What can you do now to create the atmosphere of the new year in the house. Reasons not to port yet

Are you one of those people who does everything at the last moment? You had two weeks to start working on a new project, but you didn't lift a finger until the very last day? At work, do you usually put off difficult tasks or tasks that you don't enjoy doing until the last minute? Do you start looking for gifts for the birthdays of your friends and loved ones only the day before, or even on the same day? Every year, your goals that you set for yourself on New Year's Eve remain unfulfilled? Then you are a procrastinator. Why do we sabotage ourselves? In this article, we will tell you about What is procrastination, and give you 11 tips to get rid of it. As the saying goes, don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

It seems that postponing everything until the last minute is a general tendency of society. We all know this, but there are people who do it more than others. It doesn't matter how much time we are given to complete a task - a month or a week - most people will wait until the last minute to get started. But for many people this is not a problem. What's more, some people perform better with this extra pressure. While for others it causes frustration and stress, and the results of their work are rather mediocre due to the lack of time they have left to complete the task.

This can happen both when we have a "deadline" (the deadline by which the task must be completed), and when the deadline for the task is not defined. When a “deadline” is not set, the task will most likely never be completed. What happens to promises to yourself, such as to start exercising, quit smoking, or go on a diet?

What is procrastination?

"Put off until tomorrow what you can do today." It is the tendency to delay or evade the task to be done. Instead, we focus on other tasks that are less important and more enjoyable.

For example, you should start preparing for exams, but instead you start browsing the news in VKontakte. Only 5 minutes. And later you suddenly find that 3 hours have passed. Or an even more ridiculous example. When you prefer to wash all the dishes in the house, as well as at the neighbors' houses, than to take up your studies.

Why are we doing this? Why do some people procrastinate more than others? Why do we sabotagethemselves?

Find out what goes on in the mind of a procrastinator in the following video. How does their brain function? Is it different from other people's brains? Activate subtitles!

Why do we procrastinate? What is going on in our brain?

We find it hard to put off pleasure

The tasks we usually put off tend to be boring or unfulfilling and unproductive for a long time. People, like animals, tend to primarily perform those tasks that bring visible results in a short period of time. From the point of view of evolution, we inherited a tendency to impulsiveness and momentary satisfaction from distant ancestors. In those days, people preferred to eat well. today, because the prospects for tomorrow were highly questionable.

It seems that today this behavior model does not work. The future is no longer so uncertain. We began to feel more confident about the future, and over time we learned self-control. Our brains have evolved to learn how to delay pleasure. However, for us, getting an immediate benefit is still more tempting than expecting a better, but far-off result. The fact is that the ability to delay this benefit is not an easy task. Thus, children spend enough time to overcome impulsivity, learn to control themselves and see that sometimes it is better to put aside immediate gratification and focus on long-term gain. However, there are some who never succeed.

Impulsivity is closely related to procrastination. This is a personality trait that is based on a systematic tendency to seek immediate gain without thinking about the consequences. If we are impulsive and allow ourselves to be distracted by those activities that give us instant gratification, we will be more prone to procrastination.

Impulsivity and procrastination are highly hereditary traits, according to this study. In addition, according to the researchers, both of these traits are combined together, and procrastination is becoming a modern manifestation of the impulsiveness that was characteristic of our ancestors.

The Marshmallow Test: A Test for Delayed Pleasure

In the next video, you can find out what the essence of the Marshmallow Test is, or, as it is also called, the Marshmallow Test. This study shows how children responded to delayed gratification. Four-year-old kids were given a cloud of marshmallows, or marshmallows, and warned that they could eat it, but if they were patient and waited only 15 minutes, they would receive a second such marshmallow as a reward. What do you think the children did?

15 years later, the researchers analyzed how the fate of these children developed, and came to a surprising conclusion. Most of those who managed to resist the temptation became more successful, went to university and had better academic performance than those who could not resist and ate a marshmallow cloud.

Task characteristics

According to a study conducted at the University of Konstanz in Germany, there is a higher chance of procrastination when we see the task at hand in too abstract a way. Conversely, if we focus on the details, concretizing for ourselves how, when, and where the task has to be completed, the probability of its “postponement” will be significantly lower.

The complexity of the task also plays important role as a cause of procrastination. The more difficult a task seems to us, or the less equipped we feel for it, the more likely we are to put it off until later. Motivation and commitment performance also determines our propensity to procrastinate.

Anxiety and stress

Do anxiety and stress affect procrastination? Sometimes we have so many things to do that we don't know where to start. Anxiety sometimes paralyzes us so much that we fail to do anything we planned.

Procrastination reduces stress

The behavior of a procrastinator has a functional basis. Knowing that we have to do something, a project, a job or something else, we begin to experience some anxiety (great or minor, depending on the person and the characteristics of the task). If we put this task aside and do something else that is more enjoyable, we can reduce our stress levels. But at the same time, the habit of procrastinator behavior will gain additional strength and create a model for learning and repetition in the future.

