Speed ​​reading and memory workshop. Memory development tutors Speed ​​reading courses

Why do we need speed reading training, some will ask. Let me ask you, how many unread books are gathering dust on your shelf? How many would you like to read, but don’t get around to? I was once in a situation where I read one book for a whole month or two or three months. Every day for an hour and so for almost a month. What a nightmare! After that I don't even want to read.

And now I can read a book in 2 days, and I read it for 30-40 minutes on public transport. That is, 20-30 times faster. Not bad, right?

Nowadays, reading quickly is the norm for every successful person. This is the age, this is the time. The question is how easily and quickly you can learn the speed reading technique. Some people master it for months, others are afraid to start because they have heard a lot of unflattering things about the methods, which are often completely groundless.

What can I say? Skill is required. And there are several options, each good in its own way.

Learn speed reading for free on your own

There are many books, articles and open courses on the vast expanses of the Internet. Now everything can be found, free and legally. By the way, I have a whole review of books on speed reading - all for you.

What's good about this option?

  • This kind of speed reading training it will be very economical. Most of the materials will be available to you for free or for little money if you buy the books.
  • You can do it yourself choose methods and exercises for yourself that are right for you.
  • You can choose a comfortable training mode, in which you don’t have to rush, keep up with the group, travel somewhere or wait for webinars. There are no external influences: you do it when you can.

The advantages are significant. If you organize yourself well, have strong motivation and willpower, then this option, of course, suits you just wonderfully. However, there are two key disadvantages of learning to speed read on your own:

Training in speed reading techniques: offline programs

An excellent and (as opposed to independent) very effective result is learning speed reading techniques in live group courses. When you come and intensively learn live from a qualified trainer. What's good about this method?

  • High probability of a good result . An experienced trainer can bring you to a really good result and really increase your speed of reading and understanding text. Time and money in this case will not be wasted.
  • You will have excellent external stimulation. You will need to have time to work with the group, complete assignments, and exercises. In a company it is always easier to find the strength to exercise and harder to find excuses for yourself. Many people need little kicks to move forward.
  • Live course handouts - this is an absolute plus. Most people find it much more convenient to have notebooks, methods, tables and other printed materials on hand than to read everything from a monitor screen. After courses, there is often a lot of materials left over with which you can train yourself at home.

There are certainly disadvantages to this type of training.

  • High price. For live courses, the cost, in addition to the work of the trainer himself and his team, also includes the cost of materials, the cost of renting a hall, equipment, etc. Of course, this significantly increases the cost of participation.
  • Inflexibility of the training mode. You need to arrive at a certain time, to a certain place. If you miss a class, it usually cannot be re-scheduled or rescheduled.
  • Inflexibility of the program. Since classes at live events are held in a group, individual adjustments to your pace are almost impossible. The trainer also cannot change the program for you, select individual exercises or remove sections that are not suitable for you.

Speed ​​reading training online

Distance learning in speed reading largely combines the advantages of previous options.

  • Have a good coach high probability of getting a good result
  • No need to travel for classes, everything can be done at home
  • Often distance courses can be viewed in recording at a convenient time . This flexibility is very necessary in today's dynamic world.
  • The cost of such programs is lower similar offline programs
  • External stimulation , since coaches and curators periodically monitor your progress and give you advice. You work in a group and communicate with other students. All this gives additional motivation.

I have a selection of speed reading courses from various authors, you can check them out and choose a teacher that suits your spirit, style and cost. Yet even this type of training has disadvantages.

  • There is still no individual approach. Such a complex skill as the ability to work with information is difficult to teach in a large group; an individual approach and individual solutions are required for each person.
  • There are no printed materials left from distance learning courses, and many of us find it more convenient to work with printed rather than electronic versions of workbooks, texts, and tables.

What do I see as the most convenient option for learning speed reading?

Having tried different options, I, as a coach, settled on individual distance learning. And I personally believe that this is the most convenient format for every student. By studying according to an individual program you receive:

All video lessons, webinar recordings, mind maps, tables, special texts for exercises and many other materials.

Special training plan, which is described in detail by steps and even days. You can use it as a base, but adjust it to suit yourself and study the lessons at a convenient time. I'm all for flexibility.

I, as a coach, in individual work will follow you, help, answer to questions and stimulate. You will have individual support and assistance.

You receive additional materials(not included in the training itself), if I see that you need it so that you get the maximum benefit, and also adjust, remove or change exercises if they do not suit you.

