Best chrome ad blocker. Testing

August 29, 2018

Adblock Plus is a popular ad filtering plugin for and . When the plugin is installed it automatically adds Adblock Warning Removal List option in the Filter lists tab but it is not enabled by default.

Before we talk about the Adblock's warning removal list let's understand what is Adblock and how does it work.

What is Adblock Plus?

Adblock Plus is one of the most popular content filtering and ad blocker extension for popular browsers including Firefox and Chrome. It filters the content that appears in the form of ads. This is very useful as we are able to block any inappropriate ads from appearing on our screens when we access any website.

Another benefit of using Adblock Plus is that it saves a lot of Internet bandwidth by blocking downloading of advertisement content.

Adblock Plus Filters are like antivirus definitions which contain the names of websites, web page, images, scripts etc. which will be blocked from opening in your browser. You can add as many Adblock Plus lists as you want and even create custom filters using regular expression. Each list can have a different purpose and block ads of different kinds. There are some acceptable ads that are grouped as non-intrusive and will not be blocked. This also helps filter out ads from social media sites.

Now coming back to the actual issue i.e. what is Adblock warning removal list?

What is Adblock Warning Removal List?

When the Adblock extension is enabled and we visit some websites that contains ads, that website gives us a warning that we are using Adblock and we need to turn off our AdBlock extension to proceed further on the website. Theses websites detect the Adblock extension and ask us to disable it.

This spoils the whole concept of using the Adblock as we still get bombarded with these AdBlock warnings but Adblock Plus has provided us with a solution that helps us block out these warnings as well. In order to get rid of these warnings, AdBlock provides us with Adblock Warning Removal List that stops these warnings from appearing whenever we visit a website.

Adblock Warning Removal List is an anti adblock list which will remove adblock warnings. To get rid of these annoying adblock warnings all you have to do is enable the Adblock Warning Removal List feature in its settings.

Note: If you enable Adblock Warning Removal List feature you might not be able to access some websites, so don’t panic just disable this option and again enable it after using that website. This is a rare case but it does occur sometimes.

How to enable Adblock Warning Removal List?

You can enable Adblock Warning Removal List in Adblock Plus options. Most of the browsers will display ABP red icon beside the address bar. You can click on the icon and go to Adblock Plus options. Otherwise, you can go to the options from the Extensions menu of each browser.

Rhana Cassidy

Modified on: Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 2:22 PM

Anti-circumvention blocks some particularly stubborn types of ads that are designed to circumvent ad blockers.

Non-English websites: Regional filter lists

If you visit websites in languages ​​other than English, also subscribe to the filter lists for those languages ​​so that you block more than just English ads.

Available in: All versions of AdBlock except the AdBlock for Safari app

If you need a language that"s not built into AdBlock, search for other language lists at the Adblock Plus Subscriptions page or Fanboy"s Regional Lists page . To subscribe to a filter list, click the "Subscribe" link on the Adblock Plus page or the "Add List" link on the Fanboy"s page and click OK.

You can also try entering" filter list" in your favorite search engine. For instance, "persian filter list" led us to two Persian/Farsi filter lists. If you often visit Persian or Farsi websites, subscribe to these filter lists by pasting their URLs in the URL box under Custom Filter Lists in AdBlock"s options, FILTER LISTS tab: and .

Other filter lists

Other filter lists built into AdBlock don "t block ads but do other useful things.


The Antisocial filter list removes social media buttons on web pages.


The Antisocial list is intended to block social media buttons that track your browsing activity. However, it also blocks social media buttons that do other things, such as link to a social media site or enable you to log in using a social media account. Subscribing to this list can break some website functionality that relies on Facebook and social media sign-in.


EasyPrivacy is an offshoot of EasyList that prevents ads from following you around the web, by blocking the trackers advertisers use to know where you"ve been.

Available in: All versions of desktop AdBlock, AdBlock for Samsung Internet (EasyPrivacy+EasyList), AdBlock for Firefox (Android), AdBlock for Mobile (iOS)

Fanboy's Annoyances

Fanboy's Annoyances blocks in-page pop-ups (the kind that ask you to subscribe to the site's newsletter or email list), social media and related widgets, and other annoying things on web pages.

Available in: All versions of desktop AdBlock, AdBlock for Firefox (Android)

Warning: Fanboy's Annoyances includes the Antisocial filter list. This means two things.

