Ecological newspapers in kindergarten. Ecological newspaper Educator Blinkova A

MOU "Babaevskaya secondary school No. 1"

School environmental newspaper

Read in this issue:

· Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials in our school

· Where did our students spend their summers?

· The hogweed is coming!

· 5th grade students talk about their pets

· Ecological situation in the world: how are things in prosperous Finland? Reporting from Helsinki

· Crossword from our readers

· Riddles about autumn

Hello dear friends!

The holidays are over and the new school year has begun. This year, the school environmental newspaper "Green Leaf" continues its work. This year you will find a lot of interesting information related to the environmental situation in the world, our region, our city, interviews with interesting people, survey results, stories from our readers, crossword puzzles and much more. Our newspaper can be read on the school website ( www. *****), in electronic form it is in the library. Each of you can become the author of notes, so try your hand!


Wanted correspondents in the school environmental newspaper "Green Leaf". Requirements: communication skills, ability to work with information sources, computer skills.

This academic year, the school has circle of young flower growers. Students take care of the Winter Garden in the foyer of the school, get the skills to properly care for indoor plants.

Our newspaper accepts ads in heading "I'll give it to good hands". If you can't find kittens, puppies, hamsters, please contact us, we will print your ad.

For all questions, please contact room 56

Harvest-2011 at School No. 1

They say that the most beautiful time of the year is autumn. Autumn time is beautiful, amazing, multifaceted. At this time, on the streets of our small town, we can see colorful leaves that have already said goodbye to their slender trees, puddles in which the little one loves to look at his reflection, sparrows cleaning their fluffy feathers. In general, in autumn everything is somehow unusual, magical. At this time, our grandmothers in the gardens ripened the harvest - pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots. And grandmothers, together with their grandchildren, decided to make crafts ...

In September, our school hosted the Harvest-2011 competition, in which students of grades 1-6 took part. Each of the works was distinguished by its individuality and originality. From ordinary cucumber and zucchini, a crocodile turned out, and from grass and dry leaves - butterflies ...

It was a difficult job for the jury members - it was very difficult to choose the winners, each work deserved attention. But after long discussions, the results became known. So, friends, drumroll, and...

In the nomination "Bouquet" among the first classes, the first place was shared by Sautin Vladislav (1 A) and Gashkova Sofya (1 B) - their work deserved special praise from the jury. 3rd place was awarded to Olga Parfenova (1 V). Her work was also very beautifully framed. Among 2 classes, Trunova Maria deserved the 1st place, her work is called "Autumn Bouquet". 2nd place went to Igor Smirnov (2 B). Birk Alina (5A) was awarded 2nd place. The jury was struck by her beautifully decorated pumpkin vase. Klubova Polina (5 A) earned 3rd place.

So, friends, as you have already noticed, there are a lot of guys in our school who are able to create a “miracle” from the most ordinary pumpkin and deserve praise and applause!

The next nomination in our competition is “Composition”. Let's start with the smallest and most talented - from grade 1. 1 And this year the class pleasantly surprised us - they have as many as 7 participants who won prizes. Among them Osetrova Maria, Suvorova Vika, Moiseenko Polina - they took 3rd place. 2nd place was taken by Pimenov Artem, he made a composition of cones and spruce needles. Well, the first places went to Alexandrova Olga and Borovkov Artem - the members of the jury were delighted with their work. In 1 B class Pavel Agaev brought 2nd place. And in 1 B - as many as 2 second places (these are Shvedova Dasha and Anifatov Daniil). This is all our pride - the smallest, but remote winners. In the 2B class there is also a winner - this is Lyubimova Diana (3rd place). 3A got 3rd place thanks to Eliseev Artem, 3rd place also got Chernyshova Nastya (4 B).

A vivid example of how you can convey the beauty of the autumn landscape is the work of 4 A class students Dmitry Vinogradov and Polina Kuptsova - their work took 1st place. An honorable second place was given to the work of Igor Mazin. Participants of the competition from 6 A, Kozyreva Alena and Timofeeva Irina, also won prizes.

Crafts, which we will talk about now, allow you to feel like a part of nature and enjoy the variety of shades of golden autumn.

The material for crafts can be any natural materials - whatever your heart desires, for which there is enough imagination and skill. Again, let's start summing up the results of the competition from the smallest. Katya Smelkova (1 A), Olya Belyaeva (1 A) and Vika Veselova (1 B) deserved the 1st place and applause from the audience, their works were out of competition. Second places were awarded to Volnova Darina (1 A) and Grauberg Nikita (1 B). 3rd place goes to Yana Balakina (1 B), Oksana Belyaeva (1 B). A very original craft "Cinderella's Carriage", which was made from a pumpkin, cones, spruce twigs by Ekaterina Kolesov (1 B).

Among the participants from 2 classes, the works of Rokotova Liza (2 C), Danilova Polina (2 B) were especially original - they got 2nd place. The third place went to Budilov Grisha, his craft is very original - Grisha made a spider from potatoes and a hybrid of pumpkin and squash. The crafts of Nikita Moskalev (2 B) and Zhenya Bronzov (2 A) were no worse, we also sincerely congratulate them.

Among the students of the 3rd grade, Kononov Andrey (3 B), Kharlamova Elina (3 A), Mukin Kostya (3 B), Petrov Daniil (3 A) won. In 4B class 3rd place was taken by Petrov Dima. I want to mention another very talented person. This is Pirogov Nikita (4 V), he became the absolute winner. Vlasova Evgenia (4 A) got 2nd place. I want to say a few words of gratitude to the girls from the 5th grade. Their work is called "Autumn Fashion", it is very beautiful and original. And finally, the names of these fashionistas: Kornishova Evgenia, Repina Maria, Andreeva Elena. We wish the girls continued creative success!

There is nothing more beautiful than an autumn garden... In autumn, a special atmosphere reigns in it - you go there, and the pleasant smell of fallen leaves and ripe apples envelops you, beckons you. So, the next nomination is called "Wonderful Garden".

Among the first classes in this nomination, Vitaly Belyakov (1 A) won, 2nd place went to Olga Selezneva (1 A), 3rd place went to Anna Kononovskaya (1 A). The work of Saneeva Darya (2 A), which received 1st place, is sent to the regional exhibition. Looking at her work, you can feel like a part of nature and enjoy the variety of shades of golden autumn.

Autumn has long been associated with abundance, generosity and wealth. This is reflected in the work of Nikita Golovanov (3 A), who gets 2nd place.

Among the 4 classes, Sergey Melnikov (4 A) got the first place, Ruban Ksenia (4 B) took the second place. And looking at the works of the following participants, you can get a charge of vivacity and good mood - these are the works of Nikiforov Artem (4 B), and Smirnova Alena (4 B), they have 3rd place.

Well, the results of this wonderful annual competition of tricks and compositions have been summed up. I can say one thing - the exhibition was a success "excellent"! Many, having visited it, received a great emotional charge. There were many wonderful works. We hope that next year we will have even more participants and even more winners. In the meantime, we wish all participants of the competition creative inspiration, good mood and cloudless autumn weather.

Kireeva Alexandra

The hogweed is coming!

On a bright sunny day a man was fishing; he was very hot, and therefore he sat without a shirt. Behind him were large leaves of a plant unfamiliar to him. These were the leaves of hogweed Sosnowski. And so the man, wanting to rest, lay down on these leaves. As a result, he received a severe burn on his back and was hospitalized in the Babaev Central District Hospital.

On hot days, hogweed leaves secrete essential oil, which, when it gets on the skin, causes severe burns. Affected areas are covered with blisters.

Sosnovsky's hogweed was brought to our region as a promising fodder crop. Initially, he was brought to the Dubrovka state farm. Then it was used as a silage crop at the Druzhba state farm. Its seeds quickly spread on the territory of the state farm, when the silage was transported to farms, the cow parsnip settled along the roads, and with manure it fell into the fields. Now hogweed can be found along roads, rivers, meadows, forest edges.

I strongly advise you not to touch the leaves of hogweed! The plant causes severe chemical burns!

For reference

Sosnovsky's hogweed is a plant of the genus Hogweed, which has the ability to cause severe and long-lasting burns.

In the middle of the 20th century it was cultivated as a silage plant. Subsequently, it turned out that he easily runs wild and penetrates into natural ecosystems. Its leaves and fruits are rich in essential oils, which contain substances that, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause photochemical burns. These circumstances prompted the abandonment of attempts at industrial cultivation. Named in honor of the researcher of the flora of the Caucasus. The popular names of the plant are "Stalin's revenge" and "Hercules flower".

A very large (up to 3 meters) plant, biennial or perennial, monocarpic (that is, it blooms and bears fruit once in a lifetime, after which it dies off). The stem is furrowed-ribbed, rough, purple or with purple spots, bears very large leaves, usually yellowish-green in color, 1.4-1.9 m long. 2 meters.

The inflorescence is a large (up to 50-80 cm in diameter) complex umbrella, consisting of 30-75 rays. The flowers are white or pink. There can be more flowers on one plant. Flowering from July to August, fruits ripen from July to September. Seed germination period is 2 years. Sosnovsky's hogweed reproduces only by seed and is not capable of vegetative reproduction.

Leaves, roots and fruits of hogweed are rich in essential oils, which weaken the resistance of the skin against ultraviolet radiation. After contact with the plant, especially on sunny days, a severe burn of 1-3 degrees may appear on the skin. A particular danger lies in the fact that touching the plant at first does not cause any discomfort.

If juice gets on the skin, it should be washed with soap and water and avoid exposure to sunlight for at least 2 days.

( )

Grinev Vitaly

What to do if you get lost in the forest?

Autumn has come. This is the best time for hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries. But few people think that he can get lost. We will give you some useful tips in case you get lost in the forest.

Let's imagine that a person who has gone for mushrooms has only a basket, a knife, a plastic bag, a watch and a box of matches. A mobile phone may be out of the network coverage ... How to behave as a person lost in the forest? Having lost orientation, he must immediately stop moving and try to restore it with the help of a compass, a watch, or using various natural features. If this is not possible, the best thing to do is to organize a temporary parking lot, build a fire, replenish food supplies from the pantry of nature and wait for the arrival of help. Having made such a decision, it is necessary to find a suitable site for the future camp. The place should be dry and located near a stream or other water source so that there is always a supply of water nearby. It is important that there is fuel nearby (in winter, the issue of firewood is very important).

Huts are built mainly from poles tied to a tree, interconnected, or any other suitable in a given situation. As a coating, it is best to use fabric, or even better polyethylene. In extreme cases, when another shelter cannot be built, or fabric is not available, tree branches can be used.

Next, you should take care of the fire, before breeding which you need to prepare some fuel. To kindle a fire, dry twigs are used, which are planed so that the chips remain on them in the form of a “collar”. Thin chips, split dry bark (preferably birch), dried moss are laid on top. Little by little fuel is added to the fire. As the flame increases, larger branches can be placed. They must be laid one at a time, loosely, to ensure good air access. If you forget about it, even a hot burning fire can “suffocate”.

But before starting a fire, all measures should be taken to prevent a forest fire. A place for a fire is chosen away from coniferous, and especially withered trees. Thoroughly clean the space for a meter and a half around from dry grass, moss and shrubs. If the soil is peaty, then, so that the fire does not penetrate the grass cover and cause the peat to ignite, a “cushion” of sand or earth is poured.

You should also not forget that dangerous animals may be present in the forest. Sometimes the attack of the beast is explained by the fact that a passing person blocked the passage of the beast. In this case, you must definitely get out of the way of the animal so that he sees you. If you are standing and you hear that a beast is walking not far from you, you need to immediately find an escape route, for example (a tree, a high steep stone).
Also, you can not make sudden movements, run, throw stones or sticks in the direction of the animal.

The most important thing for a person who finds himself in an emergency is not to panic. But it is better, when leaving for the forest, to warn your loved ones about this. Remember that you should not go into the forest alone, without adults!

Besmestomnykh Konstantin

Mokin Artem

Ecology in Finnish or what prevents us from living the same way?

