Experience of social pedagogical work of a social pedagogue. Practical experience of working as a social pedagogue at school



Social pedagogy as a practical activity is focused mainly on working with children and families. If for some reason the parents are not able to help the child in solving his problems, the social pedagogue strives to fulfill this task.

Social work in the school is designed to focus mainly on those shortcomings that teachers themselves, students and their parents point out, applying alternative concepts to eliminate them.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the social service at school is designed to organize active cooperation between both the school administration, teachers, students and parents, and external social structures with them to provide real, qualified, comprehensive and timely assistance to children and teachers in protection of their personal rights and prevention of their violation.

The object of this study is the work of a social teacher in educational institutions, and the subject is the forms, content, methods and technologies of the work of a social teacher.

The purpose of the study is to present the experience of a social pedagogue in school.

Research objectives:

1. develop criteria and conditions for improving the effectiveness of the school social teacher;

2. establish what should be the direction of the work of a social pedagogue, what methods will be applied;

3. to study educational work as one of the aspects of the activity of a school social teacher;

4. explore the experience of joint work of the school and social institutions of society.

During the study, the following methods were used: studying school documentation, talking with a social teacher, reviewing personal files, attending a conversation between a social teacher and his wards.

The base for the study was the MOU "Secondary School No. 5" of the city of Lyantor.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the work of a social pedagogue at school

1.1 Features of social work in an educational institution

The problem of the development of social pedagogy in Russia is very relevant. Officially, the profession of "social teacher" appeared in our country only about ten years ago.

Social educator - is called upon to unite the efforts of the family, school, community, to help the child. Social pedagogy as a practical activity is focused mainly on working with children and families. A social worker mainly provides assistance to people who are already self-determined in life. Its main goal is to improve or restore a person's ability to social functioning, to create conditions in society (socio-ecological, psychological, socio-medical) conducive to achieving this goal, revealing the potential of a person.

Both the social worker and the social educator in the education system contribute to a more confident transition from methods of combating disadvantage to methods of social prevention.

At present, the introduction of the rates of social teachers in the staff list has the necessary regulatory framework. In accordance with Article 55 of the Law "On Education", the rate of a social pedagogue - organizer, as well as a social pedagogue, is 36 hours of pedagogical work per week. Vacation 36 working days or 42 calendar days (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1052). Knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation on the development of education helps a social worker to successfully perform his functions. So in the Law "On Education" (1992) and the Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (new version of the law of January 13, 1996) in Section 2 "Right to Education" (Article 5 "State guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of education") is written:

"... the state guarantees to citizens the general availability and free of charge of primary, general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis of free secondary vocational and postgraduate professional education in state and municipal educational institutions within the limits of state educational standards, if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time ... "(clause 3);

"... In order to realize the right to education of citizens in need of social assistance, the state fully or partially bears the costs of their maintenance during the period of their education. The categories of citizens who receive this assistance, its forms, amounts and sources are established by federal law." (clause 5);

"... The state provides assistance in obtaining education to citizens who have shown outstanding abilities, including through the provision of special state scholarships, including scholarships for studying abroad. The criteria and procedure for providing such scholarships are established by the government of the Russian Federation ..." (p. 6).

The necessary social assistance can be provided at any educational level: when an individual receives a basic general education (grades 1-9); secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11); initial vocational education; higher professional education; during postgraduate extension of professional education.

The federal law "On Higher and Postgraduate Education" (1996) provides a social worker with the opportunity to protect the rights of citizens with an appropriate educational level.

The social worker should be knowledgeable about a number of issues:

He is obliged to know that he is an educational institution - this is an institution that carries out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and providing content and education for students";

What forms of institutions can be: "educational institutions in their organizational and legal forms can be state, municipal, non-state (private, institutions of public and religious organizations (associations))";

Are all forms of educational institutions subject to Russian legislation (“the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education applies to all educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of organizational and legal forms and subordination”).

This information is contained in the mentioned Federal Law "On the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 12).

Carrying out activities in the conditions of educational institutions of any level, any form and subordination, a social worker must be aware of:

Who exactly, for what reasons, and what kind of social assistance needs (social assistance is targeted);

In which part of the human right was infringed.

It is known that the main goal of social work is to contribute to the normal life of a person, the satisfaction and harmonization of his social needs, the harmonization of the needs of a person and society.

In modern conditions, in the work of various structures in the field of social protection, the main areas of social work have been determined, which the social teacher is also involved in:

Provision of material assistance (cash, patronage, allowances and benefits, household assistance);

Organization of social care (work with people, selection of employees, verification, promotion of best practices);

Influence on a person.

The process of influencing a person is a process of pedagogical and psychological influence.

The goal of modern education in the Russian Federation is to create an education system that meets the needs of the population in a variety of educational services, taking into account inclinations and abilities, based on the widespread use of local resources, cultural and historical traditions.

Teachers understand education as the unity of three processes:




in specially created conditions in order to transfer and assimilate social experience.

In general, education is considered as the main condition under which an individual learns a social tradition, gets the opportunity to acquire subjectivity (a responsible attitude towards one's own life) and self-realization in a certain activity.

Today, education, taking in its activities, as paramount, the upbringing of the child, the formation of personality, is changing its content and methods of work. Among the areas where a social pedagogue is especially needed is the school, and his work in the school is a special issue.

At present, a significant part of young people associate personal success in life with the material side of life and are not ready to consider it as a condition for the further spiritual development of their own personality.

Conditions for the successful development of the education system:

The modern education system needs spiritually developed competent personalities, because a personality is brought up by a personality, spirituality is caused by spirituality.

In the current situation of social development, it is important for a person to realize himself as the creator of his own destiny and an improviser in choosing the means of self-knowledge, self-actualization, self-fulfillment, self-help.

An educated person today can be considered a person: who is able to perceive whatever he wants and what he thinks is necessary, without violating the rights of other people; who knows how and where to extract the knowledge he needs, and how to translate it into a clear plan of action.

The social worker is called upon not only to fulfill the mission of a social rehabilitator in education, but also to initiate the process of social prevention in it, enriching the educational systems of educational institutions with the latest social technologies.

The activities of a social work specialist in institutions of the preschool education system depend on:

From the age characteristics of preschool children;

From scientific ideas about the necessary conditions that contribute to the successful inclusion of a child of 3-7 years old in the system.

The social worker is responsible for:

The needs of preschoolers and the capabilities of their parents, especially in cases where the child's behavior and his learning and play activities create a problem for peers and educators, or he suffers material and social deprivation.

When the problem goes beyond the competence of the educational institution, the social worker has the right (and must) apply to the appropriate authorized social authorities. During the period of inclusion of a child in the system of preschool education, most often for the first time, his deviations in development are revealed - physical, emotional, cognitive. In such cases, the social worker must organize assistance to his ward, involving appropriate specialists - medical workers, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, a policeman, etc. - and thus eliminate the symptoms of trouble in a timely manner.

In accordance with Article 18, Section 2 of the mentioned Law "On Education", parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the personality of the child at an early age.

Socio-pedagogical activity is social work, including pedagogical activity. You can designate the corresponding work fields:

Pre-school education (care, education and training in nurseries, kindergartens, day care groups, school preparatory classes, etc.);

Work with youth (education, support, organization of leisure activities, consultations in the preparation of homework, assistance to the younger generation in professional orientation, work with youth clubs, etc.);

Education in orphanages and shelters (education, support, creation of conditions close to family education, development of independence, etc.);

Social and pedagogical assistance to the family (consultations, assistance in solving everyday problems, family support activities);

Social work at school.

Areas of activity in social work in institutions of preschool education are mainly:

organizational and preventive character:

identification of children with symptoms of social disadvantage

finding out the reasons for the trouble

organization of a system of targeted social assistance to children.

As in the case of work in preschool institutions, a social worker working at a subsequent educational level is guided by the current legislation, seeks to meet the needs of students and, at the same time, takes into account the possibilities of their families. Teachers are under no obligation to seek to eliminate the causes of poverty, deviant or delinquent behavior of their students, as well as other symptoms of their social disadvantage. The social worker, visiting the families of students, knowing the situation of the child in the school and class, his needs and troubles, encourages parents to make the most of the educational opportunities of the school, for example, the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships in the family with the help of a school psychologist, to take part in a public action organized by a social teacher, use the possibilities of additional education if the child shows special abilities for any type of activity; receive financial assistance, etc.

The duties of a social worker who performs his functions in the conditions of a mass general education school also include taking care of children who are permanently or temporarily excluded from school; providing assistance and support to parents when transferring a child to another educational institution, the education system in which is more consistent with its characteristics, in particular in cases where a gifted child is brought up in a family that is low-income due to large families, illness of parents, absence of one of the parents and so on.; protection of the rights of children who are representatives of national minorities, refugees or migrants; identifying children who are illegally employed at work during school hours, and resolving the issue of their education; support for children receiving education outside of school; stopping cases of child abuse; assistance to children (in the exercise of their rights in the field of education) and parents (in the use of social privileges provided to schoolchildren); organization of social studies of students during extracurricular time, i.e. training in an effective way to solve everyday problems, as well as various public events - charity fairs, auctions, charity events, etc.

In the modern period, the following organizations and institutions can be listed where the presence of a social pedagogue is relevant:

at school, in the classroom, to work with disadvantaged children;

in boarding schools, orphanages, orphanages;

in forest schools, children's sanatoriums;

in social and educational centers;

in rehabilitation and correctional centers;

in cultural centers, leisure centers;

in summer labor and recreation camps.

1.2 The essence of the work of a social pedagogue in an educational institution

The social educator organizes and conducts consultations on issues of rights and obligations, available benefits and allowances, offers possible solutions to the problems of participants in the educational process, provides social assistance and support, using the full range of available legal opportunities and means.

The main job responsibilities of a social educator consist of:

Organization of educational work in the classroom;

Directions for the formation of a common culture of the individual;

Adaptation of the individual to life in society;

Respect for the environment;

The study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the personality and its microenvironment, living conditions;

Identification of the interests and needs of pupils;

Disclosure of problems, conflict situations;

The study of deviations in behavior;

Providing timely social assistance and support to students and pupils

Act as an intermediary between the individual and the educational institution, family, environment, authorities;

To promote the realization of the rights and freedoms of students;

Create a comfortable and safe environment, ensure the protection of life and health of students;

Create conditions for the development of talents, mental and physical abilities of students during extracurricular time;

Interact with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services and other services in assisting students, children in need of guardianship and guardianship, children with disabilities, as well as those in extreme situations;

Participate in the development, approval and implementation of educational programs of the institution, be responsible for the quality of their implementation within their competence;

Conduct periodic raids on student families.

Areas of work of a social educator:

Working with children at risk;

Prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking;

Prevention of vagrancy;

Working with orphans;

Working with children in care;

Working with incomplete families;

Working with children whose parents are alcoholics;

Working with child activists;

Working with disabled children, etc.

The social educator deals with the following issues:



Tobacco smoking.

social depression.




Forced migration.

Natural disasters.

Mental upheavals.

Social maladjustment.

