The history of the name of the constellation Ursa Major. Ursa Major - names and descriptions of the stars of the constellation

Big Dipper- constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky. The seven stars of Ursa Major make up a figure resembling a ladle with a handle. The two brightest stars, Aliot and Dubhe, have magnitudes of 1.8 apparent magnitudes. According to the two extreme stars of this figure (α and β), you can find the Polar Star. The best visibility conditions are in March-April. It can be seen throughout Russia all year round (with the exception of the autumn months in the south of Russia, when the Big Dipper descends low to the horizon).

There are about 125 stars in the constellation, but only seven are called the largest and brightest: Dubhe, Merak, Fekda, Megrets, Aliot, Mizar and Alkaid. Between themselves, they form a bucket, which is visible to the naked eye.

The legend of the appearance of the constellation

In distant Greenland there is also a legend in which the constellation Ursa Major appears. The mythology and history of this cluster is quite popular. But one story has gained the greatest popularity among the Eskimos, about which absolutely everyone tells. It has even been suggested that this legend is not fiction, but the purest truth. In a snowy house, on the very edge of Greenland, lived the great hunter Eriulok. He lived in a hut alone, as he was arrogant, considering himself the best in his field. Therefore, he did not want to communicate with his other compatriots. For many years in a row he went to sea and always returned with rich booty. In his house there was always a lot of food, seal fat, and the walls of his dwelling were decorated with the best skins of walruses, seals and seals.

Eriulok was rich, well-fed, but lonely. And loneliness over time began to burden the great hunter. He tried to make friends with his fellow Eskimos, but they did not want to deal with an arrogant relative. Apparently, he offended them greatly at the time. In desperation, Eriulok went to the Arctic Ocean and called the mistress of the sea depths, the goddess Arnarkuachssak. He told her about himself and his trouble. The goddess promised to help, but in return, Eriulok had to bring her a ladle with magical berries that would restore youth to the goddess. The hunter agreed and went to a distant island, found a cave guarded by a bear. After much torment, he put the forest animal to sleep and stole a ladle of berries. The goddess did not deceive the hunter and gave him a wife, and in return received magical berries.

After all the adventures, Eriulok got married and became the father of a large family, to the envy of all the neighbors in the area. As for the goddess, she ate all the berries, rejuvenated by a couple of hundred centuries, and joyfully threw an empty ladle into the sky, where he, clinging to something, remained hanging.

Stars and asterisms

Ursa Major is the third largest constellation (after Hydra and Virgo), whose seven bright stars form the famous Big Bucket; this asterism has been known since antiquity among many peoples under different names: the Rocker, the Plow, the Elk, the Wagon, the Seven Wise Men, etc. All the stars of the Bucket have their own Arabic names:

  • Dubhe(α Ursa Major) means "bear";
  • Merak(β) - "lower back";
  • Fekda(γ) - "thigh";
  • Megrets(δ) - "the beginning of the tail";
  • Aliot(ε) - the meaning is not clear (but, most likely, this name means "fat tail");
  • Mizar(ζ) - "sash" or "loincloth".
  • The last star in the bucket handle is called Benetnash or Alkaid(η); in Arabic, "al-Qaeed banat ours" means "the leader of the mourners." This poetic image is taken from the Arab folk interpretation of the constellation Ursa Major.

In the system of naming stars with Greek letters, the order of the letters simply corresponds to the order of the stars.

Another interpretation of asterism is reflected in the alternative name Hearse and Wailers. Here, asterism is thought of as a funeral procession: in front of the mourners, led by a leader, behind them are a funeral stretcher. This explains the name of the star η Ursa Major "the leader of the mourners."

Bucket inner stars

5 inner stars of the Bucket (except for the extreme α and η) really belong to a single group in space - the moving cluster Ursa Major, which moves quite quickly across the sky; Dubhe and Benetnash are moving in the opposite direction, so the shape of the Dipper changes significantly in about 100,000 years.

Stars Merak and Dubhe

They form the wall of the Bucket, are called pointers, since the straight line drawn through them rests on the North Star (in the constellation Ursa Minor). Six stars of the Bucket have a shine of the 2nd magnitude, and only Megrets is of the 3rd magnitude.


