Oleg Tsarev's love story: Wife and children are the main rear. Scandalous politician and provocateur Oleg Tsarev Tsarev Party of Regions

Political ambitions

In 2002, Oleg Tsarev, as a self-nominated candidate, won the elections in the 40th constituency in the Dnipropetrovsk region, in which former Prime Minister Pavel Lazarenko won earlier, in 1998. A predominantly rural district, the young businessman was already spudding as a member of the Party of Regions, which was part of the pro-government block For Food!.

However, Tsarev's victory was not easy, because he had quite influential rivals - the Dnepropetrovsk vice-mayor and the nominee of the pro-government SDPU (o) Gennady Gvozdev, who took second place and the former Lazarenko member and at that time MP Sergei Chukmasov, who received third place. The subsequent take-off of Tsarev's career along the party line is explained by the fact that at that time Dnipropetrovsk region, by definition, could not be included in the estates of the regions, since it traditionally competed with the Donetsk region in the struggle for influence in Ukraine. In addition, in 2002, the Dnipropetrovsk region was included in the orbit of interests and influence of such heavyweights as Leonid Kuchma, Viktor Pinchuk, the Privat group, Sergei Tigipko, Yulia Tymoshenko and many others who had their own political projects.

Paradoxically, Tsarev benefited from the defeat of Yanukovych in the 2004 elections and lost from the victory of Viktor Fedorovich in 2010. However, first things first. In 2004, Tsarev was not even taken as a confidant of Yanukovych, however, when, after the resounding defeat of the then prime minister, all the Dnepropetrovsk people renounced him - the chief of staff Tigipko, Kuchma with his son-in-law Pinchuk and others, Tsarev remained the only official support in the Dnepropetrovsk region. While the regionals were regrouping throughout Ukraine, Tsarev was on a white horse - in February 2005 he became the main regional of the region, and in the parliamentary lists of the Party of Regions of the sample of 2006 he received 35th place. The year 2006 was not without scandals for Tsarev - the regional list of the Party of Regions was almost removed from registration for bribing voters. However, then everything worked out. By the way, at the same time, alarm bells sounded for Tsarev.

The fact is that Akhmetovite Oleksandr Vilkul was appointed chief of staff of the PR in the Dnepropetrovsk region, who also received a passing place in the parliamentary lists of the PR. After the 2006 elections, Tsarev, who ran in parallel and in the regional council, begins to fight for the chair of the head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional council and loses it with a scandal. The figure of Tsarev caused rejection among representatives of the orange factions, as well as their then fellow travelers, the Vitrenkovites and Lazarenkoites. After a series of scandalous meetings of the regional council, Tsarev abandoned his ambitions, and at the end of the summer of 2006, Yuri Vilkul, the father of the current governor Alexander Vilkul, was elected to the post of head of the regional council, which was the beginning of the sunset of Tsarev's political career. However, Tsarev at that time managed to stake out the regional center for himself.

In 2006, in the Dnipropetrovsk City Council, due to the combined efforts of Tsarev and Zagid Krasnov, who actually bought out all the seats in the Lazarenko Block of the city, but was not closely connected with Pavel Ivanovich's family, a powerful tandem arose. The Krasnov-Tsarev Union resolved almost all important issues, primarily land issues. However, already in 2007, clouds began to gather over Tsarev, evidence of which was his demotion in the parliamentary list of the PR in the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada to 114th place. During the 2010 presidential election, persistent rumors circulated that Tsarev, although he is a confidant of Yanukovych, plays along with Sergei Tigipko. This was due, first of all, to the fact that the main support of Tigipko in the Dnepropetrovsk region at that time was Zagid Krasnov, who called himself the brother of Sergei Leonidovich. One way or another, but after the victory in the presidential elections of Viktor Yanukovych, who actually gave the Dnepropetrovsk region at the mercy of Rinat Akhmetov, appointing his creature - Alexander Vilkul - as governor, Tsarev's star finally set.

Firstly, he lost the position of the chief regional of the region, which became the governor-Akhmetov, and, secondly, his influence on the city council was completely leveled by Vilkul's team. Now Tsarev has no choice but to spud the majority district in order to continue his political life. However, even here party members are not inclined to reckon with his interests. The Dnepropetrovsk region with 66,000 voters and the Nikopol region with an electorate of 32,000 were cut off from Tsarev's native constituency, which brought him victory in 2002. Now Tsarev will have to invest heavily in order to attract 67 thousand new voters - from the Zavodskoy district of Dneprodzerzhinsk and Marganets. In addition, Tsarev will have to physically spin more - the territory of the district has grown very much. In political rhetoric, Tsarev adheres to radical Russophile positions.

By the way, Tsarev is known as a parliamentary fighter and took part in the last parliamentary brawl that broke out over the language bill of the Regions. In January 2011, Tsarev was elected co-chairman of the Anti-Fascist Forum of Ukraine. It is interesting that an audio player is attached to Oleg Tsarev's personal website and you can listen to the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky Mass graves, Anna German Nadezhda, the Alisa group - My thoughts - twilight, DDT - Autumn dead rains. And one of Tsarev's latest PR moves was the dissemination of information about that he is the only representative of the Dnipropetrovsk region, who was honored to become an adviser to Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. However, the latter only emphasizes the loss of political weight by Tsarev, since Azarov himself decides little, and his advisers even more so. It should be added that the Tsarev brothers are also involved in politics at the local level - Mikhail is a deputy from the PR in the regional council, and Ivan is in the city council.

