Where is the real Lenin? Why wasn't Lenin buried immediately and what awaits the leader in the coming years? Lunar project "Star"

We all remember the well-known propaganda phrase for the entire Union, torn from Mayakovsky's Komsomol Song: "Lenin lived, Lenin is alive and will live." In any case, those who come from the USSR will understand what I mean.

92 years have passed since the death of the leader. Almost an anniversary. The year 2016 was supposed to be special and significant for the icon of all communist representatives and followers of the leader in Russia. But - it didn't happen. As usual, we talked and decided to do nothing. Based on the public tension created by the press, the topic of reburial of Lenin, perhaps, will again break records in the headlines of the top domestic media in 2017 ...

Today, the name of Lenin is again at the hearing - politicians, historians, scientists are talking about him. The president himself did not disdain either - albeit philosophically, he quite openly declared his personal attitude towards Russia.

If you do not say out loud my personal disgust for the main director of the coup in Tsarist Russia and try to characterize what exactly Volodya Ulyanov remembers for most of us, then it will look very stereotyped: Lenin is the main Bolshevik, Marxist, ideologist and organizer of the Communist Party of Russia. Was in power for 5 years. And if you dig deeper:

V. Lenin is an absolute record holder, world champion in the number of monuments erected on the planet. And Lenin Street - in almost every city in Russia and in the villages. And not only in Russia. And his embalmed body is still in an open sarcophagus under Red Square.

If it is even simpler, then you can simply limit yourself to a modest definition of Vladimir Putin in the above video ...

Definitely, 92 years ago, a man who changed the course of Russian history in the last century died. The one whom some people praise as a god, while others curse. But the debate still continues about why Lenin was not buried? And will there be a rethink in the near future?

This article is devoted to the fate of these disputes in national history.

V.I.Lenin at the 3rd Congress of the Comintern (to the right, the artist I.I.Brodsky). Moscow, June-July 1921

Historical facts about Lenin's death

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) died at the age of 53 in January 1924. Before his death, the leader of the young Soviet state was seriously ill and was actually paralyzed. His wife took care of him - "a true friend and ally" (as historians will write later) - N. K. Krupskaya.

The death occurred at Lenin's dacha in Gorki (this is one of the districts of the Moscow region). The year of Lenin's death coincided with the beginning of the redistribution of power between his associates, which ended with Stalin's unconditional victory.

funeral ceremony

Two days after his death, on January 23, the body of the leader was brought to Moscow. The question of the funeral began to be decided. As a result, on January 27, the embalmed body of Lenino was laid in a hastily created mausoleum. The reaction of contemporaries to such an unusual funeral was mixed.

Of course, Lenin himself repeatedly said that the proletarian revolution would change all spheres of life: language, religion, family, traditions. It turns out that his unusual funeral was part of the new system.

But first things first…

Who decided to save Lenin's body?

The memoirs of Lenin's associates tell us in different ways about who initiated this decision. So, Trotsky considers them to be Stalin. He testifies that back in 1923, at a meeting of the Politburo, Stalin spoke about the need to preserve the body of the leader, following the example of preserving the relics of saints in Orthodox Christianity.

Trotsky, Kamenev and Bukharin (according to the memoirs of Trotsky himself) then opposed this idea of ​​Stalin.

However, if we take into account the fierce hatred of Lev Davidovich for Stalin, who expelled him from the country, then one must be careful about his statements on this issue.

The versions of some historians that Lenin and Stalin were united by one idea are hardly worth trusting: Stalin wanted to offer his people a new religion, where Lenin would become a god, and he would become a king.

There are versions according to which, when asked why Lenin was not buried, but embalmed, the answer sounds like this:

Among the Bolsheviks there were people who believed that science would soon be able to find a way to resurrect people from the dead, so they contributed to keeping the body of their leader intact.
The attitude of Lenin's relatives to his embalming

The wife of the Bolshevik leader, a prominent representative of this party, N. K. Krupskaya, judging by her own recollections, resisted this method of burying her husband. She tried to prove the necessity of habitual burial. However, no one heard the words of the widow. Also, the protests of Lenin's brother and sisters, who also had weight in the Bolshevik Party, were not heard.

Krupskaya was ordered to hand over her husband's belongings, which she did with tears in her eyes.

Later, she was never able to go to the mausoleum. But this was decided by Lenin's younger brother, Dmitry Ulyanov. However, he could not stand the sad sight for a long time and, seeing the Lenin mausoleum inside, came out with tears. Dmitry Ilyich could not see his brother in the form of a lifeless doll.

Why Lenin was not buried: a version of the last will of the leader

At the end of the 80s. of the last century, when Lenin's glory faded in the hearts of Soviet citizens, versions began to appear that he himself wanted to be buried next to his mother, Maria Alexandrovna (now Lenin's two unmarried sisters are buried at this place).

