Lessons on Steinberg's multidimensional technologies. Multidimensional didactic technology

SHUTILO Anna Alexandrovna

primary school teacher GBOU secondary school №75

Russia, St. Petersburg

Email: [email protected]

Multidimensional didactic technology of V. E. Steinberg in elementary school

Annotation: The article describes the technology of multidimensional units and its tools that can be used in different lessons, since the new educational standards (FSES) involve the formation of certain qualities in students. As a result, the teacher has to master new educational technologies.

Keywords: didactic multidimensional technology ; didactic multidimensional tools; logical and semantic models.

"Tell me and I will forget

show me and I will remember

let me do it myself - and I will learn"

( ancient chinese wisdom )

Science and life do not stand still. Today in the modern world there are many innovative technologies that meet the social needs and interests of society. Our gifted children do not allow the teacher to calm down: they force them to look for new ways to solve the didactic tasks of teaching.

Being a "traditional" teacher in today's social media world is like riding a horse when everyone else is driving cars; or the same as calling a turntable when everyone around is using smartphones, listening to cassettes when everyone has long switched to an iPod.

Therefore, if a teacher wants to keep pace with his students, then he must enter into their world. And this is just one advantage that new technologies will give him. With each new technology, we find new ways of self-improvement, improvement of our knowledge, our life, our world. Teachers who have embraced the technologies their students use are unexpectedly discovering new ways of presenting educational experiences with all the benefits of personal learning spaces. This process should be interesting and exciting, and certainly not boring. You can find out what it is only by jumping into the water, and not admiring the lake from the shore.

Primary school students have a great desire to learn as much as possible new and interesting things. It is obvious that the most valuable and stable knowledge is not that which is acquired by rote memorization, but that which is acquired independently, as a result of one's own creative searches.

All children are very curious. Therefore, the teacher should set himself the goal of turning the child into a researcher, an active student of the process of cognition, a creative person.

Having studied the multidimensional didactic technology developed by V. E. Steinberg, I realized that it can be used to solve various didactic tasks in the classroom. This technology is aimed at improving the quality of the educational process and the availability of educational material, and makes it possible to condense the unstructured knowledge space.

Didactic Multidimensional Technology (DMT) is a didactic technology of a multifunctional application related to instrumental didactics and based on the parallel presentation of information / educational material both in traditional audio form and in a visual, specially transformed, concentrated, logically convenient form using didactic multidimensional tools (DMI) that implement logical semantic modeling when students perform invariant 83forms and types of educational activities (cognitive, emotional and evaluative; subject-familiarization, verbal-logical and modeling); as well as in the preparatory, teaching and creative activities of the teacher.

Multidimensional didactic technology consists of didactic tools: mind maps or memory cards and logical-semantic models.

Didactic multidimensional tools (DMI )-cognitive-visual means of a binary (two-component) type with illustrative-mnemonic and regulatory properties (support for categorization and explication, analysis and synthesis, navigation and out-of-dialog); the semantic component of the DMI is implemented on the basis of the cognitive principles of presenting information in a semantically coherent form, and the logical component is formed by coordinate and matrix graphic elements combined into a recursive type frame, information on which is presented in a multicode form (conceptual, pictogrammatic, symbolic and other elements); a specific form of implementation of DMI - logical-semantic models, navigators, "Steinberg's semantic fractals", cognitive maps, etc.; multifunctional DMI - the main tool of didactic multidimensional technology and

are also used in traditional and new teaching technologies, in didactic design based on the principle of complementarity.

In elementary school, it is best to start with mind maps.

A memory map is a good visual material that is easy and interesting to work with, which is much easier for a student to remember than a page of printed text in a textbook. With the help of drawings, a child can display his thoughts on paper, solve creative problems, work out the information received, improve it, and make changes.

Memory cards are an image from which branched lines extend. Branches must be colored. The children love to use colored pens, pencils, felt-tip pens in the lessons. Each branch should be signed with 1-2 keywords and drawings should be used as often as possible.