The school social teacher - in the organization of his work pays special attention to protecting the child from parental cruelty, selfishness, permissiveness.

The social educator identifies children in need of social assistance. These are underachieving children who, due to their abilities, cannot master the school course. These are children who experience stress or in a group of peers at school or family. These are sick children, with certain shortcomings, schoolchildren who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Most often they are registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. Also, they are gifted children.

The social pedagogue becomes the organizer of the student's extracurricular time, uniting in his educational work with his parents. He coordinates the work of the teaching staff with difficult children, families, with the surrounding social microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict. The social pedagogue periodically informs the teaching staff of the school about the psychological climate in the classes, about each difficult child and about helping him. Children expelled from school are helped by a social worker to be placed in another school.

Revealing problems and difficulties in the sphere of family, communication and relations of people, the social pedagogue differentiates the identified problems and "brings" social workers, specialists of various profiles and departmental subordination to their solution.

The social pedagogue performs an intermediary function in establishing connections and contacts between the family and specialists - psychologists, social workers, doctors, lawyers, representatives of authorities and the public. This requires well-established connections of a social pedagogue with various social services of the microdistrict, district, city, institutions and public associations, good knowledge of the structures and terms of reference of administrative bodies, their location and telephone numbers. The social pedagogue draws up savings deposits, resolves issues related to the use of property and securities of orphans and those left without parental care, acts as a representative of an educational institution and a particular student or employee in judicial and administrative instances, and provides emergency assistance to those in a difficult situation. At the same time, the social pedagogue independently determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways to solve personal and social problems, measures of social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The social educator should be an intermediary, involving doctors and lawyers in case of physical and sexual abuse of children. He should be aware of the criminal liability for crimes against children, for incitement to suicide as a result of cruel treatment of a child, for beatings and torture, for leaving without help in a dangerous situation, for marrying before adulthood.

A social educator should be aware of the protection of motherhood and childhood, the labor protection of children and adolescents, and the right of a child to a pension. He should also be able to resolve the issue of adoption, know the rights of adopted children, the characteristics of families with adopted children.

The social educator is faced with the problem of deprivation of parental rights. This is a severe last resort, which is resorted to when parents do not fulfill their duties, abuse them, adversely affect the development of the child, treat them cruelly. In such cases, the child is placed in an orphanage, for guardianship or guardianship.

A social educator should be aware of the criminal liability of adolescents, minors for crimes. He should know how the proceedings are conducted, how the defense is carried out, etc. A social pedagogue working at a school should be guided by the following documentation in his activities:

1. Texts of administrative documents on socio-pedagogical work. Laws and regulations on the implementation of the rights of the child;

2. Job description;

3. Perspective, calendar work plan for the year, month, week;

4. Cyclogram or work schedule for a week, month, approved by the head of the institution;

5. Schedule of thematic group consultations, schedule of individual consultations for certain population groups;

6. Projects or programs in some of the most relevant areas of socio-pedagogical work;

7. Documentation: on the accounting of offenses, deviations in development, conflicts in the team; on the development of individual educational routes by children who are under intra-school control;

8. Documentation on issues of guardianship and guardianship, registration at the place of residence and employment, protection of the rights of the child in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the judiciary;

9. Accounting for requests from parents, teachers, students and the resolution of their problems;

10. Data on the study of the social composition of families, the social portrait of the student, class, school, social expectations of parents, students, teachers, as subjects of the educational process;

11. Accounting for measures for the social protection of children from socially disadvantaged families;

14. Systematized information on city and district services for parents and children on possible ways to solve their problems.

When working with clients, the duties of a school social teacher include:

Ensuring the pedagogical orientation of the content, forms, methods used in the course of work;

The study of medical, psychological and pedagogical conditions that affect the personality, his interests, needs;

Organization of socio-pedagogical activities in society, various types of cooperation between children and adults;

Assistance to children and adults in solving personal and social problems, preventing delinquency; client rehabilitation;

Representation and protection of the interests of children and their families in relations with various public authorities and structures assists in raising the social status of the family.

If we generalize all the activities of a social pedagogue, then it should contribute to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and security for the personality of students, ensuring the protection of their life and health, establishing humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment. In order to ensure the versatile development of the personality of each child, the efforts of the whole society, all state and public structures are necessary.

1.3 Functions, methods and forms of social work at school

In the conditions of the school, various related approaches are used that have boundaries and zones of influence in which certain effects of social work are manifested. At the same time, one should always take into account aspects where social work should weaken its position in favor of other services.

The social service at the school is designed to organize active cooperation between the school administration, teachers, students and parents, as well as external social structures with them to provide real, qualified, comprehensive and timely assistance to children and teachers to protect their personal rights and prevent their violation. . It performs the following functions:

Acts as a guarantor providing social guarantees to each member of the school team;

Guards and protects the individual, his rights, interests and work;

Creates conditions for a safe, comfortable creative life of students;

Provides assistance and support to needy students and teachers;

Establishes relationships in the team, prevents the facts of mental violence against a person;

Studies public opinion in the school community;

Organizes socio-psychological and legal consultation for students, teachers, school administration, parents;

Resolves conflict situations between students, schoolchildren and teachers, students and parents;

Organizes the work of the school helpline;

Promotes a healthy lifestyle of the team and each of its members.

The main principles of the activity of the social service are:

Multifunctionality - the implementation of a complex of various measures to protect and protect the rights of the individual student and teacher;

Objectivity - taking into account as many factors as possible for the existence and development of the school team and the individual; making unbiased recommendations; taking into account the age characteristics and inclinations of each personality, its moral and moral position;

Communication - organization of a system of interconnection with the school administration, teachers, students, parents, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, local and federal authorities, etc. to obtain a variety of information about the life of the school team, its individual parts and personalities for the purpose of free orientation in all school affairs and processes, quickly finding means of qualified assistance;

Integration - the information received should be accumulated in a closed system that ensures complete secrecy and anonymity of respondents;

Efficiency - quick resolution or prevention of social problems and contradictions in a given school team, in a given individual;

Autonomy - the social service must be independent from administrative schools, educational authorities and other power structures;

Representativeness - representation in all social groups of schoolchildren and taking into account their interests;

Adaptation - focus on mobility, lack of inertia and rapid adaptation to changes in the external social environment, personality and team properties.

The socio-pedagogical module at the school is being created to help children and adolescents who experience learning difficulties due to existing deficiencies in the development of the intellect, emotional-volitional sphere, improper behavior, inability to establish communication, inability to communicate.

Its tasks are:

Early identification of children experiencing difficulties in education and upbringing, in social and environmental adaptation and determining the conditions for weakening and overcoming their developmental deficiencies;

Providing assistance to teachers of general education schools in working with children with certain developmental disabilities;

Carrying out special work with children aimed at correcting their shortcomings;

Education and upbringing of children in conditions that meet their capabilities.

The main areas of the socio-pedagogical module include:

Social, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children studying in schools that are geographically close to each other;

Social and psychological support for a difficult child and his family;

Social control over the conditions for raising children with developmental disabilities at school and in the family;

Social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation in the family and school.

School psychological service. The implementation of an integrative consulting approach presupposes the presence of both psychological and socio-theoretical and pedagogical knowledge.

The activity of a teacher-consultant is focused on the problems of an individual student. The teacher-consultant explores general deviations from the norm, violations in the behavior of the student. His duty is to provide assistance in a particular case, assistance in the educational process, providing advice on individual academic disciplines.

Vocational orientation, vocational training, professionally oriented classes and practice. The disadvantages of many schools include the fact that the process of developing interest in a particular profession among schoolchildren, professional orientation as a whole, begins too late. The school social work service is designed to provide contact between the school and organizations and institutions outside the school that are relevant to vocational guidance.

Cooperation with parents, parent committees: school self-government. School students and their parents are the two most important groups that determine the learning process, including every lesson, and all efforts for "secondary" socialization. The field of school social work includes any attempt to involve students and their parents in active and responsible participation in the life of the school. New forms of group work with parents, the organization of cooperation between the parents themselves are as important as self-organizing groups of schoolchildren, their amateur performances, student newspapers, etc. the difference in interests of different groups contributes to the development of democratization processes in the school.

In the light of the new pedagogical paradigm, the mission of a social educator is to protect the rights and freedoms of a young person, create appropriate situations for them to realize their needs, interests, needs and resources to meet them.

It is also necessary to name such areas of socio-pedagogical work that influence the formation of social work at school, although they do not have direct institutional contacts with the school. This is assistance to the family from the youth departments (first of all, this concerns activities that complement the upbringing in the family), work with young people at the place of residence and upbringing in orphanages and shelters.

Forms and methods of school social work:

group work with students outside of class (including assistance with school work and leisure activities);

suggestions for organizing classes (for example, game lessons, social experiential trainings in the course of classes, etc.);

participation and creative representation in the social life of the school (trips and excursions with the participation of the whole class, holidays, holidays in country camps);

work with parents, representing the interests of parents;

vocational training, vocational guidance, assistance in changing professions;

counseling (in the field, integrative forms of counseling for schoolchildren, parents and teachers, counseling of study groups, work with teachers in groups);

work with organizations, work planning, cooperation in matters of school policy);


scientific substantiation, support and evaluation.

The social educator does a lot of work. His clients are both students and their parents, their families. But in general, it performs the following functions:

1. Educational, i.e. ensuring targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children and adults; assistance of all social institutions, institutions of physical culture and sports, mass media.

2. Diagnostic, i.e. setting a "social diagnosis", for which the study of personal characteristics and social conditions of life of children, families, social environment is carried out; identification of positive and negative influences and various kinds of problems.

3. Organizational, i.e. organization of socially valuable activities of children and adults, teachers and volunteers in solving the problems of social and pedagogical assistance, support for education and development of the implementation of plans and programs.

4. Prognostic and expert, i.e. participation in programming, forecasting, designing the process of social development of a particular microsociety, in the activities of various institutions for social work.

5. Organizational and communicative, i.e. the inclusion of voluntary assistants, the population of the microdistrict in the socio-pedagogical work. Organization of joint work and recreation, establishing interaction between various institutions in their work with children and families.

6. Security and protective, i.e. the use of the existing arsenal of legal norms to protect the rights and interests of the individual. Assistance in the application of measures of state coercion and the implementation of legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect unlawful influence on the wards of a social pedagogue.

7. Intermediary, i.e. communication in the interests of the child between the family, educational institution and the immediate environment of the child.

It is necessary to dwell on the methods of work of a school social teacher:

1. The method of persuasion - a teacher can be successful if he has enough legal knowledge to convince the child of the consequences of his antisocial behavior. With the help of this method, a social pedagogue can ensure that the pupil himself begins to look for a way out of the current situation.

2. Method of observation - gives the teacher the most material for educational work. The teacher observes the child's communication, his behavior in the family, at school, in the classroom, with peers, his work.

3. Method of conversation - it is important that the social educator prepares for the conversation. Questioning, a questionnaire drawn up in advance, or the results of a commission that made a conclusion when the child entered this institution can help him in this.

