Molossian group. Molossians

The dog is one of the most beloved pets. A person, having decided to have a pet, is sometimes lost in a huge number of breeds. Breed refers to a specific group of dogs that are similar in appearance. All individuals within a breed carry genetic characteristics from the parent animal. Breeds are not the result of evolution, but “the work of man”, who brought out many breeds for his own purposes.

All dog breeds belong to the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris, which, in turn, stands out from the species of wolves of the canine family. The characteristic features of each breed are obtained as a result of selection. It is worth noting that dog breeds are not a category recognized by biological classification.

Interesting! The concept of breed does not apply to wild animals. It is correlated with the concept of subspecies, race, population in the classification of wild relatives of dogs.

All dog breeds have the following traits:

  • the composition of each breed is a certain number of individual animals that pass on morphological and useful properties for humans from generation to generation;
  • dogs of the same breed are similar to each other in appearance and behavior, since they are descendants of the same set of ancestors that were artificially selected by man in the selection process;
  • the dog's belonging to its breed is confirmed during the genetic analysis or its written registration of its origin. Studbooks - this is the name of the records that are maintained by organizations, dog lovers clubs or individuals;
  • dog breed is the result of the domestication of animals carried out by people. Working on the breed, a person can change it in the desired direction.

There are about 400 breeds of dogs on the globe. The number of animals within the breed is the most diverse. There are breeds with a huge number of dogs distributed throughout the world, for example, German Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas. There are breeds, the number of which can be several dozen individuals, or dogs are popular only in a certain area. So, tibetan mastiffs rarely seen on the streets and whether as a pet acquaintances, friends. These animals guard the monasteries in Tibet. A portuguese water dog rarely seen even in Portugal. At the beginning of the last century, this breed was even on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the enthusiasm of a Portuguese businessman, a breeding program began.

What is an aboriginal dog breed?

An important condition for the identification of the breed is its recognition by any cynological service, a club of dog lovers. But there are groups of dogs for which purposeful breeding work has not been carried out. These are the so-called natural, aboriginal dog breeds.

The appearance in them of specific characteristics of the exterior and behavior became possible due to the action of specific environmental conditions that influence for a long time. The difference between these breeds is that they are not officially registered and documented, and are identified only by external signs and functions. Some native breeds are recognized by cynological organizations over time. This is what happened with the breed alabai": she ceased to be aboriginal when she was recognized by cynologists as " Central asian shepherd dog". This is one of the most ancient breeds that arose as a result of unconscious natural selection of folk selection. Alabai dogs appeared 4 thousand years ago and served to protect livestock and houses.

What distinguishes aboriginal dog breeds?

  • some experts note in similar breeds the absence of such features as adaptation to urban conditions and sexual dimorphism (external anatomical differences between males and females);
  • the greatest genetic diversity and minimum depravity by human intervention is an advantage over breeding breeds. The loss of genetic diversity has played a cruel joke on breeds that have undergone strong selection. Hereditary diseases and defects at the genetic level are one of their recognized problems.

Breed classification. Photos of dogs as evidence of the diversity of breeds

The classification of dog breeds is based on similarities in appearance and functions. After domestication, the first dogs helped man in hunting and protecting housing. Guard and hunting breeds appeared earlier than decorative ones.

In modern times, the division into groups: sentry, hunting and decorative is conditional. So, many hunting dogs have long become pets, that is, they perform a decorative function. And some hunting breeds are used, for example, in the social sphere or in the police.

The International Cynological Federation subdivides the existing 400 dog breeds into 10 groups. Specialists of the Russian Cynological Federation, which is a member of the FCI, adhere to the same principle.

  • Group 1. Sheepdogs and cattle dogs with the exception of Swiss cattle breeds

Representatives of these breeds are intended for the protection of livestock. The first shepherd dogs appeared in the nomadic tribes of Asia. Their main function was to protect livestock from wild animals. After the dog breeds became known in Europe, the inhabitants of Western countries decided to improve the breed. So, collie dogs provide assistance not only on pastures, but can also look after children.

  • Group 2 Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle Dogs

This is a large and diverse group, which includes dogs that perform security, combat functions. Molossians (greatest danes and mastiffs) were used as bodyguards.

  • Group 3. Terriers

The band's name comes from the Latin word terra, meaning "earth". It reflects the specifics of the breeds in this group: they are intended for hunting underground, in burrows. Conventionally, all breeds of the 3rd group can be divided into 4 sections:

  • toy terriers, literally toy terriers;
  • small bull terriers;
  • medium and large terriers.

Within the same group, there is a wide variety of sizes. So, Airedale Terriers, not for nothing called the kings of terriers, have a height at the withers of up to 60 cm, and the Yorkshire Terrier is tiny in size, giving it a resemblance to slippers.

All representatives of the Terrier group, despite their size, are characterized by incredible self-forgetfulness in hunting, passion and stamina in front of opponents that are larger than them.

  • Group 4. Dachshunds

The word "dachshund" means "badger dog" in German. The breed began to be bred in the 16th century in Germany. Within the group, three sections of dachshunds are noted: standard, miniature, rabbit. According to the features of wool, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired individuals stand out.

Bold, independent, with protective qualities - these are the epithets that can be applied to a dachshund. It is indispensable when hunting badgers, foxes and raccoons.

  • Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds

A large group includes northern guard and shepherd dogs, northern hunting and sled dogs, Asian and European Spitz. The group also includes 3 sections of primitive dogs, which are quite rare, for example, the Thai Ridgeback, Podenco Isibenko, Canaan Dog.

  • Group 6. Beagle dogs and related breeds

The group includes a large number of hunting breeds, the main purpose of which is to find the trail of game and pursue until the exhaustion of the pursued object and until the owner overtakes it.

Hounds are characterized by fidelity, perseverance in pursuit, sonorous barking, good instinct and obedience.

  • Group 7. Pointing dogs

The group includes:

  • insular pointers, for example, English breeds: pointers, setters, Irish and Scottish setters;
  • continental. They are characterized by origin in a particular country. So, in France there are 12 breeds of cops, and in Germany - 8 breeds. In Russia, the most famous and widespread are such breeds as the German shorthaired pointer and drathaar, the Hungarian vizsla and the cop, and the Breton spaniel.

The purpose of pointing dogs is to help in hunting for feathered game, to detect it. All cops have a dry, strong constitution, are distinguished by an average height of up to 70 cm, with hanging ears.

  • Group 8 Retrievers, Spaniels and Water Dogs

One of the most famous retrievers in the world is the Labrador Retriever. He, along with the Golden Retriever, the Flat-Coated Retriever, the Chessabeek Bay Retriever and the Curly-Coated Retriever, makes up the 1st section of the group. The group also includes spaniels: German, American Cocker, Clumber Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel (section 2). Composition of the 3rd section - lagotto romagnolo (Italian water dog). It should be noted that the Russian Spaniel is not recognized by the FCI.

Dogs of these breeds are designed to bring downed game to their owners from the water.

  • Group 9. Decorative and companion dogs

It includes dogs of small stature and characterized by strong attachment to humans. Among them: pugs, bichons, lapdogs, poodles, chihuahuas, Pekingese, Japanese chins. Every country can boast of the breeds of decorative dogs bred there.

These breeds are not intended for official purposes, their main task is to brighten up the leisure of the owners, to please them and give positive emotions.

  • Group 10. Greyhounds

Greyhound dog breeds include hunting trapping animals intended for unarmed hunting: Saluki, Afghan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Spanish Greyhound, Polish Greyhound.

They are distinguished by dry muscles, thin legs, a long torso, a long, sharp muzzle. They can pursue prey for a long time: ungulates, wolves, hares, foxes - in open areas due to their endurance and high running speed.

In modern times, when dog hunts are rare, greyhounds take part in competitions, for example, chasing mechanical hares.

In the photo of all breeds of dogs presented on the site, you can get acquainted with the diversity of the wonderful world of dogs.

Group 2 / Section 2

Aidi / Atlas Sheepdog

  • RN MKF - 247.
  • Height at the withers: 52-66 cm. Weight: 25-30 kg.
  • Colour: White, sometimes black, black and white, reddish brown or red.
  • Origin: Morocco.
  • Aidi are fully adapted to all conditions, thick coat perfectly protects the dog from heat and sand in the desert, and in mountainous conditions, the coat is an excellent protection from the cold. Vigilance and caution can be traced in her character, but at the same time, her attachment to the human family is observed. She is very cunning and smart, she has an amazing reaction, she has the habits of a wild dog. Independent, independent, vigilant, watchdog, not prone to communication dog. He is always alert and ready to defend his territory at any second. You must become a leader for such a dog.

