Hairdresser higher education. Important Personal Qualities

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 50000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 150000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

It will be quite problematic for a novice stylist to find a job. Employers are looking for specialists with at least a year of experience in the profile. Stylists with at least three years of experience and their established customer base can count on a good place and a high salary. Now popularity has grown in specialists of this kind, so a professional and qualified stylist will always be able to successfully get a job.

Where to study for a profession Stylist in Moscow

Who is the profession for?

Personal qualities:

  • creativity, creative thinking;
  • sociability;
  • flexibility of thinking;
  • sense of harmony, style and impeccable taste;
  • organizational skills;
  • a responsibility;
  • developed intuition;
  • analytic skills;
  • good figurative memory;
  • attentiveness, accuracy;
  • patience, endurance and the ability to focus on one object;
  • tact;
  • benevolence.


Career is dynamic. She usually starts as a hair stylist or makeup artist. You gain experience and build a portfolio. Then you should try your luck in competitions - this gives you the opportunity to grow up and get a job as a stylist in popular television shows and projects. You can also make great money by working as a personal stylist.


  • creation of the external image of the client (modeling of hairstyles, make-up, clothes, etc.);
  • development of a style that most fully emphasizes the advantages and hides the shortcomings of the client;
  • application in practice of theoretical developments (hairstyles, make-up, selection and production of clothes) in accordance with the individual characteristics of the client and fashion trends;
  • selection of colors and shades of cosmetics, clothing, taking into account the individual characteristics and desires of the client;
  • creation of professional clothes, image of the company, organization, taking into account the request of the client;
  • comparative analysis and study of best practices of domestic and Western experts.
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Hair care is one of the components of a successful person's image. To always look elegant and neat, hair and haircuts need to be given constant attention to both men and women. For this, the services of a hairdresser are most often needed. This profession has always been and will be relevant, no matter how much time passes.

How to become a hairdresser? Is every person capable of mastering the secrets of the profession? How much time does it take to study? When did this profession appear? Where to study to be a hairdresser? What qualities and skills should a good specialist have? About everything in order.

From the history

Our distant ancestors paid great attention to hair. They were twisted into bundles, braided into pigtails, colored clay was applied to the head, decorated with feathers, flowers, shells. They had to resort to the services of fellow tribesmen. Apparently, this is how the first hairdressers appeared.

But purposefully this art began to be practiced in ancient Egypt and Greece. All procedures related to hair were considered a real ritual that could not be violated in any case.

In Russia, hairdressers were called barbers. They not only cut their hair, shaved, but also provided medical care: they applied bandages, bled, they could even pull out teeth. In rich houses, these services were provided by serfs. With the development of hairdressing in Europe, it was fashionable to give them for training to the French, British and Germans. They began to be called "stupid artists", from the "stupid" hairstyle fashionable at that time, a bunch of hair collected on the head. A person who mastered this art could create real masterpieces. That is why he was called an artist.

How to become a hairdresser

To master this ancient art, which is more than five thousand years old, you need to understand the following: this profession requires a constant increase in the level of professional knowledge and skills. You will need to participate in competitions and shows if you want to become a first-class specialist. But first of all, you need to get basic knowledge.

Where and how much to study as a hairdresser

There are several options for mastering this. The most popular ones are:

  • You can go to study at hairdressing courses. The terms of training are from one to several months. But here you will receive only the most minimal level of knowledge. If you want to become a first-class specialist, you will definitely need to study further. Hairdressing courses are only the first step in mastering this art.
  • Barber College. Here you will receive not only vocational education, but also secondary special education. From two to three years, the term of training in the profession - a hairdresser. You can go to school after 9th grade. The advantages of this type are that you can get a secondary education and a prestigious profession. True, there are not very many such institutions, and it is difficult to enter the budget. If you want to study as a hairdresser in Moscow, then you can enter the Moscow Art and Pedagogical College of Technology and Design.
  • technology and design, service and economy. They are found in almost all major cities. The most popular university is Moscow Service. How much to study for a hairdresser at the institute? The term of study is four to five years.

  • Academy of hairdressing "Dolores" in Moscow. Over the long years of its existence, the institution has repeatedly become the best in the world. He has a huge number of awards in the field of haircuts, hair coloring, makeup art. The Academy of Hairdressing is a place where hairdressers of different levels of training are trained. From amateurs to professionals who have worked in this field for more than one year. Study time depends on the level of training, usually takes from two to seven months.
  • Training center for hairdressers. One of the most prestigious is located in St. Petersburg - the International Training Center for Hairdressing and Aesthetics May. Here you will be offered several training options, for a period of two to eight months.