4. The method of sociometry - in which, for mathematical processing, data are collected from conversations, questionnaires, surveys and algorithms, assessing the crisis state of the child.

1.4 Institutions of social service, prevention and rehabilitation of families and children

In our country, in 1992, the government adopted a resolution "On Priority Measures for the Creation of a State System of Social Assistance to the Family," which includes economic, legal, medical, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. Social policy manifested itself in the payment of child benefits, the creation of social service institutions that were focused on the family and children. These institutions provide assistance to families, orphans, difficult teenagers, organize family vacations.

The most common form of social assistance to families are mixed-type centers, where the work of various services is combined. These centers include a rehabilitation service that deals with people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. It provides financial support, helps to find a job, deals with the problems of adoption, guardianship, guardianship.

The Youth Social Service helps young people find employment, provides assistance to a young family, juvenile delinquents who have returned from prison, alcoholics and drug addicts.

The rehabilitation centers for disabled children provide psychological, pedagogical and medical assistance, professional training is carried out.

In the medical and social center, assistance is provided not only to children, but also to family members, to all segments of the population. Families with young children are patronized here, a healthy lifestyle is promoted, and medical prevention is carried out. After identifying families in need, social services provide them with various assistance: they are attached to shops, workshops, etc.

Temporary shelters are being set up to provide temporary assistance to families in distress. More common are shelters for children. For adults, social hotels are created, for adolescents and youth - houses on a boarding principle, where they live until the age of 18, attending school; after graduation, having found a job, they can leave the boarding school.

In the center of psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children, they help to establish a normal psychological situation in the family, carry out psychological and pedagogical education of all its members.

In the centers of social rehabilitation of children and adolescents, they are engaged in the prevention of their antisocial behavior, organizing their work and study, helping to get out of the crisis.

Social protection centers provide legal and legal assistance to minors and their families. They control criminal families and individuals who involve children and teenagers in crimes. Help those released from prison.

In preschool centers for social and pedagogical support, they teach and educate children according to the kindergarten program, carry out psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities in mental and physical development. The centers develop individual rehabilitation programs for each child. Conducted psychological and pedagogical control over the process of rehabilitation.

Family leisure centers are being created using state, municipal, public and private funds. There are playgrounds, training grounds, pedagogical and psychological consultations. A number of services have set up Helpline services, social educators' services, and various family clubs.

The main thing in all these institutions is the work of the social pedagogue with the child and the family.

Chapter II. Analysis of the work of a social educator of the mou "secondary school No. 5" of the city of Lyantor

2.1 Social and educational direction of work of the social teacher of school No. 5

In the MOU "Lyantorskaya secondary school No. 5", the system is working with children with deviant behavior. The main tasks of the educational institution:

To give each child, taking into account his psychophysical abilities, the level of education and upbringing that will help him not to get lost in society, find his place in life, develop his potential;

To see the manifestation of the problem in time, to predict the possible development of events and take measures to stabilize the situation.

The main direction of work with such children is the study of the family, constant work with students and their parents. The social pedagogue plans social and educational work for the whole year (see Appendix 1).

The social educator conducts activities to prevent delinquency among adolescents:

Creation of a data bank "Pay attention!"

Continuation of the work of the Prevention Council (offenses, neglect)

Conducting school-wide and classroom parent meetings with the introduction of the issue of crime prevention among adolescents on the agenda

Organization of meetings with police officers, polyclinics

Work at the school of pedagogical and parental patrol

Involvement of children from the "risk" group in circle activities

Conducting raids on difficult families"

The work of "Services of psychological assistance"

To draw up and conduct a number of extracurricular activities for the prevention of delinquency. (traffic rules, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism)

Organization of joint activities of the school with the juvenile inspectorate, libraries, a museum, a center for children's creativity

Conducting MO class teachers, including the issue of delinquency of adolescents on the agenda

Conducting a month of legal education at the school

Participation in the district event "Safe Wheel"

Creation of "Corners of Safety" in the classrooms of the school

Conducting a pedagogical council "Games with conversation".

Lyantorskaya secondary school No. 5, together with the City Police Department, is working on the prevention and prevention of offenses (see Appendix 2).

The social pedagogue provides social protection of the individual in the activities for the upbringing, education and development of schoolchildren studying in an educational institution. His tasks:

Contribute to the civil development of children, their spiritual, moral, patriotic education through active cooperation with various educational forces.

Carrying out activities to ensure the involvement of students from socially vulnerable families in extracurricular activities.

To promote material, legal, scientific and methodological support for socially unprotected families.

To promote the social adaptation of students to the conditions of schooling, the creation of psychological comfort and security of the individual studying in the institution, in the family, in the surrounding social environment (see Appendix 3).

Also, a social teacher works with a socially unprotected category of children:

Corrects data and compiles lists of children by social status: large families; incomplete families; families, with the loss of one of the parents; disabled children; children under guardianship; dysfunctional families; "difficult" children;

Fills out social class passports;

He studies the social and living conditions of large families. Visits them at home;

He studies the social and living conditions of children who have lost one of the breadwinners. Visits them at home;

He studies the social and living conditions of dysfunctional families. Visits them at home;

Assists in providing material assistance to needy children;

Assists in the organization of summer recreational holidays for children from large, low-income and dysfunctional families;

Maintains close contact with the OSZN authorities to clarify information about the socially unprotected category of the population.

The social pedagogue, together with class teachers or educators, use individual preventive work with students and their parents. In this work, legal documents are used:

Federal Law No. 120 "On the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency."

Regulations of the Department of Education on intra-school accounting.

Students tend to skip classes;

Students who systematically violate discipline, showing elements of asocial behavior (foul language, fights, mockery of other children);

Students who have committed crimes and offenses;

Students who have completed a course of rehabilitation measures (they were registered with the KDN, as being in the SOP, removed with correction);

Students in respect of whom the issue of assigning the status of a socially dangerous position at a meeting of the Committee of National Crimes were decided, the assignment of the status was denied.

Activities that can be used when developing an IEP plan with students and families:

Visiting the family in order to find out the reason for missing lessons for students;

Examination of housing and living conditions of a minor;

Individual or group correctional work with the child, if the refusal to study is associated with conflicts with peers, with deviations in behavior;

Involvement of a teenager in extra-curricular, school-wide activities;

Involving the child in circles and sections, if the refusal to study is associated with relationships with antisocial elements;

Assigning a public assignment to a student;

Referral of parents to school specialists: a psychologist, a social pedagogue, a psychiatrist, a medical worker, if school absences are associated with somatic weakness, behavioral deviations, interpersonal conflicts;

Conducting a series of conversations with parents and adolescents, if the absence of lessons is associated with the pedagogical illiteracy of the parents, improper parenting;

Diagnosis of children and their parents by the method of questioning, in order to obtain reliable and meaningful information;

Discussion of a teenager and his parents at the Prevention Council with the aim of contacting the commission on juvenile affairs and registering the student and family as being in a socially dangerous situation, if the IPR did not give a positive result. (see annex 4)

At the end of each academic year, the social educator prepares a report on the work done, where he analyzes all the pros and cons of his work.

2.2 Adaptation and socialization of children from migrant families

The main share of migrants living in the city of Lyantor are citizens of foreign countries of the near abroad who are not refugees. For the 2009-2010 academic year, 14 students from migrant families study at the MOU "LSOSh No. 5", three of them have poor command of Russian. Poor knowledge of the Russian language by children of migrants leads to the fact that they do not understand well or do not understand the speech of the teacher, for this reason they do not learn not only the Russian language, but also other school subjects of the curriculum.

A more complex problem also arises - the social and psychological adaptation of such children to a new culture, traditions, moral standards, values ​​and guidelines.

The teaching staff of the Lyantor Secondary School No. 5:

Provides social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents (legal representatives) in the elimination of a difficult life situation;

Provides protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

Organizes a medical service (students are provided with medical care, preventive examinations and immunoprophylaxis, vitaminization are regularly carried out);

In order to immerse in the language environment, additional training, optional and individual lessons are organized. If it is difficult to determine the level of knowledge of the child, as well as with a very weak level of proficiency in Russian, in agreement with the student's parents, the school administration proposes to continue the child's education in a lower grade);

Contributes to the organization of profile and pre-profile training.

The social pedagogue develops and implements a program of social rehabilitation of minors, aimed at getting out of a difficult situation.

For the successful adaptation of migrant children in the new living conditions in the municipal educational institution "LSOSh No. 5":

a systematic record of children from migrant families is maintained,

the issue of organizing the education of children of migrants who have little or no command of Russian is being resolved, without prejudice to the education of other students,

the social and psychological service conducts classes that ensure the coordination of the individual in a new team, facilitating the communication process;

the educational service organizes leisure activities for children from migrant families (recommends visiting circles, sports sections, interest clubs, etc.);

class teachers ensure maximum communication of such a child with all members of the class team, as far as possible or necessary, involve him in extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

library workers provide a child from a migrant family with the necessary textbooks, recommend visiting the library in their free time, help to navigate in the choice of interested or necessary literature;

MOU organized free hot meals for all categories of schoolchildren.

2.3 Model of the organization of the socio-cultural space of the MOU "LSOSH No. 5"

1. Characteristics of the socio-cultural environment of the school.

Contribute to the organization of a healthy socio-cultural environment for the formation of a socially active, resilient person, able to independently and responsibly build his own life.

Limit the harmful effects of an unfavorable environment on students.

Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

Organization of employment of children after school hours.

Improving work on cooperation with socio-cultural organizations and institutions of the city.

Social protection of the rights of minors and their families.

Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of students and their families of the "risk group".

Development of well-known and search for new forms of leisure activities.


Decrease in the general cultural and social level of the population;

The presence of disadvantaged (drunkenness, alcoholism) population in the school district;

Low level of general culture in the microsociety of the school (family);

Absence in the microdistrict of centers for organized leisure of the population and for the employment of adolescents after school hours;

Direction of work:

Organization of leisure and career guidance

Implementation stages:

1st stage - preparatory:

diagnostics of interests and activities of students during extracurricular time. Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods:

compiling a social portrait of "risk group" students and disadvantaged families;

the nature of spending free time;

diagnostics of the level of attendance of circles;

questioning on students' adherence to bad habits.

Observation of changes in the socio-cultural life of the city.

The work of the Council for the Prevention of Homelessness and Offenses

Organization of parental patrol

Visiting families of students and survey of living conditions

Interaction with JDN, KDN, social assistance center, cultural institutions

2nd stage - practical

Participation in all local events;

Expansion of the sphere of cooperation with cultural organizations and institutions of the city;

Expansion of the network of circles of interest at school;

The main goal of the educational work of the school is the formation of a comprehensively developed, socially active and socially valuable personality. This applies to all students, including difficult ones. However, educational work with these students has its own specifics. Their upbringing is closely connected with re-education.