The author of this version was the historian A. Artyunov. He believed that the Bolsheviks, in their own way disposing of the body of the leader, actually violated the will of a dying person. The year of Lenin's death was difficult for the country; at that time, many letters from "ordinary Soviet people" about the need to preserve the body of the leader were published in the press. However, the historian believed that it was not the citizens, but Lenin himself who had the right to decide whether he would be embalmed or still be awarded the usual cemetery peace.

But today this version does not stand up to criticism because no written evidence of either Lenin himself or his relatives has been preserved, which would make it clear that V.I. Ulyanov wanted to be buried with his mother.
Perhaps, being an atheist, Lenin did not attach importance to the place of his burial at all.

Unusual funeral as an element in the creation of the myth about Lenin

Immediately after the October Revolution, having seized the telegraph and the media, the Bolsheviks set themselves the task of broadly agitating their ideas. This activity was successful for them. Many people believed in communist dreams thanks to the well-established propaganda system.

Varlamov Alexey Grigorievich. Lenin and children.

Immediately, the press, which is within the sphere of influence of party leaders, began to create the image of a formidable leader - the invincible Vladimir Ilyich, a friend of the people and a courageous fighter for their freedom.

This exaltation of the image of Lenin continued throughout his life. Maxim Gorky is credited with saying that the new Soviet Russia needed a new faith, a new religion, and the image of Christ, and occupied the image of Lenin, a fighter and sufferer for the people's happiness. Therefore, Lenin also had to be immortal, he must be able to rise from the dead.

Consciously or unconsciously, but the members of the Bolshevik Party did a lot in creating the myth of the leader. When Lenin's body was not interred, the myth about him only grew stronger.

By the way, when I.V. Stalin died many years later, he was also embalmed and laid in the mausoleum. True, Lenin and Stalin did not lie together for long: after Khrushchev's revelations, Stalin's body was secretly buried near the Kremlin wall.

Today, the mausoleum and the body of the leader lying in it still cause heated debate among contemporaries. Many of them can no longer answer the question of why Lenin was not buried? But the very image of the Mausoleum irritates them. The other part of the country's population treats the mausoleum with mixed feelings: from curiosity to expressing respect for the memory of the leader.

Did the leader deserve such a fate? It's also not entirely clear. But I dare to assume that the problem of Lenin's burial and the very discussion in society, rising in its ratings from year to year, will reach its climax in 2016. Let's wait and see.

I answer: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin was buried in the mausoleum on Moscow's Red Square in 1924!

So everyone knows it! — perhaps someone will tell me. Why write about it?!

Everyone knows. Right. But some people doubt! Several publications have already appeared in the media, which say that Lenin had a double, and they say that he was buried with honors in the mausoleum. And some comrades in general are now asserting that Lenin did not exist!

Here is another similar publication on the popular KRAMOLA website:

“While others are arguing about the need to bury the body of the leader of the world proletariat, Anton Kolmykov, a forensic expert from Samara, claims that it is not Vladimir Ilyich LENIN who lies in the Mausoleum at all. If only because such a person never existed! "Deputy head of the Central NEAT of Samara came to the conclusion that we are dealing with the greatest falsification, the script of which was written in the USA. We talked with a man who dared to encroach on the "icon" of the 70-year segment of Russian history.

- Anton Nikolayevich, did you become interested in the personality of the leader of the world proletariat by studying newspapers?

Snapped photos. They were clearly not Ulyanov. For me, how specialist in forensic medicine and forensics, It is obvious. And then: in all foreign publications he appeared as Nikolai Lenin. Not once V. I. Lenin!

I want to confess to the reader that at first I believed in this sensation about Lenin's double! Well, people will not just like that, I thought, raise kipish in the media about such a person as Vladimir Lenin !!!

However, believing them, I decided to double-check everything myself. And since the experts who concluded that it was not Lenin lying in the mausoleum worked exclusively with photographs, which expert Anton Kolmykov admitted, I also decided to work with photographs of Lenin.

As for the name of Lenin Nicholas in foreign media, I believe that this is just his pseudonym for foreign media, like the well-known pseudonym of the founder of MARXISM Karl Marx, whose real name and surname were Mardechai Marx Levi - never Karl!

So, a simple photographer Anton Blagin against a specialist in forensic medicine and forensic science Anton Kolmykov.

Lenin, the same one who was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin in Russia and Nikolai Lenin in foreign media, was the son of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, this man, indicated in a family photo with a red circle:

In the photo, the Ulyanov family, 1879. The young Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov is marked with a blue circle.

In these three photographs, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov in different years of his life, respectively in 1887, in 1895 and in 1923. He is very similar to his father, Ilya Nikolaevich, especially in the middle photo. The last (right) photograph of Ulyanov-Lenin was taken a few months before the death of the "leader of the world proletariat" from a brain disease. In all three photographs, we see the same eyes, the same shallow eye sockets, the same wide and rounded forehead, and the same nose.

