Red-haired giants are the ancient inhabitants of America. Lost civilizations of the giants: White giants, legends of the Indian tribes

In the 20th century, huge cone-shaped mounds, similar to burial mounds, were found in the forests of Western Missouri. During excavations, scientists discovered the remains of two skeletons, the bones of which were incredibly huge - they were three times the size of an average person. The head had huge jaws, the forehead was wide, set very low, the bones of the limbs were extremely large. The remains of the creature resembled human ones, but these people seemed just giants.

In Afghanistan, in the city of Bamiyan, there are 5 stone colossi, each of which depicts representatives of different civilizations that lived on Earth.

The tallest statue - 52 meters - perpetuated the memory of the First Civilization - the first race that has existed since the birth of the Earth. The second statue, smaller (36 meters), introduced the Second Race. The third (18 meters) - with the Third race, which disappeared, leaving only legends and statues of the Fourth and Fifth races.

In the ancient Book of Enoch It is written that the giants are the gods who descended from heaven, becoming people.

Who and for what purpose made these statues is still unknown. Maybe it was the giants of the Fourth Race, which tragically died along with Atlantis.

The Aztecs explained the existence and disappearance of races by global catastrophes on Earth.

The legends of the Incas tell that giants sailed to them on huge rafts. They were five times taller than ordinary people of that time, they had very large eyes, long black hair, they shaved their beards. The giants were evil, cruel, they killed everyone in their path.

Apparently, it was they who were the owners of huge axes 1.5 meters long and weighing up to 200 kg, found during excavations. The age of the miracle finds was 40 million years.

According to legend, the giants possessed superhuman strength, capable of walking hundreds of kilometers in a day, and killed elephants with their bare hands. The giants easily brought their prey (hippos, bulls, elephants) to the settlement.

The expedition of Magellan (XV century), which sailed past Patagonia, made an entry in its diary about a four-meter giant sitting on the shore and watching the ship. The team, seized with fear, did not dare to go ashore.

Recently, stories and legends about huge people have received another confirmation. Footprints 1.5 meters long and 90 cm wide were discovered in South Africa. This footprint seemed to have been pressed into the rock as much as 20 cm. A similar footprint was also found on the island of Ceylon. Scientists believe that the growth of the owner of such a trace should be at least 10 meters!

Giants also lived on the territory, as evidenced by the entries in the diaries of Arab travelers who visited the country on a diplomatic mission in the 12th century. At the same time, a cannibal giant was killed, who lived in the forest and hunted people. The cannibal managed to destroy more than one hundred people until he was caught. Even chained to a thick tree, the giant tried to grab the victim. Evil, cruel, he appeared from nowhere, sowing death to all living things.

About similar cannibal giants wrote in the III century BC the Babylonian historian Berossus. The people of giants died during the flood. A few giants survived, who were lucky enough to survive, hiding on the tops of mountains, in caves. Eating human flesh, they forgot the gods, and therefore were punished. Giants lived in prehistoric times, coexisting with dinosaurs. This is evidenced by a unique find: in the XX century. on the territory of Siberia, the bones of a dinosaur were found, which was killed by a huge arrow.

In Turkmenistan, two footprints were found: a footprint of a sixty-centimeter human foot, and next to it, a footprint of a dinosaur paw. The find is 150 million years old!

Of course, people, frightened by encounters with giants, composed fairy tales and legends about them. Their images can be found in underground caves and on the slopes. The most famous of them are in. In Sussex "drawn" in chalk 70 meter giant, and in Corset County - 50 meters.

These figures can only be seen from an airplane or from space. How could our ancestors draw such a miracle? The white contour of the giant against the background of green grass led scientists to put forward a hypothesis about the extraterrestrial origin of this phenomenon.

But in the 21st century, scientists found in the mountains tribe of giants up to three meters tall, unusually strong and ferocious, who caught Indians who served as toys for their children. The children of the giants could easily tear off an arm or leg to the "toy", or they could bite off a piece. The road to the plateau is very difficult to access, so all this still helps the giants to hide from civilization.

Who are they - the descendants of Gigantopithecus or guests from other planets who accidentally ended up on Earth?

