You, me, he, she, or something about storytelling. Third person presentation

Cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings, cabbage rolls... The list of minced meat dishes is endless. Of course, for the preparation of each of them, a base is used - minced meat. How to cook it and mix it with different ingredients in the right way to get delicious dishes? This will be discussed in the article.

What should be minced meat? How to cook different products from it? Characteristic differences

For various dishes, it is common to add certain additional ingredients to the meat, which are mixed with the main mass in certain proportions. It should be noted right away that chopped onions are taken for almost any product. Also, one of the mandatory components is a raw egg, thanks to which the minced meat acquires the property of integrity. We also list other rules for mixing with some products:

Traditional meat patties usually have bread in their composition (first soaked in water or milk, and then squeezed out). Also, many housewives often refresh the taste with potatoes and garlic.

Meatballs are necessarily "full" of rice. Thanks to him, the dish acquires a distinctive appearance and taste.

To prepare small meatballs for soup, in addition to onions, a little flour or semolina is usually added.

To make dumplings minced juicy, it is slightly diluted with water or milk.

For cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers, a "meatball" base with rice is usually used.

Lula kebab is made from minced meat and onions, taken in equal proportions. Thanks to this, appetizing products are very juicy.

Cutlet minced meat: how to cook it to get delicious products?

Everyone is accustomed to seeing these mouth-watering "fried cakes" on their table in combination with a different side dish almost every day. And each housewife probably has her own proven way of preparing them. We offer you a classic recipe for cutlets:

  1. It is best to use pork, chicken and ground beef in equal proportions. Take two hundred grams each. The meat should be slightly "fatty" and have a minimum of tendons.
  2. Also mince one large onion, one clove of garlic and two medium potatoes.
  3. Pour a piece of white loaf (pulp) weighing about one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams with half a glass of cold milk and leave for ten minutes to soak. Then squeeze well and add to the chopped meat mass.
  4. Pour in a raw chicken egg, salt (about a teaspoon) and pepper to taste.
  5. An important secret of cooking any cutlets is thorough mixing and "beating". The mass becomes light, smooth and elastic. If you skip this stage, the cutlets will be loose and "heavy". Spend an extra five to ten minutes of your time kneading, and you will get an excellent result.
  6. For frying, it is best to take pork fat and vegetable oil in equal proportions. Place the shaped and breaded breadcrumbs on a hot frying pan. Fry on each side over medium heat for eight to ten minutes. You can then stew the cutlets a little by putting them in a saucepan and pouring some water.

Minced fish cutlet: how to cook it using different ingredients?

The best option would certainly be to use boneless fillets. The flesh, for example, of sea fish is separated from the ridge and skin. Grind, preferably without using a meat grinder. Chop the fillet with a sharp knife, then the cutlets will be juicy and airy. Additional ingredients are taken the same as for meat products. Is it possible to make delicious minced meat for cutlets from river fish containing bones? First, you should cut off the head, tail and remove the fillet from the ridge and, if possible, from the ribs. Then apply the main trick - double grinding the fish parts with a meat grinder. In this case, all the bones will remain inside the mechanism, and the remaining small ones will soften during frying and stewing.

And do not forget to use fragrant spices when preparing any minced meat products. With them, the dishes will be even tastier and more aromatic!

Meat cutlets with beets Cutlets are one of the most popular dishes. It seems that the traditional recipe is difficult to somehow decorate. But try adding beets to the minced meat - the cutlets will turn out juicy and tasty and inexpensive!

You will need: 500 g minced meat
1 beetroot
1 egg
1 bulb
1 small potato
salt pepper
vegetable oil for frying


Beets boiled until tender should be grated and mixed with minced meat. Then add peeled and grated raw potatoes, an egg, chopped onion or minced through a meat grinder and spices.

Then the minced meat must be thoroughly mixed, shaped cutlets and fry them in vegetable oil until fully cooked. To make the cutlets even tastier, you can add a few sprigs of chopped mint to the minced meat.

