Educational and methodological material on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic: Correct articulation of sounds. Formation of speech sounds (articulation)

The lips are stretched and slightly pressed to the teeth. The teeth are brought together at a distance of about 1 mm. The tongue is wide, with the tip resting on the lower incisors. The back is curved, in the middle of it there is a groove. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars, preventing the passage of air along the sides of the tongue. The exhaled cold stream of air passes through the groove of the tongue and is directed downward through the incisors. With a soft "shy", the back of the tongue is additionally raised, the entire tongue is more tense, the tip of the tongue rests more strongly on the lower incisors.

The sound "C" is formed by the merging of two sounds "T" and "C".
Lips stretched into a smile. The teeth are closed or close together.
The tip of the tongue, as when pronouncing the sound "C", rests on the front lower teeth. The tongue is raised and curved. The anterior part of the back of the tongue merges with the palate at the alveoli. At the moment of exhalation, the front of the back instantly opens with the sky. The tip of the tongue is slightly withdrawn from the lower teeth.

Hissing sounds “Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш” of one place of formation: during their pronunciation, the wide tip of the tongue rises to the front of the palate and is located behind the upper incisors - these are “upper” hissing. Hissing sounds can also be "lower", which is less desirable. With lower hissing, the tip of the tongue moves away from the lower incisors, and the back of the tongue rises to the anterior palate. When pronouncing the hissing edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper molars. When pronouncing hissing air passes through the crack (groove), which is formed between the tongue and the hard palate.

The lips are slightly rounded and extended forward. Teeth at a distance of 1 mm. The tongue is wide, the spatulate tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli (tubercles behind the upper incisors), but does not touch the hard palate, with which it forms a gap. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars. The exhaled air stream is plentiful and warm.

The lips are slightly pushed forward, but less than with "Sh". The distance between the lips is 1 mm. Perhaps the upper and lower position of the front of the tongue. At the “upper” position, the tip of the tongue is in a position close to the “upper” “Sh”, while at the bottom, in a position close to the lower “Sh”. In both cases, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The air voltage is strong.

The sound "Sch", like other hissing sounds, can be "upper" and "lower". The position of the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, vocal cords) is the same as with the sound "Ch". Usually, the “upper” “H” corresponds to the upper “Sch”, and the “lower” “lower”.

The tip of the tongue is slightly raised and closes with the upper incisors. The root of the tongue is raised and pushed back, the middle part is lowered and takes a spoon-like shape. The edges of the tongue do not adjoin the molars, leaving a passage for air. With a soft “L”, the back of the tongue is lowered, and the front of the back of the tongue touches a much larger area of ​​​​the upper teeth and alveoli.

The tongue is wide, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The front edge of the tongue is raised to the alveoli (tubercles behind the upper incisors) and comes into contact with them during vibration. Vibration of the tip of the tongue occurs under the pressure of air. The tension of the exhaled air current is strong.

Sound "R"
The front edge of the tongue moves forward and falls lower and closer to the upper incisors, there is no vibration. The kick of the tongue rises higher and the entire mass of the tongue is more tense. A short one-beat sound “Pb” is heard.

Lecture 2. Articulation and acoustic characteristics of Russian sounds. Full phonetic analysis.


1. Articulatory classification of consonant sounds according to:

a) place of education,

b) the method of education,

d) hardness / softness,

e) duration / brevity.

A detailed description of the work of the speech apparatus in the formation of sounds of each group.

3. Typology of vowels according to:

a) the place of the bend of the tongue,

b) the degree of elevation of the tongue,

c) the participation of the lips.

Detailed articulatory characteristics and grouping of sounds.

4. Graphic interpretations of the articulatory classification of Russian vowels.

5. Acoustic classification of sounds. The doctrine of distinctive features in general and Russian phonetics.

6. The order and methodology of phonetic analysis (transcription, place of stress, syllable division, determination of types of syllables, character of sounds)

7. Phonetic analysis in school practice.

1. Articulatory classification of consonants.

The characteristic of consonants is made up of five main features: place of formation, method of formation, noise level, participation or non-participation of the voice, hardness-softness.

a) The place of formation of a consonant depends on which active organ does the main work and with which passive organ it closes or approaches. This is the place in the mouth where the air jet meets an obstacle. If the active organ is the lower lip, then consonants can be labial: [p, b, m] (passive organ - upper lip) and labiodental: [c, f] (passive organ - upper teeth). If the active organ is the tongue, then the characteristic of the consonant depends on which part of the tongue - the anterior, middle or back - is involved in creating a barrier and with which passive organ - the teeth, the anterior, middle or back of the palate - the tongue approaches or closes. Anterolingual consonants are dental: [t, d, s, s, n], when the front of the tongue goes to the teeth, and anterior palatine: [p, w, f, h "], when it is directed to the front of the palate. Middle-lingual at the same time always palatal: [j]. back lingual or palatal: [k", g", x"] or posterior palatine: [k, z, x].