Building a mind map:

1. prepare colored pens, pencils and markers;

2. lay the sheet horizontally;

3. in the center of the page in capital block letters we write and frame the main topic (1-2 keywords);

4. from the central theme, draw branches with different colored pencils;

5. we sign each branch with 1-2 words (main directions);

6. on each branch (without changing color) draw branches, sign them.

In the mind map, we not only write words, but also illustrate them: drawings, diagrams, symbols, etc. The author of the technology emphasized that there are no strict rules, just as there are no wrong cards.

It is very important to note that when building these maps, not only the logical part of the brain is used, but also the one associated with the imagination. Thanks to the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the use of images and colors, the mind map is easy to remember. If we look at the first picture and the second, we will notice that the mind map is similar to a neuron in the brain.

Drawing memory cards in the classroom is especially effective in grades 1-2, as this is an unusual type of activity, one might say, a game. Visual-figurative thinking prevails in children of this age group.

In grades 3-4, you can begin to introduce logical-semantic models (LSM).

Logical-semantic model (LSM) - a specific form of implementation of didactic multidimensional tools in the form of figurative-conceptual models containing semantic and logical components, the latter being made in a "solar" coordinate-matrix form of a recursive type to accommodate concepts (or their multi-code equivalents) and semantic links between them; LSM are used to display studied or created objects in didactic multidimensional and other technologies, in professional activities and didactic design.

It is a coordinate system. Unlike memory cards, pictures are not used here. The assimilation of concepts is carried out through the joint work of the teacher and the student. This allows you to rationally use time when learning new material. The semantic component of knowledge is represented by keywords placed on the frame and forming a connected system. In this case, one part of the keywords is located at the nodes on the coordinates and represents the connections and relationships between the elements of the same object. In general, each element of a meaningfully related system of keywords receives precise addressing in the form of a "coordinate-node" index.

LSM plays the role of a supporting didactic tool that helps the teacher to visualize the structure and logic of the content of the lesson, logically and consistently present in the lesson the educational information necessary for studying at different levels of student learning, quickly reflect on the results of their activities - how the student understands, how he argues, how he finds and operates with the necessary information, as well as timely adjust both their activities and the activities of students.

The development and construction of the LSM makes it easier for the teacher to prepare for the lesson, enhances the visibility of the material being studied, allows algorithmization of the educational and cognitive activity of students, and makes prompt feedback.

Students compose the LSM on their own after the initial acquaintance with the topic, using educational literature. Work can be done in pairs or groups. Students work on the compilation of LSM with great interest and desire.

LSM example

The methodology does not prohibit the use of LSM and mind cards when answering at the blackboard.

The teacher can use this technology when studying new material, developing skills, generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

Thus, didactic multidimensional tools-models are visual, compact, contain basic information on a topic or problem, contribute to the process of memorizing educational material by students, formalize its recording, provide a learning algorithm, and develop creative imagination. Logical-semantic models reflect intersubject and intrasubject communications. Compiling LSM for both the teacher and the student involves a lot of work with a textbook and additional reference literature on the subject. Students learn to think logically, creatively, going beyond the standard.


    Dirsha, O.L. Sychevskaya N.N. We teach to obtain knowledge// Pachatkova school. - 2013. - No. 7. - S. 56-58.

    Novik, E.A. The use of multidimensional didactic technology / E.A. Novik / / Pachatkova school. - 2012. - No. 6. - P.16-17.

    Steinberg, V.E. Didactic multidimensional technology: monograph. [Text] / V.E. Steinberg. - Ufa: BIRO, 1999. – 86 p.

    Steinberg,V.E. Design and technological activity of the teacher in modern conditions: Shteinberg V.E. Wings of the profession - an introduction to the technology of designing educational systems and processes: monograph. [Text] / V.E. Steinberg. - Ufa, 1999. -

214 p.

    SteinbergV.E. Education - a technological frontier tools, design, creativity: monograph. [Text] / V.E. Steinberg. - Ufa: BIRO, 1998. - 156 p.

    Steinberg,V.E. Tutorial on the technology of designing educational systems and processes [Text] / V.E. Steinberg. Ufa: BIPCRO, 1996. - 60 p.

