Appendix A. List of items for the game "Search for Magic Items"

Good evening, dear friends. I am glad to welcome you to this hall.
Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. Everything around is painted in bright colors, the sun does not heat so much, you want warmth and love. And on this lyrical note, I invite you to plunge into the world of emotions, reverent relationships. I suggest you play the seventh sense game.


One day a man came to God and asked him to create a woman. God took a few rays of the sun, the pensive sadness of the moon, the trembling of the deer, the beauty of the swan, the tenderness of the down, the lightness of the air, the freshness of the water. And in order not to be cloying, he added the inconstancy of the wind, the talkativeness of the magpie, the tearfulness of the clouds, and all the horrors of thunder and lightning. All mixed up. From this mixture turned out a beautiful woman. God breathed life into her and gave her to a man.
(hero appears on stage)

Today you will be this man, and women, i.e. girls, we have seven. But you need to choose only one, and let those seventh sense help in this.
(music, the hero goes behind the screen)

And so I invite our charming girls.
(music, girls come out, the presenter invites each to briefly tell about herself)

If a man is most often guided by reason, then a woman prefers feelings, especially intuition. In our first contest, we will find out how you, dear girls, will be able to use it. To do this, you will need to answer a series of questions that will help us imagine the image of our hero.
1. Eye color ________________________________________________________________
2. What animal do you associate yourself with __________________________________
3. Growth __________________________________________________________________
4. Shoe size __________________________________________________________
5.Hair color ____________________________________________________________
6. Zodiac sign _______________________________________________________________

Today fate was cruel to you, but it's just a game. Take off your mask, show your face, say your parting word. Let our hero suffer and suffer from what a happy opportunity to be with you he lost.
(the girl performs her farewell number, music, the girl goes into the hall)

In ancient Greece, there were myths about female sirens who lured men into their nets with their bewitching voice. In our next competition, using only their voice, they lured men into their networks. In our next contest, using only your voice and imagination, try to charm our hero. Let's start the "Hear Me" contest.
(music, a girl comes out with a dressing).

Now our hero must reject one of those who are confused to win his heart. (hero choice). That is his choice. Reveal your face, show who he lost, say your word.
(participant walks into the hall)

Well, let's continue the fight. Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Now you will have the opportunity to put this path to the heart of our hero with the help of the next Tasty Surprise contest. You must prepare an elixir of love from what is on this table and give it a name. You have three minutes. In the meantime, our guests will dance a little.
(disco, the assistant takes the glasses to the hero who makes his choice, the participant leaves the hall)

The next contest “Fragrance” is approaching us (an assistant comes out with a dressing). Here, each girl presented her fragrance and now our hero will have to choose the perfume that he liked, and reject one of the fragrances. Breathe in and let go.
(the hero chooses a fragrance, the girl goes into the hall)

They say that a woman loves with her ears, and men with her eyes. Finally, we come to the long-awaited competition, in which the girls will take off their masks and appear before the eyes of the hero in the competition "In all its glory."
(music, the hero comes out from behind the screen, the participants take off their masks and dance for the hero).

The moment has come when you have to reject one of the members by looking her straight in the eyes. Make your choice.
(the girl goes into the hall).

Well, there are three of you left. That. we have a love triangle. This is the dramatic form of relationship, but it can be destroyed. As you ask. With the help of the final competition "Sculpture of Love".

Extracurricular activities for elementary school students. Held for the holiday "Valentine's Day" or March 8.

Purpose: to create a festive mood in children, to help overcome communication barriers between boys and girls in the classroom, to help children get to know each other better and strengthen friendship between all students, to cultivate a sense of beauty in relationships between people.

Event progress

- We are glad to see you at our show game "The Seventh Sense". Our game is held on the eve of a wonderful spring holiday. March 8 is a holiday of love and attention to all women, from little girls to old women. This day has long turned into a cheerful comic spring holiday in our country. And we called our comic holiday "The Seventh Sense" and dedicate it to our lovely representatives of the weaker sex of the 2nd "a" class. Meet...


She is very talented, draws beautifully and performs exclusive works. In her arsenal of achievements there is already an author's exhibition, which aroused deep interest among her classmates. And no one is jealous, because Christina is ready to put aside her favorite business and help everyone. Many favorite subjects: work, art, Orthodox culture, Russian language. Likes hide and seek. Slowly. Has a charming smile.


In his development, he is very drawn to the elders, striving to overtake his age. Favorite subjects: reading, work, music, art, physical education. She dances beautifully, easily gets along with all her classmates. Well educated, knows what is possible and what is not. Very obedient, obligatory, responsible. Her motto is: if you need it, then you need it! Dreams of becoming a teacher.


From the Gemini, she inherited some bifurcation. Hence, she is so shy and insanely modest. Talented, beautiful drawing. She has the highest growth of all girls and a beautiful appearance, which allows her to dream of the profession of a fashion designer and the modeling business. He gets along well with all his classmates. He likes to play outdoors, swim in the sea, ride a bike and watch books. Loves animals.


Alenka, Alyonushka... Tender, sweet, fragile, affectionate and vulnerable. At first glance, it will seem that there is no character, but this is in small things, and in serious matters she is able to defend her point of view and make an independent decision. Reasonable. In the family and at school, the first assistant and hostess. Soft and kind girl, ready to help everyone. She believes in everything adults tell her. Likes reading, board games, soup, borscht. She dreams of becoming a teacher or an actress because she loves children and attention.


Able to succeed in everything, especially in mathematics. Any business brings to the end, which is very different from his classmates. Possesses aesthetic taste, loves his parents, the sea, comfort, art. Collects stickers. Romantic and very sensitive. The choice of girlfriends is very selective.

Yanochka, Yanulya... He loves affection very much, although he doesn't show it. By horoscope— Gemini. The horoscope says that Gemini is completely unable to perceive criticism and is very offended if they are hinted at. Alas... Our Yanochka also suffers greatly from this. He likes to read fairy tales about Cinderella and the Little Prince. Dreamy. Taking the first steps in writing. She was awarded a certificate of the MUK for a cycle of poems in the nomination "Poetry". Has gorgeous hair, the highest neatness.


According to the horoscope - Leo. But she is far from a leonine character. Her feelings are always calm. Very attractive, kind, will calm and support everyone. That's why she has so many friends in class! Many favorite school subjects - work, reading, mathematics, Russian language, fine arts, music. Talented, beautiful drawing. Dreams of becoming a chef. Idols - Dima Bilan and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.


Nature is complex and contradictory - this is evidenced by the horoscope. But so far Katenka is a very pleasant, talented and risky girl. Energetic, cheerful and courageous. Reaches for everything, actively exploring the world around him. She likes to solve problems, absorbs books with interest, makes independent decisions, is very artistic, loves the stage, has directing abilities. Dislikes vaccinations and dairy products.


Sweet, affectionate, sociable, but far from being a simple girl. Her easily vulnerable soul requires constant love, she needs to demonstrate her love every hour, to encourage her to take action. Purposeful and talented, erudite beyond her years, strives only for victory, but excessive haste, and sometimes carelessness, sometimes let her down. An excellent pupil. Ready to help everyone.


Cheerful, truthful, full of hope and easily revealed in communication. All subjects are given to her equally easily, but diligence and diligence play an important role in her studies. An excellent pupil. Enjoys the special love of all classmates.

Moderator (after the appearance of the participants):

- We should not forget that this is just a game, and the game should not be given serious importance.

Dear girls! We expect nice smiles, beautiful manners from you. We wish you to endure defeat and elimination from the game with dignity and courage. Remember, our motto is "The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation."

You will get acquainted with the rules of the game during the game itself. They are not difficult and should bring you real pleasure.

And now it's time to introduce you to our hero!

Meet Eugene!

