Competition skillful handles vote. Competition program "Skillful hands do not know boredom

Marina Artamonova

Here are exhibited joint work adults and children of our group. Children love it work together, yes and work turn out to be very interesting. In these works showing different types activities: modeling, applique, weaving, fabric and natural materials.

"skillful hands, disperse all the clouds

Sew, draw, glue and blind.

Cook, cook or just fry.

They can do everything, they are not praised so much for nothing.

skillful hands- so they are not called for nothing!

Members competition were awarded certificates and mementos. The kids were very happy and looking forward to the next one. competition which is scheduled for December.

Related publications:

The program of the circle work "Our skillful hands" Explanatory note Relevance “The sources of children's creativity and talent are at their fingertips. In other words: what.

Children's club association "Skillful Hands" Annual plan for organizing the work of the children's club association Club Association "Skillful Hands" The originality of manual labor provides extensive opportunities for educating children with respect.

The program of the competition of readers "My land, covered with glory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the 100th anniversary of the village of Partisan Glory.

Dear Colleagues! Every year in the garden there is a competition "Green light". This year in the nomination "Work with parents". I decided to use it.

Circle "Skillful Hands" Thematic planning of circle work by months for 2015-16 year in the preparatory group Circle "Skillful Hands" Thematic planning for the year in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard. Modeling and application September: 1 week. Topic of the week:

In the 2014-2015 academic year, I lead a circle on visual activity using non-traditional, artistic.

Pedagogical project "Skillful Hands" Theme of the project: "Development of fine motor skills of hands through non-traditional types of drawing and application." Project: long-term, creative. Brief.

Sections: Technology

Target: Activating the creative abilities of students, maintaining interest in the subject; improving the ability to work independently and in a team.

Event progress

Good afternoon, dear guys, guests.

I am glad to welcome you to our competition "Skillful hands do not know boredom".

Two teams take part in the competition, the 6th grade team and the 7th grade team.

Today you will have the opportunity to show off your knowledge, demonstrate the skills that you received in technology lessons, as well as show resourcefulness and a sense of humor.

I wish both teams good luck and success.

Jury presentation

Jury President: _______

Jury members: _______

And so we start the competition

1st contest "Let's get to know each other"

Team greeting (name, motto, greeting to rivals, jury) 5b

2nd competition "Erudite"

Each team is asked 10 questions, for each correctly guessed question the team receives 1 p.


  1. What is formed along the edges of the fabric during the weaving process? (edge).
  2. On which side of the figure are measurements taken? (on the right).
  3. What are the fibers of animal origin? (wool, silk)
  4. What is the main ingredient for making jelly? (gelatin)
  5. What kind of oil is used to lubricate the sewing machine? (machine)
  6. What process occurs when kneading dough with yeast? (fermentation)
  7. On which side is the knife placed when setting the table? (on right)
  8. Is it a geometric figure, or a silhouette? (trapeze)
  9. What device protects fingers from being pierced by a needle when doing manual work? (thimble)
  10. On which side is the zipper on the skirt? (from the left)
  11. From which groove is the thread inserted into the machine needle? (long)
  12. The Science of Cooking Delicious and Healthy Food? (cooking)
  13. Type of pasta that has a flat, elongated shape? (noodles)
  14. What are plant fibers? (linen, cotton)
  15. What is the name of changing the details of clothing and their decoration? (modeling)
  16. The process of creating clothes using calculations and drawings is called? (construction)
  17. Is the garment drawing designed to scale? (1:4)
  18. Where is the shuttle set located in the sewing machine? (under platform)
  19. Name the weaving where the threads are intertwined one through one? (linen)
  20. A seam that connects two pieces from the inside out? (stay)

3 competition "World of professions"

For each letter of this word, select the names of professions and specialties so that they do not repeat, and enter in the proposed form.

