Individual educational road transport route. Designing an individual educational route for a preschooler (for social and personal development)

The main goal of modern preschool education is the development and education of the future student with the help of all available pedagogical resources. However, the toddler education program is focused on a child with average abilities, which means that in order to work with children who have deviations from developmental norms or, conversely, who are ahead of their peers, it is necessary to adjust the recommended educational strategies. This explains the relevance of developing a separate plan for the development of a particular preschool child, which was called an individual educational route (IEM) according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The essence of the concept of IOM

It is interesting. Galileo Galilei said: “We cannot teach a person anything. We can only help him discover it in himself.”

An individual educational route is a program for creating an educational space for a particular child, which is compiled with the help of child psychologists, speech pathologists, educators and methodologists at a specific educational level (in kindergarten this is the younger group, middle and older). In other words, IOM involves the selection of activities that will solve certain difficulties in learning or, conversely, expand or deepen knowledge, the degree of mastery of a skill. For example, when aptitude for mathematics is identified, the IEM may include additional classes in the subject, or in case of difficulties in communicating with peers, the child can be connected to group games as often as possible, starting with work in pairs and gradually increasing the number of participants. This takes into account not only the child's age (which is typical for the general educational strategy of a preschool institution), but also the child's abilities, which can be ahead or slower in comparison with generally accepted standards. Thus, IEM is a compensation for learning difficulties, taking into account the personal potential of the child, which allows him to show his intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual characteristics. Despite the fact that there is no specific “recipe” for drawing up an individual strategy, the principles, goals and objectives of IOM are stipulated in documents such as

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • GEF DO.

Targets and goals

The main goal of IOM is to create suitable conditions in an institution engaged in preschool education for successful self-realization among peers and surrounding adults of a single child, his social and personal growth, that is, to increase authority and increase the baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The objectives of a personal educational strategy are as follows:

  • the formation of an objective environment for the social development of the baby (that is, providing the necessary material and technical base for classes, for example, if the child is passionate about playing chess, then in the game room, along with “standard” toys, there may be a chessboard especially for him);
  • organization of a unified system of interaction between all levels of administration, as well as cooperation with parents aimed at the social and personal growth of the child;
  • improving the dialogue with the child on the basis of mutual respect and trust;
  • creation of all conditions for the upbringing of a positive attitude of the baby towards himself and the people around him, as well as for the development of the child's communicative competence;
  • the formation in the baby of a positive attitude towards his personality, as well as the education of awareness of the rights and freedoms relating to concepts relevant to this age (choice of friends, toys, the right to personal belongings, and most importantly, the right to one's own opinion).

The above tasks determine the factors that determine IOM:

  • state order;
  • requests and needs of adult family members, in particular, parents;
  • personal abilities and level of potential of a particular child;
  • material and technical equipment, as well as the teaching staff of the institution of preschool education.

These factors are important at all levels of interaction: the state determines the overall strategy and direction for the development of education (for example, the education of patriotism, spirituality), provides kindergartens with the necessary materials, parents put forward requirements for the level of readiness of children, kids realize and expand their capabilities, and the circle closes again - the same state - it "receives" individuals who become worthy citizens of their country, caring about its prosperity.

All these aspects of the creation of IEM practically repeat the general strategy of preschool education, but with the difference that now individualization, that is, an orientation towards the upbringing of a unique personality, is carried out not only at specially allotted hours for certain classes or in certain types of activity, but takes place " red thread" through the entire educational process.

For whom and why is it created

An individual education strategy is created for children

  • lagging behind in the assimilation of the program of preschool institutions;
  • with mental disabilities, for children with disabilities;
  • with advanced mental development.

In general, IOM is developed for

  • motor skills training (both fine and large);
  • formation of hygienic, moral-cultural, communicative and social skills;
  • activity realization of the child's potential, affecting the manipulative (laying out the loto, cards, etc.), sensory-perceptual (determining geometric shapes by shape, the texture of the material by tactile sensations, etc.), subject-practical (the use of a children's set for the sandbox, not only for the intended purpose, but also for the care of indoor plants) and play areas of development;
  • development of speech abilities (performing various tasks, the baby must comment on his actions);
  • formation of correct ideas about the world around us;
  • understanding of the essence of the concepts of space and time.

As a rule, IEM is compiled for the school year, but in some cases (for example, if the baby has not coped with the problem or if it concerns a gifted child), the strategy can be used for the entire period of study, only the methods and methods of work need to be adjusted: so that they are age appropriate child.

Who composes and leads

The educator is engaged in the development of IOM, but - what is of particular importance - he does this ONLY together with the methodologist and psychologist, and also taking into account recommendations and comments

  • baby's parents;
  • speech therapist.

An educator, a psychologist (some aspects of social and communicative development) and a speech therapist (a number of points in speech development) fill out the card. The differentiation between the aspects of observation and work takes place individually, which is associated with the qualifications of the employees of the preschool institution. This is especially true for kindergartens, where the teacher also performs the functions of a speech therapist. That is, in practice, a folder with IEM is created, including the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the baby, a plan for implementing the strategy, a list of expected results, as well as a table or characteristic with details of the implementation of each goal. With the frequency established by the administration of the institution (based on the goals of a particular IEM), parents get acquainted with the progress of the tasks, after which they express their wishes, ask questions regarding a specific area of ​​education. In the future, it is assumed that every kid graduating from kindergarten will present his “dossier” to the primary school teacher, who, continuing the line of individualization of education that has already been started, will formulate the following goals and objectives of the IEM and implement them already at the stage of the child’s education at school.