APPENDIX: INTELLIGENCE MAP, LSM (3rd grade students)

Sections: Primary School

Currently I am working on the problem of “Formation of cognitive UUD through multidimensional didactic technology”.

Based on this, I consider the goal of my activity: to create conditions for the formation of cognitive UUD (work with information, object analysis, modeling) in the classroom through the use of multidimensional didactic technology.

To achieve this goal, I have set the following tasks:

1) comprehend the theoretical and methodological material on the formation of cognitive UUD in the classroom and extracurricular activities using MDT;

2) create a system of methods and techniques for the formation of cognitive UUD;

3) check the effectiveness of the system of methods and techniques for the formation of cognitive UUD.

In order to solve my pedagogical tasks, that is, to form cognitive UUD in children, I decided in my practice to use the multidimensional didactic technology developed by V.E. Steinberg. Didactic multidimensional technology (DMT) is the latest pedagogical technology that meets the requirements of modernity, the study and application of which in the educational process is expedient and relevant at the present time.

This technology attracted me with new opportunities for building any lesson. It improves the quality of the educational process and the availability of educational material. Sustainable knowledge in children is acquired as a result of their own creative searches, in the ability to model, draw up diagrams, and associate.

In the lessons I use mind maps or memory cards and logical-semantic models, which are didactic tools of multidimensional didactic technology.

A memory map is a good visual material that is easy and interesting to work with, which is much easier for a student to remember than a page of printed text in a textbook. With the help of drawings, a child can display his thoughts on paper, solve creative problems, work out the information received, improve it, and make changes.

Memory cards are an image from which branched lines diverge. Branches must be colored. Each branch should be signed with 1-2 keywords and drawings should be used as often as possible.

When it is built, not only the logical part of our brain is used, but also the one associated with the imagination. Thanks to the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the use of images and colors, the mind map is easy to remember.

Drawing cards - memory is an unusual type of activity in the lesson, one might say, a game, and therefore it is especially effective in grades 1-2, since visual-figurative thinking prevails in children of this age category.

In grades 3-4 in the educational process, you can begin to use logical-semantic models (LSM). They are based on the same principles as memory cards, but drawings are not used when building models. The assimilation of the basic concepts is carried out through the LSM as a result of the joint work of the teacher and the student. They allow you to rationally allocate time when studying new material. The knowledge gained in the process of working with models becomes deep and solid.

Any lesson on the topic under study carries complex and voluminous information. To make it accessible, we use the LSM to transform it, split it into semantic groups, in other words, draw up a plan of the topic under study and place it on the coordinates in a certain order. The teacher's questions and the students' answers are analyzed and folded into specific keywords or phrases and plotted on coordinate rays. Students compose the LSM on their own after the initial acquaintance with the topic, using educational literature. Work on the compilation of models can be carried out in pairs of permanent and shift composition, in groups where all the details are discussed and clarified. It should be noted that the students are working on the compilation of LSM with great interest and desire.

Memory cards and logical-semantic models are well applicable at all stages of the lesson. To prepare for the lesson, I use the following lesson structure for mastering new knowledge:

1. Organizational stage. Emotional mood.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5. Initial check of understanding

6. Primary fastening.

7. Information about homework, instructions for its implementation

8. Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

I want to give an example of some stages of the lessons.

1. Organizational stage.

This stage is very short-term, it determines the whole psychological mood of the lesson. The psychological mood is carried out to create a favorable working environment in the classroom, so that the children understand that they are welcome, they were expected. At this stage, you can invite children to create a mood model (Fig. 1).

Children, choosing an adjective-mood, paint over it, or sign their own version. And opposite the arrows, they draw a picture that matches the mood.

2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

The goal-setting stage includes each student in the goal-setting process. At this stage, the internal motivation of the student for an active, active position arises, impulses arise: to find out, to find, to prove. In the organization, this stage is not simple, it requires thinking through means, techniques that motivate students for future activities. The most effective techniques for my lessons are solving open problems and creating a problem situation with the help of diagrams or models. There will not be indifferent children in the lessons, because I give each student the opportunity to express his opinion and set a learning task in accordance with his own abilities and intentions. LSM helps me with this.