Education abroad

One of the most famous and prestigious institutions is Academy Standard London. Here you can improve your skills in just a few days. The training program includes:

  • Learning classic British haircut techniques.
  • Creation of a creative image.
  • Acquaintance with modern trends in the field of hairdressing.
  • Tourist tour of the capital of Great Britain and acquaintance with the most important sights of the city.

What you need to know and be able to hairdresser

Any person, going to get a haircut or haircut, hopes to change their appearance for the better. So that the client does not leave the hairdresser disappointed and upset, the hairdresser must:

  1. To do haircuts of any degree of complexity. Each hairdresser should have his own set of necessary tools that he is fluent in.
  2. Styling hair in all known ways. There are more than ten of them.
  3. Know and be able to apply all procedures for hair restoration. These include: applying various masks, lamination, keratinization and others.
  4. Constantly improve your professional level. Participate in competitions, attend seminars and master classes.
  5. Learn new methods and techniques.
  6. Understand professional hair care products.
  7. To have good taste, emphasize the advantages of the client and hide the shortcomings. After all, the main task of a hairdresser is to make him happy and beautiful.
  8. Take care of your appearance. Always look perfect: hair is beautifully combed and styled, skillful makeup, obligatory manicure.
  9. Love your profession.

What should be a hairdresser

Each profession imposes certain duties on a person, which will be very difficult to fulfill if he does not have certain qualities. It will be easier for you to succeed if you:

  • Friendly and sociable. Clients come in different moods, and often, the hairdresser has to listen to different stories and give some advice.
  • Observant. This feature will help you create a unique look for the client that will completely suit him.
  • Tactful. You need to be able to make quick decisions in conflict situations.

Varieties of the hairdressing profession

  • Men's master, specializes in haircuts and hairstyles for men. She also dyes, styles and does hair care procedures.
  • Female master. In addition to haircuts and hairstyles, she does all hair-related procedures for ladies: care, coloring, lamination, extensions and many others.
  • The hairdresser is a generalist. Can work with both men and women. In any hairdressing salon, specialists of this profile are valued.
  • Colorist. The hairdresser works with hair coloring. Selects shades, color, suitable for a particular person.

  • Weaving specialist. Master of creating hairstyles with braids.
  • Hairdresser - stylist. You will not just dye, cut and do hairstyles. You will create a completely new look for the client. A stylist-hairdresser knows how to hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Where to study for it? In the same place as the hairdresser, that is, in almost any major city.

Seven reasons to choose a profession as a hairdresser

  1. High demand in the labor market, and therefore a large percentage of employment opportunities after graduation.
  2. High and stable income.
  3. Opportunity to open your own barbershop or beauty salon.
  4. It is possible to earn additional income by offering hairdressing services to housemates and acquaintances.
  5. Communication with different people, new acquaintances.
  6. The ability to communicate with customers will come in handy in your personal life as well. Having learned to understand other people, problems with your loved ones will be solved much faster and calmer.
  7. A hairdresser who gives beauty to others will carefully monitor his hair, appearance and hands. Indeed, otherwise, the number of clients he will have is very small.

Occupational diseases

Hairdressing is one of the most beloved and sought-after professions. But, unfortunately, it is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. After working for several decades, the hairdresser may experience the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma and lung diseases. A lot of the most harmful smells surround the hairdresser during the day: aerosols, hair dyes and many others.
  2. Allergic diseases. Constant contact with water, wet hair, chemicals can cause severe irritation of the skin of the hands.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, hairdressers seek medical help due to severe back pain much more often than salespeople and managers.

To reduce illness and ease physical activity during the day, hairdressers and beauty salons can be advised to:

  • Be sure to take breaks throughout the day. It is advisable not only to sit, but also to lie with your legs up.
  • Do sports: swimming, aerobics, fitness, etc.
  • Monitor your weight.
  • If possible, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after each client.
  • To prevent varicose veins, wear special stockings or pantyhose.

