestrial connections” or is it just incorrect data processing turn to physicists with questions, and physicists usually evade answers. On which the press flourishes, publishing millions of copies of photographs of the “soul leaving the body” (in the picture, the soul looks a bit like a ghost - a cartoon Casper, only translucent). Let's try to understand the psychology of physicists who, in violation of the traditions of their science, evade a clear answer and, lowering their eyes, mutter something like "maybe there is something there."

The first and main reason for this behavior is that it is much more interesting for a physicist to study nature than to deal with madmen, crooks and people fooled by them.

The second reason is that if a person is hopelessly ill, then (in Russian culture, but not in Western culture) it is customary to tell him a lie and, thereby, console him. If people feel bad and they turn to faith in a lapel, a love spell and the strongest sorcerers in the third generation, then it’s somehow not good to take it away from them.

Third reason. Unwillingness to go into conflict because of "nonsense". Will you tell him that mice do not emit gravitational signals at the moment of death, or that there are no holes in the aura simply because there is no aura, and he will begin to accuse you of pursuing and suppressing the sprouts of new knowledge?

Fourth reason. Unwillingness to pass for a retrograde, censor, Cerberus, despot, etc. Physicists remember the Soviet times, when not a single word could be published without permission - and therefore do not want to even remotely look like censors.

The fifth reason is a bad conscience. The cutting edge of science goes deep into nature like a mining machine. The length of the tunnels is growing, society is breaking away from science, and shamans are filling the gap. And this happens not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Maybe scientists should be more involved in the popularization of science and educational activities? Then there would be less shamanism.

The sixth and final reason - what if there really is something there? Let's consider this situation in more detail.

And suddenly there really is something

Of course, when the stories about levitating frogs begin, everything becomes clear. But in physics it often happens that the data of new measurements "do not fit" into the old theory. The question is what kind of theory and how far they do not climb. If they do not get into the theory of relativity, which has been repeatedly confirmed experimentally (suffice it to say that without it there would be no television and radar), then there is nothing to talk about. If we are talking about unusual magnetic properties or an anomalously low resistance of a sample made of copper and lanthanum oxides, then this is strange and it would be necessary to sort it out carefully and measure it seven times. And those who figured it out (rather than passed by) discovered high-temperature superconductivity. And information about a substance twice as hard as diamond should be rechecked not 7, but 77 times, since this, as it seems to us, contradicts other, reliably established things.

Agree that the information that a neighbor or a roommate has fallen in love with you will surprise you less than the information that Chuck Norris or Sharon Stone has fallen in love with you. You will check such information much more carefully. As already mentioned, physics is not a list of revelations, but a system of knowledge in which each statement is connected with others and with practice.

The second important property is the controllability of the effect. If a cat meowed in the yard, and my voltmeter went off scale, then this is an accident. When this was repeated seven times, then this is a reason to think. But here I go down into the yard, make her meow and record the time of meows, another person, who does not know that I am doing this, records the readings of the device, and the third, who does not communicate with the two of us, analyzes the records, sees matches and says - Yes, we've made a discovery! If this and that coincided seven times with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds, and not a single meow without a twitch of the arrow and not a single twitch without a meow, this will be a discovery. Note that the controllability of the effect makes it possible to increase the reliability of observations and the accuracy of measurements. For example, there may not be coincidences in all cases, and all this will have to be studied for a long time and carefully.

Thus, we see that physics - like all science, by the way - is work; lots and lots of work. The pleasure of knowing how the world works is not given for free. And especially not given in vain is the amazing feeling experienced by a researcher who has just learned something new about the world - something that no one knows yet. Except him.

Mathematical modeling of heat transfer in pipes with turbulators, as well as in rough pipes, is carried out at high Reynolds numbers. The solution of the heat transfer problem for flow turbulators with a semicircular cross section was considered on the basis of multiblock computing technologies based on the solution of the Reynolds equations (closed using the Menter shear stress transfer model) and the energy equation (on different-scale intersecting structured grids) by the factorized finite volume method (FKM) . This method has previously been successfully applied and verified by experiment for lower Reynolds numbers.

2. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Controlled earthquakes and volcanoes (hypothesis). Part 1 There is a review.

3. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Controlled earthquakes and volcanoes (hypothesis). Part 2 There is a review.
In this article, based on existing ideas about the nature of earthquakes and volcanic activity, as well as the author's own ideas of this article, an attempt is made to justify the proposed method for reducing tectonic activity in certain areas of the Earth, including continental and oceanic. The proposed method is based on the use of geoelectricity as an energy factor of influence. In the context of this article, the question of the possibility of influencing the tectonic activity of a previous civilization, fragmentary information about which has come down to our time, on the one hand, thanks to recorded memories, and on the other hand, from the outstanding seer Edgar Cayce, who left behind recorded "readings of lives" about Atlantis, is raised. .

4. Stepochkin Evgeny Anatolyevich. On the existence of the ether There is a review.
The article presents an unconventional interpretation of the Morley-Michelson experiment.

Co-authors: Zhemzhurov Mikhail Leonidovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, Joint Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research - Sosny NAS of Belarus
An analysis of the neutron radiation power for various sources of irradiated nuclear fuel of the VVER-1200 reactor for high burnups and exposure times up to 100 years has been carried out. Approximation dependences are proposed for calculating the power of neutron radiation.

6. Vinogradova Irina Vladimirovna. High-alloy steels in the conditions of PJSC MMK There is a review.
Co-authors: Gulkov Yury Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg Mining University
This article reviews the situation in the Russian and world market of the metallurgical industry. The necessity of using new types of steels is substantiated. The evaluation of the chemical and physical properties of high-alloy steels of Russian and foreign manufacturers is carried out. Technical solutions are proposed that ensure the production of steels with specialized characteristics.

7. Lobanov Igor Evgenievich. Mathematical modeling of limiting heat transfer in round straight pipes with turbulators for coolants in the form of dropping liquids with variable monotonically varying thermophysical propertiesArticle published in No. 69 (May) 2019
In this article, a numerical theoretical model was developed for calculating the limiting values ​​of enhanced heat transfer under conditions of heat transfer intensification in pipes of promising heat exchangers in the construction industry due to flow turbulence for liquid heat carriers with variable thermophysical properties. The mathematical model describes the corresponding processes for a wide range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, which makes it possible to more accurately predict the reserves of intensification of non-isothermal heat transfer. The most important conclusion regarding the results of the theoretical calculation of the limiting intensified heat transfer obtained in the framework of this study should be recognized as the relative practical tangibility of the effect of non-isothermality on hydraulic resistance, despite the fact that the temperature differences used in modern heat exchangers of modern construction production are, as a rule, relatively small.

8. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Separate megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 3

9. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Separate megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 2Article published in No. 68 (April) 2019
This article attempts to explain the purpose of individual megalithic complexes existing on Earth, near which there are often mass human burials. When considering the pyramids of Bru-na-Boine, the Stonehenge cromlech, the Tarshien temple on the island of Malta with the mysterious and eerie Temple of Death Hal-Saflieni - hypogeum (megalithic underground sanctuary), the megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe, located in southern Turkey and stone labyrinths on the Solovetsky Islands it has been suggested that these megalithic complexes are selection tools of human society. This goal was served by all the megalithic complexes on the island of Malta and, probably, many on the territory of the Earth, united in a single system.

10. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Separate megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 1 There is a review. Article published in No. 68 (April) 2019
This article attempts to explain the purpose of individual megalithic complexes existing on Earth, near which there are often mass human burials. When considering the pyramids of Bru-na-Boine, the Stonehenge cromlech, the Tarshien temple on the island of Malta with the mysterious and eerie Temple of Death Hal-Saflieni - hypogeum (megalithic underground sanctuary), the megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe, located in southern Turkey and stone labyrinths on the Solovetsky Islands it has been suggested that these megalithic complexes are selection tools of human society. This goal was served by all the megalithic complexes on the island of Malta and, probably, many on the territory of the Earth, united in a single system.