What includes

Main streamTargets and goalsMethods and means
sensory parenting C.: development of tactile, muscular skills through the actions of perception and thinking.
Z.: develop fine motor skills; thinking, visual perception
M.: exercise, play.
FROM.: board games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, mosaics, lacing, sleeves, assignments in the corner of nature, research activities (with paper, natural material), plasticine, clay, sand.
environmental education C.: expansion of ideas about the environment.
Z.: * to teach to establish causal relationships between seasonal changes in nature and human actions in nature,
*expand ideas about plants and animals of the native land, Russia, planet Earth,
* to form an ecological culture, the need to protect natural resources.
M.: exercises, game, experiments, question, conversation, search activity.
FROM.: didactic games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, assignments in the corner of nature, research activities (with water, ice, natural materials - coal, stone, resin, sand, gravel).
Development of the main types of movements C.: development of general motor skills, coordination.
Z.: * develop physical qualities - speed, agility, manifestation of endurance and strength, * improve balance.
* to develop organization.
M.: exercises, massage, physical education, game.
FROM. - sports equipment: gymnastic benches, skittles, gymnastic sticks, balls, jump ropes, ring throwers, etc.
moral education C.: adherence to generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.
Z.: learn how to control your behavior
M.: exercise, play.
FROM.: reading fiction, dramatization of fiction, illustrations, slides.
Speech development C.: speech development.
Z.: * expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs,
* learn to use synonyms, antonyms in speech,
* improve the ability to use different parts of speech accurately in meaning,
* to form the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language,
* improve phonemic hearing, determine the place of sound in a word.
* learn to agree nouns with numerals, nouns with adjectives, pronouns with nouns and adjectives,
* learn to form single-root words,
* educate the culture of verbal communication,
* Practice making sentences
* learn to divide words into syllables.
M.: didactic exercises, game, conversation.
FROM.: desktop-printed games, didactic games, tests, split alphabet, games - diagrams, cash registers, subject pictures.
Social and communicative development C.: enrichment of children's consciousness with new content - understanding of concepts - time, sign, symbol.
Z.: * reinforce the use of polite words.
* cultivate a culture of behavior at the table, in communication with peers and adults, in public places.
* Cultivate optimistic qualities.
* formation of self-service skills.
* consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules
M.: exercise, game, question.
FROM.: desktop-printed games, didactic games, tests, games - diagrams, subject pictures, educational and methodological material on traffic rules.

Stages of developing an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The development of an individual strategy takes place in stages.

  • observation stage. The goals of this stage are to identify children experiencing difficulties, as a result, the observer fills in the table.
  • Stage of diagnosis. This stage is carried out together with a child psychologist. Tests are performed with the child to identify the causes of certain difficulties. The result of the work is a table.
  • Construction stage. The purpose of this stage is the actual development of IEM based on the identified difficulties and the reasons for their occurrence. The result is a finished route scheme.
  • Implementation stage. With the help of different methods, the IOM is performed. Among the universal ways to achieve the goal, for example, with difficulties in the socialization of the child, the following can be distinguished:
Conversations, games, discussion of books read, problematic issues (for example, in the middle group - what is good and what is bad).Acquaintance with various manifestations of emotions that form moral assessments (for example, anger at the wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood helps to form a negative attitude towards vile deeds)
Games, trainings for the development of the sphere of behavior.Development of communication skills, stress relief, reduction of aggressiveness in behavior, negativity, etc.
Art therapy (thread, fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy)Creative realization, education of aesthetic taste
Methods of psycho-gymnastics for relaxationMuscle relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, etc.
  • Stage of diagnosis. Evaluation of the results of work on IEM. The main criterion is whether the problem remains or it has been eliminated. If there is no progress, a new IOM is being developed; if progress is being made, then the existing one can be continued or improved.


Individual routes, as already noted, do not have an established design scheme, they can be in the form of a table or in the form of text - it all depends on the difficulty the development is aimed at solving. Let's consider two options.

Example #1

Difficulties: inattentive and distracted, has difficulty in solving logical problems, mathematical tasks.

Experiencing difficulties in solving logical problems, mathematical tasks.

A week
Regime momentsDirect educational activitiesIndependent activityInteraction with parents
3 week
Working with a multimedia presentation "Count the contour"Tangram game
4 weekWalk
"Draw a Geometric Castle in the Snow"
Tell your friends about your drawing
Week 1
Didactic game "What has changed?" Memo "Games for the development of logical thinking"
2 weeksWorking in a corner of nature
Watering plants based on the description of the flower.
Multimedia game "Associations"
3 week Working with punched cards
"The composition of the number"
Teach a friend
Work with a card.
Game visit us.
4 weekDuring the morning reception, completing assignments on handoutsMultimedia presentation "Merry Score"Check out a friend's work.

Route Action Results: The level of development of attention, concentration and switching has increased. The child copes with tasks of a mathematical nature, logical tasks.

Example #2

Child's age: 4 years 2 months

Gender: male

Problem: Weak computing skills

The purpose of the individual route: the development and consolidation of computational skills within the first ten

Task: to develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Frequency of classes: 2 times a week

Duration: 20 minutes

Exercises in the classroom:

  1. “The numbers got lost” Arrange the numbers in order Learn to name the numbers in order

2. "What has changed? What number is missing? Name the next and previous digit of the natural series Play the game "Name your neighbor"

3. "Merry little train" Attach, attach trailers with numbers to the train. Solve examples by adding the number 1.

  1. Put the cars in the garage Solving examples by counting one Learn to name the next and previous digit
  2. “Postman” Deliver letters - examples to houses (solving examples by adding and subtracting the numbers 1 and 2) Play the game “Bring a letter to grandmother, brother”
  3. "Paratroopers" Each "paratrooper" - land the figure on your own example. Games at home at the expense of objects that surround the child.
  4. Help Dunno to solve examples Solve examples of the first ten using punch cards Solve examples using fairy-tale characters: Piggy, Stepashka, Cheburashka, etc.
  5. Let's help the hedgehog collect mushrooms. Consolidation of computing skills within the first ten. Solving examples at home.

The structure of an individual lesson:

  1. Organizational moment: a moment of joy.
  2. Surprise moment: the arrival of a fairy-tale character.
  3. Main work: help, guess, prompt

Work at the magnetic board;

Handout exercises;

Work in a notebook.

    The result of the lesson: a minute of communication, what you liked, what caused difficulties, and what was difficult.

Performance evaluation:

As a result of systematic and systematic work with a child who has weak computational skills, by the end of the annual cycle of classes: computational skills will be fixed; cognitive interest in mathematics will increase; the mental activity of the child is activated, he will freely perform computational exercises within the first ten. These achievements will help in the future to overcome the problems of the mathematical development of the preschooler.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

Designing an individual educational route for a preschooler (for social and personal development).

This material is recommended kindergarten teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, primary school teachers.
Material Description: Dear colleagues, your attention is presented to the material on the preparation of an individual educational route for a preschooler.
In practice, the process of education and upbringing is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, so not every pupil can fully realize their potential. This sets the task for educators, speech therapists, psychologists of a preschool educational institution to create optimal conditions for realizing the potential of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the compilation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter - IEM). The individualization of education, upbringing and correction is aimed primarily at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real possibilities of each pupil.
Individual educational route- this is a personal way of realizing the personal potential of the child (pupil) in education and training:

The main goal of creating an individual educational route (IEM):

Creation in the kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschoolers, their social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with the general processes of the intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child's personality.

Tasks for the social and personal development of the child:

Create a favorable subject-developing environment for the social development of the child;
To organize a unified system of work of the administration, teaching staff, medical staff of the preschool educational institution and parents for the social and personal development of the child;
Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve respect and trust of the pupil;
Create conditions for the development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children;
To form a child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms (the right to have their own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at their own discretion)
To carry out prevention and correction of social and personal problems existing in the child.