Anatolian Shepherd / Anatolian Karabash / Kangal / Kangal Karabash

  • RN MKF - 331.
  • Height at withers: males 74-81 cm, females 71-79 cm. Weight: males 50-65 kg, females 40-55 kg.
  • Color: black, brindle, can combine up to three colors at the same time.
  • Origin: Türkiye.
  • The Anatolian Shepherd Dog has a very subtle mind, she is loyal and calm with people, she is very well trained. She will not allow anyone to touch those things that belong to the owners of this dog. Gets along well with children and is wary of strangers. They make good watchdogs. Stubborn, fearless, but not aggressive, independent, proud and self-confident, she has excellent eyesight and hearing. Some may be aggressive towards other dogs.

  • RN MKF - 264.
  • Height at the withers: 75-85 cm. Weight: 70-90 kg.
  • Color: fawn, apricot, silver fawn, dark fawn, brindle, fawn. Black mask on the muzzle.
  • Origin: UK.
  • Despite their past as a fighting dog, English mastiffs today are affectionate and gentle pets, very smart and self-confident. They can be not bad guard dogs, they will stand between a stranger and a member of his family until he is sure that this person is safe. He can sacrifice himself for any member of the family, in addition, he will be just happy to accompany the owners on trips or on vacation. This huge dog loves to play with older children, showing amazing caution. Moreover, if you play catch-up, then there is no chance to run away from the mastiff. Despite their clumsiness, these dogs can develop unprecedented speed.

A star of the first magnitude among all heavy dogs. The most formidable and huge dogs played their role in its formation: the Molossian and several varieties of Great Dane. The great conquerors of antiquity, for example, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, admiring the amazing strength and fearlessness of the mastiff, contributed a lot to its spread. Perhaps this is not least due to its popularity in medieval England, where this extremely versatile breed was used as a fighting dog, and for the protection of property, and for hunting, and even as a “gladiator” in duels with predators. Subsequently, the glory of the English Mastiff began to decline, however, he continued to maintain his external and internal dignity. The modern mastiff, along with the St. Bernard, is the champion in size and weight - its height reaches 70-80 cm, and its weight is as much as 100 kg! In the most prominent individuals, body weight is combined with no less remarkable external characteristics - a huge head, a powerful neck, a wide and deep chest, massive bones and well-developed muscles. The coat of the mastiff is short and thick, the color is light yellow or brindle, with a black "mask" on the muzzle.

Dogo Argentino / Argentine Mastiff

  • RN MKF - 292.
  • Height at withers: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm. Weight: males 40-45 kg, females 40-43 kg.
  • Color: white.
  • Origin: Argentina.
  • Dogo Argentino are easy to train, being very contact and intelligent dogs. Athletic constitution and great physical strength allow these dogs to perfectly carry out detention and protect the owner. The character of the "Argentinean" is a harmonious combination of courage, hunting instinct, immense love for people and other outstanding qualities. He is easily trained, remembers all the commands from the first time, he has a well-developed sense of smell. He is great with all family members, including children. He has no tendency to show jealousy. They get along well with children, but like all hunters they chase other animals.

The only recognized and currently widespread Argentine breed in many countries of the world. Its origin is not known even to Argentine cynologists, who only make assumptions about this. It is possible that boxers and mastiff-type dogs were used in its breeding. The Dogo Argentino boxer is similar to the shape of his head. At home, this dog, thanks to its perseverance and fearlessness, was used as a fighting and working dog. Distinguished by innate resourcefulness, he gets out of the most difficult situations with honor. An animal of strong build, muscular, fast, flexible. Restrained by nature, distrustful of strangers and at the same time smart, easily trained, cheerful and even playful. The characteristic appearance of the Dogo Argentino is determined primarily by the head with a short square muzzle. Ears are cropped. The tail is long, horizontally set. The coat is short, close to the body, the color is pure white, a small dark spot is allowed on the head.

Dogue de Bordeaux / French Mastiff

  • RN MKF - 116.
  • Height at the withers: males 60-68 cm, females 58-66 cm. Weight: males from 50 kg, females from 45 kg.
  • Color: solid, allowing all shades of reddish (from mahogany to isabella). Small white spots are acceptable on the chest and on the tips of the fingers. A white spot at the end of the tail or in the region of the limbs above the wrist and metatarsus is a serious fault. White spots on the head and body are a disqualifying fault.
  • Origin: France.
  • Calm, balanced, with a high threshold of response. The male usually has a stronger character and is more enduring. These dogs are extremely loyal to their owner and often feel lonely if the owner leaves them for a long time. Sociability, combined with herding roots, allows the Dogue de Bordeaux to get along well with children and other small pets, especially if they grow up with them from childhood. They are quick-witted and intelligent, well feel the emotional state of the owner. It is a vigilant dog, with some inclinations of a guard, but without showing aggressiveness is devoted to members of his family. The Dogue is well aware of his strength and does not consider it necessary to show aggression; the Dogue de Bordeaux can be a little wary of strangers.

Fighting dog of ancient origin. The Assyrians also used fighting dogs similar in constitution to their wars. The immediate ancestors of the Bordeaux dog were the so-called wolfhounds, with whom they hunted bear and wild boar in the Middle Ages. And at the end of the 18th century, they wrote about this breed: “The dog is strong and brave, it happens even cruel, but dull and lethargic, withdrawn, not too affectionate, negligent, besides, he has long lost his celebrity.” By this time, the breed had indeed almost disappeared. Only in Central France, in those areas where the traditions of circus fights were preserved, a few copies remained. The Dogue de Bordeaux successfully competed with a wolf, a bear, and a bull. At the first dog show, organized in Paris in 1663, eight such dogs were declared, which at that time were called "Bordeaux". Since then, the process of breeding the Dogue de Bordeaux has revived somewhat, but to this day the breed has not gained popularity, although its modern representatives can be excellent bodyguards, loyal friends and excellent watchmen. Outwardly, it resembles a boxer, but is much larger than it. The coat is short, reddish-brown, with a black "mask" on the muzzle.

Brazilian Fila / Fila brazileiro

  • RN MKF - 225.
  • Height at the withers: males 65-75 cm, females 60-70 cm. Weight: males from 50 kg, females from 40 kg.
  • Colour: All solid colors except white, mouse grey, spotted and mottled. A fully brindle Fila can have both light and dark stripes. There may be a black mask on the muzzle, but not necessarily. White markings, not exceeding 1/4 of the surface area of ​​the skin, according to the FCI standard, are allowed on the legs, chest and tip of the tail, they are undesirable elsewhere. Recently, black color has become acceptable.
  • Origin: Brazil.
  • An excellent guard for a country house. He does not hide his distrust of strangers, and even at exhibitions, the manifestation of aggression towards the judge is not a reason for disqualification. They will protect their loved ones and their territory at any cost. You can't just walk up and pet this dog. With strangers, he behaves no worse than a wolf. He is obedient to the owner, lends himself well to training, he needs early socialization. Not suitable for keeping on a chain or even for permanent keeping in an aviary.

Broholmer / Broholmer

  • RN MKF - 315.
  • Height at withers: males 70-77 cm, females 65-72 cm. Weight: males 50-70 kg, females 40-60 kg.
  • Colour: Light yellow with a black mask, brownish yellow with a black mask, black with small markings on the chest, paws and tip of the tail is allowed.
  • Origin: Denmark.
  • Alert and fearless dog, very loyal, non-aggressive and trainable. It requires confidence from the owner - the broholmer must recognize him as a "leader". They become attached to the owner and the family in which they live, protect them. Always on the alert, distrustful of strangers, very vigilant. Patiently treat children, adequately behave in any situation. This is a reliable friend and a good guard.

  • RN IFF - 357 (Recognized on a provisional basis).
  • Height at withers: males 68-78 cm, females 64-72 cm. Weight: 32-41 kg.
  • Colour: white with clearly defined spots of sand, black or brindle. Black or colored spots are possible on the legs. It is allowed, but not desirable, the color is pure white or black.
  • Origin: Romania.
  • These are excellent guard dogs, courageous, combative in relation to wild animals. Distrustful of strangers. During the night, dogs patrol the area around the herd or dwelling, when animals or strangers approach the protected area, they signal with a loud, truly powerful bark. Bold and courageous, very strong, capable of fighting a bear, a wolf and a lynx. It can show aggression towards strangers, has a pronounced protective instinct. Loyal and loyal to her master. They treat children well.

Bulldog / English Bulldog

  • RN MKF - 149.
  • Height at withers: males 50-55 cm, females 50-53 cm. Weight: males ~ 25 kg, females ~ 23 kg.
  • Color: can be variegated (brindle, red with white, etc.), solid (white, fawn, red in different shades, reddish or brownish yellow, etc.) or smoot - a solid color with a black mask or black muzzle.
  • Origin: UK.
  • English Bulldogs are very serious and loyal dogs. They really need human attention and are not suitable for people who do not have enough time for their pets. He is a real homebody, loves to spin near the sofa and is ready to sleep all day, very stubborn. Establishes a very strong bond with children and behaves well with them, loves to gnaw on different things. Thinkers and phlegmatic, Bulldogs are excellent travel companions. They can travel for a long time by transport and it does not tire them at all.