He is 8 years old, he won the casting to participate in our game. 7 out of 10 representatives of the weaker sex 2 "a" class voted for him. He is smart and inquisitive. He loves his family, grandmother, aunt Elya, is in love with the queen of sciences - mathematics, and today he is ready to help all girls pass all the tests and reach the final of the only one that we will learn about a little later.

Dear girls! You have to go through a series of unusual and fun contests, each of which is based on one of the six known senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and intuition.

As you know, the seventh sense is a special feeling, it is not subject to the mind and reason, but only to it, the main mechanism of our body - the heart. The seventh sense consists of 6 terms: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and intuition.

We start our game with competition "In all its glory".

Our members will demonstrate their outfits, and our hero will make his secret choice, he will point to the photo of the member he would like to see in the final of our game, we will see how feasible this is.

So, music...

(The girls dance in a beautiful dance, and the host gives a brief description of each of the participants. At the end of the dance, the hero turns over the photo or card of the participant he would like to see in the final. The name of this girl is not immediately made public, but if it happens that she will have to after some competition to leave the game, then once she will be allowed to stay in the game, and our hero will give her a totem gift (talisman. But he will save her only once!)

Taste. Competition "Favorite dish"

- Everyone knows that a woman loves with her ears, she is most pleased to hear compliments addressed to her from any man. She gladly believes flattering speeches, although sometimes she does not deserve them.

What do you think a man loves, Zhenya? Have you ever heard such a phrase "The way to a man's heart lies through ..." So you have to select those dishes that you like and comment on what you liked or disliked this or that dish (dishes numbered). One of the participants leaves, whose dish was not to the taste of our hero.

Touch. Competition "Souvenir"

Blindfolded, our hero selects for himself those items that the girls have prepared for him as a gift and comments on what he will keep for himself and what not. One of the participants leaves.

Intuition. Competition "Talisman"

“Our little hero has a present for you girls. This is a very expensive item for him, but today he is ready to part with it and present it to the participant who will be the first to guess and name it.

Eugene, you only say "yes" or "no"

(The girls take turns asking: "Is it worn around the neck? On the arm?", "Is this a toy?", "Is this...?", etc., until they guess. Gives it to the participant who guessed first. Then this the talisman will also help her out in the game.)

Vision. "Recognize me by handwriting"

“They say that handwriting is inherited by a person along with genes, and no matter how hard he tries to change it, in the future it will still be the way nature intended it to be.

Handwriting can tell almost everything about its owner: what is the character, mind, temperament, kind or not, etc. So tell us, looking at the girl’s notebook, what do you feel, what kind of handwriting did you not like with something?

Hearing. "Hear me"

Everyone starts the same way:

Our Zhenya does not want to get a haircut,
Eugene crawls out of the chair ...

Find the seventh sense
It is impossible inside consciousness.
Science is unable to become here
The source of knowledge.

There is no sensor in the world
Which feeling knows;
Only the heart feels it
Only the heart feels.

It usually sleeps in the soul,
But sometimes it explodes
Intoxicates like wine
And the heart rejoices.

Sometimes happiness will bring
Take away, give again;
The seventh sense lives in us,
His name is love!

Smell. Perfume

Zhenya, how do you feel about spirits? Do you have a subtle sense of smell or are all smells the same for you? Now each girl will present her handkerchief for you. It is not only beautiful, but also smells differently each in its own way. Here, pick the one you like.

"A statue"(two left)

— You have a hero and flowers. So create a statue. And you look at them through the prism of aromas and sensations. And I'll take off the 2 bandages that separate you from our members before you name which statue made your heart skip a beat.

The hero calls the number of the participant he chooses.

— Applause! It doesn’t matter how the relationship of this couple develops in the future, but they now have a feeling of victory, which gave them a seventh sense.

Play our game! Discover your seventh sense!

Friends, thank you for your attention!
There were countless smiles...
It's time for parting.
Farewell everyone, until we meet again!

Compiled by a primary school teacher MOU secondary school No. 28 Goncharova N. N. St. Taman Krasnodar Territory.


Ochen" interesno i dinamichno. Spasibo za neobichnoe meropriyatie. Uverena, chto deti budut v vostorge!!!

11/26/2007 00:41:43, Natalia

Comment on the article "Intellectual show game" "The Seventh Sense"""

We continue to get acquainted: the fourth summer session (06 to 19 July 2017) is dedicated to the Element of Fire The destructive power of the unbridled element of fire and the opportunity to warm a cold heart with the flame of a small candle. Shine in the eyes and fire in the soul. The flame of passion and the power of the mind Our mind has limitless possibilities, and the cells of our brain are able to remember and process phenomenal amounts of information. So who are we - super-powerful computers dominating the world or just puppets in the game ...

On March 12, from 12:00 to 19:00, the celebration of "Maslenitsa" will take place on the territory of Lianozovsky Park. Active and fun games await visitors, an interactive program of historical clubs with traditional crafts and a concert. During the holiday, craft rows with handicrafts and traditional Russian treats and drinks will work in the park. The celebration will start at 12:00. In the central territory of the park, visitors are waiting for blocks of interest. Historical clubs will not let you get bored...

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Gender: W Age: 40 1-10 A: 5 B: 10 C: 6 E: 9 F: 8 G: 5 H: 9 I: 2 L: 7 M: 4 N: 6 Q: 4 Q1: 4 Q2: 6 Q3: 1 Q4: 5 MAIN INTERPRETATION: PRIMARY FACTORS (continuous): High IQ: smart, teachable, intelligent. Dominance: domineering, assertive, stubborn, persistent, adamant. Italian fan: enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, carefree, optimist. Social courage: reduced sense of danger, enterprising, adventurous...

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DAY EIGHT: MONDAY, JULY 22 The morning began with unexpected and very incendiary dances! Charging, of course, is wonderful, but only dancing and music give a positive mood during the ascent. The weather gave us a short pause so that we could continue our Small Olympic Games. The frisbee championship was held, in which the winners were: Nikita Pereverzin (1 cons), Timur Mordanov (4 cons), Dasha Buzdakova (5 cons). At that time...

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Spring, and the children poured out into the street ... How much space for games! After all, in the power of the child is not only a barely dried up playground, but the whole world embraced by the sun and warm wind. And you don't want to go home, because the game can go on forever! Photographs reflecting favorite and original outdoor games are accepted for participation in the competition (indicate the description of the game in the description of the photo). Acceptance of photos: 04/03/2012 - 04/24/2012 Voting by site visitors 04/25/2012 - 03/05...

Autumn in Moscow. The eighth autumn open-air festival of the Seasons magazine The link below is the full program, but I'll just lay out what seemed ultra-interesting Tent "Experimentanium" Saturday, September 24 - Master class “What is around us? The World Under the Microscope” (duration 1 hour) - workshop of the Studio of Experimental Journalism “Zavod” each visitor will collect his own unique still life and learn the basic rules for shooting beautiful photographs at home. (1.5 hours) - Intellectually absurd...

Started accepting photos in the contest "Children and Stars". The competition accepts photos of children from 5 to 11 years old, captured next to celebrities, with the image of a star as a celestial body, a thing or an object in the shape of a star. The five best photos will receive prizes from the sponsor - the children's game "Astronauts". Acceptance of photos: 05/30/2011 - 06/19/2011 Determination of winners: 07/01/2011

By the way, water dulls the feeling of hunger, sometimes thirst is felt like hunger, this is the case for adults as well. Another feature. An acquaintance of an already fat boy was feeding a sandwich with sausage at the rink - that's why?


Mine also eats a lot, is overweight and has a tummy. By the evening, every 15-20 minutes, he runs to the refrigerator. I try to chew mostly apples and carrots. She swims at the sports school 5 times a week. Does not help.

I also eat a lot. In the evening you can’t tear yourself away from the refrigerators, now they have eaten 30 dumplings. Very thin, just not overweight.

