How to be a more considerate person. How to be mindful at work


Realize the benefits of working on the development of attention.

Often, due to inattention, time is wasted reworking something. For example, you reread the information and ask to repeat the order, and when you leave the house, you suddenly realize if you turned off the iron.

Inattention reduces the feeling of joy in life. Why not turn a monotonous Saturday shopping experience into an adventure? On the way to the store, look into the faces of passers-by, look around - and life will become more interesting!

Due to lack of attention, a skill eventually becomes a bad habit that lives on its own. For example, paying attention to how you speak will help get rid of the “damn” link.

Lack of attention can lead to parting with loved ones, dulling vital feelings.

The focus is on several areas:
- Full concentration on one action.

The ability to perceive and process comments, additions, adjustments in the process of performing one action.

The ability to ignore unnecessary information, filter out extraneous noise (including information).

The ability to switch attention from one activity to another.

The ability to work productively on several things at the same time (including the skills of the first 4 areas). You need to start with two simple things.

Interest yourself in getting attention. If there is no inner desire (for example, at work), formulate motives.

Always do quality work, doing your best. If you are doing something for the first time, do not be lazy to think about each step and its consequences.

Control how things are going. Order in the workplace, order in thoughts will help with this. Take care of the cleaning.

Draw a 6x6 square. In each cell, write the numbers from 1 to 36 in a different sequence with black ink. Swap pictures with a partner. Now consistently point to the numbers with a pen (1, 2, .., 36).
In a similar pattern, make squares with numbers written in red ink. Point to the numbers in reverse order (36, 35,.., 1). Now make a square and write randomly the numbers 1-18 in black, 19-36 in red. Point to the numbers: 1 is black, 36 is red, 2 is black, 35 is red, etc.
The exercise teaches concentration and switching attention. Increase the number over time.

Attention is a mental process of displaying the world. Mental processes also include: will, memory, speech, thinking, perception, representation, imagination, emotions, feelings, sensation. There is a relationship between them - by developing one, you will change the quality of the other.

Rest. If you are mentally or physically overworked, your body needs rest to regain focus.

The kid is often distracted during classes, the teenager's performance decreases due to lack of concentration in the classroom, and the adult regularly forgets where he put the remote control or keys ... Everyone has the same problem and is associated with a lack of attention, which is not a cognitive process, but organizes their functioning . Attention is a state of consciousness that allows you to clearly and fully reflect reality. How can you become more attentive and what is needed for this?

Attention Properties

A unique tool for focusing on something or someone has a number of properties that can be developed. Attention is characterized by:

  • volume - the number of objects perceived simultaneously in a fraction of a second (normally from 4 to 6);
  • stability - duration of retention;
  • concentration (clarity of perception), which allows not to be distracted by less significant signals;
  • switchability - the speed of transition from one to another, more important object;
  • distribution - the ability to parallel processes;
  • orientation (objectivity) - the allocation of certain signals as the main ones inside or outside.

For future success in learning with a preschooler, it is necessary to engage in training not only cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination), but also attention. In the preconscious period, the child is situational, so for classes it is necessary to create certain conditions:

  • comfort associated with the observance of the daily regimen, the absence of the need to fulfill other needs, the suitability of the premises;
  • emotional saturation of the lesson with a change in activities that are attractive to the baby;
  • a clear and step-by-step presentation of instructions in a friendly tone, because this organizes the baby and develops future planning;
  • help in the fight against distractions in the form of verbal guidelines: “We will first complete the task, and then we will play with the typewriter”;
  • interest support.

Having created the necessary atmosphere, you can begin to perform exercises that solve the problem, how to become more attentive.

Baby exercises

Game "Three points" on the amount of attention

The child, located in a comfortable position, is given three tasks. They are listed in the manual at the same time. Task: perform all the actions correctly and in the specified sequence. To do this, he is given a cheerful command: "One, two and three, run faster." Sample task: 1. Clap your hands three times. 2. Name the second letter of the alphabet. 3. Pick up a soft toy.

Upon successful completion of the task, you can complicate: 1. Clap your hands as many times as you are old. 2. Write on paper the first three letters of the alphabet. 3. Pick up a thing whose name begins with the letter "c".