Scientists reported on the results of studies of the impact of genetically modified crops on health
person. It turned out that these cultures caused a disease unknown to science. When a virus becomes active, it can "turn on" any DNA in our genome. Most often it is the growth gene. People who eat modified foods grow up to 2 meters or more. It seems that soon the entire population of the Earth will become a nation of giants, as it was many centuries ago.

In 1985, cosmonauts, staying at the Salyut-7 orbital station, watched through the windows for giant-sized creatures that approached the station and accompanied it for several minutes. Who were these angels?

The mystery of the giant's grave

Legends of giants are spread all over the world. Three-meter people are mentioned in the epics of many peoples. Some believe that gigantic structures, like the English Stonehenge, are the graves of giants buried at colossal depths. Throughout human history, evidence has been found that once upon a time incredibly tall people really lived on Earth.

Race of giants

So, in 1931, an imprint of a gigantic human foot was discovered in Mexico City. The existence of a race of giants is also evidenced by eyewitness accounts who traveled in the 16th century in Patagonia (South America).

In an ancient burial ground in the state of Ohio (USA), a huge copper ax weighing about 30 kilograms was found. Another ax was found stuck in the ground in the US state of Wisconsin. Its weight and dimensions leave no doubt - only a very tall person, who also possessed remarkable strength, could work with such a tool. This ax is now in the collection of the Missouri Historical Society.

Soviet archaeologists in the 60s, during excavations in Siberia, became the owners of another unique find: dinosaur bones with a huge arrowhead sticking out of them.

footprints in the sand

Not far from the city of Carson City (Nevada, USA), prints of a whole chain of bare footprints were found in sandstone. The prints are very clear, and even to a non-specialist it is clear that these are human footprints. The only thing that confuses scientists is that the length of the foot, forever imprinted in sandstone, is almost 60 centimeters! The age of the find is about 248 million years!

But the imprint of a human foot, discovered in Turkmenistan, is 150 million years old. Scientists testify that the foot of our distant ancestor differs from the foot of a modern person only in its incredible size. Next to this print, a clear footprint of a three-toed dinosaur paw has been preserved! All this testifies to only one thing - our ancestors could well have been giants. They existed in prehistoric times and hunted giant lizards, which did not look so huge next to these people.

The Man from Wilmington and the Giant from Cern

Yes, and images of giant people can be found in almost all countries. The most famous of them are the giants of Britain. This is a 70-meter "man from Wilmington" (Sussex County) and a 50-meter "giant from Cern" (Doroet County), the figures of the giants are located on the chalk hills. Ancient people removed the turf with grass there in such a way that the white base of the hills was exposed. The white contour of the huge human figures is perfectly visible against the green background when viewed from an airplane.

Inhabitants of Atlantis

So who were these giant people? According to anthropologists, powerful people, distinguished by gigantic growth, or, as they are also commonly called, Atlanteans, inhabited America, Europe, Asia Minor and the South Caucasus in prehistoric times.

The “Caucasian branch” of the Atlantean civilization, which flourished in the tenth millennium BC, coexisted in the north with the tribes of the Aryans, who settled in Eastern Europe, the Black Sea and the Volga region.

Six thousand years ago, the Aryans moved to Asia Minor and India. In the Black Sea region they encountered the Atlanteans. The civilized Atlanteans, who, judging by the myths, did not even eat meat, were pressed by the barbarians. From here, apparently, the legends about the fight against the titans went. So the history of the Atlanteans before the flood is centuries of struggle with the Aryans.

Awesome end

Scientists determine the date of the flood as 3247 BC. It was because of this monstrous catastrophe that Atlantis perished.

A terrible earthquake destroyed the Dardanelles Isthmus, and the waters of the Mediterranean flooded the coasts of the Marmara and Black Seas. Many cities of the Atlanteans were under water. This was the end of the most ancient civilization. However, the Atlanteans did not disappear without a trace. A huge number of myths among different peoples tells about the giants of antiquity. The Atlanteans also had a great influence on the culture of the Slavs. After all, it was the giant Triptolem who helped the Slavic Scythians switch to agriculture. Most likely, the hero Svyatogor was also an Atlantean.