In the spring of 2014, the motley company of “people’s governors” and “people’s mayors” of the revolt-ridden Donbass was joined by bruised Oleg Tsarev, the only holder of a real mandate in this booth of impostors. However, immediately after this, Tsarev was deprived of the powers and immunity of a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, which he exchanged for the virtual crown of the "chairman of the parliament of Novorossiya." And from that moment on, the ephemeral "Novorossiya" was doomed to complete failure, because Oleg Tsaryov has a remarkable talent for destroying and compromising any political project that he touches ....

Private bussiness

Born on June 2, 1970 in Dnepropetrovsk. Graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Technology Institute in 1992 as an engineer-physicist.

Family: Married.

  • Wife - Larisa Anatolyevna, born in 1968
  • Son - Maxim, born in 1995
  • Daughters - Olga, born in 1999 and Ekaterina, born in 2003

Ranks, ranks, regalia:

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations.
  • 12.2003 - Awarded: Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

operational business

parliamentary bouncer

As you know, a fight broke out between the deputies of the opposition and the ruling parties on December 17, 2010, after the opposition blocked the work of parliament for a whole day, protesting against the initiation of a criminal case against the leader of the Batkivshchyna, ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko. Five deputies from the opposition faction "BYuT-Fatherland" suffered as a result of this fight with the ruling Party of Regions, two of them were in serious condition (the injured: Mikhail Volynets, Vasily Kravchuk, Yuriy Gnatkevich and Yevgeny Suslov. "Regionals" hit Vladimir Bondarenko with a chair, and broke his arm, Volynets' jaw was broken, Yuri Gnatkevich and Vasily Kravchuk received a concussion).

At least 100 deputies from the Party of Regions took part in the fight. The incident, according to a number of opposition deputies, was planned in advance. Before the fight in parliament, Mikhail Chechetov, the first deputy chairman of the Party of Regions faction, said that his faction would “take control of the situation” as early as Friday.

Part-time deputies (“deputies on call”) officials Zlochevsky and Salamatin (“Ukspetseksport”) were involved in the fight on the part of the deputies of the Party of Regions.

The most brutal participants in the fight were determined by the deputies of the Regions Salamatin, Tsarev, Volkov, Zlochevsky and Petr Tsyurko

Scandal in the Lviv restaurant

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions Oleg Tsarev took part in the filming of the 1 + 1 channel program “Without a mandate”, during which an unpleasant incident occurred with him in the famous Lviv restaurant “Kriyivka”.

In Lvov, Tsarev was invited to visit a restaurant where everything is done in a partisan-military style, and at the entrance there is a man in uniform and with a weapon in his hands and asks each visitor the question “Are there Muscovites?” The deputy did not understand the joke, as a result of which he was not allowed to enter into the room.

On October 20, Oleg Tsarev gathered on this occasion a press conference on issues of interethnic tolerance in Ukraine, at which he stated that the license should be taken away from the Lviv restaurant "Kryivka" for inciting ethnic hatred.

“I was in Lvov, I went to the restaurant “Kryivka”. I was met there by a man with a model of a German machine gun. What are these questions at the entrance: “Are there Muscovites?”, - the deputy was indignant.

“The menu of the restaurant serves the drink “Moskal's Blood”. I am Russian, I am not a Muscovite, I sent a deputy request to the president and prime minister that the Constitution of Ukraine be observed,” he said.

"Kryivka" - a restaurant in Lviv, opened in September 2007. Located in the historical center of the city, on Rynok Square opposite the Town Hall.

The interior of the restaurant is a stylization of the “kryivka” (dugout) of the OUN-UPA of the period of the 40-50s of the XX century - weapons and various national artifacts hang on the walls, if you wish, you can shoot at the ceiling with blank cartridges from some types of weapons from the Second World War.

Sanatorium in Yalta

Dnepropetrovsk “Regional” Oleg Tsarev is known to the townspeople not only as the owner of a bakery, where, probably, the most worthless bread in the region is baked. And not even so much as the owner of a “paper-scribing factory”, where before the elections they “stamped” tons of “leftist” propaganda leaflets that “the people will live well tomorrow!”

People's Deputy Tsarev is better known for being an extremely glamorous guy who daily flickers in the "box" like "something somewhere." He also likes to be praised by voters. To this end, he simply "registered" on some local TV channels. Telling fairy tales for adults about how he helped who knows who and who knows what in 1917.

Moreover, the topics for self-promotion at Tsar'ka (such a nickname was given to him by the "grateful" Dnepropetrovsk residents. - Auth.) Are different, but the essence is the same. For all the “troubles of the people”, the blue-white people’s deputy blames either the “damned Banderaites”, or the “wrong communists”, or the “unfinished Basmachi”. True, no one can forbid the Tsar himself to live beautifully. And nothing seems to interfere. So recently in the Crimea, he almost for nothing bought himself a “khatynka”. Under the summer residence. In Soviet times, it was a trade union health resort. And even earlier, the buildings of the sanatorium were the property of the princesses Baryatinsky and Dolgoruky. And now they are listed as monuments of history and architecture. And, according to realtors, "pull" at least 30 million hryvnia.

