Information Day "Books that know everything!" Information Day Information Days - complex events, calculated Themes of information days in the library

29th of October children's library named after. Z.I. Voskresenskaya conducted
Information Day "Books that know everything!"

“A dictionary is the whole universe in alphabetical order” - this was the motto of the day in the library.

The Information Day program included:

Your wise helpers - exhibition-viewing

We invite all children to the book city of Knigograd - educational and game program

Reference kingdom - wise state - review

The event was prepared for readers of different ages. Throughout the day, all library visitors got acquainted with the kingdom of dictionaries, encyclopedias - universal and special; big and small; ancient and young.

The subscription included a viewing exhibition that revealed the value of these publications and their information and encyclopedic material. Everyone was able to find something interesting for themselves and take their favorite books home.

In the reading room for children, an informative review was held about the numerous reference publications located in the library, with the help of which you can find answers to any questions.

The highlight of the information day was the educational and game program.

Children, together with librarians, traveled to the world of dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books - their faithful assistants.

In the game "Write a Dictionary Word", children checked the correct spelling in a spelling dictionary.

The series of books “My First Encyclopedia” aroused particular interest among the children. The children had to work hard with the “Find Information” task, but they managed to complete it.

The educational and gaming program was accompanied by a colorful slide presentation.

The day of information is over, but there is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead. We invite everyone who loves to read to visit our library. The journey into the world of educational books continues!

(compass in the world of new products)

In the interior of today, it is easier to imagine a portrait of a contemporary behind a computer monitor, with a laptop, than with a book in hand.
The 21st century is the century of information technology, and you can’t argue with that. And yet, the opinion that you can limit your knowledge of the world around you only to TV and the INTERNET is considered a dangerous delusion.
There is such a mission of good literature - to bring people together, to unite generations. Fathers and mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren, children and teachers, reading the same books, begin to understand each other better.
N.A. Rubakin also wrote that “a library is not a place for passively issuing books to the reader, like selling goods in a shop; these are weapons and sharp weapons, these are the sparks that ignite a person with interest in science, knowledge, and struggle.”

No matter how highly educated a person is, he still faces the tasks of cultivating conscience, humanity, and goodness, without which comprehensive development and an active life are impossible. Each of us needs an adviser, a friend, and an interlocutor. All these roles can often be fulfilled by a good, smart book. A librarian should help everyone choose just such literature.
Our library holds traditional information days for all categories of readers. During the day you will be able to get acquainted with new books on various topics and listen to a detailed review of new arrivals.
Today, libraries remain the most accessible centers of culture for the population. We notice that the number of active, regular readers is decreasing. Reader requests are more often related to satisfying immediate or entertainment needs. In children and adolescents, educational and cognitive motives predominate. Particular attention is paid to the category of elderly readers. They are interested in the series “health”, “Women’s novels”, detective stories, “This is interesting”, “Life of wonderful people”, etc.

On October 26, an information day was held at the Municipal Central Bank. The readers were presented with the latest fiction, scientific, educational, and reference literature. Particular attention was paid to a series of books on medicine, technology, and agriculture. Students are offered textbooks on economics, accounting, and law. New authors aroused great interest: Coelho, Vishnevsky, Shilova, N. Perumov, F. Pullman, S. Lukyanenko. The fantastic series “S.T.A.L.K.E.R”, as well as authors such as R. Glushkov, V. Shalygin, V. Orekhov, A. Stepanov, attracted the attention of young people. Fans of women's novels were also pleased.
10th “A” class was invited to review new arrivals. Chaltyrskaya Secondary School No. 1 (classroom teacher G. G. Chibichyan). The librarian of the reading room, A.V. Shakirova, gave an introductory speech about the role of libraries in the modern world, about the importance of books in human life. Then she reviewed new arrivals in the “Avanta” series of encyclopedias: “Great people of the world”, “Cultures” of the world”, “Languages ​​of the world”, “Biology”, “Art”, “Great commanders”, “Cars of the world”. The students were exposed to the value of these publications, their information and encyclopedic material, which will help them in the educational process. The children were especially interested in a series of books about civilizations: “Byzantine Civilization”, “Japanese Civilization”, “The Civilization of Ancient Rome”, etc.
The series of books “Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations”: D. Lang “Armenians”, “Georgians”, E. Parker “Tatars”, T. Sulimirsky “Sarmatians”, were especially noted. The students were attracted by the design and content of the books, and the relevance of studying the peoples of the Caucasus in the modern world.
Librarian M. S. Arzumanyan reviewed new acquisitions in the “Discover the World” series, including books by G. A. Krylov “Cars”, “Great Discoveries and Inventions”, Chernenko G. T. “Motorcycles”, Makhlin M. D. “ Insects”, Shpakovsky V.O. “Indians”, etc. This series of books attracted the attention of students with its bright design and brevity of presentation of educational material.

Our culture is an integral and integral part of the global cultural heritage in its highest manifestations. We won the world's biggest battles, were the first to conquer space, won every possible sports title, etc. The books in the “Name of Russia” series will tell about all this - from the largest project of the year on Russian television: “Alexander II”, “A. S. Pushkin", "A. V. Suvorov” and others. Who is the main hero of the fatherland? Ruler? Martyr? Poet? Warrior? Thinker? The country has made a historical choice, and books will tell us about our greatest compatriots in the entire history of the country.
The following books were offered to help vocational education: Baranovsky K. A. “Waiter - Bartender”, “Tile Maker”, “Joiner - Carpenter”, etc.
The review was completed with the proposed literature from the “World of Fantasy” series. Science fiction is fascinating reading, these are books in which science is present insofar as...
Our new products were of great interest to listeners and visitors. Authors such as O. Volotskaya “Enter the Shadow”, A. Gravatsky “Mama”, D. Kazakov “Invasion of the Chimera” and others are especially readable today.
For Information Day, a bulletin of new arrivals was prepared, booklets “Native Land”, “World of Fantasy”, “How to Maintain Health” were published, including bibliographic lists of new products.
Next, the students independently familiarized themselves with the new literature. Many of them took home the books they liked. Throughout the day, all readers could freely get acquainted with new products and choose a book to their liking.
“Books are ships of thought,” said the ancient philosopher. And we hope that this ship will never enter the harbor of silence and despondency, but will carefully carry its precious cargo from generation to generation.