This note about the environmental situation in Finland was written by its resident Viktoria Nekrasova especially for the Green Leaf newspaper. Victoria's mother is a native of the village of Pozhara, Babaevsky district, and our guest often visits Babaev, so she has the opportunity to compare how it is with us and how "with them". So…

Let's face it: we do not love ourselves and our country, because we are so indifferent to nature. It is enough to come to the nearest Babaevsky forest and make sure: yes, we treat ourselves badly - landfills are everywhere, and on what an industrial scale.

However, this applies to all of Russia as a whole, and no one knows how many such unauthorized dumps exist, and do we even care about this?

Everything, however, is known in comparison. Having lived for several years in Finland, each time it becomes more and more painful to come to your native country and observe the heyday of the garbage period. The Finns are different. No garbage on the streets, let alone in the forests. (By the way, the forest here is considered a very good friend and there is even a saying: the forest is the Finn's psychologist, but that's another story.)

Anyone who has been to Finland has not seen a single river or lake into which sewage, production wastes are poured, household waste is dumped ... The laws are strict, and the habits developed by traditions are solid, and no one will allow trash to be thrown into the lake, old ones to be hidden in the bushes things, dump garbage in the wrong place, throw a bag of garbage on the side of the road.

Already in kindergarten, little Finns are taught to respect nature. On the example of parents, children see, for example, how garbage is sorted at home, what I do too. Paper, newspapers, glass, food waste, cardboard, such as milk cartons, all separately, in different bags. Of course, no one will see if I then dump all the waste into one container or put them in specially designed boxes, but here everyone knows that THIS IS NECESSARY. Everything is then carefully recycled, so that pollution does not enter nature, and recycling of garbage also brings income to responsible companies.

About the frugality of the Finns

The recycling system in Finland has been worked out carefully and finds application, supplementing the country's budget. Shops have vending machines for beer cans and plastic bottles. For waste that is recycled, a fee is charged from enterprises for their removal and disposal. This is the so-called problematic waste. For scrap metal, according to the law in force in Finland, the cost of disposal is already included in the price of the car.

Old clothes are collected at special points, some of which are sent through the Red Cross to some countries in need. Forgotten flea markets are also popular with us, that is, second-hand shops, where everything, from clothes to dishes, can be bought directly from the owner of things, after agreeing on a price. The price of a quality T-shirt for our money can be about 10-40 rubles, does it make sense after that to go to the store and buy new things? The Finns do not have a pathological desire to acquire ultra-modern things, in Finland a modest life, simple clothes are very noticeable.

Education is the key to sustainability

One of the moments of environmental education is the education of thrift. Saving energy, water, paper, clothing is everywhere in this country, and thrift is a feature of the Finns' way of life. For example, in houses, steam heating batteries are regulated to the desired temperature by people themselves using a special device. Children in Finland learn from an early age to throw garbage into different containers, they are taught how to extend the shelf life of a thing and renew it, making it modern again, children are also taught to treat things without bias. If you ask any Finnish student, how does he want to live? He will answer: by a clean lake, in nature.

What is their water like?

Water and air are the basis of everyone's health. Finland occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of air purity and the quality of water that you can drink from the tap. Helsinki tap water is recognized by experts as the cleanest in the world. It is fed through the world's longest (124 km) tunnel carved into the rocks. Wastewater treatment facilities in Helsinki process 330,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day. Again, it is enough for me to compare this with my native Karelia, which is nearby, and with the same climatic conditions, and with huge reserves of fresh water. Everything is the same, but not the same. Why is the water in Finland one of the best in the world, and why is the water in the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, for example, yellow with a strong smell, saturated with organic matter and with a huge content of chlorine, the constant use of which can lead to stomach ulcers and cancer? You can drink it after Finnish water only after boiling, closing your nose and muffling all other senses.

Air quality is constantly monitored by experts and all indicators of the level of pollution are displayed on special screens hanging in each subway car of the capital of Finland, Helsinki: different colors in the spectrum from green (very good air quality) to purple (respectively, very bad) are painted regions of the capital. As a rule, indicators do not fall further than green and yellow (good).

A large number of tourists in Finland come here precisely because of the purity of the air and water bodies.

Yes, our country is big, there are also many problems. But after all, if each of us thinks, if each of us throws garbage in specially designated places, I believe that in this way we can change a lot. Of course, for life to become like in Finland, which is an example for other countries of the world, the efforts of more than one generation are required. But why don't we start right now?

Victoria Nekrasova

Our readers - students of grade 5 - about their pets


Djungarian hamsters live in my house. There are two of them. Djungarian hamsters have a fawn-gray coat with black stripes on the back, their paws are white.

They love cheese, seeds, cookies, cucumbers, grains, apples. And they eat like this: they take food in their paws, bite off in tiny pieces. If they are full, they send pieces by the cheek, carry them to the house and put food in reserve, and if they are hungry, they chew and swallow. After eating, they wash their front paws and muzzle.

Hamsters love to spin on a special wheel for animals. There are cases when one hamster tries to turn the wheel in one direction, and the other in the other. Which of them is heavier, he continues to run, and who is lighter - flies up. When the circle passes, it falls under the feet of the first, and they both fall.

And they gnaw on everything that is horrible: a house, a wheel, cage bars. By this they sometimes show that they want to eat, and sometimes they just play.

I have noticed that my hamsters take a very long time to wash their faces. In the evening, when they are waiting for food, they sit in a corner and wash themselves for half an hour.

When it is warm in our house, they do not sleep in the house, but sleep under the wheel, in the corner. As bedding, we put them scraps of newspapers. I also recently hung a hammock for them, and they sometimes sleep in it.

Here are my pets!

Boykova Irina

My dog ​​Bim

My puppy's name is Bim. He is black and white. He loves to play, and most of all - to walk. He knows several commands (for example, "sit"). If you show him something tasty, he will sit down and give a paw! When we go for a walk with him, he does not allow us to put on a collar - he jumps, jumps. And when we go outside with him, he rushes forward so much that we have to run after him. When we let him off the leash, Beam runs like crazy. I tried to teach Bim to bring the stick on command, but he still doesn't bring it.

I love my Beam very much!

Stasyuk Daryana


I have my favorite animals at home, this is a kitten and a dog. I especially love watching the kitten.

He loves to sleep a lot and play with a string or a ball of thread. And be sure, when he plays, he will get confused in them. Of course, I help him unravel. And then he starts biting and scratching me lightly.

When the kitten has played enough, he goes to bed. I love him so much!

Golovanova Daria

Parrot Yasha

I want to talk about my parrot. His name is Yasha. Yasha lives at our house, in my room. My parrot sings songs every day, talks to birds when he hears them chirping outside the window.

He speaks very interestingly: at first loudly, and then everything is quieter, quieter, and then loudly again. During the day I let him fly. He flies all over the house, and when he needs to rest, he looks for a place to land, then he flies again. After about two hours, my dad and I start catching him, we take a broom and a brother's cap to catch Yasha. But it wasn’t there: he flies to another place, but we don’t retreat. The parrot gets tired and flies into the cage, flapping its wing. While Yasha is flying, I have time to clean his cage.

As soon as Yasha gets into the cage, he immediately starts drinking, and then plays with his plastic girlfriend on a spring, looks in the mirror.

In the evening I read a fairy tale to Yasha, he listens to me and falls asleep.

That's what a funny parrot I have, I love him very much.

Kosticheva Julia

☺☺☺ Our poll ☺☺☺ ☺☺☺Filford mystery☺☺☺

We asked the readers of our newspaper the question: "The nature of our forest"

"Where did you spend your summer?" Compiled by Ozimin Kirill, 3 "A" class

Julia:“This summer I went to Anapa on the Black Sea))). Liked:)"

Tasks - riddles

Julia: I'm in St.

Petersburg rested. I really liked the Gulf of Finland.

Violet:“I rested in Turkey, they went on excursions there.”

Maria:"Cherepovets, camp "Yantar"

Konstantin:"Anapa, sanatorium "Pearl of Russia"

Vitalina:"Cherepovets, camp" Yantar "

Maria: Anapa, sanatorium "Pearl of Russia"

Evgeniy: I was at the dacha, scared the snakes and ran from mosquitoes))


about autumn

(Guesses are written from right to left):

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say random!

Well, of course… (dapotsil)

The cold scares them so much

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ...(ycitp)

1. A red-haired little animal jumped and jumped through the trees.

2. Winter and summer one color.

3. It grows under a coniferous paw, it grows, and with it the hat. He never takes off his hat to our bow.

4. How to confuse the loop, do not unravel in a week.

5. He sleeps in a lair in winter under a huge pine tree. And when spring comes, wakes up from sleep.

6. What kind of Christmas tree is this? This Christmas tree is alive; in gray clothes walks along the path.

7. She does not sit still, carrying news on her tail.

8. And here is someone important on a little white leg. He has a red hat, with polka dots on the hat.

9. They wear red-haired berets - they bring autumn to the forest in summer. They are friendly sisters, they are called ...

10. Along the forest paths there are many white legs in multi-colored hats, conspicuous from a distance. Collect, do not hesitate, this is ...

11. The doctor of the forest kingdom, heals without medicine.

12. I do not argue, not white, I, brothers, are simpler. I usually grow in a birch grove.

13. Fabulous owner of the forest.

14. On a thawed patch, a forest light burns in spring. The light is timid, like a white snowflake.

15. Who will give honey to a bee? Who blooms in the sun and shakes our colored head in the summer heat?

Cross out the clue words!

See you soon!

We cannot imagine our daily routine without garbage bags and food, water bottles, disposable tableware, feminine hygiene items, cotton buds, toothbrushes, cling film, etc. These items guarantee convenience, but also pollute our lives. When plastic decomposes, a number of toxic substances are released into the atmosphere, which adversely affects not only human health, but also the livelihoods of animals. Here are some ideas on how to reduce the amount of plastic in your home.

Spring is a great time for new beginnings and transformations. Why not start living an environmentally friendly and natural lifestyle this spring? True, spring is fraught with some dangers, which we will discuss in this article, as well as tips on how to avoid them. In the spring, you really want fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, however, many of them can store hidden toxins. Let's take a look at 8 simple ways to help us enjoy a wholesome, healthy, non-toxic life.

Now the eco-trend is fashionable in the world: organic products, ecological materials, recycling of materials, the second life of things (altering, donation, processing, hand-made), ecological settlements and so on. If you decide to keep up with the civilized world, then we have prepared for you 8 simple tips that will help you start living in an eco-style.

One of the most important problems of our time is the environmental problem. An environmental problem is a change in the natural climate (environment) as a result of human activity, therefore environmental problems are problems of an anthropogenic nature, i.e. they arise as a result of the negative influence of man on nature. So there are environmental problems of a local nature, which relate to a specific area taken, problems of a regional nature, related to a particular region, and problems of a global nature, they can affect the entire planet.

Recently, "organic vegetables", eco-products, bio-products, are becoming more and more popular among people who care about their health, and there is a good reason for this.

Every day we do not hesitate to spend water, electricity, gas, and fuel. The cost of using natural resources forces some people to think about saving. However, natural resources must be treated with care, not only because of their high cost, but also because of their scarcity. We offer 10 solutions that will reduce costs and help our planet at the same time. It will be useful for both the wallet and the environment.

Man and nature are inextricably linked. We are highly dependent on the world around us. Not so long ago, the opinion prevailed that man is the king of nature, its rightful owner. However, today it is clear that we are just a tiny particle in the world.

My home is my castle - everyone knows this old English proverb. And, indeed, the house is our reliable rear, a safe harbor where we arrive after hard work to relax and unwind. A place where a lot of our favorite and dear things, where we are cozy and comfortable. But are we safe in our own home?

Human factor or symptoms of a sick planet (photo)

It has long been no secret that our planet has become more polluted over the past few decades than in all the other millennia. This was mainly facilitated by the industrial activity of factories, the active depletion and burning of the planet's oil reserves, and huge mountains of unprocessed garbage.

How the face of the Earth has changed in recent times (photos from NASA)

Many do not take global warming seriously, believing that scientists needlessly sound the alarm. Scientists from NASA decided to take a series of pictures that would clearly show all of humanity how the face of the Earth has changed dramatically over the past decades and years.