  1. If you subscribe to Fanboy's Annoyances, be sure to unsubscribe from Antisocial.
  2. Enabling this list can break some website functionality that relies on Facebook and other social media signons and can prevent you from signing on to a website using a social media account.

Malware protection

The Malware protection filter list prevents you from visiting sites that are known to host malware. We recommend keeping this list enabled.

Available in: All versions of desktop AdBlock, AdBlock for Firefox (Android)

Filter lists built into our mobile apps

A few filter lists that you can subscribe to by URL in the desktop versions of AdBlock are available as selectable options in AdBlock for Samsung Internet:

  • Adware filters and Malware Domains help to protect you from sites known to host adware and malware
  • I don't care about cookies and Prebake prevent you from seeing notices about cookies on websites that use them
  • Spam404 helps to protect you from spamming websites

Additional filter lists you can subscribe to

All the filter lists above are available as selections in AdBlock's options. You can also subscribe to filter lists if you know their Internet address (or URL), or if the list provides an automatic subscription link. Here are a few we know about You can ask on the EasyList forum for others.

Warning: Subscribing to lots of filter lists will slow your browsing, sometimes considerably. AdBlock will have to first load thousands of additional filters when you start your browser, then check all those filters on every page you visit. We recommend using only the filter lists you absolutely need to.

Subscribe to additional filter lists by URL

  1. click the Adblock button Options, then click the CUSTOMIZE tab.
  2. Under Custom Filter Lists in the box next to Or enter a URL, paste one of the links provided below.
  3. Click Subscribe and wait a moment for AdBlock to fetch the filters.

Hide annoying things on Facebook

  • hides "Trending" recommendations, "Games your friends are playing," and game requests and invitations in the right sidebar.
  • hides "Most shared," "Pages similar to," "Games you may like," and "People you may know" in your news feed.
  • hides all of the above.

Hide annoying things on YouTube

  • hides the comments section under videos.
  • hides "Recommended," "Suggested," and "Related" videos and channels on your home page, subscriptions page, feed, and channel pages.
  • hides annotations in videos and the sharing tab below videos.
  • hides all of the above.

Subscribe to additional filter lists by subscription link

Some filter lists provide a "click to subscribe" link. To add them to AdBlock, click the provided link and then click OK to confirm.

Who owns the filter lists?

AdBlock owns and maintains the AdBlock Custom filter list. All the other filter lists are owned and maintained by volunteers outside of AdBlock. We can act as a liaison when needed, but we have no control over the volunteers or the lists. This means that we can "t fix problems with the filter lists. What we can do is to and tell you how to ask them to fix it.

Bonus tip: How to see what filters the lists contain

  1. click the Adblock button in the browser toolbar and select Options.
  2. On the GENERAL tab, select I "m an advanced user, show me advanced options.
  3. click the FILTER LISTS tab.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Show links to the filter lists.
  5. Click the link that appears to the right of the filter list name. A new page will open, showing the contents of the filter list.

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So, Adblock... But here I will talk not so much about blocking ads, but about the optimization and proper use of this add-on, which is interesting in its versatility. I am not one of those who are annoyed by the advertising itself - I am annoyed by the way it is delivered. More precisely, me annoying is what:
- weighting pages and complicating the process of loading them, as a result - slowing it down;
- traffic growth (in a corporate environment);
- spy scripts, collection of personal information;
- when, with the HTML document loaded, I still do not see the page due to delays in loading some kind of dirty trick from the left servers;
- the appearance of the plugin-container process, eating up memory in volumes commensurate with the browser itself.
In addition to, in fact, advertising, these problems are created to a lesser extent by various counters and “social widgets” (a new evil that web 1.0 did not know about), because pages even without ads contain several counter scripts, and for each “like” button each social network is loaded with its own script! Therefore, my strategy will be fundamentally different from the strategy of the creators of standard Adblock subscriptions:
1) the main thing is not to eliminate ads, the goal is to reduce page loading time, memory consumption, traffic, etc. - optimization" from the car", so the focus is on scripts and flash, and just hiding elements with the ## directive is the least interesting,
2) the principle of Pareto efficiency: 20% of the rules block 80% of unwanted content,
3) (corollary of item 1 and item 2) universal rules, as far as possible!
4) sites I don't go to / irrelevant in This Country - let them contain a bunch of inappropriate content, I absolutely do not want my CPU to run through a megabyte of rules that will never work when requesting each element from a frequently visited site (or run once a year).