The cost is similar to remote courses

And, what is very important, you can get printed materials(a large workbook with tips, an exercise plan, texts to test), printed Schulte color tables for training. All this is sent to you by email and stays with you.

Marina Evtukhova:

Inna Chizhevskaya:

Ekaterina Dodonova:


I took an online instructor course on memory development (without speed reading) in the summer of 2014. At first I thought why the program was so extended, almost 3 months, I wanted it faster and more concentrated. Then, during the classes, I realized how well thought out the program was.

The combination of classes as a client with a methodological training program, in my opinion, is very successful, everything falls into place, it becomes clear what, where, for what and how. There is an opportunity to work through all the methods, ask methodological questions, and structure the material, which greatly helps in creating several versions of your program.

An important block of the instructor course, in my opinion, is sales issues. It’s not enough to create a program; you also need to have someone to teach it, how to offer it, and sell your course. Much attention is paid to this aspect, as well as to the stages of developing the program itself for different audiences and needs.

An excellent bonus to all this wealth is teaching materials that you do not need to search on the Internet yourself using the list, but can be downloaded directly from the link that is sent. In addition, for me, a huge resource is video recordings of all classes that remain and can be returned to any topic, remembered and used in work.

Special huge thanks, of course, to Guzeli Fadailevna for the excellent, clear, interesting presentation of the material, for the desire to generously share what she can and knows herself, for the positivity, for the confidence that she instilled.

By the end of the course, I have a real, live, ready-made program that I can start working on.


Ekaterina Dodonova:

I completed an instructor course with Guzel Abdulova in August 2014 and I can say that the results amazed me. I am a critic in spirit, I trust only achieved goals and numbers. Here are my “input” and “output” numbers.

Teacher of memory development and speed reading. 3 years experience

I studied and received 2 diplomas in instructor courses. One diploma - for studying personally with I. Yu. Matyugin, the “father” of eidetics. A huge amount of knowledge and training techniques

I worked in a training center with a high workload. Salary: 10% of the course fee

There are no individual students. Forced to live from paycheck to paycheck

The knowledge base and techniques have increased even more

Gained confidence in yourself as a professional

She left the center, opened her own individual entrepreneur and reached an income of 100,000 rubles a month after completing Gyuzel’s courses

A huge number of individual students. I teach in Moscow and London

Created a personal website. I am developing online courses on memory development and speed reading.

The personal example of Guzel Abdulova became the best help for me in learning. During these courses, I suddenly realized that I had long been a professional teacher with good experience - stop being afraid and doubting, devaluing your work and eking out a miserable existence. It's time to act! Thank you Guzel for the freedom and courage in starting my own business that opened up in me.

Every person always strives for the best, and for this he needs to be the best: in his studies, profession, hobbies... To do this, he needs to use his potential and develop. Without mastering the skills of speed reading, the ability to control the abilities of your mind is very difficult. Unfortunately, the skills of correct memorization and processing of information are not taught either in schools or universities. The Center for the Development of Memory and Speed ​​Reading provides such a wonderful opportunity. I took a coaching course with Guzel Fidayilievna Abdulova. I am grateful to fate for this opportunity. Guzel Fidayilievna is not only an excellent teacher who has excellent knowledge of theory and is talented in helping to master and apply knowledge in practice, but also a wonderful person who treats her students with great attention and dedication. I am familiar with different schools that teach memorization and speed reading skills, so I can say with confidence that the Eidos center is one of the best. It is also indicative that people who have been trained here not only successfully open their own schools in different cities, but also continue practical and theoretical developments in the development of much-needed knowledge for people. Sincerely, Inna Chizhevskaya, Novosibirsk.