4 competition "Proverbs are confused"

Continue saying:

  1. A lot of snow - ... (a lot of bread).
  2. Porridge with butter ... (you won’t spoil it).
  3. Shchi and porridge ... (our food).
  4. Skillful hands - ... (do not know boredom).
  5. A person is glorious not with words - ... (glorious with deeds).
  6. Business time - ... (fun hour).
  7. Done hastily - ... (done for laughter).
  8. They are greeted by clothes, ... (according to the mind they see off).
  9. The eyes are afraid, ... (and the hands are doing).
  10. Seven times measure cut once).

5 competition of captains "Needlewoman"

Invent a household item out of a plastic bottle. 5 B.

While the captains are completing the task, a game is being played with the fans

Dear fans, I will name the products, and your task is to indicate what it is. For example: crucian carp (fish), milk (drink), etc.

6 contest "Siamese twins"

Each team has two people. You need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left of the other team member are free. In this position, do the following:

  1. Thread the needle.
  2. Cut out an apron model with a bib

7 contest "Guess"

Teams are asked to solve puzzles. For each correctly guessed puzzle, the team receives 1 point. Time 2 min.

3 - skirt, 4 - yoke, 5 - tuck.

1 - cottage cheese, 2 - jam, 3 - barley, 4 - casserole

8 contest "Black box"

Guess what is in the black box. Three hints are given:

  1. A part that is directly related to a sewing machine.
  2. With her participation, the movement is transferred to other mechanisms.
  3. It is called the same as one of the parts of the car (flywheel).

9 competition "Cause - time, fun - hour"

Homework competition. Prepare a number of amateur performances.


The school has the following subject:
For him we are all mountain,
He helped us become a hostess,
Economical, business.

We now knit beautifully,
We iron, darn and sew.
If necessary, we will lay the table,
Cake, bake a roll.

She sewed until dark, until dawn,
I have a shirt.
And bewitched by sewing
His Ivashka.

How to start cooking at school -
We hoo, we hoo
Buy us - we beg you
Kitchen set.

We don't want to leave
From technology lessons
we cut, we make, we make,
just enough pieces

I sewed an apron, I'm cool,
Yes, I went to dance in it.
I won't go to school now
I will open a company.

I made myself a skirt
It turned out she wasn't.
I'll take the little girl
Sitting at home by the window.

We love to sew and cook
And knit and embroider.
Come to study with us
We will open courses.

We are the egg in the microwave
Tried to bake
And then her guys
Washed as best they could.

We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For us to be applauded.

Dramatization of the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.

Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says
That is for the school for the native
I would have thrown a feast with a mountain.
I would feed the teachers
Delicious, joyful and a lot.
And not just pies -
Kalachami and pancakes.
I would give them honey
And at the same time she said:
"You take care of us
every day and every hour,
Now drink your fill
And then start dancing!”
"If I were a queen, -
Her sister says,
That would be one for the school
I would wove canvases
And favorite teachers
I would dress up a little.
Everything about teachers is great.
Faces are bright, thoughts are clear,
They have a good soul.
Only money - not a damn thing.
I will try and dress
All in suits from Cardin,
In English tweed, Chinese silk -
They will be more beautiful than May roses!
"If I were a queen, -
the third sister said, -
I would be for the father of the king
I took different threads
Knitted a warm sweater
And socks to boot
Just had time to say -
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence -
These speeches, throughout
Loved him.
"Would you, dear girls,
made everyone a queen!
After all, this is about everything
I thought the way myself!
Yes, our life is not bad!
Every year is just a miracle!
Someone sings songs
Who - the granite of science gnaws,
All girls are majestic
They act like peahens!
Only in this diva is not ...
I found this answer:
Where is the teacher with a passionate heart -
There efforts are not in vain,
Where is the teacher with the soul -
There, the result is high,
The teacher did not spare strength -
The student is smart and sweet.
Teachers honest work -
Here is the most valuable emerald!
Therefore, I give an order:
This day and this hour
Praise all teachers
My valiant school!”

All-Russian creative competition for preschool teachers

Dates: June 23, 2014 - September 28, 2014
Summing up and announcement of winners will take place during the period from September 29 to October 05, 2014
Dear teachers, the announcement of the winners will take place on October 8th. We apologize for the change in timing.

