Amur snake maintenance of the house. Why is the Amur snake or Schrenk snake dangerous for a person? The main characteristics of the Amur snake

The coloration of the upper side of the body of adults is dark brown or completely black. Against this background, rare white or yellow narrow, oblique stripes forked on the sides stand out sharply. The ventral side is yellow, often with dark spots. There are melanistic - completely black - individuals of this species. Adults often have a bluish iridescent sheen. This is one of the most spectacular snakes in the Russian fauna.

The Amur snake is well adapted to living in a variety of conditions in several natural zones: from steppes to coniferous and mixed forests. It is found in the Far East in the forests of Manchuria, North and Northeast China, as well as in Korea and Mongolia, in Russia in the Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. In the north, its range reaches Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in the west it reaches Lesser Khingan. There are known finds of the Amur snake up to a height of 900 m above sea level.

Leads a daily lifestyle. Wintering lasts from September - October to April - May. Adult snakes grow up to 2 meters. Males are usually larger than females.

Sexual maturity is reached in the third year of life. The courtship process consists in stroking the female's body with the male's head. The mating season lasts from mid-May to early July. The duration of pregnancy is about 1 month. From mid-June to mid-August, females lay eggs, in a clutch of 7 to 30 eggs, about 5 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters in diameter. Young snakes up to 30 cm long appear in September. Amur snakes adhere to individual sites that persist for a number of years. Very mobile, climbs trees well, swims and dives well. Life expectancy up to 9-15 years.

The snakes feed on mice, small rats, birds and chicks, bird eggs, and frogs. There are cases when Amur snakes climbed into chicken coops and ate eggs. Young individuals also consume mollusks and shrews. Small prey can be swallowed alive by the snake, larger prey is suffocated beforehand.

It does not avoid the proximity of a person, settling in gardens, vegetable gardens and attics of inhabited buildings.

Enemies include predatory mammals and birds. A good defense against them is to move quickly to cover or on tree branches. When in danger, the Amur snake usually seeks to flee. But being "cornered" hisses and makes throws towards the enemy. A large specimen of the snake can seriously bite.

In captivity, Amur snakes get used to humans, take food from their hands, and breed well.

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An excerpt characterizing the Amur snake

“Yes, it’s difficult, since education is very little widespread, but ...” Count Kochubey did not finish, he got up and, taking Prince Andrei by the hand, went towards the incoming tall, bald, blond man, about forty, with a large open forehead and an extraordinary, strange whiteness of an oblong face. The newcomer was wearing a blue tailcoat, a cross around his neck and a star on the left side of his chest. It was Speransky. Prince Andrei immediately recognized him and something trembled in his soul, as happens at important moments in life. Whether it was respect, envy, expectation, he did not know. The whole figure of Speransky had a special type, by which one could now recognize him. In no one of the society in which Prince Andrei lived did he see this calmness and self-confidence of awkward and stupid movements, in no one did he see such a firm and at the same time soft look of half-closed and somewhat moist eyes, he did not see such a firmness of an insignificant smile , such a thin, even, quiet voice, and, most importantly, such a delicate whiteness of the face and especially the hands, somewhat wide, but unusually plump, tender and white. Prince Andrei saw such whiteness and tenderness of the face only among soldiers who had been in the hospital for a long time. It was Speransky, the state secretary, the speaker of the sovereign and his companion in Erfurt, where he met and spoke with Napoleon more than once.
Speransky did not shift his eyes from one face to another, as one involuntarily does when entering a large society, and was in no hurry to speak. He spoke quietly, with the assurance that they would listen to him, and looked only at the face with which he spoke.
Prince Andrey followed Speransky's every word and movement with particular attention. As happens with people, especially with those who strictly judge their neighbors, Prince Andrei, meeting a new person, especially one like Speransky, whom he knew by reputation, always expected to find in him the complete perfection of human virtues.
Speransky told Kochubey that he was sorry that he could not come earlier because he was detained at the palace. He did not say that the sovereign had detained him. And this affectation of modesty was noticed by Prince Andrei. When Kochubey called Prince Andrei to him, Speransky slowly turned his eyes to Bolkonsky with the same smile and silently began to look at him.
“I am very glad to meet you, I have heard about you, like everyone else,” he said.
Kochubey said a few words about the reception given to Bolkonsky by Arakcheev. Speransky smiled more.
“My good friend, Mr. Magnitsky, is the director of the commission of military regulations,” he said, finishing every syllable and every word, “and if you wish, I can put you in touch with him. (He paused at the point.) I hope you find in him sympathy and a desire to promote all that is reasonable.
A circle immediately formed around Speransky, and the old man who had been talking about his official, Pryanichnikov, also turned to Speransky with a question.
Prince Andrei, without entering into a conversation, observed all the movements of Speransky, this man, recently an insignificant seminarian and now in his hands - these white, plump hands, who had the fate of Russia, as Bolkonsky thought. Prince Andrei was struck by the extraordinary, contemptuous calmness with which Speransky answered the old man. He seemed to address him with his condescending word from an immeasurable height. When the old man began to speak too loudly, Speransky smiled and said that he could not judge the advantage or disadvantage of whatever the sovereign wanted.