Ecologists talk about the tricks of seed producers, the reasons for the bankruptcy of family farms in India, and plants that cannot be destroyed even by fire. Ewa Seniarska - expert of the Social Ecological Institute in Warsaw, activist of the Slow Food movement, fights for consumer rights, researches genetically modified plants, promotes the development of ecological farms. The expert tells how the technology of genetic engineering, having fallen into the wrong hands, has turned from a promising industry for humanity into one of its invisible dangers.

Recently, collection points for secondary raw materials have begun to appear again throughout the country. Now they collect not only waste paper and scrap metal, but also batteries, and plastics and other everyday waste. Particularly responsible city residents sort their garbage and take it to separate waste collection points. But the fact is that some enthusiasts, standing in front of the windows, cannot decide what and where to throw.

Scientists and skeptics say that global warming can no longer be stopped, and the transition to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle is useless in a global sense. But if so judged, then people will really be powerless against an ecological catastrophe. After all, indeed, all these theories for the salvation of mankind really sound unconvincing, but this is the problem of society. People hesitate before they even try.

In the CIS countries, the concept of ecological tourism is already known, but the trend of ecological, or organic agriculture, which is expanding in Europe, is not yet so widely known.

Special issue

Biological and environmental newspaper of the children's organization "Milky Way" MOU "Krasnogorsk secondary school No. 1" p.g.t. Red Mountain, Bryansk region.

In the last decade of the 20th century, the world entered an era of progressive environmental degradation. Nature turns from the background of historical events into an acting character in a human tragedy. The crisis ecological situation is caused, to a greater extent, by the lack of a responsible attitude towards future generations for the state of the natural environment.

Since ancient times, the life of people and the forest were closely connected. But for a long time no one thought about the fact that the forest, more than anything else, requires careful attitude and care.

There are people who believe that everything is allowed in the forest: you can make a fire, scatter garbage, break trees, trample, tear and destroy vegetation. Often people come to the forest who do not know the rules of behavior in it, their love for the forest is only “consumer”. As a result of visiting forest areas, we found heaps of garbage left by vacationers. That is why the distribution of knowledge about the forest among the population, primarily schoolchildren, is of great importance. The better they know the forest, the more consciously they will love it. Not a senseless contemplation of natural beauty, but a deep and conscious understanding of its phenomena and the connections between them - this is the task of every cultured person.

It has long been clear that we all live in one common environment, the stability of which can be achieved through the efforts of all mankind, provided that everyone makes a feasible contribution to solving global environmental problems.

T.V.Borovik, head of the ecological circle "ECOS"

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,

And there is also a temple of nature - With forests stretching their arms

Against the sun and winds...

It is holy at any time of the day, open to us in the heat and cold.

Come in here, be a sensitive heart, do not desecrate its shrines.

Svetlana Drobkova.

Experts are investigating

Population Survey

Members of the ecological circle "ECOS" conducted: 1) a social survey of the population on the topic "Does the ecological situation of forests satisfy you?"; 2) a survey of students and parents.

questionnaire questions.

1. How often do you go to the forest?

2. For what purpose do you visit the forest?

3. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?

4. Do you light a fire in the forest? For what?

5. Do you know how to light a fire in the forest?

6. What do you think is the main cause of forest fires?

7. What should be done when a fire is detected?

8. Do you know about the responsibility for violating the Fire Safety Rules of the Russian Federation in forests?

9. Do you know about the possible consequences of forest fires?

10. What role does the forest play in human life?

After analyzing the questionnaires of students in grades 8 (72 hours) and parents of students in grades 5 (48 people), it was found that the majority visit the forest to relax, pick mushrooms, berries, but do not make fires. And out of 30% of those who build a fire, they do not know how to do it correctly. It was found that only 2% of the questionnaire participants are aware of the responsibility for violating the Fire Safety Rules of the Russian Federation in forests.

As a result of a survey of the population, it was revealed that 80% of the respondents understand the problem of protecting forests, but their mentality is not yet so high that everyone can understand this problem and stand up for the “green friend”.

Krasnogorsk forest

We conducted research, as a result of which we found out that 19,103 hectares of forest grow in the Krasnogorsk region. Of the trees, you can specify the common pine, birch, aspen, alder, common spruce, and oak is also found. Mostly small pine forests predominate. During the year, a forest was planted on an area of ​​12 hectares, in which schoolchildren took part. It was performed in the Kashkovskaya and Kurganovskaya forest dachas. Mostly mixed forest crops are planted that are resistant to diseases and forest fires, with the advantage of valuable pine species. During the year, planned 12 hectares of forests were cut down for fuel, building materials, technical raw materials. In 2008 there were 2 fires. Their cause is careless handling of fire. The damage amounted to 13,000,000 rubles. As a result of a fire in the 3rd quarter of the former forests of the SPK Letyakhovsky, a forest on an area of ​​12 hectares was damaged. Every year 3-5% of forests suffer from snowfall and windfall. In 2010-2011 there were no fires in the Krasnogorsk forests.

There are cases of illegal logging and removal of forests. For unauthorized felling, a fine is imposed for 1 cubic meter of dead wood - 262 rubles, for 1 cubic meter of damp-growing coniferous wood - 13,000 rubles, for hardwoods - 6,500 rubles.

Forest and car

Having studied various literary sources, we found that “... in summer, green tree plantations on an area of ​​1 hectare can absorb 8 kg of carbon dioxide in one hour, i.e. as much as 200 people give off when they breathe. (one)

“…1 hectare of forest per year is capable of absorbing 5-10 tons of carbon dioxide and releasing 10-20 tons of oxygen. A person inhales approximately 25 kg of air per day. ”(data from the Internet)

Having established that 15,300 people live in the area, we made a calculation.

1 hectare of forest releases 10 tons of oxygen

19 103 ha

x = 19 103 0 tons or 19 103 0 000 kg of oxygen emitted by the forests of the region per year.

Knowing that air contains approximately 20% oxygen

25kg -100%

x - 20%

x \u003d 5 kg of oxygen inhaled by a person per day.

365 * 5 = 1825 kg of oxygen is inhaled by a person per year.

15 300 * 1825 = 27 922 500 kg of oxygen is inhaled by the population of the area per year ..

19 103 0 000: 27 922 500 = 6.84 forests give off so many times more oxygen.

"... During the operation of the internal combustion engine of a car, 1825 kg of oxygen is consumed for every 100 km of the path."(2)

“... One passenger car for 1000 km of run requires as much oxygen as a person needs for a year. It is known that a car is capable of emitting 20 kg of exhaust gases per day, which contain at least 200 kg of components harmful to health (this is carbon monoxide, oxides nitrogen, sulfur oxides, lead compounds, etc.)" (3)

“... It is estimated that one mature tree during the growing season neutralizes the amount of lead contained in 130 liters of leaded gasoline. Behind the three-tiered green curtains of forest belts, the concentration of sulfur dioxide decreases by 5 times and nitrogen dioxide by 8 times. Most intensively accumulate copper, cadmium, zinc oak and pine. Birch, ash, thuja, juniper concentrate lead.

We found out that there are about 4,000 cars in the area. On average, a car travels 15,000 km a year.

4,000 * 15,000 = 60,000,000 km in total for the region's vehicles per year.About 2000 gasoline vehicles pass 15 thousand meters. b able to emit 20 kg of exhaust gases, in an hour they can

For 1000 km run -1 person


X=60,000 people.

Conclusion: the cars of the region during the year consume as much oxygen as would be enough for the breathing of 60,000 people.

Members of the ecological circle "Ecos"

extracurricular activity

"Protect the environment"

"Protect the nature" - under this name the event was held in the municipal educational institution "Krasnogorsk secondary school No. 1", dedicated to the protection of forests. It was prepared by students attending an environmental circle. At the beginning of the event, discussions were held about the role of the forest, the rules of conduct in the forest, the causes and consequences of forest fires, and the responsibility for violating the Fire Safety Rules of the Russian Federation in forests. Then the audience was offered an ecological performance.

Also at the celebration, the state inspector of the Krasnogorsk region for fire supervision presented certificates to the winners of the competitions: essays on the theme "Take care of the forest" - Ekaterina Lyakhova, drawings on the fire theme - Borisenko Ekaterina, Stepanidenko Karina, Shelkov Konstantin.

Lyakhova Ekaterina, member of the ecological circle "EKOS"

Purity forests for health

Our whole life is surrounded by things, next to us they live their long or fleeting life, benefiting us or simply delighting us. Things serve us, sometimes for just a few seconds, sometimes for an eternity. Some we carefully store, others we throw away without hesitation. Some things are vital, others are just the equivalent of status. But each of the things, sooner or later, ends up in a landfill. Today we can no longer imagine our life without the benefits of civilization, forgetting that many of these benefits are alien to nature. The better a person lives, the more garbage on the planet! Until recently in Russia, plastic bags were a valuable household item. They were washed and dried on strings. Plastic and tin cans and bottles were rare. They were washed, stored and used many times.

But progress has taken its toll. We are accustomed to light and convenient disposable packaging. The invasion of disposable containers, plus devastation in our heads, all this has turned into a real garbage disaster for Russia.

The places where people settled were the first to feel the invasion of garbage. They did not escape the sad fate of getting to know the civilization of the forest and the river, because the Russians love to “relax in nature” so much!

And most people think of a vacation like this:

    Choose a clearing more beautiful and cleaner - to sit on it with maximum comfort.

    Bonfire - burning vegetation, provoking forest fires.

    A tape recorder - drowning out the singing of birds and dispersing all the animals in the area. And, of course, a rich assortment of drinks and snacks, hence a large amount of garbage.

You must have seen dozens of companies relaxing in this way dozens of times.

Remember, how often have you seen a company “rested” to its fullest to collect all the garbage and take it away with them?

A small cesspool seems insignificant, but when combined with others, it becomes a natural disaster. It's not just trash it does not look aesthetically pleasing, it literally poisons our lives.

And health is the most important thing that a person has!

A favorite vacation spot for residents of the Zapolonka microdistrict

Do you know that:

The duration of waste decomposition is:

Bus ticket - 1 month

Banana peel - up to 6 months

Paper cup - up to 5 years

Tin can - 10 years

Woolen sock - 1 year

Wooden stick - 4 years

Wooden painted board - 13 years

Aluminum, plastic bottles - over 500 years

Glass bottles - never.

understand people like

That you can not harm nature,

Why is it here and there

Garbage dumps are growing.

We urge everyone to keep our forest clean. Clean up the forest from debris.

Correspondents: Atroshenko Irina.

Forest protection from fires

Forest is a capital that belongs to many generations.


The forest hospitably welcomes everyone who seeks rest in it, but nevertheless, he himself needs help. Many people are not worried that in the place of a fire, not only vegetation burns out, but also the land, on which then nothing grows for three to four years. In some places of mass recreation, 100-250 traces of fires remain on each hectare. And around - broken branches, fire-damaged trees, inscriptions and serifs on trunks, paper, empty cans and bottles, etc. But abandoned paper decomposes for 2 years, a plastic bag will lie for a very long time, because there are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it. And a piece of glass in sunny weather can play the role of a lens and cause a forest fire.

Reasonable use of the gifts of nature is an inalienable human right. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take care of the environment, it is unacceptable to destroy and damage trees. Every scratch on the barrel is a gateway to many infections. Trees cannot always heal their wounds, they spend a lot of vitality on it, and die prematurely.

Fires cause great damage to forests. This is a terrible disaster not only for tree vegetation, but for all living beings. The main reason for their occurrence is the violation of fire safety rules by people. Not only trees die, but also birds, animals, forest litter and the top layer of soil burn out.

In a few minutes, a fire can destroy something that has been growing for decades. A fire causes enormous damage even when it spreads only over the surface of the earth and does not spread to the crowns of trees. In this case, the forest litter burns, beneficial insects and microorganisms die. Fire weakens trees. They are attacked by pests, in connection with this, over time, the trees die. In the forest, especially in dry weather, fire safety rules should be strictly observed. Remember: protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility! Before a fire is laid out, a layer of sod is removed in a place designated for it and taken to the side. Dry grass is pulled out on the lawn. If the soil is peaty, it is strictly forbidden to make a fire, as this can lead to an underground fire.