Labial-labial [b, p, m]

Labio-dental [v, f]

Anterior-lingual-dental [t, d, s, s, n, l, c]

Anterior-lingual-anteropalatal [r, w, w, h]

Mid-lingual-mid palatal [j]

Back-lingual-mid palatal [g ', k ', x ', γ ']

Posterior-lingual-posterior palatine [r, k, x, γ]

b) The method of forming a consonant is a characteristic of an obstacle in the mouth in the path of the air stream. This obstacle is of two kinds: either a complete closure of the organs of speech, or a gap between them. Therefore, all consonants are divided into two groups: occlusive and slotted.

Slotted (fricative - from lat. fricatio - "friction") are formed as a result of friction of the air stream on the edges of the contiguous organs of speech, representing a narrow gap. slotted middle are formed in the middle of the contiguous organs of speech: [c, f, h, s, g, w, j]. With slotted lateral air flows on the side of the oral cavity, between the lateral part of the tongue and the teeth: [l, l"].

Stop consonants include the moment of complete cessation of the flow of the air stream through the oral cavity. Depending on the nature of overcoming the bow, the bows are divided into plosives, affricates, nasals, trembling. explosive consonants contain two points in their formation: first, there is a complete delay of the air stream and an increase in intraoral pressure as a result of this, and then a sharp opening of the speech organs and a breakthrough of the air stream into the formed passage with a characteristic noise. Such, for example, are [n, b, t, e, k, d]. affricates(or occlusive-slit, fused) contain, like explosive ones, the same initial moment - a complete closure of the organs of speech. But in the last phase, the closed organs do not abruptly open, but only open a little, forming a gap for air to escape. Such are, for example, [c, h "]. Nasal consonants are characterized by complete closure of the oral cavity and simultaneous lowering of the palatine (nasal) curtain; air flows freely through the nasal cavity: [m, n]. Trembling are formed by vibration, trembling of the tip of the tongue and closing and opening it with the alveoli: [p, p "].


Lateral [l, l ']

Median [c, f, h, s, w, f, j, x, γ]


Nasal [m, m ', n, n ']

Explosives [p, b, e, t, g, k]

Affricates (fused) [c, h]

Trembling (vibrants) [p, p ']

c) the ratio of voice / noise, According to the level of noise (degree of its intensity), consonants are divided into sonorous[p, l, m, n, j] and noisy[b, c, d, e, g, h, k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h", w]. The noise intensity of noisy consonants is much higher than that of sonorants. This is explained by differences in the tension of the organs of speech and in the strength of the air stream when pronouncing sonorant and noisy consonants. Noisy consonants are formed with greater muscle tension than in sonorants in the place of the oral cavity where the air stream is obstructed. Measurements of the intensity of the air stream leaving the oral or nasal cavity during speech , show that when pronouncing sonorous consonants, the force of the air stream is much weaker than when pronouncing noisy ones.

According to the participation of the voice, consonants are divided into two groups: pronounced with a voice (tone) and without a voice. The voice results from the fact that the vocal cords are close together and tremble with the passage of a stream of air. This is how voiced consonants: [b, c, d, e, g, h]. The difference between sonorous and voiced noisy is that in voiced sonorants the voice (tone) usually prevails over the noise, while in voiced noisy noise prevails over the voice. Without a voice, with the help of noise alone, deaf consonants: [k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h", w]. When they are pronounced, the glottis is opened, and the vocal cords are relaxed.

By the presence and absence of a voice, i.e., by sonority and deafness, consonant sounds form pairs [b] - [p], [c] - [f], [g] - [k], [d] - [t] , [g] - [w], etc. The sound [c] is deaf. But he has a voiced pair - the sound [dz], which is pronounced in place [c] before a voiced consonant, for example, in the words bridgehead, special task, Svalbard, it was the father, the end of the year. The same pair is made up of deaf [h "] and voiced [j"]. In the words alchba, chief base, lie down, the ball rolled up, this daughter was not pronounced [h "], but his voiced deputy [d" w "]. He, like [dz], appears before a voiced noisy consonant.

