The message about south korea is brief. Traveling in South Korea

The Republic of Korea.

The name comes from the ethnonym used in the X-XIV centuries.

Capital of South Korea. Seoul.

South Korea square. 99274 km2.

Population of South Korea. 47,904 thousand people

Location of South Korea. South Korea is a state in the northeast, occupying the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. In the north it borders on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in the east it is washed by, in the south and southeast - the Korea Strait, in the west -. South Korea also owns several islands, the largest of which are Jeju, Chedo and Geojedo.

Administrative divisions of South Korea. 9 provinces and 5 cities of central subordination.

Form of government of South Korea. Republic.

Head of state of South Korea. The president.

Supreme legislature of South Korea. Unicameral Parliament (National Assembly).

Supreme executive body of South Korea. State Council.

Major cities in South Korea. Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju.

State language of South Korea. Korean.

Religion in South Korea. 47% of Koreans profess, 48% - Christianity, 3% - Confucianism.

Ethnic composition of South Korea. 99.9% are Koreans.

Currency of South Korea. Won = 100 jeonam.

Climate of South Korea. continental, with cold, dry winters and hot, humid summers. January temperature fluctuates from -21°С in the north to +4°С in the south, in July - respectively from +22°С to +26°С. Precipitation falls from 900 mm to 1500 mm per year.

Flora of South Korea. Approximately 2/3 of the territory (usually in the mountains) is covered with mixed coniferous-deciduous trees (pine, maple, spruce, poplar, elm, aspen). Above are located. Coastal regions are characterized by bamboo, evergreen oak and laurel.

Fauna of South Korea. The leopards, tigers, lynxes and bears that used to live in the country have practically disappeared due to poaching.

and lakes of South Korea. The main rivers are the Naktong and the Hangang.

Sights of South Korea. National Museum, National Science Museum, Gongbok, Kunbok, Changbok, Daksu medieval palaces, Catholic Cathedral, zoo and botanical garden, five-story wooden pagoda. Pusak is known as a major seaside resort.

Useful information for tourists

The traditional system of hierarchy and respect for elders is still of great importance in all spheres of life. Direct questions about age and marital status are considered commonplace, as they allow the Korean to get an idea about the interlocutor and his place in the hierarchical system of society. Koreans avoid expressing emotions in public or laughing out loud in the presence of older people. Greetings are always pronounced with a slight bow, the depth of which depends on the position of the speakers. At a meeting, they serve and shake both the right and left hand, although preference is given to the right - the left hand is placed under the right. Failure to comply with this rule may be regarded as a manifestation of impoliteness. More common is just a nod of the head, as well as a slight or respectful bow (depending on who greets whom). Usually they don’t look directly into the eyes - this is perceived, rather, as a threat or an attempt to provide a psychological one. Here they almost never say "thank you" or "nothing" so as not to embarrass the person who has shown the courtesy. When gifts are brought, they are quietly left at the entrance, and not shown to the person for whom they are intended. No one will also apologize by inadvertently pushing someone they meet on the street or stepping on their foot. Public displays of affection, such as kissing and hugging, are considered obscene.

At the table, they do not start eating until the eldest in age arrives, and everyone rises when he leaves the table.

During the meal, do not leave chopsticks in rice, as this is associated with a funeral. You cannot write names in red ink - this is how the names of the dead are written. Traditionally, Koreans sit, eat and sleep on the floor.

Therefore, when entering a Korean home, you must always take off your shoes. You can not stand on the threshold, so as not to let in evil spirits. It is impossible to talk about divorce, death or ruin, even as a joke, so as not to invite evil fate on yourself. It is considered indecent to be bare-legged in the presence of elders, so it is recommended to always wear socks or stockings when visiting a Korean family.

Tips are not taken in restaurants, the calculation is made not with the waiter, but at the checkout, which is located at the exit. There is usually no menu as such in Korean restaurants; all the names of dishes and their prices are indicated on a special table that hangs on the wall. Tipping is given only in large hotels of international class.