The main organizer of the Red Army, Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky), at the funeral of his friend Lenin, said the following speech:

Lenin and Trotsky surrounded by the main driving force of the revolution in Russia in 1917 - "Jews of all countries", those who are "proletarians".

Speech by L.D. Trotsky (Bronstein): “Lenin is gone. There is no more Lenin. The dark laws governing the work of blood vessels cut short this life. Medicine turned out to be powerless to accomplish what millions of human hearts demanded of it with passion.

How many among them are those who, without hesitation, would give their own blood to the last drop, if only to revive, revive the work of the blood vessels of the great leader, Lenin, Ilyich, the one and only. But the miracle did not happen where science was powerless. And now Lenin is gone. These words fall on consciousness like a giant rock in the sea. Is it possible to believe, is it conceivable to admit?

The consciousness of the working people of the whole world will not want to accept this fact, for the enemy is still terribly strong, the path is long, the great work is not finished - the greatest in history; for Lenin is needed by the world working class, as, perhaps, no one has ever been needed in human history.

More than 10 months lasted the second attack of the disease, more severe than the first. Blood vessels, according to the bitter expression of doctors, "played" all the time. It was a terrible game of Ilyich's life. Improvements could be expected, almost a complete restoration, but disasters could also be expected. We were all waiting for a recovery, but a catastrophe came. The respiratory center of the brain refused to serve - and extinguished the center of the most brilliant thought.

And now there is no Ilyich. The party is orphaned. Orphaned working class. It is this feeling that is generated primarily by the news of the death of a teacher, a leader.

How will we go forward, will we find the way, won't we go astray? For Lenin, comrades, is no longer with us!

There is no Lenin, but there is Leninism. The immortal in Lenin - his teaching, his work, his method, his example - lives in us, in the party that he created, in that first workers' state that he led and directed.

Our hearts are now stricken with such immeasurable sorrow because, by the great grace of history, we were all born contemporaries of Lenin, worked side by side with him, learned from him. Our party is Leninism in action. A particle of Lenin lives in each of us - the one that makes up the best part of each of us.

How do we go forward? With a lantern of Leninism in his hands. Will we find a way? With the collective thought, the collective will of the Party, we will find it!

And tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and in a week, and in a month, we will ask ourselves: is Lenin really not there? For his death will seem for a long time to come as an incredible, impossible, monstrous arbitrariness of nature.

Let the same prick of the needle that we feel, which the heart will feel every time at the thought that Lenin is no more, become for each of us a reminder, a warning, an appeal: your responsibility has increased. Be worthy of the leader who raised you.

In sorrow, in mourning, in grief, let us close our ranks and hearts, let us close them closer for new battles.

Comrades, brothers, Lenin is not with us. Farewell, Ilyich! Farewell, leader! .. "

So who was buried in the mausoleum on Moscow's Red Square?

Here is Anton Kolmykov's explanation:

The form of the auricle of Vladimir Ulyanov, captured during a sound recording in the Kremlin (1919), and Nikolai Lenin (1917) is different:

These photographs (supposedly of different Lenin) Anton Kolmykov cited in his article "Who lies in the Mausoleum?"

Meanwhile, I do not see any differences in the shape of the auricle here, only the different quality of the images is striking. And the ears are the same!

Now look at my photo juxtaposition. On the left, Lenin in a coffin on January 23, 1924. On the right is a photograph of a living Lenin, captured in profile during his arrest by the Moscow secret police in 1895. In order to compare the contour of Lenin's head in both photographs, I had to mirror the second photograph and also tilt it almost 90 degrees. Thanks to this, we now see in these two pictures the same person at different ages. Not only the contours of his skull match, but even the auricles, despite the fact that I had to flip the right picture in a mirror image, and Lenin's right ear in the right picture is actually his left ear. And yet, when making comparisons, do not forget about the age difference. On the left, Lenin is 54 years old, on the right, he is only 25 years old.

Rare newsreels depicting V.I. Lenin:

And these are some photos of V.I. Lenin:

From the personal file of V.I. Lenin, who was arrested in 1895.

V.I. Lenin in 1919. Radio performance.

1920 IN AND. Lenin speaks to the soldiers.

1922 V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya.

1922 Lenin and Stalin.

1923 A few months left before the death of V.I. Lenin ...

After the death of the leader, as you know, a struggle for power over Russia broke out between two historical figures - between Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky) and Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin). The fate of Russia and its multinational people then depended on which of them would win. If Trotsky, who dreamed of a world revolution, had won in the struggle for power, then Russia would have been literally turned by him into a "bunch of brushwood" to ignite the "world revolution", which he spoke about more than once when he shared his plans for the future with his comrades-in-arms.