Caucasian crypt

As already mentioned, the remains of an ancient civilization are found here and there. So, in 1912, in one of the gorges of the North Caucasus (in the current territory of the Stavropol Territory), a crypt with the remains of giant people was found. The huge stone crypt had a low ceiling, and its inner walls were lined with tightly fitted stones. Four human skeletons lay exactly in the center. The skeletons amazed scientists with their size. The people who found their last refuge in the "Caucasian crypt" were one and a half times taller than a modern man. All four skeletons were located with their heads to the west. Apparently, the giants were buried naked, since scientists did not find the remains of clothes in the crypt. Archaeologists were also struck by the peculiarity of the cranial bones of giants. Just above the temples on the skulls there were spherical outgrowths the size of a little finger, which scientists dubbed "horns".

Unfortunately, reports of this sensational find soon supplanted even more sensational news of the sinking of the Titanic. The author failed to clarify where the remains of the giants went ...

Resident of Ukraine Leonid Stadnyuk.

Bao Xishun, a 56-year-old 2.36-meter tall resident of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, met his fiancée Xia Shujuan, just 1.68 meters tall, at the beginning of the year. Bao began a worldwide search for a bride in 2006 and even received more than 20 responses from interested girls from different parts of the country, but he found his destiny in his home region.

End of the 19th century. The height of the American Anna Swan is 2 meters 36 cm.

20th century. The height of a person is 2 meters 28 cm.

The history of the Chachapoya people is a closed book for researchers. Almost all written sources indicating the existence of the Chachapoya disappeared during the Spanish enslavement of the Incas in the early 16th century. The first evidence pointing to this culture dates back to the 4th century AD, that is, 500 years before the appearance of the Incas and during the dawn of another no less great nation, the Mayan civilization. The Chachapoya tribe, unlike the Maya Indians, occupied lands almost completely covered with mountains between the turbulent Marañón and Wuayaga rivers. Their territories are mountain plateaus with a total area of ​​30,000 square kilometers.

The Chachapoya tribe built numerous settlements on inaccessible mountain peaks. Some cities and villages consisted of only a dozen houses, while others numbered about a thousand various structures. All settlements, regardless of their size, were fortified with powerful defensive structures that served as protection from neighboring Indian tribes.

Researchers still know something about the Chachapoya tribe. So it was possible to find out that the people of Chachapoyas, in their traditions and way of life, go back to more ancient Peruvian tribes. This is evidenced by the burial of mummies, traditional clothes and stone buildings, approximate style. Today, the legacy left by the Chachapoya tribe is limited to rare archaeological finds, among which there is an ancient citadel called Kuelap.

What did the Incas say about Chachapoya?

According to the legends of the Incas, the "people of the clouds" were fair-skinned, tall, fair-haired and very beautiful. The famous Norwegian explorer and traveler Thor Heyerdahl was very interested in these inhabitants of the Andes. He drew attention to the fact that the Chachapoya described by the Incas did not correspond in any way to the signs of any of the known racial groups that lived in South America.

The researcher was able to find that the Chachapoya tribe built their swimming facilities on the models of ancient Egyptian boats. Heyerdahl set up a fascinating experiment: on a papyrus ship called “Ra”, he managed to cross the Atlantic Ocean, reaching the coastal territories of South America, thereby proving that the Chachapoya tribe could come to Mesoamerica from the Mediterranean. It is curious that the first attempt of the traveler, when he used shipbuilding techniques that have been preserved in Africa, was not successful. The second vessel, in the manner of the Chachapoya, which nevertheless managed to cross the Atlantic, was built according to the methods of the Andean peoples and materials mined there.

Inca legends about the fair-haired and white-skinned people of the clouds who inhabited these areas confirmed the discoveries made at the end of the 20th century by an American expedition led by Eugene Savoy. As noted, archaeologists have discovered high in the mountains in caves near Lake Condor, ancient burials of embalmed mummies of fair-haired and tall people. The incredible discovery amazed the researchers. Many mummies were in a sitting position, with their faces buried in their knees, or covered their eyes with their hands, as if shielding themselves from danger.