Adblock (the version for firefox was studied) is a packaged xpi (not unpacked during installation), weighing 786 kb. Most of this archive (468 KB compressed, 1.3 MB unpacked) are localizations that (unnecessary) can be easily removed from xpi with the same 7-zip. (Looking ahead: there was no reduction in memory consumption as a result of this procedure, nor was the unpacking of the addon affected).

Blocking rules are stored in the FF profile folder, in the adblockplus subfolder or similar addon name (other addon settings are stored in the browser's standard "settings registry"). Looking there, I found 2 huge files - INI and CSS, together weighing about 1.8 MB (this "discovery" was the reason for this study). It is clear that such volumes (especially CSS!) will not cost nothing, even if our browser was written in pure assembler. In order to understand exactly how burdensome Adblock is for the system, memory consumption was measured with the latest, at the time of this writing, versions of the Adblock family of add-ons in different configurations: without subscriptions, with a subscription against counters (cnt), and 3 subscriptions - default RuAdlist+Easylist , BitBlock versus social media widgets and cnt versus counters. I note that RuAdlist + Easylist in the last configuration is about 90% of the files, so the last column is also valid for the default installed without any additional Adblock Plus actions.

Memory consumption by Firefox 17.0.1 (in megabytes) with different add-ons of the Adblock family

subscriptions 0 1(cnt) 3(ruad+easy,bitblock,cnt)
adblock lite 1.4.3
blank 58 58 68 73 73 139
growth 15 15 71
adblock edge 2.0.2
blank 56 57 119 73 69 129
growth 17 12 10
adblock plus 2.2.1
blank 56 57 116 70 69 128
growth 14 12 12
What can be seen from the table (besides the fact that the results are generally puzzling): the initial assumptions about optimization and lightness are confirmed in practice exactly the opposite: the most common, mainstream Adblock plus turns out to be the most economical, and the lite version, despite its name, consumes the most memory, and, in addition, noticeably slows down the rendering of heavy pages, such as searching for images in Yandex.
Why is it so? It's all about the versions of Adblock plus, which were the basis of alternative addons - they are all older, and the new ones are better optimized (an infrequent phenomenon in the software world). Versions 1.x used a cache of rules in the form of a javascript file, this solution turned out to be unsuccessful in terms of performance and was abandoned.

Let's take a look inside the XPI. In chrome/locale are localizations for various languages ​​mentioned above. Of greatest interest is the defaults folder. By modifying the prefs.js file, you can automate the setting of all Adblock settings, which is convenient for mass deployment. The syntax is standard - like the settings of the browser itself. The following settings are recommended:
pref("extensions.adblockplus.savestats", false);
pref("extensions.adblockplus.hideContributeButton", true);
pref("extensions.adblockplus.patternsbackups", 2);
pref("extensions.adblockplus.subscriptions_exceptionsurl", ""); // reset the "acceptable ads" whitelist url
pref("extensions.adblockplus.subscriptions_exceptionscheckbox", false); // useless: doesn't disable acceptable ad subscription, just shows the whitelist explicitly as a subscription instead of a checkbox
(Read more about these and other options in prefs.js here:
Unfortunately, addon parameters cannot be set in advance in the settings file of the browser itself (for example, as in my previous article) - when the addon is loaded for the first time, it overwrites all pre-set parameters with default ones. The task is solved only by putting the changed prefs.js back into XPI.

Your own rules of the game

Standard subscriptions are not only heavy, they do not block heavy and abusive google analytics scripts that are found on almost every site, which means that you will have to write at least one rule manually. And if you write one thing, then why not (knowing the reg. expressions) and not all?
It was convenient to group the rules by topic: in case of a page usability violation, it is easier to localize the problem by disabling the rules block by block. The following lists are based on both ready-made subscriptions and our own developments in the field of "anti-banner" rules for Squid. The Adblock interface is good friends with the clipboard - it allows you to copy the selected rules as text lines or paste the copied text as rules.


