He is still in his youth. Editing service documents

Exercise 10 Evaluate the use of lexical means in the given sentences; indicate the use of the word without regard to its semantics, anachronism, euphemism of speech, vagueness of the statement, distortion of meaning, absurdity and comic speech.

1. Decade of Uzbek cuisine in the restaurant will be held for five days: from 1 to September 5. 2. The measures taken for moral and material incentives for negligent workers did not bring the desired result. 3. At the exam, he mixed up not only all the myths, but also the names of ancient heroes and gods. 4. From the end of the VI century BC. e. the flow of Greek tourists rushed to Egypt. 5. There are still shortcomings in our work that prevent us from successfully overcoming the backlog. 6. Uncomfortable in the assembly shop, it is in disrepair. 7. Farmers don't pay enough attention to fertilizing their fields. 8. For five months, Moscow radio broadcast chess moves to these two continents - the Arctic and Antarctic. 9. During February, in the Moscow region, the length of the day will increase by 2 hours. 10. Good employees at our enterprise are awarded with the Board of Honor.

Exercise 11 Indicate the words, the use of which leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.

1. The author of the reader has not compiled an annotation yet. 2. Crowded evenings are held in the factory club. 3. We wished the organizers to gather such evenings more often. 4. Harvesting is in full swing in the village. 5. Shevchenko opened the beginning of the harvest last year, working on the harvest; the same honor is entrusted to him today. 6. Increasing the protein content of grain poses great difficulties for researchers. 7. Two birds do not live in the same lair. 8. The Book Fair hospitably invites publishers and authors to visit the pavilions. 9. Athletes "Kolos" established 32 new achievements of the region. 10. In a magazine I read a big discussion about the role of a father in raising his children. 11. This policy is already bearing fruit. 12. Great attention will be paid to the beautification of the city. 13. We attach high priority to this issue. 14. Our farmers have won the world record for shearing wool from fine wool sheep. 15. The vast majority of those present understood this topic.

Exercise 12 Specify speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began to write songs in his deep youth, and only now glory has fallen on his gray-haired head. 2. During these years, there has been an exuberant growth in our cinematography. 3. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and he does a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 4. He set so many world records that only hardened fans of sports statistics remember them. 5. Grazing of dogs is prohibited. 6. The warehouse is closed on a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 7. It is forbidden to place household and industrial waste dumps. 8. An old house is for sale. 9. Lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. The students of our group have achieved a deterioration in discipline and academic performance in this semester. 11. In our work, moral and labor education is of primary importance.

1. Now I am dead, I have become the sheets of a book, and you can turn over me. 2. I myself do not like old grumblers, and yet I am sincerely glad that I have not experienced the dishonor of ranks and the meanness of lordly awards. 3. The cat turned out to be not only solvent, but also a disciplined beast. 4. Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko was in the last fit of his youth - he was 38 years old. 5. Every night Fyodor Nikitich was visited by the same seasoned Soviet dreams. 6. The earth was slightly touched by dark paint, and the leading star signaled the onset of night in a timely manner. 7. "Antelope" has earned itself a sour reputation, it needs to be repainted. 8. The commission, hung with beards, arrived in artel"Revenge" on three spans. 9. At that time, most men grew such state-owned, loyal hair appliances on their faces. 10. A special breed of official furniture was grown. 11. A deep wrinkle appeared on Balaganov's serene, unplowed forehead. 12. Against his will, Kozlevich plunged into the abyss of the Criminal Code, into the world of chapter three, which instructively speaks of malfeasance.