The game "Signs" for switching attention

Such fun is best done with a group, but you can do it with one kid. How can a child become attentive if he does not know how to navigate the environment? This is helped by switch signs invented by adults during any game: the words “Stop the game”, the ringing of an alarm clock or a bell, a picture shown to the participants.

The game "Corrector" on the distribution of attention

The lesson is suitable for an older preschooler who knows the letters. He is given a text in large print, where you need to find and cross out all the letters "O". If during the game the baby does this chaotically, it should be corrected. Complications of the task: 1. Cross out one letter and underline the other. 2. Complete the task on time. 3. Arrange a competition with another child or with an adult. Deliberately skipping the letters, instruct both to check the task with the opponent.

How to be more mindful as a teenager

A teenager is able to perform more complex tasks, increasing the amount of attention. He can be offered a plate where numbers are affixed in various geometric shapes, for example 8, 3, 9. The figures can be any: triangle, square, circle. Before you start demonstrating the plates, you should warn that numbers will be shown. Raising them for a second, you can offer to write the numbers in a row, find the sum, the product. Then ask them to name the figures in which they are depicted. In the next lessons, the number of numbers and tablets should be increased if the student easily copes with the task.

An interesting mathematical problem is the requirement to write two numbers in a column. The next pair of digits will consist: the top one - from the unit of the sum of the first two, and the bottom one - just the transferred top one. For example, 3 and 5 are taken. At the top there will be 8, at the bottom - 3. The next pair of numbers is formed on the same basis. It turns out 1 and 8. The intrigue lies in the fact that the participant is given a new task in which the units of the sum are written at the bottom, and the bottom number is transferred up. After mastering a new task, the participant is offered their chaotic change at a certain signal.

Help computer

Without modern technologies, it is more difficult to determine and develop such a property of attention as concentration. The Play attention computer video game with a special armband with a built-in sensor registers the degree of concentration of attention, as well as the level of thinking. The game is made on the principle of techniques used by American astronauts.

A huge number of computer programs respond to requests for how to become more attentive. In addition to games, sets of exercises have been created to develop the basic properties of attention. "Super Attention" is one of them, which includes eleven sets of tasks: "Search", "Replacement", "Sorting", "Errors", "Sum", "Corrector", "Three", "Breathing", "Shape" , "Checker", "Rhythm". These complexes are available on the Internet, they are based on the interest of school-age children.

Group trainings

In large cities there are psychological centers that conduct group trainings for older teenagers and adults of various kinds. One of the most popular - on the development of memory and imaginative thinking. In parallel, they all solve the problem of how to become an attentive person, because they are based on perception, observation, concentration. Exercises are based on the basic properties of attention, developing and improving them. A whole science of eidetics has been created - a toolkit for working with any amount of information from people of different ages.

There is a technique for activating the right hemisphere of the brain (St. Petersburg), the course "Supermemory" on the basis of the Presidential School (Moscow), using the ideas and practice of John Atkinson. To complete the training, you need motivation based on the existing problems either when working with information or in everyday life.

Stress, overwork, insufficient sleep, lack of fresh air, alcohol abuse, smoking, frequent use of certain medications (especially painkillers, sedatives and sleeping pills), vitamin hunger often impair memory. But it is enough to give up smoking and alcohol, start eating right, go to bed earlier, walk more often and make friends with sports, as episodes of forgetfulness will evaporate, as they never happened.

By the way, it is required to limit not only junk food, but also increased loads. Any overwork (both physical and mental) has a bad effect on the ability to remember, so take breaks from work more often, move more and try not to take work home. You won't earn all the money.

It is also worth limiting unnecessary information. After all, its overabundance, as you know, leads to superficial perception. So, if you surf the Internet or watch TV from morning to night, then don't be surprised that your poor brain is no longer able to concentrate on something else and retain something important. Give yourself at least one “day off” from gadgets. Try to “forget” your mobile phone and tablet for the whole day at home, and at work resist the temptation to use the Internet outside of business purposes. In the evening, try not to turn on the TV. And be surprised at how much calmer you have become and how long and eventful the day can be, how much attention you can pay to loved ones.