In the elevators of multi-storey buildings there is no fourth floor (the word "sa" - "fourth" sounds the same as "death"), so it is usually denoted by the letter "F" or the third is immediately followed by the fifth floor.

South Korea is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage. Today, the centuries-old wisdom of Taoism coexists with innovation. And, despite the love for the Western way of life, its inhabitants have preserved many customs that are incomprehensible to us.

10 facts about South Korea: interesting and downright strange

Once a Boston consulting group called her one of the promising in the field of innovation. Agree, not bad for a state that has been on the world stage since 1948. It is curious that with such results the country does not lose its "interesting" traditions.

  1. Alcohol. An interesting fact about South Korea is associated with the use of alcohol - for them it is quite an important part of the culture, helping to get to know each other better. Therefore, at least once a week, the inhabitants of the country must gather with friends to have a glass. Such gatherings even have their own name - hoesik. However, when it comes to liquor, there are rules. For example, if the person pouring the drink is older, then you should hold the glass with both hands.
  2. Red ink. Every society has its own superstitions: if Europeans bypass black cats, then the inhabitants of the Land of Morning Calm hate red ink. They believe that a name written in this color will bring misfortune and even death to its owner. This unusual fact about South Korea comes from an ancient tradition. Previously, the name of the deceased was written in red on the tombstone, believing that this would scare away demons.

  3. Proper handshake. When Bill Gates met with President Park Geun-hye, the people of the country were shocked by the behavior of the American and his gesture. The fact is that during the handshake, Bill's hand was in his pocket, which is unacceptable. Good manners and respect for the traditions of another country, despite financial status, have always been held in high esteem. Therefore, if you have a Korean older than you, do it with both hands.

  4. Education. Students and schoolchildren in Korea are very smart. According to statistics, 93% of students graduate from a university, which puts the quality of education in the country in second place in the world. What is it connected with? Through private institutions (hagwons), children have the opportunity to learn many subjects, from math to belly dancing or taekwondo. On average, the country's parents spend up to $17 billion a year on educating their children. But this technique also has its drawbacks. Firstly, only rich families can afford education, while the poor are content with little. Secondly, hagwons classes are held in the afternoon, which means that children go to school twice and come home tired.

  5. Which is better: Japan or Korea? If there are many examples of friendly rivalry (Australia - New Zealand) or warlike rivalry (India - Pakistan) in the world, then these Asian countries are the "golden mean". Even if they do not point nuclear weapons at each other, relations between them are always heated. This fact about South Korea and Japan is due to the fact that in the past the latter had a bad habit of invading the territory of the former. Decades later, the situation has certainly changed, but the Koreans believe that the Japanese still have not officially apologized.

  6. Skirt discussions. It's strange to see a lot of bare legs in a conservative country. But miniskirts are the norm in South Korea. Even a business woman is allowed to wear an outfit that barely covers her ass to a business meeting, and no one will regard this as vulgarity.

  7. Toilet themed amusement park. There are many strange attractions in the world, but this place in South Korea literally outdid them all. A park with an "interesting" theme, located in the city of Suwoni, was opened in honor of the beloved ex-mayor, nicknamed Mr. Toilet. The official was obsessed with sanitation and his main goal was to provide the population with good toilets and teach them how to properly maintain them.

  8. Plastic surgery. Everyone wants to be beautiful, especially South Koreans. According to a survey conducted back in 2009, every fifth woman in the country went under the knife. Basically, the requests are the same: a V-shaped chin, a small nose and big eyes.

  9. Bullfights. No, it's not about the red rag or the bullfighter. Cattle fight in Korea Ranchers are constantly on the lookout for good "fighters". More often choose massive, with a thick neck and long horns. The fight ends when one bull leaves the arena. The winner receives a cash prize, and the loser goes to drown his grief in rice wine.

  10. Terminator jellyfish. Perhaps the most interesting fact about South Korea, more like a sci-fi movie scenario. The oceans are teeming with jellyfish, so a group of scientists created a robot specifically to deal with them. Due to the invasion of marine animals, the country lost $ 300 million, and in Sweden the nuclear power plant had to be closed. In this regard, the Koreans have created and are actively using terminator jellyfish that destroy real ones. Now the robot is capable of exterminating up to 900 kg of marine animals, but soon, according to scientists, the figure will reach 2000 kg.