The re-education of a schoolchild is such a change in his consciousness and behavior as a result of a purposeful pedagogical influence, in which there is a significant increase in the positive tendencies of the moral development of the individual, and at the same time, the negative tendencies weaken. Re-education cannot proceed successfully if the student himself does not strive to overcome his personal shortcomings and the difficulties that he encounters in life. Therefore, the involvement of a difficult student in active work on self-correction is a prerequisite for success in re-education. The school has all the conditions for the development of students. There is a social pedagogue, a psychologist, the Council for the Prevention of Homelessness, the School Council. A wide network of circles and sections allows you to find something to your liking. The program of collective creative affairs allows everyone to show their abilities, contributes to the development of the individual in the team.

Implementation stages:

Diagnosis of the state of the social environment of the microdistrict and school.

Monitoring of changes in the state of the social environment of the microdistrict and the school.

The main components of the system of work of the Lyantor secondary school No. 5 with students with problems in behavior and development:

Identification of students prone to violation of discipline, morality and law, lagging behind in their studies on a class and school scale.

Determining the causes of deviations in behavior and moral development, as well as individual psychological characteristics of the personality of identified schoolchildren.

Drawing up a plan for the pedagogical correction of the personality and eliminating the causes of its moral deformation, deviation in behavior.

Changing the nature of personal relationships of pupils with peers and adults.

Involving students with behavioral and developmental problems in a variety of positive activities and ensuring success in them.

Changing the conditions of family education.

Expected results:

Absence of street children in the school district;

Reducing the level of delinquency among school students;

Raising the cultural level of children and youth;

Ensuring the employment of adolescents outside of school hours, meeting their needs for activities of interest and self-expression;

Reduction of social tension in the families of students.

In his work, the social educator is guided by the regulatory document "Regulations on the social educator of an educational institution", "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child", "Constitution", the law on education (see Appendix 5).

The work of a social educator does not immediately give positive results. In his work, a social educator faces various difficulties, with various situations.


Today, there is a need to create new paradigms of education, so a new profession, a social teacher, is of particular importance. What is the main purpose of a social educator? This is the social protection of the child, the provision of social or medical assistance to him, the ability to organize his education, his rehabilitation and adaptation.

One of the main tasks of a social educator is to study the child's condition, the level of the crisis, and plan to overcome it. A social educator should be able to identify children in need of social assistance and provide him with the necessary assistance in time. Basically, these are children who experience stress in the peer group, at school, in the family. These are sick children, schoolchildren who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Also, they are gifted children.

The social pedagogue organizes the student's extracurricular time. He organizes various sections and clubs, school events.

The social pedagogue has to coordinate the work of the teaching staff with difficult children, families, the surrounding microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict. Plays a major role in the preparation and drafting of the social work plan of the school.

He helps children who are expelled from school to be placed in another school, helps to get used to the new team. He controls the receipt of all social privileges by large families, free "school" breakfasts, the purchase of clothes, and transportation costs.

A social pedagogue studies the interests of not only children, but also the problems of family relations, the relationship of the teaching staff with parents and children.

In my term paper there is a description of the practical activities of a social teacher of the MOU "Secondary School No. 5", which allows you to better imagine the essence of the activities of a social teacher at school. A good relationship with the school psychologist, the class teacher, and the deputy director for educational work helps to improve his work.

In the work of a social worker, there is also a lot of help from the police, medical institutions and various social services. More frequent joint activities and various meetings contribute to better educational work.

Thus, we can say that all the goals and objectives in my course work have been met.

The development of social processes and crisis situations characteristic of the social life of modern Russia is accompanied by an increase in deviations, not only positive (political activity, economic entrepreneurship, artistic creativity, etc.), but also negative (growth in crime, drug addiction and alcoholism of the population, adolescent delinquency, etc.). Under these conditions, the demand for social support, professional assistance from social services, based on scientific achievements, the generalization of positive practical experience, and the implementation of effective state and public programs in the social sphere is objectively increasing.

The profession of a social teacher is still underdeveloped, and so far not every school has such a rate in its staff. But one can hope that in the near future there will be a social teacher in every school, and then a lot of problems that appear during the educational process will begin to decrease.

List of used literature

1. Firsov M.V. Theory of social work: textbook for universities / M.V. Firsov, E.G. Studenova. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academic Project, 2007. - 512 p.

2. Guslyakova V.G., Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of the theory of social work. Moscow: Institute of Social Work, 1997.

3. Berezkin Yu.K. Social and educational work with minors at the place of residence // Russian journal of social work. 1997. No. 2. pp.115-117.

4. Mardakhaev L.V. Social Pedagogy. M., 2001.

5. Mudrik A.V. Social Pedagogy. M., 1997.

6. Berezina V., Ermolenko G. Social teacher at school // Education of schoolchildren. - 1994. - No. 2. - S. 205.

7. Reference manual for social work. M.: Jurist, 1997.

8. Social work // Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary. 1997. Vol.1.

9. The concept of the rights of the child - Textbook. - M.: Russian ped. agency. - 1996. - No. 5. - (S.356-366).

10. Lodkina T. A social teacher comes to the family // Education of a schoolchild. - 1996. - No. 5. - P.35-38.

11. Nikitina L. The content of the work of a social teacher in an educational institution // Education of schoolchildren, No. 1, - 2001, pp. 33-36

12. Social Pedagogy: a course of lectures / Ed. M.A. Galaguzova. - M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2000. - 416s.

13. Theory and methodology of social work. Uch. allowance. M .: Publishing house "Soyuz", 1994. - p. 199.

14. Social work / Under the general. ed.V.I. Kurbatov. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 1999; M.: VLADOS, 2000.

15. Guslyakova L.G., Grigoriev S.I. Subject and object of social work: problem statement // Actual problems of sociology, psychology and social work / Akt. state un-t. Barnaul, 1993. Issue 2. S.94-102.

16. Malykh V.N. Social work and society // Social work: theory, technology, education. MGSU. 1997. No. 2. P.59.

17. Anisimov L.N. Prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. M., 1989.

18. Antonyan Yu.M. Juvenile delinquency prevention. M., 1982.

19. Social prevention of offenses: advice, recommendations. M., 1990.

20. Theory and methodology of social work / S.I. Grigorieva, L.G. Guslyakova, V.A. Elchaninova et al. M., 1994.

21. Lebedev O. When the fortresses fell // Public education. - 1994. - No. 5. - P.26-30.

22. Gurov VN, Shinkarenko N. "Open" school and socio-pedagogical work with children. // Education of the student. - 1994. - No. 2.

23. Vulfov B.Z. Social pedagogue in the system of public education // Pedagogy. - 1992. - No. 56. - P.45-49.

24. Vasilkova Yu.V. Lectures on social pedagogy (on the materials of domestic education) 2nd ed. Publishing house of the GF "Polygraph resources". - M., 1998, p.424

25. Nagavkina L.S., Krokinskaya O.K., Kosabutskaya S.A. Social educator: introduction to the position: Sat. materials - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2000. - 272 p.


Annex 1


Time spending



Diagnosis of families of students:


establishing the type or category of the family;

drawing up a social passport of the family, school;

determining the level of education and culture of parents;

clarification of the question of who is involved in the upbringing of the child in the family.


Regular visits to students and families at home. Visiting a family at the place of residence and identifying the living conditions of this family

During the year according to the plan

Class teachers, social teacher

Planning by class teachers of individual work, reflecting its goals and stages in the "Individual map" of a child with deviant behavior


Socio-psychological education of all participants in the educational process on issues of behavior deviating from social norms

During a year

Psychologist, social pedagogue

Preventive measures (parental lectures, work with groups of parents on specific issues).

During a year

Class teachers, social teacher, psychologist

Observation of the behavior of students in grades 1,5,10

During a year

Class teachers, social teacher, psychologist

Interview of Deputy director of water resources management between class teachers of the 5th and 10th grades and elementary school teachers.

Purpose: to familiarize as fully as possible with the characteristics of this contingent of students and their families, to give recommendations in working with specific families, to pay attention to the distinctive features of students, the nature of family education, etc.

Meeting on the results of work on succession.

Deputy directors for water resources management, class teachers, subject teachers

The issues of adaptation of students, the psychological situation in the team are considered, a plan for further actions is being developed. This makes it possible to eliminate the causes of deviant behavior of students.

A series of lectures for parents experiencing difficulties in raising their children

During a year

Class teachers, social teacher, psychologist, ODN inspector

Participation in the operation "Teenager"

During the year according to the plan

ODN Inspector, Parental Patrol

Joint work of the school with ODN, KDNiZP

During the year according to the plan

Social educator, class teachers

Individual work with students on various types of records

During a year

Social educator, class teachers

Ensuring employment in circles and sections, involvement in school-wide and city events, in socially useful work

During a year

Classroom teachers

Assistance to difficult teenagers from dysfunctional families, joint assistance in choosing a profession

During a year

Social educator, class teachers

Carrying out thematic class hours on vocational guidance

During a year

Social educator, class teachers

Month of "Legal and tolerant education"

Class leaders, deputy. director for VR, social teacher, inspector of the ODN GOM, head of the circle "healthy lifestyle"

Within the framework of the month:

Open class hours (grades 4c, 11A, 5A, B, 3A), tobacco quiz grades 5a, b, smoking survey grades 8-9, bad habits presentations grades 7-11, thematic classrooms

("Do you know the law", "The law and the teenager", "Tolerance", etc.)

Interviews with parents:

"Until trouble came to the house,"

"Modern aspects of the joint work of teachers and parents in the prevention of asocial phenomena, deviant behavior and delinquency among children and adolescents",

"Psychology of deviant behavior of children and adolescents (features of deviant behavior, developmental psychology, basics of conflictology and communication psychology)",

Conducting a cycle of preventive conversations about the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children,

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in the family as a necessary condition for the successful socialization of children


Social teacher

The work was carried out in the form of a speech at parent meetings, parent general education. Parents were provided with educational literature and necessary reminders.

"Early prevention of family trouble",

"Organization of preventive work to prevent delinquency among adolescents"

"Difficult children, their problems at school and at home"


Social teacher

Social teacher

Individual conversations, trainings

Social teacher

Month "Family"

Class leaders, deputy. director for VR, social pedagogue, inspector of ODN GOM

Within the framework of the month:

Determination of the style of family education, thematic class hours in all classes, a poster competition, a questionnaire "Family through the eyes of a child", parent meetings, etc.

Organization of employment assistance

April May

All those who wish are employed at the New Generation MUZM

Questioning about the proposed place of rest of students.

April May

Social educator, deputy. director of BP

Annex 2

Joint work plan for the municipal educational institution "Lyantorskaya secondary school No. 5" with the GOM of Lyantor for the 2009-2010 academic year.




Compile lists of "difficult" students standing at the Higher School of Education and the State Duma. Creation of a data bank at the school “Pay attention! ”


Popova E.N.,

Esipenko F.N.

Cl. leaders

Carry out a raid check in the microdistrict in order to identify dysfunctional families and teenagers at risk.

During a year

Popova E.N., class teachers,

Kosheleva L.A.

Spend the month "Legal" according to the plan.

Esipenko F.N.

Popova E.N.

Organize the work of the Prevention Council together with the State Duma.

1 time per month

Emeleva L.G.

Esipenko F.N.

