Flocks of birds fly away beyond the blue. Analysis of balmont's poem lingonberries ripen

One of the most touching and lyrical works of Russian landscape lyrics, K. Balmont's poem "Autumn" was created in 1899. This is a difficult period in the history of our country; the change of century and the turbulent situation in society evoked sad thoughts that were associated with sad autumn weather.

The text of Balmont's poem "Autumn" is already read by the children in the 5th grade, often they are asked to learn it by heart. And this is understandable: the clean, crystal style of this little masterpiece is very popular with children. Speaking about him at literature lessons, fifth-graders note the sad mood of the poet, which he expresses in his work. The images are so simple and touching that it is very easy to imagine the sad beauty of autumn, crying with tears of rain. Young readers see in this poem an elegiac landscape, decorated and animated by personifications: “Autumn will wake up and cry”, “the sun laughs”. Turning to this work again, already in high school, schoolchildren pay attention to the fact that the poem was written in the last autumn of the 19th century. The poet looks longingly into the past and looks to the future without optimism. He does not see the arrival of winter there, but the tears of autumn. What is she mourning? We can only guess about this.

"Speech development»:

Introduce children to a new poem, memorize it.

· Activate children's vocabulary: October, autumn, incense.

· Learn to answer questions on the content using lines from the text.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonational expressiveness of speech.



Summary of the organization of directly educational activities
in the middle group

Educator: Sakulina N.S.

Theme: "Autumn" K. Balmont
Memorizing a poem

Educational areas: priority - speech development;
in integration - cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Tasks of the priority educational area:
"Speech development»:

  • Introduce children to a new poem, memorize it.
  • Activate children's vocabulary: October, autumn, incense.
  • Learn to answer questions on the content using lines from the text.
  • Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Educational tasks in the integration of educational areas

"Cognitive development":

  • To form ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

  • Develop children's creativity.

"Physical development":

  • Preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children.

Planned results of the GCD:
Integrative qualities: emotionally responsive; inquisitive, active; having primary ideas about nature;having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activity.

Equipment for the teacher:
An easel, an illustration of an autumn landscape, a tape recorder, a soundtrack with music, album sheets, colored pencils.

Individual work:
with Vanya - to teach to answer questions on the content.

Preliminary work:
Observing changes in animate and inanimate nature, looking at illustrations, holding conversations, reading stories about autumn.

Children enter the group, greet the guests and go to their places.
Introductory part:
Educator: - Guys, sit down beautifully and listen to the poem:
The birds have flown
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.
A.S. Pushkin

Educator: What season do you think these poems are about? (About autumn).
- What are the months of autumn (September, October, November). What month does this illustration refer to? (By October). That's right, guys, since it is in October that autumn paints the trees with colorful paints. The month of October is here right now.

Main part:
Educator: - Guys, do you want to listen to another poem about autumn? (Yes). Then listen carefully. The poem is called "Autumn", and it was written by Konstantin Balmont.
Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
The heart is only sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in the flowers,
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

Educator: - Guys, did you like the poem? (Yes). Who is the author? (Konstantin Balmont). Is it funny or sad? (Sad). That's right, sad: the days have become colder, the birds have flown away, the sun appears less often, it often rains. Let's all repeat the line from the poem together:“And the bird’s cry in the heart only makes it sadder”.
Educator: - Guys, why will autumn cry, how do you understand it? (It rains often). That's right, it's raining, like autumn is crying. What words does the author use to describe this? Who remembers?"Soon autumn will wake up and cry awake"(Children read one at a time).
Educator: Why is she crying while awake? (Because autumn was sleeping). Why did autumn sleep? (Because it was summer, and after summer autumn came - woke up). That's right, well done.
Educator: - The word "incense" is interesting. Pleasant smells are called by this word. The flowers smell pleasant, but the autumn flowers no longer smell, there is no incense in them. Let's repeat this word in chorus (Incense).Children repeat the word in chorus and individually.Now let's repeat the entire line:"The sun laughs less often, there is no incense in the flowers."
Educator: - Guys, now I will read the poem to you again. Be careful, remember, we will learn it by heart.
Reads expressively. Gives you time to remember. Then the children read one quatrain each - relay race. The teacher actively helps: starts the line, speaks with the child, quietly prompts the word, does not allow long pauses. Encourages and evaluates positively. The first three children are children who quickly memorize verses. The second three children are children who remember more slowly. Behind them, the teacher reads the poem again.
Educator: - Guys, and now I invite you for a walk in the autumn forest.
A physical minute is held to the music.
- Autumn leaves are spinning quietly, (
twirl on tiptoe, hands to the sides)
Leaves quietly lie under our feet ( squat)
And rustling underfoot, rustling,
(movements of hands to the right - to the left)
It looks like they want to spin again.
(rising, spinning).
At the end of the physical minute, the teacher suggests pronouncing the sounds “shhhhh”, as if the leaves rustle underfoot.
Educator: Well done boys! And now let's play the game "Who will say more words."
- What can be called the word - "autumn"? (Day, rain, wind, weather, leaves, forest, mushrooms, cloud, sky, sun).
All words children say in combination with the word "autumn".- Well done! Many words were named.
- And now I will tell you autumn riddles. Listen carefully.
The days became shorter, the nights became longer.
Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (

Without arms, without legs, and the trees are oppressed.

Without a path and without a road
Walks the longest
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.(Rain)

Golden coins fall from a branch.(Leaves)
- Well done! All riddles solved.
- Guys, now come and sit down at the tables. I suggest you draw an autumn picture. You can draw a tree with colorful leaves or rain.
Children draw according to the impressions of the lesson to the music.

Final part.
Guys, what did you do in class today? (learn the poem).
Who remembers the title of the poem? (children's answers).
- What else did you do? (guessed riddles, played a game, drew).
- Today I answered well ..., were active ....
The lesson is over.

"Autumn" Konstantin Balmont

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

Analysis of Balmont's poem "Autumn"

The poet Konstantin Balmont is rightfully considered one of the first Russian symbolists, whose work became a role model among writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Experimenting with styles, Balmont was fond of decadence and romanticism, but it was symbols that he attached great importance to in his work, believing that only with their help you can most fully and vividly express your thoughts, convey them to future generations of readers.

The poem "Autumn" was written by the poet in 1899, at the peak of literary fame. This short and, at first glance, very lyrical work actually carries a fairly deep semantic load. The poem begins with unpretentious phrases that lingonberries are ripening in the forest, the days are getting shorter and the cry of birds flying south evokes sadness. This is what the autumn blues looks like, which often covers the souls of impressionable and romantic people. who subtly feel the surrounding world and live in harmony with it. However, the first quatrain is intended to set the reader in a certain way, to prepare for the perception of more important and significant information that the author is going to convey to them.

It should not be forgotten that this work dates from the last year of the outgoing 19th century. The change of eras causes symbolists not only slight sadness, but also understandable panic.. In every event, they see a kind of omen that life will change very soon. And, not for the better. Therefore, in the poem "Autumn" there are distinct nostalgic notes that today, after a century, can be called prophetic. Konstantin Balmont admires the birds that fly across the sea to warmer climes, and seems to have a presentiment that soon he will have to leave Russia, in which autumn will come not according to the season, but according to the feeling, when everything old dies, and the new is not yet destined to be born.

The poet associates autumn itself with tears, which is also very symbolic. And it's not just the rainy weather, which is very typical for this time of year. 17 years will pass, and on exactly the same rainy autumn day the world will be split into two opposing camps. Therefore, the phrase “autumn will soon wake up and cry while awake” can be interpreted as a premonition of trouble, which is as inevitable as the change of seasons.

If we consider this work from a literary point of view, without trying to read it between the lines, then the poem "Autumn" is an excellent example of landscape lyrics. Moreover, Konstantin Balmont, reputed to be a polyglot and a connoisseur of 15 foreign languages, does not seek to flourish the description of the dullest time of the year with vivid epithets and comparisons. The image of nature in this work is secondary, as well as the feelings of the poet. Therefore, the poem does not make a special impression on readers, since in Russian literature one can find much more exciting and memorable rhymed lines dedicated to autumn. However, from the point of view of symbolism, this poem is flawless. It says more than enough for those who are used to looking for a hidden meaning in ordinary words. This is natural sadness associated with the change of centuries, and the secret hope that, perhaps, forebodings will turn out to be deceptive, and attempts to stop the moments of a still carefree life, capturing them in verse. But, alas, the prophecies of the great poets, to whom, without a doubt, Konstantin Balmont belongs, tend to come true exactly. The author himself, at the time of writing the poem "Autumn", only vaguely guesses about this, and together with the autumn he mourns not only his own life, but also the fate of his country, in which fatal changes are coming.

The poet Konstantin Balmont, a recognized romantic poet, the first Russian symbolist, believed that with the help of symbols one can express one's thoughts and feelings completely and beautifully, and, most importantly, in an accessible way.