When the need for fire disappears, it must be extinguished by throwing earth or flooding it with water, and the turf should be put back in its original place. Fires are not allowed in green areas of cities.

To prevent fires, the forest is cleared of deadwood, brushwood, debris, special firebreaks are arranged, and the most fire-resistant coniferous-deciduous plantings are grown on the sands. For the timely detection of forest fires, air patrolling and ground protection of forests are used, observation towers, fire and chemical stations are built, forestry enterprises are provided with special fire fighting equipment. For operational communication in forestries operate radio stations. Nevertheless, the main thing in the protection of forests from fires is the strict observance by vacationers of the rules of behavior in the forests, especially in green areas. Everyone who visits the forest must know the rules for extinguishing a fire. In the event of ground fires, the fire is knocked down with hardwood branches, covered with earth, filled with water, special solutions of chemicals, plows carry out mineralized strips, etc. To stop the crown fire, it is necessary to make a fire break.

Anyone who notices a fire in the forest should immediately take steps to extinguish it. If it is impossible to do it yourself, you should inform the forest guard, the police or the fire department by calling 9-01,9-11-01.

Being in the forest, observe fire safety measures, because the forest is the natural lungs of our planet!

Correspondents: Viktor Zapetsky, Sofia Kovrizhko.

our work

For several years, members of the ecological circle "ECOS" existing on the basis of the Krasnogorsk secondary school No. 1 have been carrying out activities aimed at protecting forests.

We work closely with the Krasnogorsk forestry, headed by Timoshenko S.P. Students help in planting forests, building artificial nests for birds, fencing anthills, designing propaganda posters, leaflets, booklets that tell about the rules of behavior in the forest and call for respect for nature. These campaign materials are hung throughout the entire region, distributed among the population, schoolchildren, and we hope that our call will not go unheeded.

The Day of the Forest is held annually. On this day, an exhibition of essays and poems about the forest, a drawing competition "Take care of the forest" take place. The exhibition is visited by children from kindergartens, schoolchildren, residents of the village.

The school publishes the newspaper “Ecological Bulletin”, the issues of which describe the main, in our opinion, environmental problems of the village, discuss the impact of modern technology, cell phones on human health, provide data on questionnaires and surveys of schoolchildren on various environmental issues. One of the issues was devoted to the topic "Protection of forests from fire, littering forests with garbage." Members of the ecological circle write articles for the regional newspaper Krasnogorskaya Zhizn.

In spring and autumn, the action "Forest Protection Day" is held - cleaning the planned forest area from debris. It is attended by schoolchildren aged 10 to 16, as well as local residents.

Ecology Week is held in April. The goal is to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the environmental problems of their native village. During this week, various environmental events are held, to which the heads of local organizations, heads of the district and village administration, residents of the village are invited; survey of schoolchildren and residents of the village to find out their attitude to the environmental problem. Conversations are held with schoolchildren and local residents about the role of the forest in nature and human life on the topics “Forest and life”, “What makes forests burn”, “How to prevent forest fires”, “Consequences of forest fires”, “Responsibility for violation of fire safety rules Russian Federation in the forests. Other environmental problems of the village are considered.

We believe that our work will help improve the ecological culture of the population, make people think about the protection of natural resources, the protection of forests from fires. We will continue our work.

For active participation in preventive work to protect the forest and the environment in the Krasnogorsk region, the Klintsovskoye Forestry State Institution, headed by the director N.P. Kirillov, expressed gratitude to the ecological circle "ECOS".

T.V. Borovik, head

environmental circle "ECOS"

Interesting pages


    I came to you with greetings, to tell you
    That the sun has risen, that it is a hot light
    The leaves fluttered
    Tell that the forest woke up, the whole woke up,
    Each branch, each bird started
    And full of spring thirst.

    White birch under my window
    Covered with snow, like silver.
    On fluffy branches with a delicate border
    Tassels of white fringe blossomed.
    (S. Yesenin).

    The leaves trembled, the maples swayed,
    Dust flew from the golden branches ...
    The winds rustled, the green forest groaned,
    The dry feather grass whispered with an echo ...
    (S. Yesenin).

    The golden grove dissuaded
    Birch, cheerful language,
    And the cranes, sadly flying,
    No more regrets...
    (S. Yesenin).

    The forests are leaving.
    I feel sorry for the forest.
    Spruces, pines and birches are leaving,
    Mountain ash extinguishes fiery clusters.
    Osinnikov's voices fall silent.
    Oaks once lived in those forests,
    And ash and golden maples.
    Where can they escape such a fate?
    The forest is cut down - the ocean is green.
    (S. Orlov.)

    Here once, mighty and beautiful,
    Noisy and green magical forest,
    Not a forest, but a whole diverse world,
    Full of visions and miracles.
    Rays shone through, shadows trembled,
    The din of birds did not stop in the trees,
    Fast deer flickered in the thicket,
    And the hunting horn called out at times ...
    But where is he? Who lowered the veil?
    He lowered her from heaven to earth -
    What's this? Ghost, what kind of spell?
    Where are we? And can you believe your eyes?
    There is only one smoke, like the fifth element,
    Lazy, sluggish endless smoke.
    In some places they stick out through the naked
    Fire ugly stumps,
    And run along the burnt branches
    With an ominous crackling white lights ...

    And I enter the nearby forest.
    There is a reddened maple,
    Still green oak and yellow birches
    Sadly, tears are shed on me;
    But far away I go, immersed in dreams,
    And half-naked branches hang over me,
    And thoughts meanwhile are composed in consonance,
    Free words are crowded into a dimensional system,
    And the soul is light, and sweet, and strange,
    And everything is quiet all around, and under my foot
    So softly the fragrant leaf rustles ...
    (A.K. Tolstoy).

(A selection of poems was carried out by Victor Zapetsky).

P R E S T A V B U K V Y:

Rearrange the letters to get the name of the plant:




    DYSHLAN(lily of the valley)


B U R I M E:

Using the suggested rhymes, compose a quatrain:

    Birds are borders, forests are heaven.

    Buds - leaves, stem - furniture.

Do you know which tree it is?


I am a mighty tree, I am a forest attendant.
And everyone knows this tree - both old and small.
I grow up to old age and a hundred, and two hundred years.
My trunk, big, mighty, you can't grab it, no.
I will give strength to anyone, and of course I love everyone.
Children recognized me, because I am powerful ... ..


I am a Russian tree, I am a beautiful tree!
I decorate the summer forests with myself.
In the forest, my white tender camp is visible far away.
With a green border, my summer sundress.
And it’s not without reason that I’m called a Russian symbol.
You will only see me - and you will immediately remember Russia.
It's easier not to find a question,
What tree? ……


I'm always shaking from the cold
I'm afraid of everything in the forest.
Not a birch, not a mountain ash,
I am shy…..


I have longer needles
Than the tree.
Very straight I grow
In height.
If I grow on the edge,
Branches only at the top.
Up I stretch like a string,

It is interesting!

Tree life span:

Birch lives for about 100 years.

Aspen - 60-80 years.

Pine and spruce - more than 300 years.

Linden - 600-800 years.

Oak - 500-600, sometimes 1000 years.

Atroshenko Irina


1) In the nursery, when planting tree seedlings, forest soil is poured into the pits. For what purpose do they do it?

Answer: Forest soil contains a set of microorganisms, fungi, that live in symbiosis with trees, which helps seedlings to take root more easily.

2) Spruce is very sensitive to ground fires, but pine is not. How can this be explained?

Answer: This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the crown of trees: the crown of a pine is high above the ground, and that of a spruce is close.

3) In early spring, ants remove all grass seedlings from the anthill. Why do they do it?

Answer: So that the young grass does not destroy the structure of the anthill, does not create shading, which can be the cause of the high humidity of the anthill.

4) During warm autumn frosts often occur, many trees die. And with a gradual cooling, the trees survive. How can this be explained?

Answer: during sharp frosts, the water that moves through the vessels of the tree freezes, as a result of which the vessels burst, and during gradual frosts, the water has time to flow from the top to the roots.

6) Environmentalists believe that in order to protect nature, it is necessary to cut down the forest in deep snow. Why?

Answer: the soil cover is not disturbed during the transportation of felled trees.

7) What are the landmarks in the forest that you know?


    lichens grow on the north side of the tree;

    in a separate tree on the north side, the branches are shorter and there are fewer of them;

    annual rings are wider on the south side;

    the anthill is more gentle on the south side.

8) What kind of wood are matches made of? (Aspen)

9) What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

10) What kind of wood is used to make pianos? (Spruce)

11) Which tree blooms first and which last? (Alder-linden)

Think and answer:

1. Why does spruce always have a sharp top? (Because the spruce, while it is alive, continuously grows in height all the time, and other forest trees that have reached a certain age stop growing in height, but their trunks begin to spread out in breadth. The rounded top of the crown is the first sign of cessation of growth in height).

2. What are annual growth rings, and what can be determined from them? (The annual growth ring is all the layers of wood cells formed in spring, summer and autumn. The age of a tree can be determined from annual rings. The thickness of annual rings can be used to find out under what conditions a tree grew in different years of life. Narrow annual rings indicate a lack of moisture , about the shading of the tree and about its poor nutrition. You can also determine the cardinal points from the annual rings. Annual rings are usually wider on the side of the tree that faces south, and narrower on the one that faces north).

3. Can the age of all trees and shrubs be determined by annual rings? (No, not all of them. For example, in a saxaul, several growth rings form in one year (during rainfall), which does not allow us to determine the age of a tree from them).

4. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, maple, aspen, bird cherry, etc.)

5. What is the worst enemy of the forest? (Forest fire).

6. What benefits do birds bring to the forest? (Owls destroy harmful rodents and insects. One owl eats 12-14 mice a day. Cuckoos exterminate hairy caterpillars of silkworms in large numbers - the most dangerous pests of the forest and other insects. Woodpeckers destroy larvae of harmful insects. Larks, swallows, swifts, flycatchers, wagtails , tits, kinglets, warblers, redstarts, robins, nuthatches, pikas, thrushes, nightingales, etc. bring food to their chicks from 300 to 600 times a day, while feeding them a huge amount of harmful insects and their larvae).

7. Why are frost cracks formed on tree trunks in forests and parks? Which month is more common? (Frost cracks appear from sharp fluctuations in the temperature of day and night, when the trunks become very hot during the day and cool at night. Usually the cold splits trees on frosty February nights. Trees with hard wood suffer more often: oak, maple, ash, pine).

8. When, from what and where (in which state) was the first paper received? (The first sheet of paper was obtained from the bast of a mulberry tree in the 2nd century by the Chinese scientist Tsai-Lun. The Chinese kept the method of making paper a secret for almost a thousand years. At the beginning of the 19th century, the scientist Schaefer invented a method for making paper from wood. After the death of the scientist, his invention was forgotten. At that time, paper was made from rags.After 50 years, another scientist Keller again made paper from wood.Currently, paper is obtained from wood fiber (cellulose).The main raw material for paper production in the Russian Federation is spruce wood, as well as aspen and other hardwoods. breeds).

9. Which known medicinal plant has traditionally been used to sterilize maternity wards by burning its branches? (Juniper).

10.Which wood has the best sound conductivity and is used to make resonant decks of musical instruments? (Spruce).

11.Which wood is the easiest to work with complex carvings? (Linden).

Bobrova Olga



We all stand in a circle. leader in the center of the circle. He calls out one of the keywords "fire", "air", "water", "earth" and passes the ball to anyone in the circle. The one to whom the ball was passed must quickly answer: "earth" - worms, soil mammals, etc.; "air" - birds, insects; "water" - fish, molluscs, mammals; “fire” - everything alive burns in the fire, we don’t catch the ball, everyone is spinning. The game is played at a fast pace. The most attentive - the winner, the incorrectly named participant in the game leaves.