11. Trutnev Anatoly Fedorovich. A new approach to the concept of charge in physics (hypothesis) There is a review.
.The article presents a new approach to the concept of charge in physics. The principles of interaction of electric charges, the action of gravitational forces are stated in a new way, the mechanism of formation of the magnetic field of permanent magnets is described.

In this article, a theoretical model was developed for calculating the limiting hydraulic resistance under conditions of heat transfer intensification in pipes of promising heat-exchange tubular apparatuses due to flow turbulence for liquid heat carriers with variable thermophysical properties. The most important conclusion regarding the results of the theoretical calculation of the limiting hydraulic resistance obtained in the framework of this article should be recognized as the relative practical tangibility of the effect of non-isothermality on the hydraulic resistance, despite the fact that the temperature differences used in modern heat exchangers of modern production are, as a rule, relatively small.

In this paper, we obtain exact analytical solutions for a non-stationary linear inverse problem of heat conduction for bodies of one-dimensional geometry with boundary conditions on one surface, obtained in a closed recurrent form. The recurrent form of writing the solution of the non-stationary linear inverse problem of heat conduction for bodies of one-dimensional geometry with boundary conditions on one surface given in the article is a solution in a closed form from a common position, which is not always possible in an explicit form.

14. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Geoelectricity as a factor of influence on the biota of the Earth (hypothesis) There is a review. Article published in No. 66 (February) 2019
This article attempts to explain the biological features of the East African rift system by the presence of geoelectricity in the earth's crust, as well as the significance of the place for many millions of believers, on which the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is erected, in which the Descent of the Holy Fire takes place on Easter. An assumption is made about geoelectricity as an energy source for microorganisms located in the earth's crust, and an assumption is made about the nature of the formation of oil and gas.

15. Eremenko Vladimir Mikhailovich. Changing of the climate. Another look There is a review. Article published in No. 66 (February) 2019
The article analyzes the impact of world population growth and human combustion of natural hydrocarbons on the Earth's climate.

16. Akovantsev Pyotr Ivanovich. Alternative explanation for the cause of the Cosmological RedshiftArticle published in No. 67 (March) 2019
The cosmological redshift was associated with the expansion of the Universe, losing sight of the fact that the properties of hydrogen as a medium for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) throughout the movement are different and depend on the temperature of hydrogen. It has been proven that hydrogen emits (and absorbs) electromagnetic radiation of different lengths depending on its own temperature. Thus, the Fraunhofer absorption lines of hydrogen can be located in any part of the continuous spectrum of visible radiation from distant galaxies, and this depends on the temperature of hydrogen as the environment of these galaxies. The continuous spectrum of radiation loses part of the waves of the spectrum, and the farther, the more long-wavelength zone of the spectrum these losses are. The cosmological shift is not related to a change in the wavelength, but is related to the temperature of the Universe, which, as evolution develops, heats up.

17. Lobanov Igor Evgenievich. Theory of hydraulic resistance in straight round pipes with turbulators for heat carriers in the form of a dropping liquid with variable properties There is a review.
In this article, an analytical theoretical model was developed for calculating the values ​​of hydraulic resistance under conditions of heat transfer intensification in pipes of promising heat exchangers due to flow turbulence for coolants in the form of dropping liquids with variable thermophysical properties. The analytical model is valid for coolants in the form of dropping liquids with monotonically changing thermophysical characteristics. The analytical model describes the corresponding processes for a wide range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, which makes it possible to more accurately predict the reserves of intensification of non-isothermal heat transfer. The most important conclusion regarding the results of the theoretical calculation of the limiting hydraulic resistance for coolants in the form of dropping liquids obtained in the framework of this article should be recognized as a relatively small effect of non-isothermality on hydraulic resistance, since those used in modern thermal

18. Ilyina Irina Igorevna. Numbers rule the world. Part 1. Quaternions There is a review. Article published in No. 64 (December) 2018

19. Ilyina Irina Igorevna. Numbers rule the world. Part 2. Octonions There is a review. Article published in No. 64 (December) 2018
When and how was the space of the Universe formed as a result or after the Big Bang? After all, initially it was believed that there was no space as such. The formation of space in this paper is considered due to the distribution of the energy of the Big Bang and self-organization of energy flows in space into matter. Matter is also considered as a complex form of space that has a structure. Such self-organization is based on four exceptional algebras - real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and octonions.

20. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Ancient pyramids and their analogs as instruments of influence on the Earth's climate (hypothesis) There is a review. Article published in No. 64 (December) 2018
This article attempts to explain the reason for the appearance on the surface of the Earth, over a historically short period, of a huge number of megalithic complexes, including pyramids, stone circles on the ground and other large-scale megalithic structures. This article shows the relationship between the construction of megalithic objects and the impending next glaciation and an attempt is made to link the construction of pyramids and other megalithic complexes with the ability to influence the Earth's climate.



Physics is called experimental science. Many laws of physics are discovered thanks to observations of natural phenomena or specially designed experiments. Experience either confirms or refutes physical theories. And the sooner a person learns to conduct physical experiments, the sooner he can hope to become a skilled experimental physicist.

The teaching of physics, due to the peculiarities of the subject itself, is a favorable environment for the application of a system-activity approach, since the high school physics course includes sections, the study and understanding of which requires developed imaginative thinking, the ability to analyze and compare.

Particularly effective methods of work areelements of modern educational technologies, such as experimental and project activities, problem-based learning, the use of new information technologies. These technologies make it possible to adapt the educational process to the individual characteristics of students, the content of training of varying complexity, and create the prerequisites for the child to participate in the regulation of their own educational activities.

It is possible to increase the level of a student's motivation only by involving him in the process of scientific knowledge in the field of educational physics. One of the important ways to increase student motivation is experimental work.After all, the ability to experiment is the most important skill. This is the pinnacle of physical education.

The physical experiment allows you to link the practical and theoretical problems of the course into a single whole. When listening to educational material, students begin to get tired, and their interest in the story decreases. A physical experiment, especially an independent one, well removes the inhibitory state of the brain in children. During the experiment, students take an active part in the work. This contributes to the development of students' skills to observe, compare, generalize, analyze and draw conclusions.

Student physical experiment is a method of general educational and polytechnical training of schoolchildren. It should be short in time, easy to set up and aimed at mastering and working out specific educational material.

The experiment allows organizing independent activities of students, as well as developing practical skills. My methodical piggy bank contains 43 frontal experimental tasks only for the seventh grade, not counting the program laboratory work.

During one lesson, the vast majority of students manage to complete and complete only one experimental task. Therefore, I selected small experimental tasks that take no more than 5-10 minutes in time.

Experience shows that conducting frontal laboratory work, solving experimental problems, performing a short-term physical experiment is several times more effective than answering questions or working on textbook exercises.

But, unfortunately, many phenomena cannot be demonstrated in the conditions of a school physics laboratory. For example, these are phenomena of the microworld, or fast processes, or experiments with devices that are not available in the laboratory. As a result, studentsexperience difficulties in studying them, as they are not able to mentally imagine them. In this case, a computer comes to the rescue, which can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows

The modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more effective technologies designed to promote the formation of self-development and self-education skills. These requirements are fully met by the project activity. In project work, the goal of training is the development of independent activity among students, aimed at mastering new experience. It is the involvement of children in the research process that activates their cognitive activity.

A qualitative consideration of phenomena and laws is an important feature of the study of physics. It's no secret that not everyone is able to think mathematically. When a new physical concept is presented to a child first as a result of mathematical transformations, and then a search for its physical meaning takes place, many children have both an elementary misunderstanding and a bizarre “worldview” that in reality there are formulas, and phenomena are needed only to illustrate them.

The study of physics with the help of an experiment makes it possible to learn the world of physical phenomena, observe phenomena, obtain experimental data for analyzing the observed, establish a connection between a given phenomenon and a previously studied phenomenon, introduce physical quantities, and measure them.

