The most populated country in the world. Most populous countries in the world

There are countries in the world with more than 15,000 people per square kilometer. About one of these countries, the main record holder in this category, TravelAsk will tell today.

2 square kilometers and 38 thousand people

The Principality is the most populous country in the world. The country is located in southern Europe on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, and on land it borders on France.

Often this country is associated with France, as it is she who provides her protection. A dwarf state with an area of ​​​​only 2.02 square kilometers: this is 2.5 times smaller than Sokolniki Park in Moscow. Local authorities are trying to increase the territory of the principality by draining the sea areas. Over the past year, almost 40 hectares have been added.

According to 2014 data, 37,731 people live in the country, which means that 18,679 people live per square kilometer. In overpopulated China, the density is more than 100 times lower, at 140 people per square kilometer. Of course, this figure is due to the fact that Monaco is a dwarf state.

The country stretched along the sea for about 4 kilometers. In addition, a fairly large area is occupied by the Formula 1 track.

The annual population growth in the country is 0.386% per year, and the average life expectancy is 89 years. There are more women in Monaco: there are 0.91 men per 1 representative of the weaker sex.

If we talk about the national composition, then the bulk are French - 47% of them live here. Monegasques, the indigenous population of Monaco, live here 21%, Italians - 16%, and the remaining 16% are representatives of about 125 nationalities. 90% of the population are Catholics.

With all this, in Monaco there are about 50 representative offices of various banks, about a thousand offices of commercial companies and 66 consulates of different states. About 30,000 people travel here every day to work from France, a neighboring country.

Fact #1. Four out of five residents of Monaco are visitors.

Fact #2. Citizens of Monaco are prohibited from visiting casinos, gambling establishments are intended only for foreigners.

Fact #3. There is one university in

Fact #4. Almost the entire territory of the principality is monitored by video cameras.

Fact #5. The country's national band is bigger than its army.

Fact #6. The ratio of the number of police officers to the total population in Monaco is the highest in the world.

Fact #7. Monaco is not part of the European Union, however, the national currency in the principality is the euro.

Fact #8. The main station and much of Monaco's railway is underground.

Fact #9. The native inhabitants of Monaco, the Monegasques, are exempt from taxes and have the right to settle in the area of ​​the old city.

Fact #10. The official language of the Principality is French, but almost everyone here speaks English.

Fact #11. The airspace of Monaco is open to helicopter flights for only twenty minutes a day. Although this is quite enough for a flight, since the state is tiny.

With the death rate falling and the birth rate rising, the world's population is constantly growing. And if the country's population is very high, and the financial situation is unstable, then people may face such a problem as hunger. Already today, due to the high population density, a number of countries cannot provide the people with essential goods. Below is a list of the ten most populous countries in the world.

The Republic of Mauritius is an island state in Africa, which includes many islands. Mauritius is considered the largest island (1865 km2). The total area of ​​the country is 2040 km2. sq. According to an estimate for 2013, the population in the country is 1,295,789 people, and the density 635.19 people/km sq.

Taiwan (Republic of China)

Taiwan is an island in East Asia located off the coast of mainland China. After the Chinese Civil War in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and approximately 1.3 million people fled mainland China to establish the Republic of China. The political status of Taiwan is controversial. As of 2011, the population of Taiwan was 23,188,07 people, and the density 648 people/km sq. The total area of ​​the country is 35,980 km. sq.

Barbados is an independent island nation in the western Atlantic Ocean located east of the Caribbean Sea. This small country is a major tourist destination. The total area of ​​the island of Barbados is 431 km. sq. The population as of 2009 is 284,589 and the population density is 660 people/km. sq.

The People's Republic of Bangladesh is a small country in South Asia with a total area of ​​144,000 km. sq. Ranks seventh in the list of the most densely populated countries with a population density 1099.3 people/km sq. Interestingly, Bangladesh also ranks eighth in the world in terms of population - 150,039,000 people.

Bahrain is an island nation in the Persian Gulf. It is the smallest Arab state, the territory of which is only 750 km. sq. According to estimates for 2011, the population density is 1189.5 people/km sq., and the total population of the state is 1,234,571 people.

The Republic of Maldives is an island state, consisting of 20 atolls, located in the Indian Ocean. The country is located on 1192 tiny islands, the total area of ​​which is 298 km2. sq. Population density - 1,102 people/km sq., and the total population of the Maldives is 393 thousand people.

Malta is a small island and the state of the same name, which is part of an archipelago of seven islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The resident population in Malta, as of 2006, is 405,577 people, and the density 1283 people/km. sq. The total area of ​​the country is 316 km. sq.

