What to do to deal with stress. How I dealt with stress

Stress is a negative emotional state that occurs against the background of problems, diseases, nervous and physical overload. extremely negatively affects the mental health of a person and can lead to depression, neuroses. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to deal with stress on your own.

How to learn to deal with stress?

Before learning how to deal with stress, it should be noted that this condition is not always negative. Short-term and not too strong stress, which takes a person out of the comfort zone, stimulates him to change in life, self-improvement, etc. For example, periodic shake-ups at work can push an individual to look for a better place.

  1. One of the best ways to deal with stress is water procedures. A shower or a warm fragrant bath has a pronounced anti-stress effect and quickly helps to calm down, get rid of negative emotions and feel much better. If possible, swim in a natural reservoir, this will help relieve fatigue and drive away anxiety. You can find peace of mind without diving - watch the river flow, listen to the babbling of a stream, the sound of rain or sea waves (those who live far from the coast can purchase a disc with compositions for relaxation).
  2. A great way to deal with stress on your own is to exercise art therapy. Everyone has different talents and abilities, but doing any kind of creativity helps to relieve stress and get rid of problems. Do what you like best - drawing, modeling, burning, carving, embroidery, knitting, designing. Playing a musical instrument (or just listening to music) is a great stress reliever, and you can also get your emotions out on paper by writing a poem or story.
  3. Helps to find peace with nature and animals. A walk in the forest or park gives a feeling of happiness, restores vitality, relieves nervous excitement, improves immunity and stress resistance. Remarkably help to cope with stress and animals. Cats, dogs and horses are considered the best healers, but in general, any pet that loves its owner can become a healer. Communication with animals helps with insomnia, anxiety, causeless fears.
  4. Some have an anti-stress effect. products: vegetables and fruits of red, yellow and orange colors, chocolate, marmalade, honey. These foods stimulate the production of serotonin and help you relax and relieve stress.
  5. Some help to cope with severe stress cosmetic procedures especially the massage. Kneading the muscles, which are constantly in a tense state under stress, relaxes physically and emotionally, strengthens the nervous system and immunity.

  6. Relieves stress and sport. It is useful for men to do martial arts, wrestling, boxing, for women - yoga, dancing, running, skiing or skating. Physical activity increases the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, as a result of which a person feels happier and more self-confident.
  7. Psychologists advise coping with stress with the help of phototherapy. You can buy special lamps for this, but it is much better if you walk outdoors more often in natural light, and install more light sources at home.
The best way to deal with stress and keep it out of your life

Dedicated to a large amount of various scientific works. All mechanisms of its occurrence have been studied in sufficient detail and are quite complex.

They can be tied to the cardiovascular, hormonal and nervous systems. Stressful conditions can reduce immunity and cause many serious pathologies. Accordingly, it is required to know how to cope with stress, calm the nerves and lead a more positive life.

Know the enemy by sight

In fact, it is a functional reaction of the human body to various annoying nuances. As the most common, one should indicate negative emotions, or the ordinary monotony of the surrounding world.

When a stressful state occurs, the body produces adrenaline, which, in its turn, provokes a person to actions unusual for him and increases motivation to change the established order of things.

Everyone needs stress in small amounts. If we take into account psychological perception, then without a stress reaction, life would become unnecessarily bland and would not be filled with a lot of impressions and emotions.

Without the production of adrenaline and the body's transition to stress mode, a person would not have the motivation to continue existence, self-realization and self-improvement.

What to do at the first sign of stress

If we consider stressful conditions from a practical point of view, then it is possible to notice the nuance that every nervous situation in life causes, the most common of which are:

With the manifestation of the above factors, or only some of them, it is possible to speak with a fair degree of confidence about stress or a pre-stress state. The identification of such signs means only that the body has shown the right reaction to the stimulus.

However, you need to take a number of actions and help your own body overcome the state of stress. In order to remove completely or reduce its manifestations to a minimum, you can just get enough sleep. There are some tips that can help improve the quality of sleep and avoid waking up feeling tired:

  1. To fall asleep quickly and sleep well, on the eve of sleep, you need to tire the body. The best option would be to exercise or go for a walk in the fresh air a couple of hours before the expected time of departure for bed.
  2. In order to relax after intense physical activity, it is better to prepare the body for sleep, it is recommended to streamline thoughts. take a bath at a temperature slightly higher than usual and put on some nice music. It is generally accepted that the classic suits everyone.
  3. Melatonin. A particular hormone is able to strengthen sleep and make it healthier. The production occurs with the use of B-group vitamins. It can be a medical vitamin preparation or dishes with rice, barley, wheat. Sunflower seeds and dried apricots are also suitable.