Brains, cook!

In school and student years, we regularly strained our brain: we learned verses and rules, crammed theorems, memorized foreign words, wrote presentations. But, as adults, they abruptly stopped doing all this. But the memory needs regular training. So that she does not let you down, do not be lazy to memorize poetry, solve crossword puzzles, learn something new: whether it is musical notation or a foreign language.

Get carried away with puzzles, crosswords, collect puzzles, complete tasks to increase mindfulness - all this is a great workout for your head. Don't neglect computer games. In particular, such a classic game as "find a pair", where the player is briefly opened cards with drawings, and then closed and offered to find a pair. This game is very useful, as it involves parts of the brain that are important for memory - the temporal lobe and the hippocampus. By the way, all this can be done with children.

In general, doctors believe that memory problems are most often problems with attention. So learn to focus. To achieve this, try to get in the habit of not doing anything automatically, but always being collected.

On a note

The following exercises will help you become more attentive, you must perform them regularly.

Follow the daily routine. Get enough sleep, eat on time and rest. The reasons for your inattention may be ordinary fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger, physical discomfort.

Agree, it is difficult to concentrate after a sleepless night or during a period of illness.

Monitor your emotional state. Surely you yourself have noticed that when something bothers you a lot, it is almost impossible to completely immerse yourself in some kind of work and focus on important things. At the same time, if your nerves are in order, and serious problems do not occupy your entire mind, you will successfully be able to become a more collected person and concentrate on work.

Sometimes lack of concentration in some business indicates that you are not interested in the actions that you perform. In this case, you have two choices: re-evaluate the need for this work, or find something interesting in what you do. Sometimes you just need to delve a little into the subject being studied, and it will become clearer and more exciting. Then it will become easier for you to get together in order to carefully work on the object further.

Mindfulness Development

Train yourself to remember details. There are several interesting tests and assignments for this purpose. Search between two pictures, go through computer quests. Look at your desktop for a few seconds, then close your eyes and try to imagine the picture you were just looking at. Then open your eyes and compare whether you managed to recreate all the details in your memory, or whether a lot of things escaped your attention.

Learn to concentrate. Meditation will help you with this. Make sure that no one and nothing interferes with you, and make yourself comfortable. Look at one point or at some object - a candle, a flower - and do not let your thoughts wander. Despite the primitiveness of the task, it can be very difficult to complete it. You may be surprised at how difficult it can be to take control of your mind and completely focus on one thing.

Gradually, you need to increase the time during which you succeeded in this exercise.

Practice finding the right information. Write random numbers from one to one hundred on a piece of paper, and then look for them first in a straight line, then in reverse order. Or take a book and look for a certain letter on several pages, counting how many times it is printed. This exercise will help you develop mindfulness and learn to focus on certain points.

Ease of communication is not always an innate quality. Some have been buying it for years. It is not always necessary to be in the spotlight, but learning to find the right words, being able to convey your thought to other people in a form that is understandable and interesting to them, and even on the first try, is always important. In order not to make your mistakes and quickly learn to be interesting to other people, you can follow some tips.


The first thing to do is practice speaking. Even if you know all the encyclopedias by heart, but at the same time you cannot convey this information in an understandable form, then all your knowledge is not worth a penny in communication. They tried to teach you this in the lessons of literature, rhetoric and the Russian language. If you have not been able to acquire this skill, try the following exercise.

Take a book or newspaper, read a long section of an article or chapter. Then aloud clearly and loudly formulate the main idea of ​​what you read. You need to do this every day and not just once. When it becomes easy, start competing with for time to think. When it takes no more than 3 seconds, you have achieved the result and received a new skill. Why do you need it? Imagine that during a conversation a good thought came to you, and you can show off your wit, but while you are thinking about how to express this thought, a good moment will pass. Having learned to formulate a thought, to squeeze the very juice out of it, you will always be relevant and interesting in.

It is known that people really do not like criticism, so if you want people to always be interested in you, you do not need to immediately pour out your negative assessment on them. Instead of talking about what you don't like, talk about what you love.

