Disciplinary Battalion. Does service in osdib take place under a contract

After taking the oath, the Soviet soldier assumed the duty of loyalty to the service of his Motherland and criminal liability for misconduct. But this was not written about in the Soviet press, and only a few high-profile cases began to penetrate the press in the 80s of the 20th century.

The spleen is the cause of disbat

The second most common reason for serving a sentence is hazing. Often, fights arose among the recruits - for this they could be convicted and exiled to the disbat. One day, two paratroopers argued with each other, a fight ensued, as a result of which one of the former comrades was seriously injured - a ruptured spleen. A criminal case was initiated, a trial was held - the guilty paratrooper was sent to serve his sentence. Sometimes the infliction of grievous bodily harm occurred through negligence: two comrades served in the same unit, and soon they had to take a demobilization. But the military had a habit of making symbolic blows, meaning a transfer from one caste to another. This is the blow that his friend inflicted on his colleague in the stomach - there was a rupture of the spleen, an urgent operation was required. And military investigators opened a case against a former friend, in which he was serving a term.

Dry rations dragged demobilization

Often in the Soviet army there were cases of theft. Several dry rations became the prey of a group of soldiers, but only one of them paid with freedom: by the time the theft was revealed, the perpetrators had retired, and it was not possible to convict them under a military article.

Military secrets are not for girls

Disclosure of military secrets - this is the reason why it was possible to thunder behind the barbed wire in three rows, usually the punishment zone specially protected by the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs was fenced in this way. Employees of one of the disbats recalled how a soldier came to them, who decided to brag to his girlfriend and called her from the warehouse on the office phone: he was bugged. In a conversation, the soldier, pissed off by the girl's voice, said that he was guarding a warehouse with TNT of such power that they could destroy an entire city. Possession of drugs, causing death by negligence while on guard - for these and other crimes, soldiers were sent to disbat for up to two years, and from the end of the 80s - up to three years. Often, military personnel committed the same crimes as in their usual life, they were often brought to the police, and when the time came to serve in the Soviet army, criminal habits were introduced into army life.

Mulino - the famous disbat

Usually the location of disbats was chosen in remote villages. In the summer of 1986, near the village of Mulino in the Volodarsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, around which there were dozens of military units, one of the 16 largest Soviet disbats was formed. Soviet military builders, marines, sailors and infantrymen, shorn bald and dressed in the same uniform, served their sentences here. Many of them hoped to enter the army on parole for exemplary behavior. The daily routine in the Soviet disbat was the same as in the regular army: a wake-up call at half past six, ten minutes to get dressed, and a control check. It was carried out four times.

Disbat is not a prison

The Soviet disciplinary battalion was somewhat reminiscent of a prison, but it was not a prison, because at the end of the term of punishment for some servicemen, this term was counted and almost immediately demobilized. But not everyone was so lucky. According to the law of the Soviet era, after serving the sentence, the soldier was obliged to return to duty again and pay his debt to his homeland in full. Information about the criminal punishment incurred was not mentioned anywhere in the soldier's documents, with the exception of a personal file.

The investigation led the KGB

As a rule, in the Soviet army they tried to hide illegal cases that fell like a shadow of shame on exemplary units, but if this did not work out, then military investigators and KGB officers got involved, depending on the severity of the crime committed. The case was resolved within a few days, no one tried to leave the criminal in the unit for a long time, everyone tried to get rid of him. It must be admitted that the Soviet military courts worked professionally and quickly: the investigators immediately demanded all the characteristics of the soldier from the commanders, the documents were drawn up in a criminal case, which was redirected to the military prosecutor's office, and from there - directly to the leadership of the disciplinary battalion. The soldier was put into a car and taken to the wilderness, where such battalions were located: to the Chita or Rostov regions or to Novosibirsk. However, sometimes it came to anecdotal cases when the soldiers themselves got to the place of punishment. But this happened very rarely.