So it became interesting to me - where does this feeling come from, and what to do with it. I understand that objectively I am often much more guilty before my own parents, husband and child.


I like your mother-in-law, I would be 100% like this))) But it seems to me that you are mistaken, she doesn’t love you. When they love, they accept unconditionally, and not for something. Regarding tactics: the most effective is to cause a reciprocal feeling of guilt in the mother-in-law. Like, Marvanna, all people are different. Here I am, but eprst who should adapt to whom now ?! In my presence now there should be no dissatisfied with me, otherwise the milk will be lost! So let her, for the sake of her love for her grandchildren, try to remake herself for you.

it's hard to change yourself. you want to be nice to everyone. non-conflict is a good thing. but your moral health should come first. And it can be shaken by such vampire mothers-in-law. do you need it?
you talked to her .. and the result? they justified that you need to be alone, you have a small child ... that's all! does she go to visit again the day after your excuses? if so, then you are "in the garden" with the child, for a walk, away from her .. And again, justify how hard it is for you and you want to be alone.
what are you nervous about? yes, at least every day make excuses in the same repertoire if you can’t talk to her differently. maybe get used to it?
ps I have a very similar mother-in-law. and I, too, always slip into excuses with her in communication. so what? make excuses, but quietly do your own thing.

04/29/2010 04:40:07 PM, I can't be silent

Suppose the husband returned to the family or simply remained in it, despite the presence of love on the side. He returned / stayed not because on the side “love passed, the tomatoes wilted”, but out of a sense of duty.


If you are a lover, then it will be useful for you to know that considerations such as a sense of duty are words for you so that you are not painfully ashamed :). But in real life, the minimum percentage (according to statistics, one out of sixty or something) of husbands who have mistresses, irrevocably leave the family. Most simply stop using the "vent", and return to where they came from. To my wife :). From experience I know that statistics do not lie :). And my husband is the same, and the husbands of many friends. Mistresses sorry, of course:), but ce la vie.

You are wrong, there are chances.

01/23/2010 01:48:58, Lariska from home

I just recently experienced a feeling not of love, but of adoration ... this is prose :(, and "I adore" - poetry :) means not so much the feeling itself, but an expression indicating the highest degree of some kind of relationship to something or to someone.


I don't understand why people ask such questions. Especially if a woman tortures a man like that. He loves - he will say or show :-), which is much more valuable. No - why run into a scam? And in general, IMHO, a woman always knows whether they love her or not.

I have only recently experienced a feeling of not love, namely adoration ... To my youngest child - a 2-year-old nocturnal. I also love my husband and older child, but much calmer. And here - it just blows the roof specifically ... How he smells like a cub ... How nice and delightfully warm he is right after waking up ... What kind of little eyes and dimples he has on his cheeks ... This is despite the fact that I it is much harder for him than with other family members put together - he does not sleep properly at night, he broke and ruined a fig cloud of things in the house, he strives to do his business at the most inopportune and unexpected moment, he does not allow the older child to calmly play, read , to draw, he postponed, if not forever postponed my going to work .... And still I love. No I do not like. Love!

08/26/2005 00:18:47, stray bird


Button, I don’t know why, but you want (nothing like that :)) to help with something, if I can ... contact me somehow? Well, there, throw a topic or a piece of soap ...

Yes, 8 years, yes, this is a crisis and you just need to survive it. I am 32 years old and have been married for 13 years. When I look at young girls, I feel sorry for them that they have this very crisis ahead, do not despair and be patient. And my advice:
1. If you want to fail the whole thing, start cheating on your husband... Change yourself
2. Cook tastier, less meat (this disgusts the mind)
3. Like, it's not banal - pray
A divorce will not solve anything, because. If you don't get through this crisis, you'll go through it again and again. The second marriage is always worse than the first. Even if outwardly the second marriage is better, the relationship in it is more cynical and there is no longer that sincere love ...
And one more thing - the fact that your husband does not leave you - he is a very good and responsible person for you, and the fact that there is no bed between you is more of a plus for the family than a minus.
Whatever happens, try to save the family. Good luck to you!

12/18/2004 06:12:31 PM, Mr.

girls, is it important for you to have the same sense of humor in your husband? Could you live with someone who has a different sense of humor than you? If you were told that you have no sense of humor, would you be offended? please answer it is very important


I have not read the whole thread, to be honest, and I don’t try on the topic myself, because. For me, jokes are nothing more than a sign of a good mood. Here's what I find interesting:

Humor is a combination of external mockery and internal involvement, understanding, sharing of feelings. Other kinds of funny, I think, have a better chance.

04.12.2002 12:04:51, Zukhel

Oh hi!!! It did show up! And I already thought you went underground. :-)

It's a delicate thing, a feeling. For example, if my mother told me that I hurt my husband (when he wants to smooth over ...). In such cases, I take the child aside and there I talk to him in a whisper.


Pity and compassion...
Of course, these are different things, but is it so easy to draw a line between them?
And in childhood in general - many things are called for children - for simplicity - in one word. For example - "greedy" - is used both to refer to those who do not give their toys ("stingy" - for an adult), and for those who take strangers (actually "greedy")...
In addition, the verb "regret" - used for both "pity" and "compassion" - have you ever heard someone say "compassion"? :)

Well, as for the boy - everything is clear with him - someone's mother or father inspired him to "sorry is bad" - and of course this person did not bother to explain the difference between "sorry" and "compassion" (did he know her himself?)
Do you think he did something right?
And the fact that this family has collapsed is not an indicator that someone in the family (or rather both) has something wrong with the concepts?

But in general - I agree - you should not PRESSURE on the child. It is necessary to EXPLAIN to him - this is not good, this is painful. And sooner or later - he will come and apologize.
And "regret" - he also needs to be explained - calmly, without anguish - that pity pity - strife.
To begin with, you can attract him as a comforter if one of the children himself got hurt and call it not "regret", but "comfort" ...

And do not forget - the child has the strongest stress - all the divorce of the parents of the child - at any age - cannot help but notice ...

1. If bad things really happen to you (save and have mercy), then your husband may be sorry for you. Although the likelihood is doubtful.
2. Something is missing in all people. I really, really want to, but I don't. Alas and ah, it is easier to come to terms with this than to wind yourself up. You can unleash terrible experiences and scandals - but why?

And finally - I was in your shoes with my first husband. While I lived with him, it was tolerable, although, like you, sometimes I madly wanted pity and care for me. Then, for various reasons (by far not only because of this trait), our marriage fell apart. Omitting heavy details, after a while my life stuck together perfectly. I got married a second time. And THEN (and now, therefore) I was overtaken by regret about the past - I am so much happier now, and my second husband is SO able to understand, and share, and regret, and care, and even takes it for granted ...

In short, only knowing happiness in its entirety, one can finally realize how much was missing, and how difficult it was.

04/30/2001 03:09:58 PM, Philosopher

Usually this is a sign that you are quite close to him, have become, as it were, a part of him, but what about yourself? regret? I couldn't...

Then, re-read again (preferably after a couple of days, in a more cheerful mood) the last phrases you wrote. That is the problem. You know how to feel sorry for yourself, he does not have himself. I wouldn't dare to pin the blame for the whole situation on him alone.

28.04.2001 06:28:43, joint

Reply about the fading of feelings. Hi all! Remember, we talked about the situation of protracted and sluggish dissatisfaction with the family, when you already doubt whether it is all necessary?