Traditions and customs

The house is a sacred place, so special attention is paid to cleanliness, where dirt and even more mess are completely unacceptable. It is customary to be indoors without shoes (barefoot) or, in extreme cases, in socks. If in summer the rule does not cause discomfort, then in winter additional heating is required. Therefore, in the construction of houses, modern technologies are used in the form of underfloor heating.

Another interesting fact and custom of South Korea is associated with the ceremony of commemoration of ancestors - Chere. According to Korean belief, the soul does not leave immediately, but remains with the descendants for another 4 generations. Therefore, the deceased is also considered a member of the family, and on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the anniversary of death, the rite of Chere is performed. Also, Koreans sincerely believe that if the ancestors bless them, then life will be happy.

The next interesting fact about South Korea has to do with gestures. When you call the other person, raise your hand with your palm down and wave, moving your fingers. Never make this gesture with your palm up and even more so with your index finger - only dogs are called that in the country.

Facts Proving South Korea Is Beyond Our Understanding

Residents of the country are especially careful about oral hygiene, as dentist services are very expensive. Here it is customary to brush your teeth after every meal, and you can often find a brush in a lady's bag. In addition, in the restrooms of some establishments there is always a free disposable toothbrush.

The following interesting fact about South Korea and Koreans is based on statistics. Many residents have myopia, so they wear glasses or lenses from childhood. This fact gives the impression that they are all born with poor eyesight. But it's not. As mentioned earlier, Koreans are very smart and spend most of their time studying, buried in their favorite gadgets. It is worth noting that the disease does not concern everyone. For example, Lim Dong Hyun (two-time Olympic champion) only sees 20% of what he normally sees. But the irony is that a man competes in archery!

Korean cosmetics has long conquered Western and domestic fashionistas, and here everyone uses it, regardless of gender or age. Korean women carefully monitor the appearance of their hair and skin, so they buy an incredible amount of products. They never go out without makeup. Young Koreans also take care of appearance. It is almost impossible to see a man with a sloppy or disheveled hairstyle on the street.

Contrary to popular belief, few people in South Korea have tasted dog meat. Moreover, a movement to abandon the traditional dish is gaining popularity in the state. The youth, brought up to treat animals as friends, provided wide support. By the way, government policy also discourages the consumption of dog meat.

Now about In any city in the world, cafes, bars and restaurants come across at every step, but the speed of service in Korea is simply amazing. The order is delivered literally within 10 minutes, and some establishments even send delivery men again to pick up dirty dishes. Here, instead of the usual "How are you?" you will be asked "Did you eat well?", and skipping any meal for a Korean is akin to a sin.

Let's talk about sexual touch. If in Europe two men holding hands are considered representatives of the LGBT movement, then in Korea everything is different. In society, a couple of opposite sexes who demonstrate feelings in public are extremely disapproving. But playing with hair or sitting on a friend's lap is quite acceptable for men.

Korea is the cradle of esports. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Star Craft computer game turned into a real cult. Esports players are real stars. Thousands of fans come to meet them, and stadiums with large screens are allocated for the games. And this, in turn, is another interesting fact about South Korea: a computer game is a real sport, for which players spend many sleepless nights while training.

And a few words about compulsory military service. According to the law, every Korean must complete a 21-month military training course. This iron rule is observed regardless of the social status of the resident. Only the incompetent and those who defend the honor of the country in the international arena can get away. For example, footballers Ki Sun-yong (Swansea) and Park Chi-son (Manchester United) were released from military service.

The beginning of a relationship

If in Russia and in many other countries first love is most often met at school, then in the Land of Morning Calm this is more difficult. An interesting fact about life in South Korea is connected with the fact that for every child, studies always come first. And if hyperactive children manage to start relationships at school, then for the rest there is simply no time for amorous affairs - from 9 to 5 lessons, then electives, tutors, classes ... When to fall in love?