Effective speed reading for children 7-12 years old. instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Presser of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Reception of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Explosion safety control of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Controller of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Radiation and radiation monitoring of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals Training in radiation safety and radiation control Training and advanced training for managers and specialists in the field of transport safety Training and advanced training for managers and specialists of organizations involved in assessing the vulnerability of transport infrastructure Boat rights (navigator courses) in Cherepovets Rights to a snowmobile, ATV, all-terrain vehicle in Cherepovets Professional retraining course in fire safety Advanced training courses in fire safety Fire-technical minimum Targeted briefing of special officials and other employees for AML/CFT purposes Environmental safety courses Training and advanced training course in civil defense and emergency situations (Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) Courses industrial safety Preparation for passing the Unified State Exam/State Examination Elective courses in in-depth study of mathematics for schoolchildren in grades 7–8 aged 13–15 years Training in the profession of “Fitness instructor” Advanced training for engineering and technical workers of the sea and river fleet Advanced training for crew members of inland vessels navigation Training on thermal power plants and heating networks Training for housing and communal services workers Mine surveying: professional retraining and advanced training remotely Advanced training for builders to join SROs (self-regulatory organizations) Professional training for builders Industrial mountaineering courses Training and advanced training for teachers and instructors of driving schools Refresher and professional courses retraining on road safety Training in methods and techniques for providing first aid to victims of a road accident Training of a technical expert Correspondence training courses for managers in labor protection Management of tourism and hotel management Tourism Instructor-guide (tourism instructor) Camp counselor Guide (guide) State and municipal management Management in education Personnel management Management of an organization Marketing Time management Time management in an organization Collection of lost wages Dismissal and challenging the dismissal of employees for committing guilty actions Teacher of additional education Professional retraining and advanced training in art therapy for children Advanced training courses and professional retraining of educators and teachers of preschool institutions Advanced training courses and retraining in inclusive education Advanced training courses and retraining of specialists in school institutions Psychology. Professional retraining Breastfeeding consultant Emotional trauma of a child and psychological work with it Career guidance work in educational institutions Effective speed reading for children 4−7 years old. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Effective speed reading for children 7−12 years old. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Effective speed reading for children 12-18 years old. Memory and speed reading development instructor Effective speed reading for adults. Instructor for the development of memory and speed reading Training in the profession "Thermist" Training in the profession "Steelmaker of an electric furnace" Training in the profession "Slinger" Professional retraining and advanced training for disinfectors and exterminators Advanced training and vocational training for workers in the field of elevators Working specialties Anti-corruption Attracting an employer to criminal liability for delays in wages Holding accountable for disciplinary violations and challenging guilt in their commission Organizing staff reductions and combating staff reductions Training center administrator Courses for a chess coach Training operators of technical inspection equipment when granting access to visitors and staff to public event venues Course “How to increase sales in a children's center” Metrology and standardization advanced training and professional retraining courses remotely

A couple of generations ago, high hopes were placed on the development of technological progress, the emergence of new IT products that would perform all computational calculations and mental, mechanical operations for a person. Theaters and cinema will be replaced by naturalistic animation and holography, audio listening will become an alternative to reading fiction, a number of specialties will disappear - programmed machines will begin to do this work. And even in schools, children will stop learning to write, and will immediately begin to learn the alphabet on the keyboard. A miracle has happened - in the modern world, quite a lot of aspects and areas of activity are automated, and advanced technologies really make life easier and provide variety. However, basic knowledge has not lost its relevance - on the contrary, in the light of the development of global informatization, perfect mastery of the basic skills of fast reading, typing, instant analysis, synthesis, constant active attention and memory for processing multiple streams of information, large volumes of memorization is required. How to learn to easily navigate in all directions, and at the same time receive material benefits from knowledge?

The Eidetika+ Center invites you to take the courses “Instructor for the development of memory and attention”, “Instructor for speed reading and mnemonics”.

What do you get from taking these courses?

  • Author's agreement with the right to teach methods of speed reading, mnemonics, memory and attention development,
  • Diploma of completion of the course,
  • Discount for taking two courses,
  • Constant help and support, as well as advertising from our center,
  • You will significantly improve your memory and attention, you will become the owner of both the speed reading technologies themselves and the methods of teaching all of the listed techniques,
  • Full access to the innovative method of Matyugin I.Yu. in the form of methodological works by the author and specialists of our center, work planning options, workbooks, simulators for memory development.

Why do we think that these courses will always be relevant and in demand?

a) There is always a percentage of the population at young, middle and retirement age who strive for improvement, personal development, or suddenly decide to radically change their lifestyle - and they will welcome the offer of such a course from you with a bang.

b) The level of training of modern first-graders has increased incredibly, and the ability to read is the least of the necessary knowledge; only a few kindergartens with an experimental or in-depth work development program can implement the entire list of skills. Many children simply did not attend kindergarten. What remains? That's right, tutoring and your methods will be very important and necessary for any preschooler and their parents.

c) Throughout the entire period of education, parents may notice that the child does not have time, does not cope, lags behind peers in academic subjects, cannot combine good grades at school and classes in sections and institutions of additional education. Any parent understands that success in basic education determines the degree of adaptation, confidence and relevance in adult life and will not ignore your invitation to develop in a child of any age the ability to think, read and act much faster and better.

d) After receiving a diploma in these courses, pay attention to what demand for your service will be among graduates, applicants and students during the period of exams and sessions.