Feelings need to be sharpened, as seasoning for any food changes the traditional taste of a favorite, but bored dish. I had a very similar situation. Everything was very good. For a long time. It even became annoying, everything is somehow good, but insipid. Those. I wanted a sweet try-on after a stormy quarrel. Because of nothing (until now both cannot find an objective reason for a spoiled relationship), the relationship has deteriorated. For a long time. For half a year. Now I went with the baby and rested without him to Cyprus, he and his friends went to Paris for the weekend, (yes, for those six months I drank contraceptive pills that terribly suppress sexuality, I tried different ones, but as a side effect for everyone I have such a side effect. And if I don’t drink, then I get pregnant. My husband doesn’t want other methods.), I stopped drinking these tabs. Guys, we won't recognize ourselves after all this!!! Sex is just great. Recently, a friend asked me, well, how is family life - did not disappoint? - so I lit up with happiness, and thought that as if we had just started living together - such a warm feeling for my husband flooded over me! I was such an opponent of separate rest, but now I think differently. Of course, I really want sex on vacation, everyone is so naked and beautiful, slept ... But I'm so afraid of AIDS or something else like that! Or, for example, that some idiot will call her husband and tell him everything. The people who have ever cheated, being married and still cherishing family peace (as paradoxical as it sounds), you never thought that this lady or a decent-looking guy, when, for example, you want him (her) leave, take it, and out of anger or hatred, call you home and ... Answer, who sometimes visited such thoughts.

Altai or the Sahara - it's great. But when I imagine my husband in Altai (in the Sahara, in the jungle, in the forest ... etc.), who will be irritated by midges, cold or heat, rain or sun, he will get tired in 15 minutes. walk, he will be annoyed by my enthusiasm, he will not be dragged to any interesting place, he will want to eat normal food and go to a normal toilet ... etc. - and I think: what for it is necessary, it is better to go to the Sahara alone. And the marriage will have to be fixed on the couch in front of TV.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary school in the village of Novoaleksandrovka, Alexandrovo-Gaisky district, Saratov region.

Development of the evening "The Seventh Sense ..." (competition program for high school students on Valentine's Day)

Prepared by:

classroom teacher

Stepanova Lyubov Sergeevna

Aleksandrov-Gai, 2012

Competitive program for high school students"The Seventh Sense..."

Target: Objectives: to form an aesthetic culture of the individual, to promote the disclosure of the creative potential of students; to educate an active, proactive person capable of continuous self-improvement.

Stage decoration: In the center are two hearts pierced by an arrow, the inscription: "The seventh sense ...". Hugo's saying: "The most important and greatest happiness on earth in life is the confidence that you are loved." Chairs were placed for the participants, balloons were hung. Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, microphones, amplifier.

Event progress

Lead 1. Inspired by a high feeling once in ancient years,

Someone came up with the day of lovers, not knowing then,

That this day will become a favorite, desired holiday of the year.

That Valentine's Day will be called with reverence.

Smiles and flowers are everywhere, in love confessions again and again ...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

let only love rule the world!

Lead 2. Good evening, dear friends. Of course, you guessed that today we dedicate our program to a wonderful holiday - ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.

Lead 1. February 14 is Valentine's Day. Since ancient times, this day is considered the holiday of lovers. Who is this Saint Valentine and why is his name associated with the holiday of lovers?
Lead 2. Valentine's Day is celebrated by everyone - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine.

Lead 1. Claudius ordered that Valentine be thrown into prison. But love, even under the gloomy vaults, found a young priest. He fell in love with a blind girl, the daughter of his jailer, and began to send her love messages. Imminent death did not frighten him. On the day of his execution - February 14, 270 - Valentine managed to convey to his beloved a tender and warm letter. Later, the church canonized Valentine as a saint. And lovers all over the world chose him as their patron. On this day, gifts are given and love cards are sent - “valentines”.
Presenter 2: So Valentine's Day is celebrated not only by adults, but we will also celebrate this holiday today. And we will not just celebrate, but we will arrange a competition of Love experts - "The Seventh Sense ..."
Presenter1: Now you will be asked questions, by answering which you will receive a "heart" for the correct answer. And what to do with it further - you will find out a little later.
1. To whom do these wonderful lines belong? I am writing to you by chance, really, I don’t know how and for what. I have already lost this right, And what can I tell you? - nothing! (M. Yu. Lermontov.)2. What is the name of the winged shooter of love? (Cupid.) 3. What is the name of your beloved Pierrot. (Malvina.) 4. What pop singer told in one of her songs about her feelings about leaving her lover to the army? (Alena Apina in the song "Lekha")
5. What composer do all newlyweds listen to? ("Wedding March" by Mendelssohn.)6. What works were most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Serenade)7. Whose poems did M. Tariverdiev use when he wrote a romance performed by Alla Pugacheva, which begins with the words: "I like that you are not sick of me ..."? (Marina Tsvetaeva.) 8. What was the name of Hamlet's lover? (Ophelia.) 9. Name x / films whose titles contain the word "love". ("Love with privileges", "My love in the third year", "Love and doves", "Once again about love", "The Tale of First Love".) ten. What is the early season of love called? (Youth.) 11. Each wedding anniversary has its own name. You all know that 25 years is a silver wedding, 50 is a gold wedding, and 75 is a diamond wedding. And who will name the 10-year wedding (pink), the 20-year wedding (porcelain)?12. Name the largest and most multi-page poem - the tale of A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")13. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus.) 14. Name the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra.)
Presenter 2: I ask everyone who has "hearts" in their hands to come to us here. Now you should be divided into 2 teams and take places at the tables.
(While the participants are seated, music plays) Presenter 1: Everything begins with love. They say: in the beginning there was a word, But I proclaim again: Everything begins with love! Everything begins with love: Both illumination and work, Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child - Everything begins with love. Spring will whisper to you: live! And you will sway from a whisper, And straighten up, and wake up, Everything begins with love!
Presenter 2: I offer you the first competition "What's in your name ...".
Names are written on the card. Your task is to give the full name.
Card 1: Nyura - Lucy - Seva - Mitya - Fenya -
Card 2: Nika - Gosha - Lenya - Dosya - Agasha -
Host 1: (Fan Contest) ???And our second We called the competition "Who is more." Your task is to sing one line from hits about love, but these songs must be nominal, i.e. about names. (For example, "Vika, Vika, Victoria, I want to go to the sea with you...")

Presenter 2:. 3 contest. The teams are given plasticine, and each pair must mold a beautiful symbol of love. The most original exquisite work is judged.
(While the couples are preparing, the hosts conduct a literary quiz with the audience. The host reads a poetic declaration of love, and the audience must remember who owns the confession, the name of the work and its author) Questions: 1 host: “I killed the villain And freed you. And now, soul-girl, I want to marry you ... ”(Mosquito proposes to Fly. K. Chukovsky“ Fly-sokotuha ”) 2 host: “Sadness-longing eats me: People get married; I look, I’m not married alone ... ... I’m ready with a passionate soul For the beautiful princess He walks from here, At least far away lands ... ”(Gvidon confesses to the Swan Princess. A. Pushkin“ The Tale of Tsar Saltan ”) 1 presenter: “I remember a wonderful moment! You appeared before me Like a fleeting vision Like a genius of pure beauty. (A.S. Pushkin) 2 host: “Yes, I love you ... You have a good heart, you are devoted to me the most and look like a young girl that I saw once ... I sailed on a ship, the ship crashed, the waves threw me on shore ... My lucky star sent you to me ... ”(Prince confesses to the Little Mermaid. G.-H. Andersen.“ The Little Mermaid ”)

Jury's word: results of the 1st and 2nd competitions

Presenter 1: 4 contest They say that this flower is a symbol of very pure, sincere and true love. Finding this flower is not easy, because it grows high in the mountains. But if you give this flower to your loved one, then he will never stop loving and give you.
Teams receive cards with the task: Cross out 3 identical letters, and add the name of this flower from the remaining letters. (Edelweiss).