The ancestors of the bulldog were heavy, vicious fighting dogs, which were used, in particular, for "fun", arranging fights between them. In its modern form, it is a sniffling, grotesque-looking dwarf with knobby legs, a sad caricature of its fearsome progenitors. The breed is exclusively decorative, the animal is smart, but capricious, the color is most often white, red or black.

  • RN MKF - 157.
  • Height at withers: males 63-69 cm, females 61-66 cm. Weight: males 49-59 kg, females 41-50 kg.
  • Color: red, fawn or brindle; small white spots on the chest are allowed.
  • Origin: UK.
  • Infinitely loyal to his masters, neutral towards family friends and acquaintances, but often wary of those he does not know. The Bullmastiff gets along well with the children of the owners, as well as with any animals kept in the house - cats are no exception. It is forbidden to leave a dog unattended by adults with small children. They are very brave and will always protect whoever they feel they need to protect, but they don't feel the need to protect property.

The result of crossing an English Mastiff with a Bulldog. The breed, which basically retained the external data of its predecessors, but is more resistant and mobile, softer in character, understanding and obedient, easier to train, has a good watchdog instinct. The coat is short, smooth, the color is bright red, often brindle.

  • RN MKF - 343.
  • Height at withers: males 64-68 cm, females 60-64 cm. Weight: males 45-50 kg, females 40-45 kg.
  • Color: black, lead gray, slate gray, light gray, light red, murugy, dark red, brindle (stripes of different colors on red or gray). In red and brindle dogs, the black or gray mask on the muzzle should not go beyond the line of the eyes. A small white mark on the chest, on the ends of the paws and on the back of the nose is allowed.
  • Homeland: Italy.
  • This breed is focused on protection and protection. Dogs are strong, hardy and very smart. They have excellent intuition and an innate defensive reflex, and they separate the game from the real threat. But without a serious reason or without a command, the Cane Corso does not show aggression. A very loyal and almost desperately loving pet for his family. He often follows his master around the house and may even suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. If you have pets, the Cors will try to make friends with them. Even if at first the "old-timers" perceive him "with hostility." Perfectly finds a common language with cats, and with parrots, and with small dogs. Corsas allow little owners anything. When the child "gets" them very much, she tries to hide. It is impossible to hide - suffers.

The Cane Corso is bold, strong and hardy, as a good working dog should be. Today it is really busy mainly in this direction, although it is successfully used for defense. In the family, this is an affectionate and attentive friend. Raised with love, consistency and without the use of cruelty, this dog becomes a true friend who can always be relied upon. Endowed with an impressive size, this dog has a need for some space, but, like all mastiffs, it is important for her to be able to live side by side with the owner.

  • RN MKF - 91.
  • Height at withers: males 77-88 cm, females 72-88 cm. Weight: males 80-100 kg, females 52-77 kg.
  • Color: apricot, gray, fawn, red, black, brindle (dark and light), there may be white marks on the paws, chest.
  • Origin: Spain.
  • The Spanish Mastiff is a very strong dog, a born guard. In the family, the Spanish Mastiff behaves approximately, never shows aggression, affectionate and gentle. A faithful assistant and reliable friend, he needs attention and love. Mastiffs perceive children as a herd that needs security and comfortable conditions. Due to the lack of hunting instincts, mastiffs can be kept with other, even small pets. Thanks to its warm coat, the mastiff can survive outdoors, despite the cold.

Ca de bou / Majorcan Mastiff / Majorcan Bulldog / Cadebo

  • RN MKF - 249.
  • Height at withers: males 55-58 cm, females 52-55 cm. Weight: males 35-38 kg, females 30-34 kg.
  • Colour: in order of preference, brindle, fawn and black.
  • Origin: Spain (Balearic Islands).
  • Ca-de-bo is inherently a security guard; he will never let an intruder even close to his owner or to the guarded object. However, the manifestation of unreasonable aggression is not characteristic of these dogs; they can enter into a fight only in case of emergency. Dogs are dominant, so they definitely need early socialization and training. Dogs do not just love children, they take on the role of a nanny and take care of them in every possible way - both at home and on the street. Ca de Bou are excellent helpers not only in ordinary, but also in extreme situations. No wonder these dogs were actively used in bullfighting. The dog is active, likes to walk often and a lot, play outdoor games.

  • RN MKF - 328.
  • Height at withers: males 68-75 cm, females 74-72 cm. Weight: males 50-70 kg, females 45-65 kg.
  • Color: wolf-gray, brown, white, fawn, with and without a mask, red and mottled.
  • Homeland: Russia (Caucasus).
  • The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a persistent, courageous and decisive character. Distrustful of strangers. Distinctive features of this breed are the absence of fear and anger, which were originally necessary for her to protect livestock from wild animals. It is necessary to engage in raising a puppy from a very young age, because after two years of life the character of the dog will be almost impossible to correct. She will respect only a strong-willed master who has established his leadership over her. This dog loves children, but children should not be left unattended with such a dog. Caucasians are self-confident and not fussy, which allows them to adequately respond when faced with extreme events. Even danger cannot unsettle pets, their actions are unmistakable.

The origin of this breed has much in common with the origin of other herding dogs. The duties of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog included the protection of the herd entrusted to her, defending which, she often had to engage in mortal combat with wolves. This lifestyle contributed to the formation of a bold, strong, large dog. Strict selection was also carried out by shepherds, leaving the most viable and combative individuals for reproduction. Since the breed was bred in different parts of Russia, several different types arose. In recent years, Soviet cynologists have attempted to standardize the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Their efforts were so successful that today the breed is known throughout Europe and its popularity is growing. In Hungary, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog has been bred for only a few years, including in some clubs of sports dog breeding. She has proven herself to be an excellent guard dog. Intelligent, proud, devoted to the owner, distrustful, behaves unfriendly with strangers, can bite. The head is large, the ears are hanging. The coat is semi-long or short, the color is brown-gray, red-brown, brindle, piebald.

Dogo Canario / Dogo Canario / Perro de Presa Canario

  • RN MKF - 346.
  • Height at withers: males 58-68 cm, females 54-64 cm. Weight: males 50-65 kg, females 40-55 kg.
  • Color: Brindle in all shades, from dark warm tones to very light gray or red. In all shades, the color can vary from yellowish brown to yellow-red, fawn in all shades. There may be marks on the chest, on the base of the neck and pharynx, on the fingers of the front and hind legs, it is desirable that they be as few as possible. White color in color should not exceed 30%. The mask is always black and should not go beyond the height of the eyes.
  • Origin: Spain (Tenerife and Gran Canaria).
  • Dogs of the Dogo Canario breed are balanced. They are loyal to their owner and reserved with strangers. These dogs are incredibly strong. Shows dominance towards other dogs, but gets along well with dogs of the opposite sex and weaker temperament. They are affectionate and noble with their family, have a strong attachment to the owner and are suspicious of strangers. He loves to work, so he can become a good bodyguard, watchman and devoted companion. People with a mild character, elderly people with health problems are not recommended to get such a serious dog. Not annoying, take up little space, do not require constant attention.

Cao de castro laboreiro / Castru laboreiro / Portuguese Cattle Dog / Portuguese Watchdog

  • RN MKF - 170.
  • Height at withers: males 58-64 cm, females 55-61 cm. Weight: males 30-40 kg, females 25-35 kg.
  • Colour: Often found "wolf color" (meaning the Iberian wolf), formed by a mixture of gray, black, brown and red hair, distributed evenly or forming clarified and darkened zones. Traditional for working dogs and the most preferred is the so-called "mountain color": gray or black brindle against a background of gray, and more often of varying intensity of red color. On the head and front of the body, the color of the brindle may be darker than on the back and tail. In mountainous areas, where autumn tan and gray colors prevail most of the year, this coloration is an excellent camouflage, so necessary for a guard dog. Under natural conditions, dark markings occupied a smaller part of the dog's surface, so that they looked rather light overall. In recent years there has been a tendency for a proportion of dark brindle zones to spread, so that sometimes the dog looks almost black. This dark color is the result of breeding outside of natural conditions and cannot be considered a true "mountain color".
  • Origin: Portugal.
  • Cao de castro laboreiro have the best qualities of guard dogs: they are alert, intelligent, but not as stubborn as other "colleagues in the profession." Bold and resolute, able to withstand the attack of a wolf on a herd. They do not trust strangers, they will never let anyone near the herd they are guarding. They can show aggression when threatened. In the family, they show their best qualities, become attached to each member of the family, but they will not suit people who have a dog for the first time in their lives. They can successfully adapt to almost any conditions.