So in the Russian language lesson on the topic “Changing nouns by cases”, students are given the task to put questions to this topic that they know the answer to. Simultaneously with the explanation of “What I know”, the children are guided by the LSM: “Noun”, which was built gradually from lesson to lesson, according to the order of the topics being studied. “Contracted” information on the diagram can be easily reproduced by students, since they themselves directly compiled it, structuring the basic concepts. (Fig. 2)

The guys conclude that the concept of "case" is not known to them.

3. Actualization of knowledge - the stage of the lesson, at which it is planned to reproduce the knowledge of the skills and abilities necessary for the “discovery” of new knowledge by students. At this stage, an exit to the task that causes cognitive difficulty is also carried out. Consider an example from a mathematics lesson on the topic “Letter expressions” (Fig. 3).

For the guys, the following examples were offered on the cards (Fig. 5):

The task of children is to solve expressions and correlate them with coordination. A problem arises: where to attribute the expression “11 + a”. The guys conclude that it is necessary to draw another line of coordinates.

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge. In a lesson where a multidimensional didactic technology is used when studying new material, the work is productive for the student. Since its result, the product, is personally created by the student.

The first step is to identify resources. In training, I mainly offer the following: textbook; reference, encyclopedic literature; lesson presentation; interactive models.

The children work in groups with the textbook material. They will fill in the coordinates provided by the teacher in the form of a plan for studying the topic. This increases their cognitive activity, self-control. Students see the whole topic as a whole and each of its elements separately and correlate concepts.

Studying the new topic “What is the weather” at the lesson of the surrounding world in the 2nd grade, the guys created a memory map “Weather” (Fig. 6). The work with information, life experience, discussion in groups, consultation of the teacher helped to reveal the full picture of this topic.

5. Initial check of understanding. At this stage, the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new educational material is established. Identification of gaps in the primary comprehension of the studied, incorrect ideas, their correction.

To comprehend the work with the text in the lessons of literary reading, I use the "Story chain" technique. For example, after studying the tale of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” I offer students the elements of the plot chain that need to be restored in the correct sequence (Fig. 7).

The last stage of the methodological structure of the lesson is reflection.

Conducting a reflection of the mood and emotional state is advisable not only at the beginning of the lesson in order to establish emotional contact with the class, but also at the end of the activity. Reflection of the content of educational material is used to identify the level of awareness of the content of the studied, helps to clarify the attitude to the problem under study, to combine old knowledge and understanding of the new.

On a piece of paper, I invite the children to circle their palm (Fig. 8.). Each finger is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion.

The big one is “what I was interested in”.

Indicative - "what I learned new."

Medium - "it was difficult for me."

Nameless - "my mood."

Little finger - "I want to know."

At the end of the lesson, we summarize, discuss what we learned and how we worked, that is, everyone evaluates their contribution to achieving the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work. So LSM can be used to solve various didactic tasks when learning new material, developing skills, generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

The technology of multidimensional didactic tools contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of any information, significantly increases the effectiveness of training.

To check the dynamics of the formation of cognitive UUD in grades 3 and 4, diagnostics were carried out.

Diagram 1. Percentage indicator of the formation of cognitive UUD

1. The ability to acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions using a textbook and information obtained in the lesson

2. The ability to distinguish between the known and the unknown in a situation specially created by the teacher

3. Ability to draw conclusions

4. Analysis of objects in order to identify essential features

5. Grouping and classification of objects

6. Establishing causal relationships

7. The ability to identify analogies on the subject material

8. Ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models and diagrams

Analyzing the results presented in the diagram, I would like to note the growth of cognitive UUD indicators: work with information (increase by 10%), object analysis (increase by 12%), modeling (increase by 14%). Therefore, we can conclude that the technology I use gives a result.

The children showed an interest in learning, in learning new things. This can be seen from the “School Motivation” diagnostic carried out by a school psychologist.