Josh Bernstein Research

The era of major geographical discoveries is already behind us, and today it seems that literally every corner of the planet has been explored. However, the planet still keeps its secrets. One of them, the Chachapoya Indians, are hidden deep in the Amazon jungle, in the north of modern Peru. World-famous traveler and Discovery TV presenter Josh Bernstein visited these mysterious and hard-to-reach places to learn everything possible about the Chachapoya Indians, cloud people who disappeared many centuries ago.

Oddly enough, the Incas are a people known to the whole world, but their neighbors, the Chachapoyas, are a poorly studied civilization, known, perhaps, only among researchers and archaeologists. This is partly due to the fact that the territory where the Chachapoya tribe lived is almost completely isolated from the outside world.

The state of the blond Indians was located in a triangle, the two sides of which are the turbulent Marañon and Utcubamba rivers, which are extremely difficult to cross even by boat, and the third side is the mountain ranges and impenetrable jungle that hid the Chachapoyas from foreign aggression in the face of neighboring Indian tribes.

Josh Bernstein, setting off for the settlement of Kuelap, the stronghold of the Chachapoya, like any reasonable person, decided to swim across the obstinate and unyielding waters of the Marañon and Utcubamba rivers.

Bernstein went on his journey not for the sake of extreme sports or new sensations. The traveler is driven by the desire to unravel secrets and uncover mysteries. And if the cradle in which the Chachapoya Indians developed could be reached by car, he would have seized this opportunity. But this did not happen, and the researcher had to overcome most of the way through the dense thickets of the jungle of the Peruvian Amazon.

Together with guides who know the area firsthand, Josh entered the fight against the selva, cutting his way with a machete, without which such areas are insurmountable. However, if at a time when the Chachapoya Indians dominated the mountainous lands, the local selva was really impassable, then today the forest is gradually receding in the face of man. On the way, the traveler met a few paths, trampled down by chachapoya, along which a horse or cart driven by a mule could easily pass.

City of Kuelap

Having overcome a small part of the path on horseback and a large part on foot, Bernstein still reached the slope, climbing to a height of almost three kilometers, he ended up in Kuelapa, near the ancient stone city of Chachapoya. The territory of the city is six hectares, on which there are five hundred buildings for various purposes. The largest of them is the fortress and the tower. The city is surrounded by a massive wall twenty-five meters high, in which there are three small openings through which a person can pass. Despite the fact that the ruins of a fortress belonging to the Chachapoya tribes were discovered back in 1843, the opportunity to get to it and explore it has appeared only in our time.

The Chachapoya tribe erected conspicuous and bulky structures, however, scientists who discovered the ruins of the ancient city did not find the remains of the once majestic settlement built by the Chachapoya Indians, but buildings one and a half meters sticking out of the ground. The fact is that the fortress, and the whole city, were covered with rock. In order to get to the very essence, it was necessary to free the fortress from stone captivity. For decades, tons of rocks were taken out of the ruins, and only by the end of 2007, archaeologists, led by Alfred Narvaez, the head of a group engaged in the restoration of the heritage of the Chachapoya tribe, saw buildings, and not roofs covered with stone. Narvas is one of those scientists who are sure that the Chachapoya disappeared under the military oppression of the Incas.

The archaeologist personally observed the consequences of the aggression that the Indians directed against their blond neighbors. All the inhabitants of the fortress were killed, and the building itself was burned. Experts came to this conclusion after studying the mummies of Chachapoya, preserved in Kuelapa. All of them were scorched by fire, and their poses expressed despair and horror. Josh Bernstein was one of those who joined the archaeologists under the direction of Narvas, who are studying the heritage of the Chachapoya Indians. However, in order to reach the excavation site, he still had to overcome the descent down the narrow, cold and dark chachapoya well.

Such adventures are not new to Bernstein, he has already made difficult descents, for example, in the gold mines near Timbuktu. The picture of the massacre arranged by the Incas, which was revealed to the scientist, was horrifying. The mummies were well preserved in the impenetrable jungle. Among the dead Chachapoya Indians, women, children and old people were found hiding their faces and frozen in ridiculous poses in which they were caught by a terrible death.