Sudden nervous outburst

In order to get rid of sudden stress caused by an unforeseen event, you can go in several ways.

A sufficient number of techniques, methods and means to overcome stress have been developed, from which each person can choose something suitable.

You can cope with stress with the help of numerous techniques, you can go to an appointment with a psychologist and he will select the right one, or you can choose on your own:

There are also many methods for relieving stress, the main ones are:

  • let go of emotions, preferably in a secluded place;
  • rotation of the head, hands, rubbing fingers;
  • a smile removes the display of stress on the face, and after the visible, internal tension also goes away.

Remedies for stress relief are extensive, common are:

  • tea drinking - most teas have a calming effect;
  • a cup of coffee - if drinking coffee is a familiar ritual, then this can calm you down quite a lot and return the normal train of thought;
  • eat a sweet or an energetically valuable product.

Exercises to relieve nervous shock

In addition to the generally accepted methods, there are some physical exercises and activities designed specifically to relieve stress:

  • stretching;
  • static exercises;
  • breathing exercises;
  • dancing;
  • fencing;
  • martial arts.

If the nerves are constantly naughty

To relieve stress of a chronic type, one-time methods and methods intended for sudden situations are not enough. A more detailed approach is required:

  • calm down and take a sober look at the situation;
  • allow yourself something nice, as a bonus;
  • pay attention to nutrition and increase the amount of carbohydrates;
  • evaluate what is happening from the point of view of rationalism;
  • let go of emotions;
  • loosen control over your own life and not demand too much from yourself;
  • discuss the problem with someone close or take advantage of the "accidental fellow traveler" effect.

How to relieve stress after work

A busy work process and the need to follow a strict schedule cannot go unnoticed and cause stress. To relieve tension and stress after a hard day and avoid its further progress, you must:

  • calming and relaxing, it is possible to use meditation techniques;
  • water is suitable to relieve stress - go to the pool for swimming or water aerobics, sauna, bath;
  • if there is a quiet park or forest nearby, an evening walk and unity with nature will help curb stress;
  • watching worthy films at home or in the cinema;
  • bath with essential oils.

Emergency help in a stressful situation

There are moments in life when a person simply does not have time for himself, but requires complete concentration and attention to something. Then come in handy quick ways to relieve or reduce stress:

  • if stress has caught up during any important meeting, fix your attention on your own breathing and keep track of it;
  • in the process of a difficult and serious conversation on the phone, try not to stand still, this will help burn excess energy;
  • being at the workplace, it is recommended to put a photo of loved ones in a frame, with special stress, looking at it, a good mood quickly returns;
  • try to eat sweets;
  • while working at the computer, you can perform squats with a 10-minute interval.

A huge variety of standard methods can not only not solve the problem of stress, but even exacerbate it. To avoid this, you can try to calm your nerves and relieve internal tension and stress effectively, non-standard and pleasant:

Self-relief of stress after nervous shocks

Sometimes life turns not in the best direction, and extremely unpleasant events occur - divorce, separation or death of loved ones, pets, dismissal from work or irreparable loss of personal property.

With such events, you can not lock yourself in and go with the flow. It is necessary to actively engage in the fight against apathy and stress:

Training to relieve emotional tension and stress:

How to change your overall approach to life

Dealing with stress after the onset of its symptoms is a worthwhile endeavor. But, preventing a disease is easier than curing it. To avoid in everyday life, you need to change the integrated approach to life completely. For this you need:
conduct a full analysis of the events.

  • the habit of planning the day;
  • abandon the position of "victim";
  • do not demand too much from yourself and others;
  • pick a hobby.

In any case, everyone wants to get rid of stress. The main thing in this business is the realization that everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

There is a ton of information out there on this topic, but I think Leo Babauta, the author of the self-improvement blog Zen Habits, has a very good way to deal with stress.