Participation in the competition: to participate in the competition, you must upload a photo of crafts, toys, inventory, a layout, a poster, a panel, a costume, a design element for a group or site, etc., made by a teacher without the participation of children, to our group "In contact with" or "Odnoklassniki" in the photo album corresponding to the name of the competition ("Skillful Hands").
Need to add work to an album already created by the administrator (no need to create a new one or upload works to the theme!)

In your job description please include:
- full name of the author;
- name of the educational institution;
- city (village).

The winners of the competition will be awarded with DIPLOMAS of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree!

All teachers can order Certificates confirming their participation in the competition, both during its holding and after completion.
The cost of an electronic certificate is 100 rubles, in printed form with sending by mail - 290 rubles.

After making the payment, you need to go to the page, fill out and send the application.
ATTENTION! Be sure to remember, or rather write down the number of your application and to whom you issued the document (for example, No. 202 Ivanova Irina Vasilievna).

Within a day from the date of submission, the application will be processed by the administrator and, in the absence of controversial issues, the document will be available for download.

To download a document, go to the page and enter its number in the field.
If the status "COMPLETED"- download the document.

If you have applied for a printed document by mail, the administrator will also process it and inform you
by e-mail about the result.

If you have any difficulties with submitting an application, downloading a document, or other questions, please let us know immediately.
to our e-mail [email protected]

Competition results:

The skillful hands of the following teachers became the winners of the "Skillful Hands" competition:

I place was shared by:
- Komogortseva Natalya Mikhailovna - educator of the Fine Arts Studio MBDOU No. 96, Chita
- Larisa Ivanova added a photo to Odnoklassniki, but did not indicate the author's data
- Setina Natalya Alekseevna and Vedernikova Olga Alekseevna - educators of kindergarten No. 213 of JSC "Russian Railways", Slyudyanka, Irkutsk region
- Yulia Shiryaeva added a photo to Odnoklassniki, but did not indicate the author's data
- Duisenbiyeva Rafida Nazhmudinovna - teacher of MBDOU "DS OV No. 8", Usinsk RK
- Pigina Galina Alexandrovna - speech therapist MBDOU DS No. 3, Sredneuralsk, Sverdlovsk region
- Tomarova Irina Rudolfovna - BUDOU DSOV No. 5 "Rostok" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Yugra
- Malakhova Tatyana Viktorovna - MBDOU d / s No. 59, Belgorod
- Poseydalova Yulia Sergeevna - teacher of MADOU No. 4 "Golden Scallop", Berdsk

2nd place shared by:
- Skupova Olga Leonidovna - teacher MADOU kindergarten №4, Aprelevka, Moscow region
- Vysokinskaya Nina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU CRR-kindergarten No. 96, Ryazan
- Kovaleva Oksana Vladimirovna and Malafeeva Elena Viktorovna - educators of MBDOU No. 49 "Pearl", Dimitrovgrad
- Breyda Evgenia Yuryevna, teacher MBDOU No. 38, Chita
- Olesya Muravyova added a photo to Odnoklassniki, but did not indicate the author's data
- Lukyanets Anastasia Sergeevna - educator of nursery school No. 188 of Russian Railways OJSC, Bogotola, Krasnoyarsk Territory
- Butova Yulia Viktorovna - educator of MKDOU d / s No. 6 "Berry", Kirov, Kaluga region
- Merkulova Tatyana Alexandrovna - educator of MKDOU d / s No. 3 "Sun" city of Semiluki, Voronezh region
- Natasha Rusakova added a photo to Odnoklassniki, but did not indicate the author's data
- Novikova Olga Viktorovna - MKDOU No. 3 "Solnyshko", Semiluki, Voronezh Region

