Essay on the topic of my favorite profession: teacher. Profession teacher - essay

“My future profession is a teacher”

There are many professions in the world, all of them are needed, although some remain in demand, some “die”. Professions such as pilot, doctor, cook, driver, economist, etc. are very well known to everyone. The number of professions is growing every year, because our lives include many innovative technologies that require people of a new profession.

Since childhood, we imagine ourselves as people of different professions. We often play games such as “Shop”, “School”, “Cook”, “Hospital”, etc. This is done only when we comprehend the essence of this profession.

But what profession should you choose? It seems to me that the chosen profession is one that will help you demonstrate your abilities in some area.

When choosing a profession, we listen to the advice of parents and teachers, and often talk about this topic with our friends.

A teacher is a profession that requires from you not only knowledge, but also tolerance for the actions of children with different characters. The teacher must be a psychologist, have organizational skills and be a role model for his students.

I always looked with admiration at my first teacher Zemfira Shaikhetdinovna Aznabaeva. She gave us so much strength and love when she taught us to write and read. How many new songs we learned and how many poems we memorized. All this is in memory! I don’t remember her ever scolding us. On the contrary, our first teacher found words of encouragement and praise in any situation.

My classmates and I are lucky - we have kind and sensitive teachers next to us, giving knowledge and a piece of their heart to us, the students. They teach us to be kind and fair by their own example. For me, a role model is the teacher of Russian language and literature Magira Abdulkhakovna Sunagatova. She teaches interesting and very memorable lessons. Every student attends Russian language and literature classes with pleasure. Our teacher always finds an approach to each of us, tries to cultivate interest and love for her subject. Her lessons are never boring or uninteresting, because she knows how to involve us all in a conversation, teaches us to think and boldly express our opinions. I believe that this is what a teacher should be.

One can say kind words about the teacher of Bashkir language and literature Gulsina Guzairovna Sakhautdinova. She enthusiastically introduces us to the Bashkir language and literature, where there are many interesting works that instill in us a sense of kindness, honesty and love for our native language, for our native nature, for the history of our people. It was these teachers and their lessons that gave me the impetus to choose the teaching profession.

I know that the teaching profession is an eternal profession, it will never disappear. No one should forget their teachers, remember with love and respect those who gave good advice and guided them on the right path in life.

Any profession becomes loved only when you are devoted to it with all your heart. It should become the meaning of life. For a teacher, school should become the place where he comes with desire, where his beloved students meet him.

Every work has an initial result. For a teacher, the result of his work is literate and well-mannered students who can understand life situations and have become necessary in modern society.

“My future profession is a teacher”

Teacher! What a wonderful word. It is our life and the light and foundation. Shines as a guiding star for us and leads us into the world of new knowledge. Teacher! What a lofty word! We repeat it again and again. Our senior comrade, our sincere friend. He is the key that opens the treasure trove of sciences! You can learn everything in life, implement many new ideas, but you need to be born a teacher in order to live on earth for children. N. Vedenyapina

In the modern world, there are more than 40 thousand different types of activity; in industry and construction alone there are about three thousand professions, not to mention all other spheres of life.

The most famous and in demand today are such professions as: programmer, engineer, accountant, doctor, teacher, architect, administrator, mechanic, turner, ecologist, psychologist and many others. Some specialties are considered prestigious, others are simply necessary. But they are all, of course, necessary.

It’s no secret that with the development of society, the needs for education and conditions in the labor markets change, which is why the world of professions is so extremely dynamic and changeable. Many new professions appear every year. Many live only five to fifteen years, and then either “die” or change beyond recognition. But there are professions that have existed for years and centuries. One of these professions is a teacher, which will be discussed further in my essay.

Adults often ask us what we want to be when we grow up? But it’s not so easy - to choose the only profession in which you can become a real master, a professional in your field. As the Russian writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov once said, it is necessary to have “a zest in business”: “There is a zest in every business, it runs ahead of skill and pulls a person along with it.” That is, according to P.P. Bazhov, every person should approach his work with a certain interest, inquisitiveness, creativity, innovative approach and have a desire for professional self-improvement. Of course, to do this you need to try your hand at different areas, otherwise you may never find out what inclinations, abilities and interests a person has.

But to answer this most important question in any person’s life: “What will you be when you grow up?” I already knew the answer from a very young age.