Crash Sheepdog / Istrian Shepherd Dog / Karst Shepherd Dog

  • RN MKF - 278.
  • Height at the withers: males 57-63 cm, females 54-60 cm. Weight: males 30-42 kg, females 25-37 kg.
  • Colour: Steel grey, especially on the back, dark tone preferred; towards the belly and limbs, the color transforms into light gray or sand, with a dark stripe in the front of the leg, without forming a visible border. The dark mask on the muzzle of the Crash Sheepdog is stretched across the skull. On the nape, the mask borders on a gray or sandy or pale fawn color, covered with black on top.
  • Origin: Slovenia.
  • The dog has a good, moderately energetic temperament, courage, courage, while not inclined to bite, very devoted to its owner. An incorruptible guard, distrustful of strangers, a pleasant, obedient companion, who at the same time has a pronounced personality. Demands respect and understanding, does not tolerate rude attitude towards himself. Possessing remarkable strength, they can easily defeat a wolf. In the family circle, these are cheerful pets that cannot stand prolonged loneliness.

  • RN MKF - 226.
  • Height at withers: males 72-80 cm, females 67-72 cm. Weight: males 59-68 kg, females 45-54 kg.
  • Colour: Pure white as ground color, with distinct black spots on body and rump. The head is black with a white muzzle, from which comes a white symmetrical blaze. The neck, forechest, belly, legs and tail are white.
  • Origin: Germany/Switzerland.
  • Calm, self-confident, vigilant, loyal to the family, rather stubborn dog that requires patience in education. An excellent swimmer and aporter, he strives to benefit a person by realizing the qualities inherited from distant ancestors. It has a complaisant peace-loving character and a highly developed rescue instinct. Gets along well with other dogs. Sometimes they are stubborn, but this shortcoming is corrected by intensive training. They feel the mood of the owner well, so you should not educate them rudely or abruptly. The greatest result can be achieved with patience, gentleness and calmness.

  • RN MKF - 145.
  • Height at withers: males 72-80 cm, females 65-75 cm. Weight: males 48-75 kg, females 41-59 kg.
  • Color: lion yellow, red (red), dark red, sand (fawn or cream) and all shades in between, always with a black mask. Black hair tips are acceptable, but the black tone must not dominate the base color. Lightening of color on the underside of the tail, mane, feathers and "trousers" should not be excessive and disturb the harmony, creating a contrast with the main color. A small white spot or thin stripe on the chest, white hair on the fingers is acceptable.
  • Homeland: Germany.
  • Very friendly to children, not aggressive, but not shy. As a guide dog, he is sociable, obedient, and will boldly accompany you in all life situations. It is an excellent family dog. They are quite balanced, have "angelic" patience and are slightly phlegmatic by nature. And this is preserved in them, even if there is a complete mess around, unnerving representatives of other breeds. Protecting your territory is at the level of instinct, but if the owner has shown with all his appearance that the person who has come is a guest, the dog will stand up to greet him. Leonbergers are extremely deeply hurt by any injustice, so always measure the force of punishment with the degree of fault.

A breed bred by the German cynologist Heinrich Essig from a St. Bernard by crossing with a Newfoundland and a Pyrenean mountain dog. Having inherited the best qualities of the St. Bernard, the new breed acquired great mobility, grace and endurance. Color from fawn to reddish brown. Desirable black "mask" on the muzzle.

Neapolitan Mastiff / Mastino Napoletano

  • RN MKF - 197.
  • Height at withers: males 65-75 cm, females 60-68 cm. Weight: males 60-70 kg, females 50-60 kg.
  • Color: black, blue, gray, mahogany, isabella (something between gray and fawn), brindle is dominant in all colors. Small white markings on the chest, fingers and hips of the abdomen are acceptable.
  • Homeland: Italy.
  • Mastino can be used as a watchman. However, he is very friendly in a homely atmosphere, sociable. Has an excellent memory. Very kind and caring for his master, he will behave in front of him like a small child. Not recommended for families with children under 12 or other pets. The Neapolitan Mastiff is very jealous, most often he shows his jealousy with aggression. The owner for the Neapolitan is the king and God, who needs to be protected and guarded. He will not allow anyone to offend you and will always come to the rescue. These dogs have a strong emotional connection with the owner. You can not use force, otherwise the animal will be nervous and uncontrollable.

A heavy and inactive dog with amazingly developed muscles, a steep forehead and a wrinkled dewlap. Like other mastiffs, the descendant of the Molossian dogs is a fighting breed that can be seen on Babylonian reliefs. Until recently, until it came into fashion, it was used to hunt large predators. Relatively obedient, attached to the owner, but generally irritable, temperamentally lethargic dog with weakened body resistance.

  • RN MKF - 144.
  • Height at the withers: males 57-63 cm, females 53-59 cm. Weight: males 30-35 kg, females 25-30 kg.
  • Color: red (in the original - deer) or brindle. Red is allowed in any shade from light yellow to red-brown, but medium tones (i.e. bright red) are most preferred. Black mask. Brindle color is dark or black stripes on a red background, running along the ribs. The main color and stripes should be different from each other. In principle, white marks are not prohibited and can even be very decorative.
  • Homeland: Germany.
  • The Boxer is affectionate with his family, but suspicious of strangers. Cheerful and friendly in the game, yet fearless in a serious situation. Easily trained due to its willingness to obey, fighting qualities and courage, natural enthusiasm and excellent sense of smell. Very playful, likes to spend a lot of time in nature, active and energetic. Gets on well with children. He is very attached to his owners. Needs constant communication and attention. It retains its playfulness until old age. A very loyal dog, which is hard going through even a short-term separation from his master. A little stubbornness can be called a hallmark of the breed. But despite this, pets willingly follow commands, quickly give in to training, and assess the situation at the speed of light. These dogs do not know the feeling of fear, they are always confident in their abilities.

The fashion for this breed periodically passes, then reappears. Originally used for hunting large predators and dog fighting. In its modern form, it was bred by German breeders, who, having ennobled its exterior, were able to preserve its original qualities such as fearlessness and combativeness, goodwill and playfulness. Like any fashionable breed, the Boxer is in danger of losing his inner virtues as a result of one-sided selection, which takes into account mainly the requirements of the exterior.

  • RN MKF - 235.
  • Height at withers: males 80-90 cm, females 72-84 cm. Weight: males 54-90 kg, females 45-80 kg.
  • Colour: Great Dane is bred in three separate groups: fawn and brindle/harlequin and black/blue.
  • Fawn: Pale golden fawn to deep golden in color. A black mask is desirable. There should be no shades of grey, blue or brown. Small white markings on the chest and toes are not desirable.
  • Brindle: Base color pale golden fawn to deep gold with black stripes running towards the ribs. The stripes should be as clear and regular as possible. A black mask is desirable. Small white markings on the chest and toes are not desirable.
  • White with black spots (Marble, formerly "Tigerdoggen"): the main background is pure white, if possible without hair, uneven, torn, black spots are located all over the body. Gray or brown spots are not desirable. Gray merle (different shades of gray with ragged black spots) is allowed but not desirable.
  • Black: Deep black, white markings allowed. This also includes the cloak color, in which the whole body is painted black like a blanket, but the muzzle, neck, chest, belly, legs and tail tip can be white. And also platten color - the main background is white with a black mask on the head and somewhat evenly colored round spots on the body.
  • Blue: Light bluish-gray with a steely sheen, white markings on the chest and legs are allowed. Fawn or black tint is not allowed.
  • Homeland: Germany.
  • By its nature, the Great Dane is quite cheerful, loyal and very sociable dog. Calm and self-confident, will never bark for no reason. Due to their good nature, dogs of this breed can be recommended as family pets. Dogs of this breed require a lot of attention and some sacrifice from their owners, so they are not suitable for those people who do not have enough time to take care of their pet. Great Danes are bold and energetic dogs and make good guard dogs, even though they don't bark very much. However, they will definitely bark if someone enters the house. It is difficult to piss off a dog, but it is better not to try. The dog has a developed intellect and an excellent memory. Remembers the offenders, although he does not seek revenge at the first opportunity.

The dog is most likely of Danish origin, although it was given its modern form in Germany. Differs in huge, up to 80 cm, growth and at the same time elegance. The animal is very strong, devoted to the owner, with a fairly balanced psyche, full of dignity. He calmly treats children and is distrustful of strangers who can be attacked. From his wolfhound ancestors he inherited absolute fearlessness. The coat is short, smooth and shiny. There are colors: fawn, gray-blue, black or black-and-white. A solid white color is not found.