But once you enter university, everything changes. Education is not so diligent, so many students live for their own pleasure: on Fridays they gather with a company and drink soju, join circles and interest clubs. This is the best time, because after graduation, almost all of them will work from morning until late evening for many years.

Therefore, the romantic relationship of young Koreans begins precisely during the period of study at the university.

What then

Continuing the story, here are a few facts about South Korea related to further development:

  1. The first date is already the beginning of a relationship, and after the meeting is over, the guy and the girl "officially" become a couple. In addition, she always comes to the meeting with an older friend in order to look favorably against her background.
  2. After a while, "witnesses" are not needed, and lovers can walk around holding hands, but kissing and hugging in public in Korea is inappropriate.
  3. Another trend of couples is the same style. The phenomenon is called Couple Look - clothing stores make good money on it.
  4. An important date for lovers is the hundredth day from the date of the meeting. Girls expect from guys not flowers and sweets, but designer jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, a bag. According to the calculations of one of the Korean bloggers, an average gift costs $ 800.
  5. To move on to a closer relationship, the couple must meet for at least a year.

Family matters

It's time to learn the facts about relations in South Korea.

A home warms hearts, and every person must have a family. The opinion of the oldest member of the family is dominant. Not a single South Korean will dare to create a new family without the consent of the older generation and parental blessing. Of course, now the freedom of action is much wider, but neither a young man nor a girl can do without the guidance of his mother and father. And excessive parental control, on the contrary, is welcome.

The main priorities are inextricably linked with the family hearth. Previously, several generations of relatives lived together in traditional small houses. But times are changing, and spacious apartments have come to replace them. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the statutory rules.

When meeting with parents, the names are not called - only "mother" and "dad". This treatment is connected with another interesting fact about South Korea. According to the sign, the meaning of the name, having a great weight, affects the fate, making a person more vulnerable. Therefore, the names of the inhabitants of an Asian country are extremely rare.

Family relations in South Korea have always been distinguished by mutual respect and understanding. Despite the fact that a woman has the same rights as a man, the duties between spouses are clearly demarcated.

The wife is responsible for coziness and comfort, keeps the hearth, resolves disagreements, and the man, being the head, ensures the existence of the family. However, despite his authority, he never interferes in matters of home improvement and conflict resolution. Even in the most difficult situation, the husband always remains on the sidelines.

About kids

Another interesting fact about South Korea is related to the birth of a child. Since the country has a peculiar chronology, the baby is born already at the age of one. This is due to the fact that the child spends 9 months in the mother's womb (almost a year). But that's not all. On the first New Year (January 1), the baby is added one more. Thus, the children here are older than their actual age by as much as 2 years.

To combat discrimination, the government passed a law according to which both son and daughter are considered equal heirs, so the attitude towards the sex of the child is neutral. But Confucian traditions are still preserved. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the elder.

show business world

For many years the country was famous for its "slave contracts". This fact about South Korea is connected to the popular K-pop mainstream. For example, an ex-Super Junior member stated in 2009 that the owners of SM Entertainment did not allow him to take sick leave when he developed gastritis and kidney problems.

And this is not the only such case. Major labels justify their actions by saying that if a young artist really wants to become popular, he must overcome all difficulties - sleep no more than 4 hours a day, not start a relationship while the contract is in effect, not go on sick leave and much more.

Bad number "4"

An interesting fact about South Korea based on superstition. Residents have a "special" attitude towards the four. The problem is that the transcription of the number 4 is consonant with the word death.

Superstition has reached the point that in buildings after the third floor immediately comes the fifth. Not even in hospitals. Agree, few Koreans want to be treated on the floor called "death", especially if the disease is dangerous.

In some elevators, the "4" button has been replaced with the English letter F (four). However, in everyday speech, the four sounds without exception.

Let's go back to the past

And finally, I would like to give a few historical facts about South Korea:

  1. "Taehan minguk" 대한 민국 - this is how the people call the country, but most often the abbreviation Hanguk is used in the conversation, and sometimes Namhan.
  2. The word "Korea" comes from the name of the state "Koryo", which existed in 918-1392.
  3. The history of North and South Korea began in 1945, when the Soviet-American agreement was signed. According to the agreement, the first passed under the jurisdiction of the USSR, and the second - the United States.
  4. Although it lasted until 1953, there was no official announcement of the end of hostilities.
  5. The older generation of Koreans does not like the Japanese, as the colonization policy of the Land of the Rising Sun is still not forgotten.