Since childhood, my dream was to become a teacher. Both at home and in kindergarten, I loved to transform into this image, and for educators and teachers I was always the first assistant in everything. Already in elementary school, I helped my classmates with their studies, explaining to them various problems, examples, equations and much more. Incredibly, in the early days I began to notice that I was doing quite well at this: the guys began to understand the material they had covered, to catch up in their studies, the teachers thanked me for helping their friends. But at such a young age, I still didn’t realize why I liked helping others so much in their studies. Explaining, telling, teaching, teaching - all this brought me incredible pleasure.

Every person should remember the beginning of his creative achievements: family, school, and, of course, the teacher. And I am also no exception; I will remember my teacher, who pushed me and became a mentor in choosing my future profession, for the rest of my life. After all, it was only thanks to her that I made the right choice.

This teacher's name is Guselnikova Olga Nikolaevna. She still works at the Poroshino secondary school and still teaches my favorite subject - history. It was in this teacher that I saw the essence of the teaching profession and wanted to continue her difficult path, to follow in her footsteps.

Olga Nikolaevna - teacher of history and social studies. I can say with confidence that she is not just a teacher, but a great professional in her field, imparting to her every student complete knowledge in the field of these disciplines. As a person, she was always kind and respected among teachers and students.

Listening to the new material that Olga Nikolaevna explained, I saw how she revealed her whole soul, giving all of herself, all her strength, knowledge and experience, so that each of us could understand the topic. She always talks interestingly about the history and culture of our Motherland, her lessons were so fascinating that you often don’t notice how quickly time passes. By his own example, this teacher always taught us to be kind and fair. In any problematic situation related not only to studies, but also to everyday life problems, she tried to help, give the necessary advice, comforting with a kind word or instilling hope. Only with her I could just have a heart-to-heart talk, like with a loved one.

I like such qualities in her as rigor, fairness, and the ability to find a common language with any student. Therefore, for me, she serves as an ideal example of a teacher by whom I will try to navigate in my future profession.

Of course, I understand that the work of a teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation and shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word and read books.

So, without hesitation, after graduating from school, in 2014 I entered the Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College to major in “Teaching in primary grades.” In such a short period of time, college has become my second home!

Just like at school, here I met teachers who have achieved the highest level of excellence in their profession. Each of their lessons with students is organized as if it takes place in one breath. Absolutely every teacher explains so clearly that it is impossible not to understand, strives to answer any question asked, and of course tries to pay attention to each of his students. And the most important thing is the attitude towards students, it is so friendly and welcoming that it is impossible to convey in words.

Teachers are creative in teaching classes. For example, a MHC teacher begins his lesson with classical music, which helps us awaken the most beautiful sides of our soul. The knowledge that I receive at Kamyshlov Pedagogical College is thorough. They are an excellent basis for further studies in higher education institutions.

So, after successfully completing the first year in college, special subjects began, one of which is the main one in my future profession - this subject of “pedagogy”. Not much time has passed in my acquaintance with this academic discipline, but I already realize that I am step by step on the path to mastering the knowledge and skills that are so necessary in my future profession.

At one of the classes on this subject, I met one of the outstanding German teachers - F.A. Disterverg. I would like to cite as an example one of his statements, thanks to which I began to delve even deeper into the essence of my future activity: “The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for a student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education.” Therefore, I am gradually beginning to realize that the main figure ensuring success in the educational process is, of course, the teacher.

The meaning of my future profession lies in teaching, which is one of the most difficult areas of human activity. It is a social activity aimed at transferring experience, developing and preparing to fulfill certain social roles in society. In pedagogy, two types of pedagogical activity are distinguished: education (formation and development of the spiritual sphere of the student’s personality) and teaching (organization of the educational process by the teacher). The differences between them lie in the goals set for them. The goal of education is to change the consciousness of students for the better for society, and teaching depends on the depth of changes in their intellectual sphere and the number of practical skills acquired. Of course, teaching and education are inextricably linked with each other. Each of them is aimed at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality with a broad outlook and prepared for life in society.

So the Soviet and Russian academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev said: “Education is, first of all, instilling morality and creating in students the skills of living in a moral atmosphere.”

As a future primary school teacher, I completely agree with this statement.

Each profession has its own goal, and I consider the main goal of my future profession to be the formation of spiritual and moral education among younger schoolchildren. After all, the future of our children and our tomorrow depends on this.