Presenter 2: (fan competition) Several participants are invited to keep the balloon in the air by blowing on it from below. The winner is the one whose ball falls last. Presenter 1: 5 concus"He and she". Each team is given a half of a heart, on which one name of the heroes is written. We need to find our partner as soon as possible.
Master Margarita, Eugene-Tatiana, Tristam - Isolde, Kai - Gerda, Ruslan - Lyudmila, Napoleon - Josephine, Juliet-Romeo, Azarina - Nikolsky, Agutin - Varum, Pygmalion - Galatea, Pomona - Vertumn, Peter - Fevronia. Presenter 2 : (fan competition) Come out 1 person from each class. You need to drink a glass of drink through a straw to the music. The first one wins, he gets the prize.

Lead 1.Next Contest#6 "CULINARY".
And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the pairs in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.).
1. Carp (fish)
2. Lingonberry (berry)
3. Persimmon (fruit)
4. Gobies (fish)
5. Cherry (berry)
6. Watermelon (berry)
7. Coconut (nut)
8. Kiwi (fruit)
9. Kvass (drink)
10. Blueberry (berry)
11. Melon (vegetable)
12. Mullet (fish)
13. Parsley (vegetable)
14. Rice (groats)
15. Koumiss (drink)
16. Hazel grouse (bird)
The team gets 1 point for the correct item.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (yellow plaster)
Presenter 1:COMPETITION No. 8 " "Fold a heart" Players are given cut paper hearts (shards). The team that quickly collects the pieces of broken love and gives the heart a new chance wins.

Presenter 2: (fan competition) "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".
I will be "female" and "male" questions. The first person to answer earns a point and receives a prize. Girls answer questions first. Questions for girls:
1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)
2. Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
3. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (On my own 4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)
And now the young men answerQuestions for young people:
1. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
2. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (Not)
3. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
4. What is the name of a small pouch that holds items needed for makeup? (Cosmetic bag)


Host 2: COMPETITION №9 There are many sayings about the love of famous people. Many expressions have even become winged. In the next task, each couple needs to collect the correct statement about love. (All couples are given the same statement. “Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to go to the edge of the abyss and pluck it”)

Lead 1. We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood. Our program is coming to an end. Lead 2.The word of the jury, awarding the winners. Lead 1. This is the end of our competition program. Of course, Love will someday visit you, and perhaps it has already visited you. I really want to believe that this feeling will be happy for you, will be remembered for a lifetime. Think about love, dream about it, fall in love and be loved!!!
Lead 2.There is no unhappy love. It may be bitter, difficult, Unrequited and reckless, But there is no unhappy love, Maybe deadly, Even if it kills. Anyone who does not learn this, And happy love is not worth it. B. Zakhoder.


1 . Arakcheeva, S.A. Love mosaic: "Tic-tac-toe" on Valentine's Day: script / S.A. Arakcheeva // How to entertain guests. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 44-47. 2 . Borisenko, G.V. "Beautiful country love ...": script for a musical and poetic evening for students in grades 9-11. / G.V. Borisenko // Read, study, play. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 12-15. 3 . Voytenko, O. Valentinka: a script for an entertaining disc program for seniors and mediums. school asc. / O. Voitenko // Scripts and repertoire. - 2009. - No. 4. - S. 76-84. 4 . Gershzon, R.S. The great power of love: the scenario of a theatrical fairy tale / R.S. Gershzon // Read, study, play. - 2003. - No. 11. - S. 82-85. 5 . Grigorieva, G. Apple of Eris, or Shershe la femme! : the scenario of the game program for youth / G. Grigorieva // Scenarios and repertoire. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 27-30. 6 . Dolgova, N. Two hearts: script / N. Dolgova // Library newspaper. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 4. 7 . Kiselev, T.Yu. Club of lovers' hearts: the script of the competitive program / T.Yu. Kiselev // Children's leisure. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 102-105. 8 . Kornichenko, L.I. Valentine's Day: a script for a competition program for youth / L.I. Kornichenko // How to entertain guests. - 2009. - No. 11. - P. 31-34. 9 . Morgunova, I.E. Two hearts: a scenario for holding competitions / I.E. Morgunova // Read, study, play. - 2003. - No. 11. - S. 79-81. 10 . Where is Valentine's Day from? : script / prep E. Tsilosani, Yu. Kolnenkova // Winter extravaganza / ed.-comp. L.I. Bug. - Mn. : Krasiko-Print, 2010. - S. 44-66. - (Holiday at school).

11. Fedchenko, O.N. “Two hearts, one decision...”: the scenario of the game dedicated to wedding ceremonies for school. 9-11 cells. / HE. Fedchenko // Read, study, play. - 2008. - No. 11. - S. 71-74.

Host (opening speech): “Welcome to the lair of Evil, my dark brothers and sisters. I proclaim this evening a time of oblivion! Leave behind the threshold of those who you were just now, leave behind the threshold a world in which there is so much real evil. We have gathered here and now to declare ourselves - we ourselves are evil! Fun, reckless and playful! Let's meet Halloween - a holiday of evil spirits and dark magic! This evening we will rock black, play demonic games, study the afterlife in practice, seek the truth in wine and receive magical power for it! And at the end of the party, we will choose the King and Queen of Halloween and celebrate this event with a ball of evil spirits!”

Dating ritual.

Guests are poured into glasses of red drinks (symbolizing blood).

Host: “My dark brothers and sisters! You entered our lair of Evil nameless. But now we will perform the ritual of naming. In the hands of each of them you have a glass of enchanted blood. I ask you to take turns drinking it to the bottom and tell us your name, by which we will know you this evening.

Ritual "Choosing the Side of Evil"

Split into two teams. Sets of colored balls (two colors) are placed in two bags. Each set has an equal number of balls (in one of them the total number is equal to the number of men, in the other - to the number of women). One bag is brought to the men and asked to choose, without looking, one ball. So until all balls are selected. Then the same procedure is carried out for girls with a bag intended for them.

Host: “And now, when we all got to know each other, before the start of the games, we need to determine which side of evil each of us belongs to. These pouches contain drops of concentrated mana. You should feel with your heart what color it best suits your nature, and without looking, take out a ball of mana from the bag. Those who choose the green mana will side with the Swamp Horror and become a single team for this evening, those who choose the blue will make up the second team - supporters of the Indigo Darkness"

Competition "Our Terrible Leader"

The essence of the competition The two teams choose one person from their ranks to whom they trust to represent their side for that evening. Then each team is invited to apply a frightening make-up on the face of their chosen captain (either with watercolors or with the help of available cosmetics). The host evaluates the work and gives the team that made the most terrible make-up three mana, the loser - one.

Host: “So we decided on who is who. And now you need to choose leaders from your ranks. They will receive team mana during the games and it is their votes that will play a significant role in choosing the King and Queen of Halloween at the end of the holiday. But in order for the leader to stand out among his supporters, he must be truly terrible and intimidating. Here is a palette of magical colors. Point "beauty" on your leaders, and the leader who will scare Death itself will receive the first balls of bonus mana. And then you can take a picture with the great and terrible!”

Game "Search for Magic Items"

The essence of the game. Each team is given (mandatory verbally) a list of ten items previously placed in prominent places along with others not included in the list. After that, the participants must collect the items. One person is allowed to take no more than three. Ten minutes later, the tally is announced. For each correct (i.e., on his team's list) item, the participant receives one mana ball.

Host: "It's time to increase the magical power! To become stronger and increase your mana level, you need to find arcane magical artifacts. Twenty small sources of magical power are hidden in the room. Ten of them will increase the power of Swamp Horror supporters, and ten of them will increase the strength of Indigo Darkness supporters. Listen and memorize their names…”

Two lists are read out indicating which items which team must collect.

Host: “But remember that there are ordinary items in the room, and neither they nor other people's sources will bring you mana. I also want to warn you that the power of the items is so great that you can’t take more than three in your hands. ”

Game "Sixth Sense"

The essence of the game. Each team must nominate one or more pairs of participants. The first of the couples sit on chairs in the corners. The second is blindfolded, given carrots in their hands and untwisted so that they lose their orientation in space. The task is for the second to feed the first of their pairs with carrots, while the first is forbidden to get up from the chairs and move them. It is allowed to call your partner in a couple by the name that he adopted at the "Ritual of Acquaintance". A pair that breaks these rules will be disqualified. The first pair to complete the task gets three orbs of mana for themselves, the second pair gets two, and the third gets one.