  • RN MKF - 50.
  • Height at withers: males 69-74 cm, females 63-69 cm. Weight: males 63-70 kg, females 48-56 kg.
  • Color: black, white-black and brown. Black: the traditional color is black. The color should be as saturated as possible, but a slight brown tint is acceptable when fading in the sun. White markings on the chest, toes and/or tip of the tail are allowed. White and Black: This variety has historical significance for the breed. The preferred pattern of spots is: black head with a white blaze running down to the muzzle, black saddle with evenly spaced spots, and a black spot on the rump covering the base of the tail. The remaining parts must be white, speckling may be minimal. Brown: uniform color from chocolate to bronze. White markings on the chest, toes and/or tip of the tail are allowed. White-black and brown dogs are exhibited in the same class as blacks.
  • Origin: Canada.
  • It has practically no hunting instincts, has a tendency to make independent decisions in various situations, and is devoid of aggression towards people. Newfoundland is pleased to be helpful. He will be happy to carry a light bag in his teeth, carry arbitrarily heavy sleds with any load around his neck, look after children (all, including "strangers"), especially on the water - in no case will he let the child in deeper than he reaches the bottom with his paws. Especially worth noting is the attitude towards children: they are extremely patient creatures. Dogs of this breed miss and yearn for pets or family members that disappear from their lives. The Newfoundland breed goes well with other dogs, even small breed dogs. They rush to the aid of a drowning person, even without the command of the owner. They love open space very much, so life in a city apartment will not be comfortable for them.

The breed bred on about. Newfoundland by English settlers. Massive, powerful, at the same time surprisingly hardy and energetic, good swimming dog. A person who has fallen into the water or is simply swimming is pulled ashore without waiting for a command, so swimming in the presence of a Newfoundland is a troublesome business. The coat is long and does not get wet in the water. The color is usually black. Easily trainable, bold, strong, charming dog. Descendant of Retrievers. In Europe it is used as a mountain rescue or indoor decorative dog. Especially popular in Switzerland. The mild climate is hard to bear. Not being able to swim much, he quickly weakens and becomes susceptible to disease.

This is the dog that does the hardest work. She is capable of deep devotion and adapts to life in the family, very dexterous and uninhibited in movement. There is no need for special care, but the long coat needs periodic combing and washing. It is recommended to give the Novaya Zemlya dog free access to water - a river, a stream, a pool or the sea, but it also adapts well to life "on land". However, it must be understood that having a thick coat, the dog suffers from heat.

  • RN MKF - 137.
  • Height at withers: males 70-80 cm, females 65-75 cm. Weight: males 50-54 kg, females 36-45 kg.
  • Colour: Pure white or white with gray or yellowish markings.
  • Origin: France.
  • Pyrenean mountain dogs are smart and quick-witted, they lend themselves well to training, but require a certain perseverance in education. The fact is that these are thinking, proactive dogs that were bred for independent work and are used to assessing the situation and making decisions themselves. Representatives of this breed are friendly to children and pets, devoted to the family in which they live, have a heightened sense of their own territory and very good watchdog qualities. These are strict, but not vicious dogs. The dogs they grew up with are taken lightly and considered members of the pack, but in relation to other people's dogs they are not so good-natured. If you are looking for a dog that obeys commands unquestioningly, then this is definitely not it. They are used to barking to warn strangers and their own and do it all the time, and their barking is very loud and deep. The dog was created for life outside the walls of city apartments.

It belongs to the group of large breeds that came to Europe from Asia at different stages of the migration of peoples. Initially, she guarded grazing herds from wolves, bears and thieves. According to French historians, in the southeast of France, Pyrenean mountain dogs guarded castles and fortresses. Later, these militant, intimidatingly strong dogs were used in the French and English armies. The collars equipped with external spikes that they wore during the battle are still preserved. Today, dogs of this breed "look after" farms, factory buildings, large warehouses and other important objects. They are also found as incorruptible and terrible watchmen in country villas. An imposing, amazingly beautiful dog in a snow-white “fur coat” with yellow-brown tan on the head, ears and at the base of the tail. The ears are small, hanging, the coat is long, dense, soft to the touch. The behavior of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog is characterized by restraint and dignity.

  • RN MKF - 92.
  • Height at withers: males 77-81 cm, females 72-75 cm. Weight: males 65-75 kg, females 60-70 kg.
  • Color: white. The mask is well expressed - the characteristic color of the muzzle. There may be spots all over the body, the color of which matches the color of the mask.
  • Origin: Spain.
  • Exceptionally reliable and intelligent dog. In relation to other dogs and children behaves favorably. Wary of strangers. Due to their qualities, representatives of the breed began to be used as guards and bodyguards. They are ideal for families with children, as they are very patient and reserved. They also get along well with cats and other animals living in the house. Strangers are not trusted and do not strive. Diligently observe the behavior of strangers, do not show aggression. Ready at any time to engage in a fight with a large wild beast, in order to protect the owner and his family.

Rafeiro do Alentejo / Portuguese Watchdog / Portuguese Rafeiro / Portuguese Mastiff

  • RN MKF - 96.
  • Height at withers: males 66-74 cm, females 64-70 cm. Weight: males 40-50 kg, females 35-45 kg.
  • Colour: Black, wolf, fawn (tawny) with white markings, or white with markings from the colors previously listed, or with striped (brindle) spots, or pied.
  • Origin: Portugal (Alentejo).
  • Their main function is to protect livestock, representatives of this breed know instinctively how to do their job correctly. The Portuguese watchdog stoically endures any weather conditions, unpretentious in food. Very active, strong, energetic dogs. They are very smart and resourceful. Not aggressive, but alert and always ready to fight in extreme conditions. A very rare breed, a representative of this breed is almost impossible to meet in other countries. These powerful dogs have a strong and stubborn character with a tendency to dominate, they are independent and not inclined to please the owner. Dogs of this breed need a strong hand from an experienced dog breeder, a beginner may not be able to handle them. At the same time, the Portuguese watchdogs are very sensitive to reprimands and strive to earn praise and affection, with the right upbringing they become wonderful, devoted companions.

  • RN MKF - 147.
  • Height at the withers: males 61-70 cm, females 56-65 cm. Weight: males 45-55 kg, females 40-50 kg.
  • Colour: black with a well-defined tan of rich red-brown color: on the cheeks, muzzle, lower neck, chest and limbs, as well as above the eyes and below at the base of the tail.
  • Homeland: Germany.
  • They love to work very much, they are hardy, energetic and full of strength. They are considered an aggressive breed. They are devoted protectors and will do a lot to protect their owner. But in the absence of proper education, socialization, friendly communication with the outside world, they can grow up very aggressive towards others and towards the owner himself and his family. Many Rottweilers tend to form a closer relationship with one particular person - therefore, in view of the dominant nature, it is not recommended for families with small children. They are confident dogs, powerful, serious and courageous. The dog is very smart and cunning, which should not be underestimated. If your pet suddenly stopped following the command and looks with a blank look, then this can only mean that he is deceiving you. By nature, they are excellent watchdogs. Remarkable hearing and coordination in space will not let any unexpected guest go unnoticed. The main thing is socialization at an early age and proper preparation is a key factor in education.

In the old days, cattle merchants used Rottweilers to accompany herds of cattle. A heavy, large dog with amazing strength, with a frightening appearance and a balanced psyche. The color is usually black and red or reddish brown. Unpretentious. Having lost her job, she retrained, becoming an excellent guard dog and a reliable guide.

  • RN MKF - 61.
  • Height at withers: males 70-90 cm, females 65-80 cm. Weight: males 70-120 kg, females 64-100 kg.
  • Color: red with white markings or white with red markings, and any shade of red is allowed.
  • Origin: Switzerland.
  • St. Bernards are loyal and very obedient dogs. They love people, and children are treated very carefully and carefully. There is one drawback that is quite difficult to deal with - St. Bernards are not very fond of small dogs. But if the puppies are raised together, then in the future there is hope that they will live together. These are very smart dogs that always strive to please their owner. They are easy enough to train and really need it given their size and strength. They have an incredible ability to navigate in space. They can easily find their way back even if they wander far from home. She is very quick-witted and has the highest reaction speed - after all, these are rescue dogs who can make decisions on their own without delay.

Swiss breed of ancient, not fully understood origin. In the Augustinian monastery, located in the St. Bernard Valley, a rescue dog was made from a St. Bernard, with the help of which merciful monks rescued many people from snow avalanches. Huge, intelligent, good-natured dog, well trainable. St. Bernard Barry gained legendary fame, saving 41 people from certain death. There are two varieties of St. Bernard - long-haired and short-haired. The color is white with red spots. A truly alpine animal that feels best in sub-zero temperatures.

More about the breed

Central Asian Shepherd / Alabai

  • RN MKF - 335.
  • Height at the withers: males 70-78 cm, females 65-70 cm. Weight: males 50-79 kg, females 40-65 kg.
  • Color: black, white, gray, brown, red, fawn, as well as brindle, piebald or speckled. Unacceptable: liver, chocolate, blue.
  • Homeland: Russia (Central Asia).
  • The main purpose of the breed is protection and protection. This breed is not as aggressive and ferocious as its close relative, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. However, the Alabai is a dominant dog breed requiring early training and socialization. They get along well with other pets in the house, be it cats or dogs. But they are very aggressive towards other people's dogs. Very wary of strangers. To protect the territory, you should not take several males, since according to the laws of the pack, sooner or later they will begin to fight for leadership. The instinct of the pack has been laid in them for centuries, and they calmly obey those who are above them in the hierarchical ladder. They are very easily offended and remember the offense for a long time, so there is no need to scold and punish them without good reason. This big ferocious dog treats children with great tenderness, he will gladly take part in the games started by children.