The lessons of education disbat

It was especially hard in the 90s, when the Soviet army became a mirror of many interethnic conflicts: the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh backfired on the fact that a massacre took place in one of the units, as a result, several people went to the hospital for treatment, and several went to the disbat . Inter-ethnic clashes took place in military units in the 80s, but they did not receive wide publicity. According to military investigators, the perpetrators were sent to serve their sentences. Education disbat became for some a lesson for life - people became extremely obedient and executive, and this measure of punishment embittered other soldiers - they became the main instigators of conflicts.

Disciplinary battalions (disbats, or as they are also called by conscripts, “diesels”) are specialized military units to which ordinary soldiers who have committed serious offenses while serving in the Armed Forces are sent. Offenses can be very different, but mostly they are criminal offenses. In addition, disciplinary battalions are intended for cadets of military schools or institutes with a military direction to stay in them until they have been awarded the rank of private in the Russian army.

From the history of disputes

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, ordinary military personnel, as well as junior commanding staff, were sent to separate disciplinary battalions. The military tribunal court sentenced them to imprisonment for terms of six months to two years, most often for unauthorized absence. Subsequently, it was practiced to replace deprivation of liberty for terms of up to two years with the direction to separate disciplinary battalions of those military personnel who also committed ordinary crimes with an insignificant public danger. As soon as the Great Patriotic War began, most of the individual disciplinary battalions (except those stationed in the eastern regions of the Soviet Union) were disbanded. The servicemen serving their sentences were sent to the front line and enrolled in ordinary military or penal units - this depended on the severity of the crimes committed.

At the end of the summer of 1942, in accordance with Order No. 227 (popularly referred to as “Not a step back”), it was decided to create front-line penal battalions for command personnel, as well as army penal companies for Red Army sergeants and foremen.

According to the combat schedule of penal units and units of the Red Army in 1942-1945, there were more than 50 penal battalions and more than 1000 penal companies. In the post-war period, most of these units and units were disbanded or reorganized. Thus, the first disciplinary battalions were created, which, under this name, were able to survive after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the armed forces of the CIS countries. Similar units were retained by the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as some other states.

Disciplinary battalions are present in all districts and in the Naval Forces. Servicemen in such units are divided into "permanent" staff (passing active military service by conscription or under a contract, holding command positions, from the squad leader to the battalion commander); as well as the "variable" composition, which are the convicts. For military personnel holding officer positions, military ranks may be assigned one step higher than is provided for in similar combined arms units and units. So, a captain can be a platoon commander, a major can be a company commander, and a serviceman with the military rank of colonel is appointed a battalion (disbat) commander. Servicemen sent to disciplinary battalions, according to the decision of the military tribunal, are deprived of their military ranks, which can be restored after the end of the term of serving the sentence (or in connection with release on parole) in cases where the convicts were not deprived of such in the process of sentencing.

Reasons for sending to disbat

Today, some conscripts commit crimes for which they have to answer anyway. They are sent to the disbat, while their term of service is not lost, apart from some exceptions that are provided for and are in the power of the commander of the military district. Thus, at the end of the term of punishment, military personnel are sent for further service in their units and units in order to serve out the remaining time.

There is only one reason why servicemen end up in disciplinary battalions to serve their sentences: a criminally punishable crime has been committed, and a military court has issued an appropriate verdict.

If a serviceman has fully served his sentence and was released to end his service, documentary evidence that he committed criminal offenses is not provided.

Sentences that will decide the fate of offenders can only be handed down by military courts. Military personnel whose offenses are not considered serious and do not entail punishment for more than two years can get into disciplinary battalions. The most common crimes committed by military personnel are "AWOL" or the so-called "hazing".

Disbat differs from prison in that convicts are kept in it not in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, but in accordance with general military regulations.

The differences between disciplinary battalions and ordinary military units are manifested in the following:

  • Unquestioning obedience to general military regulations;
  • Extremely rigid planning of the day;
  • No layoffs.

Servicemen who fall into disputes are mainly engaged in household chores.

Features of the penal battalion

The disciplinary battalion contains up to 350 soldiers. The regime of their detention and punishment has been described in special documentation since the times of the Soviet Union, supplemented in the Russian Federation since June 1997, as well as in the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 29 of the same year.