1. The new film is doomed to great success with the widest circles of the public. 2. There is another explanation for such a productive score in this match. 3. For many years I have got used to everything and do not hide, but I am proud of my stainless youth. 4. The roof is tilted, of course, not for everyone. 5. You can’t put all the blame on some fashion designers, there are other fashion chefs, and you should ask them. 6. Our hero did not lose his head and immediately paid a lightning visit to the ambassador in order to prevent this sudden decision. 7. Yes, there were once men! Not like the current tribe. But individual magnificent specimens of men have not yet disappeared even today. 8. "Hello dear!" he exclaimed, and, embracing the unexpected guest, gave him a long, friendly kiss on his salty lips. 9. An old fly selflessly beat its head against the glass. 10. The laurels of the discoverers do not threaten us. 11. The new dress of the king marked the transition from evening dresses to correspondence. 12. New signs appeared in the local history museum of the city of Novokhromovsk: “Do not touch the exhibits with your hands. And feet too.

Exercise 15 In sentences, eliminate the violation of lexical compatibility of words. Justify your edit.

1. In our vocational school, we traditionally manufacture jewelry vices, hacksaws. We can produce other products as well. 2. This book consists of five parts, which give preliminary concepts about the world, God, prayers, sin, holy icons. 3. What people see who have not been in our country for a year. shocking. 4. Oleg Vasiliev, who has been studying at Notre Dame University for the third year already, is a recognized leader there. 5. In just six years of my "directorship" in the orphanage, only six children were taken into families. And there are a lot of people who want to come, they come often, but the “bride-in-law”, for the most part, ends to no avail. 6. On the eve of the cold season, preparation for winter is a matter of particular importance in the region.

Exercise 16 Opening brackets, choose the appropriate words; Justify your choice, point out the differences if available.

1. The speaker slowly uttered the words, giving each of them / special meaning, special significance, special significance /. 2 .. Innocent people take / desired, desirable / for real. 3. The author of the brochure does not provide any /substantiation, grounds/ for his conclusions. 4. Several times during the day, / check, check / time is made by radio. 5. In explanatory dictionaries, various kinds of stylistic, /litters, notes/ are given. 6. Many students of our group / presented themselves, were given / the opportunity to take part in a dialectological expedition. 7. The solution proposed in the article seems / problematic, problematic /. 8. some kind of /romantic, romantic/ stories are constantly happening with the hero of the film. 9. The editor read the manuscript and made some /style, stylistic/ amendments to it. 10. Approved /status, statute/ of a new organization uniting nature lovers. 11. The work is written in simple language, the /essence, essence/ of the issue is immediately clear. 12. Oblomov considered the ideal of happiness / full, satisfying / life.

Exercise 17 Eliminate lexical repetitions in the text. Note the phenomena of pleonasm and tautology.

1. The amounts of additional payments are collected from enterprises in an indisputable manner. 2. Everyone was shocked by the spectacle of the fire, which we all witnessed. 3. She did not utter a single superfluous word.

4. During this time, there are more historians and non-historians who have made a name for themselves on this topic than the participants in the events themselves, but the truth belongs to His Majesty the fact.5. The main causes of juvenile delinquency are the difficult situation in families, the harmful effects of video salons, the weak material base of leisure, the lack of methodological assistance, the lack of coordination and creative communication of teachers. 6. The team of our gymnasium has been preparing for this step for a long time. After all, not only the signboard has changed, but also the content, and the form of education, and the team. For a gymnasium, to work in it, a higher level of knowledge is needed. Therefore, 50% of our team took various courses at universities last year. Also, for the last year, our team has been closely cooperating with Bauman University.

Exercise 18 Pay attention to speech insufficiency, note cases of ambiguity of the statement, distortion of its meaning. Correct the suggestions.

1. The exhibition of young artists in the House of Creativity was such a success because at the drawing lessons she managed to bring up the beautiful in her students. 2. Student Belov won first place in English language. 3. They graduated from a vocational school, but in order to work well, you need direct experience at the machine tool. 4. For mistakes and shortcomings, the chairman of the state farm Pashkov deserves penalties. 5. A few hours are enough to dress the whole family in warm mittens on a manual knitting machine. 6. The cash desk receives for the goods of toddler age. 7. The binding has become an integral part of the room decoration. 8. Mayakovsky's work excites readers in a variety of languages.

