For what they hung a podtelkov. Fedor Podtelkov

It was not customary to lift the veil of secrecy over the personal lives of the leaders of the country, as well as to spread about the fate of their closest relatives. But there was constant talk about the children of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Moreover, they gave enough reasons for discussion. There were literally legends about Galina Brezhneva. People's rumors did not bypass their attention and the son of the Secretary General - Yuri, although he was a seemingly quiet and modest man. How did the fate of the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the epoch-making Ilyich develop?

Galina Brezhneva, her daughter and granddaughter

Throughout her life, the "Kremlin princess" pleased her father with her indefatigable and high-profile novels. The only exception was the period of her first marriage. Married to Yevgeny Milayev, Galina did housework, helped her husband, a circus performer, gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, and raised her husband's two children from her first marriage.

Galina accompanied her husband on all tours, and therefore her grandmother, Victoria Petrovna, began to raise her daughter. However, the influential grandfather also did not stand aside. He, like his wife, loved his granddaughter very much, spent every free minute with her.

The daughter has repeatedly become the object of rumors and gossip. She unashamedly had affairs both during her marriage and during her divorce, she loved the jewelry that she collected. Another weakness of this woman is known. Galina Leonidovna eventually passionately fell in love with alcohol.

After the death of her father, the daughter of the Secretary General actually became an inveterate drunkard, being locked up in a dacha near Moscow. Then she moved to a Moscow apartment, where neighbors began to complain about constant drunken brawls. Daughter Victoria was eventually forced to take her mother to a psychiatric clinic for treatment for alcoholism. It was there that the Kremlin princess Galina Brezhneva died as a result in 1998.

The fate of the granddaughter of the Secretary General Victoria also developed far from the best. She was married twice, both times to actors Mikhail Filippov and Gennady Varakuta. After two divorces, she was left alone.

By the will of fate, daughter Galina was also treated for alcoholism in a psychiatric clinic, and Victoria herself fell for the bait of scammers and was left homeless. In the last years of her life, Victoria Filippova struggled with cancer. Passed away in January 2018.

Galina, the great-granddaughter of the General Secretary, did not maintain any contact with her mother for a long time. Left homeless, she even spent the night in garages and children's summer houses. Later she spent a long time in a psychiatric clinic. After a television program about the fate of Galina, she was presented with an apartment in Zvenigorod, where she lives.

The great-granddaughter of Leonid Brezhnev is in desperate need. She receives a pension, which, according to her, is only enough for coffee, cigarettes and rent. The jewelry of Galina Leonidovna disappeared without a trace. And she does not maintain contact with her relatives, children and grandchildren of Yuri Leonidovich Brezhnev.

Yuri Brezhnev, his children and grandchildren

Yuri Leonidovich, before his father was appointed General Secretary, worked at a metallurgical plant in Dnepropetrovsk, and after that he made a good career in foreign trade. However, moving to Moscow for him in leadership positions increased his passion for alcohol.

Then Leonid Ilyich sent his son on a long business trip abroad to Switzerland. He had enough of the problems that Galina constantly created. Yuri Leonidovich worked conscientiously, but in moments of rest he liked to treat himself to strong drinks and often did not behave very nicely when drunk. After returning to Moscow in 1976, the son of the Secretary General was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR, three years later - First Deputy.

When Brezhnev Sr. died, his son was immediately fired from Vneshtorg. For a long time he remained silent, refusing any interviews and cooperation with the new government. He found solace in breeding aquarium fish and collecting porcelain figurines of dogs. In 2013, he died of brain cancer.

Unlike his older sister, Yuri Leonidovich was married once and his wife Lyudmila Vladimirovna was smart, modest and educated. She was always next to her husband, preventing him from sinking or getting carried away with alcohol.

Two sons were born in the family - Leonid and Andrey. Leonid graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, was engaged in teaching, and later became a fairly successful businessman. Leonid Yurievich married more than once and became the father of three children. The son, named after his grandfather, became the successor of his father's work.

Andrei graduated from MGIMO, worked for a long time in Vneshtorg, was actively involved in politics. Along with this, he always defended the honor and dignity of his famous grandfather, believing that many attacks against Leonid Ilyich were dictated by Mikhail Gorbachev's hostile attitude towards him.