Provide conditions for the development of creative abilities of students of a special category: clubs, sections, hobby classes, electives

During a year

Esipenko F.N.

Makhnach L.N.

Popova E.N.

To carry out constant monitoring of the attendance of classes by students who are at the Higher School of Education and are registered in the ODN, KDN.

During a year

Esipenko F.N.

Makhnach L. N

Popova E.N.

Organize classes with class teachers in order to provide methodological assistance in working with "difficult" students.

During a year

Esipenko F.N.

Popova E.N.

Dubrovina Yu.Yu.

The work of the “Psychological Assistance Service”.

During a year

Dubrovina Yu.Yu.

Popova E.N.

Systematically update the information on the "Teenager and the Law" stand.

During a year

Degtyarenko L.V., Popova E.N.

To organize the work of the lecture hall for students "We and the Law".

During a year

Esipenko F.N.

For class teachers to plan thematic class hours on legal topics.

During a year

Cl. leaders

Hold a meeting with the director:

"The work of the school on the prevention of delinquency among students."

"The role of a social pedagogue and psychologist in organizing work with dysfunctional families".

Meeting with the head teacher: "The work of class teachers with parents of "difficult" students."

Parent meeting: "Until trouble came to the house."


Meeting of the MO class teachers:

"Social work with the family"

Meeting of the school-wide parent committee: "The main directions of the school's work on the prevention of delinquency and crime." "Typology of the conflict and methods of its resolution"

Round table "Why dysfunctional children grow up in prosperous families"

Esipenko F.N.

Popova E.N.

Dubrovina Yu.Yu.

Emeleva L.G.

Esipenko F.N.

MO leaders

MO leaders

Organize a parent patrol in the microdistrict

During a year

Cl. leaders, members of the parent committee

Participate in joint raids with GOM, KDN and ZP

During a year

Esipenko F. N

Popova E.N.

Inspector's Day

Tuesday of every month

Kosheleva L.A.

Annex 3

Plan work of a social teacher in the MOU "Lyantorskaya secondary school No. 5" for the 2009-2010 academic year


Direction of activity


With kids

Examination of the living conditions of students from dysfunctional families, ODN, disabled people Organization of registration, identification of students prone to delinquency, compilation of individual maps.

Decade of "Legal Knowledge"

Preventive classes with students prone to delinquency

Decade of "Legal Knowledge"

With parents

Carrying out raids on dysfunctional families, establishing the compliance of living conditions with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The study of the financial situation of families, the relationship between parents and children. Conducting a cycle of preventive conversations about the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

with teachers

Patronage of students in need of protection. Meeting of the MO class teachers "Early prevention of family troubles".


With kids

Decade of "Legal Knowledge"

Month "Family"

Decade of "Legal Knowledge"

With parents

Conducting a cycle of preventive conversations about the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in the family as a necessary condition for the successful socialization of children.

March - a seminar for parents of sixth graders

With teachers

MO class teachers "Social work with the family"

Meeting with Deputy director of the OR "Familiarization with the legal framework in working with children with disabilities"

MO class teachers "organization of preventive work to prevent delinquency among adolescents"

MO class teachers "Difficult children, their problems at school and at home"

Practical seminar "Special child" (work with disabled people)


With kids

Establishing relationships in newly formed class teams. Sociometry

Diagnosis of the emotional state of the child in the family.

Diagnostics of upbringing of students.

Diagnostics of cognitive interests and needs, identification of learning motives

Diagnosis of tolerance

Diagnosis of bad habits.

Examination of the living conditions of students at the HSE

Survey of the living conditions of the wards

With parents

Defining the style of family education

Diagnosis of family education

With teachers

Filling in the social passport of the family

Diagnosis of determining the style of communication.

Questionnaire "Reasons for deviation from the norms of behavior"

Joint visits to families in socially dangerous



With kids

Work on the correction of social status.

Correction of educational and communicative motivation of students

Decade of "Legal Knowledge"

Questionnaire "What do I like? What do I dislike"

New Year's party for children of preferential categories

Questionnaire "Ranking"

Correction of the personal sphere of students based on the results of diagnostics

Month "Family"

With parents

"Typology of conflicts and problems of its resolution"

"The Problem of Domestic Violence"

With teachers

Socio-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical support for children who are on various types of records.


With kids

Consultations on the results of diagnostic work

With parents

Individual consultations based on the results of the diagnosis. Individual consultations (on request)

With teachers

Individual consultations (upon request), on the preparation of characteristics and pedagogical ideas.


Adjustment of the annual work plan.

Studying the personal files of newly arrived students.

Drawing up a social map of the class.

Definition of children at risk.

Drawing up a social passport of the school.

Organization of employment of children of the preferential category, registered in circles and sections.

Project work

"Risk group" (the project is designed for 3 years)

Report on work for the first half of the year

Organization of summer work and rest of schoolchildren.

Analysis of work for the year, planning of work for the 2007-2008 academic year. year

Monitor student progress and attendance. Participation in school, city, regional seminars. Participation in joint raids of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Lyantor, KDNiZP. Records management. Working with periodicals, monographs, a bank of diagnostic and correctional programs

Appendix 4

Work plan of the Prevention Council for the 2009/2010 academic year


Conduct form


Approval of the work plan for the 2009/2010 academic year.


Head teacher

Approval of IPR plans with students who are at HSE for the first half of the year.


social teacher

Operation Teen.

Experience exchange

May - September

Social educator, class teachers

School, family and social adaptation of students.


Educational psychologist

Social teacher

On the state of juvenile delinquency in schools


Social educator, ODN inspector

Goals and forms of pedagogical support for the student.


Social teacher

Participation of teachers in meetings of the Prevention Council

as needed

Social teacher

Intermediate monitoring of IPR with students who are at the HSE for the first half of the year. Reports of class teachers of grades 1-8.

Social teacher

Examination of reinforced concrete living conditions of minors who are at the Higher School of Education, registered with the KDN, ODN GOM.

Raid on families of students

On schedule

(2 times per year)

Social educator, class. leaders

The method of conducting a conversation as one of the main forms of work with students and their parents.

Social teacher

Approval of IPR plans with students who are HSE students for the second half of the year.

School Principal, Deputy dir. by VR,

social teacher

Early prevention of socially dangerous situation and social orphanhood.


Social teacher

On the state of juvenile delinquency in schools for 2009.


Social pedagogue inspector ODN

Early prevention of substance use among students.

Mental health of children and problems of substance abuse in the pediatric adolescent population.

Social teacher, medical worker, psychologist

Intermediate monitoring of IPR with students for the second half of the year.

Performance Tracking

Social teacher

Organization of labor and employment of children in the summer


Social teacher

Social teacher

Implementation of IPR plans with students for the first and second half of the year. Results of the work of the Prevention Council.

School Principal, Deputy dir. by VR,

social teacher

Appendix 5

Appendix to the Order of the Education Committee

Regulations on the social teacher of an educational institution

1. General Provisions

A social pedagogue is an employee of an educational institution who creates conditions for the social and professional self-development of students (pupils), organizing the activities of teachers and parents based on the principles of humanism, taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of the city.

The main task of the social teacher of an educational institution is the social protection of children's rights, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child, the establishment of links and partnerships between the family and the educational institution.

The duties of a social pedagogue of an educational institution can be performed by an employee whose qualification is confirmed by a diploma of professional pedagogical education, a certificate of a social pedagogue.

The social pedagogue interacts with the head of the educational institution, the teacher, the pedagogue-psychologist, the valeologist, the teacher-organizer, the educator, the students (pupils) and their parents (persons replacing them).

To achieve his professional goals, he establishes contact with representatives of state authorities, public associations, with all organizations in which it is necessary to represent the interests of pupils and graduates under 16; participates in the work of the pedagogical council of an educational institution, maintains contact with local authorities and municipal services for the social protection of families and children.

Recruitment and dismissal of a social pedagogue is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code. (Labor Code)

The activities of the social pedagogue are managed by the head of the educational institution.

Attestation of a social pedagogue is carried out by an attestation commission in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The activities of a social pedagogue are carried out in accordance with these Regulations and the Charter of the institution.

The main areas of socio-pedagogical work with children in an educational institution include:

accounting for all school-age children living in the microdistrict of this educational institution, studying their social status and living conditions;

control over the movement of students;

prevention of dropout of students from an educational institution;

study of social problems of students (pupils), the conditions for their occurrence and their resolution, taking into account the capabilities of the educational institution;

taking into account pedagogically and socially disadvantaged families;

implementation of measures for the social protection of children from large, incomplete and low-income families, children left without parental care;

creation of conditions for the safety of the personality of students (pupils), the protection of their life and health, the provision of assistance to those who find themselves in extreme and crisis situations;

implementation of measures for the employment of students (pupils) and interaction with specialists from the employment services of the district and city;

combining the efforts of various state institutions, social services, public organizations and individuals to provide the necessary assistance to socially vulnerable students (pupils) and their families.

3. Rights and obligations of a social pedagogue

In his professional activity, a social pedagogue is obliged to:

3.1 Be guided by the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, normative acts, this Regulation and the Internal Rules of your institution.

3.2 Maintain records of all school-age children and student movements.

3.3 Together with the administration, identify priority areas of socio-pedagogical work and formulate specific tasks for working with children and adolescents, adults in accordance with the content of the work of a social pedagogue.

3.4 Prevent the adoption of decisions that infringe on the rights of pupils.

3.5 Consider issues and make decisions strictly within the boundaries of their competence.

3.6. Constantly improve their skills, possess the latest legal information, protect the interests of children and adolescents in an educational institution, in the family, represent and protect the interests of schoolchildren in the legislative and executive authorities.

3.7. Plan and maintain records of completed work. In compliance with the deadlines and reporting forms, report on the results of their work.

The social educator has the right:

3.8. Require the head of the educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the successful performance of professional duties.

3.9. Have access to the documents of the educational institution in terms of cases relating to students.

3.10. Collect information related to the study of the interests of children and adolescents.

3.11 Conduct sociological surveys, diagnostic surveys of the living conditions of children.

3.12. Make official requests to state and public organizations regarding the creation of conditions and the solution of personal problems of minors.

4. Organizational issues of the activity of a social pedagogue

The social pedagogue is an equal member of the teaching staff. He takes part in the work of pedagogical councils and methodological associations.

The social educator is allocated a separate room. It is provided with stationery, safes for storing personal files, office equipment and funds for travel expenses.

Given the specific nature of socio-pedagogical activity, the mode of work of a social pedagogue should be variable and flexible.

The work schedule of a social pedagogue is approved by the head of the educational institution. When drawing up the schedule, the time spent outside the educational institution on the performance of their official duties is taken into account.

Firsov M.V. Theory of social work: textbook for universities / M. V. Firsov, E. G. Studenova. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academic Project, 2007.-512 p.

Nikitina L. The content of the work of a social teacher in an educational institution / / Education of schoolchildren, No. 1, - 2001, p. 33-36.

Guslyakova V.G., Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of the theory of social work. Moscow: Institute of Social Work, 1997.