3rd place shared by:
- Malafeeva Elena Viktorovna - educator MBDOU Kindergarten
- Alekseeva Irina Viktorovna and Shilova Natalya Vladislavovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 281", Perm
- Ivashkina Ksenia Vasilievna, teacher of MBDOU "Berry", Noyabrsk
- Lesya Gerasimova added a photo to Odnoklassniki, but did not indicate the author's data
- Zolotukhina Yuliya Salavatovna - teacher of the Center for Children's Recreation of Children's School No. 21, Anzhero-Sudzhensk
- Kuzenkova Lyudmila Anatolyevna - teacher of kindergarten No. 29 "Forest Fairy Tale", Verkhnyaya Pyshma
- Chukaeva Liliya Viktorovna - educator MKDOU d / s No. 54, Novosibirsk
- Biryukova Natalya Valerikvna - teacher of MDOU "D / S, village of Sosnovka, Saratov region
- Koroteeva Nina Anatolyevna and Novikova Maria Valerievna - educator of MADOU d / s No. 22 "Ladushki", Balakovo, Saratov region
- Koryakina Irina Vladimirovna - MKDOU D / S No. 13, Rossosh, Voronezh region

Diplomas of the winners are free, sent electronically within 1-3 days from the date of receipt of the application.
The application for the Diploma of the winner must be sent to our E-mail [email protected] The application must indicate the name of the competition, full name of the author, educational institution and city (village). Please indicate "Application for a Winner's Diploma" in the subject line of the email.

"Skilled Hands"

1. General Provisions.

1.1. These Regulations on the International Distance Competition for Children's Crafts (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) determine the procedure for holding the Competition, selecting works, the composition of the jury, participants and awarding the winners.
1.2. The organizer of the competition is the online publication "Labyrinth of Knowledge", media registration certificate El No. FS77-63577 dated November 02, 2015, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media. The Organizer of the Contest reserves the right to promptly make additions and changes to the text of these Regulations that regulate the process of holding the Contest.

2. Goals and objectives of the competition.

2.1. Development of creative thinking and imagination of children.
2.2. Support for the creative initiative of employees of educational institutions.
2.3. Identification and encouragement of talented teachers and children.
2.4. Search for interesting creative ideas.

3. Participants of the competition.

Children of all age groups, their parents (legal representatives) and teachers of any educational institutions (preschool educational institutions; secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children) located on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

4. Requirements for competitive works.

4.1. General requirements:
- handicrafts from various materials, made both by children and together with teachers or parents, are accepted for the competition;
- creative works captured in any format (JPG, PDF, etc.), of good quality (not blurry, clear), children are not allowed in the photo (for example, a child holds a craft in his hands), as well as third parties, contact details and other information relating to children and third parties;
- each participant can take part in any number of nominations and submit any number of works in each nomination;
- the organizer of the competition reserves the right to refuse to participate in the competition if the work does not fit one of the clauses of these Regulations or the user agreement.
4.2. The competition includes the following nominations:
"Symbol of the Year"
"Sorceress Winter"
"Christmas tree outfits"
"Bird House"
"Defenders' Day, Soldier"
"Spring Days"
"Mother's Day - March 8"
"Cosmonautics Day"
"May holiday - Victory Day!"
"Let there be peace"
"Happy summer"
"Knowledge Day"
"Family values"
"Family Tree"
"We are Family"
"In the world of sports"
"My native land"
"Golden-domed Moscow"
"Oh, nature is good"
"Feathered Friends"
"In the animal world"
"Undersea world"
"Flowers, Flowers, Flowers"
"You are my sea wave..."
"Tale by tale"
"Free creativity"