The Vatican is the smallest independent state in the world. It occupies an area of ​​only 0.44 km. sq. and is located inside the Italian capital Rome. The tiny city-state has a population of 842, but due to its small area, Vatican City ranks as the 3rd most populous country in the world with 1900 people/km sq.

The Republic of Singapore is a densely populated island nation located in Southeast Asia. The city-state covers an area of ​​715.8 km. sq. The total population for 2012 is 5,312,400 and the density 7,437 people/km sq. Singapore is also one of the wealthiest countries in the world due to its highly developed economy.

The Principality of Monaco is a dwarf state bordering France. It is considered the most populous country in the world, and also ranks second among the smallest independent states. The total population of the country is 35,986 people and an area of ​​2.02 km. sq. (population density 17 814.85 people/km. sq.).

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They are headed by those that are usually classified as dwarf. Among them is the most populous country in the world, which has been the undisputed leader in this indicator for many years. In the article you can find a list of such powers with a brief description of them.


For many years, Monaco has been the most populous country on the planet. There are 18 thousand people per square kilometer of the area. This is without taking into account the tourists who annually come here from all over the world. In hectares, it will be two hundred, of which 40 falls on the sea with coastal territory. The population here is incredibly diverse, the indigenous Monegasques are only 20% of the total. In total, 120 nationalities are registered, who liked to live in this small state located on the coast. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy, the prince passes the title by inheritance.


Singapore is not the most populous country and is surely behind the leader, but no one will be able to throw it off the second place in the list. The population density here is more than seven thousand people. per square kilometer. The indicator is huge due to the fact that there are more than five million people in an area of ​​​​719 km 2. Singapore is spread over 63 islands in Southeast Asia. The population here is predominantly made up of Chinese ¾, Malays 13% and another 9 Indians. They speak among themselves in four official languages, among which there is English. Despite the small area, there are many attractions that are worth seeing for travel lovers. Accommodation is not so expensive, and the standard of living is at a fairly high level. Singapore is almost the most populous country in the world, but this did not prevent them from pursuing a successful economic policy and rising to a new level in terms of security.


Country within the city of Rome, the Vatican is the home of the Pope - the main religious person for most Christians. The population density of the countries of the world with large territories cannot be compared with the situation here. On a piece of land of 0.44 km 2, 842 people were accommodated for life. Almost all of them are men who have sworn to serve God and obey only the Pope. The official language within the country is Latin, and the embassies of all countries cannot even fit in a small area. Many are forced to request land in Rome from the Italian government. It is worth noting that the entire territory of this dwarf country is rich in cultural heritage. There are museums, various palace complexes that shine with unique architecture. The Vatican has its own education system with two universities - Pope Urban and Thomas Aquinas. Those who wish to devote themselves to spiritual affairs can undergo training for further service to the Lord.


In terms of population density of the countries of the world, Bahrain is only slightly behind the Vatican. This island kingdom accommodated almost one and a half million people in 765 square kilometers and is only slightly behind the third place in the list. The country is located in the Persian Gulf, the archipelago is made up of three relatively larger islands and many small territories. The main language of the population is Arabic, but English is also used. The type of government in the state is established as an absolute monarchy with a king at the head. The title is a tribute to heritage, and all the main functions of the government are concentrated in the hands of the prime minister. He has 23 cabinet members under him, and there is also a parliament with two chambers. Tourism is developed among the neighboring Arab countries; eight million travelers visit the country every year. The Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix also contributes to this, as well as the developed Arab culture, which is based on the religion of Islam.


The island nation of Malta, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea, completes the list of the most densely populated countries in the world. Its area is 316 square kilometers, and the population is almost 430 thousand people. It is the smallest country in the European Union with a density of 1432 people per km2. Malta is one of the few powers in which the indigenous population (Maltese) lives in the number of 95%. The main language is Italian, and the main problem of the country is the constant influx of illegal immigrants from Africa. For them, this state is a kind of bridge to Europe. Malta has always developed rapidly in economic terms, the government here is established according to the type of a parliamentary republic. Power is divided between the President and the House of Representatives. The cultural heritage is based on the connection with the Order of Malta, after which various architectural monuments were left. Also, tourists come here to relax by the sea in search of warm weather and the opportunity to forget everyday work.

Features of the location of the population

The list of five leaders, among which the most populous country in Europe and the whole world concurrently, can be continued further. There are a number of dwarf countries with a minimal margin from the leaders. It is also worth mentioning that in different countries with population density there are problems even with the presence of large areas. For example, in Canada, most people prefer to live a short distance from the southern border. While the rest of the areas remain uninhabited, consider them wild. In Bangladesh, the seventh most populous state on the list, people are evenly distributed over the entire area, and there are only five cities with a million people or more. Geographical location strongly influences this factor. The economic component is also important. Thus, Mauritius, the most populous country in Africa, has become such for the reason that today this state is called the most prosperous in all of Africa. The GDP here is about 14 thousand dollars per Mauritian. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the developed tourism industry. In the country, on an area of ​​​​2040 square kilometers, 1.3 million people were accommodated, which allowed it to gain a foothold in tenth place on the list.