Exercise 19 Analyze the reasons for the absurdity and inappropriate comicality of the statement. Name the logical errors in sentences resulting from speech deficiency, correct them.

1. In the premises of the entrance factory, the sanitary and epidemiological station will prepare poisoned bait for the population. 2. Livestock specialists and wind workers of farms to carry out hoof trimming and dehorning. 3. For all livestock specialists of the departments, make strong collars on an iron chain, under which put belts or felt. 4. The factory needs two workers, one for stuffing and one for wrapping. 5. Reward nursery workers for fulfilling the plan for the incidence of children. 6. The birthday will start at three o'clock. 7. I ask you to register me without the right to housing. I promise not to live. 8. Sellers in blue sleeveless jackets, uniform skirts, jackets, all as one dark-skinned and black-whiskered, could not help but delight customers.

1. Types and techniques of editing service documents

document material specifics

Editing (in other words, checking and correcting the text) is one of the most important stages in working on a document. When starting to edit the text, it is important to clearly understand what goals are set for you. Editing can be either purely stylistic (that is, not affecting the content) or semantic. In the first case, the editor is required, first of all, to have impeccable literacy, a subtle sense of the word. In the second, along with this, a thorough knowledge of the essence of the issue, possession of factual material. There are, however, general principles.

The general scheme of the editor's work looks like this:

  • § perception - criticism - corrections;
  • § verification of factual material;
  • § identification of compositional defects;
  • § identification of stylistic errors and errors;
  • § detection of spelling and punctuation errors.

The first stage of editing - the perception of the text - is extremely important. Before you change anything, you should read the document as a whole. Some of the questions can usually be removed in the course of reading. In addition, only with a holistic perception, the editor is able to evaluate the composition, detect contradictions, logical errors, disproportion of parts of the document.

After the document has been read and errors and points of doubt noted, the most complex and delicate issue of the permissible degree of interference with the text remains to be resolved. The originality of the editorial work lies in the fact that corrections are made to someone else's text. Therefore, the editor has the right to change the form, but not the content of the document. Far from always the question of the permissible limits of interference in the text is solved simply. First of all, this refers to the problem of verbal repetitions.

The official business style has its own specifics. One of the fundamental requirements for the language of documents is the accuracy, unambiguity of the statement. And although usually the repetition of the same word (or words of the same root) within a small text is considered a stylistic mistake, but this is acceptable when it comes to the repetition of terms. Special vocabulary has a number of features that must be taken into account. The meaning of the term is specific, it most often does not have absolute synonyms and cannot be replaced by another word without changing the essence of the statement. Therefore, it is often necessary to make an exception for texts rich in terminology, and to preserve verbal repetitions for the sake of accuracy of meaning.

For example: After the end of the work of the SAC, the deans, on the basis of the protocols of the SAC, draw up an order to graduate from an educational institution, which is submitted to the educational department within five days from the date of completion of the activities of the SAC.

GAK - the state attestation commission cannot be replaced by a phrase close in meaning. To avoid a triple repetition, you can only use the word "commission" instead of the abbreviation once.

The editor should remember: if you have to save repetitions, you need to think about other ways to "lighten" the text. In particular, you can refuse long, cumbersome sentences. Most often, a complex sentence can be easily turned into several simple ones.

The most important principles of editorial editing can be defined as follows:

  • § keeping the content of the document unchanged;
  • § the ability to prove that interference with the text is necessary;
  • § integrity and consistency (all shortcomings are noted and corrected immediately, since one change may lead to another);
  • § clarity and accuracy.

The latter seems obvious. However, it is not uncommon for the editor to edit by hand, and some words turn out to be “unreadable”. In the future, someone who types on a computer may unwittingly introduce a new error into the document.

It is absolutely unacceptable to leave question marks or other notes in the margins after finishing the editorial work.