The new task of the school was to form a system of universal actions for schoolchildren, as well as the experience of experimental, research, organizational independent activity and personal responsibility of students, the acceptance of learning goals as personally significant, i.e. competencies that determine the new content of education.

The purpose of the article is to study the possibility of using the Vernier digital laboratory to develop research skills in schoolchildren.

Research activity includes several stages, ranging from setting the goal and objectives of the study, putting forward a hypothesis, ending with the experiment and its presentation.

Research can be both short-term and long-term. But in any case, its implementation mobilizes a number of skills in students and allows the formation and development of the following universal learning activities:

  • systematization and generalization of experience in the use of ICT in the learning process;
  • assessment (measurement) of the influence of individual factors on the performance result;
  • planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result
  • control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;
  • compliance with safety regulations, the optimal combination of forms and methods of activity.
  • communication skills when working in a group;
  • the ability to present the results of their activities to the audience;
  • development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activity in modern society. .

Vernier digital laboratories are equipment for conducting a wide range of research, demonstrations, laboratory work in physics, biology and chemistry, project and research activities of students. The laboratory includes:

  • Distance Sensor Vernier Go! Motion
  • Temperature sensor Vernier Go! Temp
  • Adapter Vernier Go! Link
  • Vernier Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor
  • Light sensorVernier TI/TI Light Probe
  • A set of educational and methodological materials
  • CosView Interactive USB Microscope.

With Logger Lite 1.6.1 software you can:

  • collect data and display it during the experiment
  • choose different ways of displaying data - in the form of graphs, tables, scoreboards of measuring instruments
  • process and analyze data
  • import/export text format data.
  • view video recordings of pre-recorded experiments.

The laboratory has a number of advantages: it allows obtaining data that is not available in traditional educational experiments, and makes it possible to conveniently process the results. The mobility of the digital laboratory allows you to conduct research outside the classroom. The use of the laboratory makes it possible to implement a system-activity approach in lessons and classes. The experiments carried out with the help of the digital laboratory "Vernier" are visual and effective, which allows for a deeper understanding of the top of the head by students.

By applying a research approach to teaching, it is possible to create conditions for students to acquire the skills of scientific experimentation and analysis. In addition, learning motivation is increased through active participation in the process of a lesson or class. Each student gets the opportunity to conduct their own experiment, get the result, tell others about it.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the Vernier digital laboratory in the classroom allows students to develop research skills, which increases the effectiveness of learning and contributes to the achievement of modern educational goals.

List of components:
interface for data processing and registration;
special software on a CD-ROM for working with data on a computer;
special software on a CD-ROM for Wi-Fi operation of all laboratory equipment;
sensors for conducting experiments;
additional accessories for sensors;

Purpose of the laboratory:
creation of conditions for a deeper study of physics, chemistry and biology with the use of modern technical means;
increasing the activity of students in cognitive activity and increasing interest in the disciplines studied;
development of creative and personal qualities;
creating conditions for the limited budget for the simultaneous work of all students on the topic under study using modern technical means;
research and scientific work.

Laboratory capabilities:
work in one wireless network of all components of the proposed laboratory, interactive whiteboard, projector, document camera, personal tablets and mobile devices of students;
the ability to use tablets of different operating systems in training;
conducting more than 200 experiments throughout the course of elementary and secondary schools;
creation and demonstration of own experiments;
student testing;
the ability to transfer data for homework to a student's mobile device;
the ability to view any student's tablet on an interactive whiteboard to demonstrate the completed task;
the ability to work separately with each of the components of the laboratory;
the ability to collect data and conduct experiments outside the classroom.
laboratory equipment for experiments with sensors;
methodological recommendations with a detailed description of the experiments for the teacher;
plastic containers for packaging and laboratory storage.