5. The order and terms of the competition.

5.1. Applications and works for participation in the competition are being accepted daily throughout the entire calendar year.
5.2. Application processing and debriefing takes place every day.
5.3. The composition of the jury and its chairman are approved by the founder of the Labyrinth of Knowledge mass media. The jury evaluates the works received for the competition according to the following criteria: the plot of the composition, creative solution, harmony, fantasy, individuality, aesthetic appearance, compliance with the chosen nomination.
5.4. Forms of rewarding participants: diploma of the winner 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, Diploma of the participant. Depending on the number of submitted applications, the organizer of the competition reserves the right to change the number of prizes.
5.5. During 2-5 business days distribution of award documents.
5.6. Works accepted for the competition from educators (teachers) of preschool educational institutions and teachers (teachers) of secondary educational institutions are evaluated separately.
5.7. The winners and participants of the competition receive diplomas, which will be sent electronically to the e-mail specified in the application for participation in the competition. Diplomas are issued only in electronic form and contain the following information:
- F.I. participant(s);
- group, class, age of participant(s);
- the result of participation in the competition;
- the name of the competition;
- nomination;
- FULL NAME. curator;
- position of curator;
- name of the institution (place of work);
- location of the institution (republic, krai/region, city/village);
- diploma number;
- date of receipt of the work for the competition;
- signature of the media founder;
- seal of the competition.
5.7.1. Sample award document:

5.8. The works of participants in the future can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes by the organizers of the competition. By posting any materials on the site in any way, the participant of the competition grants the administration and owners of the online edition of the site non-exclusive rights to use, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, publish, publicly use, publicly display and distribute such materials.

6. The order of participation in the competition and the result.

6.1. In this competition, choose the nomination corresponding to your work.
6.2. Pay the registration fee (participation in the competition - 100 rubles - preparation of work for placement on the website
Payment Methods:
- transfer from card to card of Sberbank of Russia (min COMMISSION)
card number: 5469 5600 1812 8195
recipient: Elena Sergeevna I.
- using the payment system "Robokassa" located on the site in the "Payment" section.
6.3. Fill out an application to participate in the competition.
(You can download the application form at www..)
6.4. Send to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. , a completed application for participation in the competition, the work performed and a copy of the payment receipt.
6.5. The results of the competition are published monthly in the "Results" section.

The organizer of the competition is the online publication "Labyrinth of Knowledge"
Mass media registration certificate El No. ФС77-63577
dated November 02, 2015, issued by the Federal Service for
supervision in the field of communications, information technology
and mass communications.
The founder of the media is Ivanova E.S.

"V.Skillful hands"

Images of any of your crafts are accepted for the competition. Everything that you have made with your own hands at home or at school. The craft can be photographed, scanned, or imaged in any other way.

You can participate in the following categories:

Drawing, greeting card

Modeling, sculpture

Weaving, embroidery, soft toy


Free creativity (everything that does not fall into the previous nominations).

Your imagination is not limited by anything, create and send us. In this competition, New Year's crafts and congratulations on March 8 and February 23 and just what your skillful hands can do will look good.

The competition is held without restrictions on the age of participants.

System number: 25113016

Terms of carrying out: it is carried out without restriction of terms, works are accepted constantly.

Deadline for sending the diploma in electronic form: no later than 2 working days after receiving the work during the academic year and no later than 10 days during the summer period.

Cost of participation:80 rub. All payment methods

No commissions

1. Specify the required amount, based on the cost of participation and the number of participants.

2. Choose a convenient payment method and make a payment.
3. If the payment is rejected by the bank, try again.
4. If the payment was successful, then click Return to the store.
5. Save the check received from Robokassa and attach it (scan/screenshot/photo/file) to the letter with the work for the contest or for publication.

Specify the amount taking into account the number of participants.

Entries in any format are accepted for the competition. The size of each individual file should not exceed 8 MB. One letter should not be more than 20Mb.

Send your work to the following email address:
(!!!) Be careful - each contest has its own postal address. There will be confusion when sending to a different address, and the work may not be reviewed in a timely manner. But (!!!) This address serves only to collect works of a specific competition and no more, this address is not intended for correspondence. To discuss current issues with the organizers, use the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. .

Please indicate in your letter: Full name of the participant, age/class, educational institution, city, full name of the head teacher and e-mail for feedback. Attach a scan of the receipt to the letter or indicate the payment details in the letter.
(!!!) The name of the file with the work for the competition must begin with the last name and first name of the participant.