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Cutlets "Unusual"

minced meat 300 g
garlic clove 3 pcs
sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
salt and pepper to taste
cumin seeds to taste

Into the stuffing
mushrooms 100 g
onion 1 pc
boiled eggs 2 pcs
sour cream 2 tsp
raw egg 1 piece pancakes

Minced meat mixed with grated garlic, salt and spices
add sour cream, mix well, beat on a bowl
For the filling, fry the chopped onion with mushrooms until tender, salt and pepper.
Add sour cream
chopped eggs, mix.
Divide minced meat into 2 parts, form cutlets and flatten.
Fry on 2 sides until done.
Beat the raw egg, bake a pancake, cut into strips. Divide stuffing in half
Divide the stuffing in half. Put the filling on each cutlet, pancakes on top. Serve with any side dish.

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Homemade noodles with meatballs

Minced meat (beef + pork) - 300 gr.
2. Chicken breast fillet - 150 gr.
3. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
4. Quail egg (optional)
5. Chicken soup set - 1 kg.
6. Boiled rice - 200 gr.
7. Flour - 400 gr.
8. Onion - 3 pcs.
9. Salt / pepper / spices / herbs.
10. ginger root (to taste)

1) First of all, we prepare minced meat for meatballs. Why take a chicken fillet and bring it to the state of minced meat.
2) Next, add our minced chicken, boiled rice, a teaspoon of ground cumin, two teaspoons of paprika, finely chopped onions, a mixture of dry herbs, salt to taste, one chicken egg to the coarse ground pork and beef mince. We thoroughly knead the whole thing, and, after that, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
3) make the dough: pour flour into a deep bowl, break one egg there and about 150 grams of warm water. Knead, cover with something, and let stand for 30 minutes.
4) while the dough is resting, set the broth to prepare. When the broth is ready, add salt and pepper to it.
5) We take out the minced meat from the refrigerator and roll medium-sized balls out of it
6) Roll out the dough into a thin sheet, and, again, let it dry for about 15 minutes.
7) put our meatballs in the soup.
9) Finely chop the onion and fry it in a pan until golden brown. Add to our broth
10) Reduce the fire under the broth to the minimum, and proceed to the main action - noodles. Our rolled out dough is already quite dry, we turn it into a sausage, which, in turn, is cut into pieces of the desired thickness (width of noodles)
11) After the noodles are ready, you can immediately pour them into boiling broth and bring them to readiness.

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"Clubs of threads" with minced chicken. Somehow I found these on the Internet, either puff pastry pies with minced meat, or minced meatballs in dough ... But delicious! whatever you call it)
Minced chicken - 300 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Ground black pepper - to taste
Puff pastry - 125-200 g
Yolk - 1 pc.
Vegetable oil for greasing the pan (optional)

Step-by-step photo recipe "Candles of thread" with minced chicken
Products for this dish need quite ordinary.
How to cook puff pastry with minced meat:

We clean the onion, finely chop.
Pour the onion to the meat, add salt and pepper.
Mix thoroughly.
Defrost the dough and roll out 0.5 cm thick between two layers of cling film (otherwise it sticks).

If the dough was sold in thin plates, this item can be skipped.
Without removing the film, cut the dough into thin strips.
From minced meat we make meatballs the size of a small walnut. I got 20 pcs.

You can make meatballs and larger ...
Take one strip of dough, stretch and flatten it. To make it easier, you can tear off not very long pieces.
We cover the baking sheet with baking paper. We wrap the balls of minced meat with dough and put the minced meat in the dough on a baking sheet.
We turn on the oven.

Lubricate the dough thoroughly with yolk.
We put the baking sheet at about 1/3 from the top (not at the very top). Bake the dough with minced meat for 40-45 minutes.
When the dough is well browned, our balls are ready.
Enjoy your meal!

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Scottish quail eggs

Ingredients for 12 pieces:

12 quail eggs
300 g chicken fillet
3 sprigs of parsley
1 garlic clove
1 tsp Dijon mustard
salt and ground black pepper
2 tbsp flour
1 chicken egg
150 g breadcrumbs
500 ml vegetable oil for deep frying

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, put in a blender bowl. Add parsley leaves, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper. We grind.

Place the eggs in a small saucepan and cover with cold water. We put on fire and cook until tender, about 3-4 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We clean the eggs from the shell.