Host: “Have you already felt how magical power fills you? Now we will try to learn how to manage it, check the awakened sixth sense and sensitivity to the magical vibes of your partners. I ask each side of Evil to choose from its ranks a couple of those who want to test their awakened superpowers. Those who feel confident, feel the most complete magical power in themselves - we will blindfold you. Your partners will be seated all over the lair. I ask them not to get up from their seats during the test. You can call each other by the names acquired in the Acquaintance Ritual. I do not advise you to violate the conditions of the test, because then you will not be able to increase your personal mana, and I will have to ask you to join the audience so as not to interfere with other test subjects. The essence of the task is simple: those who are blindfolded must feel their partner and feed him jam. The victory will be not only sweet, but also useful, because the first couple who complete the task will increase their magical potential by three mana each, the second by two, and all the rest by one.

Scary story game

The essence of the game. The facilitator gives each team a sheet, so that the content of each is seen by the players of the team to which this sheet is intended. Two different endings of the story are written on the sheets (for example: “A cold dawn found Vasily tearing a stake out of the heart of a vampire” and “A cold dawn found Vasily sleeping in a closed coffin”) and reads the first sentence of the story (for example: “One dark night, a drunken plumber Vasily was walking through cemetery"). Then, one of the teams should continue the story with their proposal. The proposal should be plotly and thematically related to the previous one. Admissibility of use is decided by the leader. The team that was the first to complete the story with the sentence given to it by the presenter wins. Winners get three orbs of mana, losers get one.

Host: "Now that you've accumulated enough magical power, it's time to test it out in a competition. You are given the life of one person. This sinner is so confused in himself that on the tablets of Doom he now has two roads and two destinies. You have to fight for him to pass one of them. The bifurcation of the two continuations of his life's journey falls on Halloween midnight, which found him in the cemetery. I will tell you one of the options for the finale for each of the parties, and you yourself, arguing with each other, will have to bring him to it.

Horror Films Competition

The essence of the competition Teams take turns naming horror films (no sequels, i.e. "Saw" counts, but "Saw 2" no longer). The winning team is awarded three mana and two for each participant who named at least one movie, the losing team gets one and one more for each player who named at least one movie.

Host: “Have you felt the terrifying power of fate in your hands? I hope you enjoyed this feeling of unlimited and controllable power. And now, in order to cool the hotheads, we will try to remember those who abused this connection and were punished for it. Name the horror films where kind people defeated the seemingly powerful and invincible Evil.

Game "Pantomime"

The essence of the game. Each team selects one player. The facilitator reads a scary story about two heroes (for example, "Masha and the Werewolf" if a guy and a girl are chosen, "Meeting of Zombie Friends" if two guys are chosen, and "Witch Sabbath" if two girls are chosen). Two cups are placed with mana balls of ten pieces each. If, in the opinion of the host, one of the players failed to show the scene, then the ball of mana from his glass is removed.

Host: “It is time to move to the next level of your magical abilities and show us the art of illusion and transformation. Now I will tell you a common story from the life of our dark brothers and sisters. I ask both sides of Evil to choose their best representatives so that with the help of their talent they can show you in their faces what I will read.

Competition-karaoke "Songs of magical creatures"

The essence of the competition The host calls the first letter. Participants must name the name of the group beginning with it or the surname of the singer. If there is such a performer in the list of karaoke files, then the caller chooses his song and sings it. Then the opposing team must name a group or singer whose name (name) begins with the last letter of the name (name) of the previously named artist.

Host: “As the previous test showed, the dark forces are very talented, and now we will fully prove this to the world! Name the artist and order a song, and if there is one in my magic box, then sing it, show your talent, and I will generously increase your mana pool.

The game "Unexpected desires"

The essence of the game. Each team member is invited to choose an opposite opponent and write on a piece of paper what he/she wants him/her to do and signs (for example, "I want N. to touch his knee with his nose"). After that, the host collects the pieces of paper, puts them in a hat or bag, mixes them up and randomly takes out one at a time and hands it to everyone in a circle. Then the person who received the piece of paper reads it out and fulfills the desire of the writer. For this, he and the author receive two balls of mana. If he refuses to do this, then the author receives three mana, if the author refuses or the desire is recognized as unfulfilled by the leader, then the performer receives three mana. If the piece of paper went to its author, then he does nothing and receives one mana as a consolation.

Host: “And now it’s time for a fun parody of the life of ordinary people, or rather, we will laugh at their covenant “Love your neighbor as yourself.” I will give you sheets of paper on which you, without showing each other, write what you want to be done for you by a person who is nice to you from those present here. Sign your wish and fold the paper."

Game "Questions in the Dark"

Participants are divided into two teams that sit with their backs to one another. The light goes out. The host walks behind the backs of the players and chooses a member of the first team, putting his hand on his shoulder with the question: “What do you want to know?”. This participant must randomly ask any question. Then the host goes to the second team, selects a player already from it and asks him the question: “What can you answer to this?”. The chosen one must answer the question of the player of the first team. The answer can be anything, but if the participant hesitated for five seconds, then the team that asked the question receives a mana ball. Then the question-answer procedure is repeated again, but now the player from the second team asks, and the player of the first team answers. The game lasts at the discretion of the host until the allotted mana balls run out, the time allotted for it (for example, ten minutes) runs out, or all the participants in the game ask their questions.

Host: “I hope everyone has realized how dangerous unspoken desires are? And now we will arrange a seance. You are already strong enough for this ritual. Both sides, sit with your backs to each other. Now I turn off the light. Then I will choose from among you a medium who will ask one question, after which the spirit called by him, whom I will point to, will answer it. The task of the questioner is to ask a question that the spirit cannot answer, the task of the spirit is to answer the questioner's question. I warn you that questions cannot be any, except for those that in any way relate to those who are here.

Halloween King and Queen Selection Contest

The essence of the competition Opposite each participant is placed on an empty glass. The host chooses the first person at his discretion and asks him to pour the balls received during the evening from the “mana purse” into the glass of the King or Queen of Halloween he offers. The man and woman with the most balls at the end of the competition are proclaimed the King and Queen of Halloween.

Presenter: “So our holiday is coming to an end. It's time to sum it up and choose from among us those who, in our opinion, best fit the spirit of Halloween today. Now in front of each of you is a "vessel of Power." You need to pour the contents of your “mana purse” into the “vessel” of the participant he likes and thereby endow him with the power you have collected for this…”

Host: “I want to congratulate all of us on a wonderful choice and raise this glass in honor of our King and Queen! Let's welcome them! Hello! Hello! Hi!"

Ball of evil spirits

The host turns on a playlist with selected scary music, the lights go out, the participants dance by candlelight. If someone did not find a pair, then the host and his assistant should invite them to dance.

Moderator (closing speech): “Midnight! Our time has come! We have adequately prepared for the coming into the world of the living. Now you will disperse and scatter from the lair of Evil to continue the fun beyond its borders. Bring fun and joy to mere mortals, because if not us, then who? Neither angels nor cherubs will be able to light it like we do! Forward friends!

Appendix A. List of items for the game "Search for Magic Items"

You can make your own lists depending on the items you have on hand.