The individual educational route includes the main directions:

Organization of movement (development of general and fine motor skills);
development of skills (cultural-hygienic and communicative-social);
the formation of the child's activity (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, subject-practical, playful, productive types - modeling, applications, drawing);
development of speech (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);
formation of ideas about the environment (objective world and social relations);
the formation of ideas about space, time and quantity.

An exemplary program for compiling a psychological and pedagogical presentation for a preschooler.

1. In the section "General information about the child" it should be indicated where he came from (from a family, from another preschool educational institution), whether there were long breaks in attending a preschool institution, for what reasons. Evaluation of the child's adaptation in the group: good; satisfactory; insufficient; bad; otherwise.
2. In the section "Characteristics of the family" parental information must be provided. Fill in the subsections:
Family composition: complete, incomplete, large, the presence of brothers and sisters.
family type:
a) prosperous (parents are morally stable, have a culture of education);
b) dysfunctional (pedagogically incompetent: there is no unity of the requirements of parents, the child is neglected, he is treated cruelly, systematically punished, poorly aware of his interests, behavior in kindergarten);
c) a morally dysfunctional family (parents lead an immoral lifestyle, drunkenness, parasitism, have a criminal record, do not raise children);
d) conflict family (unfavorable emotional atmosphere in the family, conflicts, parents are irritable, cruel, intolerant).
Who is involved in the upbringing of the child: mother, father, grandmother, others.
Relationship between parents and child:
a) family dictate (systematic suppression of the initiative and self-esteem of the child);
b) excessive guardianship (satisfaction of all the needs of the child, protection from difficulties, worries, efforts);
c) connivance (avoidance of active participation in the upbringing of the child, passivity, recognition of the complete autonomy of the child)
d) cooperation (relationship of mutual respect, joint experience of joy and sorrow).
3. In the section "Features of the appearance of the child", briefly note: posture, gait, gestures, facial expressions, the presence of salivation, etc.
4. In the section "Somatic health" indicate the health group; how often is sick, and what diseases; appetite, characteristic of daytime sleep; whether the child suffers from enuresis and/or encopresis, etc.
5. In the section "Features of the motor sphere" describe according to the "Representation" data.
General motor skills: norm, coordination, pace, rhythm of movement are slightly disturbed, motor awkwardness.
Manual motility: norm (safety of function), insufficiency of fine motor skills, motor limitation, range of motion (complete, incomplete, severely limited), pace (normal, fast, slow), switchability (exact, inaccurate), coordination (normal, minor violations, impaired, incomplete ).
Leading hand: left-handed, ambidexter, right-handed.
6. In the section "Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the child" characterize mental processes:
Attention feature: during classes, he cannot be attentive and concentrate on something for a long time; constantly distracted; is able to concentrate on any business for a long time; diligent and accurate in completing tasks; what kind of attention prevails - voluntary, involuntary, other.
Memory characteristic: slowly remembers and quickly forgets, quickly remembers and quickly forgets, it is difficult to memorize poems, retelling the content of a fairy tale, story, introduces fictitious borrowings (something that is not in the text), concentrates on secondary objects, not capturing the main idea of ​​the content, the predominant type of memory: visual , auditory.
Thinking characteristic: poorly understands the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, in front, behind, above, below, from, under, above, etc.; (does not) carry out the simplest classifications by pattern or word for various reasons (who lives where? Who flies , and who runs?, etc.; (does not) select a generalizing word for a number of objects (pictures) within the program material (by 6 years - dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, hats, toys, transport, flowers, trees , mushrooms, birds, domestic and wild animals, vegetables, fruits, berries, insects, tools; (not) knows how to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (snow - winter outside) (does not) understand the content of plot lines and pictures, (does not) highlights the main thing in the perceived information (does not) perform counting operations; the formation of temporal representations within the framework of the program material (knowledge of parts of the day, days of the week, seasons, their sequence, natural phenomena (definition by picture naming by signs) (does not) understand the meaning of the proposed tasks .
7. In the section "The state of the child's knowledge by sections of the program" describe the child's knowledge of the environment, mathematical skills, drawing skills, what difficulties he experiences in learning.
Stock of general information about the environment: calls (does not) call his name, age, names of parents, home address, indicates the seasons with a word (difficulty); names the signs of the seasons (difficulty) does not know; knowledge about the animal and plant world meets the program requirements, is insufficient.
Formation of drawing skills:(house, tree, person, etc.), modeling (roll a ball, a block of plasticine, etc.)
Formation of elementary mathematical representations:
Quantity and account:((does not) differentiate the concepts of “one-many”, (does not) own a quantitative (ordinal) account within ..., (does not) know the numbers from 1 to ..., (does not) correlate the number with the corresponding number of objects, (does not) compare sets by the number of elements included in them without counting (overlay, application, graphic correlation) or indirectly (through counting), (does not) know the elements of sign symbolism (<, >, +, - ,=), (does not) own the composition of the number ..., (does not) solve examples within ..., (does not) solve problems on visual material.
Color Perception: there is no idea of ​​color, distinguishes colors, recognizes and names primary colors, groups objects by color.
Form Perception: has no idea about the form, groups geometric shapes, identifies geometric shapes by word, distinguishes and names geometric shapes (flat and three-dimensional), correlates the shape of an object with a geometric shape, groups objects by shape.
Time representations: temporary representations are not formed, he is guided by the time of day, he consistently names the days of the week, he knows the names of the months of the year, he determines and names the time of the year.
Spatial representations: spatial representations are not formed, performs movement in the indicated direction according to verbal instructions, determines the position in space in relation to itself (left, right, front, rear), uses words in speech that determine the position of an object in space.
8. Attitude towards classes: not able to control their activities, does not bring the matter to the end, interferes with the teacher, children, quickly exhausted, works slowly and unevenly, the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is "chaotic and stupid"); whether he accepts help and what kind: (verbal, practical, stimulating, guiding, organizing, teaching); how he overcomes the difficulties that arise in the process of activity: (does not) strive to overcome, quits work, spies on others, cries, worries and gets nervous, turns to the teacher, children for help, independently looks for a way out.
9. Characteristics of the child's speech:
The sound side of speech: characterize the features of sound pronunciation: within the age norm, the phonetic structure of speech is not sufficiently formed, all sounds are pronounced correctly in isolation, but with an increase in speech load, general blurring of speech, phonemic defects in sound pronunciation (omission, distortion), phonological defects (substitutions, mixing) are observed; features of phonemic hearing: safe, underdeveloped, impaired.
Dictionary: specify: norm (vocabulary is sufficient, corresponds to the age norm), within everyday life, sharply limited; to what extent: sharply limited, somewhat limited, without visible restrictions; due to which words (parts of speech) is limited; the syllabic structure of the word is not broken, non-rough defects in the syllabic structure of the word, the syllabic structure is broken, (does not) violate the structure of polysyllabic words.
The grammatical structure of speech: formed, insufficiently formed, not formed; features of inflection, word formation: formed, correspond to the age norm, at the stage of formation, not formed. Reflect the formation of the following skills: the formation of the plural and singular of nouns and verbs, diminutive forms of nouns, the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns.
Connected speech: corresponds to the age norm, in the stage of formation, requires further development, not formed; the nature of sentences (simple, complex, common, rare, non-common, incomplete), the ability to answer questions from adults in monosyllables or a complete phrase, the ability to build sentences based on demonstration, action on a picture, the ability to compose a story on a subject, plot picture, on a series of plot pictures, retell a fairy tale, story, recite a poem; the possibility of dialogue.
10. Characteristics of activities:
Self care skills: whether he can independently use toiletries, wash his face, wash his hands, comb his hair; can independently dress, undress, put on shoes, fasten, tie and untie shoelaces; can he eat, drink, use a spoon, fork on his own; whether he knows how to clean his things and bed.
Game activity: indifference or interest in toys, favorite games, does he understand the rules of the game, does he follow them, does he make changes to the content of the game, the availability of an imaginary situation, role in a collective game, behavior in a conflict situation, does he reflect his experience in the game, (does not) know how support the game.
Constructive and graphic activities: whether he knows how to correctly assemble a nesting doll, a pyramid, fold simple figures from counting sticks according to the model, perform constructions from cubes
11. The main difficulties noted in communication: there are no difficulties; does not know how to support the game; prefers to be alone; cries, has little contact with adults, children; conflict; otherwise.
12. Personal features: the adequacy of emotional reactions, activity or passivity in various activities, the presence or absence of initiative, compliance, irritability, passivity in the process of communicating with children and adults; shyness, capriciousness, tearfulness, apathy, obsession, timidity; prevailing mood; behavior: calm, adequate to the situation, restless; moral qualities: the adequacy of relations with relatives, peers, other people, a sense of affection, love, kindness, a tendency to help or harm, offend others, aggressiveness, deceit, etc., the ability to obey the requirements of adults, accuracy, cleanliness, the adequacy of emotional reactions to approval and condemnation.
13. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere: prevailing mood (gloom, depression, malice, aggressiveness, isolation, negativism, euphoric cheerfulness), anxious, excitable, insecure, impulsive, shy, friendly, calm, balanced, motor-disinhibited, afraid of the possibility of failure, emotionally passive, suggestible, emotional reactions are adequate, the presence of affective outbursts, a tendency to refuse reactions, anger; general revival when performing a task (motor, emotional), calms down on its own (a), at the request of an adult, when switching to another activity, the presence of phobic reactions (fear of darkness, confined space, loneliness, etc.); the presence of courage, determination, perseverance, the ability to restrain oneself; activity or passivity in different activities; the presence or absence of initiative, compliance, irritability, passivity in the process of communicating with people; shyness, capriciousness.
14. In the section "Additional features of the development of the child" it can be noted to what type of activity inclinations are noticed, the manifestation of creative abilities. Causes of developmental delay. Positive and negative qualities of the child.

