The body begins to vibrate when you fall asleep esoteric. vibration sickness

No one knows how this happens in reality. Existing practices are mystical, based on belief in something. There is a lot of talk about the different bodies of our body, as a rule, their number determines the family, now they are talking about two more that indigo children have. There are no clear and precise materials on the development of the ability to see these bodies, their essence, and the management of their interaction. There is a sea of ​​literature that tells about a certain metaphysics of phenomena perceived as a miracle, the materialization and dematerialization of objects, movements in space and time, clairvoyance, predictive abilities, and so on, but there are no schools with a scientific explanation of these phenomena, where there would be no training in abilities, just as there are no masters who own the entire list of miracles. Perhaps there are such yogis or Tibetan monks or Hawaiian kahunas or Filipino healers, Europeans practicing spiritual practices, like the well-known Vanga. Although, on the other hand, one can ask the question - what are these abilities for? And, by the way, it would be right.

Nevertheless, I will give a classification of the seven bodies or seven cosmic planes of our body: physical, astral, mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and logical. It is believed that seven levels have seven sub-planes. The highest level (logical) is the level of light, the plane of infinite purification. Our planet vibrates at the level of the astral plane, it is part of the lower planes (from the first to the fifth), the planes from the fifth to the ninth inclusive are considered to be the highest planes. The sixth level is the level of light and sound, where the "templates" of the Creation of the DNA of all things are located. Here the mind creates thoughts and learns during sleep. The fifth level is the level of the collective, united space of the merging of souls, the space of the Oversoul, where those who want to serve and share their spiritual wealth, freed from the material, get. This is the abode of the Ascended Masters who serve the Spirit and the Divine Will. The fourth level is the level of transition from individual to collective consciousness, which retains the ability to interact with dense, material structures through the manifestation of emotions. This level is considered the astral manifestation. The third level is the level of developed self-consciousness of an individual who has embarked on the path of understanding spirituality. The second level is the consciousness of plants and animals. The first level is the consciousness of a point (minerals, atoms, molecules with basic codes).

The penetration of light into the planes expands their space, increases the frequency of oscillations and the light potential, which gives them the ability to penetrate into other dimensions. For a person, this can be done very simply - switch channels. In the process of practice, our double-stranded DNA is transformed into a twelve-stranded one, which significantly increases our capabilities. There is a process of tuning to the cosmic forces, in practice the art of creating reality and transmitting signals through the bodily centers begins to be applied. Eating with the Light is one of the ways to realize these phenomena, through personal conviction that not eating food does not lead to dying and our unity with the higher plane is carried out at the level of subtle vibrations. The physical plane on earth has seven planes and seven vibrational sub-planes. In the solar system, the rhythms are multiples of ten planes and subplanes, in the galaxy there are twelve of them, in our universe there are thirty-three. It is a matter of time to determine the physical parameters of these frequencies. The body manages 600 billion cells at the same time. In this regard, the monograph by S.I. Sukhonos, in which he draws the attention of readers to the step-by-step structuring of organized space with a scale interval equal to 10 5 . He calls this regularity the wave of stability. He divides the scale axis of the universe into 12 intervals and derives an interesting pattern: a maximon particle has a size of about 10 -33 cm, a photon - 10 -28, an electron nucleus - 10 -23, an electron - 10 -18, a proton (nucleus of an atom) - 10 - 13 , atom - 10 -8 , cell nucleus - 10 -3 , man - 10 2 , star core - 10 7 , star - 10 12 , galaxy nucleus - 10 17 , galaxies - 10 22 , metagalaxy - 10 27 . This dimensionless periodicity with a coefficient of 10 5 is characteristic of all the main parameters of the universe: times, masses, forces, sizes, etc. Attunement to vibration frequencies occurs during the process of “internal involution”, immersion into oneself, contemplation and communication with the Divinity within oneself, since a particle of the Divine Essence is embedded in us through the vibration of the Unified Field. As has already been shown above on the example of sim-particles, in which space achieves symmetry and harmony, and gives rise to vibrational waves, forming a “breathing or thinking” Unified Field, our task is to comprehend these vibrations, feel them and learn how to form their form-functions in alignment with the Divine Plan being implemented here and now. For this, the “sounding” of our body, in the sense of resonating all its bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), must be ideal, otherwise its vibrations will not coincide with the vibrations of the Divine Plan and will collide with flows of destructive subtle energy, which will lead to to the destruction of the vibrational unity of the fields that form us as a cosmoplanetary system capable of existing both on earth and in space. The physical body especially begins to suffer, slowly but surely it becomes a receptacle for diseases. The emotional or astral body is also subject to attacks, and such feelings as love, envy, and pride bring the greatest suffering to it.