The new owner got this sanatorium in the center of Yalta, designed for 612 people, for a pittance. As well as more than 7 hectares of land on which this "monument" stands. This was reported by the Crimean weekly "Events". Emphasizing that from now on, the people's deputy from the Party of Regions Oleg Tsarev has become the new owner.

“Initially, the share of Ukrprofzdravnitsa was more than 60%, but over time, the management of the sanatorium practically passed into the hands of the deputy Tsarev,” says Yalta resident Y.Safonov. In 2002-03, the property of the health resort was corporatized. As a result, a new legal entity was created - ZAO Sanatorium im. CM. Kirov. With a place of registration in... Dnepropetrovsk. Since soon the co-founders of the "lzhekirovsky" CJSC "created a debt" of the sanatorium to two "moth" firms. Arrived to the south already from the former Yekaterinoslav. These Dnepropetrovsk firms with romantic names - "Bagira-N" and "Topaz-K" - subsequently transferred the bulk of the property of the health resort. To pay off alleged debts.

How did the sanatorium manage to accumulate debts in the amount of almost 7.3 million hryvnias? The secret is shrouded in darkness. Ukrprofzdravnitsa categorically refuses to comment. Although, however, what is there to comment on ?! If "kickbacks" have long won bribes. The fact of the sale of the sanatorium to the Ukrainian "servant of the people", as well as the desire of Tsar'ok to free the buildings of the sanatorium from the "serfs" - 70 people live permanently on the territory of the sanatorium - was confirmed by Yalta Mayor Sergei Braiko. At the same time, the mayor assured that none of the residents would remain on the street. Can these promises be trusted?

Let the people of Yalta ask the people of Dnepropetrovsk about this, to whom Oleg Tsarev did not promise any “mountains of gold” before the elections. And now, according to the "gypsy mail", he, having lost all trust and respect among his deceived voters, simply decided to run away to warmer climes.

And I wanted to do it modestly. Quiet, no noise or dust. But this time it did not work out for Tsar'ka to turn his next scam as planned. He has become too "popular" among the people. But, unfortunately, not in terms of fulfilling election promises, but mainly for participating in various scandalous outfits.

Clown of the "Russian world"

In 2010, Oleg Tsarev had to re-earn his usefulness in the ranks of the Party of Regions faction, otherwise it would have been his last deputy term. But how? He lost all influence in Dnepropetrovsk, and his business was modest enough to become one of the main sponsors of the party. His participation in the parliamentary brawls of 2010 did not make Tsarev an indispensable member of the faction - Nestor Shufrich waved his fists better than him. The only thing that Tsarev could do was to try to become a public politician, raising the popularity of the party, since there were always not enough such politicians in the Party of Regions. According to some information, he was supported in this by Viktor Medvedchuk, who, through such regionals dependent on him, influenced the policy of the party. However, Oleg Tsarev did not cope with this task either: instead of a serious public politician, he turned out to be a political clown. In the same role, he continued to act as a defender of Russians and Russian-speakers, which only rendered them a disservice, and since 2011, as chairman of the Anti-Fascist Forum of Ukraine - with his absurdity, as if playing along with the nationalists giggling over him, and then the “Maidanites”. And there were only two reasons for this: the intellectual abilities of Oleg Tsarev himself and the peculiarities of his political promotion, carried out in the period 2010-2013. The fact is that his “anti-fascist” and other public activities of that time had some distinctive features. It was a tracing-paper of the Kremlin's "patriotic" propaganda, hardly suitable not only for Ukrainian realities, but also for Russia itself - in the mouth of Tsarev, it generally turns into a god-knows-what. Which confirmed the information that Putin’s godfather Medvedchuk tried to somehow attach him to the case, through whom Tsarev came to his Russian “like-minded people”. At the same time, positioning himself as an admirer of the Soviet Union and a supporter of the pro-Russian vector, Oleg Tsarev nevertheless remained a typical Ukrainian people's deputy - and sent his children to study in the UK. His son Maxim graduated from Chigwell School there, and then Durham University, and his eldest daughter Olga studied at the Scottish school Grodonstoun (now the youngest), where the cost of education starts at 25,000 pounds per year. And even more so, Oleg Tsarev looked out of place under the red flags, being the owner of many LLCs and OJSCs. In general, it is difficult to understand why Oleg Tsarev got into this Novorossiya project at all (becoming its “chairman” in June 2014), from which all his colleagues in the PR faction disowned, and even Yanukovych’s associates who fled the country? Moreover, this project was originally stillborn and did not last long only in the imagination of the separatists - in contrast to the same "LPR" and "DPR", which received real support from the Kremlin. This truth reached Tsarev for quite a long time: on the eve of 2015, he congratulated the inhabitants of Donbass as the “head of Novorossiya.” Nevertheless, for his "merits" to Russia, Oleg Tsarev received some "indulgences" from her. For example, his business in Crimea did not suffer at all: in 2014, he calmly and quickly re-registered his ZAO Sanatorium im. CM. Kirov" already according to the Russian register. In addition to the fact that the sanatorium turned into a hotel brings him a good income, and his youngest daughter Katya is now registered there - which she writes about in her blog. And that is not all. In the fall of 2015, Raduga LLC, registered on the annexed peninsula (co-owners Oleg and Larisa Tsaryov), signed an agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of Crimea on the “reconstruction and development” of the Ai Todor children's sanatorium, located in the historic building of the former estate of Mikhail Romanov. In fact, this puts an expensive architectural monument at the disposal of the Tsarevs, who will turn it into another commercial hotel. In addition, in 2017, Oleg Tsarev announced that he plans to build a network of poultry farms in Crimea, possibly intending to fill the niche left after the enterprises of the “egg tycoon” Oleg Bakhmatyuk were “mothballed” on the peninsula in 2014, which were captured by unknown raiders. And what is interesting at the same time, Tsarev argued that subventions from the Russian budget would cover a significant part of the costs of creating his chicken business. Well, doing business with Oleg Tsarev is much better than politics!