Curious facts

  • In ancient Rome, the question of how to become a hairdresser was solved simply. They became slaves, who were also cosmetologists. They were called cosmetics.
  • For the first time hair began to be dyed in Egypt. Residents used henna for this.
  • Roman women were the first to bleach their hair with alkaline soap, and sprinkle flour or
  • In Rome, gold dust was used to decorate hairstyles.
  • France in the 17th century became a role model in the field of haircuts and hairstyles. This country has brought into fashion long wigs with curls for men.
  • With the development of cinema, people began to strive to do the same haircuts and hairstyles as their favorite actors.
  • In the 60s of the 20th century, it was very popular among women all over the world. They learned about it thanks to the French film actress Brigitte Bardot.
  • In Japan, cardboard, sticky resins and egg white were used to give the hairstyle a stable shape.
  • In Russia, it was not customary for women to have haircuts, it was considered a shame. Neither short nor loose hair should have been. The women wore their hair in braids.
  • The first heating device for curls in its appearance resembled a medieval
  • The school of hairdressing appeared at the end of the 19th century in Chicago.


If you are a creative person who likes to communicate with people and you like to come up with something new, then the information on how to become a hairdresser is just for you!

One sculptor was once asked how he creates his masterpieces. He replied that he sees what he is going to do, and simply removes everything unnecessary. A real hairdresser is like an artist creating a beautiful picture. After all, it was not for nothing that they were called that in the old days. Be creative, creating real masterpieces!

hair stylist— a master who does hairstyles or haircuts, and also selects the style that best suits a particular client. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

A few years ago, a hairdresser had to be able to do only haircuts or styling. But times have changed, so today there is a new profession - a hairdresser-stylist. Such a master knows how to do hairstyles, but he also helps the client to choose an individual style, talks about the rules of hair care and performs medical procedures.

A representative of the profession must know the basics of chemistry, as well as be able to work with equipment (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) and cosmetics (paints, masks, etc.). This specialist should know well not only his duties, but also understand psychology. The master must be able to find an approach to each of his customers, accurately determining his mood and desires.

Features of the profession

The master should not only be able to cut or style hair, no! He must know everything about the fashion trends of a particular season, because his duties include:

  • assistance in choosing the optimal hair length and hairstyle;
  • assisting the client in choosing a shade of hair and dyeing technique;
  • choosing a hairstyle that matches the occasion (holiday, anniversary, corporate party, etc.);
  • the ability to create stage hairstyles;
  • the choice of the type of styling for the features of the hair;
  • performing haircuts, all types of hair curling (curlers, chemical and electric), coloring, alignment of curls;
  • increasing the volume and quality of hair with the help of wigs, extensions;
  • knowledge of modern technologies for hair straightening and treatment;
  • consulting for clients;
  • caring procedures for hair;
  • attending conferences and participating in various competitions;
  • keeping the workplace clean.

Also, the specialist should be able to develop hairstyle options, adapting them to the makeup and outfit of the customer. Note that if a person suffers from dermatological diseases, joint diseases or allergic reactions, then he will not be able to work as a hairdresser-stylist.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • A specialist may not receive a higher education, because to work in this area it is enough to complete a training course.
  • You can become a hair stylist at any age.
  • High wages and tips left by grateful customers.
  • You can officially find a job or work for yourself by opening a salon or acquiring a solid client base.
  • You can combine the profession of a hairdresser-stylist with the work of a makeup artist, cosmetologist or other professions that are close to the beauty industry.
  • Higher salary when compared to a regular hairdresser, makeup artist or stylist.
  • The prospect of working with famous people (movie stars, pop singers and others).


  1. Demanding clients.
  2. It takes a long time to work to "fill your hand" and gain experience.
  3. You need to constantly learn and be aware of the latest fashion innovations, studying both domestic and foreign magazines, blogs and video tutorials.
  4. Most often, income depends on the number of clients with whom the master worked during the day or month.
  5. Capricious clients can piss off even the calmest person, and this specialist faces them daily.
  6. Not all clients wash their hair and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  7. The competition is very high, so there may be problems with employment.

The main disadvantage of the profession is that the risk of developing occupational diseases is high. The master is forced to work standing for 10 or more hours a day, which causes the development of diseases of the spine, as well as varicose veins and permanent edema.

Important Personal Qualities

An impeccable appearance is one of the main requirements that is put forward for specialists who work in the field of beauty. A hair stylist should have a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hands.

  1. Kindness and endurance.
  2. Excellent health.
  3. Artistic taste and creativity.
  4. Sociability.
  5. Responsibility and courtesy.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. Pedantry.