Diagram 2. School motivation

Analyzing the diagnostic results, we can conclude that students have no negative attitude towards school, a positive attitude towards school is observed in 94% of students.

The quality of student achievement

academic year
Grade 2
academic year
3rd grade
academic year
4th grade
academic year
1 class
100% 100%

Analyzing all the results, we can conclude that the technology I use creates conditions for the formation of cognitive UUD in students.

The constant use of didactic multidimensional tools in the classroom allows you to:

Increase students' interest in subjects;

Develop skills in working with additional literature;

To form the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions;

Improve the quality of knowledge.

Based on the results of using the technology of multidimensional didactic units in the educational process of younger students, it can be argued that the lesson will be effective if it is based on the co-creation of the teacher and the student. The children showed an interest in learning, in learning new things.

The most important direction of pedagogical activity, at the present stage, is the formation of students' ability to operate with growing volumes of scientific information. This direction becomes especially relevant at the senior level of education. The subject "General Biology" even within the same topic is very rich in terminology. The use of logical-semantic models (LSM) as specific tools of didactic multidimensional technology (DMT) allows you to establish logical connections between knowledge elements, simplify and collapse information, move from non-algorithmic operations to algorithm-like structures of thinking and activity.

The main functions of didactic multidimensional tools (DMI):

  • Estimated;
  • Sensory organization of the "didactic biplane" as a system of external and internal planes of cognitive activity;
  • Increasing controllability, arbitrariness of processing and assimilation of knowledge in the process of interaction of plans;
  • Identification of cause-and-effect relationships, formulating patterns and building models.

In biology lessons, it is most expedient to use LSM both in inductive and deductive generalizations, in introductory and generalizing lessons in large topics (levels of "General, or Essence"; "Special"), as well as in intermediate lessons (level "Individual") .

When constructing the LSM, the following algorithm is used:

  1. Selection of the object of construction (for example, Genetics).
  2. Determination of coordinates (for example, K 1 - Historical data; K 2 - Scientists; K 3 - Methods; K 4 - Laws; K 5 - Theories; K 6 - Types of crossing; K 7 - Types of inheritance; K 8 - Types of gene interaction) .
  3. Placement of coordinate axes.
  4. Placement of the construction object in the center.
  5. Selection and ranking of nodal wheelbarrows for each coordinate axis (for example, K 4 - Laws - purity of gametes, dominance, splitting, independent combination, Morgan).
  6. Placement of keywords (phrases, abbreviations, chemical symbols) on the corresponding points of the axis.
  7. LSM coordination (points on the axes should correlate with each other, for example, a point on K 1 - 1920 should correspond to K 2 surnames - Morgan, and she, in turn, on K 4 - Morgan's law, on K 5 - chromosome theory, on K 6 - analyzing cross, K 7 - linked inheritance, K 8 - interaction of non-allelic genes).

The sequence of LSM application in the lesson depends on the predominant type of functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres: if right-hemispheric children predominate in the class, then LSM is presented in finished form, if left-hemisphere children, then the axes are filled in during the lesson. As practice has shown, it is most convenient to represent several axes filled, and leave three or four for joint filling with children in the lesson. It is also necessary to take into account the level of preparation of the class and the degree of performance of children in the lesson. LSM can be used not only to present and generalize knowledge, but also as tasks for a survey, creative homework. DMT goes well with Block-Modular technology.

The use of DMT allows high school students to form an understanding and structural vision of the subject, its concepts and patterns in interconnection, as well as to trace intra-subject and inter-subject communications. It is also important that the LSM is an ideal variant of compressed material for repeating biology before the exam and, to be honest, the LSM is also a smart cheat sheet.






didactic multidimensional


at the senior level of biology education

Biology teacher: Tikhonova E.N.


The most important direction of pedagogical activity, at the present stage, is the formation of students' ability to operate with growing volumes of scientific information. This direction becomes especially relevant at the senior level of education. The subject "General Biology" even within the same topic is very rich in terminology. The use of logical-semantic models (LSM) as specific tools of didactic multidimensional technology (DMT) allows you to establish logical connections between knowledge elements, simplify and collapse information, move from non-algorithmic operations to algorithm-like structures of thinking and activity.