Ecology of consciousness: Each person, being a set of vibrations of particles, molecules, cells, organs, has his own individual vibration frequency

Each person, being a set of vibrations of particles, molecules, cells, organs, has his own individual vibration frequency.

The cumulative frequency depends on many factors: on the state of the body, on the quality of food; bad habits, hygiene, connection with the environment, climate, season; on the quality of feelings, purity of thoughts ... and other factors.

A person with light vibrations is one who is constantly in a state of inner joy, tranquility, peace, love, silence within himself.

He feels comfortable, because he is in harmony with the world around him and with himself. In a state of such balance, the body and all endocrine glands work harmoniously, and, accordingly, their subordinate organs, tissues and cells.

Negative feelings greatly reduce the frequency of a person’s vibrations: fear, envy, anger, greed… Any unseemly act, bad thoughts and feelings pollute the corresponding bodies, make them heavier, and the person begins to vibrate at lower frequencies. There are also expressions: “heavy soul”, “dirty thoughts” - this also speaks of low vibrations of the soul and thoughts.

The destiny of those who "sound low" is to constantly face negative phenomena, negative situations in life.

The more love a person is filled with, the more free and joyful he is, the more healthy his physical body, the higher the harmonious total sound of his vibrations. The combination of all these vibrations determines the inner sound of a person.

The state of joy and happiness comes with a great disclosure of spiritual qualities. A person has good health, excellent relations with people, the necessary material support, creative abilities are revealed. His condition spreads to the immediate environment, relatives, friends, brightening their lives, and can also influence the whole World.

Being in this state, a person forms his destiny, harmoniously interacting with the world and the Universe. He lives and enjoys life! He can solve even higher tasks. This is the Creator. As the frequency of vibrations increases, a person becomes more and more free, talents, undiscovered abilities appear, well-being, health and potential improve.

Signs of increased vibration:

The amount of food needed is reduced. There is no feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that along with the level of vibrations, the energy potential increases... The body stops taking heavy (low-vibration) food.

Decreases the time it takes to sleep. The feeling of lack of sleep disappears and vivacity is present in the body all day ...

Dreams become lucid, vivid and vivid, then disappear altogether. They are replaced by the experience of light in a dream. The line between dream and reality is blurred...

The body becomes light, a volatile energy is felt in it. Wings grow behind...

We begin to feel people keenly. One glance at a person or even at a photograph is enough to feel his essence. We become more sensitive on the subtle plane. By raising our frequency level, we also begin to perceive higher frequencies of other people and learn much more about these people than they know about themselves...

The need for communication weakens or completely disappears, loneliness becomes pleasant. There is a feeling of completeness and self-sufficiency. There is an understanding that everything external is just a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed to be in others, but not in you ...

Fear and self-doubt are completely gone. They become no longer functional, because. there is complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind stops generating ideas of fear and insecurity... as well as many other ideas...

The meaning of once read spiritual books becomes clear and understandable by itself. It's time to realize...

There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt where we are going and why. Intuition comes into play, which is never wrong ...

Our impact on the environment is growing. What we say or think begins to come true. This is what people used to call miracles. They begin to happen every second... This is how the energy potential manifests itself...

There comes an experience of causeless joy from what is happening. This is the result of liberation from fears and self-doubt... Damn good feeling...

Sincere compassion wakes up, a desire to help others and opportunities for this appear. Again, very selectively, relying on your own intuition ...

There are glimpses of true being. There comes a desire to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is what you have been looking for all your life, this is what you have been waiting for, this is what you are ... And you will never stop being this! published

A disease based on pathological changes in the receptor apparatus and various parts of the central nervous system that occur with prolonged exposure to local and / or general vibration. The clinical picture of vibration disease may include polyneuropathic, angiospastic, angiodystonic, asthenic, vegetative-vestibular, polyradicular syndromes, functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and hearing loss. Vibration disease is diagnosed by a comprehensive examination of the patient with thermometry, capillaroscopy, electromyography, ECG, cold test. The choice of treatment tactics is based on the syndromes prevailing in the clinical picture of the disease.

General information

Vibration disease is professional in nature. It develops among workers of manual mechanized labor associated with the use of impact or rotational tools. Most often, vibration disease occurs among workers in the mining, construction, metallurgical, ship and aircraft building, transport industries, as well as in agriculture. The professions that are at risk for the development of vibration disease include: drillers, polishers, stone cutters, grinders, asphalt pavers, choppers, tram drivers, etc. Clinical symptoms that manifest vibration disease depend on the frequency of vibration, its nature (general or local) and related factors (noise, forced position of the body, cooling, etc.).