In size, the Amur snake is similar to the four-stripe snake. He is very beautiful - this is one of the most spectacular snakes in our fauna.

She is often filmed in dramatic frames of feature films. The coloration of the upper side of the body of adults is dark brown or completely black. Against this background, transverse wide yellow stripes stand out sharply, bifurcating on the sides. This drawing brings him closer to bright exotic snakes. Sometimes there are melanistic - completely black - individuals of this species.

Other snakes of our fauna usually have a protective coloration, merging with the background of the environment. The coloration of the Amur snake is also protective, but not so much patronizing as disorienting: bright dismembering stripes prevent a potential enemy from perceiving the snake as something whole. And when this snake crawls, it gives the impression of flashing colored spots, which also deceives the enemy. The head of the snake is usually black on top, and the labials are yellow with black transverse sutures. A black stripe runs from the posterior edge of the eye to the corner of the mouth. The ventral side is yellow, often with dark spots.

Juveniles of this species are colored differently. The upper side of the body is brownish with wide transverse brown stripes, each of which has a black border and is separated from the adjacent one by a narrow white stripe. They have a complex pattern of dark and light stripes on their heads. The coloration of young snakes masks them both on the ground and in the crown of trees.

Where does the Amur snake live?

The Amur snake is found in North and Northeast China, as well as in Korea and Mongolia. In Russia, it is known from the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. In the north, its range reaches Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in the west - to Lesser Khingan. The Amur snake is an inhabitant of forests of various types. However, it also enters bushes and meadows. Like an ordinary snake, it is not afraid of the proximity of a person - it often crawls into settlements and stays among buildings, in vegetable gardens and gardens. It is very mobile, crawls quickly on the ground, climbs trees very well (these snakes were noticed at a height of more than ten meters), swims and dives well. It can cover considerable distances (in the experiment, it crawled 8 kilometers in one day), returning to its permanent habitat. Like many other animals, Amur snakes adhere to individual sites that persist for a number of years. Snakes regularly leave them, heading for wintering or to certain places where mating pairs are formed, but then they always return there.

Hollows, rotten wood, rodent burrows, voids between stones serve as shelters for them; in the villages - heaps of straw or garbage. They winter in similar places, accumulating several individuals (sometimes up to thirty).

Reproduction of Amur snakes

In spring, adult snakes gather in groups, every year in the same place. Males look for females here and seek their location. The male constantly keeps close to his chosen one. When courting, he strokes his partner's body with his head. At the end of the mating season, the males crawl away, and the females remain here, bearing eggs. Where Amur snakes congregate for breeding, there are usually plenty of hiding places where females can rest and bask in the sun. In such places, not only females of the Amur snake accumulate, but also other snakes - the patterned snake and the muzzle.

In the second half of summer, females lay eggs about 5 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters in diameter. In clutch from 7 to 30 eggs - larger individuals usually bring more offspring. Eggs are laid in a moist loose substrate - moss, rotten leaves, in hollows of trees. This species also has collective clutches. In one such "incubator" they found 108 eggs. Cubs are born quite large - often longer than 30 centimeters. They feed on a more varied diet than adults - mollusks, cubs of mouse-like rodents, chicks of small birds, shrews. A lot of snakes die during the first wintering, because there are not enough suitable (non-freezing) shelters in the habitats of the species. Sexual maturity is reached in the third year of life.

How do Amur snakes eat?