Comparative social data School passports Contents Academic year Academic year Academic year Studying at school Incomplete Low-income families Children left without parental care Large families Disabled children942 Members of the Higher School of Education Members of the KDN655 Members of the IDH435 Disadvantaged181615

Diagnosis of family problems Mini-conciliumTrainings Documentation analysis Studying the KDN protocols Interviews with specialists Issuing new passports Collecting lists of NBS Filling out registration cards of families Observation of specialists Polls QuestionnairesTesting

Prevention of family problems Acquaintance with psychological and pedagogical literature Lectures for teenagers Publications in print Finding a job Children's Bureau of Good Offices Registration at the Higher School of Education, KDN, with a narcologist, with a psychiatrist additional education Summer camp Parent general education

The program "Family well-being" Purpose: to provide comprehensive socio-pedagogical assistance to disadvantaged families Objectives: 1. Study and diagnosis of family problems 2. Formation of social skills 3. Provision of social services 4. Activation of the effectiveness of social-role behavior in the process of building parent-child relationships 5 .Formation of attitudes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle 6. Providing rest, health improvement and medical care 7. Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance

Socio-legal block "We and our society" Purpose: restoration of a dysfunctional family in its rights and obligations. Actions: -collection of information and its analysis, determination of the social status of the family, diagnosis of the presence of forms of deviant behavior among members; -work with the mailbox "Your Questions" -conversation of a legal consultant "Family and Law" -library exhibition "The negative impact of a dysfunctional family on the upbringing of children" -consultation of a social work specialist "Social guarantees for the family" -quiz for teenagers "Deeds and misconduct"

Socio-medical block "We and our health" Purpose: to create a favorable environment in a dysfunctional family through the improvement of each of its members. Actions: -analysis of accompanying documents, primary medical examination; - daily consultation with the school doctor; - a course of classes in the hall of physiotherapy exercises "In a healthy body"; -medical general education for parents "Health of the whole family"; - Fairy tales for the little ones about a healthy lifestyle.

Socio-psychological block "Family Relations" Purpose: harmonization of family relations in a dysfunctional family. Actions: -diagnosis of the nature of intra-family relations; -psychological consultation on problems of family relations; -course "training for personal growth" -family club (assistance in strengthening intra-family relations); - conversation of the family consultant "ABC of family relations"; - performance of the propaganda team.

Socio-pedagogical block "We and our children" Purpose: restoration of the educational potential of a dysfunctional family as an important condition for the harmonious development of the child's personality. Actions: -psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of child-parent relationships; -lectures for parents "Me and my child-search for relationships"; - get-togethers for mothers; - creative exhibition of family works; - competition program "Daughters-mothers".

Social and labor block "We and our work" Purpose: full-fledged professional realization of the personality. Actions: -excursion around the complex for children "In the world of professions". - a quiz for schoolchildren "People of Labor"; -library exhibition "Who to be?"; round table "How to succeed?".

Social and leisure block "We and our free time" Purpose: organization of family holidays. Actions: - work of circles of interest; -musical and entertainment program "Talents and Admirers"; -competitive program "Family holiday"; - musical round table "Feast"; -Conversation "Household ritual holidays".

Expected results: -provide comprehensive social and pedagogical assistance to disadvantaged families; - increase the level of social security; -reduce the number of dysfunctional families; - actualize the need for active participation in public life, which would contribute to a more effective relationship of a dysfunctional family with other social institutions; - assign social experience and behavior in the process of solving problem situations; - improve the psychological health of children and adults from dysfunctional families; - increase the level of professional knowledge and professional culture; - check the effectiveness of the methods and forms used in socio-pedagogical work with disadvantaged families.

Organization of individual preventive work with students who are on the intra-school register in an educational institution

According to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of offenses, vagrancy and homelessness”, individual preventive work is carried out with students registered on various types of records, the main forms of which are as follows:

– study by a psychologist of personality traits of adolescents, classes on correcting their behavior, teaching communication skills,

– visiting classes in order to find out the level of preparation of students in the classroom,

– home visits in order to control the conditions of their family upbringing, preparation for lessons, organization of free time, employment during vacation time,

- psychological and pedagogical counseling for parents, subject teachers, class teachers in order to develop common approaches to the upbringing and education of school students,

– individual and group preventive conversations with students and their parents,

- involvement of adolescents in socially significant activities through the implementation of projects, program activities, their employment in institutions of additional education, participation in school events.

For successful work with children of the “risk group” and children who are enrolled in HSE and other types of registration, our school has developed a Mechanism for identifying and accompanying students of the “risk group” and a Model for accompanying students of the “risk group”. (Appendix No. 1).

For timely assistance to students, correcting the activities of all social services in the work to eliminate the causes of deviations in behavior at the beginning of the school year, a database of children of various categories was compiled, including a database for children registered with the PDN, HSE. Cards were issued for each student, which reflect the results of a survey of their living conditions, obtained during home visits, meetings with each parent. The social pedagogue and psychologist of the school also developed the Diary of individual work with the student (Appendix No. 2)

The school controls the education of minors. Strict accounting of missed lessons, work to eliminate gaps without a good reason, eliminate gaps in the knowledge of underachieving students, correctional and developmental classes with them, activities to identify non-learning children. A daily analysis of the attendance of classes by all students, and especially children who are on various types of records, is carried out, the results of which are reflected in a special journal. In case of non-appearance of a student, the social teacher visited the families, met with the parents, and found out the reason for the absence. Work is being carried out to eliminate gaps without a good reason, the reasons for gaps are established, conversations and consultations are held with students, their parents, various specialists are involved, joint work is carried out with specialists from the ODN and KDN and ZP (as necessary). (2 applications were sent this academic year)

Diagnosis of problems of personal and social development of children and adolescents included in the data bank and falling within the scope of the prevention system.

In crime prevention activities, special attention is paid to the diagnostic activities of children and adolescents in difficult life situations, who are on various types of records (HSE, PDN, KDN and ZP)

This function is necessary to clarify the socio-psychological characteristics of the child and the parameters of his problem situation. Close cooperation with the school psychologist has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of this activity. We study the individual characteristics of the child and identify his interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in behavior, determine their causes, trace the origins of conflict situations; we study the conditions and features of relations with society, the life of the child.

With the help of diagnostic methods,

    identification of students prone to violation of discipline, antisocial norms of behavior, lagging behind in their studies

    determination of the causes of deviations in behavior, moral development, as well as individual psychological characteristics of the personality of identified schoolchildren

    the position of the student in the class, the nature of relationships with comrades, the causes of deviations in interpersonal relationships

    study of the interests, abilities and inclinations of the student

    study of the child's contacts outside the school, their impact on this student,

    identification of the level of social well-being of the child

    identifying situations of abuse and stopping violence at an early stage

The diagnostic tools of a social pedagogue include both sociological and psychological methods: observation method, conversation, questioning, testing, document analysis, etc.

So social educators and a school psychologist carried out diagnostics:

To study the individual personality traits of adolescents exhibiting destructive forms of behavior, the following study was organized:

    questionnaire "The level of spread of violence",

    diagnostics of the level of self-esteem according to the questionnaire of G.N. Kazantseva,

    diagnostics of the state of aggression according to the Bass-Darkey questionnaire.

    Study of the level of school motivation) based on the methodology of N.G. Luskanova

    studies of the level of school anxiety (according to the Phillips test)

With graduating students who are members of the Higher School of Economics:

    self-assessment of the level of anxiety (Ch.D. Spielberg, Yu.L. Khanina).

    "Self-assessment of psychological readiness for the exam" (modification of the methodology of M.Yu. Chibisova

    How do you prepare for exams

Development of a plan for pedagogical correction of the personality, improvement of the life situation, change in the conditions of family education.

According to the diagnostic results, the essence of the problem or a set of problems is determined and, based on the bank of technological approaches, psychological, pedagogical, social means are selected to effectively resolve this problem.

Plans are developed to provide timely socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance and support to the child, they provide for the involvement of the child and his environment in the process of overcoming a problem situation, creating conditions for the child to master the positive experience of solving problems. A social teacher, a psychologist, class teachers, school teachers take part in the development of an individual plan.

For each minor, teenager or family, an Individual program of measures of psychological and pedagogical interaction for the rehabilitation and adaptation of the minor and his family is drawn up. It keeps track of the work done.

The work of the school prevention council.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of offenses, vagrancy and homelessness”, the School has formed a Council for the Prevention of Offenses. The Prevention Council is created by order of the director. The work plan is approved for the academic year. The Crime Prevention Council organizes and conducts work with students and their parents. Meetings are held jointly with psychologists, ODN inspectors, with the invitation of the parent community.

The following issues are considered at the Prevention Council: analysis of the work of class teachers to involve children who are at the HSE and other types of registration in circles, sections, interest clubs; educational work in the classroom to prevent deviant behavior of students; analysis of the causes of conflict situations in classroom groups, the role of school teachers in the elimination of conflicts; activities of the school for early prevention and prevention of delinquency of schoolchildren; organization of summer holidays for students of preferential categories, etc.

At meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Crimes, questions of the behavior and performance of adolescents of the “risk group” are regularly heard, parents who do not fully fulfill their parental responsibilities in the upbringing and education of children, etc. are invited.

Interaction of specialists in the work and provision of assistance and support to registered children.

Many factors contribute to the growth of delinquency and antisocial behavior of adolescents. This problem is serious and should be solved by the joint efforts of the family, school, community. The school organizes interaction with the services and departments of the prevention system. The partnership relations of teachers with all interested services, cooperation with them also contributes to the success of preventive work, the protection of the rights of the child. The social pedagogue works in close contact with various departments: the police, guardianship and guardianship authorities, the juvenile affairs inspectorate, health care, etc.

Work on the prevention of delinquency among minors at school is carried out in close cooperation with the following services: KDN under the district administration, ODN under the district police department, the department of guardianship and guardianship under the district administration, the department of social protection of the population, cultural institutions, the social rehabilitation center (district social workers ), libraries and the Kuryanovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors.

In order to prevent offenses, deviant behavior of students, legal education of participants in the educational process, to intensify the joint activities of the school and services and departments of the prevention system in work in this area, the school has developed the following system of measures:

    Participation in various raids helping to implement the law “On Education”, in interdepartmental campaigns “Help go to study”, “World without drugs”, etc.

    Days of the inspector, during which individual and collective preventive work of the ODN inspector is carried out: conversations, consultations with students and parents, work with documents, interviews with class teachers who are on various accounts, visiting families together with school teachers.

    health day,

    Children Protection Day,

    Councils for prevention and offenses.

    Raids and family patronage, where social and pedagogical support is required.

Due to urgent need, raids are carried out together with inspectors of the PDN, guardianship and guardianship specialists under the district administration, district social workers in families in order to check the living conditions, living conditions of students, their employment outside of school hours. The results of the raids are brought to the attention of the class teachers in individual conversations.

Preventive work with the family.

The family is the basis of the primary socialization of the individual.

It is with the family that the process of individual assimilation by the child of social norms and cultural values ​​begins. It is impossible to fully raise a child outside the family, but the conditions of upbringing in the family do not always contribute to its favorable development.