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Republic of Korea or South Korea, consists of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia and many islands located off the western and southern coasts. South Korea's largest island, Jeju, also has the country's highest mountain at 1,950 meters (6,398 feet). The country is mountainous. The main demographic and industrial centers are located in the northwest (Seoul-Incheon region) and southeast of the country.

It is established that the Koreans are descended from the Mongolian race. The periods of occupation also added Chinese and Japanese blood to the country's gene pool. But, despite all the borrowings from other cultures, the Koreans have retained their language, culture and customs. The Korean language belongs to the Ural-Altaic family of languages, which also includes Turkish and Mongolian dialects. Although Korean contains many words borrowed from Chinese, the two languages ​​are structurally very different. Linguistically, Korean is closer to Japanese.

In general, South Korea is often called the "land of opposites" - it combines ancient oriental traditions, the age-old wisdom of many generations and the most modern achievements of science and technology. So, being in the center of Seoul, one can easily get acquainted with the 5,000-year history of the country through colorful palaces and temples, and at the same time, South Korea remains a rapidly developing country in terms of industry, trade and commerce.

The best regions, cities and resorts of Korea

Although South Korea is a small country, it has something to see for tourists from all over the world. One of the 7 new natural wonders of South Korea is an island that all visitors aspire to visit, but the surrounding sea waters are full of no less interesting islands with breathtaking scenery and rich fishing opportunities.

Gangwon Province is famous for its untouched nature and national parks, of which the rocky Seoraksan is the most visited. Also, while in South Korea, you can go to pristine beaches and visit the mysterious caves that surround the small town of Samcheok.

Everything is interesting and colorful in this country - shopping centers and markets, ancient palaces and Imperial gardens, numerous provinces and islands. True, if you try to visit one local island a day, it can take more than nine years (South Korea has 3,358 officially fixed islands along its coast).

Tourists are curious about the demilitarization zone of Korea, the folklore of the villages of Andong and Hahoe, the national museum and historical sites of Gyeongju province, and much more. After all, South Korea is a place where traditions and modernity coexist, respect for the country's culture and history, worship of the heritage of ancestors and a thirst for continuous development.

A popular place to visit is the Korean Village. Her visit is an opportunity for a unique insight into the past. It houses fully functioning farmhouses, nobles and reconstructed houses from every province in Korea. It is home to a community of blacksmiths, potters, weavers and many other artisans who continue to live...

Video from Korea

How to get to Korea?

Unable to travel to Korea by road or rail, the vast majority of travelers arrive at the gleaming Incheon International Airport; which is often referred to as "Seoul Incheon" on international flights. The country's two largest airlines are Korean Air and Asiana, with direct flights to a number of destinations around the world. Seoul is increasingly being offered as a stopover for round-the-world trips, and South Korea itself is served by dozens of international carriers. Fares increase during the summer months and around Christmas. When leaving Korea, an exit tax applies, but it will almost certainly be included in the ticket price.

The only way to enter South Korea by sea is to leave China and Japan. A number of Chinese ports from which ferries depart are served by Incheon, and sea shipping to Busan is offered from Japanese carriers. Those arriving by ferry will be rewarded with the most beautiful panoramas of the Korean coastline around Incheon.

Although South Korea is part of Eurasia, and is technically connected to the rest of it by rail, the existence of a demilitarization zone (DMZ) and North Korean customs means that the country is not currently accessible by land. However, if you are traveling to or from China or Japan, you can use a combination rail and ferry ticket, which offers substantial discounts.

vaccinations: Tourists do not need to be vaccinated.