Editorial functions are considered completed after all doubts are resolved and only notes intended for corrections remain in the margins of the document.

There are four main types of editing:

  • § editing-proofreading;
  • § editing-reduction;
  • § editing-processing;
  • § editing-alteration.

Editing-proofreading is as close as possible to proofreading work. It is a correction of spelling and punctuation errors and typos. Such corrections usually do not require the agreement of the person signing the document.

Modern computer technology has freed document workers from a large part of the proofreading burden: text editors allow you to check spelling and make corrections directly while typing. But this should not be the basis for complete carelessness. In this matter, as in many others, man has no right to rely entirely on technology.

You have to keep in mind that computer text editors "do not know" many proper names. Surnames, initials, geographical names, names of enterprises and institutions must be verified with particular care.

In addition, the computer is not able to detect all typos. He "does not notice", for example, the transformation of the preposition "on" into the preposition "for", the particle "not" into "neither": for him all these are equally correct words. Automatic verification will fail if you mistakenly type "1897" instead of "1997". Only a person who understands the meaning of the statement is able to detect such errors.

Editing-reduction is carried out in two main cases:

  • § firstly, when it is necessary to make the document shorter by any means (then you can go for some reduction in the volume of content);
  • § secondly, when the text contains redundant information - repetitions and "common places".

The editor is obliged to eliminate well-known facts, common truths, unnecessary introductory words and constructions from the document. It is important that the editor is well versed in the material and is able to determine whether the repetition of the same words is justified and whether their replacement with synonyms is acceptable.

Edit-processing is an improvement in the style of the document. Errors and shortcomings associated with the violation of the compatibility of words, the indistinguishability of paronyms, the use of cumbersome syntactic constructions, etc. are eliminated.

A document proofread by a qualified editor must:

  • § not contain factual errors and typos;
  • § be perfectly literate in terms of spelling and punctuation;
  • § have an optimal volume;
  • § be built according to the laws of logic;
  • § comply with the stylistic norms of the Russian literary language and the special requirements of the official business style.

Editing (in other words, checking and correcting the text) is one of the most important stages in working on a document. First of all, a business paper containing errors - factual, stylistic, spelling or any other, "complicates the process of communication, requires further oral or written clarifications, takes time from the participants in communication. In addition, an illiterate or simply sloppy document reduces the authority of the signatory its official or sending organization, casts doubt on the qualifications of employees working in the field of office work.Finally, a document with errors can turn into a kind of "time bomb": sooner or later, the inaccurate and incorrect information contained in it can be used and will inflict significant harm to the recipient of the information.This is why the person responsible for editing the documentation bears a great responsibility.

Edit sentences.

  • 1) This ensemble has both folklore and an ultra-modern singing style, but most importantly, there is a thought that can be traced literally in all directions. 2) We will show you footage from a new film being shot at the Mosfilm studio. 3) When a year later I stood in front of this picture in the basement, that era seemed to me completely vague and had long been pressed into the depths of centuries. 4) Placed on an island washed by the branches of the river, the exhibition will occupy an area of ​​40 hectares. 5) Sometimes heating stoves are left unattended. 6) Seafarers heading to a ship going on voyages operated by ships of our shipping company must be able to quickly pass a medical examination.
  • 1) This ensemble has folklore and an ultra-modern singing style, and most importantly, the idea can be traced literally in all directions. 2) We will show you footage from the new film, which is being shot by the Mosfilm studio. 3) When a year later I stood in front of this picture in the basement, the era seemed to me completely foggy and long pressed into the depths of centuries. 4) Placed on an island washed by the river branches, the exhibition will occupy an area of ​​40 hectares. 5) Heating stoves are sometimes left unattended. 6) Seafarers going to ships and going on voyages operated by the ships of our shipping company should be able to quickly pass a medical examination.