Stress is one of the most significant problems of modern society. Anxiety, nervous work, chaos at home, unpaid bills, bad habits (unhealthy diet, alcohol, smoking) - all this creates just a huge amount of stress in our lives. If your life is full of stress, there are simple ways to get rid of it, or at least significantly reduce its impact.

I’ll note right away that if you live in a city, in an ordinary and familiar society, you may not be able to completely protect yourself from stressful situations - there is too much of everything around. Of course, in a sense, it is also useless to completely get rid of stress, because the importance of stress in our life is also important, it is one of the natural reactions of the body, stimulating and awakening its internal potential. Stress becomes a problem when it crosses all reasonable limits, causing outright harm to both the physical and mental health of a person.

The essence of the process of overcoming stress is to return to "nature", in inner and outer harmony, as much as possible. This includes the gradual getting rid of bad habits, because they, of course, have nothing to do with a natural and healthy life.

Why do we talk about health when it comes to stress? Because stress and health are closely related. Severe stress can destroy health; Improving and strengthening your health can increase your ability to deal with stress. In general, in a healthy body - a healthy mind - there is no place for stress.

So, how to get rid of bad habits and, thereby, become less prone to stress? The secret is simple: do the right thing and gradually. Aspiration also protects from stress.

Below you will find a list of 10 such things.

Ways to deal with stress

1. For one approach - one thing. This is the easiest way to start reducing the amount of stress in your life. Just start doing it today, right now. Focus on working on just one bad habit, or start by organizing your living space. For example, remove everything superfluous from the desktop. Leave only what you need to work. Need to write a report? Do just that and nothing more. Do not talk on the phone, do not check email, social networks, etc. If you are going to parse the mail, then do nothing else. Of course, this is not easy, especially at first. I myself had this habit: to do something else along the way. But, as practice shows, it only gets worse, because focus on work, time is lost, and efficiency also drops. In the end - only a loss, no matter how you look at it.

2. Simplify your schedule. A busy work schedule is one of the main causes of stress. Just remove some of the things from your life, leaving only the necessary. everything unimportant or even unimportant. Of course, no one forces you to do this recklessly - get rid of unnecessary things gradually, it’s unlikely to succeed right away anyway. Fill your schedule with only important things, leaving free time in it as well.

3. Get moving. Movement is life, and this phrase exists for a reason. A simple example: if you sit all the time, you will get sick. Why? Because our body is a dynamic system that requires movement to function optimally. Virtually all tissues in the body are muscles in one form or another that need to contract in order to maintain circulation and metabolism. By the way, it is best to move in nature or as close to it as possible.

4. Try to get one healthy habit every month. This is not difficult when you are not given a condition urgently in a month; you just gradually develop one thing useful. Just one thing, a little, slowly, so that your mind does not resist drastic changes, and you do not feel infringed or put in a rigid framework. For example, instead of something not very healthy, start eating some fruit every day. Or start taking walks in the fresh air in the evenings, for example, before going to bed. Or you can start doing some exercises.

5. Relax. Is there something you love to do that calms you down? By the way, often it is physical activity that brings good relaxation, because. relieves unnatural muscle and nervous tension received during the working day. Other options are taking a bath, reading, taking a nap, etc. Some people find it soothing to do housework. Walking in nature is great for me, for example; you can still meditate or. Find something that will relieve your nerves and muscles, let your body and mind relax.

6. Simplify your finances. If we have a lot of all sorts of bills and expenses, then the financial side can bring a lot of headaches. We need to find a way to simplify all financial control. For example, automate bill payments, savings deposits, regular expenses, so as not to give them your energy. Another option is to shop less, or rather, less often. So you will waste less energy on what is not really important in life. Let these things go in the background.

7. Have fun! Every day, find at least a few minutes to laugh, have a good time, tune in to positive thoughts. Play with the kids, for example, or watch a fun movie with the whole family. You can play something (especially outdoors, sports games, for example, again with the whole family or with friends; board or computer games are also suitable, but do not get carried away with computer games too much, because they also draw energy). The main idea is to have fun.

8. Do something creative. Creative activity has amazing potential in terms of coping with stress. This is possible because by acting creatively, we release our inner potential, thereby destroying negative things like stress. Just do something that you enjoy. By the way, activities such as modeling or crafts are great for relaxing.