Appendix B. List of Horror Movies for the Horror Movies Game

1408, 100 days, 13th sign, 28 days later, 28 weeks later, 30 days of night, 3x3 eyes, 7 days before death

BUT: Freeway, The Devil's Advocate, Hell's Bunker, Voodoo Academy, American Werewolf in Paris, American Psycho, Anatomy, Antichrist, Army of Darkness

B: Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stray Beasts, White Noise, Immortal Sins, Hell Block 13, Blade: Trinity, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Fear of the Dark, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Casting a Death Stare, Boogeyman

AT: In the Mouth of Madness, In the Waste of Death, Vampire in Brooklyn, Vampire Kid, Vampire, Vampires, Van Helsing, Blair Witch, Vampire Gaze, Extraterrestrial Beasts, Return of the Resuscitator, Wolf, Crow, Resurrection, Hellgate, Dug Out, Bouncer

G: Gamera, Hannibal, Genetic Species, Godzilla, Machine Head, Outside Voices, Event Horizon, Supernatural City, Urban Legends, Gothic, Frontier

D: Crusher, Long Dead, Dagon, The Gift, Case #39, Demon Before Your Eyes, Demons, Day of the Dead, Children of the Night, Jason X, Jeans Monster, Jeepers Creepers, Dark Child, Dead Diaries, Welcome to Zombieland, Death Proof, House of 1000 Corpses, House of Wax, House of Night Ghosts, House of Ghosts, Road to Hell, Dracula, Others, Other, Underworld, Spirits, Soul of the Devil

AND: The Harvest, The Astronaut's Wife, The Convent, The Living Dead, The Living and the Dead

Z: Funny Games, Infected, Ambush, Drag Me to Hell, Eclipse, Bell, Land of the Dead, Mirrors, Signs, Zombie 90's Extreme Outbreak, Area 51, Hide and Seek

AND: Identification, Exorcists, Exorcist, Inquisitor, Sometimes They Come Back, Alien in Alien Body, Vampire Interview, Wish Granter, Lost Colony

TO: Kaidan, Catacombs, Screen Test, Cage, Book of Blood, Sorcery, End of the World, Bones, Nightmare Before Christmas, Red Room, Red Dragon, Scream, Dorm Scream, Creep, Blood Wave, Blood Harvest, Blood Massacre, Blood Brothel, Blood Surfing , Blood Ties, Blood and Chocolate, Crocodile, Cube, Candyman

L: Demon Labyrinth, Camp Fear, Legion of the Living Dead, Leprechaun, Sleepwalkers, Lake Placid: Lake of Fear, Love and Magic, People Under the Stairs, Ogre, Lumi

M: Monkey Boy, Demon Master, Mother of Tears, Haze, Dead Daughters, Dead Hate the Living, Dead Dudes in the House, Baby Billy's Revenge, World Fantasy Stories, Baby, My Bloody Valentine, My Flying Wife, Mummy, Mutants, Cape Fear

H: Obsessive Dream, Obsessive Fear, Nadia, Straight Out, Cockroach Invasion, Bride of Chucky, The Uninvited, Necronomicon, Lewd Behavior, Unborn Baby, Wow Trip, Carriers, Scarecrow Night, Nudist Dead Colony, Necessary Things

O: Murder Monkey, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Werewolf, Werewolves, Werewolves of the Old Morgue, Possessed by the Devil, Alone in the Dark, Eye of the Beast, Operation Dead Snow, Dr. Moreau's Island, From Dusk Till Dawn

P: Parking, Spider, Spiders, Web of Evil, Primal Evil, Sandman, Sand Devil, Saw, Pinocchio 964, Python, Shakespeare's Outer Space Plan 12, Planet Terror, Bad Karma, Wrong Turn, Subspecies, Bone Eater, Flight of the Living Dead , Zombie Cop, Police of the Dead, Killer Tomatoes Eat France, Popcorn, Vice, Messengers, After Midnight, The Parcel, Body Snatchers, Tradition, Arrival, Come and See, The Phantom of Hill House, Phantom of the Opera, Phantoms of Mars, Shelter, Curse , Slicing Wind, Crazy in the Castle, Psychosis, Asylum, Destination, Lineman, Blood Drinkers, Friday the 13th

R: Dawn of the Dead, Dismembered Body, Reportage, Fatal Choice, Hand Rocking the Cradle

FROM: Silent Hill, Holy Maiden vs Evil Dead, Cult, Seven, Signal, Servants of Twilight, Incident of Lightning, Death Grove, Death Visions, Death in Space, Death of Ian Stone, Hidden Horror, Sleepy Hollow, Save and Save, Save the Child, Spiral , Able student, Beat them on the spot, Steel and lace, Metropolitan history, Scary stories, Scarecrows, Scary stories that actually happened, Judge of darkness, Crazy scientists, Crazy house

T: Wyvern Manor Mystery, Secret Window, Jennifer's Body, Dark Water, Dark Waters, Dark Floors, Shadow of the Vampire, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Thirteen Ghosts, Death Trail, Darkness, Prison of the Dead

W: The hills have eyes, Cherry Falls Murders, Lake Murder, American Murder, Amityville Horror, Bite!

F: The Faculty, Flashback - Death Vacation, Frankenstein 2000, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Freddy vs. Jason

X: Goblin Hiruko, Predatory Waters, Refrigerator, Hostel

H: Mothman, Skull on Wheels, Black Demons, Alien Forest, Alien vs. Predator

W: Balloon, Stitches, Whispers, Sixth Sense, Lost Highway, Scar, Storm Warning

E: Existence, Ernest scared fools, Etruscan mask

YU: Yulenka, Young Exorcist

I: I'm a Legend I Still Know What You Did Last Summer I've Been Waiting for You I'm a Zombie Chronicle of Pain Yatrin Witch

Note: there are a lot more horror movies out there. I took a sample of only those that appeared on the screens after 1990.

Appendix B. Stories for the game "Mime"

The first story "Masha and the werewolf"

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha in a village. Once her mother baked buns and told the girl: “Take, Masha, buns to our grandmother.” And my grandmother lived in another village behind a dense forest. Her mother collected a basket of buns for her and sent her on her way. Masha went out of the village and met with friends. They invited her to play. The girl jumped, ran, played all day long. It began to evening. Friends fled home. Masha remembered that she had to take the buns to her grandmother, she was very frightened and, while it was still light, she ran into the forest, hoping to have time to run to her grandmother's village before dark.

And in the dense forest lived the werewolf Vasya - a good werewolf. He was very fond of little girls. Vasya spent days and nights looking for them in the forest to express his love to them, taking only short breaks for lunch with mushroom pickers, foresters and other boys. And now, having gone to the moon a couple of times for appetite, he went hunting.

Masha frightenedly wandered through the dark forest, illuminated only by the moon. The path winded between gnarled tree roots, catching the girl first by the legs, then by the hem of her dress. Suddenly, a werewolf Vasya ran out to meet her in the guise of a wolf. Masha was very scared. Vasya growled, and although Masha did not understand a word, their meaning was clear to her: life or buns! But to be sure, she nevertheless asked again what the wolf wanted: “Life or buns?” Vasya was a little taken aback. Before that, he had never met such bad girls who themselves would offer him their lives or their rolls. Just in case, Vasya sniffed Masha to check if she was sick in the head or something else. The wolf smelled like a dog, and the girl stood, panting, her heart pounding furiously in her chest with fear. Vasya, thinking that his excitement was transmitted to the bad girl, licked his lips carnivorously and decided to turn into a man. It broke and twisted for almost half an hour: the claws retracted and became nails, the fangs decreased, the hair fell out and finally the tail fell off. But Masha did not wait for the end of the transformation, picking up her rolls, she ran away. And Vasya howled at the moon for a long time and cursed the insidious bad girls who had left him alone that night with unsatisfied hunger.