How to comfortably move around Korea?

road traffic: car rental: Taxi: The most popular form of transport. Seoul taxis are divided into ordinary and "luxury". A regular taxi charges 1,000 won (a little over a dollar) for landing and the first 2 kilometers, then 100 won for 400 meters. From midnight to 4.00 - 20% surcharge.

buses: On intercity buses you can get to any city in the country.

hitch-hiking: airports: Incheon International Airport. The airport is located very close to the border with North Korea - only 40 km. This showed a cunning idea of ​​the South Koreans: on the one hand, the place for the airport was chosen, of course, not by chance, such proximity of the most strategically important transport hub of South Korea was supposed to demonstrate a level of trust to North Korea and become a kind of friendship sign.

airlines: railway: The National Railway Company provides passenger transportation between the main cities of the country.

ports: Sea passenger ships ply between cities located on the coast.
Sea cruises are one of the most interesting ways to travel in Korea. Ferries connect Busan and Jeju-do, Mokpo and Hongdo, Pohang and Ulleungdo by waterways.

Where is the best place to stay while traveling in Korea?

Korean hotels are divided into classes - these are super deluxe, first class, second class and third class. Connoisseurs of comfortable living in South Korea, of course, are offered expensive hotels that can be found in all cities and major tourist areas of the country - in every major ...

Climate in Korea

Traveling in Korea, you must take into account the distinctive features of local weather conditions. So, winters here can be especially severe, summers with heavy rains, and spring and autumn are sometimes amazing with yellow dust storms that fly from all over the Yellow Sea. The weather can sometimes seem apocalyptic, but Koreans deal with it simply by wearing the right clothes.

Plan your trip to Korea according to the seasonal changes and this country will not disappoint you. The climate of Korea is colder than most countries along the 38th parallel. Like most countries in the northern hemisphere, it has four seasons, with colder weather in December and January and warmer weather in June and July. Naturally, cities in the north, such as Seoul and Incheon, have a climate several degrees colder than cities in the south, such as Busan.

In contrast, Jeju Island in the south of the Korean Peninsula has a subtropical climate. Here, as a rule, it is always 5-10 degrees warmer than in the mainland. Winters in Korea are long, dry, and very cold, with regular snowfalls and average temperatures as low as 14 degrees Fahrenheit in January. Summers are usually warm, humid and rainy. Most tourists prefer milder weather and come to South Korea in spring and autumn when rainfall is lower and temperatures are comfortable and pleasant. The rainy season in Korea is called changma and lasts from July to August. This is the typhoon season, which can bring severe storms and severe flooding. Seasonal yellow dust appears in South Korea in spring and autumn. Dust comes from Mongolia and China, from the Gobi desert during seasonal winds and hangs in the air for several days. During this time, Koreans wear surgical masks outside to protect themselves from the dust.

National cuisine of Korea

Korean food is one of the healthiest on earth, with a focus on vegetables, rice, meat and spices. Dishes are usually prepared quite quickly, simply and without a lot of oil, but with an abundant addition of kimchi, beloved by Koreans. Much of the food that exists in Korea today comes from royal and traditional cuisines.

Food is usually a harmonious combination of fresh produce, the right temperature and spices. The cornerstone of Korean food is rice, which is the basis of almost every meal, although it is sometimes replaced by noodles (though also rice noodles). Since Korea is a peninsula, seafood is also very popular here.

Starting with a ritual bowl of rice and soup, the main meal is built around numerous side dishes. The number of side dishes can vary from two to a dozen or more, but daily meals will include at least some of them. All dishes are served at once - for example, a Korean banquet consists of many dishes prepared in a variety of ways, including steamed, simmered, fried and stewed, and sometimes served raw.

Tourist safety in Korea

South Korea is one of the safest countries for tourists, however, there are some nuances here that should be considered when traveling:

The typhoon season in South Korea usually lasts from June to November. Guests of the country need to monitor the course of approaching storms and follow the instructions of the authorities;

Dust pollution is very common in South Korea during the spring months. When dust particle concentration levels are high, residents and visitors are advised to stay indoors as much as possible, close windows and drink plenty of water. This is especially important for the elderly and people with respiratory problems;

If you want to enter North Korea from South Korea, you will need a special permit.