Digital labs are the next generation of school science labs. They provide the opportunity to:

  • reduce the time spent on preparing and conducting a frontal or demonstration experiment;
  • increase the visibility of the experiment and visualization of its results, expand the list of experiments;
  • carry out measurements in the field;
  • to modernize already familiar experiments.
  • With the help of a digital microscope, each student can be immersed in a mysterious and fascinating world, where they will learn a lot of new and interesting things. The guys, thanks to the microscope, better understand that everything living is so fragile and therefore you need to be very careful with everything that surrounds you. The digital microscope is a bridge between the real ordinary world and the microcosm, which is mysterious, unusual and therefore surprising. And everything amazing strongly attracts attention, affects the mind of the child, develops creativity, love for the subject. A digital microscope allows you to see various objects at magnifications of 10, 60 and 200 times. With it, you can not only examine the object of interest, but also take a digital photo of it. You can also use a microscope to record objects on video and create short films.
  • The digital laboratory kit includes a set of sensors with which I conduct simple visual experiments and experiments (temperature sensor, CO2 content sensor, light sensor, distance sensor, heart rate sensor). Students put forward hypotheses, collect data using sensors, analyze the received data to determine the correctness of the hypothesis. The use of a computer and sensors in conducting scientific experiments in the classroom ensures the accuracy of measurements and allows you to continuously monitor the process, as well as save, display, analyze and reproduce data and build graphics based on them. The use of Vernier sensors contributes to safety in science classes. Temperature sensors connected to computers prevent students from using mercury or other glass thermometers that can break. I use the equipment both in the lessons of physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and extracurricular activities when working on projects. Students master the methods of the following activities: cognitive, practical, organizational, evaluation and self-control activities. When using digital laboratories, the following positive effects are observed: an increase in the intellectual potential of schoolchildren; the percentage of students participating in various subject, creative competitions, design and research activities increases and their effectiveness increases.
  • Application electronic educational resources should provide a significantinfluence on the change in the activities of the teacher, his professional and personal development, initiate dissemination of non-traditional models of lessons and forms of interaction between teachers and studentsbased on cooperation, andemergence of new learning models, which are based onactive independent activity of students.
  • This corresponds to the main ideas of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, the methodological basis of which issystem-activity approach, according to which "the development of the student's personality on the basis ofassimilation of universal educational activitiescognition and development of the world is the goal and main result of education.
  • The use of electronic educational resources in the learning process provides great opportunities and prospects for independent creative and research activities of students.
  • As for research work, EERs allow not only to independently study descriptions of objects, processes, phenomena, but also work with them in an interactive mode, solve problem situations and connect the knowledge gained with phenomena from life.

If you think physics is a boring and unnecessary subject, then you are deeply mistaken. Our entertaining physics will tell you why a bird sitting on a power line wire does not die from electric shock, and a person who has fallen into quicksand cannot drown in them. You will find out whether there really are no two identical snowflakes in nature and whether Einstein was a loser at school.

10 fun facts from the world of physics

Now we will answer the questions that concern many people.

Why does a train driver back up before moving off?

The reason for this is the static friction force, under the influence of which the train cars are standing still. If the locomotive simply moves forward, it may not move the train. Therefore, he slightly pushes them back, reducing the static friction force to zero, and then gives them acceleration, but in the other direction.

Are there identical snowflakes?

Most sources claim that in nature there are no identical snowflakes, since several factors influence their formation at once: humidity and air temperature, as well as the snow flight path. However, entertaining physics says: you can create two snowflakes of the same configuration.

This was experimentally confirmed by the researcher Karl Liebbrecht. Having created absolutely identical conditions in the laboratory, he obtained two superficially identical snow crystals. True, it should be noted that their crystal lattice was still different.

Where is the largest reservoir of water in the solar system?

Never guess! The most voluminous storage of water resources in our system is the Sun. The water is in the form of steam. Its highest concentration is noted in places that we call "spots on the Sun." Scientists even calculated that in these regions the temperature is one and a half thousand degrees lower than in the rest of our hot star.

What invention of Pythagoras was created to combat alcoholism?