d) hardness / softness. Hard and soft consonants differ in articulation characteristic of each of these groups. With the formation of soft consonants, the body of the tongue is concentrated in the more anterior part, and with the formation of hard consonants, in the more posterior part of the oral cavity. [in "] il- [v] yl, [n "] il- [p] yl, [l "] yog- [l] og, [r "] poison- [r] hell. This basic horizontal movement is accompanied by tension and elevation of different parts of the tongue. When soft consonants are formed, the front part of the tongue tenses and rises towards the hard palate. When solid consonants are formed, the back of the tongue tenses and rises towards the soft palate. Consonant sounds form pairs of hardness-softness: [b] - [b "], [c] - [c"], [g] - [g "], [d] - [d "], [h] - [ h "] and others. At [zh] pair [zh"], which is almost always double, long: in [zh"] s - reins, dro [zh"] s - yeast. This is how many speakers of the literary language pronounce these words. (It is also possible to pronounce solid [g] in place [g "].)

Only [j] cannot have a hard pair. For the rest of the soft consonants, raising the tongue towards the hard palate is an articulation that is additional to the main method of consonant formation. In [j], the raising of the middle part of the back of the tongue towards the hard palate is the main articulation. Without this articulation, no consonant sound occurs at all.

e) duration / brevity

2. The pairing of consonant sounds in the university and school interpretation.

3. Typology of vowels

Vowels, as already mentioned, are purely tonal sounds. Having arisen in the larynx as a result of vibrations of the vocal cords, the musical tone, the voice acquires a special timbre in the supraglottic cavities. The mouth and pharynx are the resonators in which differences between vowels are formed. These differences are determined by the volume and shape of the resonating cavities, which can change as a result of movements of the lips, tongue, and mandible.

The classification of vowels is based on three features: a) the place of the bend of the tongue, b) the degree of elevation of the tongue vertically in relation to the palate, c) the participation of the lips.

a) the place of the bend of the tongue, (According to the degree of advancement of the tongue forward or its push back horizontally), vowels are distinguished front row[and, uh], middle row[s, a] and back row[y, o]. When articulating front, middle, and back vowels, the tongue is concentrated in the front, middle, or back of the mouth, respectively. The form of the language is different. When forming front vowels, the front part of the back of the tongue rises towards the front of the palate. When forming back vowels, the back of the back of the tongue rises towards the back of the palate. And when vowels are formed in the middle row, the tongue either rises with its middle part to the middle part of the palate, as sometimes happens when pronouncing [s], or lies flat, as when pronouncing [a]. The simplest table of Russian vowels is as follows (it is called R.I. Avanesov's square):

b) the degree of elevation of the tongue, According to the degree of elevation of the tongue in relation to the palate, vowels differ top lift[and, s, y], medium lift[uh, oh] and bottom lift[a]. When articulating high vowels, the tongue occupies the highest position. In this case, the lower jaw usually slightly moves away from the upper jaw, creating a narrow mouth opening. Therefore, high vowels are also called narrow. When articulating lower vowels, the lower jaw is usually lowered to its lowest position, creating a wide mouth opening. Therefore, low vowels are also called wide.

c) the participation of the lips. According to the participation of lips, vowels are divided into rounded ( labialized) and unruined ( non-labialized). When rounded vowels are formed, the lips approach, round and protrude forward, reducing the exit opening and lengthening the oral resonator. The degree of roundness can be different: less y [o], more y [y]. Vowels [a, e, i, s] - unrounded.

Sound articulation C.

Articulation of sound C

The lips are stretched, slightly pressed to the teeth. There is a small gap between the incisors. The tip of the tongue is lowered, pressed against the inner surface of the lower incisors. The front of the back of the tongue is lowered, the middle is raised, the back is lowered. Tongue in the "slide" or "bridge" position. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The front part of the back of the tongue forms a gap with alveoli, in the middle of the tongue there is a groove that directs the exhaled air stream in the center. The soft palate is raised (C - mouth sound). vocal folds

open (C - dull sound).

About staging the C sound here.

Sound articulation Z

Sound articulation Z

Exactly the same as when pronouncing the sound C. The only difference is that the voice

the folds are closed (З - ringing sound).

Articulation of the sound C

Articulation of the sound C

The middle part of the back of the tongue is more elevated, the groove collapses, the anterior part of the back of the tongue is more curved.

Articulation of sound Zb

Articulation of sound Zb

Exactly the same as when pronouncing the sound S. The only difference is that the vocal folds close (3b - ringing sound).