///rs?\.mail\.ru// ||^ /|upl)// ||$ ||hhcdn .ru/nposter/* || || |* /afm/img.gif? ||* ||*$third-party ||^$third-party ||^$third-party ||^ $third-party ||*video2*$third-party ||^$third-party ||^$third-party ||$script,third-party @ @||$script @@||*$script ||^$script,third-party ||^$third -party ||^ ||^$third-party ||* ||^ ||$ object-subrequest ||^$script,third-party ||*.js ||*$script,stylesheet ||*$script ,third-party ||^$third-party ||*$script,third-party ||^$script ||cedexis$script,third-party ||^$third-party ||criteo.$third-party ||


//count(er)?\[\?\.]/$third-party /counters? ||*.js$third-party,script || || || /top100^ /xtcore.js /xgemius.js ///cnt\*\./$third-party /cnt.$third-party | | ||^ ||* || ||^ ||top$third-party || ||$third-party || ||^ ||spylog.$third-party ||hotlog.$third-party ||$third-party || ||$third-party ||^$third-party ||^$ third-party ||^$script ||^ ###counters


/\D(?:3\\[-_x]88|88\[-_x]3\)\D/$ /\[.-/]1\0\[-x_ ]600?\[.-/]/ /\[.-/]468\[-x_]\0\[.-/]/ /\[.-/]300\[-x_]250\[.- /]/ /\[.-/]728\[-x_]90\[.-/]/ /240x400*.swf /200x300*.swf /(200|468)_1\.swf/ ///ad\ ?\?\./ //e?rle\.cgi/ /erle.js ||reklama.$script,subdocument,object ||advert$third-party ||banner$third-party ||adserv$third-party /informer^$third-party ||pagead$third-party /advert. /\banner\.js/$script ^banner$third-party /pagead^$third-party //ad\?// ^adfox$script ^adriver$script ||*ads.*/$third-party /awaps .html ^krutilka/$third-party ##.b-banner ###left_ads ###top-ads ###bn-bot-wrap /*popunder$third-party,script ^popunder$image,~image, popup /show_ads.js /pop?$popup ||*pop*/$third-party,popup *teaser*/*$third-party,script ||tizer$third-party


|| ||$third-party ||^$third-party || || || /$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||adwolf.$third-party ||$third-party ||$third- party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third- party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||$third- party ||$third-party || ||$third-party || ||*$third-party ||*$third-party,~script || /fcgi/*$third-party ||$third-party ||$third-party ||videoclik.$third-party || * ||^$third-party ||^ ||^$script,third-party ||^$third-party || /client/target.js ###sape_okn


//icon?\[_-](rss|facebook|twitter|gplus|vk)\[-.]/ /icons/facebook$ /addthis_widget. || | /rss.png ||$third-party || /plugins/*.php?$third-party,subdocument ||**$subdocument /facebook.gif|$ ||^$third -party ||$third-party ||^$third-party ||^$third-party,~stylesheet ||$third -party || ||$third-party ||*/all.js$third-party ||mystatus^ ||$ ||$third-party ||*$script,third-party ||vk .com/images/upload.gif|$ ||* ||^$third-party, ||stg.odnoklassniki. ru/share/odkl_share.js$third-party plusone.js|$third-party ||$subdocument,, ||google.*/cse/brand? form= ||*$third-party ||pl$third-party ||$ /widget.js$third-party /share.js$third-party,domain=~mail. ru ||$third-party ||*$third-party || ||* ##.g_blank_likes ##.googleplus ##.g-plus ##.twitter ##.twitter-follow-button ##.facebook ##.fb-like ##.vkontakte ## .yashare-auto-init ##.fb-like-box ##.gmt-social-buttons ##.post_share ##.share-button ##.share_block ##.sharebar -links ###social-media ###b_soc ##.addthis_toolbox


/blockblock*$script /anti_ab. /adb*_detector. /*adblock$script,

The custom group is rules for certain sites and a kind of dumping ground for new rules created visually through the context menu "Adblock plus: block image ...": a new rule created in this way is added to the first group of filters at the end of the list.

So, all this, it would seem, a considerable number of rules, in fact, turns into INI and CSS, weighing in total only 9.5 kb. Which is about 200 times (!) less than the option with three subscriptions. With the same result.

A “lazy” implementation of this strategy is also possible: a standard subscription against counters is added - it weighs a modest 12 kb and, which is good, is updated by the developer, and several rules are written manually: against google analytics, a few universal rules against banners and against 1-2 most common social media scripts:

example of a very simple set of rules

||$third-party /pagead^$third-party ||^$third-party ///adv??\./$third-party ||*ads.*/$ third-party //e?rle\./ banner$third-party /informer^$third-party ^adfox$script ^adriver$script ||adfox.$third-party ||adriver.$third-party ||adwolf .$third-party ||*/all.js ||$third-party ||^$third-party || ^$third-party ||^$third-party /blockBlock*$script

You can create your own subscription on your organization's network. It's easy: the resulting patterns.ini is taken from the adblockplus folder, in which the contents of each section are laid out on the web server as a separate TXT file with the title on the first line. You can automatically connect your subscriptions, for example, by placing patterns.ini in the adblockplus folder on each machine. patterns.ini (for example, the most minimal one) can also be pushed directly into XPI - into the same defaults folder, where we (see above) replaced prefs.js.