Edit the sentences

  • 1) Students master the method of determining geographical coordinates without any difficulty. 2) Understanding by teachers of their duty is the best guarantee of their active participation in the continuous improvement of school affairs. 3) My father died when he was six years old. 4) The peasantry fought against serfdom for centuries; they repeatedly rebelled against the landowners. 5) The whole society gathered on the terrace, they loved to relax there. 6) Unexpectedly, so that Alexei held the syringe in his hand and looked at him in amazement, laughed briefly - he remembered how the brigade commander once barked: "Never lose hope."
  • 1) Students mastered the method of determining geographical coordinates without difficulty. 2) A teacher's understanding of his duty is a guarantee of active participation in the continuous improvement of school affairs. 3) My father died when I was six years old. 4) For centuries, peasants fought against serfdom; rebelled against the landowners. 5) The whole society gathered on the terrace, because they liked to relax there. 6) Unexpectedly for himself, Alexei held a syringe in his hand and looked at him in amazement, laughed and remembered how the brigade commander once barked: "Never lose hope."

Edit sentences.

  • 1) He began to write songs in his deep youth, and only now glory has fallen on his gray-haired head. 2) In these years, there has been a violent growth of our cinematography. 3) He set so many world records that only notorious fans of sports statistics remember them. 4) Grazing of dogs is prohibited. 5) The warehouse is closed on a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 6) It is forbidden to place economic and industrial garbage dumps. 7) An old house is for sale. 8) The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 9) The students of our group have achieved a deterioration in discipline and academic performance in this semester. 10) In recent years, government organizations have increased their attention to the development of cooperation in the development of measures to protect the biosphere from pollution.
  • 1) Even in his distant youth, he began to write songs, and only now glory fell upon his whitened gray head. 2) During these years, there was a violent growth of our cinematography. 3) He set so many world records, but only notorious fans of sports statistics remember them. 4) Dog walking is prohibited. 5) The warehouse is closed on a sanitary day due to the persecution of cockroaches. 6) It is forbidden to place household and industrial garbage dumps here. 7) A house is for sale. 8) The lecture for future parents is postponed to Thursday. 9) The students of our group have worsened discipline and academic performance in this semester. 10) In recent years, government organizations have increased their attention to the development of cooperation in the development of measures to protect the biosphere from pollution.

1. The changes that have taken place in the country over the past 5-6 years are irreversible.
2. The spectator, having stepped on the stage, said his deep gratitude to the artists. 3. The first issue of the magazine was greeted by readers with great interest. 4. Approving the documentation, the director puts his signature on it. 5. It is always difficult for an accountant to prepare an annual report in a short time. 6. The playwright shows the “bottom” that is prepared for the losers in this cruel world of malice and self-interest. 7. More than a hundred people settled in the newly built hostel. 8. Working in the trade union system, he held selective positions. 9. He showed an economic interest in solving the master's issues. 10.B. Mayakovsky stood at the sources of new poetry. 11. In art, he is completely ignorant. 12. None of the injections given by our nurse were sick. 13. I evaluate your words as slander.

Task 3. Combine the words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their lexical compatibility.

1. antique, classic, congenital, born, hospitable, hospitable, hospitable, pernicious, pernicious, single, one, long, lengthy, long long-term, lasting. mythology, languages, talent, mind, welcome, host, person, influence, action, moment, moment, impact, period, path, fees, credit.
2. Put forward, express, fix, find, eliminate, get, find put on, leave discover, discover prove, substantiate predict, foretell expand, increase, increase. hypothesis, conjecture shortcomings, mistakes, support, support, imprint, footprint, law, regularity, theorem, theory, defeat, success, opportunities, potential.

In the audience

Exercise 1. Choose from the words in brackets.

  1. The hero pronounces a (secret, sacred, cherished, true) oath.
  2. We heard (amazing, wild, frantic) screams.
  3. It is impossible (to be afraid, to be frightened, to be afraid, to be afraid, to be cowardly, to be shy, to tremble) of everything in the world, one must be (bold, brave, courageous, resolute, daring, fearless).