9. Get rid of unnecessary things. According to the ancient sciences of organizing space, such as Vastu and Feng Shui, an excessive pile of things leads to confusion in thoughts. If you are in a spacious, comfortable and clean room, your thoughts also come in order. This connection is quite observable in life. But don't make it a "spring cleaning" - let getting rid of the trash also become part of the fun or even creative activity.

10. Get up early. Interesting, but I've seen from my own experience that it works. When you get up early in the morning, somehow, your view of the world becomes more positive. Perhaps this is due to what in the Vedic literature is called the gunas or qualities of nature (goodness, passion and ignorance or darkness). Goodness acts in the morning, passion in the afternoon, and ignorance in the evening and at night. Therefore, it is believed that in the morning you need to do what elevates thoughts and consciousness, during the day what contributes to material prosperity, and in the evening - just relax (sleep at night, respectively :)).

In addition, there is another interesting point: when you get up earlier than usual, your day is subjectively perceived as “longer”, and it turns out to have time to do more things. Also, when you do all the most important things in the morning, they not only turn out faster and better, but the rest of the day goes more positively, because. you are not burdened by the burden of responsibility and heaviness from doing important things.

It's not a question of whether we are "larks" or "owls". Practice shows that the principle “early in the morning” applies to everyone, just because of various factors, we ourselves have developed this or that way of life. But it's worth developing a new habit, and you can see for yourself how much better, healthier and more efficient it is to get up early and do the most important things first. This will greatly reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Well, now I hope you know what to do with stress, or rather, how to deal with stress most effectively, and how to prevent its occurrence.

Every day we face stressful overloads - at work and at home, on public transport and in line at the checkout at the grocery store. But usually these stresses are situational (read: minor and insignificant), so they can not have a significant impact on our psychological health. However, only if you do not pay attention to them.

According to statistics, more than 70% of the population of large cities regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress. Among them: fatigue, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, loss of appetite (or, conversely, stress overeating), as well as a decrease in sexual desire. At the same time, about 80% of people report psychological symptoms such as irritability, anger, nervousness and lack of energy.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to deal with stress that work surprisingly quickly. Take them into service to keep calm even in extreme situations.

1. Breathe properly

Research shows that breathing practices are one of the best ways to calm down in an emergency. Try taking a deep breath (for 10 counts) and slowly exhaling (for 8 counts) to deal with the tension. Repeat the exercise if you still feel stiffness in your muscles.

2. Listen to music

It has been proven that music has the ability to change the chemical composition of body cells, and this is worth bearing in mind. So turn on your favorite radio when you get ready for work, keep your headphones on when you ride the subway, and listen to classical music or relaxation tunes in moments of special stress. Experts note that musical accompaniment is one of those things thanks to which you can make your every day incredible.

3. Use bright colors

Colors act like music, so if you want to enhance the effectiveness of your anti-stress campaign, try combining the two. Scientific experiments show that any bright colors can positively affect body chemistry, and therefore reduce stress. But be careful: choose warm colors over cool colors to avoid the opposite effect.

4. Massage your hands

According to research published in 2008 in the journal Alternative and Complementary Medicine, just five minutes of hand massage significantly reduces stress levels in the body. The same conclusion was later reached by researchers from the University of Miami, who proved that massage affects the biochemistry of the body, relieves depression and anxiety. Can't make an appointment for a spa manicure? Just do a self-massage in the middle of the working day.

5. Go to the zoo

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that time spent with animals has a therapeutic effect. But it will be good for you to know that these assumptions, based on our emotions while walking the dog or visiting the zoo, have a scientific basis. So, the researchers were able to prove that animals provoke the release of the hormone oxytocin in our body, which lowers blood pressure, improves mood and automatically makes life better. By the way, cute videos with animals on YouTube also count.

6. Hug

You probably guessed that hugs can be miraculous, but here are some more facts to support the theory. In an experiment in which people held hands for 10 minutes and hugged before going on stage and giving a speech, scientists were able to prove that hugging lowers blood pressure and lowers heart rate. All this, according to the authors of the study from the University of North Carolina, naturally relieves stress and makes us feel calmer.

7. Sit up straight

Experts from the Appalachian State University (USA) report that people who boast a straight back are more effective at resisting stress and have the ability to relax faster than those who have posture problems. So watch your back when you work at the computer (and especially if you do it all day), and if your posture is not ideal, sign up for Pilates or yoga.