During the conversation, talk more not about yourself, but about your interlocutor. Look straight into your eyes. Call him by his name, because there is no sound sweeter than the sound of your own name. Listen carefully and ask questions as the conversation progresses. If the narrator sees that you are interested in knowing what he has to say, then his interest will be focused on you.

That's when you learn to master your language and attention, then the richness of your inner world will be important. The more versatile your interests, the more hobbies you have, the more interesting it will be for people with you.

An interesting personality is attractive to others. It is pleasant to communicate with a bright, outstanding, versatile person. Such an individual knows how to listen and keep up the conversation, he impresses with his charisma and love of life, has an excellent sense of humor and attracts other people. If you want to become such a person, study the basic qualities of interesting people.


To be an interesting conversationalist, you need to constantly learn something new. Be curious, study the questions that interest you, broaden your horizons. Just think how many things in the world deserve attention, and at the same time how often you can meet boring, narrow-minded people. Do not be like them, study, travel, engage in self-development.

Find your calling. A charismatic person strives for self-realization. You can express yourself through work or hobbies. If you find a professional field where your talents are useful, or if you are interested in some kind of activity in your spare time, then you can infect other people with your own enthusiasm.

Interesting are those people who love their work and are happy to plunge into it with their heads.

Try to be versatile. Pay attention to all your talents and abilities. Limited people are not as much of interest to others as addicted people.

The Art of Conversation

Learn to share your knowledge and experience. Become a great conversationalist. To do this, you need to improve in the ability to speak and the art of listening.

To become a good storyteller, you need to learn how to beautifully, correctly and accurately express your own thoughts. Reading good literature and constant practice in writing and speaking will help you master this talent.

In addition, you should learn to notice interesting details, become more attentive.

In the ability to listen, eye contact with the interlocutor and, again, attentiveness will help you, as well as demonstrating that you understand the person. Of course, you do not need to interrupt the speaker.


The person who, first of all, accepts himself becomes attractive to others. Try to see in yourself first of all advantages. It is better to forget about the shortcomings that you cannot correct.

Self-respect, sincere self-love, self-acceptance makes a person worthy of love by others. Be a self-sufficient person, and people will reach out to you. Strong people who are not looking for approval, but for simple communication, are truly interesting to others.

Under any circumstances, try to be yourself. Don't betray your principles by blindly following the crowd. Learn to defend your own point of view. Learn to resist undesirable influence and manipulation, preserve your identity. A charismatic person lives in harmony with himself and is not afraid to follow the chosen path.

Some people can anticipate the development of events or immediately figure out the deceiver. At the same time, others do not differ insight. If you want to learn how to properly assess the situation and understand people, work on developing your mindfulness and analytical skills.

An insightful person is able not only to soberly assess what is happening, but also to see the reason for some things. He easily distinguishes the essence of the issue among the unnecessary "husk". So, such an individual is difficult to deceive. Someone who is well versed in people is more likely to succeed than more narrow-minded individuals. Learn not to judge events and others superficially. Try to study the root causes.

Knowledge of psychology

To understand people, to see their hidden intentions and motives, knowledge of applied knowledge will help you. Study the science of man and learn how to apply it in communication. You will understand how to determine the mood of others, read the facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor.

Read more magazines and books on psychological topics. You will be useful to the behavior of people in certain situations. You will be able to penetrate deeper into secrets.

If possible, attend psychological seminars. Communicate more with people in order to better understand those around you.

Ability to analyze

Develop your analytical skills. They will help you to correctly assess the situation. There are many different ways to do this. For example, computer quests, logic puzzles, various puzzles, reading detective stories.

Think often about why certain things happen the way they do. Train by simulating any situation with a change in one or more factors.

Remember that there is a possibility that there are hidden factors that influence the actions of others. You may not know them, so do not rush to conclusions. Consider all possible versions, even if they seem incredible at first glance.


To better understand the surrounding reality, you need to collect information. Try to keep abreast of events and world news. Knowledge about the political, economic and scientific fields will be needed to assess the realities of life.