When you think again about the task that you should have done, it will cause you the already familiar anxiety, and the whole cycle will begin anew. Therefore, it takes so much work to get rid of this type of behavior.

It's always the wrong moment

How to avoid procrastination?

1. Make lists of tasks you need to complete

List only those tasks that you usually put off doing. Do not include similar tasks that require the same resources from you. And don't set too many goals for yourself. Be realistic. If you schedule more tasks than you can handle, then you risk losing motivation when you realize you haven't done it. It's better to schedule a few tasks and get them all done than to make a long list and panic about it and end up doing nothing at all.

2. Divide the task into several parts

If the task is complex, break it down into easier parts. This will help you flesh it out and see it as more achievable. Plan how you will do it, when and where. In addition, going through these small milestones will increase your motivation.

3. Prioritize

Not all tasks are equally important. Prioritize to make sure you do the most important things first.

4. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking does not contribute to our efficiency if we want to achieve a good result. Concentrate as much as possible on one thing, and then your attention will not be distracted. Moreover, this one will help you control your stress and anxiety levels.

5. Eliminate distractions

If you're one of those people who tend to procrastinate because you get distracted easily, it's best to eliminate all distractions. Mute your mobile and deactivate all phone or computer notifications. If you have social networks bookmarked in your internet browser, hide them in folders to make them less accessible.

6. Business time, fun hour

This is what my mother always told us in childhood, and she was absolutely right. Avoid everyone's favorite approach: "I'll quickly look at the news in Vkontakte, and immediately get to work." Take care of the main task first, and when you are done, you can afford rest and entertainment.

7. Visualize goals

Having a clear idea of ​​what benefits the completed task will bring to you will give you a positive boost of motivation. Alternatively, think about the consequences of delaying a task, such as failing to meet a deadline, performing poorly or mediocrely, disappointing someone...

8. Ask for help

If you think the task is too difficult, feel free to ask for help.

9. Take control of your stress and anxiety levels

If a task, or several tasks that you have to complete, causes you anxiety and paralyzes you, the first thing to do is to relax. Learn more about how to manage your anxiety levels according to the progressive relaxation method. You can also try mindful meditation method, which allows not only to cope with stress, but also helps to improve attention and concentration.

10. Tell others about your plans

If you tell other people about the task that you have to perform, you will begin to realize a higher degree of responsibility for the result. Feeling ashamed before a public defeat can be a great motivator.

11. It's never the right moment.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Do you put something off until later just because there is no right moment for it? Imagine that if you still haven't found that moment, maybe it doesn't exist at all. If you wait for the right moment to come, you will never get it done.

Translation by Alexandra Dyuzheva

Respite for the body

So-called physiological reserve refers to the excesses of the organism and the biological system. We receive it (reserve) at birth and spend it over time. Dr. Lahs says that like cells deteriorate or die with age, this reserve is reduced in different systems at different rates.

The effect of such a feature can sneak up on a person unexpectedly, because even if we have actually lost most of our strength, we may not notice a functional decline. The secret to successful aging, according to Lahs, is to delay the loss of physiological reserves.

“You can lose up to 90 percent of kidney functionality, but never have any symptoms associated with kidney failure,” says the doctor. “We are born with billions of brain cells, most of which we never use in our lives. Many of them die or become ill before a person experiences a cognitive deficit in them.”

Human muscle strength also decreases with age. even in the absence of muscle disease. Most people reach peak muscle strength in their 20s and 30s. After that, the strength gradually becomes less and less and eventually we are faced with the fact that it is more difficult for us to get up from the couch or get out of the bath.

Most people don't fully use their power until the age of 80 or 90. The good news is that the age at which a person can become immobile and unable to move independently may be delayed. Gerontologists have proven that it is possible to lower this threshold. Moreover, according to Lyakhs, you can start “rebuilding” and working to reduce at any age. “You just need to start. The first embers of disability begin to smolder long before you grab the cane, ”the doctor resonates.

The lifestyle chosen in the middle of the life path can significantly affect the functional abilities at the end, emphasizes Lahs. If, for example, at 45 start daily take walks, then it is likely that by the age of 90 you will be mobile. “Even the smallest intervention can bring significant benefits”, says the doctor.

One study showed how older women and men who started doing strengthening exercises after a hip fracture, they eventually increased walking speed, restored muscle strength and balance. The risk of falls and fractures in these people has decreased.

Proper environment

You need to work not only on the body, but also on environment around you. To anticipate health problems that may arise with age, it is necessary to create as much as possible comfortable home conditions.

Rosemary Bakker, a colleague of Dr. Lachs, says that most modern homes are designed for twenties: windows and doors are difficult to open, stairs are high, lighting is poor in important areas of the room, and so on. Bakker, a certified interior designer with a master's degree in gerontology, is the author of the book "How to revive your home: a beautiful life for the second half of life". In it, she tells how an elderly person can make a home comfortable and stylish at the same time.