Lightly beat the chicken egg with a fork. Salt and pepper. Pour flour and breadcrumbs into separate bowls.

We divide the minced chicken into 12 parts. Take 1 piece of minced meat in your hand and flatten it into a cake. Put a quail egg in the center

We cover it with the free ends of the cake, then roll it into a ball. Repeat with the rest of the minced meat and eggs.

Dip each ball in flour, dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Shake off excess breading.

Heat oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan over medium heat. Add the balls and cook until cooked through on all sides, about 7-8 minutes. Transfer to paper towels to absorb excess oil.
Serve warm or completely chilled.

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Quick macaroni pie

single paste with a hole, so-called. ziti (the amount depends on the form in which you will cook; I took half a pack for a glass Ikea form with a diameter of about 25 cm)
minced meat 300 gr.
cheese 100 gr
onion 1 pc
garlic 2 cloves
egg 1 pc
vegetable oil for frying
salt pepper

Boil the pasta, put it in a colander.
Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry in a couple of tablespoons of oil. Add minced meat, salt, pepper.
Add 2 tbsp. liquids (broth, milk, cream) and simmer until tender.
Set the mince aside to cool down a bit.

We grease the form with oil and put the pasta in it in a spiral, closing the bottom. And then lay out along the walls to get a semblance of a basket. Leave some of the paste to cover the top.

We mix grated cheese and an egg into the minced meat, put the resulting mass into our pasta basket and cover with the remaining pasta in a spiral, just as it was laid on the bottom.

We put the form with the prepared pie in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. The finished cake should be browned on top.

Cheese soup

500 g chicken fillet
400 g melted cheese
150 g rice
400 g potatoes
150 g carrots
150 g onion
greens to taste


Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

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Cheese soup

500 g chicken fillet
400 g melted cheese
150 g rice
400 g potatoes
150 g carrots
150 g onion
greens to taste

Chicken fillet pour 3 liters of water, salt, pepper and cook until tender (about 20 minutes after boiling).
When the fillet is ready, it must be removed.

Pour rice into boiling broth, cook for 10 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes or cubes. Meat cut into small pieces.

Add potatoes to the broth. Add onion. And carrots.
Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add the meat, cook until the potatoes are ready.

Add cheese, mix well and remove from heat.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

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Cheese soup

500 g chicken fillet
400 g melted cheese
150 g rice
400 g potatoes
150 g carrots
150 g onion
greens to taste

Chicken fillet pour 3 liters of water, salt, pepper and cook until tender (about 20 minutes after boiling).
When the fillet is ready, it must be removed.

Pour rice into boiling broth, cook for 10 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes or cubes. Meat cut into small pieces.

Add potatoes to the broth. Add onion. And carrots.
Cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add the meat, cook until the potatoes are ready.

Add cheese, mix well and remove from heat.
Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

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Kube semolina with meat | Ingredients: 500 g of semolina, 1-1.5 cups of water (how much semolina will take, the dough should be like yeast), 300 g of minced meat, salt, spices.

Add salt to semolina and pour cold water, mix. Leave to swell for 1 hour. Ready-made semolina looks and feels like yeast dough. She molds easily. Form balls from semolina: take a piece of "dough", roll the ball.
We push a hole in the ball with our thumb, put a meat ball in the middle, then close the edges of the semolina, form a "bun". From this amount of semolina, 18-20 cubes are obtained.

Extra cubes can be frozen. Kube can be stewed with any sauce you like. To do this, bring the sauce to a boil and put kube, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Kube in the process of stewing must be turned over.
Kube can also be boiled in soup

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Potato zrazy with minced meat

The secret of these zrazy is in the grater, you need to use a large one, not a small one.
It really does taste different.

- potato
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- chopped meat
- 1 egg
- salt

Peel the potatoes (it is better to take large ones so that it is more convenient to grate).

Grate half on a coarse grater, the other half on a fine grater.
Mix everything, salt.

Combine minced meat (it is better to take pork, as it is fatter, the zrazy will turn out more juicy), egg, chopped carrots, onions. Salt and stir.

Take a little grated potato in your hand and squeeze it well, distribute the squeezed lump in your palm. Put the filling.
Top with a small amount of potatoes (pressed).