At the end of one third of the term of punishment, if the soldiers distinguished themselves by exemplary behavior, some of them may be offered redirection to the detachment to the reformers. In addition, they can be given the opportunity to serve in a daily order or perform the duties of workers.

The terms of stay in disbat are mainly no more than 24 months, mainly due to theft and hazing. In most cases, soldiers are sent to a disciplinary battalion for a period of 5 to 17 months.

When replenishment arrives in the disbat, it must be placed in quarantine. These soldiers are then given 30 days of intensive training. After its passage, the process of distributing them among the companies begins.

In disciplinary battalions, there is a strict observance of the daily routine, in which there are many restrictions. For example, visits to convicts are strictly regulated and take place according to the schedule. They are short-term, no more than two or three hours, and only in the presence of escorts.

Any transfers from relatives or friends, with a few exceptions, are prohibited. In addition, coffee, tea, and even more so, alcohol are prohibited. Prohibitions apply to stationery as well. Convicts are entitled to one pen with two stems and nine envelopes.

In disbat, convicts are forbidden to communicate with each other and move freely. Military personnel who have committed an offense with accomplices are distributed among different units. At the same time, they may not even see each other during the entire time they are serving their sentence. Violation of these rules entails punishment with serving in a guardhouse.

Before arriving at the disciplinary battalions, the servicemen are kept in pre-trial detention centers. As a result, young people borrow the manner of behavior of experienced prisoners with many "walkers". Such an experience often leads to deplorable changes in the unformed psyche of soldiers.

It is clear that in such places attempts to escape are not uncommon, there were even riots in disbats. But this did not lead to anything good, but only ensured an increase in the term of serving. In cases where convicted soldiers were a model of exemplary behavior, they received the privilege of deducting the time spent in disbat from the term of service.

End of sentence

Not so long ago, servicemen who had served their terms were provided with funds to be sent back to units to complete their military service. It often happened that they committed crimes along the way, so the command decided to provide them with escort. But due to the fact that it is not always possible to find accompanying people quickly, sending is often delayed.

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Soldiers who have committed criminal offenses serve their sentences in this formation. Also, cadets of military universities who have not yet received an officer rank can get into the "diesel".

"Diesel" was created in order to create a place for criminal punishment for the military. It was created in accordance with the Criminal Code, which was in force earlier. The period that a soldier spends in a "diesel" will not be counted in the main period of active service.

Although, in some, special cases, it can be counted. Such a special case may be the order of the commander-in-chief of the military district. A serviceman who has served time is sent to the regular troops after a debate. In the regular troops, a soldier finishes the term that remained to him at the time when he was convicted.

The terms for which the military went there were different and changed over time. Since the late 1980s, this period has been increased to 3 years.

The permanent composition of a separate "diesel" is usually 300 people. But the number of variable composition may vary depending on the number of convicts. The number of variable composition cannot be more than 500 people. Next, we will tell you if there are osdibs now?

Is there a dispute in Russia now?

In the early 2000s, the number of osdibs was reduced. Several of them were disbanded. Now there are only two osdibas left in Russia. In some CIS countries, they have completely ceased to exist.

What is the difference between a guardhouse and a disciplinary battalion?

For a person who does not know the intricacies, it may seem that "diesel" is very similar to.

Of course, there are some similarities. And there, and there, the soldiers are serving their sentences.

However, there are also differences. How are these two formations different from each other?

  • The first difference is the duration of the content. At the guardhouse, the period of detention of the military does not exceed 15 days. In the "diesel" period of maintenance of employees is much longer, it can reach 3 years.
  • Violations. In the guardhouse, soldiers usually serve their sentences for minor disciplinary infractions. And in osdib they serve the appointed punishment. In addition, the guardhouse has special rooms in which soldiers suspected of serious crimes are kept.

    It is these servicemen who, according to the court's conclusion, are sent to the "diesel". It is there that soldiers who have committed crimes are serving their sentences.

    Osdib is a place where the military serve sentences of up to three years. If the military has committed a serious enough crime and his punishment exceeds 3 years, he is sent to the civilian.

Why do they get into osdib in the army?

In the army there is such a thing as osdib.

Why can you get there? For example, for .