Adult snakes feed on small mammals, birds and chicks, as well as bird eggs, sometimes frogs. The largest individuals can swallow a rat and even a hare. Snakes living near humans often eat chicken eggs. The shell is broken with a distinct crunch in the esophagus by outgrowths of the cervical vertebrae, while the snake does not burp it, as some other snakes specializing in feeding on bird eggs do. Small prey can be swallowed alive, larger prey is strangled by pressing it with a powerful body to the ground or wrapping rings around the body.

In case of danger, the Amur snake seeks to flee. But if this fails, it shows defensive behavior: hisses and makes throws towards the enemy. Like some other species, it vibrates with the tip of the tail when excited. A large specimen of the snake can seriously bite. However, in captivity, these snakes quickly get used to humans, take food from the hands, and breed well. In China, they are sometimes kept as pets, and Amur snakes benefit their owners by exterminating rats and mice.

Man also uses this large snake for food. The capture of Amur snakes for captivity and for gastronomic purposes is detrimental to the natural populations of the species.

Country of origin: Russia

Size: 1.7 - 2 m

Lifespan: 10 - 15 years


The Amur snake is one of the largest and most spectacular snakes in the Russian fauna. In adult snakes, the main background of the upper body is dark brown or black. Rare transverse, narrow, oblique yellow or white stripes stand out well on it, which bifurcate on the sides. Such stripes are more characteristic of females, which are usually smaller than males. The ventral side of the body of the Amur snake is yellow, often there are yellow spots on it. Sometimes there are so-called melanistic snakes, which have a completely black coloration of the upper body (adult melanistic snakes, as a rule, have a bluish iridescent sheen). The head of the Amur snake is black with yellow spots on the throat and lips. The color of young snakes is slightly different from the color of adults. The upper side of the body is brownish with wide transverse stripes of brown color, having a black border and separated from each other by a narrow white stripe. They have a complex pattern of black and white stripes on their heads.


The Nanais have legends about the Dyabdyan, a creature similar to a boa constrictor, however, researchers believe that this creature is the Amur snake. Officially, the history of the species began in the middle of the 19th century, when in 1856 the explorer of the Amur Territory Leopold Schrenk first discovered this species in the area of ​​the so-called Khingan post on the Amur River. He brought the skin of this snake to the Zoological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, and the snake received a second name - Schrenk's snake. Outside of Russia, Amur snakes have practical applications. So, in China, these snakes are kept as pets, which effectively exterminate mice and rats. Also, the Chinese have a belief that these snakes protect the house and savings and, moving to their own house, the son receives a snake from his father as a gift. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation for many years.


The Amur snake is a calm snake and quickly gets used to a person. This is largely facilitated by the lifestyle of these snakes. They can often be found near human habitation: in household plots, in gardens, kitchen gardens, on concrete slabs along bridges and even under the roofs of old abandoned buildings. The natural habitat of the Amur snakes is forests. These snakes are great swimmers and can crawl out of their "houses", but after some time they return. They like to spend the winter collectively, sometimes wintering groups of snakes reach 30 individuals. The mating season for Amur snakes also takes place in groups where they choose their partners. These snakes are active during the daytime and lead a semi-arboreal lifestyle, climbing trees up to 10 m above the ground.

As a soil, it is better to use peat or earth covered with leaves or sphagnum moss. Be sure to install a spacious drinking bowl in the terrarium. Shelters in the terrarium are optional, but one or more convenient branches can be set up so that the snake can climb like in a natural habitat. Amur snakes are fed with mice, small rats, birds (day-old chickens or young quails) and bird eggs. It is important not to overfeed the snake, which does not refuse food and can rush to the hand of the feeder and even bite on a food reaction. The temperature in the snake dwelling must be maintained at 26 - 31 degrees during the day and 18 - 20 degrees at night. Air humidity is about 70%. This indicator must be carefully monitored, since Amur snakes are susceptible to fungal diseases (changes in humidity are allowed only during the wintering period). The light day of the snake should be 9 hours, but for the wintering period it needs to be reduced.