South Korean authorities occasionally hold nationwide civil emergency exercises. At this time, sirens sound everywhere, traffic stops, and people take refuge in subway stations or basements.

History of Korea

According to Korean legend, God King Tangun founded the Korean nation in British Columbia as early as 2333 BC. By the first century AD, the Korean peninsula was divided into the kingdoms of Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje. The Kingdom of Silla unified the peninsula in 668 AD. ...

South Korea souvenirs

The best way to remember a place is to buy souvenirs. When visiting South Korea, you can find many interesting items to purchase that will remind you of your trip for a long time to come. From Korea, they usually bring local porcelain, leather goods, paper fans and lanterns, calligraphic...

South Korea: interesting facts

  • Like many Asian countries, South Korea uses the solar and lunar calendars and celebrates holidays based on both systems.
  • The country uses one time zone and is 9 hours ahead of GMT, just like Japan.
  • Most Koreans work Monday through Friday and then half a day on Saturday mornings. Regular business hours are 9:00-6:00 during the week and 9:00-1:00 on Saturday.
  • During national holidays, government offices and most businesses are closed, although many private shops and large department stores may remain open. The exceptions are the 3-day Lunar New Year holidays (Seol-NAL) and the Harvest Moon Festival (Chuseok), when almost everything is turned off except public transport.
  • Although most people prefer western clothing (suits and jeans), the national costume, hanbok, is still worn by many during national holidays.
    White garments are preferred daily, while colored ones are reserved for the upper class or for festive occasions.

brief information

South Korea is one of the most popular countries for tourism in all of Asia. This is not surprising given that South Korea has a large number of historical monuments, Buddhist monasteries, temples and pagodas. Tourists in this country are waiting for ski resorts, beautiful mountains, waterfalls on rivers, as well as long sandy beaches.

Geography of South Korea

South Korea is located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. South Korea borders North Korea to the north, Japan to the east (via the Sea of ​​Japan), and China to the west (via the Yellow Sea). The total area of ​​the country is 99,392 sq. km, including the islands, and the total length of the state border is 238 km.

Most of the territory of South Korea is occupied by mountains and hills. The highest peak is Mount Hallasan, whose height reaches 1,950 m. Plains and lowlands make up only about 30% of the country's territory, they are located in the west and southeast of South Korea.

South Korea owns about 3 thousand islands, most of them are very small and uninhabited. The largest island of this country is Jeju, located 100 km from the south coast.


The capital of South Korea is Seoul, which is now home to more than 10.5 million people. Historians claim that Seoul already existed in the 4th century BC.

Official language

The official language in South Korea is Korean, which belongs to the Altaic languages.


More than 46% of the South Korean population consider themselves atheists. Another 29.2% of South Koreans are Christians (18.3% are Protestants, 10.9% are Catholics), more than 22% are Buddhists.

Government of South Korea

Under the current constitution, South Korea is a parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected for 5 years.

The unicameral parliament in South Korea is called the National Assembly, it consists of 299 deputies elected for a 4-year term.

The main political parties are the conservative Senuri Party, the United Democratic Party, and the Liberal Progressive Party.

Climate and weather

The climate in South Korea is very diverse - continental and humid monsoon, with cold winters and hot summers. The average air temperature is +11.5C. The highest average air temperature is in August (+31C), and the lowest is in January (-10C). The average annual rainfall is 1,258 mm.

Sea in South Korea

In the east, South Korea is washed by the warm waters of the Sea of ​​Japan, and in the west - by the Yellow Sea. The total coastline is 2,413 km. In August, the water off the coast of South Korea warms up to + 26-27C.

Rivers and lakes

Most of South Korea's rivers are in the eastern part of the country. Many rivers flow into the Yellow Sea. The largest river in South Korea is the Nakdong River. Some rivers have amazingly beautiful waterfalls (for example, in the Cheongjeonpokpo Nature Park).

History of South Korea

As such, the history of South Korea begins in 1948, when previously united Korea was divided into two states - the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the DPRK. According to mythology, the Korean state was formed in 2333 BC.