The following requirements are imposed on models that perform instrumental functions in learning: a clear structure and a logically convenient form of knowledge presentation, a “framework” character - fixing the most important, key points.

The main functions of didactic multidimensional tools (DMI):

  • Estimated;
  • Sensory organization of the "didactic biplane" as a system of external and internal planes of cognitive activity;
  • Increasing controllability, arbitrariness of processing and assimilation of knowledge in the process of interaction of plans;
  • Identification of cause-and-effect relationships, formulating patterns and building models.

In biology lessons, it is most expedient to use LSM both in inductive and deductive generalizations, in introductory and generalizing lessons in large topics (levels of "General, or Essence"; "Special"), as well as in intermediate lessons (level "Individual") . For example:


LSM presentation level

The universal, or essence.



Plastic and energy metabolism


(lesson #1)

Autotrophic nutrition

(lesson #1)


(lesson number 8)

The doctrine of the cell


(lesson #1)


(lesson number 2)

Membrane; Nucleus

(lesson number 4; 7)

When constructing the LSM, the following algorithm is used:

The sequence of LSM application in the lesson depends on the predominant type of functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres: if right-hemispheric children predominate in the class, then LSM is presented in finished form, if left-hemisphere children, then the axes are filled in during the lesson. As practice has shown, it is most convenient to represent several axes filled, and leave three or four for joint filling with children in the lesson. It is also necessary to take into account the level of preparation of the class and the degree of performance of children in the lesson. LSM can be used not only to present and generalize knowledge, but also as tasks for a survey, creative homework. DMT goes well with Block-Modular technology.

The use of DMT allows high school students to form an understanding and structural vision of the subject, its concepts and patterns in interconnection, as well as to trace intra-subject and inter-subject communications. It is also important that the LSM is an ideal variant of compressed material for repeating biology before the exam and, to be honest, the LSM is also a smart cheat sheet.

© Tikhonova E.N.

Speech topic: The use of didactic multidimensional technology in elementary school in order to improve the quality of education.

Radyushina Larisa Alekseevna,

primary school teacher,

MBOU secondary school No. 33

(Slide 2) The purpose of my speech: Show by example the use of didactic multidimensional technology at different stages of the lesson in elementary school.

(Slide 3) The process of learning and teaching should correspond to the logic and peculiarities of our thinking. And it is multidimensional. Therefore, multidimensional didactic technology (MDT), presented to the pedagogical community by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.E. Steinberg (Russia), so actively and persistently mastered by teachers of all subjects.

(Slide 4) In grades 1-2, the use of memory cards is effective. They activate the research activities of children, help them acquire the primary skills of conducting independent research.

In grades 3-4 in the educational process, you can begin to use logical-semantic models. They are based on the same principles as memory cards, but do not include graphics. The use of LSM allows you to rationally allocate time when studying new material, helps students express their own thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions.

Memory cards and logical-semantic models are well applicable at all stages of the lesson. I would like to elaborate on this.

(Slide 5) 1. Organizational stage .

This stage is very short-term, it determines the whole psychological mood of the lesson. At this stage, you can invite the children to create a mood model (choose a smiley that matches the mood or draw your own). At the end of the lesson, be sure to return to it.

(Slide 6) 2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

The goal-setting stage includes each student in the goal-setting process. At this stage, the internal motivation of the student for an active, active position arises, impulses arise: to find out, to find, to prove.

So in the Russian language lesson in grade 2 on the topic “Members of a sentence”, students are given the task to put questions to this topic that they know the answer to(invite the audience to do this).Simultaneously with the explanation of “What I know”, the children are guided by the LSM: “Sentence”, which was built gradually from lesson to lesson, according to the order of the topics studied. “Contracted” information on the diagram can be easily reproduced by students, since they themselves directly compiled it, structuring the basic concepts.

Then the teacher adds a new concept to the diagram(slide 7) . The guys conclude that the concept of “basis” is not known to them.

Characteristics Writing rules

Complete thought Capital letter

Consists of words.?!