Food chains

Requires a spool of thread to play. Participants stand in a circle. One of them picks up a spool of thread and names the plant of the forest. For example, birch. The host asks the question “Who eats birch leaves?” One of the children answers: "Caterpillar." The participant who said “Birch” gives the spool of thread to the one who said “Caterpillar”, leaving the end of the thread with him. And so in a circle. Then the second asks the question: “Who eats caterpillars?”. At the end of the game, all participants are entangled in threads, symbolizing the numerous food connections between the inhabitants of the forest.

Karpova Olga

The forest is a temple of nature

What is a forest and why is it needed?

In the old days in Russia they said: “To live near the forest is not to be hungry. Forest

- richer than the king. The forest not only feeds the wolf, but also the peasant to his fill.

The forest is the green dress of our planet, it is an oxygen factory.

Forest is our wealth, it is fuel, furniture, wood, paper, fuel oil and


The forest is a home for animals and birds.

The forest is our friend, retaining moisture, it helps a person to grow

good harvest.

The forest is a pantry, generously giving its gifts to a person - berries, nuts,

mushrooms, medicinal herbs and roots.

And the forest is a temple of nature. After all, it was not for nothing that the monks went into the forest, built

there they dwelled, secluded themselves from everything worldly and cognized the essence of being.

The temple (Ozhegov's dictionary) is a place of service to art, science, high


In the forest we breathe well, we hug a birch (oak, pine) and

we tell her about all our hardships and share our joy with her.

In the forest we rest from the hustle and bustle of life. In the woods we recruit positive

emotions and energy. The forest inspires us to be creative.

Eating mushrooms, berries, nuts, we replenish our vitamins

body, and using herbs, roots, we treat our body and spirit.

The forest is a temple where a person rests with both soul and body, and draws energy

nature, gaining strength of life.

Noise, noise, green forest!

I know your majestic noise.

And your peace, and the brilliance of heaven

Above your curly head.

Bobrova Olga

Forest and life

The forest gives a lot to a person, therefore we, the people, must take care of the forest,

love and protect him.

The biggest problem for the forest is a fire, when not only plants die,

but also animals, insects, birds. Therefore, we must be very careful

in the forest with fire. We must not litter in the forest, and not only in the forest, not

must break trees and shrubs, tear out flowers and herbs. remember, that

man is part of nature. In one of the modern international

documents, the International Strategy for Conservation of Nature, states: “We

did not inherit the land from our fathers. We borrowed it from our children."

The forest is our wealth, we must protect and increase it.

The forest dampens the noise. The crowns of deciduous trees absorb up to 77% of stellar energy. A 200m wide forest strip absorbs road noise by 45 decibels.

The forest improves the climate, or rather it creates it. Forest plantations around farmland increase air humidity, protect from cold winds, a lot of birds settle here, which ultimately increases the yield.

The forest neutralizes harmful emissions from industrial enterprises. One hectare of pine forest annually absorbs 9.3 tons of carbon dioxide and produces 6.7 tons of oxygen.

The forest is a powerful filter. They clean the air of soot and dust. Forests enrich the air with phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes. It is believed that the forest is the best place for rest and treatment. Better works of art are inspired by beautifulforest pictures.

Malyavko Nadia

How different nations treat trees.

“Whoever plants a tree will be blessed by his grandchildren,

whoever cuts it down will be cursed by the children.”

This folk wisdom accurately expresses the attitude of our ancestors towards

trees. Trees endowed with a soul, attributed to them human qualities,

treated as beings of a higher order, asking them for help and

blessings before any undertakings.

Among the ancient Slavs, the most revered tree was oak. He personified strength

and power, which is why it was considered the tree of the god Perun. He was considered sacred

also Mordovians, Lithuanians, Chuvashs. But the most favorite tree of Russians

was and still is a birch. For Ukrainians, it is a symbol of life. Caucasian

peoples revere yew, among Tajiks - plane tree. Spruce was sacred to

Germans, cypress - among the Greeks, pine - among the Phrygians, mistletoe - among the Celts.

The cult of the tree was very widespread in antiquity. In all countries life

people and trees have long been connected by close ties. The tree could become

a double of a person, to protect him, to transfer part of his forces. It was believed that

they share a common destiny. In many countries, on the birthday of a child, they planted

a tree that became, as it were, its twin. Germans in honor of the boy

they planted an apple tree, in honor of the girl - a pear. And in Polissya, when a son was born,

an oak tree was planted in the yard, a daughter - a pine, poplar or birch.

Mari hunters asked the way from the trees, asked for permission

to spend the night under their canopy, thanked for the lodging for the night. The Koreans had

the tradition of "adopting" individual trees in sacred groves.

People noticed that if you live under a big oak tree, you will live long: it

as if giving away some of its power. A "good" tree that gives energy,

birch was considered, and aspen, on the contrary, takes energy. But there is a belief that

aspen and poplar are able to take on a human disease.

People cared about old trees. The Slavs with their help

treated children for hernia or rickets. The child was carried three times at dawn

naked through a cut made in a living tree. After this ceremony

the incision was tightened and covered with clay. When a recovered child

grew up, he had to take care of his savior.

Long-lived trees were asked to send down health and

wealth. Many peoples believed that trees

receive the souls of the dead. In Russia, the old manor houses were guarded for a long time.

trees. “You can’t cut such trees,” was passed down from generation to


A lot of unexpected superstitions are connected with the felling of trees among different peoples.

In central Russia, for example, peasants never built a house on that

a place where birches used to grow. The Russians in Altai were convinced that

you can’t drink birch sap and that, spilling on the snow, it will turn into

blood color. Belarusians were afraid to break the mountain ash, according to their belief, this

threatened with death. In the Kyiv province, not a single peasant would

break elderberry, fearing misfortune in the family. So for centuries it was brought up in

a person has a feeling of careful, careful attitude to trees, to the very

nature. These superstitions protected forests from cruel and thoughtless logging.

In Europe in ancient times there was a forest calendar, it was known even

Greeks. The English writer Robert Graves managed to restore it.

Trees are considered patrons of those born in "their" dates.

The compilers took as a basis the lunar year, which has 364 days (13

following the winter solstice. For each tree, those

the dates when it appears in its full bloom - covered with flowers

or bear fruit profusely.

Forest calendar. Get to know your tree.

Tree Date of birth

Silk Konstantin

Ants in the forest are helpful

Once I went out with my parents for a walk along the edge of our nearest forest and drew attention to anthills. Interested. I started taking pictures. Most of all, I was struck by the fact that paths trodden by ants lead to large anthills. And what ants are hard workers! I was simply delighted, looking at the ant, which was dragging a straw ten times larger than itself! It is a pity that our camera could not take a close-up of these forest laborers.
Ants live in families.
How many of them, oh-oh-oh!
A house in the forest stands among the trees
From dry grass, needles,
Small branches and earth.
Everything they could bring.
Ants in the forest are useful -
Save from diseases.
They eat harmful midges
That trees protect
So that in summer and spring
The forest rustled with its foliage.
Don't break the anthill -
Protect from trouble


I was interested in ants, and I decided to learn more about them. What does an ant look like? It is black or brown in color and has 6 legs. The head is mobile, with strongly developed gnawing jaws. On the head are eyes and whiskers. The body is divided into 2 parts. Legs (3 pairs) are attached to the first part - this is the chest, and the second is the abdomen, at the end of which there is a sting that sprays poison, it is fatal only for insects. Ants build their nests more often on the south side of the tree, in the soil, under stones, logs lying on the ground, populate old stumps, or make an anthill under the bark of dried trees. As a building material, needles, dry blades of grass, pieces of bark, cone scales, as well as lumps of soil, small pebbles are used. All this is laid so that drops of water easily roll down the outer surface of the anthill. And around the anthill in the ground, a network of channels has been made that drain rainwater away from housing. In order for the needles to be better ventilated and not rot, the ants "came up" with one trick. Every four days they remove the old needles and take them inside the anthill. The needles carried inside, the ants put into the roof from the inside, and their turn will come - they will again be on the surface. The anthill inside is completely porous, multi-storey. It even has basements - passages, passages, cameras go into the ground for several more "ant" floors. To get inside the anthill, special moves were made from the outside. Ants live in a big friendly family. The head and founder of the family is a female. It also gives rise to a new anthill. The female lays eggs. And nurse ants live around her, who look after the “queen”. They keep it clean, and also take care of the eggs and larvae. One of the main things in the ant family is caring for offspring. Nannies constantly transfer them to dry places with the right temperature, feed them. When the larvae grow up, they begin to give “let me out” signals, the nurse ants rush to them, break the cocoons and release the young ants out. The newborn is surrounded by a large family of relatives. Without their help and constant care, he would not have survived, would not have turned into a young ant. And the young ant will take care of the larvae, get food, protect the anthill from enemies, repair, guard it, protect its hunting grounds, take out the garbage, clean up - in a word, perform all the numerous duties of a working ant. And the innate instinct will tell him how to act. Ants are social insects and take care of each other. They have the ability to stock up on food. Such reserves of liquid food are found in the stomachs of worker ants, which then pass it on to other individuals. Here is a scout, bloated from food eaten, returned from wanderings to his home. Hungry households surrounded him, and he burps a drop of food to one, another, third comrade. Those, in turn, do not digest all the food they got, but share it with others. A few minutes, and the scout's lunch is divided between fifty, or even a hundred tribesmen. Ants do everything very diligently, conscientiously and never shirk from work. No wonder people from ancient times say "hardworking" like an ant.

I liked the anthill, and I began to observe it. It turned out to be so interesting that all the remaining days of rest I often watched the life of ants. Wood ants are about 7-14 mm long. The anthill I observed was not very big, about 50cm high and 1.5m in circumference. When I approached the anthill at different times of the day, I always saw the same picture: ants running in different directions along the trodden paths from the anthill. These roads led to the nearest trees (birch, pine) and went into thick grass. I considered that several paths depart from the anthill, there are short and long ones. These are the ways in which ants carry building material and food. Ants are predators, they actively hunt, mainly on mobile insects, but also do not neglect dead insects. Ants carried seeds, leaves of plants and trees, larvae of various bugs, insects to their house. The burden is larger than the ant itself. If the prey is very large, it is dragged by several ants. I watched as several ants carried a caterpillar into their anthill. They pulled her in different directions, and therefore they carried her to the anthill for a very long time. On the dome of the anthill, I saw many holes through which ants scurry back and forth. So during the day they apply a huge amount of food. When I came almost close to the anthill, then ants began to crawl on my legs, and one ant crawled under my T-shirt and bit me, it hurt. A birch tree grew not far from the anthill, ants ran up and down it. Some of the ants that descended from the tree had swollen bellies as they carried stores of the sugary liquid. As my mother told me, in addition to living food, ants also feed on sugary secretions of plants, flowing tree sap, and especially sugar-rich secretions of aphids. And I also put twigs and sticks in the path of their paths and watched how the ants would behave. Some bypassed these obstacles, others crawled over them, but all the same, everyone continued on their way again along the paths. How do ants find their way home? Ants mark their path with droplets of odorous liquid, they press their abdomen to the ground and transfer their smell to it. Some ants do not always run exactly along the intended path, but on the side of the track, because the smell is strong enough. Having lost the trail, they again find the “road” in circles and rush along it. On one of the days of rest, small clouds began to thicken in the sky, I went to the anthill, and the ants fuss, hide in it, and soon it began to rain heavily. That's how I found out

Ants are the orderlies of the forest. Getting food for themselves, ants bring a huge number of insects and their larvae into the passages and chambers of the anthill. In one day, ant families can destroy one kilogram of insects; their role in soil formation is great - by making passages underground, ants contribute to the penetration of water and air into the soil, which are necessary for plants, and participate in the renewal of the forest. The forest is healthy if there are anthills. Take care of them!

Borovik Roman

Let's help the birds

Winter has come. Earth, water and forest - everything is covered with snow, it seems that everything around has fallen into a dream. Grasses, bushes and trees froze. Many animals hid under the snow cover, froze. Frozen, but not dead. Good for someone who has a warm, cozy den, lair, mink or nest. Good for someone who has a full pantry. Ate, curled up - sleep soundly. And birds suffer greatly in winter from cold and hunger. Little birds cannot sit on the ground or on a branch: everything is covered with snow, their paws get cold. You have to jump, fly, to somehow keep warm. They are looking for somewhere to hide from the cold, from the terrible winter wind.