He wrote the poem "Autumn" in 1899, already being a well-known poet. At first, the poem can be attributed to a simple lyrical work, because it begins quite casually and talks about a common natural phenomenon - the onset of autumn: now the lingonberries are ripe, and the days are getting shorter, and the cries of birds are heard flying away to hot countries. Sadness, melancholy, almost obvious melancholy in the soul of romantics, people who react sharply to the world around them, to the mood of nature, because they live in this world and enjoy every manifestation of it.

But this is only the beginning of the work, which sets us up for further perception, perhaps, of something more serious and important than the simple onset of the next autumn season.

The poem carries a political meaning, because it was written in the last year of the outgoing nineteenth century, on the threshold of the twentieth century. An attentive reader will understand that the author, as it were, is saying goodbye to birds flying far, far away, he seems to feel that in the near future he will be forced, as if imitating these flying birds, to leave his native side, to leave his homeland, which is waiting for the same changes as in autumn nature: everything old dies in anticipation of a new birth, the birth of a new era.

Reading the poem, you understand that autumn for the author is rain, and rain is tears. K. Balmont seems to feel a misfortune that will definitely come, it will come like a change of seasons, and the phrase “autumn will soon wake up and cry awake” should be understood in this way.

Of course, if we talk only about the poem itself, and not about its figurative meaning, then we can say that the author simply masterfully describes a dull time, using epithets and comparisons, not as bright and juicy, however, as those of other great Russian writers and poets , but nonetheless. Some hidden meaning lies in his usual words: sadness, longing, he seems to be mourning the fate of Russia, in which great changes are coming.

The poem is very "quiet", sad, it seems to me that it teaches simply, "quietly and calmly" to love your land, your corner, your autumn, your homeland, remember that Russia is the most beautiful country on Earth, with the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets, birds and trees, to know that there is nothing more beautiful than the beloved Motherland, to love it and be proud of it.

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

The poet Konstantin Balmont is rightfully considered one of the first Russian symbolists, whose work became a role model among writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Experimenting with styles, Balmont was fond of decadence and romanticism, but it was symbols that he attached great importance to in his work, believing that only with their help you can most fully and vividly express your thoughts, convey them to future generations of readers.
K. D. Balmont ... in his work very often turned to nature, describing its beauty, mystery and grandeur. His poems are surprisingly beautiful and musical, perfectly matched rhymes, understandable words and some ease of writing, give Balmont's works tenderness, freshness and melodiousness. In the poem "Autumn", the poet describes the beginning of the autumn season - colorful autumn.
Poem " Autumn" was written by the poet in 1899, at the peak of literary fame. This short and, at first glance, very lyrical work actually carries a fairly deep semantic load. The poem begins with unpretentious phrases that lingonberries are ripening in the forest, the days are getting shorter and the cry of birds flying south evokes sadness. This is what the autumn melancholy looks like, which often embraces the souls of impressionable and romantic people who subtly feel the world around them and live in harmony with it.
The author says that " my heart got sadder". Either this state of nature in autumn is so impressive for the poet, or the coming changes in society, since the poem was written in 1899. The poet's heart is filled with sadness, even " the sun laughs less". Rainy weather, which is quite typical for the second half of autumn, here is a kind of symbol of the onset of not the best changes, and not only in nature, like the change of seasons.