Diagnosis of individual characteristics of children:

1. Conversation and questioning of parents
Parents' knowledge is actively used to determine the interests of the child, the characteristics of his behavior, the development of self-service skills, speech, intellectual and social skills. The main purpose of the conversation is to establish contact with parents, get to know the child, introduce parents to the kindergarten and determine the main areas of cooperation.
2. Diagnosis of child development:
Diagnosis of the child is carried out by specialists of the kindergarten.
Each specialist pays attention to his area. Psychologist - level of mental development, features of interaction with children and adults, emotionality, speed of mental reactions, adaptation in a new environment.
3. Observation of behavior in the group:
During the period of adaptation and the entire time the child is present in the preschool educational institution, the teacher and specialists observe the child in different situations, determining the level of formation of self-service skills, features of contact with other children and adults, productive activity skills, development of motor and speech skills, cognitive sphere, manifestation of independence and activity, area of ​​interest, etc.
The following observation techniques can be used: registration of episodes, diary notes, observation maps, observation log, video surveillance.

The composition of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission:

group tutors;
Speech therapist;
Musical director;
Physical education leader;
senior teacher;
Senior nurse;
Head of the structural division.

Methods used in the work:

Conversations, games, classes, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings, with "magic" means of understanding;
Games, exercises and trainings that contribute to the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (development of communication skills and improvement of relationships with others, removal of fears and increase of self-confidence, reduction of aggression and weakening of negative emotions)
Classes, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);
Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);
Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, torso, arms, legs, etc.)

Features of the work of the educator in creating an individual route for the child

Stage 1. Choice:
Collegiate decision to work on building an individual development route;
Stage 2. Observation:
Supervision of the child in activities organized by adults;
Supervision of the child in free activities;
Conversation about the inclinations and preferences of the child with teachers;
Conversation about the inclinations and preferences of the child with parents;
Stage 3. Diagnostics:
Identification of "problem" and "successful" areas of development (in-depth diagnostic examination)
Building a route with orientation to the zone of proximal development of the child
Selection of methods, determination of methods and methods of work
Stage 4. Work:
Selection of individual tasks
Communication with parents and teachers
Adjustment of tasks, methods of working with a child
Stage 5 Control:
Final diagnostics
Presentation of the work of the child at the events of the preschool educational institution

When developing an individual route for a preschooler,
we rely on the following principles:

The principle of reliance on the learning of the child.
The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves the identification of potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines the design of an individual trajectory of a child's development.
The principle of the best interests of the child. L.M. Shipitsina calls him "on the side of the child." The cause of any problematic situation in the development of the child is both the child himself and his social environment. In difficult situations, an objective analysis of the problem is required, taking into account the life experience of adults, their many opportunities for independent self-realization, and taking into account the multitude of social structures and organizations. And on the side of the child is often only himself. The support system specialist is called upon to solve each problem situation with the maximum benefit for the child.
The principle of close interaction and consistency the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying a child (phenomenon, situation).
The principle of continuity when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem. The escort specialist will stop supporting the child only when the problem is solved or the approach to the solution is obvious.
The principle of rejection of the average rationing. The implementation of this principle - this support involves the avoidance of a direct evaluative approach in the diagnostic examination of the level of development of the child, leading in its ultimate expression to the desire to "hang labels", an understanding of what is the norm. “Norms are not the average, what is (or the standard, what is necessary), but what is the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions. One of the most important tasks of specialists who implement the ideology of psychological and pedagogical support for the individual development of the child is to determine these conditions, and, if necessary, create them ”(V.I. Slobodchikov).
The principle of reliance on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with the traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Organization of the emotional well-being of the child