  • RN MKF - 230.
  • Height at withers: males 66-76 cm, females 61-71 cm. Weight: males 65-80 kg, females 60-75 kg.
  • Color: black - black color prevails over the entire surface of the coat in combination with yellow hairs; tan - this color is characterized by black with brown spots - tan. Tans have a clear pattern and borders and are located in certain places; red - red color comes in various shades - from red to golden.
  • Origin: Tibet.
  • By nature, a calm, reserved dog, combining the ability to live in a family and guard the house flawlessly. In relations with other dogs, it is relatively friendly, they are able to respond adequately to aggression. One of the main distinguishing features of the breed is independence in relation to the owner. Bred for protection, these dogs prefer to stay awake at night, sleeping during the day. Dogs of this breed are intelligent, but often stubborn and require the ability to show unquestionable leadership and an excellent understanding of canine psychology from the owner. In the absence of strict discipline and consistent training, the dog can become unpredictable and dangerous. Mastiffs are unusually affectionate with children, very sensitive, upset and retire if there is discord in the family. He never takes off from his place unnecessarily, he waits, and only after finding out the criminal intentions of a stranger, he attacks with all the strength and power of a fast tank. Can be kept with other animals. He is not a hunter and is quite friendly, even towards cats.

About this huge animal, Aristotle noted that people consider the mastiff to be a cross between a dog and a tiger. One can understand such a statement of an ancient thinker when one sees the militancy, courage and size of the Tibetan Mastiff. Cynological directories see in this tall dog the common ancestor of all mountain dogs. Her images can be seen on the reliefs extracted from the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Much later, in the 13th century, Marco Polo mentions a dog "the size of a donkey", which he saw in Mongolia, in the description of which it is easy to recognize the Tibetan mastiff. A dog with a sullen look, floppy ears, vaguely reminiscent of a Newfoundland. The breed is extremely rare, nowhere, except in Tibet, has not really taken root. The coat is coarse, hard, long, black or light brown in color.

  • RN IFF - 355. (Recognized on a provisional basis).
  • Height at withers: males 67-73 cm, females 62-68 cm. Weight: males 50-60 kg, females 35-48 kg.
  • Color: two or three colors with a predominance of white. Any color is acceptable as a base coat. Color varies from almost white to almost completely black, red, yellow, brown, with minimal, Irish, extreme spotting and piebald. Gray color is not very desirable. Solid colors are prohibited by the breed standard. Initially, they sought to obtain different colors in the Tornjak, so that the owners could recognize their dog from afar. Breeders also strive for a variety of colors to distinguish the Tornjak from other breeds.
  • Origin: Croatia / Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • The Tornjak has a serious, self-confident and calm disposition. An adult dog is calm, peaceful, at first glance lazy and apathetic, but at the slightest threat, the dog is immediately ready for defense and fight. The character of the Tornjak corresponds to the temperament: they are calm, not aggressive and not intrusive. Dogs are social, get along well in a pack. It does not show aggression towards strangers and animals, but if necessary, it protects the herd, property and owners decisively and boldly. The shepherds say that the tornjak easily emerges victorious in a fight with two wolves, and a pair of dogs easily chases away a bear. It shows great affection for its owner, is easy to train, learns quickly and retains the acquired knowledge for a long time; He happily completes the tasks assigned to him. The breed is very rare, even at home it is not very common. Early and very active socialization is extremely important.

Tosa / Tosa Inu / Tosa Ken / Tosa Token / Tosha

  • RN MKF - 260.
  • Height at withers: males 60-82 cm, females 55-75 cm. Weight: males 60-90 kg, females 40-70 kg.
  • Color: red, fawn, apricot, black, brindle; small white markings on the chest and legs are allowed.
  • Origin: Japan.
  • Calm, reliable, patient, controllable and attentive dog with pronounced territoriality characteristic of Molossians, extreme independence and purposefulness. Possesses exceptional strength and fearlessness. Tosa is very devoted to the owner, distrustful of strangers and aggressive towards relatives. The training of this serious fighting dog requires firmness and perseverance from the owner. Tosa genetically contains the ability to give an independent assessment of the situation, so even if the owner does not have time to give the appropriate command, the dog will act decisively. Even without special training, the tosa is a good bodyguard. In the family, this brave dog is affectionate and gentle, and according to American researchers, in Japan, purebred Tosa Inu were used as nannies. It is not worth the risk and take the Tosa Inu dog for a walk without a leash or a muzzle. The long-liver among Molossians is 12 years, which is a lot for such breeds.

In all countries of the world, self-respecting cynologists sought to develop their own special, national breeds of dogs. The Japanese did not lag behind others in this noble competition, having created a number of interesting, inimitable and beautiful breeds. Among them - in the truest sense of the word - Tosha stands out. When breeding this breed, which lasted quite a long time, from 1868 to 1912, they used the English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Great Dane and even St. Bernard. Despite this, the Tosha is most similar to the Bloodhound, but with a more powerful and muscular constitution and smaller ears. In his homeland, due to his exceptional physical strength and resolute fighting character, he was successful in dog fights, and in our time is used as a police dog. An excellent watchman and bodyguard. It is distinguished by temperament, susceptibility to training, when protecting the owner, it is decisive and dangerous, and treats strangers with distrust. Needs movement and daily activities. The head stands out for its large size, the ears hang. The coat is short and dense, the color is most often reddish-brown, sometimes with white markings.

Uruguayan Cimarron / Maroon / Uruguayan Wild Dog / Gaucho Dog

  • RN IFF - 353. (Recognized on a provisional basis).
  • Height at withers: males 58-61 cm, females 55-58 cm. Weight: males 38-45 kg, females 33-40 kg.
  • Color: brindle; all shades of yellowish-brown are allowed, with a mask on the muzzle of the animal that is black or darkened from the main color. The presence of a mask is not required. White markings are allowed on the lower jaw, lower neck, chest and abdomen, and on the lower limbs. The presence of white patches of wool in other places is not allowed.
  • Origin: Uruguay.
  • The Uruguayan Cimarron has an independent and distinctive character. It is difficult to get him to do something if he has not been trained to do this from birth. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by endless devotion to their master, always ready to defend their home or family. He gets along well with the household, but does not like excessive affection. It is not easy to get along with them. They are extremely distrustful of strangers, sometimes even aggressively. They are very active and energetic - wonderful athletes. If enough time is given to training these dogs, they will make excellent working dogs. This is a wonderful shepherd dog, able to perfectly protect and protect livestock from predators. Also, a reliable vigilant watchman of the house, guarding the property of the owner. Magnificent hunter, with a sharp flair and absolute fearlessness. This is a wonderful escort who will definitely lead you where you need to go without getting lost and without getting lost in the wild forest. That is, a representative of the breed is a very multifunctional, easily trained and smartest dog, able to constantly surprise you with new skills and talents.

Fila San Miguel / Azores Cattle Dog / Fila San Miguel / Cau di Fila di Saint Miguel

  • RN MKF - 340.
  • Height at withers: males 50-60 cm, females 48-58 cm. Weight: males 25-35 kg, females 20-30 kg.
  • Color: deer, gray, light yellow, dark yellow. Spotting is allowed. There are white spots on the forehead, on the chest, and also on the forelimbs.
  • Origin: Portugal (Azores).
  • Large, aggressive, working dogs. Azores Cattle Dogs must be well trained at a very early age if they are to be used as a pet, and able to control themselves when there are unfamiliar children or other irritants around. This breed creates a deep bond with its owner, being very gentle, loving and receptive, but despite this, they are aggressive towards strangers and other dogs. When given good training, these dogs make the best family pets as they are highly intelligent and obedient towards those they love. It is difficult for Azorean dogs to endure the change of owner and place of residence, since these dogs are monogamous. These dogs tend to be dominant. "Sanmigeli" are distinguished by high intelligence, they can clearly distinguish the imaginary danger from the real one and make their own decisions in a difficult situation. You do not need to keep her in the apartment, she needs fresh air and great physical exertion. These dogs do not tolerate low temperatures well, therefore, in winter, the dog should not be left in the aviary, it must be taken into the house.

  • RN MKF - 190.
  • Height at withers: males 63-70 cm, females 58-65 cm. Weight: males 40-45 kg, females 35-40 kg.
  • Color: fawn, black and tan and black.
  • Homeland: Germany.
  • Companion dog, search and rescue dog, guard, watchman - in these areas, the Hovawart has no equal, given the harmonious combination of his devotion to the family and natural abilities. This is a calm, balanced dog, self-confident with a pronounced protective instinct, hardy, with an excellent sense of smell. This is a versatile working dog with a wide range of applications. Often, these dogs are used not only to protect the home, but also as a therapy dog ​​or assistant for a disabled person. It is worth noting that the Hovawarts are touchy. If the owner bends the stick, the dog will close. In this case, the owner must be the first to go towards the world. Very affectionate and friendly towards children.