Business dossier

  • "Dnipro Computer Center".
  • Silicon Valley LLC.
  • JSC "Dneprodzerzhinsk bakery №2".
  • OJSC "Dnepropetrovsk bakery"
  • JSC "Dnepropetrovsk paper mill".
  • OAO "Novomoskovsky Combine of Bakery Products"
  • LLC "Complex"

Last messages

People's Deputy "Regional" Oleg Tsarev has recently become one of the most active public commentators on issues related to Ukraine's European integration, a source of resonant statements, an opponent of this foreign policy course and an ardent supporter of rapprochement with Russia.

Let's start with the fact that at the beginning of 2013, or rather, on February 9, President of neighboring Russia Vladimir Putin awarded a number of Ukrainian politicians with the Pushkin medal. So in the list of those awarded the Pushkin medal " for a great contribution to the preservation and popularization of the Russian language and culture abroad"- deputies from the Party of Regions: Sergey Kivalov, Vadim Kolesnichenko, Oleg Tsarev and Dmitry Shentsev. Also, a former deputy from the Party of Regions Yury Boldyrev was awarded the Pushkin Medal.

In early August 2013, Oleg Tsarev said in an interview with Fobes.ua that the six points of the association agreement with the EU are contrary to the Constitution, and will also prevent him from receiving a $15 billion loan from Russia.

The People's Deputy, a colleague in the Party of Regions faction Anna German, reacted to the statements of fellow party member Tsarev that the Association Agreement with the European Union is contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine. She stressed that " I would like to address these words to those colleagues in and out of parliament who are making attempts to revise the European vector of Ukrainian foreign policy".

German noted that The European choice of Ukraine is the will of its people, which, according to the Constitution, is the only source of power in our state." "The will of the people is also the only legitimization of any government, including the current one. And the sacred duty of every government and every ruler is to protect and fulfill the will of the people. Thus, only the Ukrainian people, and not any court, can decide on the strategic perspective of an independent state. In other words, only the Ukrainian people can cancel the European choice of Ukraine", Herman emphasized.

Ex-president, head of the Constitutional Assembly Leonid Kravchuk And also denied the words of the "regional" Tsarev about the inconsistency of the Agreement with the Constitution: " If some agent or some responsible or irresponsible worker, or some, say, campaigner, who knows what king and what master, wants to do something and harm someone, then he begins to deceive people".

According to the ex-president, Tsarev's statement cannot be taken seriously, since it is not sufficiently substantiated: " I do not think that this is a serious conversation of Mr. Tsarev. He is generally prone to all sorts of improvisations. He uses the emotions of the voice, not the arguments".

These statements provoked a new round of discussion in the pro-government team. Thus, regional Oleg Tsarev asked Justice Minister Elena Lukash not to mislead the president and society about the legality of the provisions of the draft Association Agreement with the EU: " Elena, why are you doing this? After all, for the deliberate misrepresentation of the legality of the Association Agreement of the President of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, there will certainly be responsibility. On each piece of the draft Agreement there is a visa of the Ministry of Justice. And this visa is not yours. So let those who endorsed it bear the responsibility. And they will answer to the President and the people of Ukraine".

Later, the media reported one interesting nuance - the office of the State of Law center, which prepared conclusions about the unconstitutionality of signing an association with the EU, is located in the same building as the "Ukrainian Choice" of Putin's godfather - Viktor Medvedchuk. And the independent Ukrainian center of legal initiatives and expertise "Legal State" itself is headed by the ex-representative of President Leonid Kuchma in Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Zadorozhny, who was a close associate of the head of the Presidential Administration Medvedchuk during the development and implementation of the notorious political reform of 2004, on the eve of the victory of the opposition presidential candidate Yushchenko significantly curtailed the powers of the head of state in favor of the parliament.

In addition, the State of Law experts include political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky, known for his close ties with Medvedchuk, as well as ex-people's deputy Stepan Gavrysh, who was a member of the SDPU (o) parliamentary faction.

As a source in the Administration of President Yanukovych later reported, the central Ukrainian TV channels were instructed to ignore the pro-Russian statements of the People's Deputy - "Regional" Oleg Tsarev about supporting the Customs Union, as well as that Vladimir Putin, if Ukraine signs the Association with the EU, will not support the presidential 2015 elections of Viktor Yanukovych were negatively perceived in the Presidential Administration: " This story allegedly even reached the President. As a result, it was decided "from above" to completely block the appearance of Oleg Tsarev's messages on TV channels.".