You can also get there if a serviceman grossly violated the charter, arbitrarily left the military unit, divulged military secrets. Also sent there are those who refused to follow orders.

Violent murderers, as well as rapists and other criminals who have committed rather serious crimes, are not imprisoned there. They go to the civilian zone.

How are soldiers sent to this institution?

A soldier may be sent to a disciplinary battalion only by a court decision.

If a soldier is suspected of committing a crime, he is sent to a special room, which is located in the guardhouse. Further investigation is underway. If it is confirmed that the serviceman has committed a crime, the court makes an appropriate decision. After the conclusion of the court, the convict is escorted to osdib.

Is the service in Osdiba under a contract?

In the disciplinary battalion, soldiers can serve both on conscription and on contract.

Important! It is worth noting that those persons who have can not serve under the contract. Thus, if a citizen who wants to serve under a contract in a disbat was already there in a variable composition and his criminal record was not removed, then a contract with him will not be concluded.

A candidate contractor goes through several stages of selection. At the final stage of selection, the candidate is checked for the presence or absence of a criminal record.

If all checks are passed, then a citizen can be accepted into the army under a contract. He is issued a military ID, after which a contract is concluded with him.

After the conclusion of the contract, the citizen is trained and sent to the place where he will serve. Such a place could be a disciplinary battalion.

Since there are only two such battalions, and the number of soldiers serving there is limited to 300 for each of the battalions, the chance that a soldier will be there is quite low.

How is it going?

Service in the disciplinary battalion is the same as in other places. A feature of the service in this place can be called enhanced control in relation to prisoners.

Special rules apply to military personnel, from working conditions to prosecution. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for such a type of punishment as disbat. The decoding is simple: the disbat is a disciplinary battalion. Such formations still exist.

At the legislative level, serving the sentence is conditioned by the Criminal Code (Article 55), the “Regulations on the Disciplinary Military Unit” dated 06/04/1997 No. 669, and the Order of the Minister of Defense dated 10/20/2016 No. 680.

What is disbat in the army

Disbat in the army is a place where servicemen are sent to serve their sentences, in the "track record" of which there is a violation of the criminal law in force in Russia.

Such formations have been known since the time of the tsarist army, but in a more or less familiar form for us appeared in the USSR a year before the start of the Great Patriotic War. They were sent there for a period of six months to 2 years due to unauthorized absences from the locations of the unit. Subsequently, all those who committed minor ordinary crimes were sent to such battalions. With the outbreak of the war, these units ceased to exist, and penal units appeared instead. The servicemen serving sentences in disbats at that time were sent to ordinary or penal units. Separate formations were created for commanders and rank and file.

After the end of the war, the penal units were liquidated, they were again replaced by disciplinary battalions. They still exist not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union, some CIS countries.

In fact, disbat replaces prison, but such a punishment is prescribed in individual cases.

Differences between a guardhouse and a disciplinary battalion

Disciplinary arrest, implying, is appointed not for crimes, but for gross violations of discipline only. Misdemeanors include hazing, AWOL on the part of conscripts, being late from dismissal, vacation or after discharge, and others.

Persons found guilty of committing a crime and convicted by a court are sent to disbat. Such acts may include:

  • non-execution of an order;
  • insulting a soldier;
  • resistance to a superior in rank and position, violent actions against him;
  • AWOL;
  • desertion;
  • leaving a sinking ship;
  • loss of property and similar cases provided for by Chapter 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Disbat and "lip" have significant differences. First of all, the basis for imposing punishment is a crime (disbat) and a disciplinary offense (guardhouse). The terms also differ: for disbat, the limits are from 3 months to 2 years, the arrest does not exceed 30 days.

Did the formation data remain in Russia

Disciplinary battalions and units as a method of punishment still exist. It is known about 2 active disciplinary units:

  • Vch 12801 - 28 odisb, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Mulino settlement;
  • Vch 44311 - 36 odisb, Chita region, Chita-45, Kashtak-45.

Other units, which included similar units, were disbanded. It is possible that other parts with different numbers were created instead of them.

Thus, the correction of the convict in the form of his detention in a disciplinary military unit is still practiced: such punishment is provided for by legislative norms and the technical capabilities of the sentence enforcement system.