“The environment and working on oneself are two things that are underestimated and not well known,” concludes Dr. Lahs. But changing your life is simple and easy, he adds.

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December is in full swing, which means it's time to prepare for the holiday yourself and prepare your home for it.

website prepared a list of things to do now to finish by December 31st and make the New Year's decoration unforgettable. Choose the items that suit your home best - and go!

Determining the color scheme

To get started, you should choose one or two main colors that will create a festive mood in your home. Whether it will be a classic combination of white and gold, red and green and unexpected purple or orange is up to you.

We decorate windows

It is not necessary to dwell on paper snowflakes this year either. There are a lot of options: paper or real Christmas toys, holiday curtains or Christmas ribbons.

Adding lighting

Islands of warm light from candles or LEDs will warm any environment even on the coldest winter evening.

We decorate the doors

Interior doors can become truly magical if you approach the design of doorways correctly. Sometimes a combination of natural and luminous garlands is enough to make the interior play in a new way.

We think over serving

Making a menu is always an obligatory part of preparing for the New Year, but do not forget about such trifles as serving. Moreover, it can be turned into a real decoration of the New Year's table without any extra effort.

Making the table festive

In addition to serving, it is worth thinking about decorating the festive table. It should not be bulky and attract a lot of attention. Candles, islands of winter greenery or unusual luminous garlands are well suited.

We update textiles

Any room will be transformed if you completely or partially replace the textiles in it with festive or winter ones. Pillows, blankets, tablecloths, runners - maybe among them there is something that you have long wanted to update, but did not reach your hands?

Making a chandelier

Almost any chandelier can fit into the New Year look of your home, if you choose the right design for it. Cones, pine or spruce branches, balls will help a lot in this matter.

Among the many ways to do more, there is one whose effectiveness is simply amazing. Its use can double your productivity!

Do you want to know how this is possible?

Dozens of letters arrive or bring a bundle of documents. We review them all at once. For those that require response or some urgent action, answer-react. The rest are set aside. This is what we usually do every day.

During the day, we can return to these letters or documents, respond to a couple of them. The rest remain for long days in a growing pile of deferred.

It was so? I'm sure it was and is, at least 70 people out of 100!

Postpone b about most of the cases on the back burner - this is very unproductive. In this mode, we react only to what cannot be postponed. Everything else is on the brakes.

To completely change the situation, there is a very, very simple way. It consists of only 7 words. And they sound like this:

can i do it right now?

See. Several letters arrived in the mail. You open the first one. This is a letter from a colleague with a request. Not very important. Which you could very well shelve.

An hour ago, that's exactly what would have happened. Perhaps you would even somehow mark this letter for the future. But only. And then you would move on to the next letter. In the end, a request letter from a colleague will be forgotten, like hundreds of such letters.

Now, knowing about the magic seven words, you do things differently.

  • opened the letter
  • understand what it is
  • find out what action is required
  • now ask the main question: can i do it right now?

Try it! And the results will not keep you waiting. More than half of what was previously put off for later will be done immediately.

Hanging out with people who don't treat you well enough. As well as actions and obligations that do not make your life easier and happier.


When and how to move to get at least 150 minutes of activity per week. Example: on Monday and Wednesday we run or swim for 30 minutes, on Tuesday and Thursday we only go up the stairs, on Friday we dance.

Come up with

Passwords that will work for you.

How about "Tbl_cMo*eWb_Bce" or "M0eTel0Prekrasn0"? Change them and change with them!

Photograph your body

Once a month or six months. If you play sports, the visibility of change will motivate you.


Old photographs, youthful diaries and letters from my grandmother. Take a photo of all the items that are dear as a memory.

Download digital archive

In a cloud service, for example, in Dropbox, Yandex. Disk or [email protected]. Now photos and music will not be lost even if the laptop breaks.

Eat right

50% of the diet should be carbohydrates, 30% proteins, the rest fats. Understand what and how much you can eat per day to maintain balance and stay within your calorie allowance.

Make a plan for life

Think about where you want to see yourself in 5, 10 and 20 years. Make sure that these are exactly your desires, and determine the strategy.

think principle

behavior in stressful situations. Here are the options: "Quick results are better than good, but distant" or "Use what is."

Create an account

For a future pension and deduct 100 rubles for it every time you say "I can't", give up slack or apologize for no good reason.

spend five hours

A week without gadgets and the Internet. Devote this time to working with your hands, reading paper books, going for a walk in nature, or anything that fills you with happiness.

Calculate expenses

Over the past few months and marvel at the overly hyped articles. Take action: choose a cheaper rate or join joint purchases.

Write a letter from the future

For example, something like this: “Dear me! I know how hard it is for you at work right now, but trust me: with a little patience, this experience will lead you to incredible success. I checked!"


Write down your wildest, most incredible dreams and desires for the month or year ahead, and save this list. After a while, re-read and find that everything (or almost everything) came true.

Compile playlists

In case of joy, sadness, love. You know which ones, don't you?