If we consider this work from a literary point of view, without trying to read it between the lines, then the poem "Autumn" is an excellent example of landscape lyrics. Moreover, Konstantin Balmont, reputed to be a polyglot and a connoisseur of 15 foreign languages, does not seek to flourish the description of the dullest time of the year with vivid epithets and comparisons.
Let's go back to the text of the poem. Autumn ».
The text of the poem is divided into three quatrains, related in meaning, which organizes the reader's attention.
The integrity of the text is achieved not only in meaning, but also thanks to precise lexical repetitions (steel-become), root repetitions (bird-birds, colorful - flowers), contextual synonyms (colder-sader).
The dominant of the entire text is the heading " Autumn". He not only sets the theme for the poem, but also turns into a proper name in the last stanza " Soon Autumn will wake up...". Thus, the poet shows that autumn is a living person for him.
By genre, this poem belongs to the elegy. The elegy is written in the first person. Thus, we have before us a lyrical work imbued with a sad mood.
The poem is written in two-foot anapaest, thanks to which the text is pronounced easily and smoothly, as if in a singsong voice. This is also facilitated by the exact female rhyme and the cross type of rhyme. In the aggregate of these features, the text sounds more melodic and lyrical.
As already mentioned, there are practically no artistic tropes in the text of the poem. However, it is easy to notice the constant epithet "blue sea" and the personifications " The sun laughs less », « Soon Autumn will wake up And cry awake". With these words, the poet emphasizes that nature, like a living being, also yearns for the springtime. She yearns for warm summer days. There is always spring inside her, as well as in the soul of the author himself, who speaks about the autumn season easily and without any special decorations.
Consider the syntax of the poem. The first two stanzas are complex sentences, consisting of a number of simple ones. The last stanza consists of one complex and one sentence complicated by homogeneous members. Interestingly, the presence of compound nominal predicates (" got colder », « became sadder », « laughs less often"). The lexical meaning of the compound predicate, contained in its basis, does not express any action, but serves to convey the mood of nature and the mood of the author consonant with it.
After the first reading, it can be noted that the logical emphasis falls on these predicates, which perfectly conveys the feelings of the author himself.
From the phonetic side, one can note the alliteration for deaf noisy FROM. C. Thanks to the repetition of these consonants, the expressiveness of the poem is enhanced, it becomes more harmonious. These sounds capture the sadness and longing not only of nature itself, but also of the author. The reader feels the dull mood of the poet, it seems that he himself is somewhere nearby and hears his quiet melodious speech.

Thus the poem "Autumn"- a vivid example of landscape lyrics. Balmont presented a description of the dullest time of the year, without using bright epithets and comparisons, without coloring it with bright words. He managed to convey in this poem both the description of autumn and the state of his soul and feelings that fill his inner world.

Balmont "Autumn"

K.D. Balmont was born on June 15, 1867 in the village of Gumnishchi, Vladimir province. The poet's father and mother were educated people and helped their son to develop his creativity.

Biography and work of K. D. Balmont

The poet began to write his first poems in early childhood. K. D. Balmont did not receive an education, as he participated in anti-government actions, which was strictly prohibited at that time. In his youth, Balmont was fond of ethnography, history and chemistry. He knew about 15 foreign languages, which gave him the opportunity to translate literary works of foreign authors into Russian.

During his life, Balmont wrote many poems in which he revealed the subtle surrounding world. Balmont was very fond of traveling: he visited such countries as France, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Egypt, Spain. It was from these travels that he drew motives for his works. The poet died in 1942.

Poem "Autumn": analysis

In his poem "Autumn" Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont shares with his readers the sadness that autumn days carry. The author describes the onset of cold autumn: lingonberries are ripening in the gardens, the birds are about to fly to the warm south, the trees put on their orange dresses.

We see that the sun has become less likely to shine, but even when it shines in the sky, it does not warm at all. Some flowers still continue to bloom, but they no longer emit such a heady aroma as in summer. Balmont writes that when autumn wakes up in the morning, it will start to cry.

He meant autumn rain. Despite all the sadness of the work "Autumn", we still cannot help but notice all the beauty of this season. Trees, at this time, are full of their red and yellow foliage, already dried grass carpets decorate beads of autumn berries, even autumn rain is beautiful in its own way - it carries a special cool freshness.

Autumn in the eyes of poets

Autumn in their lyrical works was described by many Russian poets, in particular, B. Pasternak, K. Balmont, F. Tyutchev. They all admired the beauty, mystery and grandeur of this season. However, their poems are not without a share of sadness, because autumn is the time when the earth finally says goodbye to summer and prepares to meet the frosty winter.

Many Russian poets depicted autumn in their poems with the help of metaphors. A striking example are the lines of Balmont: "... autumn will wake up, cry ...", "... the sun is laughing ...". Thus, the poets tried to emphasize that nature, like a living being, also yearns for a cheerful summer season.


Analysis of the poem by Konstantin Balmont "Autumn (Cowberries ripen.)"

The poet Konstantin Balmont is rightfully considered one of the first Russian symbolists, whose work became a role model among writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Experimenting with styles, Balmont was fond of decadence and romanticism, but it was symbols that he attached great importance to in his work, believing that only with their help you can most fully and vividly express your thoughts, convey them to future generations of readers.

The poem "Autumn" was written by the poet in 1899, at the peak of literary fame. This short and, at first glance, very lyrical work actually carries a fairly deep semantic load. The poem begins with unpretentious phrases that lingonberries are ripening in the forest, the days are getting shorter and the cry of birds flying south evokes sadness. This is exactly what the autumn melancholy looks like, which often embraces the souls of impressionable and romantic people who subtly feel the world around them and live in harmony with it. However, the first quatrain is intended to set the reader in a certain way, to prepare for the perception of more important and significant information that the author is going to convey to them.