First of all, I must serve as an example for the child and be a morally educated person, observing all moral norms and principles. Only then can I form and develop in the child’s personality such qualities as: love for the Motherland, society, people, work, one’s responsibilities and oneself. And also to cultivate in him feelings: duty, conscience, mercy, honor, love and kindness, for the correct formation of attitude towards the society that surrounds the child.

After all, what moral principles and norms will be embedded in a child in the process of his upbringing, such a moral person will grow up.

Today we can observe that the younger generation lacks many moral values: no ideals, no respect for elders, often no mercy and kindness, which leads to immoral behavior.

And as a teacher, I must not only teach, but also educate a citizen of my Motherland, eradicate and prevent immoral and immoral acts, using pedagogical skills.

One of the ways to form the best spiritual and moral qualities of students is to assimilate moral and ethical concepts, to form and express attitudes towards certain moral or immoral actions. A book by D.S. can serve as such a teaching tool. Likhachev's "Letters about the good and the beautiful", addressed, first of all, to the younger generation, who still have to learn life and walk its difficult paths. Where he uses specific examples to show what goodness is and why a kind person is internally beautiful, lives in harmony with himself, with society and nature. With his characteristic pedagogical tact, Dmitry Sergeevich teaches wisdom.

Also, one of the main goals of my future profession as a teacher is the development of the child’s personality. I am convinced that the basis for successful personality development is cognitive interest, which is formed and not given to a person from birth. Cognitive interest acts as an important motive for the educational activities of younger schoolchildren. At this age, their cognitive interests develop very noticeably. Of course, I must take into account that this development goes from simple to complex, unknown to known, description to explanation, from facts to generalization. And, as you know, the formation of a child’s personality, first of all, occurs in the classroom. Therefore, as a future teacher, I should be concerned with several questions: How to interest a child? How to convey it in an interesting and accessible way? And how to create for a child a situation of success and faith in himself, as well as in his strength.

The teacher should increase the child’s interest in the lesson through games, group work, creating a situation of success, motivating the child with praise and other ways. For example, assignments and materials should be colorfully designed, and the materials should be accessible by presentation. As a result, the student shows interest in the lesson and, as a result, develops intelligence, shows initiative, and even copes with difficult tasks with interest.

I believe that an important condition of my work should be a smile and a kind word, with the help of which the trust of children is won, and therefore the right to educate and teach them.

There cannot be a teacher without love for children, affection and patience. Only a person who sincerely loves children can work in a school. Children are very different - obedient and not so obedient, attentive and absent-minded, with an easy character or a difficult one. But despite this, I will have to love them equally.

Nowadays it is not easy to be a teacher - you need to be well versed in many areas of knowledge! This implies constant and painstaking work on self-improvement. You should always be aware of pedagogical innovations and new developing work methods. But in addition to excellent knowledge of the subject, the teacher must have certain character traits. You have to be a psychologist in order to better understand your students and find the right approach to them. Only a teacher who can skillfully combine rigor and kindness, care for children and fairness in assessing knowledge is respected and loved by students. And in the lessons of such a teacher they are very attentive.

The wonderful Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “If a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.” I would really like to become just such a teacher in the future. Anyway, I will do my best and constantly strive to improve.

I have always believed that teaching and educating the younger generation is an extremely delicate and responsible matter, requiring a lot of and constant work on oneself. Therefore, step by step, I try to develop in myself all these qualities that are necessary when working with students.

I would like to end my essay with the words of the great Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic and academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, who proclaim the entire essence, value and significance of the most important and noble profession of a teacher.

I consider the teaching profession to be the most important in the world.

Teaching is an art, work is no less creative,

than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult

and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul

not through music, like a composer, not through paints,

as an artist, but directly. Nurtures with his personality,

with your knowledge and love, with your attitude towards the world.