Choose reliable sources of information. It is clear that trusted media can be trusted more than neighbor gossip.


Don't take anything for granted. Check the words of people unfamiliar to you and try to judge others by their actions, not speeches. A certain amount of healthy skepticism will help you not fall for the bait of manipulators.

Put your own opinion above all else. Exceptions are cases when the advice of an authoritative expert in this field is contrary to it.

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Insight helps a person to predict how certain events will turn out, and better understand people. If you want to become such an individual, develop observation and attentiveness, work on the ability to analyze what is happening and do not miss the chance to enrich your life experience.

Get rid of stereotypes

Thinking based on stereotypes does not contribute to the growth of insight. To see more than others, you should not do it. Sometimes the most obvious answer is not the right one. Take on faith only bare facts, do not speculate for other people.

The standard way of thinking leads to the expected results. It is important to change the habit of thinking in patterns in order to discover your abilities. Practice this. Do not judge others strictly, do not seek to make a hasty conclusion regarding the current situation. If you can hypothetically assume an alternative version of the development of circumstances, you do not need to discard it in favor of the most likely one in your opinion.

be careful

To become a more insightful person, you need to have a maximum of facts. Be observant, take into account even the smallest details. Perhaps in the future they will help you find causal relationships or predict the outcome of events in the future.

Pay attention to things that are secondary in importance, and not just the main ones. This is what distinguishes more attentive people. For example, when talking with a person, take into account not only what he says, but also how he says it, how much the facial expression of your interlocutor corresponds to the meaning of his phrases.


Works of world classical fiction will help to enrich your life experience. Give preference to realistic novels in which there are psychological portraits of the characters.

With the help of good books, you will get rid of excessive naivety. Also, your experience will not be limited to your reality, as you will experience many stories that will become part of your consciousness.

Train your brain. Perform various exercises to develop memory, speed of reaction and the ability to think logically. These abilities will help you better understand what is happening around you and draw the right conclusions.

Learn to think systematically. All the facts should be put together like a puzzle into a single picture. So you can recreate the missing pieces and understand what exactly you should pay attention to. Study psychology. Understanding how people's minds work will help you understand the motives of their actions and predict their reaction to a particular event.

Connect with people more. Try to talk less and listen more. This will allow you to focus on what is around you and become more receptive to what is happening. It is these qualities that distinguish discerning people.

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Human nature has a tendency to self-improvement. From a spiritual point of view, changes in a person depend on the willpower of a person. You can start changing yourself with a small step - to become different for one day. There is a saying: if you take care of your day, then you take care of your life.


Get your day off to a good start. To do this, wake up earlier than usual. Set aside one hour for self-improvement: meditate, read inspirational texts, affirmations, great books. Perform a set of physical exercises. Your body will be very grateful to you. Then take a shower with pleasure. Take a contrast shower to recharge your energy. Drink a cup of coffee, mentally charging it for health, youth and success.

Plan out your day. Select the most important tasks that need to be completed during the day. Plan two things that you don't like and don't want to do. Do something that you have long wanted to do, but did not do for any reason.

Many men and women suffer from the fact that they fail to be attentive and focused people. Due to absent-mindedness, such people have a lot of problems at work, study, and even in relationships.

Not observant and not attentive people very often forget about important points and nuances at work or school, which causes poor progress and failure, and such people do not pay attention to important little things in relationships, which is why men do not understand women's hints, and girls do not understand men's requests.

There are a lot of reasons why people are not attentive, and the most common is that people are fixated on themselves and constantly think about their interests and problems.

On the one hand, this is good, since a person often thinks about his plans and thinks about his future life with his soulmate and friends, but on the other hand, this is bad, since a person does not delve deeply into conversations with people, as well as into the nuances of his professional activity.

Because of such a negligent and unfocused attitude, people often begin to take offense and get annoyed with inattentive people, if you don’t want to be like that, then follow these five tips to help you stop being distracted.

  1. Take every little thing seriously;
  2. Focus more on other people than on yourself;
  3. Get rid of things that distract you;
  4. Encourage yourself not to be distracted;
  5. Get carried away by the object of your attention.