Story Two "Zombie Friends Meeting"

The story of this friendship began for Dima and Kolya on the night of the spring equinox, when a certain sorcerer raised the city cemetery to call on its inhabitants to fight against their own enemies. But Dima and Kolya, even during their lifetime, successfully slid away from the army, so that no power of the sorcerer could affect their pacifism, or rather indifference. Recently dead and brought back to life, the dead were an appetizing sight only from the point of view of the scavengers. Dima's one eye dried up, the other, on the contrary, got out of the orbit, and both feet were dislocated, since the mortuary attendants, only by twisting them, were able to put his corpse in a tiny economy class coffin. Kolya was not so lucky. During his lifetime, he was a successful businessman, and he was laid in a coffin with a gold chain around his neck, gold false teeth and fingers dressed in gold rings. The next night after the funeral, the cemetery attendants opened the grave, tore off the chain from his neck, took out false golden jaws and removed the rings. The result of this was that Kolya's neck was dislocated at an angle, his mouth looked like a chicken's ass, and his broken fingers hung down like silk brushes.

During their lifetime, they did not know each other, but then, in a crowd of stupidly wandering skeletons, they recognized their brother-evader and since then settled in neighboring graves and lived happily ever after. The war of the necromancer has long passed, people brought the cemetery to its proper form and populated it with new guests.

And somehow at midnight, simultaneously lifting the lids of their coffins, the friends got out of the ground to the surface to take a walk among the cemetery alleys, look at the fresh monuments for a photo of a pretty deceased and discuss what they would do with her in life.

They walked in an embrace, supporting each other so as not to fall apart, along the cemetery alley, and only a month, breaking through the clouds, illuminated their path. Suddenly they saw their zombie comrade slowly crawling towards them.

"Hey tramp! Kolya whispered. “Get over here!”

The zombie raised its head, and the comrades recoiled in horror. The crawling thing was once a man. On the purple-bluish face, rolled eyes stood out like two thorns. The creature put forward its hand and splashed poisonous saliva on the friends.

From horror, Dima's last eye leaked out and his legs gave way at the knees. Kolya picked up his comrade and rushed to run.

The creature after them muttered unintelligibly: “Mshki, isho we will drink?” and drunkenly hiccupped.

The third story "The Sabbat of Witches"

Two girlfriends, Vika and Rita, under the impression of reading the novel "The Master and Margarita" decided to become witches and hang out on the upcoming Halloween, if not at a party on Bald Mountain, then at least in some club for advanced evil spirits. There were no problems with the outfit and makeup, but getting the brooms on which the witches flew turned out to be problematic. In the store, a cunning salesman handed them a broom on a stick, and the novice witches were now walking around him in great bewilderment. Vika tried to sit down on the broom, and so and so, fidgeted on it with her back, but it was still uncomfortable for her to sit. Rita angrily took away the aircraft from her and, with a gesture showing what a fool her friend was, she tried to sit on it herself, instantly sliding down the stick.

— We need to screw the seat! It dawned on Vika. She took a pillow and tried to tie it to the broom handle. Rita, bumping her forehead, tried to help her, but as a result, they only got tangled in the rope, so that their hands were tied. Only by acting with their teeth, the friends untangled the bonds and angrily stared at the broom.

“You need to tie yourself to the broom!” It dawned on Rita.

Vika tied a broom to her back. Rita jumped in place, but the broom did not budge her.

- Yes, it's like a rocket! It dawned on Vika. - It is necessary, then, only to light it from below! The girl took the matches and resolutely went to her friend. She had a bad feeling, because she, too, caught the analogy of a tied broomstick with a rocket. Rita began to dodge her friend with jumps, but she nevertheless dropped her to the floor and set fire to the broom. The broom began to smoke, and with a scream of horror and a smoking ass, Rita rushed to the toilet. Only after dipping her smoky tail into the toilet did she put out the fire.

Broken broom! - it dawned on the girlfriends, and, nodding affirmatively to each other, they went to hand over the worthless thing back to the store.

Intellectual and entertaining team building "The Sixth Sense" is one of the most popular exclusive developments of the creative department of the event agency "COMANDANTE". Magic competition tasks allow you to create an informal atmosphere, rally the team, have an exciting and informative time, get to know colleagues from the most unexpected side.

The theme of the event is a coven of magicians and psychics in the citadel on Bald Mountain, where the most powerful sorcerers and witches will be revealed according to the Hamburg account. Of course, something fantastic and incredible will not happen, but we all believe a little in magic!

Some unusual abilities manifested in the process indoor team building "The Sixth Sense", become a surprise for the participants themselves. Part of the tasks is group: each team participates in full force at its table and arranges an intuitive brainstorming session, applying collective knowledge. Others - individual competitions suggest that each team delegates one or more participants to the stage to compete with representatives of rival teams.

Depending on the goals of the event, the interactive program is proportionally filled with individual and team tasks.

The host in the image of "The Crazy Wizard Gandalf" and the co-host in the image of "The Grim Witch Arachne" make sure that the competition is accompanied by an aura of mystery and pathos. Mystical musical accompaniment, twilight, unusual lighting elements (a magic ball with lightning, candles in figured stands, an old man's luminous staff), as well as an introductory mini-performance from the hosts create an atmosphere of immersion in the sacrament process. The facilitators constantly interact with the participants, involving them in the action and motivating them to complete the tasks.

Teambuilding program "Sixth Sense" quite complicated in terms of implementation: behind the scenes during the main action, there is a continuous process of preparing props for the next competitions and counting points, usually 1-2 assistants work, depending on the number of guests. At the request of the client, a professional DJ can be involved in the event, who arranges dance breaks during breaks, creates the musical arrangement of the evening as a whole, and holds a disco at the end of the game.

When the corporate budget allows the inclusion of additional options and there is a desire to turn the party into a full-fledged thematic show, the plot is complemented by a stage performance of a real magician-illusionist. Fascinating tricks of various themes (a flying table, bending spoons, disappearing objects, card decks, and others) immediately set the tone for the whole event, because it is with them that the party begins. In the future, the hosts of the main program successfully maintain the atmosphere of mystery.

Variety of contests team building "The Sixth Sense" allows you to create a program that is ideally suited to the characteristics of the team and the number of participants. We intentionally developed a slightly larger number of tasks than would be required for a three-hour scenario. This allows you to make an individual selection, based on the preferences of the client, or to play the game in an extended format.

All competitions are aimed at any of the five senses (there are one or two tasks in which participants have to use touch, smell, sight, taste or hearing), in addition, the program includes tasks for intuition (the so-called "sixth sense" ), logic and brainstorming. The result is an incomparable rich mix that makes "Sixth Sense" unique unusual scenario.

Among the possible options for activities are exclusive developments of the event agency "COMANDANTE":

  • Contest of magic spells "Aben, craben, potato"
  • Competition in tactile extrasensory perception "Neither fish nor meat"
  • Visual Foresight Contest "This is a scam!"
  • Intuitive physiognomic competition "Portrait of Dorian Gray"
  • Guessing "The Postman Rings Twice"
  • Master class on opening the third eye "Magiceye"
  • Performance "The Great Exposure"
  • Development of auditory intuition "We hear the ringing"
  • Logical-intuitive analysis "Baron Munchausen"
  • Mini master class on lie verification "Doctor Lightman"
  • Creative intuition "Sherlock Holmes is on the trail"
  • Visual linguistics "The sun hurts the eyes"
  • Associative-intuitive competition "Imaginarium"
  • Team brainstorming "Insight"

After the end of the competitions, the results are summed up, the results are announced and the most powerful psychics are awarded. We recommend unusual themed gifts that will not be of practical use in everyday life, but will be an excellent decoration for your desktop and a reminder of a great time spent with colleagues. An incentive prize may also be awarded to the most untalented participant, in the nomination "played, but did not guess a single letter."

Program corporate team building "The Sixth Sense" can be complemented by a festive buffet or banquet, can be supplemented by a bright light or laser show, a performance by a cover band with a repertoire selected for the theme of the evening, dance numbers in various costumes. Thanks to such additions, the program from a team-building game can be easily modified into a large-scale corporate holiday, becoming its basis and setting the idea for the whole evening.

Tired of boring office meetings? O team building "Sixth Sense" will add up corporate legends!