The role of the city in the life of a modern person is growing: many people no longer see development prospects for themselves outside of it. Scientists call this phenomenon urbanization. What are the most populated cities in the world? In this article you will find a list of the largest cities in the world.

Urbanization and its current scale

Urbanization refers to the growing role of the city in society. The word urbanus is translated from Latin as "urban".

Modern urbanization can take place in three ways:

  1. The transformation of villages and villages into small and medium-sized cities.
  2. The outflow of population from villages to cities.
  3. Formation of extensive suburban residential areas.

The world's most populated cities are often held hostage to their oversized size. Bad ecology, a huge amount of transport on the streets, a lack of green spaces and recreation areas, constant noise pollution - all this, of course, negatively affects the health (physical and mental) of a person, a resident of a metropolis.

The processes of urbanization, according to scientists, began around the middle of the 19th century. But then they were local, local in nature. They reached the global level a century later - in the 50s of the twentieth century. At this time, the urban population of the planet is growing rapidly, the largest megacities of our time are being formed.

If in 1950 the share of the urban population on the planet was only 30%, then in 2000 it had already reached 45%. Today, the level of global urbanization is about 57%.

The most urbanized countries on the planet are Luxembourg (100%), Belgium (98%), Great Britain (90%), Australia (88%) and Chile (88%).

The most populated cities in the world

In fact, it is quite difficult to determine the population of a large city. Firstly, researchers are not always able to obtain up-to-date and reliable statistical information (especially when it comes to megacities of third world countries - Asia, Africa or Latin America).

Secondly, the approaches to counting the number of city residents can be different. Thus, some demographers do not take into account people living in the suburban area, while others ignore temporary labor migrants. That is why it is very difficult to name exactly the most populated city in the world.

Another problem faced by demographers and statisticians is the problem of defining the boundaries of a metropolitan area. To solve it, a very interesting method has recently been invented. To do this, a picture of the settlement is taken from the air, in the evening. Then the boundaries of the city can be easily drawn along the edge of the distribution of urban lighting.

Top most populated cities in the world

In ancient times, Jericho was considered the largest (in terms of population) city on the planet. About 2 thousand people lived in it nine thousand years ago. Today, this is the number of inhabitants in a large village and a small European town.

The total number of inhabitants living in the ten most populated cities on the planet is almost 260 million people! In other words, this is 4% of the total population of the Earth.

  1. Tokyo (Japan, 37.7 million people);
  2. Jakarta (Indonesia, 29.9);
  3. Chongqing (China, 29.0);
  4. Delhi (India, 24.2);
  5. Manila (Philippines, 22.8);
  6. Shanghai (China, 22.6);
  7. Karachi (Venezuela, 21.7);
  8. New York (United States of America, 20.8);
  9. Mexico City (Mexico, 20.5).

Six out of ten of these cities are located in Asia, with 2 in China. It is worth noting that the largest city in Europe, Moscow, would take only 17th place in this rating. About 16 million people live in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Tokyo, Japan)

The capital of Japan is by far the most populated city in the world, with a population of at least 37 million people. For comparison: this is the number of inhabitants in all of Poland!

Today Tokyo is not only the largest metropolis, but also the most important financial, industrial and cultural center of East Asia. The world's largest subway operates here: it transports at least 8 million passengers a day. Tokyo will amaze any traveler with a huge number of faceless, gray streets and alleys. Some of them don't even have their own names.

Surprisingly, the largest metropolis on the planet is located in a seismically unstable zone. About a hundred fluctuations of different intensity are recorded in Tokyo every year.

Chongqing (China)

Chinese Chongqing belongs to the absolute world championship among cities in terms of territory. It occupies the same area as the state of Austria in Europe - 82,000 square kilometers.

The metropolis has an almost perfect round shape: 470 by 460 kilometers. About 29 million Chinese live here. However, since a large number of them live in the suburban area, some extras sometimes do not include Chongqing in the lists of the most populated cities in the world.

In addition to its colossal size, the city also boasts an ancient history. After all, it is over 3,000 years old. Chongqing arose at the confluence of two Chinese rivers, surrounded by three picturesque hills.

New York, USA)

New York, although not the largest city in terms of population on the planet, but it can be considered the most popular world metropolis.

The city is often referred to as the Big Apple. Why? Everything is very simple: according to one of the legends, it was the apple tree that was the first to take root within the boundaries of the future metropolis.