Wintering is a very important period in the life of the Amur snake and it is important to carry it out correctly. Wintering lasts from 1 to 3 months and includes 5 stages: cleaning, preparation, cooling, removal from wintering and additional stimulation. The wintering process begins with a temporary cessation of feeding, so that the snake completely digests the food that it consumed earlier - this is the cleaning stage. Preparation consists in a gradual reduction in daylight hours and a decrease in temperature, but a slight increase in humidity. These stages take place in a terrarium in which the snake lives permanently. The next stage - cooling or wintering itself - is the most difficult and should be held under strict control. At this stage, snakes are placed singly or in small groups in linen bags, which are placed in rigid boxes on a layer of shavings or sphagnum 3-5 cm thick. Boxes with bags are filled with sphagnum or hay. The box with snakes should be placed inside a spacious box to avoid a sharp temperature drop. The space of the box must be filled with chips. These boxes can be placed in the lower part of the refrigerator, but you need to make sure that the temperature does not fall below +5 degrees. To avoid dehydration, the filler in the box should be moistened with a spray bottle every 5 days. Then the snake needs to gradually bring out their wintering states. This is the reverse stage of preparation: the wintering boxes must first be transferred to a place with a higher temperature, then to a terrarium with the heating turned off, after 1 - 2 days, turn on the heating, then increase the daylight hours (maintain the maximum duration of at least 20 days) and humidity. When the habitual living conditions of the snake are restored, you should immediately start feeding. On the second day after cooling, you need to start giving snakes ultraviolet radiation (any source with a wavelength of 258 - 315 mm).

Amur snake, or Schrenk snake (Elaphe Schrencki, STRAUCH, 1873) is one of the largest, most famous and beloved snakes of our vast Motherland.

Type territory: Khingan post on the Amur.
Distributed in North and Northeast China and Korea. In Russia, it is found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, north to Komsomolsk-on-Amur and west to Lesser Khingan.

The dimensions of the snake indicated in the reference books are up to 170 cm. In our laboratory, a female Amur snake 230 cm long (with a tail) once lived at the age of 18!

Adult snakes are very recognizably colored. Once you see the Amur snake, you will never confuse it with anyone! The head and back are dark, almost black, with transverse yellowish or gray-yellow stripes. A wide light stripe runs along the muzzle, along the upper labials, gradually narrowing to a thin line. The belly is yellow, often with many dark spots. In general, there can be so many of these spots that the belly of the snake seems black to yellow spots, and not vice versa. Cubs on top with wide brown transverse spots, separated by narrower, black-edged light stripes (they mow under the muzzle, do not go to the fortune teller). Melanists are known.

Inhabits forest edges, clearings, thickets of bushes, less often in the depths of forests. It does not avoid the proximity of a person, settling in household plots, gardens, parks, on roofs and attics. As a shelter, it uses voids in old stumps, heaps of stones, deadwood, hollow trees and burrows of burrowing animals. In the mountains it is known from a height of 900 m above sea level. Our acquaintances met Amur snakes in heaps of construction debris - heaps of concrete slabs. It seems to me that they do not avoid ordinary garbage heaps and landfills; ecologically, most snakes are still quite garbage animals.

In nature, it feeds on small mammals, birds - mainly in the nesting season, sniffing out nests and eating eggs or brood, for this it climbs quite high on trees. It is known that for the same purpose, especially insidious shrenks make their way into chicken coops.

Now about the content.
Be careful with moisture! In Primorye, of course, it rains, even floods sometimes occur, but despite this, it is not necessary to moisten the terrariums, since the Amur snake is prone to fungal diseases. The same applies to humidity during wintering.
Contained according to the general principle: adults in an appropriate terrarium can be in groups, young animals in containers. The temperature during the day is 28-30*C, at night the heating is turned off. They don’t require special “bells and whistles” in the terrarium, although branches are welcome, and, like all elaf, shelters are very popular among Amur snakes, which, in principle, are not required. In general, everything that the Amur snake loves, by and large, he does not need at all for a good life. The same principle with feeding.
Preferably fed with rodents. Don't feed! They don’t refuse food a priori, they live according to the principle “Syyyp!”. It can bite on a food reaction, so be careful during feeding, sometimes they rush straight into your hands.