Task 2. Find errors in the use of homonyms and polysemantic words.

1. The excursionists listened to the explanations of the group leader. 2. In the museum, we were shown old canvases. 3. The players left the battlefield without goals. 4. The doctor's duty is to bring the patient to the end. 5. In front of the school we see broken flower beds. This is the work of our students. 6. Grammar errors are allowed in the control papers. 7. During the previous year, the polyclinic lost 5 doctors. 8. By the evening, the students hoped to prepare a film about how the last beauty contest went.

Task 3. Specify speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began to write songs in his deep youth, and only now glory has fallen on his gray-haired head. 2. During these years, there has been an exuberant growth in our cinematography. 3. He set so many world records that only hardened fans of sports statistics remember them. 4. Dog grazing is prohibited. 5. The warehouse is closed on a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 6. It is forbidden to place household and industrial waste dumps. 7. An old house is for sale. 8. Lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 9. The students of our group have achieved a deterioration in discipline and academic performance in this semester. 10. In recent years, governmental organizations have increased their attention to the development of cooperation in the development of measures to protect the biosphere from pollution.

Task 4. Find errors related to verbosity, determine their type and correct the sentences.

1. I already talked about my autobiography in the introductory article. 2. The Institute has developed new methods and developments on this issue. 3. The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital. 4. Already at the beginning of his career as a writer, strengths and weaknesses were identified. 5. She had very huge eyes. 6. The president of the firm called on everyone to cooperate. 7. We need to realistically and without illusions weigh our economic chances.

Task 5. Determine if foreign words are used correctly in sentences . Use the "Dictionary of foreign words" for this. Please add clarification if necessary.

1. In the universities of the city, the educational process is constantly being improved, the contingent of students is growing. 2. She devoted twenty-five years of her biography to science. 3. Violators of the order, as a rule, are subject to fines and other sanctions of influence. 4. Ancient cities were the citadel of Russian national architecture. 5. As shown by the qualifying tournament, the Finnish athletes remain the most serious opponents to our skiers.
6. Rastrelli accumulated Russian culture in himself. 7. The focus of this book is on early manifestations, the onset of asthma. 8. Exhibition expansion is typical for our city.

Task 6. Find "split predicates", replace them with synonymous verbs.

1. Yesterday I was on duty in the school cafeteria. 2. The teacher conducted a survey of all students. 3. Before graduation, the parents wished the students to have fun. 4. We clean the classroom every day.

Task 7. Note cases of unjustified use of obsolete words, neologisms, stylistically reduced vocabulary, dialectisms, professionalism and jargon, clericalism. Correct the suggestions.

1. One thought about him caused a hitherto unfamiliar thrill inside. 2. Therefore, there is a proposal to support Russian art and move the time of the Cannes Film Festival a few days ahead. 3. The delivery of books from the library was delayed. 4. Spring this year is as muddy as autumn. 4. This story is quite pulling on the plot for an action movie. 5. I have a lot of different interesting thoughts spinning in my head. 6. This film turned out to be a completely flat action movie. 7. Blood sampling is carried out in the fifth office. 8. Repairing a car will take a long time. 9. It is necessary to deliver another injection. 10. By the evening it was briefly divorced. 11. Utirka was in the coat pocket. 11. Due to the lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 12. The father did not dare to appear on the horizon of his daughter's life. 13. The above students did not come to school.

Task 8. Think of phrases in which the combinations suggested below would be used: a) as free; b) as phraseological.

Open your mouth, boil in your own juice, throw a pebble into the garden, take out dirty linen from the hut, keep the stone in your bosom, walk past, reach out, plug it into your belt.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

2. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a reference book. - M., 2000.

3. Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaev. - M., 1999.

4. Rosenthal D.E., Dzhanzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. A Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. - M., 2001.

5. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / Ed. prof. IN AND. Maksimov. - M., 2000.