Articulation of sound C

The lips are slightly tense and stretched. A small gap between the incisors, the tip of the tongue

Articulation of sound C

pressed against the lower incisors. At the first moment of articulation, the front part of the back of the tongue is raised and closes with the anterior edge of the hard palate. At the second moment of articulation, it descends, forming a gap with the palate. The middle part of the back of the tongue is raised, the back is lowered. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The soft palate is raised (C - oral sound). The vocal folds are open (C - dull sound).

On the production of whistling sounds. Defects in the pronunciation of whistling sounds are called sigmatism.

Types of sigmatism

1. Lip-tooth sigmatism. The lower lip approaches the upper incisors. (S, C resembles F, Z - C) Predisposing factors of labio-tooth sigmatism: prognathia, hypotrophy of the muscles of the tip of the tongue in dysarthria.

2. Interdental sigmatism. When pronouncing a sound, the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth. It makes a raspy sound. Predisposing factors of interdental sigmatism: anterior open bite, flaccid tongue, prognathism, weakness of the muscles of the tip of the tongue in dysarthria, absence of anterior teeth, adenoids, excessively large or long tongue, weakness of the orbicular muscle of the mouth.

3. Lip sigmatism. When pronouncing a sound, the tip of the tongue near the teeth at the level of the gap between the teeth produces not a whistling, but a dull noise (the sound resembles T or D). Predisposing factors for dental sigmatism are the same as for interdental sigmatism.

4. Lateral sigmatism. The lateral edges do not touch the upper molars, a gap is formed on the side through which part of the air stream leaves. Lateral sigmatism can be unilateral or bilateral. Predisposing factors of lateral sigmatism: lateral open bite, long narrow tongue, paresis of the lateral edges of the tongue in dysarthria.

5. Nasal sigmatism. The soft palate does not close tightly with the back wall of the pharynx. Part of the air passes through the nose. Predisposing factors of nasal sigmatism: paresis of the soft palate, clefts.

6. Hissing pronunciation of whistling sounds. Mechanism: the tip of the tongue is pulled deep into the oral cavity, the back of the tongue is raised, the groove is not formed. Predisposing factors: increased muscle tone of the tongue with dysarthria, with open organic rhinolalia.


If the sounds С and Сь, З, Зб, Ц are replaced by other sounds, then such a violation is called whistling parasigmatism. Sound substitutions are a phonemic defect, i.e. they indicate the imperfection of phonemic perception. When correcting, this is very important to consider.

The sound C is most often replaced by Ф, СЬ, Ш, Т, З.

The sound З is most often replaced by В, Зб, С, Д, Ш, Zh.

The sound C is most often replaced by C, T, C, T, W.

On the production of whistling sounds.

If you found this information useful, please share it with your friends on social networks. If you have any questions about this topic, write in the comments, I will definitely answer. Your online speech therapist Perfilova Natalya Vladimirovna.

All segmental units of the phonetic system, sounds, are traditionally divided into vowels and consonants. This division is universal for all languages. Depending on the role played by vowels and consonants in the phonetic system of a particular language, all languages ​​of the world are divided into vocal (Italian, Spanish, Japanese), consonantal (Russian) and mixed (German) languages.

Consonants differ from vowels in features of articulation, acoustic characteristics and functionally.

Articulatory difference: vowels are formed without the presence of an obstruction, the air stream passes quite freely through the oral or nasal cavity. When consonants are formed, the presence of one or another type of barrier is mandatory, therefore V.A. Bogoroditsky called vowels "mouth-openers", and consonants - "mouth-openers". In the formation of consonants, as noted by I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, tension occurs only in one part of the pronunciation apparatus, it is localized; when pronouncing vowels - tension is present throughout the entire sound, i.e. vowels are characterized by non-localized articulation.

Acoustic difference: vowels are formed using the tone of voice (harmonic, periodic vibrations), and when consonants are formed, the presence of noise (non-harmonic vibrations) is mandatory.

Functional difference: vowels are syllable-forming sounds, consonants rarely form a syllable, they mostly adjoin a vowel. In addition, consonants are information-laden units, it is they that convey the lexical meaning of the word (prtkal, sound); vowels are considered informationally redundant, they are more related to the grammatical meaning of the word.

However, there is no clear opposition between these groups of sounds. So, for example, sonorous consonants were previously semivowels, transitional sounds, glide, so they can also be syllable-forming. Sonorant J, which occupies the middle position between consonants and vowels, in a weak position is a semivowel sound.