After completing the courses, you will have an alluring freedom of choice:

1. Work schedule- with which you don’t have to perform unpleasant actions by hour and day of the week, but build a working regime in accordance with your own needs and desires.

2. Places of work- from now on you are not tied to a stuffy office environment or the routine of a particular company, even to your place of residence - there is a demand for your services everywhere, you can combine work with travel. Or create an additional part-time job and solid material support for your budget from the training you have completed.

3. Professions– a graduate of instructor courses can easily and naturally expand the boundaries of his specialty and quickly step up the career ladder. The knowledge gained will be useful to him in instantly processing information in his work, or in building an effective system of pedagogical training, working as a psychologist, or in managing a team or department of employees.

Anyone can take the courses “Instructor for the development of memory and attention” (35 hours), “Instructor for speed reading and mnemonics” (15 hours) and receive a diploma. To take the first step towards success and independence, call: 89268475276.

Total memory development tutors in Moscow: 43

If you do not have time to choose a tutor for memory development yourself, by looking through all the profiles, you can write which tutor you need, and the administrator for free will select suitable options for you.

Memory development tutors

Private tutor for memory development in St. Petersburg.
Development of memory, attention, speed reading from 8 years old.
Speed ​​reading for quick thinking and memory development from 12 years to 70. Students of any level. Classes will help unleash the potential of both children and adults.
Refresher courses:
Mnemonics, eidetics and speed reading, instructor (NOU “School of Eidetics”, 2014);
Methodologist for training instructors of mnemonics, eidetics and speed reading (National Educational Institution “School of Eidetics”, 2016).

  • Cost of classes: Lesson in a mini-group: 1000 rub./80 min.;
    Individual lesson: 1800 RUR/60 minutes.
  • Items: Memory development, Speed ​​reading, Psychology
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Chertanovskaya, South
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: In 1997 she graduated from TSU. Magtymguly, specialty "Psychology", qualification "Psychologist. Teacher of Psychology".


The first lesson is diagnostics and counseling (free).
Speed ​​reading course, memory development – ​​grades 5 - 11, adults.
Speed ​​reading course, development of memory, attention - primary school.
Orthosis course - primary school.
Articles in the magazine “Grow Up, First-Grader.”

  • Cost of classes: Course "Speed ​​reading, memory" - adults 20,000 rubles (12 hours)
    Course "Fast reading, memory, thinking, working with text" - grades 5-11 15,000 rubles (12 lessons).
    Course "techniques of reading, memory, attention...
  • Items: Memory development, Speed ​​reading, Russian language
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Lyublino, Bratislava
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Humanitarian University (MGOPU) named after. Sholokhov, Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of Family Life, specialty - preschool teacher (2005) Trainer/coach for the development of speed reading, memory, attention, for the disclosure of abilities, talents - Academy of Russian Encyclopedias "School of Eidetics" (2016...

  I give the first lesson for free.
Memory development tutor services.
Children aged: 5 - 17 years. Speech therapist. Correction of sound pronunciation, preparation for school, development of memory, thinking, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perception. Correctional work with junior and senior schoolchildren.

  • Lesson cost: 1500 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Primary school, School preparation, Memory development
  • Cities: Moscow, Khimki
  • Nearest metro station: Glider
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: She graduated with honors from the MSPU Institute of Special Education and Comprehensive Rehabilitation, majoring in speech therapy.

  I give the first lesson for free.
Individual tutor for memory development.
I work with children aged 3 - 5 years on general intellectual development (development of logic, thinking and speech, as well as preparing the hand for writing). With children 5 - 7 years old preparing for school. Elementary school students receive assistance in mastering the program.
In my lessons I pay great attention to the development of fine motor skills, articulatory gymnastics and the development of brain activity.
When working with preschoolers, I use the methods of Peterson, school 2100, Zaitseva, etc.
I also conduct classes on mental arithmetic with children aged 4 to 16 years.

  • Cost of classes: Preparing for school 60 minutes - 1000 rubles
    Mental arithmetic - 60 minutes - 1000 rub.
  • Items: Preparing for school, Memory development, Speech culture
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Partizanskaya, Izmailovo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Open Pedagogical University; MHC teacher, music teacher.