Make the palms of the “boat” and form an oblong shape at once (the potato layer should not be too thick so that it is well fried).

Fry until golden brown.

The main thing is to fry the zrazy well, if you didn’t eat them all at once, just heat them up in the microwave.

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Delicious zucchini casserole


Boil rice - 3 tablespoons, mix with 500g. minced meat. Salt, pepper.

Mushrooms 300g cut into small slices, onions in half rings. Fry in vegetable oil

Peel the zucchini, cut lengthwise into thin (the thinner the better) slices of 3 mm, add a little salt. I haven't peeled the rind while it's still soft.

Lubricate the cake mold with vegetable oil, lay the zucchini so that the edges of the zucchini hang down. I do not have such a form, so I did it in a frying pan, and it is a little big
Put mince.
The next layer is mushrooms with onions, then the rest of the minced meat.
Cut the tomatoes, lay,
salt, pepper, grease with mayonnaise with garlic and dill, close with the tips of zucchini, cover with a layer of mayonnaise. Put in the oven and simmer until done.
Ready to put on a dish, decorate with tomatoes and herbs.

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Meat "cheesecakes" - a quick dinner.


Minced meat - 500 grams;
- Processed cheese (Hochland "Creamy" briquette) - 150 grams;
- Cottage cheese - 300 grams;
- Cheese hard grated -100 grams;
- Chicken egg -1 pc.
- Spices - salt, pepper, dry garlic


Add grated cheese, spices and 1 raw chicken egg to minced meat. Mix cottage cheese with melted cheese. We make nests from minced meat and fill them with curd filling. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Top with green onions or herbs.

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Everything by eye and depending on how many servings you need, I got 6)
Puff pastry - 400-500 gr
A little fried cooked minced meat with onions and spices
Cauliflower 300 gr
Processed cheese or regular cheese 100-150 gr
Spinach frozen 50-100 gr
Eggs 2 pcs
Cream 2 tbsp. spoons
Spices to taste

Boil cabbage (frozen or fresh) until tender in salted water. Defrost the finished dough and put it in a greased form. On the dough, layers of minced meat, then cabbage, then thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcheese and pour it all on top with beaten eggs with cream, spices and spinach added there (I had finely chopped defrosted). Top with green onions.
We send this case to the oven for 25-30 minutes until cooked - the dough should be golden, and the eggs should be completely baked.
There are many variations - you can make whatever fillings you like, and most importantly, everything is very fast and easy)

P.S. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, I covered the pie with foil, as the dough was already ready, but in some places the egg was still liquid.

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Homemade chicken sausages.

More or less milk may be required in the recipe, depending on the meat, the minced meat should be such that it is easily squeezed out of the pastry bag. When forming sausages, you must try not to accumulate excess air, otherwise there will be voids during cooking. Sausages can be frozen, cooked without defrosting, which is very convenient.
Food film can be used by Paklan, it does not melt or stick. Cooking time depends on the size of the sausages.

Cooking time: 20 min. + cooling
Servings: 14 pcs.
Dish complexity: #h3_of_5
Similar recipes: #cook_meat #from_chicken

You will need:

400 g chicken fillet
200 ml skimmed milk
1 tsp spicy mustard
3/4 tsp sweet ground paprika
1/4 tsp spicy ground paprika
freshly ground black pepper
sea ​​salt
cling film

How to cook:

1. Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized pieces, pour over ice-cold milk, let stand for 30-40 minutes.

2. Grind the fillet with milk using a blender, adding mustard, paprika, salt and pepper to taste.

3. Wipe the minced meat through a metal sieve, transfer to a pastry bag, cut off the corner.

4. Place minced meat on cling film in the form of strips of the desired length and thickness.

5. Roll the film tightly, tie the ends. Remove the sausages in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, cook in boiling water or steam.

Farfalle with meat sauce.