In addition to the aforementioned statement about the inconsistency of the Association Agreement with the Constitution, MP Tsarev said that the EU should write off Ukraine's debts and provide financial subsidies. That is, in other words, the EU should financially stimulate Ukraine's European integration.

Tsarev's next loud statement was the message that " On the territory of Ukraine, with the support and direct participation of the US Embassy, ​​a project is being implemented, within the framework of which preparations are being made to incite a civil war".

Tsarev claims that the project " aimed at training specialists in information warfare, potential revolutionaries, for organizing protest actions, overthrowing the state regime": "The project is under the patronage and curation of Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt".

Tsarev referred to activists who allegedly managed to infiltrate events within the framework of this project. According to him, under the guise of teaching the peculiarities of using modern media, American instructors talked about the use of Internet technologies to purposefully influence public opinion, activate the protest potential in order to organize power actions on the territory of Ukraine.

The instructors allegedly gave examples of using social networks to organize and manage street actions in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.

According to Tsarev, about 300 people who work throughout Ukraine have been trained in this way, and the last event was held on the territory of the US Embassy on November 14-15.

Moreover, Tsarev invited President Yanukovych to present Berkut fighters for state awards, who defended the Presidential Administration, the government building and other state institutions from capture, and at the same time beat people, journalists: " We need to protect our police".

"This Maidan is fundamentally different from the one that was - it was less aggressive. In this Maidan - militants are involved," Tsarev also said.

According to him, the provocateurs who initiated clashes with the police on December 1 on Bankova Street "were hired by the opposition."

Also, Tsarev did not rule out that the current exit of people to the Maidan was "inspired from abroad."

At the same time, "regional" Tsarev accused journalists of bias in covering the clashes between police and Euromaidan participants.

Another high-profile scandal initiated by the people's deputy, "Regional" Tsarev, was his appeal to the Foreign Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine with a request to consider the issue of banning entry to Ukraine for a number of people who allegedly could contribute to the deployment of anti-government demonstrations. The provided list of these persons included citizens of the Russian Federation, the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Georgia.

Tsarev later noted that the people on his list who should be restricted from entering Ukraine were advising the opposition on destabilizing the situation in the country. According to him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine satisfied his request to ban 36 people from entering Ukraine, including former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, citizens of the United States and EU countries.

By closing the entry to Ukraine for "objectionable" foreigners, the authorities first of all make it worse for themselves, running into condemnation and sanctions from the international community, - said non-factional MP Viktor Baloga on this occasion. In his opinion, today everything is leading to the fact that the Party of Regions will soon simply "run away": " It is clear that Tsarev, who allegedly obtained an entry ban for Saakashvili, is as "influential" as Karmazin. In other words, the president always finds fools and slaves to do dirty work. Delicacy in another. No one said that some uncle cannot apply to the EU with a request to ban entry to European countries for politicians of the second and third echelon from the Party of Regions. I am sure that in a very short period this party will scatter in the corners".

After the scandal that erupted, "regionalist" Anna German said that the information about the "list of Tsarev" was unfounded, and her faction colleague Oleg Tsarev was trying to look for cheap sensations: " I spoke with everyone who may be involved in this topic, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I talked with the relevant senior officials of the Presidential Administration and no one heard about any list that O. Tsarev speaks about, and I think that these are some kind of regular provocations that are directed against the President of Ukraine. It seems to me that my colleague in the faction O. Tsarev is trying to look for cheap sensations".

Oleg Tsarev also stated that a forceful seizure of 90 buildings was being prepared in Ukraine, and for this, a certain American Fink Brian allegedly arrived in Ukraine ... The politician assured that he received this information from a journalist who is a staunch opponent of the current government: " My friend asked me to publish this information because Fink Brian is now pushing through the decision to seize ninety buildings, and insists that the seizures take place in the most severe form, preferably with victims".

In addition, we also note that the people's deputy - "Regional" Tsarev supported the idea of ​​the supporters of the PR to enclose the Maidan with barbed wire and set up checkpoints.

"The figure of Oleg Tsarev is the figure of a man who performs a very ugly role that the rest have abandoned. He was elected as a man who had lost all authority in the party..., - Inna German also said in an interview with Radio Liberty, speaking about the former party member Tsarev. - Even when you look at Oleg Tsarev, it is clear that the eyes think about one thing, and the tongue says another. It is difficult for me to talk about this person, but it is clear that Oleg Tsarev was not at all in the decision-making zone in the Party of Regions. At least as long as I was there - the last three years".


  1. Tsarev Oleg / Dossier
  2. Massacre in the Rada: who will be responsible for the bloodshed?
  3. BYuT deputies were beaten by regional Tsyurko

- one of the most provocative political personalities in Ukraine. For his political views, Tsarev was expelled from the Party of Regions. He ran for president in a snap election last year but then withdrew his candidacy, in what many believe was a result of harassment and threats against his family. While our government is trying to get away from the principles that have been imposed on citizens for several decades, Tsarev actively supports cooperation between Ukraine and Russia. The politician has always opposed joining the EU and even insisted that Russian be the only state language in Ukraine. At the same time, Tsarev himself is a native Ukrainian: his parents have lived all their lives in Ukraine, and Oleg was born on Ukrainian soil. However, Tsarev's inexplicable craving for an aggressor country was observed even in adolescence.