When working with a family with a registered child, we adhere to the following algorithm of work, which includes several stages:

1st stage: acquaintance with family members, An initial survey of living conditions is carried out,

2nd stage: awareness and definition of the problems that exist in it through conversations, observations,

3rd stage: the reasons for the social ill-being of the family, its features, value orientations, personal qualities of family members are analyzed and clarified. Diagnostics of internal relations to each other, society, school is carried out.

4th stage: acquaintance with her environment, society, social connections,

5th stage: drawing up a family map,

6th stage: preventive work with the family,

7th stage: analysis of the results of work with the family, further actions are planned.

For more successful preventive work, a database of families requiring socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance is being created.

Individual preventive work with the family is carried out in a complex, various forms and methods are used, specialists from various departments are involved:

individual conversations,

family visit,

Involvement of the necessary specialists: psychologists, inspectors of the ODN, CDN, doctors (if necessary),

Consultations on various issues,

Work with the social environment of the family, relatives, neighbors,

Assistance in obtaining lost documents,

Assistance in obtaining a certain status (for example: poor, large, etc.),

Involving the family in socially significant activities, in school events,

The issues of preventive work with children and dysfunctional families are always under constant control of the school administration, are considered at meetings of the MO of class teachers, the Council for the Prevention of Offenses, where difficulties arising in dysfunctional families are discussed, ways to overcome them are outlined. In addition, the following work is carried out with parents: individual consultations, psychological and pedagogical education of parents through pedagogical lectures and thematic parent meetings, introducing the mental characteristics of the child's age, the methodology of conflict-free communication, the psychology of family relations

Due to the fact that the ongoing preventive work with some families does not always have a positive result (parents refused to come to school, did not attend meetings of the Prevention Council, violated the rights of children to receive education),

In order to influence parents who avoid raising children, the school administration was forced to seek help from the heads of enterprises where the parents work. (So ​​there were appeals to the state of emergency "Davtyan", KFH Smirnov S.B.).

So every year a study of the level of social well-being of children in the family, the level of relationships between students and parents is carried out.

A family passport is drawn up, where we dynamically assess the level of interaction with the school, the educational potential of the family and, if necessary, carry out preventive work or thematic consultations.

Organization of holidays and summer holidays for children.

First of all, the summer recreation camp at the school includes adolescents who are at the Higher School of Education, who are in a difficult life situation, low-income, large families, etc. Visits to these categories of adolescents in various circles and sections are mandatory. For this period, the coverage of extracurricular activities of these students is 89%. The school has developed a system to attract teenagers to participate in school competitions on various topics. For the past 2 years, all children have been participating in Olympiads at the school level.

The system of methodological support for the organization of prevention among students who are on various types of records.

The school's social pedagogue and psychologist developed leaflets and leaflets for children and parents.

For children:

    Fight and responsibility.

    The house is your castle, if you take care of your own safety

For parents:

    How to teach children to communicate.

Social teacher of MOU Stepanovskaya secondary school named after N.K. Ivanova

From the work experience of a social pedagogue Pokidova O.N.

MOU SOSH with. Bolshoi Khomutets, Dobrovsky District, Lipetsk Region

Social and pedagogical work in our country has deep historical roots. Rus' has always been rich in examples of charity, patronage, charity of the suffering. These concerns were taken over by state, public organizations, and private individuals.

The socio-pedagogical movement actively developed in the 20-30s of the last century. In the 1960s, workers appeared who were specially oriented towards educational activities in society (the organizer of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work, employees of out-of-school institutions, teacher organizers, etc.).

At the turn of the 70s - 80s, social needs, the achievements of practitioners raised the tasks of social work to a qualitatively new level. Socio-pedagogical complexes (Sverdlovsk region, Tatarstan, Moscow, Leningrad, etc.) have become widespread. In pedagogical science, many researchers turned to the problems of social pedagogy, tried to comprehend its best experience.

I have been working as a social pedagogue since 01.09.2004. There are eternal themes, as if doomed to unchanging relevance and attractiveness. Among such topics are cooperation, interaction between the school and the family. The interest is understandable: each in their own way, they teach and educate, and not only children, but also each other, and their environment. In the last couple of decades, her traditional collaboration with the parents of the children has been significantly enriched with social work. This work is becoming more and more in demand, and more and more meaningful and diverse. Vast experience has been accumulated, gained by the efforts and labor of school teachers from all regions of Russia. Therefore, I have chosen to work with families and children at risk, as well as providing social support to children and families requiring special attention, as the main direction in my activity.

It is known that a personality is understood as a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual, and that a personality is a product of social development and the inclusion of an individual in the system of social relations through active objective activity and communication. All students of the above categories are provided with preferential meals, textbooks. Students from large families are provided with free school (sports) clothing and footwear, winter jackets. Every year I organize and conduct the “Family to Family” campaign, and at school-wide parent meetings I invite parents from other families to take part in this campaign and provide all possible humanitarian assistance to large and low-income families. In response, the school receives very enthusiastic support not only from parents, but also from our students.

Through the department of social protection, I organize free rest for children in country camps and sanatoriums. All children from families of different categories, as well as members of the HSC, have a rest in the school health camp and are under the watchful supervision of teachers.

Dysfunctional families are under my constant control. An important indicator of successful work with these families is the fact that during my work not a single parent was deprived of parental rights, the children remained in their families.

^ It is well known that the family is a unique social creation of mankind.

The features of the family as a social institution are contained in social norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior that regulate relationships between spouses, parents, children and other relatives. As a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, it is characterized by the common life of all family members, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

^ The understanding of the fact that the family plays a crucial role in the formation of the individual, the upbringing of children, can be found already in the most ancient works of mankind.

So, already in the Bible, the holy book of Christians, it says: “Honor your father and your mother ... so that your days may be long, ... so that it will be good for you” and “... Whoever strikes his father or mother, he must be put to death.”

The New Testament says: “Children, obey your parents. ... Honor your father and mother, ... And you, fathers, do not irritate your children, but educate them ... ". In our time, the authorities actively support the institution of the family and, as a result, the prestige of large families has increased. The number of large families has increased significantly. All students from these families receive allowances, clothes and shoes, are provided with free textbooks and meals. At the request of the school to the social authorities. families with many children received targeted assistance. Every year at school, together with class teachers, I organize and spend "Mother's Day", at which mothers from large families are honored and awarded with certificates for the good upbringing of children.

The literature provides various approaches to the definition of family types. In our work, on the basis of the family data obtained during the diagnostics and a wide study of family data, we divided families into two groups: prosperous and dysfunctional families.

^ Prosperous families, on the basis of further analysis, were divided into pedagogically literate and positively oriented towards raising children.

On the basis of socio-psychological analysis, I divided dysfunctional families according to the degree of conflict with the pedagogical, moral, social requirements of society into conflict, pedagogically insolvent and immoral. As criteria for such a division, I took the conflicts of family members with each other, with the pedagogical norms and methods of educating our society, with public moral and ethical standards of behavior.

Conflict family with a confronting type of relationship. Families with this type of relationship differ from families in which contradictions are random in that a previous unresolved conflict generates even more discontent. There is an increase in conflicts in the form of scandals, rudeness, mutual threats, insults. The feeling of love, respect, duty, responsibility for each other is destroyed. This family, as it were, is being destroyed from the inside, the conflict shatters it and creates a need for liberation from relationships that have become unsatisfactory. Children from such families are more likely than others to violate the norms of behavior in school and public places.

^ A pedagogically incompetent family.

In these families, a low pedagogical culture is combined with an unwillingness to correct or change anything. Parents consciously or involuntarily turn the child against the teacher who makes certain demands. Such conflicts are gradually transferred to the school as a whole, to any external influences in relation to children. This causes deviant behavior, as parents provoke disrespect for social requirements. The protest against the demands begins to be expressed in disobedience, rudeness, alienation from the team, and then from the family. All this gives rise to negative qualities in the personality of a teenager, of which the most undesirable is moral immunity to pedagogical influences.

Immoral family. In these families, the spouses come into conflict not only in relations with each other, but also with the norms of morality and the rules of moral behavior in general. An immoral family is made up of people who have adopted the standards of cruel treatment, who are unable and unwilling to harmonize their way of life with the generally accepted, i.e. they build a family, guided by previously learned stereotypes of immoral family interaction. Children from such families often have discrepancies between the need for sympathy from others (teachers, peers, etc.) and the inability to win them over. At the same time, they often claim uncompromising leadership among their peers. The impossibility of achieving the status corresponding to these claims in the class leads to the fact that they become leaders on the street and, more often than others, join the ranks of delinquents.

^ Diagnosis of interfamily relationships is carried out on the basis of appropriate questionnaires and diagnostic techniques.

To determine the presence of conflict situations in the family, diagnostics of family relationships is carried out.

I pay special attention to children at risk. All students were visited at home, the conditions of their life and upbringing were examined, and the necessary social and pedagogical assistance was provided. All children attend clubs.

^ The dependent families are under close supervision. Children are visited at home in order to monitor the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the guardian and the ward.

Career guidance is carried out annually with students of the 9th and 11th grades. Under the supervision of a social pedagogue there are 7 disabled children, 3 of them are on individual training.

^ Over the past academic year, the number of offenses among students has been reduced.

My main commandment as a social educator is to hurry to do good.

“And good is brought up by kindness, love by love, joy by joy, patience by patience, nobility by nobility, and the heart is brought up by the heart: kind, loving, understanding, hot, generous and creative, sharp-sighted, fiery, bright, pure and immaculate.

It's amazing what one ray of my kind heart can do with a person's soul! I am striving for Light, Heart, Love and Kindness, I am looking for them and nurturing them in myself and in my children.

^ I live in this world, I learn from life, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, therefore I know, I can, I want, I can, I create, I realize, I believe, I hope and I love.

I love life, my native land and my Motherland.

^ The children I teach

People I always understand

And I help everyone as much as I can."

I reveal individuality - I recognize that everyone has the right to be the way he is; I try to put the child on that path of life, walking along which he will sparkle with his unique brilliance.

^ I educate humanity - always, with everyone and in everything, strive to discover at least once the star of humanity in everyone.

I form morality - after all, a person must learn to act morally with himself, without any checks and control, he must feel the necessary things: it is possible, impossible, necessary.

^ I instill optimism - believing in a person, in people, in a good start in life.

I believe in happiness - because it is my peace of mind, "the atmosphere of my soul", joy, trust, responsibility. Moreover, I want others to be happy too.

^ I have patience - which can never be lost, because this is the last key that opens the door.

I know how to soften - the hardness and rudeness of people, from which the soul of a child becomes weaker day by day.

Therefore, when working with children, I know without forgetting: “there is Heaven above the sky, there is the World above the world, there is Life above life, the Teacher’s Heart above the student’s Heart, the Parents’ Heart above the child’s Heart.”

^ The problem I am working on is the formation of the morality of students.