  I give the first lesson for free.
Private teacher for memory development.
Development of memory, attention, thinking, speed reading from 7 years old.
Speed ​​reading for reading children and teenagers from 7 to 14 years old.
Individual approach. Classes will help develop hidden skills and improve academic performance.

Services of a tutor for memory development in St. Petersburg.
Solving all types of problems and assignments according to the programs: Moreau, Heidman, Peterson, Dorofeeva, School 2000, 2100... Lesson scheme: explanation, consolidation of missed material, completing homework and analyzing them. Russian language: learning the ability to formulate rules in your own words and “see” them. The author's method of accelerated memorization is used. Establishing calligraphic handwriting, learning to write essays, summaries, and drawing up a story plan. General psychologist – since 2002. The basis is teaching children the behavior of a winner: independence, responsibility, achieving goals. For preschoolers...

  • Cost of classes: 60 minutes - from 1000 rubles to 1500. Depends on the complexity of the application and the distance from my home.
  • Items: Primary school, Preparing for school, Psychology, Memory development
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Shchelkovskaya, Pervomayskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow Pedagogical College No. 8, 1993, specialty - primary school teacher, after-school teacher. Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute, 2002, Faculty of Psychology, specialty - educational psychologist (wide-profile psychologist since 2005)...

Experienced memory development teacher.
Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction, early development, preparation for school for preschoolers 3 - 7 years old, early development from 1.5 years old.
Development of memory, attention, thinking, performance, independence.
Positioning the hand towards the letter; teaching math skills, reading; creation; the world.
-Training Center for Teachers for Early and Preschool Development “ABC”, advanced training course “Professional teacher tools in the development of preschool children” (2012);
-Courses on play therapy of the Independent Association of Psychologists (2013)...

Private tutor for memory development.
Correction of gaps in primary school programs L.G. Peterson, L.V. system Zankova, Traditional system, Primary school of the XXI century, Perspective, Planet of Knowledge, School of Russia, School 2100, Harmony, Speed ​​reading, I provide assistance with homework, development of memory, logical thinking, attention, speech, numeracy and writing skills. I will teach you to read, speak beautifully and correctly.
Age: children from 5 years old, schoolchildren - grades 1-4.
Since 2007, I have lived in Moscow and been engaged in tutoring in primary school subjects.
Certificate No. 52579 dated 08/09/2017 for the specialization "Speed ​​Reading"...

  • Cost of classes: Primary school = 1400 rub. / 45 min.
    L.G. Peterson = 1600 rub. / 45 min.
    Preparation for school = 1600 rub. / 45 min.
    Russian language
    Speed ​​reading = 1600 rub. /ac.h
  • Items: Primary school, Preparing for school, Memory development, Speed ​​reading
  • City: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Novogireevo, Vykhino
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Buryat State University (1994). History and Law; Zaporozhye City Pedagogical School (1986), Teaching in primary grades.

  I give the first lesson for free (free lessons are only possible in my territory).
Qualified memory development tutor.
Russian language. I conduct classes with the following categories of students:
preschoolers (formation of phonemic hearing necessary for successful acquisition of the Russian language, reading and writing in Russian);
schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 (assistance in mastering the school curriculum, closing gaps, classes according to individual programs);
adults who want to improve their level of knowledge of the Russian language (identifying topics that need to be learned, drawing up an individual program, explaining the material, selecting exercises).
Russian language for foreigners, categories: preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults (training both from scratch and those already having some knowledge of the language)...

  • Lesson cost: 800 rub. / 60 min
  • Items: Russian language, Russian language for foreigners, Memory development, Speed ​​reading
  • City: Moscow
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Bryansk State University named after ak. I.G. Petrovsky, Faculty of Philology.

Experienced memory development tutor.
Diagnosis of children's readiness for school, individual lessons in teaching reading - "Zaitsev's Cubes", mathematics, writing. Developmental activities: development of the child’s intellectual and cognitive qualities, attention, memory (visual memory), logical thinking, intelligence, fine motor skills. Each child has an individual approach. Based on your request and the needs of the child, an individual schedule of classes is built and a time frame is set for achieving the goal for your child.

You can look at reviews of tutors and choose the right specialist. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the teacher indicated in the application form.

If you need a sign language tutor in Moscow, then leave a request in the "Find a tutor" section.