Tsarev was born in 1970 into an intelligent family: his father worked as a space rocket designer, and his mother worked as a teacher at a university. A little later, the Tsarevs moved to, as the mother of the politician was offered to head the department at one of the institutes. As a teenager, Tsarev had to finish school in a foreign city. He was fond of sports and exact sciences, and in the 10th grade he took part in the Olympiad, which was organized by the University of Moscow. Tsarev's dream was to get a higher education in Moscow, and when he scored the maximum number of points, he was automatically enrolled in the Engineering and Physics University. Having received a degree in engineering physics, Tsarev returned to Dnepropetrovsk, although he wanted to stay in Moscow.

At first, Tsarev worked at Yuzhmash, then quit and became an engineer at Aveks. Tsarev had grandiose plans, so he did not want to stay in engineering and went into business. In Dnepropetrovsk, he becomes the head of Kursk LLC, and sells computer equipment. In the late nineties, Tsarev began to make good money, becoming the owner of a paper mill, a computer center in Dnepropetrovsk, and also heading Silicon Valley. In a few years, Oleg became a millionaire, and in 2000 he was able to buy out the Khlebokombinat and become its director.

Tsarev's political career began with the Party of Regions 13 years ago. He was a deputy of four convocations at once, and in 2006 he joined the committee on problems of interethnic relations and on issues of human rights. Tsarev's problems began during the events on the Euromaidan. The politician demanded to use force to disperse the protesters. Early last year, Tsarev voted in favor of a package of laws restricting freedom of speech and human rights. At the end of March last year, Oleg decided it was time to run for president. Tsarev submitted all the documents to the CEC, and also paid two and a half million hryvnias as collateral. A few days later, the politician was expelled from the Party of Regions, where he did not enlist the support of deputies. The politician became a self-nominee, but at the end of April he publicly announced that he would not participate in the elections, and two days later the CEC withdrew his candidacy.

On the same days, three cases were brought against Tsarev at once. He was accused of calling to overthrow the current government, to change the integrity of Ukraine and its borders. All documents that spoke about the politician's calls for separatism were later merged into one process. In early May 2014, Tsarev "helped" make the decision to hold an independent referendum in Donbas. He developed a plan for Novorossia and raised the issue of separating Lugansk and Donetsk from Kyiv. Since the end of June last year, the politician has headed the so-called "parliament" of the republics that proclaimed themselves the DNR and LNR. However, Oleg did not last long in his new position. He went on the run, finding salvation in the aggressor country. For his capture, Kolomoisky’s assistants promised a reward of half a million dollars, but the fugitive deputy is still hiding in Russia and feels quite at ease in his “native” land.

Unlike other politicians who fled Ukraine and are now on the wanted list, Tsarev not only does not hide, but also does business in Moscow! From the capital of Russia, a fugitive deputy manages to lead the "People's Front" and is considered the leader of the separatists! A fan of Russia rarely visits his favorite cities, because now he is relaxing in a modern office located in the heart of Moscow - not far from GUM. From there, he leads the terrorists. In Ukraine, Tsarev is called the main anti-hero, and in Russia he is one of the most courageous and just politicians.

At the beginning of the year, the speaker of Novorossia threatened Kyiv that if the capital did not come to an amicable agreement with his militants, they would go “with swords and fire” against Kyiv. Several months have passed, but no one has seen the separatists in Kyiv, and Tsarev is still holed up not far from GUM. True, in February, the fugitive politician "lit up" by organizing Anti-Maidan in Moscow. Later, he posted a photo from Anti-Maidan on his social network page and wrote under it that soon the same Anti-Maidan would take place in Ukraine. Tsarev's next dream did not come true again. To feel free on Russian soil and from there to lead the separatists, Tsarev is helped by his millions. According to the latest information, Tsarev, together with Azarov, continue to finance the militants. The other day it became known that Tsarev is paying for shares aimed at destabilizing the situation in many cities of our country. Such actions involve pensioners and the unemployed, who are ready to go to a rally for a few hryvnias.

A couple of weeks ago, Tsarev gave an interview to one of the Russian TV channels, where he told the most incredible stories, of which the viewers did not understand anything. The ex-deputy expressed his dislike for the Kyiv authorities, remembered his comrade Kalashnikov, now deceased, but this appearance of Tsarev caused concern among viewers. The politician looked aged and tired, and he clearly had a retardation in speech. One of the psychologists who watched the video noted that, most likely, Tsarev had been on a drinking binge and depressed for a long time.

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In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (specialty - automation and electronics of physical installations, qualification - engineer-physicist).

Career. 1992-1993 - Engineer for preparation of production in a specialized small enterprise Avtex (Dnepropetrovsk).

1993-1995 - Director of the Ukrainian Financial Insurance Company Trust.

1995-2002 - Deputy Director, Director of Dnepropetrovsk Computer Center LLC, Director of Silicon Valley LLC, Deputy Director for Economics of Dnepropetrovsk Paper Mill LLC.

Political career. 2002-2006 - People's Deputy of Ukraine IV convocation (elected in constituency No. 40, Dnipropetrovsk region). Member of the faction Regions of Ukraine. Head of the Subcommittee on Property, Privatization and Bankruptcy of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy, Management of the National Economy, Property and Investments.