In 1950-53, there was a war between South Korea and the DPRK, in which the United States, China, the USSR and even the UN took an active part. A peace treaty between these countries has not yet been signed, and their border is separated by the Demilitarized Zone.

South Korea was admitted to the UN only in 1991.


The culture of South Korea is based on the centuries-old cultural traditions of the Korean people. The traditions and customs of the inhabitants of South Korea are unique, unless, of course, North Korea is taken into account (and this, of course, is impossible).

The most important holiday in South Korea is the Sol holiday, which is considered a reflection of the Chinese New Year.

In winter, South Koreans celebrate the Hwacheon Mountain Trout Festival and the Inje Icefish Festival.

At the end of March, Gyeongju hosts the annual liquor and rice cake festival, and in April (or May) South Koreans celebrate Buddha's Birthday. At the end of May, Koreans celebrate the Chungju Martial Arts Festival.

In September-October of every year, South Koreans celebrate the Chuseok harvest festival. These days, Koreans take a short vacation from work to visit the graves of their ancestors.

South Korean cuisine

The cuisine of South Korea is based on ancient Korean culinary traditions. The main food products are rice, seafood, fish, vegetables, meat.

In South Korea, we recommend trying rice porridge, rice with vegetables, kimchi (sauerkraut or pickled cabbage), potato cakes, seafood soup, various fish soups, squid and octopus dishes, bulgogi (Korean kebabs), fried pork ribs , hodukvazha cookies.

Traditional soft drinks in South Korea are rice and barley decoctions, as well as decoctions and infusions of herbs and spices.

As for alcoholic beverages, local rice wine and soju rice liquor are popular in South Korea.

Remember "boshingtang" is dog soup. The South Korean government is trying to ban the preparation of this dish, but so far unsuccessfully. The dish "boshingtang" is usually consumed by South Koreans in the summer. South Korean men claim that this dish promotes stamina.


In South Korea, there are now several thousand historical, architectural and archaeological monuments. In terms of the number of attractions, South Korea occupies one of the first places in all of Asia. Some South Korean attractions are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (for example, the Buddhist temple of Seokguram). The top ten attractions in South Korea, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Gyeongbokgung Royal Palace in Seoul
  2. Hwaseong Fortress
  3. Bulguksa Buddhist Monastery
  4. Bulguksa Buddhist Temple
  5. Cave Buddhist Temple Seokguram
  6. Deoksugung Palace in Seoul
  7. Li dynasty tombs in Gwangneung
  8. Changdeokgung Royal Palace in Seoul
  9. Posingak Bell Tower in Senul
  10. Heongchunsa Shrine near Asan

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in South Korea are Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Gwangju, Daejeon and, of course, Seoul.

The best beach resorts in South Korea are located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan. The most popular beaches on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan are Gyeongpodae near the city of Gangneung and Naksan near the town of Chongjin. Most of the beaches are surrounded by beautiful pine forests. The beach season in South Korea is very short - from July to August.

Another popular beach holiday destination in South Korea is Jeju Island, located 100 km from the Korean Peninsula. We also recommend that tourists pay attention to the beaches of Ganghwa Island in the Yellow Sea.

South Korea has many ski resorts that are popular among Asians. These ski resorts have a well-developed skiing infrastructure, and, in addition, the prices there are much lower than, for example, in Europe. The most popular ski resorts in South Korea are Muju, Yangji, Yongpyeong, Bears Town and Chisan Forest.

The skiing season is from the end of November to the middle of March. Some ski resorts use artificial snow, so they ski there all year round.

There are many thermal and hot springs in South Korea. Tourists are advised to visit the Yongpyeong resort in the east of the country, where there are excellent hot springs, the water temperature in which is + 49C. By the way, in this ski resort, tourists will also find good ski slopes.


Tourists from South Korea usually bring handicrafts, lamps, bookends, traditional Korean folk masks, dolls in traditional Korean clothes, Korean tea cups, necklaces, hairpins, bracelets, blankets, scarves, Korean sweets, Korean tea, Korean white wine

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-16:00

Supermarkets are open daily from 10:30 to 20:00 (close later on weekends).