Winter is the most difficult time for birds. Time of severe cold and hunger. But it is well known: who is full, the cold is not terrible for him, so we must help our small, weak feathered friends. They don't need much. Who will give grains, who - lard, who - berries, who - bread crumbs. And how many of them can be saved from starvation!

Let's feed the birds in winter! We can arrange small free canteens for birds in the yards and right on our balconies. We can hang pieces of bread on a string from the window or install feeders with grain and bread in the yard. Sparrows and our other winter guests will be happy to visit them in flocks. And titmouse are very fond of fat. Cheerful little guests will not keep you waiting long. And in gratitude for the treat, they will show different tricks: somersaulting upside down, jumping sideways and others. When the heat comes, feathered friends will destroy harmful insects in our gardens!

Hope Malyavko


Forgetful hunter at rest
Did not sweep, did not trample the fire.
He went into the forest, and the branches were burning down
And reluctantly smoked until the morning.
And in the morning the wind dispersed the mists,
And the dying fire came to life
And, pouring sparks ahead of the clearing,
Crimson tatters spread out.

In the past decades, one of the main subjects of general concern was the rate of logging and the complete destruction of forests in some areas. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, to date, only about 40% of tropical forests have been destroyed, and the rest of the forest is reduced at a rate of 20 hectares per minute. In addition, the largest areas of forests on the planet burn out annually as a result of more than 800 thousand forest fires. 70-90% of forest fires arise from careless, criminally negligent handling of fire or as a result of violation of fire safety requirements, and not from natural factors (dry thunderstorms, spontaneous combustion of forest debris, etc.).

It is appropriate to give an assessment of the forest given by D.I. Mendeleev more than 100 years ago: “The forest, as a natural product of the sun and soil, regenerating with the application of a small amount of labor, will forever be a precious aid to people’s lives, delivering, in addition to direct, many indirect benefits, for example, fastening to banks and loose sands, covering the soil, protection of its moisture, protection from winds, shade in the heat and irreplaceable beauty and revitalization of the area.

At the same time, the scientist bitterly noted that the people, born and living among the endless forests, are used to looking at the forest as something free, suitable for fuel, therefore they are not used to appreciating the forest, willingly exterminate and care little about its cultivation.

In our time, outbreaks of forest fires are becoming massive during periods when mushrooms, berries, nuts appear in the forests and people rush for the gifts of the forest, while being ungrateful to the giver.

On weekends, the number of fires in the forest reaches 40% of their total number per week, and up to 93% of all fires occur in a 10-kilometer zone around settlements, the most visited by the population. The vast majority of wildfires start from campfires that are lit for warmth, cooking, and sometimes even for pampering.

In recent years, young people resting in nature have become a numerous army of arsonists, often setting fire just for fun. So, on the territory of the Krasnogorsk region, almost all violators of fire safety rules in the forest are men from 16 years old to middle age. According to the Krasnogorsk forestry, up to 30% of violators are companies of young people who have left to frolic in nature.

In 2008, a fire broke out in the third quarter in the former forests of the Letyakhovskoye farm on an area of ​​12 hectares. The fire caused significant material damage to forestry.

A large number of forest fires are caused by agricultural burns. There is a so-called age-old folk wisdom that states that after the grass has fallen, it grows better. An unsuccessful struggle with "wisdom" has been going on for four centuries, although science has long proved the harmfulness of the consequences of fires even if there was no forest fire. The change of a ripe forest stand (undergrowth and seedlings of trees), mycelium, seeds and rhizomes of valuable forest plants (lily, legumes), ants - forest orderlies, butterflies - pollinators of flowers, worms and other organisms necessary for forest life die from fire. Trees are populated by pests; sedges, reed grasses, and coarse-stemmed pipes begin to predominate in the composition of grasses. Huge harm is done to capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges, larks, which lay their eggs directly on the ground.

Recently, in connection with the rapid development of horticulture, cases of forest fires due to the fault of the owners of garden plots have become more frequent.

Many fires are caused by smokers who throw unextinguished matches and cigarette butts into the forest. Thousands of wildfires blaze across the country every year, so underestimate the damage that indiscriminate smoking causes to the forest.

Forest fires can also occur from other causes, for example, from smoldering gun wads thrown from the windows of passing cars, from sparks from engine exhaust pipes, etc. source of fire, especially in dry, warm, windy times.

Lebedik Oksana

Consequences of forest fires

The damage from forest fires is not limited to the cost of fighting it. The negative consequences of this undesirable phenomenon, comparable to a natural disaster, manifest themselves for a very long time and cannot be completely eliminated due to the fact that the losses caused by the irreversibility of time and the extremely important biospheric role of forests are irreplaceable.

Wood production stops on the burned area, all the useful functions of the forest, without exception, are violated, which can only be estimated approximately and hardly in full. It is known that the cost of wood does not exceed 10% of all forest benefits (soil protection, water protection, oxygen-producing, sanitary and hygienic, etc.), as well as damage from downtime of enterprises, etc.

It should be remembered that forest fires are not only a forest that has ceased to function, but often injured and even dead people.

Fires weaken undead trees, which are subsequently colonized by stem pests. With further reproduction, insect pests go beyond the burnt area and attack neighboring areas of the forest, leading to its death, depreciating the wood. Extensive “bark beetles” and “bark beetles” are formed, which in the future bring no less harm than a fire.

Forest fires cause the replacement of valuable conifers with less valuable ones - deciduous. Already now in the country, in the presence of huge reserves of timber, there is a noticeable shortage of conifers.

The philistine attitude to the forest, expressed by the motto: "Enough for our century!", is absolutely unacceptable. Preserving nature and its integral part - the forest for oneself, for descendants - is the task of everyone together and each separately.

Atroshenko Irina

What trees grow in our forest?

As a result of visits to the Krasnogorsk forests, we found out that pines, birches, aspens, alder predominate among the trees in the forests, there are spruce, linden, mountain ash, hazel.


Scotch pine.

Scotch pine is the most common tree in our Krasnogorsk land.

It is very unpretentious to soils. Pine grows on dry sands, in moss swamps. But on the other hand, pine is very demanding on light. She can't stand shade at all. This is one of the most light-loving tree species. Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree with long bluish green needles consisting of paired hard needles. Pine is a very beautiful tree and a valuable tree species. It provides excellent building material, excellent firewood. Turpentine and rosin are produced from its resin. Pine gives us fragrant yellow resin, from which medicines and other valuable things are produced at chemical plants. Pine needles contain many vitamins.” During the Great Patriotic War, employees of the Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarov developed methods for obtaining a vitamin drink from pine needles. Many Leningraders who survived the blockade owe their lives to this drug. The needles contain trace elements in an accessible form - zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum, there is a large amount of vitamins C, E, K.

Pine is a beautiful tree. In autumn, pine cones ripen, in which there are seeds. Squirrels, woodpeckers, crossbills feed on seeds. The value of pine is its wood. Pine is used in shipbuilding, houses are built from pine. Furniture is made of wood, as well as elegant violins that make gentle sounds. In cedar cabinets, moths do not eat clothes: a fragrant, resinous smell discourages her “appetite”. Russian carpenters learned how to knit logs without a single nail. In 1669, near Moscow, in the village of Kolomenskoye, the royal palace was cut down from selected pine logs, which is a complex architectural complex. The palace has not survived to this day, but it can be judged from the drawings and recollections of eyewitnesses. There were 270 large rooms and three thousand windows. The palace amazed not only by its grandiose size, but also by the fabulous splendor of wooden buildings. No wonder contemporaries called it the “pine diva” - one more after the seven wonders of the world.

Furniture is made of wood, as well as elegant violins that make gentle sounds. In cedar cabinets, moths do not eat clothes: the fragrant, resinous smell discourages her “appetite”. Russian carpenters learned how to knit logs without a single nail. In 1669, near Moscow, in the village of Kolomenskoye, the royal palace was cut down from selected pine logs, which is a complex architectural complex. The palace has not survived to this day, but it can be judged from the drawings and recollections of eyewitnesses. There were 270 large rooms and three thousand windows. The palace amazed not only by its grandiose size, but also by the fabulous splendor of wooden buildings. No wonder contemporaries called it the “pine diva” - one more after the seven wonders of the world.

The healing value of pine forests is very great.

Hazel or hazel.

Hazel is one of the most common shrubs. This shrub is familiar to many for its delicious nuts. Hazel blossoms in early spring, when the last patches of snow lie in the forest. The hazel fruit is a valuable food product. In the kernel of a nut

contains a lot of starch and up to 60% vegetable fat.

Spruce ordinary.

Norway spruce is an elegant, slender tree, it is more legible to soils, but more shade-tolerant. These trees have needles instead of leaves. All species are distinguished by high (up to 30-40 m, and sometimes up to 60 m) straight trunks. Its branches covered with thick

needles, descend almost to the ground, giving the trees the shape of a cone. In the first years, spruce grows slowly: by the age of 10 it does not exceed 1-2 m, but by the age of 30-60 it grows

up to 30 m. Spruce can grow up to 300, and sometimes up to 500-600 years. Paper and artificial silk are made from wood. From 1 cubic meter of spruce wood, one and a half meters of silk fabric can be obtained. Wood is used to make furniture, railway

sleepers, poles, musical instruments. Cellulose, glycerin, fodder yeast are also obtained from wood. Alcohol is obtained from sawdust.


Birch is one of the most beautiful and light-loving trees in our country. This tree is a "pioneer" - it multiplies rapidly, i.e. takes over his piece of land. Birch

widely and variously used in the national economy. Wood is used for skis, furniture, and many turning products. Tar is made from birch, coal is obtained, birch firewood is very hot. But the birch is not only a beautiful, but also a useful tree. In the pharmacy we see cardboard boxes with birch buds. An infusion of these kidneys is used

like a medicine. Birch fungus is found on birch trunks. It is also used to make medicine. In the spring, syrup is prepared from birch sap. Birch catkins serve as food for our useful birds. The top layer of birch bark or birch bark is good

material for the manufacture of caskets, dishes. In the old days, birch bark replaced paper for our ancestors. We love this tree very much for its beauty, grace and generosity. How many songs and poems are dedicated to this tree.


Oak is a rather heat-loving crop and demanding on soil fertility. Oak is a mighty tree, not very tall, with a lush curly crown, thick

barrel. The leaves are incorrectly pinnate, the acorn fruit is surrounded at the base by a cup. Oak is a very valuable wood. It is used for the manufacture of valuable furniture, in shipbuilding, in the construction of dams, buildings. Parquet, durable furniture are made from it,

barrels for wine and beer Oak bark is rich in tannins. Oak bark is used

in the leather industry. Oak fruits - acorns are very fond of birds and animals. Acorns are used to fatten pigs and other animals. From them you can make a drink,

reminiscent of coffee.

Oak-bogatyr Young oak


Aspen is a tall graceful tree with very mobile

rounded leaves with serrated edges. autumn

aspen is very colorful: from yellow to crimson.

Mountain ash.

This tree is up to 10 meters tall, with a gray smooth bark, beautiful pinnate leaves. Lives for a long time, 100-200 years, unpretentious, easily tolerates frost and drought. Flowers small, white, fragrant. The fruits are juicy, bright orange-red, contain up to two hundred percent of vitamins C, B, Pp, K. Rowan grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests, along forest edges, between shrubs. From time immemorial

a person is friends with this plant. This tree is very loved in Russia, not without reason.

rowan sing songs:

Eh, curly rowan, white flowers,

Oh, mountain ash - mountain ash, tell your heart.

It is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. This is a sacred tree, it has always been forbidden to cut it. Mountain ash is planted in the streets and squares of cities, and its fruits are also used in medicine as a good source of vitamins. A large harvest of mountain ash - by a harsh winter.

Viburnum ordinary.