Causes and mechanism of vibration disease development

The main cause of vibration disease is the impact on the body of mechanical vibrations - vibrations. Vibration with a frequency of 16-200 Hz has the most adverse effect. Vibration disease develops faster when exposed to vibration and other adverse working conditions. The latter include: the need to maintain an uncomfortable body position, noise, work in the cold, static muscle strain, etc.

Vibration affects all tissues of the human body, but the most susceptible to it are the nervous and bone tissues. First of all, vibration affects the peripheral receptors located in the skin of the hands and the soles of the feet. Also, mechanical vibrations act on the receptors of the vestibular analyzer located in the ear labyrinth. High-frequency vibration has a noise-like effect on auditory receptors. It stimulates the secretion of norepinephrine, the excess of which leads to narrowing of the lumen of the vessels. Mechanical oscillations of low frequency (up to 16 Hz) cause a state of motion sickness, which is observed among workers of various types of transport.

Vibration disease develops as a result of constant irritation of mechanoreceptors arising under the influence of vibration and deformation of Vater-Pacini bodies, which leads to over-stimulation of higher-lying nerve centers (sympathetic ganglia, spinal cord, reticular formation) and disruption of their functioning. Violation of the CNS function in case of vibration disease is primarily expressed in a disorder in the regulation of vascular tone with the development of angiospasm and arterial hypertension. As a result of angiospasm, trophic processes are disrupted mainly in the tissues of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular apparatus. Thus, vibration disease has the character of angiotrophoneurosis, which can become generalized.

Classification of vibration disease

Another leading syndrome that characterizes vibration disease from local vibration is polyneuropathy. In the early stages of the disease, it can manifest itself as an increase in sensitivity (hyperesthesia), then as a decrease (hypesthesia). Moreover, depending on the severity of the vibration disease, sensitivity disorders affect only the fingers or spread further to the hands or feet like "gloves" and "golf socks". They are accompanied by trophic disorders in the form of hyperkeratosis, thickening and deformation of the nails, less often - atrophy of the small muscles of the hand.

In addition to local symptoms, vibration disease from local vibration is accompanied by general malaise, increased irritability, sleep disturbance, dizziness, and diffuse headache. Possible heart pain, tachycardia, epigastric pain. Functional disorders of the central nervous system, with which vibration disease occurs, are manifested mainly by asthenia, neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Cerebral angiospasm may be noted. With the combined effect of vibration and noise, cochlear neuritis develops, leading to varying degrees of hearing loss.

Symptoms of vibration disease from general vibration

Vibration disease from general vibration develops among drivers, as well as among those working on various machine installations. As a rule, the onset of the disease falls on the 5-7th year of such labor activity. Vibration disease from general vibration is characterized by a gradual onset with non-specific vegetative-vascular disorders of the cerebral and peripheral nature. There are short-term headaches, excessive sweating, pain in the limbs. In the initial period, an angiodystonic syndrome and a sensory type of polyneuropathy of the lower extremities are observed. Already in the early stages of vibration disease, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system occur. They are manifested by increased irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue and general malaise. There may be dizziness, tremor of the eyelids, trembling of the fingers of outstretched hands, and sometimes anisoreflexia (difference in tendon reflexes on the right and left sides).

Vibration disease differs from general vibration by the predominance of the vegetative-vestibular syndrome, manifested by nausea, motion sickness and non-systemic dizziness. Moderate vibration disease is often characterized by a combination of polyneuropathy of the vegetative-sensory type with polyradicular syndrome. With severe vibration disease, polyneuropathy is sensorimotor in nature and is accompanied by dyscirculatory encephalopathy, less often diencephalic disorders. In some cases, vibration disease is accompanied by a disorder of the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive glands. In women, vibration disease from general vibration can occur with menstrual irregularities in the form of menorrhagia and algomenorrhea, exacerbation of existing inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis).

Diagnosis of vibration disease

Vibration disease is diagnosed by the joint efforts of a neurologist and a therapist. Often additional consultations of a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist are required. During the examination, attention is paid to the skin color of the distal extremities, vibration and pain sensitivity are carefully studied, the condition of the muscular, osteoarticular apparatus and the cardiovascular system is analyzed. Apply thermography, electromyography, electrocardiography, capillaroscopy. A cold test is carried out, which consists in immersing the hands in cold water. When the fingers turn white, the test is considered positive, and a delay in the restoration of skin temperature for more than 20 minutes indicates violations in the regulation of vascular tone and a tendency to angiospasm.