For 4 servings we need:
- pasta package - 500 g
- beef - 500-600 g
- 1 onion
- 2-3 garlic cloves
- a bag of tomato paste or 2-3 tomatoes
- a small bunch of greenery
- salt
- pepper
- olive or other vegetable oil

Turn the beef through a meat grinder or chop into minced meat in a food processor. Finely chop the garlic. Heat up a frying pan and pour some olive oil into it. Roast the garlic for a few minutes. Next, add the ground beef to the skillet. Fry the meat, stirring, until the liquid in it evaporates.
Meanwhile, put a pot of water on the fire to prepare the pasta. While the water is boiling, stir the meat. Peel the onion, chop finely. Add the onion to the minced meat, mix it well and cook the meat sauce over low heat under the lid for about 20-25 minutes. Periodically stir the minced meat, trying to crush the pieces of meat as finely as possible.
Cook the farfalle exactly as directed on the package. Throw the pasta into boiling salted water, stir during the cooking process.
While the minced meat with onions is fried, prepare the tomatoes. If you use tomato paste, it should be diluted in water first - pour about 200 g of cold water into a plate and mix the paste thoroughly in it. If you are using fresh tomatoes, peel them off. To do this, make a cross-shaped incision on each tomato and pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leaving for a few minutes. The peel from such tomatoes will be perfectly removed. Next, finely chop the tomatoes or chop them in a blender and add to the meat.
Salt and pepper the sauce to taste. Let it stew with tomatoes for a few more minutes.
In the meantime, finely chop fresh herbs - dill or parsley. Pour the greens to the sauce, mix and turn off.
Put the pasta on a plate, top with meat sauce. Enjoy your meal!

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Khinkali Dagestan

Lamb (pulp)
Onion 1 pc
Dill, cilantro 100 g each
Salt, black pepper
Tomatoes 1 kg
Garlic half a head
Butter 100 g
Flour 1 kg
Kefir fresh half a liter
Soda 1\2 tsp

1. Set the meat to boil. We sort through the greens - we separate the branches, "trunks"
tie with a thread and put together with spices in the broth, onion
we also put it in its entirety.
2.Knead the dough for khinkali.
Pour the flour in a slide on the table, make a hole in the center, pour in the soda,
salt and slowly add kefir.
We knead.
If necessary, add flour - that is, knead according to the principle
"How much flour will the dough take?"
Here we get such splendor.
Cover with a towel and set aside.
3.Now the sauce.
Three meaty tomatoes on a grater, salt, pepper and pour into a creamy
oil that is already simmering in a deep, thick skillet.
Do not feel sorry for butter, half a pack is the most.
As the mass boiled, reduce the fire and simmer
20 minutes until the liquid boils away by about half.
Add chopped dill and herbs to the sauce and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, put in a bowl, where we will pour
sauce, add 2 tablespoons of cold water to it.
When the sauce is ready, cover it with a lid and leave it in a warm place.
4. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the broth and transfer it to
another pot, put also in a warm place.
If the broth has boiled away strongly, you can dilute it with boiling water, but
a little.
We twist the meat through a meat grinder.
Cut the peeled onion into thin small pieces and add to the meat.
Pour the broth into the prepared minced meat, salt, pepper. We mix everything.
Roll out the dough for the khinkali recipe into very thin layers (like noodles) and cut circles out of it with a glass (about 10 cm in diameter).
5. On each circle, spread the minced meat filling with a spoon and collect the edges of the dough with folds, fix them in the center with each other.
6. Then we raise each khinkali (tearing it off the table) so that the meat settles down, and once again we fasten the ends of the bundle together so that the juice does not leak during cooking.
7. Dip the khinkali into boiling salted water, mix gently so that they do not stick to the pan.
8. After the khinkali pop up, cook for 2-3 minutes and immediately serve to the table, after sprinkling with black pepper and herbs.

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Flour 1 kg
Kefir fresh half a liter
Soda 1\2 tsp