D.S. Likhachev

Valeria Pasevin, 3rd year student of the specialty “Teaching in Primary Schools”

My future profession
There is such a profession in the world - teaching children... This profession is a teacher. This is one of the most ancient professions. She was, is and will be one of the most important. Who, if not a teacher, will teach you to write, read and express your thoughts correctly? It is he who helps you gain new knowledge, without which life on Earth is not possible. We live and learn all our lives, and the teacher devotes his life to children to give them this knowledge and teach them how to receive this knowledge. Each person, receiving new knowledge, passes it on to the next generation of people. Thanks to this, new discoveries are taking place in the world, the world is opening up new opportunities.
Is it easy to be a teacher? Of course not. A teacher must be an “encyclopedia”. In his specialty, he uses both creativity and ingenuity, and puts his soul into it. Childhood is a wonderful time, carefree, joyful, free. But it is there, in childhood, that the foundations of an attitude to life are laid and a worldview is formed. And all this is formed thanks to the teacher. It is the teacher who lays down these initial skills. Therefore, it depends on the teacher who each child will grow up to be.
Soon I will also have the right to teach children. How to become a teacher? For me, this issue began to be resolved from an early age. When I entered 1st grade, I was already interested in the teaching profession. I tried to be like my teacher, I repeated the movements and phrases that she made. With my friends we played “school” - we tried on the role of a teacher. It was then that I began to take steps towards my future profession. Time passed. Hobbies changed. And interest in the teaching profession only grew. By the end of school, naturally, the questions arose: “who should I be?”, “where to study,” “what should I devote my whole life to?” It didn’t take long to think to answer these questions. And, of course, I chose my favorite profession - teacher. All that remained was to turn your hobbies into the meaning of life. And I entered the Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College, where I am still studying today, in my 3rd year. After graduating from college, I will major in “Teaching in Primary Schools.”
People's lives are changing, and so is education. New technologies, forms, and methods of educating students are emerging. We could not even think about what is now the standard of education.
How not to love yours. Future profession? After completing several internships, my love for the profession, children and activities with them only grows. How nice it is to see children not walking, but running to class; how nice it is to see how people gain new knowledge with great desire; How nice it is to know that they are making progress thanks to our professional activities. How nice it is when, after many years, people who have already established themselves in life thank the teacher with a SINCERE feeling of gratitude, talk about themselves and remember the past.
Today and always, at the threshold of the classroom, students are greeted by their teacher - an example of behavior, unity of word and deed, the embodiment of the inviolability of moral guidelines. These are his words that are repeated at home to parents and in the yard to friends... He has no right to make a mistake, because growing people look at him - searchingly, demandingly, seriously. From time immemorial, this word has been used to describe people who pass on knowledge, views and beliefs to students, showing them the path in life. Teacher – that sounds PROUD!

Anastasia Yuryevna Tuganova, 3rd year student, specialty 050146 Teaching in primary classes, Kamyshlos Pedagogical College

The teaching profession has been respected at all times. Probably because a teacher is not just a highly educated person, but first of all someone who knows how to pass on his knowledge to others, explain the incomprehensible, and find the key to the abilities of each student.

In order to teach someone something, you must understand it perfectly yourself and be ready to answer any question. In addition, the teacher often has to answer questions that are not related to his subject, so his horizons must be broad. A teacher also needs such qualities as endurance, patience, and friendliness. The teacher must be a good psychologist and love children.

Being a teacher is very responsible because he is a role model for students in thinking and behavior. Not only does a teacher need to know perfectly the subject he is teaching, he also needs to be able to teach. Every child in the class must understand the material. And children are all different, so the teacher should be attentive to everyone. He must find an approach to everyone, interest them in his subject, show its importance and usefulness in the lives of students. At the same time, the teacher is obliged to respect the student’s individuality and not humiliate him, even by giving him a bad grade. Students love such a teacher, listen attentively and complete assignments with interest.

My favorite teachers will forever remain in my heart. They are all different, with different approaches to their work. But there is something in common that earns me respect - fairness, attentiveness, the ability to explain in an interesting way, understanding. I am sure that we have a lot to be grateful for to our teachers and appreciate them. The best gratitude to a teacher from a student, as my favorite teacher said, is his willingness to learn and be successful in his future life.

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Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Profession teacher”

Is a teacher a profession or a calling?

Teaching is one of the oldest professions on earth. Even in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, people revered for their intelligence and knowledge became teachers. And it was considered a great honor to become a disciple of a philosopher, to comprehend the secrets of the world. We know examples from history: the teacher, for example, of Alexander the Great was the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle. And who knows whether Alexander would have become such a great warrior and king if not for the lessons of his mentor.