Andrei Yurievich became the father of two sons, Leonid and Yuri, whom he gave a good education. Leonid later became a translator, Yuri, after graduating from Oxford, is engaged in software sales.

Andrei Brezhnev died suddenly of a heart attack in July 2018.

Very little was known in Soviet times and about. ]However, they themselves almost did not appear in public and led a very secluded life. And some of the companions themselves were carefully concealed by the leaders of the party elite of the USSR. Some were happy in their closed world, someone had a chance to threaten and blackmail her husband to refuse a divorce, and there were those who categorically could not even be shown to the public.

During the New Year holidays, the granddaughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev, Victoria Filippova, passed away at the age of 65. Shortly before that, she gave a frank interview to Dmitry Borisov. For a long time, Victoria Evgenievna refused to communicate with journalists, but made an exception for the program "Let them talk." She spoke about what she used to prefer to keep a secret.

Victoria Filippova remembered that she had a neutral relationship with her mother Galina. According to her, her mother almost did not take part in her upbringing. The granddaughter of the Secretary General did not feel sorry for the parent, who at the end of her life ended up in a nursing home. The woman admitted that it was not easy with her - her mother refused to live under the supervision of her daughter. There were always people in her apartment - friends, buddies and even strangers.

“She drank very heavily, something had to be done about it. I could not let her die under the fence, ”said Victoria Evgenievna.

Dmitry Borisov asked where the jewels, which were legendary in the Soviet Union, had gone. “All this was stolen, there were dishonest people. It was not deposits - a box, not deposits, ”the woman admitted.

Victoria Evgenievna remembered that her mother was an ideal wife only with her first husband, acrobat Evgeny Milaev. The daughter was also aware of her mother's novels - a loud relationship with ballet dancer Maris Liepa did not end in a wedding just because the man did not intend to leave his family for Brezhneva. “Everything worked out for her only with my father, everyone was surprised, she was an ideal wife - not a single housekeeper, because he ordered so,” the granddaughter of the Secretary General recalled.

Dmitry Borisov also touched upon the topic of Victoria Evgenievna's difficult relationship with her own daughter, Galina. The great-granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich had to exchange a large apartment in the center, but later the girl ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

“My mother decided to put me there, and I left - without a residence permit, without an apartment,” Galina said.

The daughter of Victoria Evgenievna appeared in the studio with her aunt Natalya and uncle Alexander Milaev. They remembered that Victoria never complained about her health. Her death was announced by the civil husband of Brezhnev's granddaughter Dmitry.

“She told me in December, we wrote an SMS on the 31st to congratulate me on the new year. This happened not that unexpectedly, she looked very bad. I hoped that she would get better, gave five thousand for the New Year, ”Galina recalled.

However, the woman did not have time to talk about whether she managed to make peace with her mother. Dmitry Borisov promised to devote another issue of the program “Let them talk” to this topic in the near future.

On January 6, Leonid Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria Filippova died of cancer. She had a daughter, Galina, who for some time underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic, after which she complained about the lack of an apartment and a residence permit. However, now the great-granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR nevertheless decided the issue of housing - she got real estate in the Moscow region. Galina rents out an apartment.

Many people remember that Brezhnev's daughter, Galina Leonidovna, had a lot of jewelry. Now no one knows where all the untold riches owned by the heirs of the head of a huge state have gone.

Dmitry Borisov in the program “Let them talk” showed an interview given by Victoria Filippova shortly before her death. She recalled that after exchanging an apartment in Granatny Lane - into two small ones - she should have received a large monetary compensation, but the amount for the exchange was not paid.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina is worried about the inheritance that belongs to her by right. Now she is 44 years old, she is not going to get married, as well as give birth to children - because of the difficult financial situation.

“A lot of things worries me, not only in connection with the inheritance, but also with my property status,” the woman said.

Now Galina does not know where her grandmother's jewelry went. Her mother's half-sister Natalya Milayeva admitted that Brezhnev's daughter loved jewelry.

“I don’t know about money, but she loved jewelry, our father bought it, but I don’t know where it went,” the woman said.

As it turned out, after the wake of Victoria Filippova, relatives began to discuss where the property that belonged to her could go. They counted at least four apartments, two of which were in the center of Moscow. The family of Brezhnev's granddaughter remembered that she had housing on Novinsky Boulevard - a five-room apartment. Once a woman came there, but it turned out that strangers had been living there for a long time.