1. Set the meat to boil. We sort through the greens - we separate the branches, "trunks"
tie with a thread and put together with spices in the broth, onion
we also put it in its entirety.
2.Knead the dough for khinkali.
Pour the flour in a slide on the table, make a hole in the center, pour in the soda,
salt and slowly add kefir.
We knead.
If necessary, add flour - that is, knead according to the principle
"How much flour will the dough take?"
Here we get such splendor.
Cover with a towel and set aside.
3.Now the sauce.
Three meaty tomatoes on a grater, salt, pepper and pour into a creamy
oil that is already simmering in a deep, thick skillet.
Do not feel sorry for butter, half a pack is the most.
As the mass boiled, reduce the fire and simmer
20 minutes until the liquid boils away by about half.
Add chopped dill and herbs to the sauce and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, put in a bowl, where we will pour
sauce, add 2 tablespoons of cold water to it.
When the sauce is ready, cover it with a lid and leave it in a warm place.
4. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the broth and transfer it to
another pot, put also in a warm place.
If the broth has boiled away strongly, you can dilute it with boiling water, but
a little.
We twist the meat through a meat grinder.
Cut the peeled onion into thin small pieces and add to the meat.
Pour the broth into the prepared minced meat, salt, pepper. We mix everything.
Roll out the dough for the khinkali recipe into very thin layers (like noodles) and cut circles out of it with a glass (about 10 cm in diameter).
5. On each circle, spread the minced meat filling with a spoon and collect the edges of the dough with folds, fix them in the center with each other.
6. Then we raise each khinkali (tearing it off the table) so that the meat settles down, and once again we fasten the ends of the bundle together so that the juice does not leak during cooking.
7. Dip the khinkali into boiling salted water, mix gently so that they do not stick to the pan.

Cipiliny (Lithuanian cuisine)

I have a lot of friends from Lithuania and there is a cafe in our city with ()

Cipiliny (Lithuanian cuisine)

I have a lot of friends from Lithuania and there is a cafe with Lithuanian cuisine in our city. Once I tried this dish in it and was delighted. I asked my friends how to cook it. And it turned out that there are as many recipes as there are housewives. I am sharing with you the recipe I made.

Ingredients (for 4-5 pieces): 5 medium potatoes, 150 gr. minced meat, salt, pepper, onion, 1 tablespoon of starch.

Boil 2 potatoes in their skins, peel and three on a fine grater. We clean 3 potatoes and grate mashed potatoes, put them in a rag or gauze and squeeze out all the juice. We mix the potatoes together, add the starch (I had a young potato, so I added 2 tablespoons of starch).
Mince salt, pepper, add finely chopped onion.

We put a pot of water on the stove, salt well and wait until the water boils. When the water boils, reduce the fire, the water should gurgle a little.

We wet our hands, take the potato mixture and make a cake out of it on the hand, add minced meat to the center, glue the edges to form pies (we glue the seams well so that they do not spread).
We put the cipilina on a spoon and carefully lower it to the bottom of the pan. Cook for 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream and cracklings.

Enjoy your meal!

Potato dumplings with meat

- 5-6 pcs. potatoes
- 3 tbsp. spoons of semolina
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1.5 cups flour (plus more if needed)
- 300 gr. minced meat with onions
- salt, pepper to taste
- 1 bay leaf


Boil water in a saucepan with salt and bay leaf.

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Potato dumplings with meat

5-6 pcs. potatoes
3 art. spoons of semolina
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt

300 gr. minced meat with onions
salt, pepper to taste
1 bay leaf

Cooking method:
Boil the potatoes in their skins until soft, drain the water, peel and mash the potatoes, let cool, then add the eggs, salt, semolina and flour, knead a homogeneous dough, you don’t need to beat it with flour, it should only lag behind the hands, flour can be will be used already in the formation of dumplings.
Salt minced meat to taste, add pepper, form small balls, no larger than a walnut.
Boil water in a saucepan with salt and bay leaf.

Potato dumplings with meat

5-6 pcs. potatoes
3 art. spoons ()

Potato dumplings with meat

5-6 pcs. potatoes
3 art. spoons of semolina
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1.5 cups flour (plus more if needed)

300 gr. minced meat with onions
salt, pepper to taste
1 bay leaf

Boil the potatoes in their skins until soft, drain the water, peel and mash the potatoes, let cool, then add the eggs, salt, semolina and flour, knead a homogeneous dough, you don’t need to beat it with flour, it should only lag behind the hands, flour can be will be used already in the formation of dumplings.
Salt minced meat to taste, add pepper, form small balls, no larger than a walnut.
Boil water in a saucepan with salt and bay leaf.
Cut off small pieces from the dough, you can dip them in flour, it will be easier, wrap each meat ball in the dough, form round dumplings, carefully lower into the water, how much will fit in the pan, you need them to float freely. Bring to a boil, stirring, when the dumplings float to the surface, reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes, carefully remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon into a bowl, you can pour over the melted butter.