Stalin hatched completely different plans, he wanted to save Russia from this terrible fate - to be a "bunch of brushwood." He wanted to build on the ruins of the Russian Empire the world's first state of workers and peasants! And he was able to convince many Bolshevik-Leninists of the correctness of this goal. Stalin succeeded in doing this, referring primarily to the authority of Lenin. And since Lenin was in authority both among the Trotskyists and among Trotsky himself, Stalin, who had the education of an Orthodox priest (!), Decided to make him literally "icon for prayer", thus putting into practice what Leon Trotsky said at Lenin's funeral: " Our party is Leninism in action, our party is the collective leader of the working people. A particle of Lenin lives in each of us - the one that makes up the best part of each of us. How do we go forward? With a lantern of Leninism in his hands. Will we find a way? By the collective thought, by the collective will of the party, we will find!..

So, at the suggestion of Trotsky and in the performance of Stalin in the new Russia, which was then called the RSFSR, a new religious "egregor" appeared under the name LENINISM, to which millions of communists, not only the Soviet Union, but also all other countries that switched to socialist, had to pray. way of development.

The last photo shows the leader of the current communists in Russia, Gennady Zyuganov. Judging by the poster posted behind the backs of the sitting, Lenin even today replaces God for the communists.

Whether this is good or bad is for the reader to judge. I will only modestly invite him to read my previous very interesting article:


Fragment of Al Oleg's publication "What to do with the Mausoleum?"

He died at 6:50 pm...

On March 21, 1924, after negotiations between V. Zbarsky and the head of the Cheka-OGPU F. Dzerzhinsky, a decision was made: to start conservation of Lenin's body.

By the day of the funeral On January 27, 1924, an unusual building appeared on Red Square in the center of Moscow.

It had the shape of a pyramidal structure known to historians from ancient Babylonia.

The building was rebuilt three times until it received its final form in 1930. This building, where the corpse of "Lenin" was put on public display, became known as the "mausoleum".
Next to the "mausoleum", in the Kremlin wall, there is a cemetery of other distinguished communists.

On the night after Lenin's death, January 22, 1924, a commission was set up to organize the funeral. It included F. E. Dzerzhinsky, V. M. Molotov, K. E. Voroshilov, V. D. Bonch-Bruevich.
The commission instructed the sculptor S. D. Merkurov to remove the plaster mask from Lenin’s face and hands, to invite the famous Moscow pathologist A. I. Abrikosov for temporary embalming and autopsy of the body. It was decided to place the coffin with the body in the Hall of Columns for farewell, followed by burial on Red Square.

AI Abrikosov, an authority in the field of anatomy, considered the work to preserve the body meaningless, since pigmentation appeared on the body and the process of tissue drying began.
He said that science does not have a method of preserving the body of the dead, familiar to the everyday image of a living person. Krupskaya and Voroshilov also did not support the idea of ​​preserving a corpse imitating an eternally living leader. F. Dzerzhinsky intervened in the course of events with a proposal to conserve the corpse.

February 4, 1924 L.D. Krasin suggested using the low temperature method. According to his project, the sarcophagus with the corpse was supposed to be cooled air from the refrigerator.
On February 26, a commission was established to monitor the condition and embalming of the body. It includes N.A. Semashko S. Weisbrod, V.N. Rozanov, V.P. Vorobyov and B.I. Zbarsky.

On March 26, mummification procedures for the red pharaoh began. The following arrived at the temporary mausoleum: pathologist V.P. Vorobyov, biochemist B.I. Zbarsky and prosector Shabadash.

Lenin was decomposing and Dzerzhinsky decided to embalm the appointee in the "eternally alive" in the basement, located under the temporary mausoleum. At the first session, the lungs, liver and spleen were removed, the chest was washed. Incisions were made all over the body: on the stomach, on the shoulders, legs, back and palms of the hands, so that the balm would penetrate and soak the whole body well.
After the corpse was immersed in a rubber bath filled with elixir. The composition of the elixir included: glycerin, potassium acetate, water and chlorine-quinine. This composition was proposed in the 19th century by the scientist Melnikov-Razvedenkov, who used such a solution during anatomical preparation.

By May 26, everything was over and the delegates of the XIII Party Congress visited the mausoleum. Lenin's brother, Dmitry Ulyanov, who ended his days in a lunatic asylum, came out and muttered: "I can't say anything now, I'm excited. He lies the way I saw him immediately after his death." And Nadenka looked and said: "Well, now he is younger, and I am quite an old woman."

After Lenin's death, the Politburo came up with the idea to organize a secret scientific study of the brain of the deceased "leader of the world proletariat" in order to materially substantiate his genius. On February 16, 1925, an organizational meeting was held at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. It was attended by: A.I. Abrikosov, V.V. Bunak, B.V. Weisbord, A.A. Deshin, V.V. Kramer, L.S. Minor and Director of the Neurobiological Institute of the University of Berlin Prof. Focht. The question was solved: Can a cytoarchitectonic study confirm the genius of V.I. Lenin? Everyone said: Yes.