Life can be very stressful; sometimes you need to deal with the stress of everyday life. Stress can be caused by various factors: family troubles, problems at work, financial difficulties, poor health, or even the death of a loved one. It is important to recognize its causes (sometimes stress can be natural), take action to combat the cause of the problem and eliminate the symptoms of stress. The most important thing is not to fight it alone: ​​seek the help of a friend or, if necessary, a professional.


Fight stress with lifestyle changes

    Get regular exercise. Targeted workouts help rid your body of stress hormones and increase endorphins, the chemicals that make you feel happy. Set aside time during your busy day to exercise. This will help you keep your body healthy and will naturally release stress hormones from your body. You will definitely feel the difference.

    Get good sleep. Give your body the sleep it needs and your stress levels will drop dramatically. Sleep is the process by which your body restores strength and energy on its own. If you don't get enough sleep, then your body will use stress to keep you active and agile in the absence of energy reserves.

    Eat right. To fight stress, your body needs to be healthy, happy, and properly energized. Whatever you think, stress is the body's response to anything that disrupts its natural state, meaning your body can have a huge impact on developing and reducing stress.

    Learn to relax. A great way to reduce stress is to relax your body through natural methods. Don't expect stress to disappear instantly; this may take time. Try not to focus on stress per se while relaxing. Think of something calm and serene, or try not to think of anything. Let your body tell your mind that everything is fine.

    • Listen to slow, relaxing music. Music can really help you relax and feel happy. Try to choose music without words that uses instruments such as flute, piano or violin. Classical, jazz, folk tunes usually work well, but if you don’t like them, choose the music that calms you.
    • Take a bath. For a great experience, add sea salt or any other fragrant bath salt to the water. Use this time for yourself and relax.
    • Go get a massage. It doesn't matter if you get a massage from a professional or your loved one, but in any case, it will have a great relaxing effect. Use lotion or oil and turn on dimmed lights to create the most relaxing atmosphere.
    • Start keeping a journal or diary. You don't have to take notes every day. Write down what's bothering you, what's taking up your time, and what you're thinking about that can help you let go of negative emotions.
  1. Start practicing yoga and meditation. You can consider yoga as a daily practice, as the practice of deep stretching and slow movements will help you clear your mind. Meditation clears the mind, and yoga exercises can double your relaxation to reduce stress levels.

    • Use guided imagination to imagine a place that helps you feel at peace. Imagine a place where you feel happy; focus on the details to completely detach from the present moment.
    • Practice yoga alone or in a group if you need help learning new poses. If your level in yoga is high, then you will be able to perform complex stretching exercises that will force you to focus and take your mind off stress.
    • Engage in deep relaxation by applying muscle relaxation. These are exercises aimed at tensing the muscles for ten seconds, and then relaxing them. This will soften and relax the muscles in your body.
  2. Do what you enjoy. Often, if you are stressed, you may find that there is no time left in your schedule for your favorite activities. Whether it's painting, writing, reading, sports, or cooking, set aside time each day for activities that bring you joy.

    Treating stress with mental exercises

    1. Try not to think negatively. Think of the positive in your life and start rebalancing your emotional register. Avoid focusing only on the negative events that happened during the day, but also think about the good.

      • Sit down and count the blessings you have. Write down even the most mundane things you have and use: a roof over your head, the bed you sleep on, good food, warmth, security, good health, friends or relatives. Understand that this is not available to everyone.
      • When you wake up in the morning, say something nice to yourself. This will direct your energy and mind towards positive thinking. Be grateful for every day you live, because you do not know which one may be the last!
      • Use positive self-talk. Strengthen your resolve with positive affirmations like "I can handle this without rushing" or "I've successfully dealt with this before - there's no reason I can't do it again."
      • Visualize positive events; it won't take long, but it can help you focus. Think about success, read about successful people. Do not admit defeat before you suffer it. You don't deserve to constantly humiliate and punish yourself.
    2. Organize your life. Set yourself goals that you need to achieve during the day, then make a list of them. Take a short break in the middle of the day - this will give you time to recharge. Taking control of your time and prioritizing it will help you significantly reduce the amount of stress you feel.