In the formation of vowels, the horizontal and vertical position of the tongue, the participation of the lips, the volume and shape of the oral cavity are important. Depending on the vertical rise of the tongue and lower jaw, vowels in Russian are divided into three groups: upper (I, Y, U), middle (E, O), lower (A) rise. According to the degree of horizontal advancement of the tongue, vowels of the front row (I, E), middle or mixed (Y, A) and back row (O, U) are distinguished. The active participation of the lips is characteristic of labialized vowels (O, U). The remaining vowels are non-labialized (A, I, Y, E).

Non-high vowels in unstressed positions are reduced and change their articulation characteristics. Thus, the vowel [L] of the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants is characterized as the sound of a mid-low rise of the mid-back row; the vowel of the second degree of reduction, which appears in other unstressed syllables, is characterized as a vowel of the middle series of the middle rise - [ъ]. In the position after soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, the vowel of the front row of the upper rise - [ue], and in other unstressed syllables - the vowel of the middle-upper rise of the front row - [b].

Articulation is a concept that means how correctly and clearly you pronounce sounds. Beautiful speech is important for everyone, no matter if you are an announcer or an ordinary office worker. And for its competent construction, it is imperative to master the basics of articulation.

Articulation in Russian, as in all others, consists of several stages.

  • The excursion is the beginning, the very first stage, which means the preparation of parts of the speech apparatus for pronouncing a sound.
  • Endurance is how you pronounce the sound. At the same time, it is important to take into account the position of the speech apparatus - it must meet the standards.
  • Recursion is the final step. The speech apparatus completes its work, its components go into a state of rest or prepare to pronounce the next sound.

However, such a clear sequence of events is characteristic only for the pronunciation of one sound. It would look as clear as in the diagram if a person pronounces the sounds separately.

In real, everyday speech, the stages are “overlapped” on each other, their clarity is blurred. The excerpt often merges with the recursion of the previous sound. A person does not have time to carefully prepare the organs for the pronunciation of sound, so the excursion is not expressed properly. As a result, speech becomes slurred.

This does not mean that you must clearly pronounce each sound, highlight it with intonation. It would be simply impossible, communication would be difficult. Correct pronunciation assumes that you first learn the theory, learn how to apply it, and then it will turn into an unconditioned reflex.

Consider this using the example of the pronunciation of the sound "T". There are often problems with it, because people unprepared for the correct pronunciation express the sound too slurredly. It turns out hoarse, squeezed.

Here's how to pronounce the "T" sound:

  • Watch out for the air-tongue pair. The air should not be directed to the ligaments, because in this case the hoarse variant, which was mentioned above, will just turn out.
  • Direct the stream of air clearly to the tongue.

Training in the pronunciation of this sound allows you to improve not only pronunciation, but also increase the elasticity of the tongue, and train the speech apparatus well.

You are already familiar with the theory of the pronunciation of the sound "T". At first, you will follow for a long time how it sounds in your everyday speech, but then, when you are sure that you are speaking correctly, this information will be fixed, you will no longer need to correct yourself and take care of yourself.

Articulation gymnastics

What it is? Such gymnastics is designed to warm up the muscles. These exercises do not have to be performed at any particular time of the day. It is easy to apply them from time to time because they are simple and do not require special attention.

Gymnastics for the cheeks includes the following exercises:

  • Imagine that you are a hamster. It is necessary to take in air for one cheek, then smoothly “overtake” it under the lower lip, in no case opening the lips. Then go to the other cheek, extreme. You need to repeat this cycle several times.
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one in that you again need to use air. Take it in your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Close your lips tightly. Now you need to try to push the air out, but in no case do not open your mouth! You will feel a slight pressure, which will warm up your cheeks well.

In order to warm up the lower jaw, you can apply one simple exercise that many people do unconsciously. You can simply move the lower jaw in a circle, back and forth, thereby preparing it for the correct diction. Here you need to be careful, as you can accidentally dislocate the jaw. Do not overdo it.

Have you ever tried to yawn with your mouth closed? If not, then be sure to try it. This will help warm up the palate. Another way is to copy the mouthwash. If it’s hard to imagine, then first rinse your mouth really, and then imitate these movements yourself. Over time, you will start to succeed.

After completing these tasks, you can move on to exercises to improve articulation, which depend on the problematic sounds that you have. There are special ones, and many others that you can find on this site. For some people, the simple development of the speech apparatus is enough, because for many it is weak, therefore it needs training. The exercises above will help correct the situation.

Articulation allows you to learn how to correctly pronounce not only problematic sounds, but everything that is in the Russian language, because most people do not even suspect that they pronounce certain sounds incorrectly.