Every day, a hairdresser-stylist is faced with capricious and not always polite clients, so he must be very calm, reasonable and accurate.

Hair stylist training

Graduates of grades 9-11 who do not have medical contraindications can sign up for training courses. The training course is divided into 2 parts:

  • 30% of the time - theory;
  • 70% of study time is practice.

Typically, the course lasts from 4 months to 2.5 years, and after mastering the program, the student will receive a diploma or certificate. As a rule, the duration of training depends on the age of the student and his professional knowledge.

Training center "Europe", Moscow

You need to study from 1 to 4 months, and the course will be of interest to professional hairdressers who want to improve their skills. The course program consists of more than 8 topics, as well as theoretical and numerous practical exercises.

Where Can a Hair Stylist Work?

Masters work in beauty salons or work with private clients, renting premises and equipping mini-salons in them. After completing the training, these specialists most often remain to work where they previously had an internship.


The monthly salary consists of the amount that the master receives for working in the salon and fees, because these specialists, in addition to their main work, are engaged in private practice.

Salary as of 04/01/2019

Russia 30000—150000 ₽

Moscow 30000—150000 ₽


The career growth of a specialist depends on his experience and knowledge, because if the master regularly attends master classes and improves his skills, then his work will be highly appreciated. In the long term, a hair stylist can become famous, work with famous people, become an expert in the beauty industry and open his own fashion salon.

Professional skills

  1. Ability to use barber equipment and tools.
  2. Ability to apply cosmetics and coloring compositions.
  3. Knowledge of fashion trends in the beauty industry.

Notable members of the profession

  1. Sergey Zverev.
  2. Chris McMillan.
  3. Adir Abergel.


Looking for the best hairdressing school in Moscow? Then MCPO is at your service. Our center is designed for both beginners and practicing masters who want to improve their skills.

The work of a hairdresser is to massage the head, wash, style, cut, dye, perm hair, etc. A true professional perceives his client as a whole, taking into account his face shape, figure structure and general appearance. Sitting in a chair, a person trusts the master and hopes for a positive result, so he cannot be disappointed. The image, the number of clients and the income of a specialist depend on the quality of work. Given all of the above, it can be argued that a good master is one who constantly learns new things and gains experience.

We offer to learn the profession in an interesting way, conducting classes in active practice. Training of hairdressers takes place in small groups - 8-10 people each. Thanks to this, the teacher can devote maximum time to each student. A special place is given to a diverse and extensive practice. At the same time, skills are developed not only on blanks, but also on models.

How much does it take to be a hairdresser? It all depends on the chosen course. For example, training hairdressers from scratch (first stage) is carried out within 60 academic hours. At the end of the seminar, a test is held, and listeners receive certificates of "Hairdresser-universal".

Benefits of studying at a hairdressing school for beginners at MCPE

  • professional masters will give you a hand, we have organized a two-stage mentoring (two teachers work in the group, so none of the students will be left without attention);
  • we provide practical skills training on models (volunteer volunteers);
  • we have a maximum of practice, 70% of the educational process;
  • we will provide free of charge - primary working tools (combs, hair dryers, cars, etc.) and consumables (shampoos, balms, solutions, oxides, disposable gloves, etc.).

What do novice masters study at the hairdressing school?

The training program for hairdressers from scratch includes the study of:

  • salon classifications;
  • sanitary and hygienic requirements for hairdressing salons;
  • fire safety, electrical safety, labor protection;
  • tools used by hairdressers;
  • methods of application and disinfection of the instruments used;
  • fundamentals of skin and hair physiology;
  • the procedure for washing the head;
  • indications and contraindications for head massage;
  • characteristics of the head zones;
  • basic haircuts and techniques for their implementation;
  • types of styling, taking into account the length of the hair;
  • basics of color;
  • dyeing technologies;
  • highlighting by darning;
  • perming hair, etc.

We also offer educational programs to improve the skills of hairdressers. At such courses, students master not typical work schemes, but modern methods, learn to combine them, turning into reality the most unexpected wishes of clients.

Why is it best to study as a hairdresser in courses at the MCPO?