I. "Morning of joyful meetings", when children call each other an affectionate name, wish good, smile, tune in to a good event of the day.
“Individual conversation on topics of interest to children”, or the so-called “Intimate gatherings”, where children and adults tell interesting stories from their lives.
"Composing children's creative stories about themselves", about their family, followed by compiling books and decorating them with drawings.
"Using the method of collecting" contributes to the emergence of communication, joint games.
“Object-developing environment in a group” (a corner of solitude, different-sized screens, a podium, containers of personal belongings, frames for drawings in a group, equipment for independent activities, equipment for directing and role-playing games); aimed at ensuring the individual comfort of children.
II. To develop a positive attitude of the child to the people around him, we conduct:
Didactic games aimed at familiarizing and cultivating a tolerant attitude towards different people (“Peoples of Russia”, “Who has what kind of house”, pick up a picture).
Reading fairy tales of different peoples inhabiting Russia.
Examination of illustrative material on the formation of correct behavior in various situations.
Collective work on visual activity.
Collective events (holidays, snow buildings, planting flowers, making crafts from natural and waste materials).
Making a photo newspaper about any joint event. (“How we rested in the country”, “How we built a snowy town”).
Analysis of situations that may arise in life in which it is necessary to make a moral choice.
Deliberately creating situations that require children to help each other.
Photo exhibitions, photo album with photos of all the children of the group. (decorated in the form of a wall panel, where there are places for a photo of each child of the group.
III. The development of the child's communicative competence is facilitated by:
Elements of psychological gymnastics in the classroom for fine arts, familiarization with others.
Special games and exercises aimed at developing the recognition and expression of one's emotions "Cloud of mood", "Mirror", etc.
Button massage in combination with tasks for emotional manifestation.
Drama games.
Theatrical games.
watching performances,
Reading fiction, followed by a discussion of the nature of the characters, their moods, actions.
IV. To develop social skills in a child, we conduct:
Didactic games ("True or not").
Analysis of situations with a discussion of what you would do.
Special games for communication "Find the magic words", "Secret"
Game-training "Through the glass", elements of fairy tale therapy.
V. The development of a careful attitude to the world (man-made, not man-made) is facilitated by:
GCD on ecology and life safety;
reading fiction;
didactic games of natural history content;
analysis of situations;
watching performances on environmental topics;
promotions (Plant a tree, feed the birds);
caring for plants in a corner of nature and on the site;
labor activity (various types of labor).

Necessary criteria for evaluating the child's performance in terms of social and personal development:

Developed habits of moral behavior;
Have the ability to self-assessment, evaluation;
Have ideas about moral qualities;
Able to communicate easily with peers, adults;
They know how, on their own initiative, to provide all possible assistance: to peers, kids, adults;
Able to build relationships with peers, children;
Able to adequately get out of conflict situations;
The basics of safe behavior in various situations on the roads and on the street have been formed.

Expected result:

Development of social competence;
development of communication skills;
correction of anxiety, self-esteem (approaching adequate);
developing a sense of self-worth;
correction of the child's social and personal problems.1. Development of gaming activities (plot-role-playing, theatrical, directing, and other types of creative games):
encourage them to join games with adults and peers, offer simple plots for games on topics from the surrounding life and based on literary works, cartoons (“Communication”, “Reading”);
to teach how to distribute roles between partners in the game, select the attributes, objects, toys necessary for the game, use them in accordance with the role (“Communication”);
establish positive relationships in the game, take into account the interests of other children, positively resolve disputes and conflict situations (“Communication”);
in theatrical and director's games, act out situations based on simple plots (from cartoons, fairy tales), using toys, objects and some (1-2) means of expression - gestures, facial expressions, intonation (“Communication”, “Reading”).
2. Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones):
develop emotional responsiveness - a manifestation of sympathy for loved ones, attractive characters in literary works, cartoons, films, empathy with them, joint joy (“Communication”, “Reading”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”);
develop an adequate response to past, current and future joyful and sad events in the family, kindergarten (illness, holiday, etc.);
develop a positive attitude towards the requirements of an adult regarding the implementation of norms and rules of behavior (“You can’t scream loudly, because other children won’t hear me”) (“Labor”);
form an idea of ​​some moral norms and rules of conduct, reflecting 2-3 opposite moral concepts (for example, “mutual assistance” (“mutual assistance”) - “selfishness”, “greed” - “generosity”, etc.)
3. Formation of primary personal, family, gender ideas, ideas about society, country, world:
continue to form an idea of ​​​​personal data (name, surname, age in years) (“Knowledge”, “Safety”);
develop positive self-esteem based on highlighting some of your own positive characteristics (qualities, features) - “I am cheerful and smart!”, “I always clean up toys!”;
to develop interest in the personal past and future, to encourage them to ask questions about themselves, about their parents, about kindergarten, school, adult professions, etc. (“Communication”, “Cognition”);
the formation of ideas about one's own nationality, the nationality of parents ("Knowledge");
formation of ideas about one's own address (country, city (village) and street where one lives) (“Knowledge”, “Safety”);
to cultivate love for the native land, to acquaint with the names of the main streets of the city, with its beautiful places, sights.

To develop the competence of teachers on this issue, hold consultations on the following topics:

"Formation of moral health", "Games for the formation of friendly relations between preschoolers", "Work to familiarize children with the name",
Topics of teachers' councils: "Ensuring the psychophysical health of preschoolers", "Learning to understand each other",
Prepare guidelines for teachers: "The use of sand and water in the correction of the emotional-volitional and social sphere of middle-aged children", "How to play with hyperactive children" and others.