Many people believe that teaching is a profession from God. It’s not even a profession, it’s a calling. Indeed, how many spiritual qualities should a person who wants to become a teacher unite in his character: firmness, boundless patience, severity and gentleness, trust and the ability to be an example in everything. And most importantly - love, love for life, for the learning process, and above all, for children. L. Tolstoy also noted that a good teacher is one who combines love for his work and love for his students.

From a young age we are surrounded by teachers. They reveal to us the secrets of numbers, explain the laws of nature, and introduce us to the masterpieces of world culture. They open doors for us to this wonderful world, filled with the joy of recognition. Real teachers teach us not so much science as the ability to learn, to find the source of knowledge ourselves. They awaken in us a craving for the good and the bright. It is these teachers who inspire.

How much in a person’s life depends on who will be his teacher. After all, teachers give us not only knowledge on the subject, they teach us about life, cultivate in a little person the ability to rejoice and love, hope and believe, be strong and courageous, hardy and faithful, smart and self-confident. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that a student is a torch that needs to be lit. And only a real Teacher can do this.

And Dmitry Mendeleev noted: “All the pride of a teacher lies in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.” Indeed, teachers are always behind the discoveries of scientists, behind the achievements of professors and scientists. We become adults and choose our own path. But each of us always contains a piece of the soul given to us by our teachers. It is no coincidence that, even after many years, we cross the threshold of school with such trepidation and remember our teachers with such warmth.

Those who want to become a teacher in the future will have to go through a great school of life. And only those who feel a calling within themselves should choose this profession - to be a teacher, mentor, friend, adviser and example in everything.

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My future profession is a teacher (School essays)

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I want to become a teacher, because this profession is one of the most necessary, important and noble. School is an obligatory stage in the life of each of us. He leaves his mark on our destinies, views, souls.

There are many professions in the world, and they are all interesting in their own way. So it is very difficult to find your calling in life. The choice of profession depends on your abilities and goals in life. I really enjoy working with children.

My mother and grandmother are also teachers. Since childhood, I watch my mother work every day. I see this work not only from the outside, like other students, but also from the inside. Yes it is hard. Yes, this is daily painstaking work. Preparing for lessons, celebrating holidays... But with all this, my mother never regretted her choice of profession. Here, you are teaching a lesson. The clean, trusting eyes of the children look at you carefully. An entire generation is growing up before your eyes. And you made every effort to raise real worthy people from these guys. The teacher nurtures children like little sprouts. He prepares the ground for them and watches their gradual growth with interest. And by the end of the training you get a beautiful blossoming flower. When a teacher sees the result of his work: a kind, honest, decent person - an accomplished person, then this is the highest reward for him.

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Attention, TODAY only!

Very soon the time will come when the carefree days of school will be behind you, and you will need to make serious and important choices in life. Which path to the future should you choose? Which profession should you prefer? Already now it is necessary to think about these questions, because making a choice, and especially so that it is correct, is not at all an easy matter.

In the modern world there are quite a few professions that are very important and exciting. More and more universities are opening that train first-class specialists in a particular industry. Of course, everyone chooses their own specialty based on their interests and abilities. For example, I want to become a primary school teacher. It’s so great to go to school on the first of September and lead by the hand kids who know nothing at all about school and look at you with such surprise and interest with wide open eyes. It’s so nice to know that with the help of your work, little children turn into individuals, and how their knowledge accumulates by the end of the fourth grade.

A primary school teacher opens up a huge and interesting world to children. How many new and exciting things children learn in primary school: about plants, animals, objects, concepts; they learn to read, write and count correctly. In order to become a highly qualified teacher, you need to master more than one school subject. Future teachers need to study the Russian language, literature, mathematics, the basics of teaching, human physiology and anatomy, history, geography and psychology. Therefore, I study diligently at school and carefully prepare for admission.

A person who does not love children cannot become a teacher. After all, only love and patience make it possible to devote one hundred percent to your future profession. After all, children are different, and you always need to be able to find an approach to each child. A teacher is also a good psychologist who can patiently and persistently explain a new topic more than once, listen and advise how to act in a given situation. Children are different, so you need to help them become better, develop and study well.

Becoming a real teacher means being educated in all areas, working hard on yourself, improving your knowledge and skills. This profession requires endurance and patience. A teacher is a living and clear example for a young student, so you always need to look decent in the eyes of a student, you need to skillfully interest him and arouse interest in a particular subject.

In the future, I want to become exactly the kind of teacher who will love what he does. I will strive to improve my skills and constantly develop in my profession.