This problem, of course, is both philosophical and psychological and pedagogical. It is impossible to teach the art of living, but it is necessary to choose vital values ​​for oneself, to reflect on the diversity and experience of previous generations, and on the future. But how to educate in a child the ability to see himself, as it were, from the outside, through the eyes of other people, to see another person, to feel and take his joys and sorrows to heart, to help him in time, to lead him away from loneliness, to make him happy?

V. A. Sukhomlinsky saw the high power of education in ethical teaching, when "the educator himself is a support and a light for those who do not know faith in a person or lose their support and guiding light."

To do this, the educator himself must be a true Human being, live correctly, love people, keep high his dignity as a patriot, citizen, worker, son or daughter, mother or father.

As is known, in the process of moral development, the assimilation and development of moral knowledge (moral norms, rules of behavior and communication, the essence of moral qualities) takes place;

Development of moral feelings (self-esteem, self-respect, compassion, empathy, feelings of love and concern for the world around us, people) and moral behavior.

Moral education stimulates the moral development and self-determination of the child, the formation of his culture. The main goal of moral education is the development of spirituality as the highest level of moral and emotional development of a person, the achievement of harmony of his ideals and actions with universal values, which is based on the need to serve people and goodness, a constant desire for self-improvement.


The object of influence is the child, family members, family.


Educational Psychological Mediation

^ Training Support Correction Organization Coordination

Education Informing

EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE - assistance in education is provided with parents (counseling) and with children.

The main spheres of family life in which the educational function is realized are the spheres of love, parental duty and interest.


  1. Methods of everyday communication: business, trusting interaction and interaction (method of respect, persuasion).

  2. Methods: discussion of various issues of life in a confidential conversation, understanding, trust, motivation, sympathy, criticism, warning.

  3. Methods of psychological and pedagogical influence (the method of
consciousness, feeling, will and action).

Techniques: example, clarification, actualization of a dream, stress relief, stimulation of a mental state of joy, conversion

to conscience, a sense of justice, an aesthetic sense, to pride, compassion and mercy, fear and fearlessness,

disgust and disgust, suggestion, encouragement, punishment.

^ ASSISTANCE IN EDUCATION - education of parents on the following issues:

- the role of parents in the formation of adequate behavior in children in relation to peers, to adults;

attributes of the role of father and mother;

- the relationship of different generations in the family, methods of pedagogical

impact on the child;

- raising a child in a family, taking into account gender and age;

Socio-psychological problems of educating "difficult" adolescents, problems of the negative impact of neglect and homelessness on the child's psyche;

- the essence of self-education (self-organization); the role of the family;

- the most common mistakes of parents in education;

- Encouragement and punishment of children in the family;

- features of education of children with deviations in physical and mental development;

- labor education in the family, assistance to the child in choosing a profession;

- organization of the regime of work, study, rest, leisure of children in the family;

- preparing preschool children for school;

- moral, aesthetic, physical education of children;

- development of ideas about communication in childhood;

Causes and consequences of children's alcohol, substance abuse, drug addiction, prostitution, the role of parents in the existing children's pathology, the relationship of children's health with antisocial addictions of their parents.

FORMS AND METHODS: lectures, practical exercises on the development of social skills.


  1. Support is aimed at creating a favorable climate in the family during a short-term crisis.

  2. Correction reveals conflicts within family relationships. The goal is to diagnose relationships in the family, and then help to learn how to make these relationships more constructive.

  3. Methods and measures. Respect for the human dignity of the child.

  1. Assistance in organizing family leisure activities: sales exhibitions, fairs, charity auctions, interest clubs, organizing family holidays, contests, housekeeping courses, dating clubs, summer vacations.

  2. ^ Assistance in coordination is aimed at activating various departments and services to jointly resolve the problem of a particular family and child.

  3. Assistance in information (consulting on issues: legal, social, etc.)

1. Advisor - gives advice on education

2.Consultant - for questions

3. Defender - the rights of the child

The social educator activates the family to solve its problem, helps to create conditions for its successful solution (but does not solve everything for the family)

Experience as a social educator

MBOU "Schools - garden p. Seekers" Pyatysheva N.V.

In his work, the social educator sets himself


  • timely study the situation in the family
  • identify difficulties, problems
  • provide appropriate assistance


  • to study the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students, their living conditions;
  • identifying interests and needs, difficulties, problems, conflict situations and providing appropriate assistance;
  • implementation of measures for the social protection of children from large families, single-parent and low-income families, children left without parental care;
  • interaction with teachers, parents, social services to help children;
  • organization of thematic conversations;
  • ensuring conditions for the safety of the personality of students, protecting their lives, health, providing assistance to those in difficult situations;
  • accounting for pedagogically and socially disadvantaged families.

Main activities:

  • Socio-pedagogical research in order to identify the social and personal problems of children.
  • Socio-pedagogical protection of the rights of the child.
  • Providing social and pedagogical support to the family in the formation of the student's personality.
  • Socio-pedagogical counseling.
  • Socio-pedagogical prevention, correction.
  • Contributing to the creation of a pedagogically oriented environment for the optimal development of the child's personality.
  • Organizational and methodological activity.
  1. Education and prevention
  1. Preventive work "ABC of the pedestrian", "My way from school to home"
  2. Preventive work "A dazzling smile for life", "Beware of the flu!" (conversation-workshop with a nurse).
  3. Cool watch "Deadly cigarette", "What is the Constitution?", "Our TV show" (leisure), "We are all different", "Without friends I'm a little bit ...", "Friendship begins with a smile ..", "Etiquette in questions and answers, etc.
  4. Extra-curricular activities, holidays "We are for a healthy lifestyle", "Do you value your health?"
  5. Conversations in the classes “The child has the right”, “Know how to say “NO”!”, “You must know these rules” (terrorism), “How to stay healthy”
  6. Individual conversations “Conflict. Ways out of conflicts "(a conversation with a psychologist)," Is this tobacco a friend or an enemy to us?
  7. Carrying out preventive raids to check the regime of the day and comply with traffic rules.
  8. Viewing and discussion of the films “Smoking is harmful to health”, “Bad habits lead to danger”
  9. Preventive talks on crime prevention.
  10. Conducting thematic weeks "Your health", "Your rights"
  11. Thematic exhibitions in the library "Health Seriously", "Real Friends", "Sports"
  12. Introducing outdoor games, morning exercises, relay races in the week "Your Health" (break, GPA)
  13. Competition of drawings and posters on a specific topic
  14. Design of thematic stands
  15. Thematic parent meetings "Rights and duties of parents", legal educational program, questionnaire "Legal culture of parents".
  16. Raids to check the regime of the day, traffic rules
  17. Conversations involving ATC specialists “We are different in appearance and age”, “I am a citizen of Russia”, “We remember”
  18. Organization of the circle "Golden Hands" (attracting children from disadvantaged families), where the following issues were considered: diet, how to cook soup, knitting, your room, flowers in the house, etc.
  19. For children organized a reception on personal issues "Help yourself - share your problem"
  20. Classes with children at risk

“About the evil king Nicotine”, “Learn to say “NO””, “About various harmful things”, “Steal to get into trouble”, “Combine business with pleasure”

III. Research and diagnostic work

  • Diagnostics of class groups in order to identify students prone to committing offenses.
  • The study of anxiety among students of the "risk group".
  • A survey to identify the hobbies and inclinations of children.

IV. Correctional and developmental work

  • Correction of the lists of students registered with the KDN, PDN and HSE.
  • Conversations with parents (informing parents about the progress of the educational process, education and development of students, family problems and ways to solve them).
  • Drawing up a database of children with deviant behavior for timely assistance to students, coordinating the activities of all social services in the work to eliminate the causes of deviations in behavior.
  • Informing the Department of Education, the Commission on Juvenile Affairs about students registered with the KDN and the Higher School of Education.
  • carried out on demand
  • Analysis of the performance of registered adolescents, research into the reasons for the decline in performance.
  • Providing socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to minors with deviations in behavior or problems in learning.
  • Control and analysis of attendance of lessons by students; identification of students systematically skipping lessons.
  • Correction-developing classes with a teacher-psychologist and teacher-defectologist
  • Daily monitoring of the attendance of children at risk
  • Visiting families at risk
  • Consideration of the facts of violation of the Charter of the school and the facts of improper upbringing by parents at a meeting of the pedagogical council.
  • Putting students on intra-school records for preventive measures.
  • Representation against students on the facts of violation of the charter of the school, on parents on the facts of improper education in the KDN and PDN.
  • Conducting interviews with parents of delinquents and delinquent students.
  • Watching and discussing the film"Bad habits lead to danger"
  • Holding a meeting of the small teachers' council with the invitation of parents.
  • Registration and periodic updating of the corner of legal knowledge, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, friendship, etc.
  • Assistance to parents in the formation of the moral lifestyle of the family, in the prevention and diagnosis of smoking, in the prevention of other negative manifestations in students, through individual informing, speaking at parental lectures.
  • Carrying out a week of health and a month of traffic rules, a legal week
  • Organization of all types of individual, group, collective activities involving students in social value relations.

One of the socially significant events in which almost all students and teachers take part is the action "Mercy", "Do good"

  • Referral to the Commission on Affairs of Minor Students Who Violate Discipline, Missing Classes for No Reason
  • Carrying out raids to observe the regime of the day of minors registered with the KDN and the Higher School of Education
  • Involvement of children of the “risk group” in school and out-of-school circles and sections.
  • Involvement of children of the “risk group” in participation in school activities.
  • The study of inclinations, interests, the child in order to select a certain type of activity for him:
  • occurs through individual conversations, familiarization of students with the activities of circles, sections ...
  • Organization of rest of accountable students and control over their employment after school hours:
  • collection of information about the summer employment of children registered with the KDN and HSE
  • attraction of children of the "risk group" to visit the school camp in the summer
  • organizing holiday events
  • Together with the class teacher, the society of first-graders and new students entering the school is studied.
  • Collection of information about disadvantaged, low-income, guarded, large, single-parent families, compiling a data bank, establishing control.
  • Examination of the housing conditions of students from families of the "risk group", identifying the causes of trouble, contributing to their elimination.
  • Assistance to families in problems related to education, upbringing
  • Informing parents about the state of juvenile delinquency.
  • Bringing information to parents about all the facts of the offense committed by their children:

In the event that a teenager commits offenses, violations of discipline and the charter of the school, parents are immediately informed.

  • Work with a public inspector.

V. Interagency cooperation

  1. KDN employees

Provides assistance in bringing to justice parents who do not properly educate their children, irresponsibly fulfilling their parental duties.

2. PDN inspector

Provides assistance in referral to the commission for minors who violate school discipline and parents who evade their parental duties. Provides assistance in working with difficult teenagers and dysfunctional families, conducts conversations with schoolchildren on legal issues and crime prevention.

3 . Traffic police officers

The social educator constantly maintains contact with traffic police inspectors. Theoretical classes are held with students and parents. The inspector conducts lessons on road safety, participates in the month of traffic rules.

4. Specialists of the body of guardianship and guardianship.

They take measures against parents who do not raise children, provide counseling and social assistance to such families.

5. Specialists of the department of social assistance to families and children

Provide financial assistance to low-income families.