Imagine that you have a girlfriend. You date long enough for her to let you use Chrome on your laptop.

You go in and see that she has Adblock installed. Well done your girl. Firstly, not Microsoft Edge (former Internet Explorer), and secondly, adblocker is installed, so you won’t throw garbage on her ears. However, the girl is yours (really yours?),

at least not stupid. And then you want to show off and say: let's install Adguard Adblocker, because I read an article about it and it's cooler. “Well, OK, put it on,” she says. You joyfully crawl into Chrome Extensions and look for Adguard Adblocker. But at the same second, cold sweat breaks through you and thinking: what if another macho appears,

There are a whole bunch of Adblockers out there at the moment. To test everyone is to shoot yourself in the head with unnecessary information. Therefore, we will filter the list to six according to the criteria: reviews, rating, comments of IT nerds who will definitely not have a girlfriend.

List of tested Adblockers:

What we will be testing:

3. Website loading speed

Input data:

Processor: Intel i7-3630QM 3.1Ghz, RAM: 16gb.

Chrome 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)

The tests were carried out in incognito mode with only one extension enabled.

1. The amount of RAM used by the extension

As you can see, the most popular Adblock takes up the most RAM - 120MB, the least Ads Killer - 25MB.

2. Peak CPU Percentage

1. uBlock Origin: 1.4% - 1.2% - 1.8% - 1.4% - 1.4% = 1.44%

2. AdBlock: 1% - 2.1% - 1.2% - 1.0% - 1.2 = 1.3%

3. Adblock Plus: 3.1% - 1.6% - 2.1% - 0.8% - 5.5% = 2.62

4. AdBlocker Ultimate: 6.6% - 1.4% - 1.8 - 3.5 - 2.9 = 3.24%

5. Adguard AdBlocker: 2.5% - 1.9% - 1.9% - 1.6% - 2.1 = 2%

6. Ads Killer: 1% - 1.4% - 1.6% - 1.2% - 1% = 1.24

The best result was shown by Ads Killer. However, it skips ads. The worst results are AdBlock Plus and AdBlocker Ultimate.

If we compare AdBlocker Ultimate and uBlock Origin, the result will be 2 times worse. The indicator can be significant if you have 50+ tabs open at the same time.

3. Five tests were carried out on the website,

their servers are located in Minsk, and this will help to avoid problems with the network. Values ​​from Network tab in Chrome - Finish. In addition, the cache was disabled so that the pages were reloaded each time.

1. uBlock Origin (sec.) 2.65 - 2.48 - 2.57 - 2.43 - 2.65. Average - 2.56

2. AdBlock (sec.) - 4.55 - 3.87 - 3.88 - 4.08 - 3.81 = Average - 4.03

3. Adblock Plus (sec.) - 4.13 - 4.04 - 3.91 - 3.73 - 4.39 = Average - 4.04

4. AdBlocker Ultimate (sec.) = 3.93 - 4.35 - 4.30 - 3.87 - 4.31 = Average - 4.15

5. Adguard AdBlocker (sec.) = 3.41 - 3.27 - 3.71 - 3.73 - 3.17 = Average - 3.46

6. Ads Killer (sec.) = 4.14 - 4.83 - 4.15 - 4.66 - 4.08 = 4.38

With a big advantage in page loading speed, uBlock Origin wins. 2.56 sec. in relation to the average download speed of other blockers (4.03+4.04+4.15+3.46+4.38)/5 = 4.01 1.4 seconds faster, or 36%.

1.4 seconds more on one site. On the day you open 500 pages = 1.4 seconds * 500 = 700 / 60 = 11.6 minutes in one day. A week is 1 hour 20 minutes. You can play 4 additional battles in World of Warships!

4. Quality of blocking ads on websites:

The first screenshot is without the blocker.

AdBlock, Adblock Plus leave empty ad space

AdBlocker Ultimate, Adguard AdBlocker and uBlock Origin remove the frame, which makes browsing the site more convenient.

AdBlock, Adblock Plus - they are determined by the anti-adblocker script.

AdBlocker Ultimate, Adguard AdBlocker clean ads perfectly by default.