2006-2007 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 5th convocation dated (No. 35 in the electoral list). Member of the Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations.

2007-2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 114 in the list). Head of the subcommittee on VAT and other taxes on consumption (except excise duty) of the committee on tax and customs policy.

Since December 2012 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 7th convocation, was elected to parliament as a nominee of the Party of Regions in the single-mandate constituency No. 40 in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations.

On March 28, 2014, he submitted documents to the Central Election Commission of Ukraine for registration as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine. He submitted a full package of documents to the CEC, including on making a bail in the amount of UAH 2.5 million. He did not receive support at the last congress of the Party of Regions, on April 7, 2014 he was expelled from the Party of Regions. Self-nominated. April 29, 2014 announced the withdrawal of his candidacy. On May 1, he submitted an application to the CEC with a request to withdraw his candidacy from the presidential elections, on May 2 he was withdrawn.

On June 3, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada, by the votes of 235 parliamentarians, with the required minimum of 226, deprived Tsarev of parliamentary immunity, and agreed to his arrest. At that moment Tsarev was in Crimea , in his own words, he intends to continue the fight against the Ukrainian authorities.

Since June 26, 2014 - Chairman of the "parliament" of the self-proclaimed confederal Union of People's Republics, which includes unrecognized DNR and LNR . Has to do with "Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine", created in Moscow on August 3, 2015 by former high-ranking officials of Ukraine during the presidency.

Views. Oleg Tsarev insisted on the forceful dispersal of the protesters on euromaidan . At the start of negotiations between Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders, he said that "no government in the world will negotiate with terrorists, bandits and extremists."

On May 6, 2014, Oleg Tsarev announced the need to hold referendums on May 11 on the independence of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk republics, as well as plans to create a federation " Novorossiya" to the south -east of the territory of Ukraine.

Criminal proceedings. By mid-April 2014, three criminal cases were initiated against Oleg Tsarev for calling for a change in the territorial integrity of Ukraine through its federalization, for taking actions to change the borders of the territory of Ukraine, and for calling for a violent change and overthrow of the constitutional order. After conducting priority investigative actions, materials on calls for separatism will be combined into one criminal proceeding.

November 4, 2015 General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine began the procedure for the trial in absentia of Oleg Tsarev, and on March 25, 2016, she filed an indictment in absentia against Tsarev.

Social activity. 2000-2002 - Head of the Supervisory Boards of OAO Dneprodzerzhinsky Bakery No. 2, Dnepropetrovsk Paper Factory, Novomoskovsky Combine of Bakery Products. Head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional public organization Center for Social Programs.

Family. Wife - Larisa Tsareva (born 1968), assistant director of Dnepropetrovsk Paper Mill. Son Maxim (born 1995), daughters Olga (born 1999) and Ekaterina (born 2003) and son Igor (born 2008). Maxim and Olga live and study in the UK.

Oleg Anatolievich Tsarev
People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation
since December 12, 2012
People's Deputy of Ukraine VI convocation
November 23, 2007 - December 2012
People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 5th convocation
May 25, 2006 - June 12, 2007
People's Deputy of Ukraine
IV convocation May 14, 2002 - May 25, 2006
Citizenship: USSR → Ukraine
Religion: Orthodoxy
Birth: June 2, 1970 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Profession: engineer-physicist
Occupation: politician

Oleg Anatolievich Tsarev(born June 2, 1970, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - People's Deputy of Ukraine since 2002. Deputy head of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada.
Candidate for the post of President of Ukraine in the early elections on May 25, 2014.

Born in 1970 in Dnepropetrovsk.
In 1987 he entered the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in automation and electronics of physical installations. After graduation, in 1992 he returned to Dnepropetrovsk.
From 1992 to 1993 he worked at a small enterprise "Avteks" as a pre-production engineer. In 1993-1995 he was the director of the Ukrainian financial insurance company "Doverie".

From 1995 to 2002, he held the positions of Deputy Director and Director of Dnepropetrovsk Computer Center LLC, Director of Silicon Valley LLC, Deputy Director for Economics of Dnepropetrovsk Paper Mill OJSC.
Since 2002 - People's Deputy of Ukraine. In different convocations, he was elected both by the majoritarian district and by the list of the Party of Regions.
Political activity
From February 2005 to 2010 - Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional organization of the Party of Regions. Since 2011 - Chairman of the Anti-Fascist Forum of Ukraine. From May 2012 to February 2014 - Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov.
On April 7, 2014, he was expelled from the Party of Regions.

Political Views
Supporter of integration and close cooperation with Russia. In 2013, Tsarev proposed making Russian the state language in Ukraine. Tsarev declares support for European values, but is a consistent opponent of Ukraine's entry into the European Union on the terms proposed by the EU and a supporter of the Customs Union with the Russian Federation.
He advocates the federalization of Ukraine, the transfer of more power to the regions, constitutional reform and the limitation of the powers of the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers and the President of Ukraine. In June 2013, Tsarev said that the Constitution Day of Ukraine is not a holiday, but a day of shame for the Ukrainian people.

One of the 148 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine who signed an appeal to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland with a petition to recognize the Volyn massacre as the genocide of the Poles of 1942-1944.