Used Books:
1. Kutsakova L.V. “Labor Education in Kindergarten”, Publishing House-Mosaic-Synthesis, Library of the program “From Birth to School”;
2. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D.: “Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old: moral education in kindergarten”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez;
3. Volosovets T.V., Kazmin A.M., Kutepova E.N.: “Inclusive practice in preschool education”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez;
4. Diagnostic tools for studying the results of the development of children's general education program DOU, Publisher: Arkti, Serie: Management of DOU

Individual educational route- this is a personal way to realize the personal potential of the pupil in the education of intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual development. A component of this route is an individual map of the development of the child - this is a document that includes the main indicators of the development of a child attending a preschool educational institution in dynamics. The purpose of using the map is to identify and summarize in one document the individual psychophysical, personal characteristics of the pupil, the level of mental development, the assimilation of program material, and as a result, the design of an individual educational route within the educational process of a particular preschool institution. The following indicators were included in the personal development map:

The nature of the child's adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

Data on the state of health of the child, disorders (posture, development of the foot, vision);

Data on the level of physical development of the child;

Indicators of the level of mental development (cognitive processes, properties and qualities of the individual, the level of development of communication and activity);

Indicators of the level of assimilation of the program material by the child;

Performance indicators of additional education; - the level of readiness of the child to study at school;

The collection of information was carried out in the process of educational activities, in contact with parents, a nurse, an educator responsible for circle work, in the free activities of children.

When collecting information, she adhered to the structure of an individual educational route: setting goals, defining the objectives of educational work, selecting the content of program material based on educational programs implemented in a preschool educational institution, determining the pedagogical technologies used, methods, techniques, systems of education and upbringing, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, determining systems.

diagnostic support, formulation of expected results. To implement this approach, I identified several stages of an individual educational route in my work:

1. Stage of observation.

2. Diagnostic stage.

3. Construction stage.

4. Implementation phase

5. Stage of final diagnostics. Let's take a closer look at each step.

The purpose of the observation stage is to identify a group of preschoolers experiencing difficulties: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, psychomotor or complex. According to the results of the observation, the table "Identified difficulties of preschoolers" is filled in

The purpose of the diagnostic phase is to identify the causes of the child's difficulties. Based on the results of the observation, the table "Identified difficulties of preschoolers and their causes (at the beginning and end of support)" is filled in.

The purpose of the design stage is to build individual educational routes for preschoolers, based on the identified difficulties and the established causes of these difficulties. Determination of methods of pedagogical support, the content of the work.

An individual educational route can be implemented in all types of activities, at any time, it all depends on the desire of the child, on his choice, self-determination. Considering that the leading type of activity of a preschooler child is a game, the pedagogical method “field of miracles” helps the teacher in the implementation of individual routes, where children find a letter addressed to a specific child with the symbols of the task.

The purpose of the stage of final diagnostics is to identify the results of the route (difficulty persisted or not preserved). Based on the results of the observation, the same table is filled in.

Taking into account these stages, individual educational routes were compiled and implemented, taking into account the methods of pedagogical support, the content of the work and the reasons that contribute to their occurrence. Since the individual educational route is determined by the individual card of the child, it is included in the structure of the preschooler's portfolio. The child's portfolio is, first of all, a piggy bank of the child's personal achievements in various activities, his successes, positive emotions.

To implement this approach, she adhered to personality-oriented forms of communication with children, coordinated actions with the nurse of the institution, a teacher involved in additional education at a preschool educational institution.

Currently, I develop individual educational routes for children who have problems in mastering the program material and in communicating with peers, all pupils have development maps. When developing an individual route, I highlight the following principles: - the principle of relying on the child's learning, - the principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development. Compliance with this principle involves identifying potential abilities to assimilate new knowledge as a basic characteristic that determines the design of an individual trajectory of a child's development - the principle of observing the interests of the child

The principle of rejection of the average rationing. The implementation of this principle - this support involves the avoidance of a direct evaluative approach in the diagnostic examination of the level of development of the child, leading in its ultimate expression to the desire to "hang labels", an understanding of what is the norm. "Norms are not the average that is (or the standard that is necessary), but that the best that is possible at a particular age for a particular child under appropriate conditions is the principle of relying on a children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and in ways developed by the children's community, a full-fledged children's experience lives.

Thus, the following stages of designing an individual educational route are formed, which can be represented as follows:

Determination of needs and motives;

goal setting;

Content development; definition of technological tools;

Determination of directions of diagnostic support of the pupil;

Determining the conditions that ensure the achievement of the goal;

Discussion of results and correction. An individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the pupil.

Thus, the use of individual maps of the development of the child and individual educational routes contribute to the development of the natural potential of each child, are pedagogical support for the personal self-determination of the pupil. The totality of all the conditions for the upbringing and education of preschool children makes it possible to ensure a level of development of the child that helps him successfully and without great losses enter school life.

Modern education relies heavily on an individual approach to learning for each student. How can the method of individualization be implemented in the school? There are many ways, and one of them is the compilation individual educational route schoolboy(IOM) and following it.

Concept definition

In the scientific literature, there are several interpretations of the concept of IOM, but the general essence is as follows:

Individual educational route — this is an individual program designed for a particular student and pursuing specific goals that must be implemented within a specified time frame. In other words, IOM is a way or a way of realizing a child's personal potential, developing his abilities according to an individual plan (route).

When compiling the route, the individual characteristics of the student must be taken into account. Namely:

  • educational base (knowledge that the student owns);
  • mental and physical condition of the student;
  • personal qualities, character traits of the child (the ability to work in a team and individually, the type of memory, social activity, motivation, etc.)
  • age;
  • social aspect (wishes of parents).

What are individual routes for?

The practice of introducing IEM is provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard. And the primary task of such routes is a profile orientation.

The explanatory note of the Ministry of Education, attached to the GEF standards, states: each student can draw up an individual study plan. 6 subjects are obligatory: Russian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language, history, life safety and physical education. The remaining subjects are selected depending on the chosen future profession. Six directions are offered:

  • natural science,
  • technological,
  • humanitarian,
  • socio-economic
  • universal.

That is, in addition to the six main subjects, the student will choose subjects from the cycle that he needs to prepare for his future profession. The total number of items will be adjusted by the clock grid.

A full transition of all schools to education according to the Federal State Educational Standard is planned for 2021.

What types of routes are already known and successfully used in pedagogical practice?

Now the IOM technique is used at school for other purposes, namely:

  • for lagging students - to fill gaps in knowledge on a particular topic;
  • help in teaching children with poor health (fatigue, reduced performance);
  • for weak performers - such IEMs are provided for children with low motivation, for those who have no interest in learning, who cannot properly form their learning activities, etc.);
  • for gifted students with individual character traits (hyperactivity, increased emotionality, communication difficulties, etc.);
  • for children ahead of development.

In these cases, the main goal of IEM is to correct the discrepancy between the level set by the norms of the educational program and the child's personal characteristics.

Naturally, the compilation of IEM is provided not only for schoolchildren. In practice, it is often used individual routes of a preschooler, teacher.

Approximate algorithm for the introduction of IOM

There is no universal way to create individual routes today. There are only general recommendations that can help you navigate. Here are the approximate steps in building an IOM:

1. Information stage

The teacher organizes a conversation with children and parents, during which he explains the essence, goals and possibilities of individual routes. At this stage, the student fixes what he should know and be able to do by the end of the route.