According to indications for vibration disease, an examination of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out: gastric intubation, gastroscopy, ultrasound of the liver, as well as a hearing test.

“This method consists in the ability, at will, to generate waves of a certain vibration in your own body. The preparation for this exercise differs little from that described by us above.

So, breathing through a half-open mouth, concentrate your attention on the darkness in front of your eyes. Imagine that two lines extend from the outer surface of your closed eyes. First, look into the darkness - at a point 30-40 cm from your forehead where these two lines converge.

Mentally imagine that in order to connect these lines, you need to overcome some resistance by applying a compressive force, as if you were bringing two identical poles of a magnet to each other.

Then move this point one meter from the forehead. Due to the change in the angle at which the lines intersect, the nature of your imaginary effort will also change. As a result of the imagined contraction of the Space between converging lines, the force of pressure required to connect them will increase.

After you fix an imaginary point in Space at arm's length above you, double that distance. The angle of intersection of the imaginary lines will be approximately 30 degrees. From this position, move it at an angle of 90 degrees along a line parallel to the axis of the body so that it is located above the head.

Look for vibrations in this place. Move it until something like a hissing, rhythmically pulsing wave of fiery sparks with a noise rushes right into your head, and from your head all over your body, making it stiff and motionless. Having achieved this effect, do not be frightened and do not panic, stay calm and watch them from the side until they die out by themselves within 5-7 minutes.

After you achieve this result, you will no longer need to repeat the entire procedure described above every time you want to go through the tunnel. In order for the vibrations to come, it will be enough for you to just remember this feeling while in a state of relaxation.

But this is still not enough, it is necessary to learn how to maintain conscious control over this state. First of all, you need to mentally transform the vibrations into a ring or make them enter your head.

Then mentally pass them several times along the entire body to the very toes and back to the head. After the wave has gained momentum, let it move on its own until it fades on its own.

Practice until you can call up a vibrating wave at the first command and pulsate it steadily along the body until it fades. Vibrations can sometimes be sharp and somewhat unpleasant, as if all the molecules in your body are being shaken up on a vibration machine. To smooth out this feeling, you need to mentally force the vibrations to "pulsate", then they will become more frequent.

Rapid vibrations are a prerequisite for the successful separation of the subtle body from the physical vehicle. After their frequency is brought to a certain level, acceleration starts automatically. Then they increase so much that you will no longer feel any vibrations - only warmth and a slight tingling in the body.

After reaching this level, lying on your back, try to raise your hand and reach it, say, to the ceiling or to the door. At the same time, do not make any additional stretching movements, but only mentally direct your effort in the direction where your hand is directed. Stretch out your hand without raising or lowering it. Gently push your hand until it "touches" some material object.

Then, using your sense of touch, carefully examine all the physical features of the object, all its cracks and irregularities, just as if you were doing it with your physical hand. After that, try to rest your "thin hand" on the ceiling.

When you feel resistance, press harder and gently push through. Your "hand" will go through the ceiling and may hit something hard on the floor in the neighbor's apartment above you. Carefully remove the "hand" back, returning it to its normal position.

Having mastered the movement "from a place", try to carry out an exit from the body. Mentally imagine that you are becoming lighter and lighter, that you are slowly rising up and floating freely in the space of the room. Imagine how you want it, trying to react to the upcoming event in advance, before it happens. You will feel how you float up smoothly, leaving the physical body lying on the bed.

Vibrations of the human body

All objects of the World radiate vibrations. Each person comes into this World with a certain set of vibrations.
In the course of life, the frequency of these initial vibrations can change, which is associated with the urbanization of society (the operation of mobile phones, computers), with our emotions, destructive thoughts. The result of a change in vibrations is diseases, various emotional states: depression, stress, irritability.

When a person falls ill, false notes creep into the “melody” of his body, the harmony of his health.

According to the theory of the English doctor Peter Manners, diseases arise due to a violation of the harmonic balance in the overall vibrational picture of the body. The general vibration of the body is made up of separate vibrations of all interdependent organs, tissues, molecules. The human body is a large multi-level resonator, consisting of numerous octaves of biological systems, which initially contain the possibility of harmonious vibrational interaction. This is also an indicator of health. When the tones of all organs and systems are harmonized with each other, a person is in good health.