Together with other deputies in 2013, he took the initiative to restore the monument to Peter Stolypin in Kyiv.
Work in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

In previous convocations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: member of the Party of Regions faction (since November 2007). Member of the Committee on Tax and Customs Policy (since December 2007); People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 6th convocation since November 2007 from the Party of Regions. No. 114 on the list. During elections: people's deputy of Ukraine, member of the Party of Regions, member of the committee on human rights, national minorities and interethnic relations (since July 2006), member of the Party of Regions faction (since June 2006).

People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 4th convocation April 2002-April 2006, constituency No. 40, Dnepropetrovsk region, self-nomination. 30.26% voted for and there were 11 contenders. During elections: deputy director of the Dnipro Computer Center, member of the Party of Regions. Chairman of the Subcommittee on Property, Privatization and Bankruptcy of the Committee on Economic Policy, Management of the National Economy, Property and Investments (since June 2002). Member of the United Ukraine faction (May-June 2002), authorized representative of the Regions of Ukraine faction (June 2002 - September 2005).

In 2002, Oleg Tsarev personally developed 22 bills. He was recognized as the "Deputy of the Year".[source?] For the period from May 2002 to June 2004, in accordance with the results of monitoring the activities of people's deputies, which was carried out by the "Foundation" Vidkrite Suspіlstvo "", Oleg Tsarev was recognized as the most active legislator from the Dnipropetrovsk region . He alone or in a group with other deputies prepared 65 bills.

Currently - People's Deputy of Ukraine (since December 2012) (40th constituency, Dnepropetrovsk). Deputy head of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 7th convocation. Chairman of the Subcommittee on Land Relations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations. Member of the Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the United States of America. Member of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Kingdom of Norway.
Political crisis in Ukraine (2013-2014)
See also: Political crisis in Ukraine (2013-2014)
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He negatively assessed the actions of the protesters on the Euromaidan. He believes that these events were provoked by Western intelligence services and the United States ..

On December 9, 2013, he sent a deputy request to the Security Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with a demand to ban the “organizers and political technologists of Euromaidan” from entering the country. Among the people listed in the document: Andreas Umland, Stanislav Belkovsky, Taras Kuze, Gleb Pavlovsky and Mikhail Saakashvili.
“Foreign specialists are behind everything, whose profile is the organization of mass actions, the seizure of government buildings, aggressive information campaigns. Their experience and knowledge, which were used on the Maidan, is a real threat to the national security of Ukraine.
December 11, 2013. »

During the aggravation of the political crisis in February 2014, Oleg Tsarev insisted on the forceful dispersal of protesters on Euromaidan. During the beginning of the negotiations of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych with opposition leaders, he said that "no government in the world will negotiate with terrorists, bandits and extremists", clearly delineating his position - "it is necessary to clean the streets, dismantle the barricades and liberate the occupied buildings ".

He publicly defended the interests of the special police unit Berkut, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian-speaking population of the South-East of Ukraine and Crimea.

Oleg Tsarev did not leave the Party of Regions, as many members of the same party did for one reason or another.

He did not vote in the Verkhovna Rada for a single law or personnel decision proposed by the new parliamentary majority, consisting of Batkivshchyna, Svoboda, UDAR and the regionals who joined them. He believes that it is criminal to cooperate with the current illegitimate government.
Presidential Election 2014
See also: Presidential elections in Ukraine (2014)

On March 28, 2014, Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev submitted documents to the Central Election Commission of Ukraine for registration as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine. The political party "Russian Block" intends to support the candidacy of Oleg Tsarev. He did not take part in the Congress of the Party of Regions on March 29, 2014. The Party of Regions did not support Oleg Tsarev as a single candidate, preferring Mikhail Dobkin. On March 31, 2014, the Central Election Commission registered Tsarev as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine.
Property and income

In the declaration submitted in 2014 when registering as a candidate for the President of Ukraine, Oleg Anatolyevich Tsarev indicated the family income for 2013 at 234,149 UAH. The main income is obtained from the alienation of movable and immovable property, dividends and interest.

Of the property - Tsarev himself owns: two land plots with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200balmost three acres, a residential building with an area of ​​​​154 square meters. m, an apartment of 64.5 sq. m., two cars (Lexus LS600 and Toyota Camry) 2007 release.

Oleg Tsarev's family members own or lease: 4 land plots, a residential building, six apartments and a garden house, a 2005 Porsche Cayenne car and a Stema trailer.

Order of Merit, III degree (August 23, 2011) - for a significant personal contribution to the formation of the independence of Ukraine, the assertion of its sovereignty and international authority, merit in state-forming, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational activities, conscientious and impeccable service to the Ukrainian people
Honorary diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (December 26, 2003) - for a significant personal contribution to the formation of an effective and politically responsible government system and the implementation of socio-economic reforms
Pushkin Medal (Russia, February 9, 2013) - for his great contribution to the preservation and promotion of the Russian language and culture abroad

Wife - Larisa Anatolyevna Tsareva (1968), assistant director of OAO Dnepropetrovsk Paper Mill.

Oleg and Larisa Tsarev have four children: son Maxim (born May 11, 1995), daughter Olga (born October 2, 1999), daughter Ekaterina (born October 11, 2003), son Igor (born April 1, 2008 G.).