According to legend, Pythagoras, in order to limit the use of wine, made a mug that could be filled with an intoxicating drink only up to a certain mark. It was worth exceeding the norm even by a drop, and the entire contents of the mug flowed out. This invention is based on the law of communicating vessels. The curved channel in the center of the mug does not allow it to be filled to the brim, "relieving" the container of all the contents in the case when the liquid level is above the channel bend.

Is it possible to turn water from a conductor into an insulator?

Entertaining physics says: you can. Current conductors are not the water molecules themselves, but the salts contained in it, or rather their ions. If they are removed, the liquid will lose its ability to conduct electricity and become an insulator. In other words, distilled water is a dielectric.

How to survive in a falling elevator?

Many people think: you need to jump at the moment the cabin hits the ground. However, this opinion is incorrect, since it is impossible to predict when a landing will occur. Therefore, entertaining physics gives another advice: lie on your back on the floor of the elevator, trying to maximize the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with it. In this case, the impact force will not be directed to one part of the body, but evenly distributed over the entire surface - this will significantly increase your chances of survival.

Why does a bird sitting on a high voltage wire not die from electric shock?

The bodies of birds do not conduct electricity well. By touching the wire with its paws, the bird creates a parallel connection, but since it is not the best conductor, the charged particles do not move through it, but along the cable cores. But as soon as the bird comes into contact with a grounded object, it will die.

The mountains are closer to the source of heat than the plains, but on their peaks it is much colder. Why?

This phenomenon has a very simple explanation. The transparent atmosphere freely passes the sun's rays without absorbing their energy. But the soil perfectly absorbs heat. It is from it that the air then warms up. Moreover, the higher its density, the better it retains the thermal energy received from the earth. But high in the mountains, the atmosphere becomes rarefied, and therefore less heat “lingers” in it.

Can quicksand suck?

In films, there are often scenes where people "drown" in quicksand. In real life, according to entertaining physics, this is impossible. You won’t be able to get out of the sandy swamp on your own, because in order to pull out only one leg, you will have to make as much effort as it takes to lift a medium-weight car. But you also cannot drown, because you are dealing with a non-Newtonian fluid.

Rescuers advise in such cases not to make sudden movements, lie with your back down, spread your arms to the sides and wait for help.

Does nothing exist in nature, see the video:

Amazing cases from the life of famous physicists

Outstanding scientists, for the most part, are fanatics of their field, capable of anything for the sake of science. So, for example, Isaac Newton, trying to explain the mechanism of perception of light by the human eye, was not afraid to experiment on himself. He inserted a thin, carved ivory probe into the eye, simultaneously pressing on the back of the eyeball. As a result, the scientist saw rainbow circles in front of him and proved in this way: the world we see is nothing but the result of light pressure on the retina.

Russian physicist Vasily Petrov, who lived at the beginning of the 19th century and studied electricity, cut off the top layer of skin on his fingers to increase their sensitivity. At that time, there were no ammeters and voltmeters that could measure the strength and power of the current, and the scientist had to do it by touch.

The reporter asked A. Einstein if he writes down his great thoughts, and if he writes down, then where - in a notebook, notebook or a special card index. Einstein looked at the reporter's bulky notepad and said, "My dear! Real thoughts come so rarely to the head that it is not difficult to remember them.

But the Frenchman Jean-Antoine Nollet preferred to experiment on others. Conducting an experiment in the middle of the 18th century to calculate the speed of transmission of electric current, he connected 200 monks with metal wires and passed voltage through them. All participants in the experiment twitched almost simultaneously, and Nolle concluded: the current runs through the wires, well, oh, very quickly.

Almost every student knows the story that the great Einstein was a loser in his childhood. However, in fact, Albert studied very well, and his knowledge of mathematics was much deeper than the school curriculum required.

When the young talent tried to enter the Higher Polytechnic School, he scored the highest score in the core subjects - mathematics and physics, but in other disciplines he had a slight shortage. On this basis, he was denied admission. The following year, Albert showed excellent results in all subjects, and at the age of 17 he became a student.

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