Chachapoya Indians - the revealed truths of a lost civilization

Researchers literally live in South and Central America, despite this, the Peruvian Chachapoya culture remains a big mystery. Before the discoveries made in 2007 and subsequent years, the existence of the Chachapoya people was generally questioned, and the references left by the Incas to the light-skinned and tall Indians of the Chachapoya tribe were considered legends in the scientific community. Today, thanks to the work of Narvas and his colleagues, it was possible to obtain, though meager, however, more or less reliable knowledge.

By 800 AD, the blond Indians had formed a fairly advanced civilization, and the triangle of their state was populated almost to capacity. Despite the isolation of the territories of the Chachapoya state, there are facts indicating their communication with other tribes living in the Andes. In addition, the finds prove that the Chachapoya Indians were enviable artisans, in particular, they skillfully handled metals and stone. They were good builders, engineers and architects, but in general their culture was based on agriculture.

The blond Indians were also good warriors. This, at least, is evidenced by the references left by the Incas. For four centuries, the Incas could not conquer the hard-to-reach state of Chachapoya. The war between neighbors lasted from approximately 1000 to 1450 AD, until Kuelap fell. After that, the surviving representatives of the tribe were forcibly relocated from their native places to various parts of the once great empire of the Inca Indians, which stretched from Chile to the borders of Ecuador. However, the confrontation between the former neighbors did not end there.

When the chachapoya disappeared completely

The fair-haired and white-skinned natives, the Chachapoya Indians, took revenge on their sworn enemies when the Spaniards came to the lands of Mesoamerica, speaking on the side of the invaders. However, even this did not stop them from disappearing. In the 200 years since the destruction of the Chachapoya empire, the population of this nation has decreased by almost 90 percent. Most died from diseases introduced by Europeans, the other part fell from spears, swords and arrows. The surviving white Chachapoya Indians failed to maintain their identity. Gradually, step by step, they merged with other peoples who settled in America.

Josh Bernstein, studying the mummies discovered by the researchers, found that some of the skulls had holes left by firearms. This baffled archaeologists: the battle on the Chachapoya territory took place long before the Europeans came to America, and the Indians themselves did not discover the gunpowder needed for firearms. Later it turned out that the mysterious wounds were not caused by bullets, but by stones fired from a sling. The Indians were skilled shooters, the projectile fired by them could fly 300 meters without losing speed and lethal force. From a distance of 70 meters, the Incas could easily hit their enemies in the head, as evidenced by the mummies found in the fortress.

Josh was not satisfied with the hypothesis proposed to him by his colleagues. He decided to personally test the chachapoyas sling in practice in order to make sure. As a target, the traveler used pumpkins, watermelons and skulls, stones of various shapes and sizes served as projectiles. Tests at the test site confirmed the theory of the sling and the Chachapoya Indians, in addition, Josh Bernstein managed to figure out for himself that before the skills of the Incas or their neighbors, the Chachapoya, he was like walking to the moon. The first shots fired by the explorer did not reach their targets. The third salvo was more accurate, hitting the skull; however, the force of the shot was not enough to pierce the bone or cause any visible damage. The Chachapoya Indians would have laughed, as their neighbors would have laughed: Maya, Aztecs and Incas - they were all experts in military affairs.

Chachapoya culture - an unexpected discovery

While Bernstein was operating at the test site, archaeologists did not sit idle and made another significant discovery on this earth. They discovered the third highest waterfall in the world, hiding in a remote area near the Kuelap fortress. A waterfall called Gokta with a height of 771 meters is located in the heart of the former state, which was erected by the Chachapoya culture.

To look at this miracle of nature in all its glory, the researchers had to overcome a difficult path. The road passed through the virgin selva and the most difficult rocky areas, however, the result was worth it. The waterfall, like the entire empire that belonged to the tribe, was hidden from the eyes of the curious for a long time. It is for this reason that it was possible to learn about them only in the 21st century. In addition, local residents, who seem to be aware of the presence of such a miracle of nature in their lands, simply keep silent about their secrets. Returning to the theme of the ancient empire created by the Chachapoya culture, long refuted assumptions that white-skinned Chachapoya Indians were among the first tribes that settled in Mesoamerica, in the end, were finally confirmed, thanks to finds discovered in the Paracas region, which in Peru.