2. Diagnosis and choice of methods

The teacher (together with the psychologist and class teacher) conducts a series of tests in order to determine the personal qualities of each student. Here it is important to identify the features of the nervous system, to determine which type of activity will be more effective for the child, to find out what exactly prevents them from doing successfully (the inability to work in a team, insufficient individual attention, the inability to concentrate in the classroom, gaps in past topics).

That is, at this stage, it is fixed what the student can and wants to learn within the framework of this subject and what can help / hinder him in this.

3. Definition of goals and objectives of IOM

For primary school students, the goals and objectives are determined by the teacher. This can be a short-term goal (for example, "Closing the gaps on the topic" Column addition "), or a long-term goal (for example, a child writes poetry, and it is important for his IOM to determine those tasks that will help him develop his literary talent).

High school students should take an active part in setting the goals and objectives of their IEM, ideally they themselves should determine what they want to achieve and what needs to be done to achieve this. The role of the teacher in this case is only as a consultant.

4. Compilation of IEM. Now the important question is: "How will I move towards the fulfillment of the goal?".

The route indicates the goals to be achieved, methods of implementation, sources of knowledge, deadlines for each task separately, control method and final results.

5. Final stage. After the student has completed the IEM, a final attestation is mandatory (testing, control, oral questioning, report, etc.). Here it is important not only to assess the knowledge of the child and the level of his skills and abilities, but also to determine how successful the IEM was, whether he met the deadline, what difficulties the child encountered, what he needs to improve.

Individual educational routes - examples and samples

Here are some examples of IOM of a very different plan.

1. Individual educational route for a primary school student

Parents Signature:

Teacher's signature:

2. An example of an individual educational route for a gifted child

Goal: development of creative and analytical skills

Parents Signature:

Curator's signature:

It is more convenient to make such a route for a quarter, half a year, a year. During implementation, adjustments can be made.

Documents concerning the modernization of the Russian education system certainly contain the idea of ​​the need to change the directions of the pedagogical process. The main goal of the activities of the staff of a general education school should be not so much the implementation of abstract educational tasks, but the development of unique abilities of the individual, which are based on new social values ​​and needs.

Achieving such a goal is impossible without the individualization of the educational process, which is quite feasible. To do this, you only need to train children on an individual educational route. Federal State Educational Standards indicate the value of this direction. It will allow each child, based on operationally regulated self-esteem, as well as on an active desire for improvement, to form and develop the value orientations of their own beliefs and views. Ensuring work on an individual educational route (IEM) will make it possible to take a big step in solving issues of personal development and its readiness to determine the meaning and purpose of life through education. At the same time, teachers will be able to look at the educational process from the point of view of the student.

Individualization of learning

In recent decades, the work of the school has been marked by the emergence of a wide variety of pedagogical systems, concepts and theories that are focused on the self-development of the personality of the student and teacher, as well as on a variety of ways to support this manifestation. In this regard, locally and universally used training directions are being adjusted towards individualization and humanization. What does this mean? Humanism in education means ensuring the external and internal freedom of each person, as well as the recognition of his self-worth.

Thanks to the development of this direction, the main task of education is the knowledge of the student's own "I". The growing personality must evaluate its capabilities and claims. After all, they are necessary for her to realize her own strengths, as well as for self-determination.

In his development, a young person faces many problems. As soon as the first difficulties arise in a child who wants to join something, the support of the teacher should immediately come into force.

The main idea of ​​updating education is its individualization. This will allow the learning process to be as efficient and functional as possible. One of the ways to achieve this goal is the development and subsequent implementation of an individual educational route for the student. There may be more than one for the same student. Their implementation can be carried out both sequentially and in parallel to each other.

Concept definition

What is an individual educational route for a student? It is a differentiated, educational, purposefully designed program. Its implementation is designed to provide the student with the position of the subject of choice. An adult, when a child follows an individual educational route, is called upon to provide pedagogical support for the self-determination and self-realization of his pupil.

There is also a broader understanding of this term. This is an individual educational trajectory. Such a definition implies the implementation of several areas of the curriculum and many plans at once. In this sense, the individual educational route serves as a meaningful component. Also, the educational trajectory includes a method for implementing the developed program, that is, a technology for organizing the pedagogical process.

The individual educational route of the child is necessary for the construction of activities for the acquisition of knowledge. Such a system of education is created to implement a student-centered approach and is designed to train gifted individuals. Such a route takes into account the intellectual abilities of children, determines their personal paths of education and development.

Basic goals

Why is it necessary to use an individual educational route? The introduction of such a system makes it possible to create certain psychological and pedagogical conditions that provide active stimulation of self-valuable activities in students based on self-development, self-education, as well as self-expression during the process of mastering skills and knowledge.

Taking into account the idea of ​​the universal genetic giftedness of each child, a teacher in a modern school must provide his pupils with a field of activity that will give ground for the manifestation of all their abilities.

However, it is worth considering the fact that not all children can be called gifted. It is very difficult for a large number of schoolchildren to cope with the program proposed by the education system. For such students, an individual educational route from the elementary school class and beyond should be a significant help in learning. This can be associated with the poor health of children, and with a low degree of their motivation, and with a number of other reasons that the teacher must know and take into account in the learning process.

IOM selection

What individual educational route can be compiled by a teacher for a particular student? The choice of one IOM or another will depend on a number of factors. Among them:

  • Features, interests and needs in achieving the educational result of both the student and his parents.
  • The professionalism of the teacher.
  • Possibilities of an educational institution.

The most effective means in the formation of skills for self-determination of the child are pedagogical situations, as well as joint planning with children and their parents of a child development program, which occurs in the process of reading, communication, games, etc. This situation is called an individual educational route.

Types of IOM

According to the new concept of learning, the child can repeat the topic, learn new or reinforce already learned material. An individual educational route developed by a teacher for a particular student must certainly take into account his psychological characteristics, as well as the level of knowledge.

IEM are designed for strong and weak students, as well as for those children who often get sick. However, among the students there are always those who learn more easily than others.

The sample of an individual educational route for a child with outstanding abilities, presented below, allows you to understand what work should be done with gifted students.

Routes can be long or short. But, regardless of their type, such programs help to solve problems related to the formation and development of the student's personality, increasing his interest in the subject, the desire to independently acquire knowledge and apply them in practice. As a result, the student begins to work fruitfully and achieves success.

The Federal State Educational Standard invites teachers to develop an individual educational route for a child with disabilities. Such activities will be within the framework of improving correctional education. An individual educational route for a child with disabilities should determine the path of high-quality upbringing and education of children with disabilities. In the future, this will contribute to their successful socialization.