The foundation

(Slide 8) 3. Updating knowledge - the stage of the lesson, at which it is planned to reproduce by students the knowledge of the skills and abilities necessary for the “discovery” of new knowledge. At this stage, an exit to the task that causes cognitive difficulty is also carried out. Consider an example from the lesson of the surrounding world on the topic “What are animals”.

Suggested pictures

- What groups can all animals be divided into by distinctive features (birds, fish, insects, animals).(Slide 9) There are several pictures left (frog, toad, snake, turtle, lizard) that do not fit into one group. They come to the conclusion that all animals can be divided into groups and there are groups that are still unknown to them. This is what you will learn in class.

(Slide 10)

(Slide 11) 4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge. In a lesson where a multidimensional didactic technology is used when studying new material, the work is productive for the student. Since its result, the product, is personally created by the student.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the resources: a textbook; reference, encyclopedic literature; lesson presentation; interactive models.

The children work in groups with the textbook material. They will fill in the coordinates provided by the teacher in the form of a plan for studying the topic. This increases their cognitive activity, self-control. Students see the whole topic as a whole and each of its elements separately and correlate concepts.

Studying the new topic “What are the plants” at the lesson of the world around them in the 2nd grade, the guys created a memory map “Plants”. Work with information, discussion in groups, and teacher's consultation helped to reveal the full picture of this topic. As homework, you can invite children to complete the diagram with pictures.

(Slide 12) 5. Primary check of understanding. At this stage, the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new educational material is established. Identification of gaps in the primary comprehension of the studied, incorrect ideas, their correction.

To comprehend the work with the text in the lessons of literary reading, I use the "Story chain" technique. For example, after studying the work of B. Zhitkov “The Brave Duckling”, I suggest that the students draw up a text plan (I write it down on the board).


Breakfast from the hostess

Unexpected guest

hungry ducklings

Neighbor Alyosha

Pobeda (broken wing)

The children were asked to draw these points of the plan. After creating such a memory card, children will be able to remember the content of the story even after a long time.

(Slide 13) The last stage of the methodological structure of the lesson isreflection .

Conducting a reflection of the mood and emotional state is advisable not only at the beginning of the lesson in order to establish emotional contact with the class, but also at the end of the activity. Reflection of the content of educational material is used to identify the level of awareness of the content of the studied, helps to clarify the attitude to the problem under study, to combine old knowledge and understanding of the new.

On a piece of paper, I invite you to circle your palm. Each finger is some kind of position on which you need to express your opinion.

Big - “what I was interested in”.

Index - "what I learned new."

Medium - "I don't understand."

Nameless - "my mood."

Little finger - "I want to know."

At the end of the lesson, we summarize, discuss what we learned and how we worked, that is, everyone evaluates their contribution to achieving the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work.

(Slide 14) I think this technology is effective because

The result of everyday work -

The delight of a magical flight!

All this is a marvelous phenomenon -

Inspired lesson...

I wish you success in your professional activities!



Ways to improve the effectiveness of training are sought in all countries of the world.In Belarus, the problems of learning effectiveness are being actively developed inbased on the use of the latest achievements in psychology, computer science and the theory of management of cognitive activity.

At present, 70-80% of all information the student receives is no longer from the teacher and not at school, but on the street, from parents and in the processobservation of the surrounding life, from the media, and thisrequires the transition of the pedagogical process to a qualitatively new level.

The priority of training should not be the development by students of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the ability of students to learn on their own, acquire knowledge and be able to process it, select the necessary ones, memorize them firmly, and connect them with others.

It has been proven that learning only becomes successful and attractive for students if they know how to learn: they know how to read, comprehend, compare, explore, systematize and memorize rationally. This can be achieved through the use of multidimensional didactic technology.

Multidimensional didactic technology is a new modern technology for visual, systematic, consistent, logical presentation, perception, processing, assimilation, memorization, reproduction and application of educational information; it is a technology for the development of intelligence, coherent speech, thinking, all types of memory.[ 2 ]

The main goal of the introduction of MDT is to reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of the teacher and students through the use of multidimensional didactic tools: logical-semantic models and mind maps (memory cards). Their use improves the quality of the educational process, contributes to the formation of students' interest in learning, expands their horizons.