Viburnum vulgaris is a shrub 1.5-4 meters high. The leaves are opposite, three to five lobed, coarsely serrated. Flowers with a white corolla are collected in dense semi-umbrellas. In the old days, a bouquet of blooming viburnum was placed on the table in front of the bride and groom as a symbol of love and beauty. The fruit is a red spherical drupe with one flat stone. Kalina is a storehouse of vitamins and beauty. Viburnum grows among thickets

shrubs, on the outskirts of grassy swamps, along rivers and lakes. Viburnum is bred everywhere in gardens and parks as an ornamental shrub.


In the forest, you can walk past an alder and not notice it. This is an unremarkable tree, low, with a thin crooked trunk. But the alder has many interesting features.

Her skin is always smooth. The leaves never change their color. They remain green even in autumn. Green, they fall from the tree. This humble tree is very useful for the forest. Fallen leaves are rich in nitrogen, neither quickly rot and enrich

soil. Under the alder you will always find thickets of nettles, especially those who love nitrogen. The roots of the alder are also difficult. They are covered with orange nodules. These are radiant fungi that absorb nitrogen from the air and return it to the soil. Alder grows very fast and therefore the first to populate clearings, abandoned arable lands, conflagrations. Alder blooms very early, before the leaves appear it releases long earrings. Alder has an unusual wood - an orange tint, strong enough, does not rot and is suitable for artistic carving. Furniture is also made from alder. Alder firewood burns well and gives a lot of heat. And alder cones and bark are used in medicine.

Lyakhova Ekaterina

Where to look for mushrooms

Mushrooms begin to grow when the earth warms up well and is saturated with moisture.

boletus loves raw aspens. Other mushrooms hid, not to be seen. And this one, please, sticks out of the grass like a bright button

Chanterelle especially in wet summers. They pour out bright orange paths among the green moss

boletus search under the birches

Russula like flowers scattered throughout the forest in abundance. And their hats come in all colors of the rainbow.

breast - a mushroom picker's dream. He deftly disguises himself as tubercles, bumps, fallen leaves. There are especially many mushrooms where the birch forest converges with the spruce forest.

Coniferous young plantings are a favorite place to oil.

In pine and spruce forests, grow in coloniesmushrooms

Honey mushrooms are unusual mushrooms. All mushroomsa stut on the ground, and these on stumps and trees.

And the most delicious and fragrant mushroom-boletus (porcini). His legs are thick

the cap is fleshy, dark brown. It grows in birch, pine and oak forests.

But beware of inedible, poisonous mushrooms: pale grebe, false mushrooms, false chanterelles, false mushrooms! Learn from adults to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. Do not spoil poisonous mushrooms, do not pick or trample them, because among them there is medicine for animals.

Silk Konstantin


Our ancestors attached great importance to the forest, the trees among which they had to live. Everyone knows about another ancient tradition - to put a decorated coniferous tree in the house in honor of the New Year holiday. Unfortunately, this leads to the destruction of millions of coniferous trees. . In Russia, the custom of arranging a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve is attributed to Peter 1. However, this is not entirely true. His decree of 1700 obliged to decorate the streets and houses with branches of pine, spruce and juniper. The first public Christmas tree appeared in St. Petersburg in 1852. By the end of the 19th century. This tradition has firmly entered the life of our ancestors. At that time, the population was small, coniferous forests occupied large areas, and this tradition did not have such detrimental consequences for nature as it is now. In 1920, they tried to cancel the arrangement of New Year trees, but to no avail: bans will not help the cause.

Currently, coniferous forests have been largely destroyed as a result of logging, forest fires, as well as due to the construction of railways and highways, industrial enterprises, and cities. An important role in the reduction of forest area is played by the drainage of swamps, flooding, and the extraction of oil, coal and other minerals.

The loss of forest wealth is one of the environmental disasters. 11 species of gymnosperms are already listed in the Red Book of Russia. In our country, for 20 years, pine has been cut down on an area of ​​almost 15 million hectares. The taiga is sparse with pine.

QUESTIONNAIRE for the population

1. How many years have you been celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree?

2. How many Christmas trees have you planted?

3. What help have you given to the trees?

4. What destroys trees?

Think about these questions!

Malyavko Nadia.

forest lira


A. Gorodetsky

Who did not hear, did not seeInvisible beauty.He, in truth, has not beenNot in the woods, not in the woods.

Rustle, rustle, silence.Quiet, quiet - suddenly rustle.It's all she's naughtyAll naughty best friend.

If the branch is overwhelmedOut of nowhereOr the bump will fallSuddenly from his perch -

It means close hereThe invisible man sitsBranches weave a net for her,And she looks at her.

And through this network you canIf you are tall,Slowly peepBlue little eye.

And higher, above the eye,Correct and go to the leftBlonde curls secretlySlightly sparkle between the branches.

If you are very happyYou will hear a voiceHe is quiet, ringing and laughing,Like a spring stream.

But as soon as you startOr breathe a little louder -Everything is lost! On sheetsThere is a quiet shiver.

who only saw onceInvisible ForestBlonde curls and eyes -The forest is forever native.

Who did not hear, did not seeInvisible beauty,He, in truth, has not beenNot in the woods, not in the woods.

native side

I love my native places

Field, river, meadow, forest.

And with excitement in my heart

I come here alone.

Forest path, winding,

She took me to the oak forests.

Here viburnum and rowan

Burning with berry fire

Boletus - beauty

Decorates the forest in the morning

And in the moss, as on a pillow,

I see wave mushrooms.

miraculous butterflies

Everyone is standing as a selection,

With them uncle fly agaric.

White, he cannot stand alone,

Round dances in the forest leads.

The sweetest staff

Russula and chanterelles camp.

Mushrooms are important people

They don't want to be left behind

They are asked to take them with you.

Behind the clearing, a clearing

Collect and don't be lazy.

But among the mushrooms there are also grebes,

Look, make no mistake.

V. Timoshenko, former engineer of the Krasnogorsk cheese factory ..

Green house

Here is a pine, there is a Christmas tree,

Birch and aspen.

Leads me to the green house

Familiar path.

The green house is our forest.

It is full of fairy tales and miracles.

There's fresh air here

Silence is so...

The surface of the lake is sky blue.

I will find mushrooms in the forest

I'm a complete basket

Fragrant berries whole palm.

I see the trail of the beast

And in the meadow of lilies of the valley

You can collect a bouquet.

Let them bloom

Let them rejoice with beauty

Let them wash themselves with silver dew in the morning.

We must protect the forest

Take care of the green house

Let peace and tranquility settle in it. Lyakhova Ekaterina, 8th grade

A prickly story.

This story happened on one of the sunny summer days. In the morning we were awakened by a loud barking of our dog, Lukerya. I asked my eight-year-old daughter Yulia to see what happened. Our dog of venerable age, by dog ​​standards, will not make noise over trifles. Julia returned with tears - near the doghouse lay a large hedgehog with no signs of life, pretty rumpled and scratched. After burying the animal, the daughter went to play in the garden. And again she ran like a whirlwind into the house with wide eyes:

Mother! There are a lot of hedgehogs! Small and so cute!

We went to the garden. Indeed, under the apple tree, in a recess lined with leaves and dry grass, lay seven hedgehogs, very small, almost white, with soft needles. Together with the nest, we moved the orphans to a small shed. Waking up, the hedgehogs began to scurry around the barn, and we realized that they were hungry. They poured milk into a saucer, the hedgehogs got drunk and lay down in their nest. We had prickly guests for two weeks. In addition to milk, they ate boiled eggs, bread, chicken meat with pleasure. And when their thorns got stronger, my husband took them to the forest to the lake, where he often fishes.

All autumn we were looking forward to my husband from fishing, to find out if he had seen our hedgehogs.

Tislenok T.N.

Folklore and nature

The population of Russia, like most countries of the world, is concentrated in cities where an irreversible transformation of natural ecosystems is taking place, the state of health of the population is deteriorating, spiritual and cultural values ​​are being lost, traditions, songs and games, holidays and fairy tales of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers are disappearing. And we are gradually turning into "Ivanov, who does not remember kinship." How many graduates of our schools can recreate in memory at least the main milestones in the history of the development of the culture of their small homeland? Architectural, historical and literary monuments, as if offended by us, go into museum or scientific works, but do not remain in the souls of our younger generation.

I interviewed students of our school (50 people):

1. "What folk holidays do you know?"

Trinity - 29 hours

Palm Sunday - 6 pm

Ivan Kupala - 11 a.m.

Honey Spas - 5 hours



Don't know - 1 hour

2. “What folk traditions related to the forest do you know?”

Willow branches on Palm Sunday - 7 a.m.

Don't know - 1 hour

3. "What "forest" rites are familiar to you?"

Jumping over a fire - 5 hours.

I do not know - 25 hours.

The result speaks for itself.

Questions relating to human environmental protection can and should be brought up on folk traditions and customs. And the forest in this regard is the richest storehouse, since human life is closely connected with the forest; Since ancient times, in folk holidays and traditions, the forest and everything connected with it has been reflected in the cultural heritage of peoples. And what do we see now? The forest is disappearing from our planet for the sake of temporary profit. It is high time to sound the alarm and think about the consequences of your vigorous activity. What will we leave to our descendants, what will we be able to teach them, setting our own example of a soulless attitude towards everything that surrounds us?

Customs, traditions, beliefs, signs are passed down from generation to generation, becoming an effective means of educating and promoting a positive or negative attitude towards nature. This is due to their greater emotional coloring, memorability in comparison with other forms and methods of propaganda. It is necessary to painstakingly search for, carefully study, bring back to life half-forgotten folk forest conservation traditions, beliefs, rituals, especially local ones, and popularize them. In parallel, it is necessary to explain the ignorance of rituals that damage nature.

In many cities and villages of Russia in the spring, ecological subbotniks for planting trees are held. And our school traditionally hosts campaigns for planting trees and shrubs in the village.

Traditions and customs of the Krasnogorsk land.

I live in the urban-type settlement of Krasnaya Gora, Bryansk region. After reading V. Boreyko's article "Folk Traditions and Forest Protection", I wanted to learn about the traditions of our region, about customs and rituals. Unfortunately, my attempts to find complete and detailed information in the specialized literature, in the materials of the Internet were not successful. I came across fragmentary information, short and dry information. Then I decided that the most correct thing is a conversation with the inhabitants of our village. Perhaps I can learn something new and supplement the existing information. Having collected, analyzed and summarized the information received, I learned a lot of new and interesting things, found a lot in common in the traditions and rituals of different places.

Most of all, in the stories about customs and traditions, the memory of the feast of the Holy Trinity occupied. It turns out that Trinity is the 50th day of Easter. On this day, sprigs of birch, calamus, jasmine decorate houses and streets. Birch branches adorn the heads of cows, outbuildings where livestock stands to protect livestock from diseases and evil spirits, from damage and the evil eye. People came to the cemetery with birch branches, decorated the graves of their relatives and friends, commemorating them in this way. Birch twigs were also taken for festivities, which were accompanied by ritual songs. The provinces had their own ritual songs,

in some villages, wreaths were made from birch, which were decorated with ribbons.

Another holiday that our interlocutors remembered is Palm Sunday.

Since ancient times, willow has been considered a symbol of strength, growth and health. The main rituals, deeds, and actions associated with Palm Week were performed on Sunday. This tradition is still alive today. Willow branches are illuminated in the church and placed at home, they protect the house from all misfortunes.

According to tradition, palm buds should be eaten to avoid fever so that childless women can have children. With willow branches brought from the church, they whipped each other, especially children. At the same time they said:

It's not me who beats, willow, beats,

Willow takes revenge, God will forgive.

The sacred willow branch, endowed with magical powers, transmits the life force of the tree to a person.

On Palm Sunday, cattle were driven out with a willow to protect the cattle from the evil eye and spoilage.

On August 29, the 3rd Spas comes - walnut. Nuts ripened, everyone rushed to the forest for a tasty and healthy treat. At the same time, everyone going into the forest was given a strict order - not to break the hazel, but gently tilt the branches to the ground, - “Do not rot me, do not break me, but tilt me, or climb on me and crackle.”

Here are some interesting sayings I managed to hear from our interlocutors. Most likely, their still young age did not allow them to remember anything else, but our even younger generation has not heard these amazing stories, and even more so does not suspect about these rituals and traditions.