      • Don't forget your options. Be realistic when looking at what you can and cannot accomplish in one day. It's pointless to bite off more than you can chew and then beat yourself up for not making it.
      • Set your priorities. Work on the highest priority (most urgent/important) cases first. Omit unimportant items to the end of the list.
      • Do the most frustrating and difficult tasks at the beginning of the day when you are full of energy - this way you will avoid the stress of work at the last minute. Procrastination can cause stress!
      • Focus on the quality, not the quantity, of the work done. Be proud of what you did well, not too much.
      • Whenever possible, plan your day to prevent stressful situations and reduce the amount of stressors you may encounter at any given moment. Set deadlines for large projects.
      • At the end of the day, review your goals and think about everything you have achieved. This will give you confidence and help you sleep better. Check the list of items that you have completed.
    3. Determine what is bothering you. Make sure you understand why you are stressed so you can try to avoid these factors. Knowledge is power, and knowing yourself well is doubly powerful.

      • For example, if you notice that you are regularly stressed at a certain time in the presence of a certain person, then start preparing your brain in a different way for the upcoming stress. If you love and trust this person, carefully tell him how he makes you feel. If you feel uncomfortable sharing your feelings, remind yourself that this is a fleeting phenomenon, that the feeling will pass, and soon you will pull yourself together again.
      • Rehearse. If you know that you will face a stressful situation, rehearse how you will deal with it. Imagine that you have successfully overcome the situation. Come up with a scene that you can mentally replay in your head over and over again.
    4. Stop worrying about things you can't change. This is especially true for things like politics and often applies to other people. Acceptance of the state of affairs as it is is an important mechanism of psychological adaptation, although it is not as easy as it seems.

    5. Develop a sense of humor. One of the obstacles to dealing with stress is the tendency to take everything too seriously. It is normal to get rid of stress and to treat life's turmoil with humor. Laugh a little, but rather laugh heartily! Find the funny in what worries you.

      • Learn to laugh at yourself. Do not humiliate yourself and do not engage in lowering self-esteem, but try to scold yourself as a joke from time to time. How can you laugh at other things if you can't even laugh at yourself?
    6. Learn to rely on friends and loved ones. This is one of the most important points, because closeness only contributes to stress. Your friends - if they are real friends - will try to understand what is happening to you, and, in addition to sympathy, will sincerely want to help you with all their might.

      • Ask friends for help. If you want to do something but can't find the strength or time to do it, it's perfectly fine to ask friends or loved ones for help. Express your gratitude and offer your help in return.
      • Seek respect from people, not approval - including your friends. Friends will respect you because they love you, even if they don't always agree with you. Enemies (if you have any) will respect you because you are acting from pure, sincere motives. Resist the desire to be loved and approved by everyone - this is an overwhelming burden. If you follow this, you will be less stressed and feel much more satisfied.
      • Look for positive, not negative people. It sounds trite, because it is true: Surrounding yourself with fun, enthusiastic, and kind people will help you avoid the stress you would experience with pessimistic, cynical, angry people.
      • Chew gum. Research shows that chewing can reduce stress, which is why many people who are constantly under stress tend to overeat. Chewing gum is a healthier alternative.
      • Get a massage session.
      • Be honest about your feelings. Do not deny them and do not try to suppress them, as this will only increase the state of stress. Don't be afraid to cry - it will relieve tension and release hidden emotions, which can help you deal with your problems.
      • Plan for events in the future that you look forward to. Using your imagination will also help you get rid of stress.
      • Get out in the sun more often. Sunlight can lift your spirits and ease seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
      • If you feel like you need to ask someone for forgiveness, do it. Make sure it doesn't make things worse. Guilt exacerbates stress.
      • Do what you want or have been putting off for a long time, but make sure that this is not an escape from reality.
      • Develop perspective and know that events may not be as stressful as you think. Think not about what causes you stress, but about the things that are really important in your life.


      • Avoid self-medication with alcohol, drugs, medications, and more.
      • Seek professional help immediately if you experience chest pain or dizziness.
      • Avoid trying to escape from reality, as this will not help you cope with the situation, and in the worst cases, you will need medical attention.
      • If you suffer from chronic stress, then you are likely to cry often, gain or lose weight rapidly, and also suffer from a lack of sexual desire. In this case, you urgently need to see a doctor and describe your symptoms to him. You may have a nervous breakdown or other illnesses.