Professor Focht offered to send 2-3 young scientists to the University of Berlin, who, having been present at the processing of Lenin's brain and having received the necessary experience, could then continue the research begun in Berlin. The brain must be cut into layers, 1.8 centimeters thick, the layers embedded in paraffin, then thin sections must be made for post-mortem examination and photography ... At the Institute of Neurobiology of the University of Berlin there were experienced staff working under the direction of Professor Focht, there was a good tools for such work. The preparation should be embedded in paraffin as soon as possible, since, remaining in the fixative liquid, it becomes unable to perceive the coloring matter, which made it impossible to study it.

In Moscow at that time there were no experienced workers for such studies, no preparations, no instruments ... The People's Commissariat of Health N. Semashko supported the scientists' opinion and sent the document to the Politburo with an accompanying note. After reviewing the documents, Ilyich's brains decided not to let him go abroad. It was decided to organize work in Moscow, for which an instruction was given to create the Institute of the Brain. Vogt wanted to drag ownerless brains into his scientific kennel... Then he would become not only the main custodian of Lenin's brains, but also of any divertissements on a topic set by the Communards. Subsequently, Focht, with whom an agreement was concluded and who was appointed director of the institute, did not appear in Moscow for years. (Offended!)

Nevertheless, Focht received from Semashko one section of Lenin's brain, which he used in his lectures and public speeches in Germany. Transparencies were made from this section, which were compared with sections of the brains of other people, including criminals.

Exploring the brain of Lenin, Vogt put forward a mechanistic theory of genius. The essence of this theory was substantiated by the presence in the brain of a large number of peculiarly arranged pyramidal cells. The Kremlin was delighted with this theory. But the jubilation was short-lived. Soon after the sensational "discovery" of Professor Focht, an article by Professor Spielmeier appeared in the German Encyclopedia of Mental Illness, stating that such a large number of pyramidal cells are also found in ... feeble-minded people.

To simulate dozens of technological processes occurring in a real mausoleum, the Research Institute of Biological Structures of the Ministry of Health was created: - Research and training center of biomedical technologies at the address: Krasina street, house 2. The communists created a special unit to work out technologies for maintaining Lenin's body in good condition. The unit houses the "leader's" occult technical complex. It includes: a full-size model of the room in which the real corpse of Lenin lies, a sarcophagus - an exact copy of the real sarcophagus on Red Square, a trolley mechanism for transporting the body.

To check the effectiveness of balm recipes, a department was provided where, in separate boxes, separated by glass partitions, corpses were kept, from among the dead homeless people, with anthropological parameters close to those of Lenin. L.B. Krasin was a follower of the philosopher N.F. Fedorov, who put forward the idea of ​​artificial revival of ancestors. Krasin hoped for the resurrection of the leader in the flesh. “Why, then,” one of the heroes of A. Platonov’s “The Pit” reasoned, “Lenin lies whole in Moscow? He is waiting for science - he wants to resurrect.”

Bukharin wrote about "the need to achieve immortality in the shortest possible time as the main point of the Bolshevik program" Death, according to Bukharin "snub-nosed Menshevik", is the most counter-revolutionary creature in the world, a remedy for which a German scientist must certainly invent ... One of the representatives " proletarian "science, which was engaged in the empirical implementation of immortality, was the slander of Lenin A.A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky).

The writings of this "scientist" contain direct appeals to satanism . The founder of the "Institute of Blood" of the State Scientific Institute of Blood Transfusion and its first head, Bogdanov performed experiments using designated donors. The essence of these experiments is revealed in the book of Bogdanov himself "General Organizational Science (Tectology) - young blood with its materials taken from young tissues should help an aging organism. Here we see a direct correlation with the practice of using stem cells taken from unborn babies by modern vivisectors. Bogdanov died April 7, 1928 during a "self-experiment," as reported in the obituary, carrying out an experimental test of methods for increasing the vitality of the human organization.

brought together experts on the issue of arranging a grave on Red Square with the subsequent erection of a mausoleum. The decision to build the mausoleum allegedly came from the workers and peasants, who flooded with letters and telegrams, with a request to perpetuate the body of Vladimir Ilyich. It's hard to believe, because according to Russian tradition, the dead are buried in the ground. A narrow circle decided to mummify the corpse of Ulyanov. Krupskaya and Voroshilov were against. Anatomist Professor Abrikosov

tried to convince the management, arguing that the body had time to become covered with age spots. Dzerzhinsky intervened, and on March 26, 1924, mummification began.