  • Our hairdressing school is registered by the Ministry of Justice and has a license for educational activities.
  • The center has been operating for more than 20 years and unites a team of experienced and highly qualified specialists.
  • More than 350,000 students were trained here, received a new profession, improved their qualifications and underwent retraining.
  • "MTsPO" issues documents of the state standard.
  • The school provides students with all the necessary consumables and teaching materials, as well as practice on models.
  • Students get the opportunity to practice in well-known beauty salons.
  • Registration for hairdressing courses is carried out all year round.
  • We have several offices located within walking distance from the metro in the center of Moscow.
  • Each student can save money by participating in one of the promotions.
  • Students are offered convenient payment systems (installment plan and credit).

Do you want to study as a hairdresser at MCPE? Call one of the indicated numbers or leave a request on the site. We will advise, enroll you in hairdressing courses (for beginners or advanced training) or organize an individual training process. You can also attend a free trial lesson where you can chat with the teacher, ask questions, see the audience and participate in interesting master classes.

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It's no secret how important a role in the first (and not only) impression of a person is played by his appearance - one of the main components of which is a hairstyle. Creating it is a real art, requiring not only an eye and accuracy, but also a pronounced artistic taste, and, of course, experience. However, experience comes only with time, and future hairdressers, stylists (as well as make-up artists, cosmetologists, applied aesthetics specialists and others associated with them, for obvious reasons) receive their initial basics of mastery in secondary vocational schools that train professionals of this profile - hairdressing colleges.

List of colleges

In Moscow alone, the number of beauty salons providing hairdressing services exceeds 3,000 - in connection with which, a fairly representative list of hairdressing colleges that include training programs in the specialty "hairdressing" or "hairdresser" is not surprising. To date, there are 15 of them in the capital. Although there is no entirely narrow-profile institution with a specialization in “college of hairdressing art” among them. The list looks like this:

  • Moscow First Educational Complex;
  • MHPKTiD (Artistic and Pedagogical College of Design and Technology);
  • college of light industry №5;
  • InterCollege NOU (college at the Institute of Economics and Culture);
  • College of Service and Urban Planning No. 38;

At the same time, the first 2 numbers on the list are the most popular, and the NOU Intercollege specializes in citizens with foreign citizenship.

In addition, when applying for a job in salons, applicants who have graduated not from colleges, but from one of the prestigious courses, are highly quoted. Among the most famous of which in the capital are, for example, the ESTEL school or the school of the notorious Pavel Bozhenov.


Budget education for this profession is not provided for in any college, not only in Moscow, but in Russia as a whole, and the average cost of education now ranges from 40 to 70 thousand rubles (both in colleges and in specialized schools). Recruitment to technical schools, schools and colleges is also standard - as a rule, it provides only an interview and certificate scores (examinations in Russian language and mathematics in some technical schools exist, but are rather a rare exception than a rule).

Learning features

The terms of study in hairdressing colleges in Moscow vary somewhat. At the basic "hairdresser" level, the minimum of them is only 10 months, subject to admission after grade 11, and a year more after grade 9. But in general, the duration of training (most often in-depth in the direction of "hairdressing") hairdressing colleges practice at the traditional level - 2 years and 10 months after 11 years of study in secondary school, and 3 years 10 months for those who completed only 9 classes.

The education and training of future hair stylists is very diverse. As a rule, students receive specialized knowledge in a narrow-profile direction - a male master, a female master or a children's master. However, there are universal masters, and even generalists. Each future specialist acquires knowledge both in the actual haircut and styling, coloring, curling, proper hair washing and head massage. Added to this are the skills of shaving and the use of dozens of specialized tools of a professional hairdresser (from scissors and combs to curlers and decorative elements), as well as medical and cosmetic products designed to improve and improve the condition of the scalp and hair.

In addition, in addition to all the variety of technical skills - including the creation of such unique elements as dreadlocks or African braids - a real specialist (especially one who counts on serious career growth) needs sociability, goodwill and tact. And also - without fail - a delicate artistic taste. Implying the ability to understand the types of appearance and the ability to choose hairstyles just for him. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a general harmony of appearance.

Work and prospects

There is currently no shortage of job offers even for a novice hairdresser in Moscow. At any given time, the number of open vacancies in this profession exceeds several hundred. At the same time, the initial salary of a hairdresser without experience is not particularly high - but bonuses are added to an average salary of 25 to 40 thousand rubles, and, as experience is gained, the prospects for those with real hard work and talent open up the widest. After all, hair stylists are in demand not only in beauty salons, but also in the advertising and modeling business of the highest level. And the most brilliant eventually open their own salons and even become trendsetters.