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    It’s just that nobody cooks minced meat, but if you wind meatballs out of it, then cook for 10-15 minutes, if after freezing, then 15-20 minutes. The same can be said about dumplings. If we talk about meatballs or meatballs, then they are cooked in sauce in a pan for 20-30 minutes, and in the oven for about 40-50 minutes. Fry minced meat for a dish Naval pasta; - approximately 10-20 minutes, depending on the meat and quantity. Stuffed peppers, tomatoes and cabbage rolls with minced meat are cooked for about 40 minutes. Manti or bigodi in a mantnitsa are cooked for 45 minutes. In a double boiler, cutlets, meatballs and meatballs are also cooked for 40-45 minutes. Cutlets in a pan are fried for about 10-15 minutes.

    It’s easier to say this - the minced meat itself cooks quickly, about 10-20 minutes, it all depends on the dish being prepared.

    Usually minced meat cooks quickly. If it does not require defrosting. Although defrosting is not a problem now. For example, minced meat (pork) for naval noodles; you need to cook for eight to ten minutes. Of course, it also depends on the amount of stuffing. Yes, you yourself will understand, minced meat from bright red turns out to be pale, immediately onion, salt, pepper for about five minutes and you're done. And as for cooking minced meat, then five to seven minutes (if you cook soup), when the potatoes are almost cooked. And stew, as much as fry, only with the addition of water.

    Cooking minced meat makes sense only when, I think, when you have cooked meatballs from it. I think ten minutes is enough.

    If you are stewing minced meat, then it is better to conjure over it longer. First saute the onion for five minutes, then add the minced meat and sauté it too until the color changes from pinkish to greyish. This usually takes five to seven minutes. Then add water to the bowl, so that it covers all the stuffing, and cover it with a lid. Reduce the heat, and leave it to cook further for twenty to twenty-five minutes.

    Thus, you will stew minced meat for about half an hour, but it is permissible to do this for a little longer.

    Well, I wouldn’t cook if it’s about minced meat, but to make meatballs for soup out of it, then you can cook it, I think 40 minutes is enough. But stewing in a frying pan in Latvia is called e. ground meat. We take onions, cut into strips, you can carrots, on a grater and fry in a pan, then put the minced meat, salt, pepper, you can also put seasonings and stir intensively, over high heat, so that the minced meat breaks up into fractions when it changes color and a little fried, add a tablespoon of flour and also mix quickly, add mayonnaise or sour cream, you can milk, water and on a slow fire until cooked for another 20-25 minutes. Malta galya is ready, very profitable when there is not enough minced meat for cutlets , and with gravy with any side dish, 300 g of minced meat is enough for the whole family. Bon appetit!

    There are different - poultry, beef, lamb or pork. In most cases, types of meat are combined, most often they do this by grinding pork and beef meat, sometimes beef and chicken. Other options are also possible - grinding or adding duck, goose, turkey, game, rabbit and other meats.

    If it's about prepared minced meat, which needs to be boiled (for example, in manti or buuz), or fried in combination with potatoes, cabbage, etc. in the oven or in a frying pan, it all depends on whether what kind of stuffing. If he fresh (not frozen), it is enough to boil or fry 8-10 minutes(in any case, until ready). If the product was previously frozen(for example, khinkali), then you need to cook (steam or in water) 20-25 minutes. Minced poultry meat is cooked on time twice as fast than beef or pork

    For an amateur. Someone loves undercooked with bloodquot ;. It is the most juicy and tasty, although there is a risk of swallowing some kind of worm. Someone, for reinsurance, roasts to the state of a sole. But it's safe.

    And in general, purely minced meat doesn’t seem to be fried anywhere, they don’t soar. Usually it goes inside something (pies, chebureks, dumplings) or mixed with something in a certain form (cutlets...). Thus, the cooking time is determined by the cooking / frying time of the product. I cook the same dumplings for 10 minutes. I bake pies until they are beautiful.