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“Library website” - MUK "Association of Municipal Libraries" Central Children's Library. Internet boors have also appeared who prevent you from communicating with each other. http://www. The portal “Tyrnet – Children's Internet” has published a universal list of “white sites”.

“School Library” - Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in a modern library environment. Working with gifted children. Development and testing of methods for finding the necessary information for readers. Promoting the development of interest in reading through participation in competitions and festivals. Spiritual - moral and civil - patriotic education of schoolchildren in the library environment.

“Sites - libraries” - I, Hobo: Times of Death (Fiction) V. Ershov. Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin Electronic libraries. “You invented me...” Anna Akhmatova. Stories of a sled dog (Memoirs) B. Al-Atomi. Loitering (Prose) O. Pokrovskaya. Theater - drama "Enuma Elish". Weapons of Retribution (Not science fiction) G. Bobrov.

“Library Day” - For you, the basis of all foundations - So that the light of the soul does not go out. More inquisitive readers, interesting books and selfless dedication to you. Republican Youth Library of Tatarstan. We wish you creative success, inspiration, optimism. The first handwritten newspaper in Rus' is "Chimes". The library's reference and bibliographic apparatus consists of traditional and electronic catalogs and card files.

“Library of Books” - What is the name of the largest library in Russia? About the book and the library. I.A. Krylova. In what century did the first libraries appear? British Museum Library in London. The library was headed by major scientists: Eratosthenes, Zenodotus, Aristarchus and others. Library. Anyone who needs to work with unique funds can get there.

March 19 in the children's library-branch No. 1 named after. A.S. Pushkin was held information day “Come into a green house, you will see miracles in it”.

Information day plan:

  1. Library quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?”
  2. Book exhibition-vernissage “Enchanting music of the forests”
  3. Conversation at the book exhibition “Journey to forests and forest wonders”
  4. Riddle game “On the forest paths”

Throughout the day, all library visitors got acquainted with literature about the forest and reproductions of paintings by famous artists presented at the book exhibition-vernissage “Enchanting Music of the Forests.” During the conversations at the book exhibition “Journey to the Forests and Forest Wonders” children learned that forests occupy 31% of the entire surface of the planet, head. library L.Yu. Potanina talked about the importance of forests in human life. The conversation was about why we should protect and preserve the forest, about the rules of behavior in the forest.

Riddle game “On forest paths”
took place in several rounds. Students of the 4th grade of the NOU Orthodox Gymnasium “St. Tikhon of Zadonsk." Librarians Taravkova E.I. conducted it with the children. and Queen E.S.

The first round was held near the book exhibition “Flower Tales”. Quiz “Fairytale Flower” asked the children questions (on the petals of fairy-tale flowers) about fairy tales about flowers. For example, “In what fairy tale did the petals of an amazing flower help a girl fulfill all her wishes?” (“The seven-flowered flower” by V. Kataev)

The second round was Game "Bird Trills". Children were asked to guess riddles about birds, which were placed on paper birds. For example, “Together with this black bird, spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping across the arable land? (Rook).

"Riddles from the basket"
- third round of the game. The questions were written on images of animals, tree leaves, and mushrooms. Each child, choosing a certain picture, understood what the riddle would be about. Questions from the mushrooms were made about mushrooms, questions from the leaves - about plants, from pictures of animals - about forest animals. For example, “Here is someone important with a little white leg. He has a red hat, with polka dots on his hat” (Amanita); “Snoring can be heard from the den - the owner, the clubfoot, is sleeping. The whole area is covered in snow, but he feels warm in his sleep” (Bear).

The final round of the game was competition “Recognize by smell”. The children were offered jars of herbs, from which they had to choose forest herbs. Adults also took part in this tour with pleasure.

On this day, the library was decorated in the shape of a forest. Everywhere visitors were greeted by leaves, cones, acorns, butterflies, birds and flowers. This created a certain mood. There were bird trills, insect sounds and just a pleasant melody “A Walk in the Forest”.

At the end of the event, the children answered the question quilt “Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?” and attached paper stickers to a poster that was placed in the library lobby. The children's answers were very competent and serious. Each child was imbued with a sense of responsibility for preserving the forest.

Answering the quilt's question, the guys wrote that “we need the forest because it is called the lungs of our planet”, “we protect the forest in order to breathe”, “the forest heals us, gives us clean air”, “the forest is needed so that animals can live”, “to know the birds habits”, “because the air there is pleasant and you can breathe fresh non-city air”, “...if you cut it down, then there will be no nature”, “gives us healing herbs”, “nature gives us tasty and healthy herbs, and if we spoil them, then no one will survive”, “the forest purifies the air, feeds and heals us ", "the forest gives us paper. Houses, dishes, furniture are made from wood”, “in the forest you can take a break from the heat and bustle”, “you can’t make noise in the forest, start fires, scatter garbage”, “we need the forest for air, for beauty, for a break from the city, for knowledge of living and inanimate nature,” “so that we can walk in the clean air.”

Library users can obtain additional information about the forest from the books included in recommended list of literature for children “You can touch nature only with your heart.”