Features of creating IOM

It is impossible for a teacher to “draw a trajectory” for the education of his pupils, since the process of obtaining knowledge is always in dynamics and development. An individual educational route cannot be compiled according to a single "recipe". This justifies the need to adjust the IOM elements. The main task of the teacher in this case is to offer the student a wide range of opportunities, as well as to help him make his final choice.

The development of IEM takes place with the participation of a teacher, a student and his parents. However, the process of choosing a certain route should belong only to the child.

Stages of building IOM

Creating an individual educational route is possible by going through the following steps:

  • The teacher determines the content of education.
  • The level and mode of mastering the educational material by the child is revealed.
  • The actions of the teacher to achieve the goal are planned.
  • Criteria for evaluating the results of work are being developed.

IOM components

What are the main elements of an individual educational route? These are the components:

  1. Target. It expresses the setting of specific educational goals, which should be formulated on the basis of the GEF, as well as the needs and motives of the student.
  2. Informative. This element of the IEM is the substantiation of the structure, as well as the systematization and grouping of the content of educational subjects with the establishment of inter-cycle, intra-subject, as well as inter-subject communications.
  3. Technological. This component defines the methods, methods and pedagogical technologies intended for use in the field of education and training systems.
  4. Diagnostic. This component indicates the system used to determine the level of knowledge.
  5. Organizational and pedagogical. These are the conditions and ways that should lead to the achievement of the goal.
  6. Productive. This element is intended to articulate the expected results.

Drawing up an explanatory note

This is a document that describes the individual educational route compiled by the teacher. It must include a description:

  • Features of the development of the child.
  • Potential opportunities and abilities of the student.
  • Features characteristic of the educational process.
  • expected results.
  • performance criteria.
  • Forms and methods of tracking the results of the educational process.

In the individual route itself, the teacher must indicate the following points:

  • Offer a set of tasks of increased or simplified complexity.
  • Provide topics for creative or research projects.

The necessary materials should be placed in the appendix to the developed program.

Consider specific examples of compiling an explanatory note of the IOM.

Education at the preschool educational institution

An individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is necessary to create conditions in kindergarten that contribute to the positive socialization of children. At the same time, kids should receive social and personal development, inextricably linked with physical, aesthetic, emotional and intellectual areas.

How should an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard be drawn up?

The first section of the explanatory note concerns general information about the child. Here, the teacher provides the following information:

  • Where did the student come from?
  • Whether or not he had long breaks in visiting the preschool educational institution.
  • Evaluation for the adaptation of a preschooler in a group (good or satisfactory, insufficient or poor).

The second section of the document explains the characteristics of the family. Here, the teacher provides the following information:

  • Parent information.
  • Information about the composition of the family (incomplete or complete, large or not, and the presence of sisters and brothers is also indicated).
  • Type of family (prosperous, dysfunctional, morally dysfunctional or with the presence of family dictates, with excessive custody of the child, passive or ready to cooperate).

The third section is intended to indicate the features of the appearance of the child. Here the teacher should briefly note:

  • The gait of a child.
  • Posture.
  • Mimicry.
  • Gestures.
  • The presence of salivation, etc.

The fourth section is devoted to somatic health. Here the teacher should indicate:

  • Characteristics of the daytime sleep of a preschooler.
  • The frequency of his illnesses.
  • Enuresis or encopresis.
  • child health group.

The fifth section deals with the features of the motor sphere. In it, the teacher must describe the general and manual motor skills of the child. It also indicates which of his hands is leading.

The sixth section points out the need to describe the characteristics of the cognitive sphere of a preschooler. Here the following features of the pupil should be explained:

  • Attentiveness.
  • Concentration (can he concentrate on the proposed activity during the lesson or is he constantly distracted).
  • Accuracy in completing assignments.
  • Diligence.
  • Characteristics of the pupil's memory (quickly or slowly he remembers the proposed material, is it hard to memorize poetry, is he able to catch the main idea of ​​what was said).
  • Characteristics of the child's thinking (whether he is able to navigate in space, whether he carries out the simplest classification according to the model, whether he singles out counting operations, and whether or not he can form temporal representations when studying program material).

The seventh paragraph describes the level of knowledge of the preschooler in sections of the program. Here you need to provide the following information:

  • Child's skills in drawing and mathematics.
  • His ideas about the world around him.
  • What difficulties does a preschooler experience in the learning process?
  • When describing the stock of general knowledge about the surrounding world, the educator explains whether the child gives his name and age, whether he knows the names of his parents, seasons, home address, signs of the times, whether he is able to describe the flora and fauna.
  • Formation of the pupil's drawing skills. That is, can he depict a person, a tree, a house, etc., as well as mold a bar or a ball of plasticine.
  • His elementary mathematical concepts concerning quantity and counting.

The individual educational route of a preschooler in the eighth section explains his attitude to classes:

  • Can the child control his activity, bringing it to the end.
  • Whether the baby accepts help (teaching, organizing, guiding, practical or verbal).
  • How does he overcome the difficulties that have arisen (crying, quitting his job, looking for a way out on his own).

In the ninth section, the individual educational route of a preschooler includes a description of the child's speech. It considers the following features:

  • The sound side (phonetic structure, correct pronunciation of sounds, etc.).
  • The child's vocabulary. Whether it is developed enough or not, whether it corresponds to the age norm.
  • The grammatical structure of the child's speech. Is it sufficiently formed and does it correspond to the age of the pupil.
  • The use (or not) of verbs and nouns in a diminutive form.
  • The ability of a preschooler to coordinate adjectives and numerals with nouns.
  • Connectivity of speech. Does it correspond to the age norm or does it require further development.

The tenth section concerns the characteristics of the preschooler's activities, that is, whether he has self-service skills, how much he is interested in games, constructive and graphic work (collecting nesting dolls and pyramids, simple figures, etc.).

In the eleventh section, the teacher indicates the presence of difficulties in communicating with the child. Can he support games or does he want to be alone, is he conflicted or not, etc.

The twelfth section indicates the personality characteristics of the child. Here the teacher must provide the following information:

  • How adequate are his emotional reactions.
  • Is it passive or active.
  • Capricious or shy in dealing with adults and children.

The thirteenth section should tell about the features of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler. Here the teacher describes the prevailing mood of the child, whether he is afraid of a possible failure, whether he switches to another type of activity at the request of an adult, etc.

The last section indicates additional features that the preschooler has. Does he have an inclination to any particular type of activity, what are the reasons for his developmental delay (if any).

We examined the features of compiling an individual educational route for a child. The samples provided in the article will help in writing it.