From class 1, the use of memory cards is effective. They activate the research activities of children, help them acquire the primary skills of conducting independent research.

A memory card is a good visual material that is easy and interesting to work with. It is easier to remember than printed text from a textbook. In the center of the memory card is a concept that reflects its key topic or subject. From the central concept, colored branches diverge with keywords, drawings, and space to add details. Keywords train memory, and drawings concentrate and develop the child's attention. Students can display their thoughts on paper, process the information received, make changes. Drawing memory cards can be attributed to gaming activities. It is especially effective in grades 1-2, since visual-figurative thinking prevails in children of this age category. The ability of children to make short notes and find the corresponding signs (symbols) indicates the level of development of creative abilities and associative thinking. Thus, mind maps clearly demonstrate the topic as a whole, helping the child to be not just a student, but a researcher.

There are a number of rules that must be followed when compiling memory maps:

    Always use the central image.

    Strive for optimal placement of elements.

    Strive to ensure that the distance between map elements is appropriate.

    Use graphics as often as possible.

    Use arrows when you want to show links between elements of a map or LSM.

    Use colors.

    Strive for clarity in expressing thoughts.

    Place keywords above relevant lines.

    Make the main lines smoother and bolder.

    Make sure your drawings are clear (understandable).

In grades 3-4 in the educational process, you can begin to use logical-semantic models. They are based on the same principles as memory cards, but do not include graphics. The use of LSM allows you to rationally allocate time when studying new material, helps students express their own thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions.

With the help of educational literature, students can independently compose the LFM after the initial acquaintance with the topic. Modeling work can be done in groups or in pairs, where all the details are discussed and clarified. Depending on the topic of the lesson, LSM is compiled in one lesson or is built in stages - from lesson to lesson - in accordance with the material being studied.

The use of logical-semantic models helps children to establish correspondences between concepts, teaches them to formulate conclusions, and consciously answer questions.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the use of multidimensional didactic technology tools is possible not only at the stage of learning new material, but also at other stages of the lesson.

So, for example, at the stagesetting goals and objectives of the lesson An effective method of motivating students for upcoming activities is to create a problem situation with the help of schemes and models, during the solution of which the children come to the conclusion that some material (or concept) is not familiar to them. As a result, there are no indifferent children in the lesson, because each student is given the opportunity to express his opinion and set a learning task in accordance with his abilities and abilities.

At the stage of consolidating the studied material, in order to understand how consciously all the children filled in the LSM coordinates, they can be asked to resume some points of the scheme.

But, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm for constructing LSM:

1. In the center of the sheet (page) place an oval or triangle with the name of the topic - the object of study.

2. Determine the range of questions, aspects of the object under study to determine the number and set of coordinates.

3. Reflect all coordinate axes in the figure, their sequence is determined, numbers K1, K2, K3, etc. are assigned.

4. Select the main facts, concepts, principles, phenomena, rules related to each aspect of the topic, and are ranked (the bases for ranking are chosen by the compiler).

5. On the coordinates for each semantic granule, mark the reference nodes (dots, crosses, circles, rhombuses).

6. Make inscriptions next to the reference nodes, while encoding or reducing information using reference words, phrases, symbols.

7. Dashed lines indicate the links between semantic granules of different coordinate axes.

As you can see, the technology of multidimensional didactic tools contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of any information, significantly increases the effectiveness of training. It also allows:

    systematize knowledge on a voluminous topic;

    activate the mental activity of students;

    develop logical thinking;

    use creative tasks;

    based on the key points of the topic to reproduce complete information.

List of used literature:

    Dirsha, O.L. We teach to obtain knowledge / O.L. Dirsha, N.N. Sychevskaya / / Pachatkova school. - 2013. - No. 7. - S. 56-58.

    Novik, E.A. The use of multidimensional didactic technology / E.A. Novik / / Pachatkova school. - 2012. - No. 6. - P.16-17.