Also relatives of Galina Leonidovna suggested that her addiction to alcoholic beverages appeared for a reason.

“A lot of people stuck that soldered and made this. They found a small weakness and began to do their own business, apartments, they squeezed out everything that was possible, and it is trouble-free, ”Alexander Milaev believes.

The relatives also remembered that in a special case at Brezhnev's famous dacha, jewelry was kept that suddenly disappeared. If Galina finds jewelry, she will receive a fabulous inheritance.

Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva is the only wife of the Soviet General Secretary. Together they lived a long and happy life together. In total, the family life of this couple was more than 50 years.

Victoria Brezhneva (nee Denisova) was born in 1907 in a simple worker-proletarian family in Belgorod. Father is a railway engineer. The family was large: 4 daughters and a son.

Victoria Brezhneva

Some biographers say that Brezhnev was Jewish by nationality. Firstly, she has a suitable appearance, and secondly, the name Victoria is not typical for the time and circle in which the wife of Leonid Ilyich lived. There are also disagreements about the surname - in some sources she appears as Olshevskaya, in others as Goldberg. But Victoria Petrovna denied these rumors during her lifetime, calling Denisov's surname her "native" surname. And Victoria was allegedly named because a large number of Poles lived in their area, among whom this name was common.

Victoria Brezhneva's mother was a housewife: she raised children and provided comfort. Vika graduated from high school and went to Kursk. Here she entered the medical college. After receiving a diploma, for some time she worked by education - a midwife.

Victoria's fate was decided when she was a student at a technical school. Once, together with a friend, she went to the dance. There she met Leonid Brezhnev, an agricultural student. According to her, he was not handsome. And he couldn't dance. He looked like a simpleton and a goof. Therefore, the girlfriend refused to dance with him. And Victoria took pity on the guy and went.

Since then, they have not parted again. They got married in 1928. At first, they lived modestly - they rented a room in a hostel. Victoria Brezhneva worked in a hospital. But when her husband began to rapidly climb the career ladder, she left her job and devoted herself to her family.

Secretary General's wife

She was a simple woman, domestic and economic. She cooked deliciously, caring for her husband and two children: in 1929, the couple had a daughter, and 4 years later, their son Yuri. Later, when her husband became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Viktoria Petrovna took care of her husband's wardrobe.

In their house appeared servants and personal chefs. Brezhneva taught them to cook the way her husband liked it. But the woman did not get sick with star disease: she always remained in the shadow of Leonid Ilyich, shunned noisy companies in which the wives of party officials shone with fashionable outfits and hairstyles, and rarely accompanied her husband on official trips.

Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva behaved very modestly. None of her contemporaries had ever seen a woman in expensive clothes or jewelry. She never interfered in the intrigues of high society and the work of her husband, was not convicted of gossip or "undercover" games. She was not the "first lady" in the current sense of the word.

Leonid Ilyich used to call his wife Vitya in everyday life. Perhaps due to some speech defect that Victoria Brezhneva had. She was the only one who knew how to listen to him, calm him down and give unexpectedly practical advice: simple and at the same time wise. The faithful and balanced "half" was the second "I" of the Secretary General.

Daughter Galina Brezhneva was the exact opposite of her mother: bright, with an explosive temperament, a fashionista who adores luxury and expensive jewelry. In her life there were a lot of men and novels, which her mother did not like. But even more, the woman was worried about the abuse of alcohol and the scandals that accompanied Galina all her life.

Officially, Galina got married three times. Her first husband was Evgeny Milaev, a circus performer, a strong acrobat. He was 20 years older than the girl, had two twin children, whose mother died in childbirth. Brezhnev lived in this marriage for 10 years, the couple had a daughter, Victoria, whom Galina named after her mother. Evgeny Milaev quickly made a career, becoming the director of the Moscow Circus and the Hero of Socialist Labor. There is evidence that he beat Galya, and she repeatedly told her father about this. Brezhnev knew that his daughter was unhappy in marriage with Milaev, but he said "be patient." The reason for their divorce was the betrayal of Eugene.

Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria spent more time with her grandparents, as her parents were constantly on tour. As she herself said in an interview, she was not forbidden anything and was always given freedom of choice.

The second marriage of his daughter Brezhnev categorically did not approve. Galina at that time was 33 years old, she fell in love with an illusionist, who was 18 years old. Secretly, they registered a relationship, but after 10 days they were given new passports without marriage stamps.

The third marriage was with military Yuri Churbanov. And the parents, who were already tired of their daughter's adventures, were incredibly happy for such a serious person in Gali's life. Their marriage lasted 20 years.

After she had stormy romances with a gypsy actor and singer Boris Buryatsya, a ballet dancer.

But the son of Victoria Petrovna and Leonid Ilyich followed in the footsteps of his father, devoted himself to politics. In 1979-1983 he served as First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR. He had one wife, Lyudmila, in a marriage with whom two sons were born - Andrey and Leonid. Yuri died in 2013 from brain cancer.

Personal life

If the memoirs of Leonid Ilyich materialized in the form of a trilogy "Small Earth", "Renaissance" and "Virgin Land", which, by the way, he himself read only after their publication, then following the results of Galina Leonidovna's life in 2008, Vitaly Pavlov's drama series " Galina. Judging by this film, the daughter of Leonid Ilyich allegedly disliked her father all her life because of his betrayal of her mother.

Today it is difficult to say whether the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU was faithful to his wife. There were talks about several of his novels. For example, with the singer Anna Shalfeeva. Allegedly, the official met her during the Great Patriotic War.

Also in 2016 - in the year of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Leonid Ilyich - the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published an interview in which Galina Brezhneva's friends told about the personal secrets of the Secretary General and his family.

Former actress and now public figure Victoria Lazich recalls that Galya said: when her father went to the front, they lived in poverty. And his return brought not relief, but shock. Leonid Ilyich came home and announced that he was leaving the family. At this time, his front-line girlfriend Tamara was standing outside the door. Victoria Petrovna reacted boldly to this news, she said that she would ruin his career, write a complaint against him to the party committee. Lazich says that Galya allegedly believed that her mother managed to save her family only by blackmail.

Victoria Brezhneva with her husband and grandchildren

More is known about another woman who was near the official for a long time. This is his nurse Nina Korovyakova. Some biographers write that Korovyakova behaved defiantly towards Victoria Brezhneva and had influence on Leonid Ilyich. From the memoirs of the Secretary General's niece Lyubov Brezhneva (daughter of his brother), he admitted that Nina resembled his front-line love Tamara.

Nevertheless, the personal life of Victoria Brezhneva, according to people who knew her, developed happily. The joint years of life allotted to them, the spouses respected each other and did not quarrel. At least that's how it looked to outsiders.


Victoria Petrovna was distinguished by stronger health than Leonid Ilyich himself and outlived him by almost 13 years. Immediately after the death of her husband, former party comrades did not spare his faithful wife and took away most of the property from the woman. She lived out her life quietly and modestly, in a small Moscow apartment and all alone.

In the last decade of her life, the woman suffered from diabetes and was forced to constantly inject herself with insulin. This disease was the cause of her death. Victoria Petrovna was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Victoria Brezhneva

Both the life and death of Victoria Brezhneva turned out to be quiet and not covered in the media, unlike the life and death of her daughter. When Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev died, his daughter became even more addicted to alcohol, eventually ended up in a psychiatric hospital in the Moscow region, where she was treated for alcoholism. There she died in 1998 of a stroke, having outlived her mother by only three years. The woman was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery next to the grave of her mother.

She was overtaken by the same fate as Victoria Petrovna. During the reign, they tried to confiscate the inheritance from Galina, but, unlike her mother, the daughter of the former Secretary General did not give up so easily. She managed to win the trial. And real estate, and antiques, and cars remained with her.

No less tragic was the fate of her daughter Victoria. While trying to sell the remaining apartments, she ran into scammers and did not receive any money. After the incident, they stopped communicating with their daughter Galya - the great-granddaughter of Victoria Petrovna and Leonid Ilyich. Galina Filipova could not find herself in life, the woman wandered the streets, lived in porches. At 33, she was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Her mother did not visit her and did not answer her letters.

Brezhnev's granddaughter died on January 5, 2018 from oncology, presumably from brain cancer.