THE FIRST MAUSOLEUM: The first mausoleum of Lenin was built according to the project of Shchusev in haste, it should be done by the day of the funeral on January 27, 1924. It was wooden in the shape of a cube and was crowned with a three-stage pyramid. He stood until the spring of 1924.

SIGN: When digging a pit

touched a sewer pipe, because of which the site under the Lenin mausoleum was filled with feces. Having learned about this, Patriarch Tikhon said this: "according to the relics and oil."

2nd MAUSOLEUM: In the second temporary wooden Mausoleum, installed in the spring of 1924 (designed by A. V. Shchusev), stands were attached to the stepped volume on both sides.

LAYOUT: In 1929, a life-size model was installed on Red Square (the photo shows a quarter of the mausoleum with a characteristic corner-column).

3rd MAUSOLEUM: The current one was built in 1929-1930.

The design commission was headed by Voroshilov, the chief architect was A. Shchusev (photo).

MILITARY SECRET: Interestingly, the commission was headed by Kliment Voroshilov - People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Apparently, the construction was such a big secret.

CULTURAL TEMPLE: It is interesting that Shchusev, who created Orthodox churches before the revolution, was chosen as the chief architect. The decision to appoint him was made personally by Stalin, who apparently already conceived the plan of the "new Moscow". The photo shows the Intercession Cathedral, built by Shchusev in 1914 in the then popular "neo-Russian style" in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, Bolshaya Ordynka Street, 34с13.

MAGIC: It can be seen that Lenin's mausoleum was conceived according to the laws of magic. You can see a strange niche in the right corner that few people notice. This niche has an internal protruding angle, similar to a longitudinal spike.

There is a version that the task of a niche is to meet and absorb what came from people passing by. No one can pass by the Lenin Mausoleum without being in the “work zone” of the niche.

And in front of Lenin's mausoleum, military parades and demonstrations were organized. And Stalin often stood during parades just above the niche.

REVISED MUMMY: There is a video showing the inside of the mausoleum from a security camera in the dead of night. The mummy lying inside Lenin's mausoleum begins to slowly raise its left arm, then lifts its upper body forward and falls back into the sarcophagus. American Professor of Philadelphia University of Mechanics John Capri Jr. and a group of scientists concluded that the recording does not contain editing or special effects. There was no overlay of layers, repainting, inserting frames. The storyboard numbers and time indicators correspond to the standards of the cameras filming the Lenin Mausoleum inside. Scientists requested permission to access the body of Lenin, but it was not given, citing secrecy.

HE GROWS: There is unconfirmed information that almost a century after the burial, Lenin's nails and hair continue to grow.

MOVING: Lenin's body left the Mausoleum during the Great Patriotic War. The "moving" took place in Tyumen, where the building, outwardly resembling a palace, served as the Mausoleum. ATTACKS: The mausoleum and the body of Lenin in different years tried to damage. In 1934, the collective farmer Nikitin tried to shoot at the sarcophagus with the body of Lenin, but the attempt was unsuccessful. In 1960, a visitor from Kyrgyzstan Minibaev smashed the sarcophagus with a kick. Shards of glass pierced Lenin's body. The mausoleum had to be closed for a month for restoration work.


WORKING HOURS: Mausoleum working hours are all days of the week except Monday and Friday. Schedule from 10.00 to 13.00.

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On January 27, 1924, the coffin with the body of Lenin was placed in a wooden mausoleum built in a matter of days on Red Square. The decision not to bury the body was not unprecedented: earlier cases of embalming are known. But not for individuals of this magnitude. However, the example of the leader of the world proletariat proved to be contagious. Over the next half century, the bodies of many political figures were mummified.

(Total 11 photos)

1. Joseph Stalin

Lenin's successor died on March 5, 1953, and four days later the coffin was transported on a gun carriage from the House of the Unions to Red Square. At noon, artillery fireworks thundered over the Kremlin, the whole country fell silent for five minutes. Stalin's body lay in the mausoleum until 1961, until the XXII Congress of the CPSU decided that "Stalin's serious violations of Lenin's precepts, abuse of power, mass repressions against honest Soviet people and other actions during the period of the cult of personality make it impossible to leave the coffin with his body in the Mausoleum IN AND. Lenin. A day later, Stalin was buried near the Kremlin wall.

2. Mao Zedong

The tomb of the longtime leader of the People's Republic of China is one of the main attractions of Beijing. The mausoleum was erected on Tiananmen Square in 1977. The building area is more than 57 thousand square meters. In addition to the hall for visitors, where a crystal coffin with the mummified corpse of Mao is placed, the mausoleum houses the hall of revolutionary achievements, and on the second floor there is a cinema hall. There they show the documentary film "Tosca", dedicated to the life of an idol.

3. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

After the founder of the North Korean state Kim Il Sung passed away in 1994, his son Kim Jong Il ordered the leader's residence to be converted into a mausoleum. Officially, it is called the Kymsusan Memorial Palace of the Sun. In 2011, the body of Kim Jong Il was laid next to the sarcophagus of the Eternal President of the DPRK. It is forbidden to take pictures, talk loudly and appear in bright clothes in the mausoleum.

4. Ho Chi Minh

The first president of North Vietnam asked in his will to be cremated, his ashes to be placed in three ceramic urns and buried in different parts of the country. But his will was not carried out. When the politician died in 1969, Soviet specialists embalmed his body. At first, the mummy was kept in a secret place to protect it from American bombing during the Vietnam War, and the glass coffin was transferred to the mausoleum in Hanoi six years after the death of Ho Chi Minh. Around the tomb there is a garden where about 250 species of flora grow from different regions of Vietnam.

5. Georgy Dimitrov

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, who was called the "Bulgarian Lenin", died in 1949 in Barvikha, near Moscow, where he came for treatment. The body was taken to Sofia, embalmed and placed in a mausoleum. There it lay until 1990, when the communist regime fell. At the request of his relatives (according to the official version), Dimitrov was reburied, and the crypt was demolished.

6. Eva Peron

Eva was the wife of Argentine President Juan Peron, for her active citizenship she was considered the spiritual leader of the nation. The woman died at the age of 33 from cancer, and her embalmed body was put on public display. After the overthrow of Juan Peron in 1955, the mummy was moved to Milan and buried. Having regained the presidency, Peron sent Eva's body to his homeland and placed it in the family crypt.

To work to preserve the lifetime appearance of Lenin's body. Anastasia Mamina scared several pathologists away by finding out for Bird In Flight what was being done with Ilyich's body.

I would never have thought that one day pathologists would run away from me, flashing their heels, throwing an insulting “And don’t write to me anymore.”

Like all Moscow post-Soviet children, I, of course, was in the Lenin Mausoleum in the third grade. I remember the excitement caused by the prospect of not sitting in boring lessons, but going to look at the corpse. However, Lenin did not make a big impression on me, a third-grader: he was very small, frail, and for some reason yellow.

Therefore, when I was given the task to tell about what they do with the body of the leader so that for more than 90 years it remains, albeit yellow and frail, but still similar to a person, I was terribly inspired. Especially when I read on the public procurement website that the state paid 13 million rubles (about 200 thousand dollars) for medical and biological work on the body of Vladimir Ilyich.

bathe so bathe

First of all, I turned to the mausoleum itself and to the institute that won the tender. There, luck did not smile on me. But I found out that for divulging state secrets, you can go to jail for four years quite well. (many documents relating to Lenin's body are still classified. - Approx. ed.).

Well, nothing, I thought naively. Now I will find a couple of pathologists, some biologist in the subject, I will take a couple of interviews, and the plot is in my pocket. It turned out that everything is not so simple.

... Biologist Vitaly (name changed) has big blue eyes and sinewy hands. He sits opposite me and tries to pretend that this is how he would like to spend the evening: in a cafe with a journalist he hardly knows.

You see, - he sighs and smoothly draws something in the air, - I can try to explain to you on my fingers what and how they do with it, but you can also look it up on the Internet.

I don't want to use the Internet, - I shake my head, - I want a speaker. Alive. With big eyes.

Vitaly sincerely wants to help, but does not really understand how. He explains to me that the body of the leader is bathed successively in different baths: one with a solution of glycerol, another with formaldehyde, and several more whirlpools with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (it is needed to whiten the skin, otherwise it will become stained), sodium acetate and potassium , acetic acid solution. Lenin takes baths longer than any girl - for a month and a half. But only once every year and a half. At this time the mausoleum is closed.

The funny thing is, - Vitaly says, biting off a croissant, - that when Lenin died, they opened him ... Well, not for embalming, in short. They cut open his main arteries and blood vessels. If the pathologist had thought that the leader was still lying and lying, he, of course, would not have done so. And so - the circulatory system yok; how to distribute the embalming compositions is not clear. Well, in the end, they poked him with microinjections, stuffed him into a rubber suit so that nothing would fall out ... Why don’t you eat? Your soup is cold.

Well, in the end, they stab him with microinjections, stuffed him into a rubber suit so that nothing would fall out ... Why don't you eat? Your soup is cold.

"In a human way" did not work

After saying goodbye to Vitaly, I decide to turn to history (enough biological details for me). Armed with a large cup of tea, I open my laptop and bury my nose in 1924, when the terrible news swept across the country: Lenin died.

The idea of ​​mummifying the leader came up with just a few smart people, most of the government then considered it barbaric. And the widow of the deceased, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, asked to bury her husband "in a human way." The Soviet people were given a chance to say goodbye to Ilyich - they put the body on public display for a couple of months. Lenin died in January, and the frost was just right, so that the leader was perfectly preserved and almost did not even rot. Then the authorities consulted and decided: why should the good disappear, let's save it. Responsibility was placed on Soviet scientists.