1. Take the little things seriously

Whatever people tell you, so you don't have to learn or know at university or at work, listen to this, learn this, and know this.

Perhaps you personally do not really need this information and are unlikely to ever come in handy in life, but this information will help you study better, work better and build more harmonious relationships with your soulmate.

Do not think, only constantly about global things, think often about the little things, because all relationships in your personal life and at any work are built on the little things.

2. Focus more on other people than yourself

It is clear that most people think only about themselves and their own successes and problems. Such people are not interested in other people's lives, other people's feelings and other people's experiences, such people, unfortunately, will be left alone, because they have not learned to show attention to other people.

If you don't want to be like that, then sincerely try to be interested in other people and pay your attention to their appearance, their experiences, their moods and their conversations, be more observant.

This does not mean that you only need to focus on other people and forget about yourself. You need to fully focus on other people when they say something, call or even write to you, if no one communicates with you, then you have the opportunity to concentrate more on yourself.

When communicating with your interlocutor, try to fully imbue his state and try to remember at least some part of the conversation that the interlocutor interprets to you.

It is very difficult to remember all the sentences and the whole speech live, so we recommend that you discuss all your important conversations on the phone, where you can record the conversation and then listen to it using programs such as "Call recorder".

3. Get rid of things that distract you

It often happens that you need to focus on something, but your phone or messages on social networks constantly distract you. You understand that you need to sit at a computer or laptops and do things that are important to you, but any message or any extraneous sound can always distract you from a significant task.

Distractions need to be dealt with and can be done very simply. You need to put your mobile phone away from you as far as possible and close all pages on social networks. It sounds trite, but this tip really helps to focus on anything. Stay alone with your tasks and complete them as quickly as possible.

This advice is also useful in communicating with people, and if you decide to talk to someone, then forget about the phone and forget about all your extraneous thoughts and stay with the interlocutor one on one.

4. Encourage yourself not to be distracted

If you have a weak will, and you still try to read messages and go to distracting sites, then come up with an incentive for yourself that will help you not be distracted from important matters and communication.

If you need to do something important at a computer or laptop, then sit a friend next to you and let him hit you in the face every time if you are distracted by something. If you don't want to be hit in the face, then agree with a friend that if you get distracted, you will have to give him $20.

You can come up with a lot of incentives so that you don’t get distracted, inspire yourself that you don’t need to be distracted and sometimes agree with yourself that you can do something important for 15 minutes and then spend as much as 5 minutes on social networks and phone.

5. Get carried away by the object of your attention

If you want to avoid distractions, then convince yourself that you are doing an interesting activity for you, and you are communicating with a very important and serious person for you. Try to really get into what you are doing and who you are talking to and don't think about anything else.

Find something interesting in your activities that can distract you from your thoughts and dreams, communicate with a person on such topics so that he is interested, and you are passionate and think only about the interlocutor and his communication with you. Find something exciting for yourself, and you will stop being distracted.

How to become more attentive and focused at work

In order to be more attentive when working with clients and documents, you need to stimulate yourself with a carrot or a stick.

By stimulating yourself with a whip, you will realize that if you are less attentive, you will be demoted, you will be fined for your "negligence" and you can be fired. You are unlikely to like this alignment and discomfort zone, so there is less absent-mindedness and more concentration.

By stimulating yourself with a carrot, you will realize that if you are a more attentive person, then you will be able to cope with any task faster and go to rest. Perhaps, in the eyes of the employer, you will look like a focused and diligent worker, and your employer will raise your salary and appreciate you more.

How to help your child become attentive

Children are very often distracted from their studies and constantly think about cartoons, TV shows and computer games. It is not necessary to deprive the child of all this, you just need to find an individual approach to him and negotiate with him. Children want to feel like adults, and adults love to negotiate.

You can negotiate with the child that if he is distracted by something, then he will not get sweets for tea, and if he is not distracted, then you will give him sweets for tea and praise him slightly. There is no need to threaten and intimidate the child - this will force him to be distracted and will not help him get rid of absent-mindedness. Any conversation with children should be comfortable and calm for them.