Kovrizhko Sofia

amazing tree

You can tell and learn a lot about the forest during excursions to the forest. Here, for example, is a very famous aspen tree in our area. What do we know about him? At best, only that they use it to make matches, someone may remember that aspen leaves tremble all the time. But few trees in Russia have been honored with such unflattering, and even abusive epithets. Here is what V. Soloukhin writes about aspen in the book “Contemplation of the Miracle”: “Aspen has gained a bad reputation for itself. Firstly, the legend that it was on the aspen that Judas strangled himself largely determined the attitude towards her on the part of the Orthodox inhabitants of Russia. Cursed tree, Judas tree was called by the villages. Though I don't know where that assumption could come from. Among the olives and Lebanese cedars, in the land of laurels and date palms, in the land of fig trees and vines, and suddenly - aspen. Aspen is more in keeping with the greyish northern sky than with the hot white stone of the Palestinian lands.

And in folklore, aspen occupies a corresponding place. Suffice it to recall the expression about an aspen stake driven into the grave of an enemy. In itself, there is nothing worse when instead of a cross they threaten to drive a stake. This is the highest degree of hatred and contempt. But it turns out that the stake itself, oak or birch, is not so bad. Aspen stake - that's what's scary.

In ditties, no-no, and it will flash: “Oh, aspen, you are an aspen, you don’t burn without kerosene,” or, “Ah, aspen, you are an aspen, there is no wind, but you are making noise.” Despite all these unflattering expressions, aspen is a very necessary tree in the household. Aspen has the best wood, you will not find such properties in other tree species: this wood is the least susceptible to wormholes; it does not rot in water for a very long time, therefore it is aspen that is used for log cabins in the well, tubs, barrels, troughs are made from it, shingles are made for the roof. In winter, men store aspen firewood, sawing and chopping this firewood is a pleasure. Yes, birch and pine burn hotter, but perhaps just such a tree is needed that can be thrown into the oven without regret, and birch and oak can be left for other needs. In the north of Russia, wooden churches were built before, their domes were made of aspen shingles. In the works of L. Vorobyov, D. Granin, V. Soloukhin, one can find descriptions of aspen, church domes covered with “shingles” of aspen. In the Trans-Volga region, for example, the peasants have been “beating the buckets” for centuries, i.e. they made hewn blanks from aspen, which were used to make spoons and other wooden products. Branch feed from aspen increases milk yield in cows and weight gain in calves. Decoctions from aspen bark, kidneys, juice are used in folk medicine.

And one more reason to rehabilitate a tree with a "bad reputation". Aspen is an exclusively decorative breed. A unique charm is given to the autumn landscape "forests dressed in crimson and gold." Crimson is primarily due to aspen. After all, its leaves are silver-green in summer, turning into a wide variety of colors and shades in autumn - from purple, pink, lilac to bright yellow, pale lemon and even black with golden specks. Isn't it true that such material on the excursion allows you to take a completely different look at an inconspicuous tree. Previously, entire groves were considered sacred and were taken under special protection. Nowadays, unfortunately, trees are not honored with such veneration, and only in some places there are natural monuments or wildlife objects as significant for protection. There are places like this in our area.

Malyavko Hope

Love your region .

Entering the forest, look around, what a beauty! The most important thing in my opinion is to preserve nature. A person must be worthy of the nature of his land. What is happening now with nature and its wealth can be called an environmental problem. Once upon a time, Paustovsky, seeing a tiny open quarry on the Oka, wrote with anger: Only people who do not remember their spiritual kinship, stupidly indifferent to the culture of their country and its past, present and future, can so ruthlessly destroy that high cultural value that carries in itself nature, landscape and its beauty. Everyone should think about protecting the nature of their land. If not on ourselves, then on whom does our filial feeling for our small homeland depend? Beautiful and majestic nature of our region. The forest is our friend, our wealth. It decorates the face of our land, serves as a source of aesthetic pleasure and a place of mass recreation for people. The people cannot live disregarding the charter of nature, "Losing its nature, it loses its original culture and national character."

“The power of the country is not only in material wealth, but also in the soul of the people. The wider, freer this soul, the more greatness and strength the state achieves. And what brings up the breadth of the spirit, if not this amazing nature. She must be protected. Descendants will never forgive us, the devastation of the earth, the desecration of what rightfully belongs not only to us, but also to them, ”wrote P.I. Chaikovsky.

Remember, as A. Tvardovsky said, “I am happy, it is gratifying for me with the thought of living beloved, that in my native country there is my native land.”

Head of the special edition of the newspaper

Borovik Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher of biology, chemistry and ecology.

Chief Editor- Malyavko Nadezhda, 8th grade.

News editors- Lyakhova Ekaterina, 8th grade, Atroshenko Irina, Kovrizhko Sofia, 8th grade.

Section editors- Olga Bobrova, Konstantin Shelkovy 8th grade, Roman Borovik 4th grade.

© Photo– Borovik Roman 4a class, Zapetsky Victor 8 class.

"New Fairy Tale" ANDREY DOBRYNIN There was a Ladybug. She herself was red with black spots. And when she looked around her, she saw big people, horses, goats. She was very frightened and said: “Oh! They are all so big, bigger than me! I’m afraid they’ll crush me, because I’m so small ... ”And out of fear, she crawled up to one small pebble in order to climb onto it and become at least a little higher. But... here a goat was passing through the meadow nearby and almost crushed a ladybug with her foot. Ladybug closed her eyes and already thought: “That's it, the Goat will crush me now !!!” But a small pebble saved Ladybug, and nothing happened to her. When the Goat passed by, the Ladybug, delighted, flew to other similar ladybugs and kept shouting with joy: “Hurrah! I am so small that any pebble can save me and no one, no one will crush me!

Environmental problems associated with environmental pollution are on everyone's lips. It is all the more important to tell children, in a form accessible to them, about the relationships in nature and the consequences of human misbehavior in nature. A child from an early age must learn that the Earth is our common home, and man is part of nature. It should be explained to children that a person, considering himself the master of the Earth, has been using everything that surrounds him for his own good for many years. And if he turns out to be a bad master: he destroys forests, exterminates many animals, birds, fish; builds factories that poison the air, pollute the soil and water, environmental conditions deteriorate, which immediately affects people and wildlife. It is important to bring the child to the conversation that this can be avoided if certain rules of behavior in the world around are observed. K.Yu.Belaya

Tell the children that a person, considering himself the master of the Earth, for many, many years used for his own good everything that surrounds him, forests, seas, mountains, rivers, bowels of the Earth, animals and birds. He turned out to be a bad owner, he stopped caring about the planet: he destroyed forests, exterminated fish, birds, animals. People hardly worried about the fact that factory pipes pollute the air and water bodies, and mountains of garbage accumulate in the city and countryside. As a result, some animal species and many plant species may disappear altogether. 2. Why shouldn't it be? Look at the pictures carefully and answer the questions.

What is the difference between the first Who cleans the forest from harmful picture from the third? insects? Why did the fish die? Why are the birds worried in the second picture? Think about what you can What is the difference between the first draw on and the third picture? picture. Draw. Who makes honey for people? What is the connection between the fifth and sixth pictures? (Why did the destruction of flowers lead to a lack of honey?)

3. "Conversation with a bee" Listen and try to remember the poem. I got stung by a bee. I screamed, "How could you?" The bee answered: “How could you Pick my favorite flower? After all, I really needed him terribly: I took care of him for a living. Marina Boroditskaya. Explain how you understand the proverb "Where there is a flower, there is honey." Why is the bee angry? Why did she need a flower? In nature, everything is interconnected, and the cruel and even simply careless attitude of a person towards it worsens the life of the person himself.

Riddles 1. The boy has a round belly, striped leggings, a striped jacket, and a hook on the dome. 2. Move at the flower, all four petals. I wanted to rip it off, but he took it and flew away. 3. What kind of forest animal. He stood like a column under a pine tree. And stands among the grass, ears larger than the head. 4. He put on an earring on his nose, spread his tail with a crown, walks important. But around, everyone knows that he ... .. 5. He does not walk, but alive, buried himself in the ground with his head. There is a rope in the ground, and a pantry outside. 6. Made a hole, dug a hole, The sun is shining, but he does not know. 7. A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. 8. Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. 9. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, Walks boldly and easily, Spreading his horns wide 10. Natket, spit, Sit down and waits for prey.

Poems for preschoolers We want the birds to sing, To make noise around the forest, To have blue skies, To make the river silver, To have a butterfly frolic, And there was dew on the berries! We want the sun to warm. And the birch turned green, And under the tree lived a funny, prickly hedgehog, To make the squirrel jump. For the rainbow to sparkle, For the cheerful rain to pour. Although a harmful fly agaric, We will not touch it. Suddenly, a forest dweller will need it.

So that the flowers in the forest bloom, All spring and summer We will not collect Their large bouquets. If the chick from the nest Fluttered before the deadline, We will help, it doesn’t matter, Do not crack, forty. The fragile house of the ant must also be protected. He must be behind the fence. Bunny and hedgehog - Inhabitants of the forest You better not touch! Guard them! Let's protect nature, preschool children! She must not be forgotten for a moment. After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers, This is all for us forever!




« touchtonatureeveryoneheart! »

In this room:

    Protect the environment

    The nature of the Earth is our wealth

    save the planet

    For you parents

« I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a beetle

And he died in my palm.

And then I realized:

Touch nature

Can only be done with the heart

"Understand the living language of nature -

And you will say: the world is beautiful ... "

I.S. Nikitin

Protect the environment!

Human! All in your hands! Purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter; well, where the environment is protected. How I wish that there was no garbage around, that there were many flowers, that birds sang!

Be merciful to nature - the house where we all live. We will be able to make sure that the birch trees do not cry in the spring, that the meadows are full of flowers, that the voices of birds are heard, and butterflies fly around, ants crawl. So that there is life around!

Cultivate respect for nature from childhood!

“To protect nature means to love the Motherland”

M. Prishvin

The nature of the Earth is our wealth.

For you parents!

Children and ecology.

Each parent is trying to protect their child from any dangers, while the surrounding nature is increasingly negatively affecting the health of its little inhabitants. More and more children suffer from allergies and asthma. The reason for this may be not only heredity, but also the environment.

Harmful substances from the environment can even in small concentrations affect the child's immunity. Children suffering from acute respiratory infections, allergies, asthma are most often children exposed to the influence of an unfavorable environment. If from birth children live near a highway, an industrial zone, then by the age of 5 they still have rather weak, but already significant changes in health.

The earliest manifestation of the toxic effect of the surrounding air is considered to be a violation of the central nervous system.

You also need to pay attention to the behavior of your child. Often, nervous, restless children with a weakened concentration of attention may have neuropsychic deviations precisely due to the fault of an unhealthy environment.

Another problem is that because of their small stature, children breathe car exhaust more than adults. The concentration of exhaust gases on the surface of the earth is higher than at the level of an adult. In addition, children's breathing is more frequent, and their lungs are more sensitive to harmful substances.

When repairing a children's room, use only environmentally friendly materials. Use breathable paper wallpapers, non-toxic paints and natural floor coverings.

Also, be careful when buying toys for your child. Cute and bright, but of dubious quality, Chinese toys should be abandoned once and for all. Allergies and respiratory problems are just some of the diseases that threaten children because of low-quality toys. Therefore, when purchasing toys, clothes, repair materials, do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate. If it is not available or not given, then think carefully: is it worth risking the health of your children.

    Stay away from roads and businesses that pollute the air.

    Don't throw trash anywhere. Remember, it rots in the ground for a very long time and releases toxic substances that are detrimental to our health.

    Clean up after yourself the garbage after the "picnics" yourself and teach your children to do this.

Only if the elementary rules of behavior in the surrounding nature are observed, the environment will be good: the air will be clean, the grasses, flowers and trees surrounding us will be clean, and our children will get sick less.

We wish you that your children grow up healthy and loving the nature around us..

Dear parents, together with all the inhabitants of our country

and our village, get involved in the work of protecting

environment. Let's make our

country clean and beautiful!

We invite youyou to take part in the exhibition

parent-child crafts and compositions

The best works will be presented at the exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Village17.10.15