The breed is relatively young - but with an ancient name! Already in medieval sources, the gofvart (translated from German - “guardian of the house”) is mentioned as a reliable guard dog, popular with the peasants of Germany. In one of the old books about dogs, dated 1473, it is told about the use of the hovawart against robbers, as well as to find their hiding places and even to work on the trail. On old engravings, the Hovawart is depicted as a long-haired dog with a massive constitution and a tail curled up. About half a century ago, the breed was restored by German cynologists by crossing with large mountain dogs. The modern Hovawart standard was established in 1936. The breed is not only strong, but also mobile, distinguished by vigilance and intelligence. It has an excellent watchdog instinct and excellent viciousness. The ears are hanging, the tail reaches the hocks. The voice is thick and resonant. Brown eyes, with a smart, expressive look. The coat is long, the color is black with tan or fawn solid.

The name of this breed, bred in Württemberg, is associated with its purpose: the ancestor was called HoLuggeg, which means "guard of the court". Today it is bred as a service and protection dog. The Hovawart is a naturally obedient dog, calm and attached to its owners, brave and ready to defend. This dog loves movement very much, swims with pleasure, has an extremely developed sense of smell. She matures slowly, but when her character is fully formed, she is easily trained, and, in addition to obedience, she demonstrates great abilities.
This dog tolerates the cold and can sleep in an outdoor kennel; it is best to keep it in the garden. The coat does not require special care, it should be combed regularly, but should not be washed too often.

Shar-Pei / Shar-Pei

  • RN MKF - 309.
  • Height at withers: males 46-51 cm, females 43-48 cm. Weight: males 25-35 kg, females 18-30 kg.
  • Color: has a wide palette of colors, divided into two groups; Shar-Peis of the main color have a black pigment of varying intensity. In some dogs, this is expressed in the blackening of almost the entire muzzle, in others - only in black pigmentation of the nose and a small area around it, in others, there is so little black pigment that it appears only in the form of a gray coating on the muzzle or in places of scars on the skin. Among the pigmented colors in Shar-Pei, black, deer, red (mahogany), cream, blue, isabella and sable are distinguished; Diluted group of colors (with a complete absence of black) - chocolate, red, cream, apricot, lilac, isabella and sable dilutes.
  • Origin: China.
  • Calm, independent, loyal, devoted to family. An adult Shar Pei is distinguished by increased caution and distrust of strangers. Because of his deep-set eyes, his peripheral vision is often limited, which is why many Shar-Peis are afraid of sudden movements. Shar-Peis are often aggressive towards representatives of other dog breeds, so Shar-Pei puppies need early socialization and training. Loyal to their owner and family members. Shar Pei have an extremely dominant and independent nature, they prefer to be kings or queens in the house, so it is important that they know who is boss in the house. The combination of high intelligence, good-naturedness with distrust and even arrogance towards strangers is especially surprising in him. This makes dogs excellent, incorruptible guards, devoid of blind aggression. The Chinese dog is a real intellectual, unobtrusive and quiet.

For centuries, lives in the southern provinces of China, off the coast of the South China Sea. In all likelihood, it was known as early as the Han Dynasty, 200 years BC. e. The main purpose of the Shar-Pei was to protect housing and livestock. Later, a fighting dog was formed from it, distinguished in fights by assertiveness, unbridled and blind malice. Over time, the popularity of the breed has fallen so much that it is in danger of extinction. Fortunately, in 1971 one of the American magazines on cynology drew attention to it, mobilizing breeders to save the Shar-Pei from extinction. The dog is heavy, but proportionally strong build. The original appearance of the Shar-Pei is given by wrinkles and folds of the skin, tailored “for growth”. The coat is short. The color is bronze, sometimes reddish chestnut with a black or bluish tint.

Šarplaninac / Macedonian Sheepdog / Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog / Illyrian Sheepdog / Illyrian Wolfhound / Šarplaninskaya Sheepdog / Čarplaninskaya Shepherd Dog

  • RN MKF - 41.
  • Height at withers: males 57-65 cm, females 53-61 cm. Weight: males 35-45 kg, females 30-40 kg.
  • Color: solid, ranging from white to dark brown, almost black, steel gray and dark gray are most preferred. The upper part of the head and body is of a darker shade than the belly and limbs. There are small white spots on the legs, chest and end of the tail, but for purebred dogs, white spots are considered a fault.
  • Origin: Serbia / Macedonia.
  • Unlike most herding dogs, which specialize either in herding or guarding the herd, Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs are versatile and perform the functions of both guard and cattle dogs. Dogs work at a distance from humans and therefore tend to be independent. Although they are usually calm dogs, they react instantly to danger and are absolutely fearless, so they can attack both a wolf and a bear. Dogs are devoted to one owner, but love and protect all family members. To strangers distrustful and suspicious. Dogs of this breed are not designed for life in the city, they need large spaces and freedom. Also, these Yugoslav Shepherds do not like the company of other males, they usually immediately enter into a fight to prove their superiority.

Related to Kuvasz, a low-backed, lop-eared shepherd dog of a gray-piebald color with a wavy coat of medium length. A very intelligent, trainable dog with a good nervous system, distrustful, vicious by nature, can attack a person. A natural breed that is currently being improved. As the name indicates, the main purpose of this dog was to protect the herd from wolves.

One of the oldest and most famous Yugoslav herding dogs. The shepherds of the karst plateau and the village dog breeders have always carefully monitored that the breed is replenished with the best individuals. According to cynologists, by origin it is somewhere between the ancient Molossian dog and the South European Shepherd Dog. Distinguished by its imposing appearance and excellent watchdog qualities, it is successfully used as a service dog in the Yugoslav army. Calm, disciplined, amenable to a variety of training. Recently, it has gained recognition and wide popularity all over the world. The ears are hanging, the tail reaches the hocks.

The dog demonstrates aggressiveness only when necessary, knows how to be affectionate, for example with children, whom it instinctively protects. An excellent service animal, rustic, strong, loyal and attached to the owner. This shepherd must live outdoors and is not adapted to the city.

Estrel Sheepdog / Estrel Mountain Dog

  • RN MKF - 173.
  • Height at withers: males 65-75 cm, females 62-71 cm. Weight: males 45-60 kg, females 35-45 kg.
  • There are 2 types of breed: short-haired (which has practically disappeared) and long-haired.
  • Color: yellow, yellow-brown, gray (in all variants), "wolf" (fawn, yellow-gray, dark and light colors), "brindle" colors. The presence of a black “mask” on the muzzle of the animal is acceptable and welcome. White markings and spots are permitted on the chest, tail, and paws.
  • Origin: Portugal.
  • The Estrel Sheepdog has a quick reaction. She is very brave and energetic. Thanks to their subtle instinct, these dogs are excellent hunters. Obedient to the owner, has a deep affection for children and controlled aggression towards strangers. It is necessary to start training at an early age, train the puppy persistently, but at the same time gently. These dogs are absolutely not adapted to life in the city. They need space, regular walking and exercise. These large, athletic dogs are a formidable opponent for any predator. Pets are calm and balanced, but at the same time fearless and do not hesitate to react to the slightest danger, which makes them exceptional watchmen. They are intelligent, loyal, loyal and affectionate to those they know, but wary of strangers.

    Molossians: Molossians are mastiff dogs. Molossians (Molossians) are a people who lived in ancient Greece in the region of Epirus. Molossus, son of Neoptolemus and Andromache, the mythical ancestor of the Molossians ... Wikipedia

    Dog-shaped dogs, mastiffs. Molossians (Molossians) are a people who lived in ancient Greece in the region of Epirus. Molossus, son of Neoptolemus and Andromache, the mythical ancestor of the Molossians ... Wikipedia

    - (Μολοσσοι) a Greek tribe in ancient Epirus, which had its own settlements inland, near Lake Pembotia (now Yaninskoye), and was ruled by its own kings or princes from the Aeacid or Pyrrhid clan, until this clan completely died out (about ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - - were used in the battles of the armies of the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages with the aim of directly killing enemy soldiers. At a later time, dogs in the war were used for various purposes, but directly for killing soldiers ... ... Wikipedia

    A group of breeds of large and strong service dogs, which includes: Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Dalmatian, Rottweiler, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Bulldogs, Leonberger, as well as Pekingese, Japanese Chin, etc. Used ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    As of April 2009, the FCI recognizes 339 dog breeds classified into 10 groups: Shepherd breeds Guard, search and service breeds Terriers Dachshunds Hunting (large game) (Spitz and primitive) Hunting (small game) ... Wikipedia

    For information on the bulldog revolver, see Bulldog (weapon) English Bulldog ... Wikipedia

Experienced dog breeders are well aware that Molossians are dogs that are combined into one group according to several similar characteristics. As a rule, these are large animals with a massive head and powerful jaws.