Sending to a special unit is rarely used. For example, in 2014, 181 people were sent there, in 2015 - 191 guilty, in 2016 only 120 people were transferred. Statistics for the past year have not yet been compiled.

Grounds for enrollment in disbat

The main reason is a conviction for committing a criminal act. The Criminal Code has a separate chapter dedicated to military service. Among the crimes included in it are hazing, desertion, AWOL, failure to comply with the order, violation of the rules of guard and other service, abandoning a sinking ship, violation of the rules of navigation and others.

Article 55 of the Criminal Code defines the conditions, the presence of which excludes the possibility of not falling into disbat:

  • military service;
  • signing a contract and appointing a private or sergeant to the position, provided that the convict did not serve on conscription;
  • the committed offense is qualified as a crime under Ch. 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in other cases, when the crime and the personality of the convict make it possible to change the punishment.

Officers in their respective positions, and contractors who have served their term of service, do not fall into disputes.

Terms of service in the disciplinary battalion

The term of service in disbat cannot be more than 2 years. The minimum stay is 3 months.

The time spent in special formations as a punishment shall not be included in the service. The ratio between being in a disbat and being in general civilian colonies is taken as 1:1 (a day in a disbat is equal to a day in a colony).

The procedure for keeping military personnel in OSDIB

The period of stay in a special unit is not included in the service, meanwhile, there are exceptions. To do this, the convict must be proficient in the specialty, and successfully apply it in practice. In addition, he should not be seen in violations of discipline and the provisions of the statutes. For such military personnel, after release, an exception may be made (it is used quite rarely), and the term of punishment is counted.


The peculiarity of this method of correction lies in the fact that, regardless of previous achievements, the persons who get there are equal, since they are in the rank of soldiers or sailors. The dress code is also the same.

The daily routine is set by the commander. In general, it should correspond to the following figures: work and sleep - 8 hours each, military training is carried out once a week, 6 hours are allotted for it, meals - 3 times a day.

The rules according to which the sentence is served, approved by the above document No. 680, determine the list and number of things allowed for storage. These include: matches, cigarettes, soap, handkerchiefs, toothpaste and brush, razors, shaving cream, as well as shampoo, mirror, shoe polish, notebooks, fountain pens, pencils and some other things. Others not listed in the list should be seized by an official.

Convicts are allowed to meet: short-term - up to 4 hours twice a month, long-term (3 days) 4 times a year, but only with his wife or parents. For long visits, a separate room is allocated, for which time the convict is released from his duties. The number of meetings with a lawyer is not limited. Any of the listed types of meetings, if desired, is replaced by a telephone conversation.

Only one package can be sent per month, there are no restrictions on packages received on dates and parcels. The contents are checked by an official, prohibited items are subject to seizure and storage until they are released. The list of permitted things is listed in Appendix No. 2 to the mentioned order.

There are no restrictions on letters and telegrams, including their sending and receiving. All delivered correspondence is opened in the presence of a representative of the unit, prohibited items are confiscated. The content of the letter remains confidential.

In exceptional circumstances, convicts are granted short-term leave of up to 7 days without travel, but this is more likely an exception than a rule.

Incentives and penalties

A conscientious attitude to duties and observance of discipline are encouraged in various ways: by a gift, a cash bonus, the provision of additional meetings, gratitude, and the removal of the imposed penalty. After 1/3 of the established period, a transfer to milder conditions is possible, allowing the convict to move around the territory without an escort, spend an unlimited amount of money on food, and even go on dates outside the unit. In relation to especially distinguished citizens, it is allowed to file a petition for a change of punishment.

As measures of negative impact for violation of the order, a reprimand, a strict reprimand and arrest are used, the replacement of mild conditions with ordinary ones.

Disbat in the Soviet army: that's what it was

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After taking the oath, the Soviet soldier assumed the duty of loyalty to the service of his Motherland and criminal liability for misconduct. But this was not written about in the Soviet press, and only a few high-profile cases began to penetrate the press in the 80s of the 20th century.