While I am mentally in 1924, the pathologist finally answers me. His contacts were given to me by a friend with the words “He is very cheerful, loves to chat, will tell you a lot of things.” Full of hope, I opened the message.

The pathologist sharply wrote that he couldn’t help me in any way, he wouldn’t divulge anything, if I was really itching to read about corpses, then here’s an excellent book, but “don’t write to me again” (and a lot of exclamation marks).

“But now it was a shame,” I thought.

I thought that it would not be difficult for me to find someone, but death experts. The main thing is to start a conversation. Easier than a steamed turnip!

... When the third pathologist asked not to disturb him anymore, I became seriously sad. But there was nothing to do - I had to come to terms with the fact that I would deal with the body of the leader myself. What should I start with?

Eyelashes are not your own, and there is a patch on the leg

If I still managed to ask the experts at least one question, it would definitely sound like this: “How much of Lenin’s body is left at all? They say only hands and face.

It turned out that doctors do not have the task of preserving as much of the body as possible. Every year there are less and less Lenin. For example, the leader’s eyelashes were false from the very beginning, and in 1945 a whole piece of skin disappeared from his leg. Then biologists created an artificial patch. Later, parts of the face also had to be created: for example, prostheses were stuffed under Lenin's eyelids. By the way, the mouth of the leader of the world proletariat was sewn up (this is cleverly hidden by a beard and mustache). Thus, the mummy does not lose its resemblance to the original.

The main task of the annual embalming of Ilyich is to preserve the so-called physical conditions of the body: appearance, weight, color, skin elasticity, flexibility of the limbs. By the way, most of Lenin's subcutaneous fat was replaced with a mixture of carotene, paraffin and glycerin - it seems to be a powerful remedy for wrinkles.

Every year there are less and less Lenin. For example, the leader's eyelashes are false from the very beginning.

Of course, Lenin is hollow inside. It sounds terrible, but all the internal organs were removed, the brain was transferred for research, and the heart, they say, is still kept in the Kremlin. By the way, the story of what happened to Lenin's brain after his death deserves a separate detective novel: a scientist from Germany was specially invited to study it, who sawed the brain into 30 parts and checked each one - he was looking for the leader's genius. Now Lenin's brain (or what's left of it) is kept behind the heavy doors of the Moscow Institute for Brain Research.

Lenin has remained unchanged for more than 90 years, and thanks for this must be said to two talented scientists: the chemist Boris Zbarsky and the anatomist Vladimir Vorobyov. Vorobyov, seeing the body of Ilyich for the first time, was horrified, waved his hands and declared that he would do nothing - the task seemed too difficult. However, colleagues managed to convince him to try.

The task before Zbarsky and Vorobyov was really almost impossible: scientists had to find their own method to save the body. Freezing shoals immediately - God forbid it thaws yet. Mummification in the form in which it existed in ancient Egypt would also not have been suitable: Lenin would have lost almost 70% of his weight, facial features would have been distorted, and this could not be allowed.

It was necessary to embalm, and very carefully. There was no one to ask for advice. Scientists worked on Lenin's body for more than four months, and in the end they managed to preserve its volume and shape. First, the body was soaked in a formaldehyde solution, then placed in a rubber bath with a 3% formalin solution. For several days, the leader “wetted”: scientists made several cuts on the body in order to impregnate the largest muscles. After that, the long-suffering Ilyich went to an alcohol bath for a couple of weeks, where glycerin was gradually added. The last step was a bath with the so-called balsamic liquid: glycerin, potassium acetate, antimicrobial 2% quinine chloride. After that, the doctors, apparently, wiped the sweat from their foreheads and sighed heavily: the experiment was considered successful.

Since then, Vladimir Ilyich has not changed at all - at least outwardly. The war began and ended, the Soviet Union collapsed, Putin went to another term, and at least Lenin had something. Embalmed with conscience.

The debate about whether to bury the body of the leader of the world proletariat (in short: all for, Zyuganov against) will continue. The communists will shout that the removal of Lenin's body is liberal fascism, the believers will argue that the funeral is necessary, otherwise it is "not Christian." Frightened pathologists will keep the secrets of the leader's ageless body, blacklisting journalists, and bright-eyed biologists will awkwardly look at the floor and send the curious to the Internet.

And only Lenin will not say anything. He will still lie in his cozy coffin, frail and yellow, receiving visitors from ten in the morning until one in the afternoon and disappointing impressionable third-graders.

He will still lie in his cozy coffin, frail and yellow, receiving visitors from ten in the morning until one in the afternoon and disappointing impressionable third-graders.

Cover photo: Lenin's body, 1993. Oleg Lastochkin / RIA Novosti / Sputnik / AFP / East News