A bit of history

Scientists involved in the study of these animals agree that Molossians (dogs) descended from a common ancestor. The first mention of such dogs dates back to 640 BC. e. The name of this group, apparently, came from Molossia. This ancient state was located in the western part of Greece. It was from there that these animals came to the territory of the Ancient Roman Empire. The Romans appreciated these large hardy dogs. In the process of conducting hostilities, the dogs of the Molossian group were part of In peacetime, they were released into the arena to fight gladiators or predatory animals. Subsequently, they spread throughout Europe.

Molossians: dog breeds

To date, this group includes about 30 different breeds. The most popular are Rottweilers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, Mastiffs, Boxers, English Bulldogs, Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. All of them have a wide chest, well-developed muscles and more or less hanging skin. Many of them are characterized by increased aggressiveness in relation to other relatives. Molossians - dogs, the description of which can be read below, are distinguished by a stubborn character, but at the same time they do not seek to dominate.

Dogue de Bordeaux

These animals are considered one of the brightest representatives of the Molossian group. Dogs of this breed weigh 40-50 kilograms with a height of 58-68 centimeters. The main distinguishing feature of the Bordeaux dogs is a massive head with powerful thick jaws and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

The body of these dogs is covered with short soft hair. They are characterized by a solid black and piebald, golden or fawn color. The presence of white spots on the paws and chest of the animal is not considered a defect.

Dogues of Bordeaux are unsuitable for keeping in city apartments, they need space. In addition, these animals are lazy by nature. Therefore, they need regular long walks and moderate physical activity. Otherwise, the dog will quickly gain weight, which can lead to serious health problems.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This is another typical representative of the Molossian group. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a complex independent character. By their nature, they are not aggressive, but they have a very developed guarding instinct. These large dogs should not be kept on a leash. For these animals, you need to build spacious enclosures.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are squat dogs with massive bones and well-developed voluminous muscles. Their height is 64-75 centimeters, and their weight is at least 45-50 kilograms. A characteristic feature of these animals is a massive, well-set wedge-shaped head with wide cheekbones and small, widely spaced ears.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Italy is considered the birthplace of this handsome man. The growth of dogs of this breed is 61-74 centimeters, weight - from 50 to 70 kilograms. The massive body of the animal is covered with short hair of a blue, black or brown hue. The main distinguishing feature of the Neapolitan Mastiff is a wide skull with a short massive muzzle, hanging loose lips and well-developed jaws.

These strong-willed and very stubborn dogs are not programmed for instant submission. Therefore, their training will require a lot of time and patience. In addition, they easily overheat and do not need increased physical activity. The best activity for the Neapolitan Mastiff is swimming.

These are bright representatives of the Molossian group. Dogs, photos of which can be seen below, have a calm character. Phlegmatic mastiffs never attack first, except in situations in which their owners are in danger.


This is a fairly young breed, whose birthplace is considered to be England. These animals were bred as a result of crossing a bulldog with a mastiff. As a full-fledged breed, they were recognized in the 20s of the last century.

These huge powerful animals instantly find themselves in the center of everyone's attention. Bullmastiffs are characterized by well-developed muscles and a wide, powerful chest. The main characteristic feature of these dogs is considered to be a wide square skull with a short muzzle and a wide nose.

The angular dense body of the Bullmastiff is covered with a smooth, short, tight-fitting coat of brown-red color. Sometimes there are small white spots on it. The growth of these dogs reaches 60-69 centimeters, weight - 45-60 kilograms.

Animals of this breed are suitable for keeping in city apartments and in private homes. These massive dogs have a rather lazy character. If they are not persistently pushed to the door, they will lie on the couch. The training of bullmastiffs is complicated by the fact that they are very capricious. The dog will never carry out a meaningless command, in its opinion.


Animals of this breed have a powerful, compact and strong body with a straight line of the back. Newfoundlands have a broad skull with a well-developed occiput and a slightly domed arch. The short square muzzle of the dog is covered with fine short hair. The growth of adults is 66-71 centimeters, weight - 54-68 kilograms.

Newfoundlands have a kind, calm and inquisitive nature, so they are easy to train. However, their training should be more like a game. During classes, you need to take into account that these large, heavy dogs get tired quickly.

Molossians are a large group of dogs, the most ancient representatives of which are shepherd dogs. All of them have certain features that are unique to this class of dog breeds. What is the origin of these animals? What exterior and working features unite them? What are the most famous dog breeds included in this group?

Historical information about molossians

This category of dogs includes shepherds, mastiffs and herd dogs. The first mention of these animals dates back to 640 BC. e. Most likely, the Molossians got their name in honor of their historical homeland - Molossia, which is the central region of the ancient Greek state of Epirus. This region is currently located around the Greek city of Ioannina.

During the landing in 55 BC. e. in the British Isles, the Romans saw dogs with large sizes and wide mouths. These dogs greatly outnumbered the Molossians. Scientists believe that this event marked the beginning of the emergence of a number of individual breeds. There were 2 varieties of Molossian dogs:

  • light build with a light color, an oblong head and light movements - were used to protect the herd;
  • more massive with a dark shade of wool, a wide head and a shortened muzzle - were the ancestors of mastiffs and St. Bernards.


The main features of the Molossians

Molossians are characterized by:

  • powerful body with strong bones and well-developed muscles;
  • massive head;
  • large dimensions - some Molossian dogs reach a height of 95 cm (the only breed that is small in size and belongs to the Molossian section is the pug);
  • wide muzzle;
  • strong jaws;

st bernard

  • hanging ears;
  • sagging skin;
  • strong immunity;
  • endurance;
  • self-confidence;
  • fearlessness;
  • devotion;
  • low obedience.

German boxers

Despite the presence of common features, each of the species of this group has individual qualities. So, the American moloss has some features, and the English - completely different.

The most famous breeds

This group includes more than 40 breeds. Some of them have already died out. The table provides general information about the most famous Molossian dogs.

Spanish Bulldog Alano

The name of the breed of dogs included in the section "Molossians"Height, cmWeight, kgCharacter featuresPeculiarities
Alano (see photo)58-63 55-60 30-40 25-35 Balanced, loyal, independent, distrustful of strangers, devoid of groundless aggression, loving children, not tolerating neglect
  • does not tolerate cold;
  • requires space;
  • needs increased physical activity;
  • prone to developing allergies.
american bulldog58-68 55-65 45-60 35-50 Friendly, cheerful, loyal, gentle with children, strong, stubborn, hardy, intelligent, unobtrusive, easy to train, hostile towards strangers
  • has an instinct for superiority;
  • development lasts up to 2.5-3 years;
  • needs a long walk.
american mastiff71-91 64-91 Affectionate, imperturbable, patient, hostile towards fellows, stubborn, intelligent
  • excessive physical activity is contraindicated;
  • cannot be put on a chain;
  • requires maintenance in spacious conditions;
  • not suitable for inexperienced breeders;
  • maintenance requires serious financial costs;
  • snores;
  • unclean;
  • possible learning difficulties.
bullmastiff63,5-68,5 61-66 49,9-59 41-49,9 Loyal, balanced, unobtrusive, quiet, not prone to unreasonable aggression, patient, understanding, disciplined, loyal to children and other pets, does not tolerate humiliation
  • easy to learn;
  • easily adapts to new conditions;
  • does not tolerate cold.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog68 64 50 45 Faithful, distrustful, harsh, balanced, intelligent
  • prone to dominance;
  • possible content on the chain;
  • not afraid of the cold;
  • long hair requires special care;
  • susceptible to the development of ear mites;
  • does not require a long walk.
Pug28-32 6,3-8,1 Stubborn, sociable, devoted, easily trained, even-tempered, unpretentious, vigilant, intelligent, accommodating
  • needs increased physical activity (it is recommended to walk puppies up to 4 times a day, adults - up to 2);
  • the dog's diet should be saturated with calcium and phosphorus;
  • snores in sleep;
  • predisposed to obesity;
  • sheds a lot and often;
  • intolerant of heat and cold.
German boxer57-63 53-59 30 25 Fearless, self-confident, even-tempered, loyal, affectionate, wary of strangers, loneliness is hard to bear, quick-witted
  • neat;
  • prone to injury to the paw pads;
  • needs long walks;
  • afraid of the cold.
Rottweiler61-68 56-63 50 42 Balanced, benevolent, unobtrusive, indifferent to strangers, but attentive, loyal, intelligent, does not tolerate humiliation, stubborn
  • easy to learn;
  • does not tolerate extreme cold;
  • requires a long walk;
  • prone to dominance.
st bernard70-90 65-80 70 Loyal, phlegmatic, friendly, obedient, fond of children, watchful
  • has profuse salivation in the hot season;
  • tolerates frost well;
  • the diet should have a sufficient amount of calcium;
  • sheds heavily.