The spleen is the cause of disbat

The second most common reason for serving a sentence is hazing. Often, fights arose among the recruits - for this they could be convicted and exiled to the disbat. One day, two paratroopers argued with each other, a fight ensued, as a result of which one of the former comrades was seriously injured - a ruptured spleen. A criminal case was initiated, a trial was held - the guilty paratrooper was sent to serve his sentence. Sometimes the infliction of grievous bodily harm occurred through negligence: two comrades served in the same unit, and soon they had to take a demobilization.

Disbat is not an army for you!

But the military had a habit of making symbolic blows, meaning a transfer from one caste to another. This is the blow that his friend inflicted on his colleague in the stomach - there was a rupture of the spleen, an urgent operation was required. And military investigators opened a case against a former friend, in which he was serving a term.

Dry rations dragged demobilization

Often in the Soviet army there were cases of theft. Several dry rations became the prey of a group of soldiers, but only one of them paid with freedom: by the time the theft was revealed, the perpetrators had retired, and it was not possible to convict them under a military article.

Military secrets are not for girls

Disclosure of military secrets - this is the reason why it was possible to thunder behind the barbed wire in three rows, usually the punishment zone specially protected by the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs was fenced in this way. Employees of one of the disbats recalled how a soldier came to them, who decided to brag to his girlfriend and called her from the warehouse on the office phone: he was bugged.

In a conversation, the soldier, pissed off by the girl's voice, said that he was guarding a warehouse with TNT of such power that they could destroy an entire city. Possession of drugs, causing death by negligence while on guard - for these and other crimes, soldiers were sent to disbat for up to two years, and from the end of the 80s - up to three years. Often, military personnel committed the same crimes as in their usual life, they were often brought to the police, and when the time came to serve in the Soviet army, criminal habits were introduced into army life.

Mulino - the famous disbat

Usually the location of disbats was chosen in remote villages. In the summer of 1986, near the village of Mulino in the Volodarsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, around which there were dozens of military units, one of the 16 largest Soviet disbats was formed. Soviet military builders, marines, sailors and infantrymen, shorn bald and dressed in the same uniform, served their sentences here. Many of them hoped to enter the army on parole for exemplary behavior. The daily routine in the Soviet disbat was the same as in the regular army: a wake-up call at half past six, ten minutes to get dressed, and a control check. It was carried out four times.

Disbat is not a prison

The Soviet disciplinary battalion was somewhat reminiscent of a prison, but it was not a prison, because at the end of the term of punishment for some servicemen, this term was counted and almost immediately demobilized. But not everyone was so lucky. According to the law of the Soviet era, after serving the sentence, the soldier was obliged to return to duty again and pay his debt to his homeland in full. Information about the criminal punishment incurred was not mentioned anywhere in the soldier's documents, with the exception of a personal file.

The investigation led the KGB

As a rule, in the Soviet army they tried to hide illegal cases that fell like a shadow of shame on exemplary units, but if this did not work out, then military investigators and KGB officers got involved, depending on the severity of the crime committed. The case was resolved within a few days, no one tried to leave the criminal in the unit for a long time, everyone tried to get rid of him.

It must be admitted that the Soviet military courts worked professionally and quickly: the investigators immediately demanded all the characteristics of the soldier from the commanders, the documents were drawn up in a criminal case, which was redirected to the military prosecutor's office, and from there - directly to the leadership of the disciplinary battalion. The soldier was put into a car and taken to the wilderness, where such battalions were located: to the Chita or Rostov regions or to Novosibirsk. However, sometimes it came to anecdotal cases when the soldiers themselves got to the place of punishment. But this happened very rarely.

The lessons of education disbat

It was especially hard in the 90s, when the Soviet army became a mirror of many interethnic conflicts: the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh backfired on the fact that a massacre took place in one of the units, as a result, several people went to the hospital for treatment, and several went to the disbat . Inter-ethnic clashes took place in military units in the 80s, but they did not receive wide publicity. According to military investigators, the perpetrators were sent to serve their sentences. Education disbat became for some a lesson for life - people became extremely obedient and executive, and this measure of punishment embittered other soldiers - they became the main instigators of conflicts.