Our Amurs usually winter from the end of December to the end of February-beginning of March. The temperature during wintering does not fall below +14*C, although shrenks quite tolerably endure a “strong” winter up to +9*C. It is possible to achieve mating in November, simply by keeping the snakes separately at room temperature since October. Thus, if suddenly you have a large group of Amur snakes and interruptions in food for juveniles, you can form two breeding groups - with spring and autumn mating. Matings are repeated, according to our observations, they can last for a week. Some males, during mating, can hold the female by the scruff of the neck with their teeth, you should not worry about this. The females kept by us laid from 12 to 20 eggs, depending on the age and condition of the animal, but clutches of even 30 eggs are known! The clutch is incubated for 42 - 47 days at a temperature of 27-28 * C, although this year the release of the young from the eggs happened ten days earlier. After the first babies erupt, all the eggs are carefully cut.
The cubs are quite large, they begin to eat without problems after the first molt. They start stably with mouse pebbles, although we know of rare individuals who began to feed on rat pups.
In general, the animal is absolutely problem-free, completely and completely friendly and deeply voracious.
Happy breeding!

The Amur snake is one of the varieties of snakes that are often chosen for keeping in a terrarium. In our article, we will tell you what a snake looks like, where it lives in the wild, as well as how to keep it at home.


In order to have an idea about the Amur snake, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its description.

Appearance and color

In European countries and America, you can often hear another name for the snake - the Russian snake. In the wild, its length can reach 230 cm, but when kept at home, the size of an individual does not exceed 1 meter.

Important! During the mating season, snakes should be especially careful, since at this time they can be quite aggressive.

The surface of the body in adults is painted black or dark brown. The yellow stripes located against such a background can be seen especially clearly, you can also see how they bifurcate on the sides.

Because of this coloring, the Amur snake is often confused with other exotic snakes. Rarely, but you can find individuals completely painted black.

Video: about the Amur snake Thanks to the bright stripes, the snake can defend itself from predators, since during its movement the spots flicker and disorient enemies. Most often there are individuals with a black head and yellowish lip brushes.

An offshoot of black stripes can be seen from the mouth and eyes. The belly is usually yellow, but sometimes there may be black spots on it. Juveniles have a completely different color.

The surface of the body is brown in color, on which wide transverse stripes stand out, which have a darker shade. Each strip has a frame in the form of a black border, and a narrow white ribbon separates them from each other.

Juveniles are characterized by the presence of a complex pattern on the head, which is represented by dark and light stripes. Thanks to this color, the snake successfully camouflages itself on trees and on the ground.

Is there a danger to humans

Many are interested in the question - poisonous Amur snake or not. The snake is not poisonous and is distinguished by its calmness, therefore it can get along with a person.

However, if you drive it into a corner, then, of course, the snake will defend itself, emitting a hiss, and in some cases it may even bite. The snake, which has just been caught, immediately curls up into a ring and can rush at its offender.

But very quickly, he can calm down if you carefully hold him in your hands. Despite the fact that the snake bite is not poisonous, in such an incident, it is still worth going to the hospital as soon as possible to treat the wound.

Life in the wild

Consider where you can meet the Amur snake.

Range and lifestyle

Various natural zones are suitable for individuals to live. They can settle in the steppe regions, coniferous and mixed forests can become their home. Their habitat is the Far East, North and Northeast China, Korea, Mongolia, and some regions of Russia.
The Amur snake is active only during the daytime. He is quite mobile, skillfully crawls through trees and can rise above 10 meters. In addition, individuals can dive and swim.

Snakes are able to crawl away from their habitat, but always return. They set themselves the boundaries of the territory in which they move, and spend their whole lives on it.

They can leave their habitat only in case of searching for a pair or for wintering. For life, the snake chooses the ruins of stumps, hollows, crevices between stones, nests and minks of various animals.

Did you know? In China, when a son moves into his house, the father gives him an Amur snake, thus honoring the tradition, since it is believed that the snake is the guardian of the house and savings.

If he lives near a person, then most often he winters in heaps of garbage. For wintering, snakes gather in groups that include up to 30 individuals.

What do they eat

Representatives of this species are predators. They love to eat small prey - invertebrates, as well as birds, frogs, lizards, mice. Large snakes can swallow an entire rat or rabbit at once.
If the snake caught a large prey, at first he strangles it, while the small one swallows it completely. They love Amur snakes and bird eggs, and they do not spit out the shell - it is ground in the esophagus.


With the advent of spring, meetings of adults begin to occur. Males try to attract the attention of females, using a special ritual for this - they stroke the head of the female.

After the end of the mating season, the males crawl away, and the females remain in place to bear offspring. Most of the time they rest and are in a relaxed state.

