What is better than a technical school? Differences between a technical school and a college

After finishing 9th grade or school, many graduates are faced with a choice: what to do next? Should I go to work or continue my education? And if you continue your education, where: at a university, technical school or college? If you choose between technical school and college, which is better to choose? In general, what is the difference between a college and a technical school?

After finishing 9th grade or school, many graduates are faced with a choice: what to do next? Should I go to work or continue my education? And if you continue your education, where: at a university, technical school or college? If you choose between technical school and college, which is better to choose? And generally speaking, What is the difference between a college and a technical school??

What is the difference between a college and a technical school?

The Model Regulations on a secondary specialized educational institution (educational institution of secondary vocational education) provides a clear definition of such concepts as “college” and “technical school”:

  • college- secondary specialized educational institution that implements professional educational programs of basic and advanced training;
  • - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements professional educational programs of basic training.

In other words, and technical school and college provide basic knowledge of the chosen specialty. The only difference is that in college there is a mandatory emphasis on in-depth training in a specialty and therefore the learning process can last up to 4 years, while in a technical school it can last up to 3 years.

It is also necessary to note one more, invisible to the uninitiated, but very significant difference between a college and a technical school. College graduates who want to continue their education at a higher educational institution are more prepared than technical school graduates. This is explained not only by in-depth training in the specialty, but also by the fact that many colleges are based on universities. That is, in colleges very often lectures are given by university teachers, and final exams are equivalent to entrance exams to a higher educational institution. If the college is not based on a university, then it, as a rule, has a contractual relationship with a certain university, thanks to which college graduates are provided with benefits upon admission.

Which is better, technical school or college?

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that technical schools are primarily engaged in training specialists at a professional basic level, that is, professional skilled workers. At the same time, colleges train higher-class specialists, and the choice of specialties in colleges is much wider than in technical schools.

Therefore, if you or your child cannot decide, What is better technical school or college?, you must first decide what you are trying to achieve. If your plans are limited to obtaining a profession that is in demand, but still working, then you can opt for a suitable technical school. If you plan not only to get a specialty, but also to continue your education in the future, then it is best to choose a college.

In addition, when choosing between a college and a technical school, it is necessary to take into account the fact that colleges offer a greater variety of specializations, not only technical, but also creative or highly specialized (for example, designer, lawyer, etc.).

Where is it better to continue education, at a university or college/technical school?

When choosing between higher education, you must clearly understand that universities provide education based on theory, while colleges and technical schools focus on practice. In other words, after graduating from university you will be a certified specialist, but without work experience, so you will have to start your career in any company practically from scratch. But graduates of colleges and technical schools can immediately after employment apply for a salary of the appropriate level, since they already have work experience and a sufficient level of knowledge behind them.

To help those parents who are at a crossroads: a child is studying in the 9th or 11th grade - what is better to choose - a college or a university? Higher or secondary vocational education? If the child is ready for an independent life and is not distinguished by near-scientific curiosity, choose college. It is the willingness to take responsibility, and not career guidance tests or prospects for a future profession, that is the determining factor.

All parents come in two types, which are defined by mottos. The first type: “Grow up and go to all four directions, with us in your backpack.” The second type: “It will be difficult for us without you, but we respect your choice of further path.” If you are reading this article, then you (regardless of the types indicated above) are convinced of the need for higher education, so let’s consider the pros and cons of studying at these educational institutions.

Pros of college:

1. After college, people go to university much more often than vice versa.
2. The child will master a profession.
3. The child will not have to study deeply the subjects of the general education cycle, which cause trembling in the knees or a desire to run away from lessons - depending on temperament.
4. The child will have to be responsible for his actions.
5. In college they force you to study.
6. After three years of study, the child will be more adapted to life than his peers who followed the “school + university” path. Questionable advantages of college:
1. Forced early maturation of the child.
2. Professionally oriented outlook.
3. Youth subculture.
4. At the college you can get correspondence or evening education, distance learning is possible (on a contractual basis). At the same time as studying, the child can get a job. Cons of college:
1. Ambiguous social circle.
2. The need to choose a profession in advance.
3. Youth subculture.

4. There is no confidence that the desire to study at a university will remain.

Secondary vocational education is focused primarily on mastering a profession (specialty) that is in demand on the labor market; continuing education at a university (if such a desire remains) is most often carried out in full-time or part-time form.

Advantages of “school + university”:

1. If a child studies, he will receive a wide range of knowledge in general education subjects.
2. The child will not have to immerse himself in a new subculture.
3. For another two years the child will be before your eyes.
4. For another two years he will grow up in conditions where he is perceived as a schoolchild.
5. There is a possibility that the child will want to go to university. Questionable advantages of “school + university”:
1. The child’s growing up is extended for another two years.
2. Broad-minded, more leisure-oriented.
3. School subculture. Disadvantages of “school + university”:
1. After finishing school there will be no profession.
2. For another two years, the child will “learn to be lazy and be a dependent.”
3. Formation of youth nihilism.
4. Constant cash injections into the school, teachers, tutors.
5. There is no confidence that the desire to study at a university will remain.
6. Having graduated from a university, yesterday's student has high social requirements for himself, for his future profession, little professional experience and a lack of jobs to suit his needs.

The choice always remains with the children and parents. But from the point of view of “interspecies struggle,” a child who chooses college turns out to be better prepared for survival than a high school graduate. This is probably one of the most compelling arguments when choosing between a college and a university in the current economic situation.

Among the socio-economic parameters, a significant role is played by the budgetary education of all college students, the availability of scholarships, and real employment is possible already in the process of practical training.

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Students are faced with the choice of continuing their education at school or going to study at a secondary specialized educational institution. Now, when our education system is at the stage of transition to a two-stage model (according to the Bologna system), specialized secondary education can become almost equal to a bachelor’s degree and be an excellent alternative to the higher education that exists at the moment. But how can you decide which institution is better? What is better, more prestigious and higher: college or technical school?

In order to determine how a college differs from a technical school and what the difference is between them, you must first determine what it is.

What is a technical school?

Technical schools are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement basic programs of secondary vocational education and basic training.

At the technical school, students receive basic and more practical training in a specific specialty. You can enter a technical school after ninth or eleventh grade. Depending on the profession you receive, you study here for two to three years; the principle of learning is similar to studying at school. Technical schools are more highly specialized, focused more on training in working specialties. Upon completion of the technical school, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued and the qualification “technician” is assigned in a specific specialty.

What is college?

Colleges are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement basic programs of secondary vocational education of basic and in-depth training.

In college they receive more theoretical and in-depth study of a certain profession, and study here for three to four years. Studying in college is similar to studying in higher educational institutions: students are taught in semesters, there are lectures, seminars, and exams are taken. Secondary vocational education in college is completed in three years, and the advanced training program is completed in the fourth year. You can enter college after ninth or eleventh grade or with a diploma of primary or secondary vocational education. Colleges offer a wide variety of specializations: technical, creative or highly specialized. Upon completion, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued and the qualification “technician” or “senior technician” is assigned in the specialty being studied.

Very often, colleges are organized at universities or enter into agreements with them; the courses in them are taught by teachers from these universities, so often final exams in colleges simultaneously become entrance exams or graduates receive benefits upon admission.

Differences between college and technical school

Thus, we can highlight the following differences between a technical school and a college:

Considering everything that was stated above, it is clear that many of the principles of these educational institutions are similar, but in the very process of training specialists in colleges and technical schools there is a significant difference. Therefore, only you and your child, based on their future plans, can decide what is better: college and further education or technical school and a working profession.