New York is an important financial center of the world; about 700 thousand (!) different companies are located here. At least 6,000 subway cars and about 13,000 taxi cars serve the residents of the city every day. By the way, it is no coincidence that local taxis are painted yellow. The founder of a shipping company once did a special study trying to determine which color is the most pleasing to the human eye. It turned out that it was yellow.


An amazing fact: if you collect all the inhabitants of the 10 most populated cities in the world, you get a number that is almost twice the total population of Russia! In addition, these already huge metropolitan areas continue to grow.

The most populated cities in the world are Tokyo, Jakarta, Chongqing, Delhi and Seoul. All of them are located in Asia.

Long gone are the days when the vast majority of people on Earth lived freely in nature: in small villages and villages. Since the end of the XIX century. Our planet has been taken over by urbanization. The rapid development of civilization and no less rapid increase led to the widespread growth of huge urban settlements. The modern largest cities of the world, probably, would seem to the arrival from the Middle Ages, huge, unreal, fantastic worlds. However, for residents of small provincial towns, scattered today in abundance across Mother Russia, huge metropolitan areas also seem surprising and unusual. And there are many such giant world centers on our planet.

Largest cities in the world

The population of the largest cities in the world is simply amazing! Now we will see which settlements are the largest in terms of the number of people living in them. Let's take the top ten.

  • Oddly enough, New York takes 10th place. It is strange that only the 10th ... The population of this American metropolis today exceeds 21,500,000 people.
  • Manila ranked 9th with 21,800,000 Filipinos.
  • The 8th place rightfully belongs to the largest Pakistani port city of Karachi - 22,100,100 inhabitants.
  • 7th place is occupied by Indian Delhi - 23,500,000 inhabitants.
  • The 6th place was taken by the capital - 23,500,000 inhabitants.
  • 5th place belongs to the Korean city of Seoul - 25,600,000 inhabitants.
  • 4th place is occupied by Shanghai - 25,800,000 inhabitants.

And finally, we got to the top three!

3 most populous cities in the world

Here are the largest cities in the world by population (increasing): 3rd place - Jakarta (25,800,000 inhabitants), 2nd place - Canton (26,300,000 inhabitants) and 1st place - Tokyo (34,600,000 inhabitants). ). It is worth telling about each of these three megacities of the Earth in more detail.


This Jakarta-based city is the most populous city in all of Southeast Asia. In this place, different cultures of the entire Indonesian archipelago are closely intertwined. An interesting fact is that during the day the number of inhabitants of the capital increases by several million, due to the arrival of residents from the suburbs to work. The largest ethnic groups inhabiting Jakarta are Javanese, Sunds, Chinese, Madurese, Arabs and Indians.

Despite the fact that Jakarta is one of the largest and most densely populated cities on Earth, in order to see all its sights, tourists will only need one, maximum a couple of days. First of all, guests of the capital are advised to visit the so-called old city, which has preserved ancient architecture and originality. For travelers in Southeast Asia, Jakarta is more like a transit point on the way to the beauties of Indonesia.


The list, which includes the largest cities in the world, of course, could not do without one of the megacities of China. After all, the Celestial Empire is the most populous and densely populated country in the world. The city of Canton or, as it is called in another way, Guangzhou, is one of the most famous historical Chinese cultural settlements. At the same time, it is a major industrial and commercial center of the DPRK, as well as a commercial port of the country.

Canton (or Guangzhou) is called the city of flowers: thanks to the subtropical humid climate, this place is literally immersed in luxurious greenery all year round. The history of Guangzhou has more than two thousand years. Once upon a time, the famous Silk Road originated here.


Well, our story about the largest cities in the world is coming to an end and ends with a short description of the absolute champion in terms of population - the Japanese capital Tokyo. So far, this is the only metropolis on the planet in which the number of inhabitants exceeded the figure of 30 million. True, Tokyo cannot be considered a city in the usual sense of the word. consisting of 26 separate cities, 7 towns and 8 villages. Surprisingly, the area of ​​​​Tokyo is not at all large - only 2156.8 square meters. km, which makes this place on Earth the most densely populated.

The world's largest city surprisingly combines modernity, stuffed with electronic innovations, multi-tiered car overpasses and fantastic skyscrapers, and antiquity with ancient Buddhist temples, beautiful rotundas and traditional gardens and squares. At any time of the year it is full of tourists. So, to the number of permanent local residents, one can also add a noisy crowd of discordant travelers who daily arrive in Tokyo from all over the globe.

According to scientists, the population of the largest cities in the world will continue to grow in the future, as well as the population of our entire planet. Forbes magazine recently published research results that suggest that by 2025 Tokyo will retain its leading position as the largest city in terms of population.