Around the second decade of July, females begin to lay eggs. Their diameter is about 2 cm, and the length is about 5 cm. One clutch can contain from 10 to 30 eggs.

The larger the female, the more eggs she can lay. For masonry, they are looking for a loose substrate, a hollow or moss, and rotten foliage. Sometimes females can unite, forming a collective clutch, in which there are up to 110 eggs.
The size of the newly hatched cubs is quite large - the length is about 30 cm. The babies feed on chicks, cubs of rodents, and shrews.

Often, due to cold weather, most of the young do not survive their first winter. Individuals become sexually mature after 3 years. Amur snakes live for about 11 years.

Features of keeping at home

Often the Far Eastern snake (as it is also called) is kept at home. Consider how to equip a habitat for a snake, how to feed it and what to pay attention to.


If you plan to keep one snake, then you can purchase a terrarium with the following dimensions: 80x50x70 cm. It is important to ensure that at night the temperature in it is maintained at 25 ° C, and during the day - 32 ° C.

It is also necessary to take care of a container with water - it will be able to swim in it and just relax when the molting period comes. In order for the inhabitant to be able to burrow, it is worth purchasing a cuvette with sphagnum: a warm place is suitable for its placement.
You can put twigs, snags in the terrarium - the snake will move along them. It is not necessary to fill the soil in the terrarium, but if you still want to do this, it is better to give preference to coarse sand, coconut chips, gravel.

Important! Although the snake is not venomous, it has long, sharp teeth that can leave deep wounds on the skin, so it is best to avoid encountering the snake in the wild if possible.

It is important to ensure that the sphagnum is always in a wet state; for this, the terrarium is sprayed daily.


Mice, hamsters, quails, rats, chickens should be present in the diet of a domestic snake. Feeding is carried out 1 time in 4-5 days. It is important to ensure that there is always fresh water in the terrarium, as snakes are very thirsty.

Pets should be provided with mineral supplements: eggshells can be used for this purpose. Once a month, it is necessary to give the snake vitamins, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

How to breed

It is better to breed the Amur snake in early spring. At this time, it is necessary to give him special preparations that include vitamin E. Such a course should last about 2-3 weeks.

After its completion, it is necessary to combine males and females. On average, copulation lasts up to 3 hours. After about 40 days, the females lay eggs. It is necessary to prepare in advance a special container in which the sphagnum will be located.

Then the masonry should be removed to the incubator and make sure that the temperature in it is maintained in the range of + 27–29 ° С. After 50 days, small snakes will begin to hatch from the eggs.

Daily and seasonal rhythm

The activity of the Amur snake falls in the spring - autumn, so it is important to provide him with a daylight hours of 12 hours. To do this, use an ultraviolet lamp.
In winter, the snake is at rest. In the last 20 days of the activity period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the duration of daylight hours and heating. As soon as the light day lasts 8 hours, it is necessary to turn off the night heating and stop feeding.

During hibernation, the pet should be placed in a place with good ventilation. In winter, the temperature in the terrarium should not exceed 15 °C. In winter, you need to maintain soil moisture - for this, it is sprayed. Wintering lasts about 2 months.

Did you know? The longest Amur can already wrap around a person at least three times.

The conclusion from this state should be slow: increase the duration of daylight hours and heating should be gradual. As soon as it reaches 8 hours, you must turn on the heating and start feeding the pet.


In most situations, the snake does not strike first. It will only bite if it feels threatened and needs to defend itself.
To prevent such situations, we recommend using a few simple tips:

  1. Having noticed a snake, you should not try to catch it, you don’t need to follow it, try to kill it - the snake itself will calmly crawl away from you, otherwise expect aggression from it.
  2. Try to walk so that your steps are heard - you will hear a rustle and immediately crawl away, and you won’t even know that he was nearby.
  3. Quite often, snakes crawl into tents and sleeping bags in order to keep warm. In this case, you do not need to move sharply - the snake will understand that it is not alone here, and will quietly crawl away.
  4. If, nevertheless, a bite occurs, alcohol should not be taken, as it promotes vasodilation and, accordingly, the snake's saliva, poisonous or not, will be absorbed into the blood faster.
  5. Despite the fact that the Amur snake is not poisonous, if bitten, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The Far Eastern snake is one of the most beautiful snakes on the planet. If you meet him in the wild, remember that he will not attack first, keep calm and do not try to harm him.