Music created on the basis of the laws of musical harmony has a healing effect. The sounds of musical works can bring peace of mind, or destroy it, cause concern, anxiety (for example, rock) or inspire, instilling confidence in oneself, the ability to perceive the situation optimistically, a state of happiness and unity. The strongest influence on the human body is exerted by the rhythm of musical works - the most ancient component of music. The rhythms of musical works lie in the range from 0.6 to 4.5 Hz, which is a biologically perceptible frequency close to the frequency of breathing and heartbeat.

Like light, musical energy is a mixed spectrum of pure frequencies, which are called harmonics (overtones) in music. Every note, whether sung or played, is a mixture of these pure tones. Within each such fundamental note, a special series of other notes arises, like light passed through a prism - these are harmonic series. All wave-like energies take the form of harmonic series, and the material universe is formed from the endless internal relationships of these series.

Often our listening is so conditioned, so full of thoughts and tense states, that in fact we are deaf - the perception of vibrations emanating from the subtlest levels of our being is disturbed.

Much is available to the ear. Photoacoustic spectroscopy data indicate that a blooming rose emits a sound similar to the muffled hum of an organ. The resonant tones emanating from each atom or molecule together form a harmony; an atom is a barely perceptible musical note, and even a stone contains a frozen harmony. All nature exists in a certain huge oscillatory range of sounds - vibrations.

The state of vibrations to which a person is tuned is the harmony of his soul. The most stimulating aspects lie in the high frequencies, they allow you to activate the brain and increase alertness. This is a kind of "sound vitamin C". Low frequency vibrations can create tension and cause muscle contractions.

Vibrating sound creates images and energetic resonance fields that cause movement in the surrounding space. We absorb this energy and it affects breathing, pulse, blood pressure, muscle tension, skin temperature. Some of the most healing sounds we make are our own voices. Such sounds help relieve tension from the jaws and throat and have a beneficial effect on the entire body, harmonizing it. Our own sound system (ears, voice, cords, larynx) is the most powerful and healing environment.

When things are going well, we talk about a good mood, that we are in harmony with those around us, the external and internal world.

Dr. Gordon Shaw says that vibrations and sounds create energy fields that make every cell in our body resonate. We absorb "musical" energy, and it normalizes the rhythm of our breathing, pulse, blood pressure, temperature. Health exists when this energy is allowed to flow to its natural outlet freely, without blockages.

Different instruments act on our organs in different ways: the violin and piano best calm the nerves, the flute relaxes, the cello heals the heart, the oboe and clarinet activate or suppress liver function (depending on the music and time of day). The effectiveness of sound therapy is determined not only by the emotional impact on a person, but also by the bioresonance compatibility of musical sounds with the vibrations of individual organs and body systems.

Enjoying the sounds of nature is a great opportunity to find harmony. Going out into nature, we get a huge boost of energy, we feel the rise of spiritual and physical strength, creativity. Even a short unity with nature can distract a person from heavy thoughts, everyday fuss. Having retired, it is easier to hear your inner self, the voice of your intuition - that is the only secret thing that is really worth listening to.

When the resonance of true vibrations is restored, self-healing, self-healing, rejuvenation of the body occurs. Bells, gongs, singing bowls produce much more harmonics than many modern musical instruments. Their freely propagating sounds can be called "polyharmonious". Singing bowls emit a measurable wave pattern equivalent to the alpha waves emitted by the brain, instilling a sense of deep relaxation and "expanded inner space". Each of the 10 billion neurons in the human brain can make 100 million connections. In fact, the human brain has limitless potential. It is possible that the freely propagating vibrations of the singing bowls stimulate neurons to create more connections, while a person's consciousness expands, his thinking and state are harmonized.

The table shows the different levels of vibration emitted by people in different states.

Vibrations resulting from destructive personality traits or emotions; frequency Hz

Vibrations of creation that arose as a result of a creative mood; frequency Hz

Grief 0.1 - 2 Hz

Fear 0.2 - 2.2 Hz

Resentment 0.6 - 3.3 Hz

Annoyance 0.9 - 3.8 Hz

Disturbance 0.6 - 1.9 Hz

Self 2.8 Hz

Pity 3 Hz

Rage 0.5 Hz, Anger 1.4 Hz, Pride 0.8 Hz, Disdain 1.5 Hz, Superiority 1.9 Hz

Compliance from 38 Hz

Acceptance of the World from 46 Hz

Generosity 95 Hz

Gratitude from 45 Hz

Heartfelt gratitude from 140 Hz

Unity with other people from 144 Hz

Compassion from 150 Hz

Love for all people without exception and all living things from 150 Hz