It should not be forgotten that this work dates from the last year of the outgoing 19th century. The change of eras causes the symbolists not only slight sadness, but also understandable panic. In every event, they see a kind of omen that life will change very soon. And, not for the better. Therefore, in the poem "Autumn" there are distinct nostalgic notes that today, after a century, can be called prophetic. Konstantin Balmont admires the birds that fly across the sea to warmer climes, and seems to have a presentiment that soon he will have to leave Russia, in which autumn will come not according to the season, but according to the feeling, when everything old dies, and the new is not yet destined to be born.

The poet associates autumn itself with tears, which is also very symbolic. And it's not just the rainy weather, which is very typical for this time of year. 17 years will pass, and on exactly the same rainy autumn day the world will be split into two opposing camps. Therefore, the phrase “autumn will soon wake up and cry while awake” can be interpreted as a premonition of trouble, which is as inevitable as the change of seasons.

If we consider this work from a literary point of view, without trying to read it between the lines, then the poem "Autumn" is an excellent example of landscape lyrics. Moreover, Konstantin Balmont, reputed to be a polyglot and a connoisseur of 15 foreign languages, does not seek to flourish the description of the dullest time of the year with vivid epithets and comparisons. The image of nature in this work is secondary, as well as the feelings of the poet. Therefore, the poem does not make a special impression on readers, since in Russian literature one can find much more exciting and memorable rhymed lines dedicated to autumn. However, from the point of view of symbolism, this poem is flawless. It says more than enough for those who are used to looking for a hidden meaning in ordinary words. This is natural sadness associated with the change of centuries, and the secret hope that, perhaps, forebodings will turn out to be deceptive, and attempts to stop the moments of a still carefree life, capturing them in verse. But, alas, the prophecies of the great poets, to whom, without a doubt, Konstantin Balmont belongs, tend to come true exactly. The author himself, at the time of writing the poem "Autumn", only vaguely guesses about this, and together with the autumn he mourns not only his own life, but also the fate of his country, in which fatal changes are coming.

Analyzes of other poems

  • Analysis of the poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "The Old Actress"
  • Analysis of the poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "Give Me, Starling, Corner"
  • Analysis of the poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "I'm not looking for harmony in nature"
  • Analysis of the poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "I touched the leaves of eucalyptus"
  • Analysis of the poem Nikolai Klyuev "Christmas hut"

Autumn (Cowberry ripens.)

The days got colder

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Nature in the verses of K. D. Balmont: analysis of the poem "Autumn"

Analysis of the poem "Autumn"

The Russian poet K. D. Balmont (1867-1942), in his work very often turned to nature, describing its beauty, mystery and grandeur. His poems are surprisingly beautiful and musical, perfectly matched rhymes, understandable words and some ease of writing, give Balmont's works tenderness, freshness and melodiousness. In the poem "Autumn", the poet describes the beginning of the autumn season - colorful autumn.

This is just that period of autumn, when in the forest “lingonberries are already ripening”, and “all the trees are shining in a multi-colored dress” and even “there is no incense in the flowers”. And using metaphors to describe the internal state of nature, "... autumn wakes up, cries ...", "the sun laughs ...", the author not only vividly depicts the autumn season, but also fills it with life. With these words, the poet emphasizes that nature, like a living being, also yearns for the springtime. She is sad for the beautiful, warm summer days, but inside her there is always spring, as in the soul of the author himself, who speaks about the autumn season easily and without any special decorations.

But, in addition to a direct description of autumn nature, this work has a deep meaning that reveals the feelings and inner mood of the author himself. Autumn time always evokes the blues, embracing the souls of people who subtly feel the world around them. The author says that "the heart became sadder." Either this state of nature in autumn is so impressive for the poet, or the coming changes in society, since the poem was written in 1899. The poet's heart is filled with sadness, even "the sun laughs less often", and autumn itself is associated with tears. Rainy weather, which is quite typical for the second half of autumn, here is a kind of symbol of the onset of not the best changes, and not only in nature, like the change of seasons.

The poem "Autumn" is a vivid example of landscape lyrics. Balmont presented a description of the dullest time of the year, without using bright epithets and comparisons, without coloring it with bright words. He managed to convey in this poem both the description of autumn and the state of his soul and feelings that fill his inner world.

Listen to Balmont's poem Cowberries ripen

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Picture for composition analysis of the poem Lingonberries ripen