Near Mizar, which was the second among the double stars discovered in the telescope (Giovanni Riccioli in 1650; according to the data of the early 2000s, it was probably observed as a double as early as 1617 by Galileo). A keen eye sees a star of magnitude 4 Alcor (80 Ursa Major), which in Arabic means “forgotten”, or “insignificant”. It is believed that the ability to distinguish the star Alcor has been a recognized test of vigilance since ancient times. The pair of stars Mizar and Alcor is often interpreted as an asterism " horse and rider».

Three gazelle jumps

Peculiar asterism Three gazelle jumps of Arabic origin consists of three pairs of closely spaced stars, and the pairs are on the same straight line and separated by equal distances. Associated with hoofprints of a gazelle moving by jumps. Includes stars:

  • Alula North and Alula South (v and ξ, first jump),
  • Taniya North and Taniya South (λ and μ, second jump),
  • Talita North and Talita South (ι and κ, third jump).


Aliot, Mizar and Benetnash form an extended arc that points to Arcturus, the brightest star north of the celestial equator, and also the brightest star visible in the spring in the mid-latitudes of Russia. As this arc extends further south, it points to Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo.

Lalande 21185

The red dwarf, located in the Alula Severnaya region and inaccessible to observations with the naked eye, is one of the star systems closest to the Earth, only Alpha Centauri, Barnard's Star and Wolf 359 are closer to it. Groombridge 1830, which is inferior in its own motion to only Barnard's star and Kapteyn's star, in a hundred years it shifts by about a third of the lunar disk.

Constellation legends. Star of Dubhe

There are a huge number of legends and tales about the cluster of luminaries Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The following belief goes about the brightest star Dubhe from the constellation Ursa Major. The daughter of King Lycaon, the beautiful Callisto was one of the huntresses of the goddess Artemis. The almighty Zeus fell in love with Callisto, and she gave birth to the boy Arkas. For this, the jealous wife of Zeus, Hera, turned Callisto into a bear. When Arkas grew up and became a hunter, he attacked the trail of a bear and was already preparing to hit the beast with an arrow. Zeus, seeing what was happening, did not allow the murder. It was he who turned Arkas into a smaller bear. The ruler of heaven placed them in the sky so that mother and son would always remain together.

Ursa Major ranks third among the constellations in terms of area, but unusually few variable stars have been found there - for 2011 it is not included in the top ten constellations in this indicator.

  • The Hubble Ultra Deep Field was imaged in a region one-twelfth the size of the lunar disk near the star Megrets. For 2011, this is one of the most detailed images of the starry sky, allowing you to distinguish between many galaxies billions of light years away from Earth.
  • Scars in the shape of the constellation Ursa Major on the chest are worn by the character of the popular in many countries anime and manga Hokuto No Ken, Kenshiro. At the moment, only the independent three-episode novella "Fist of the North Star: A New Era" is available in the official Russian translation.
  • The world's first cryonics company is named after a star from the constellation Ursa Major.
  • Soviet archaeologist and historian, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Rybakov B.A. in his well-known work he wrote: “The most important constellation of our northern hemisphere - Ursa Major - in the Russian North was called “Elk”, “Prongs” ... The Poles call the North Star the “Elk Star” (Gwiazda Łosiowa). Among the Evenks, the constellation Ursa Major (Ursus Major) is called "Moose Heglen".
  • In the animated series "Gravity Falls" on the forehead of the main character Dipper Pines there is a birthmark in the form of this constellation. Because of him, he got the nickname Dipper ( dipper from English - ladle, and the constellation Ursa Major is sometimes called the Big Dipper).

"The constellation Ursa Major is the first constellation from which you need to start to know the starry sky, if you have not learned how to find the Big Dipper, the starry sky for you will always remain a scattering of luminous points ..."
"Astronomy is currently not a compulsory subject at school and is taught as an elective...

Sergey Ov

Rice. one Constellation Ursa Major, scheme

The constellation Ursa Major (Ursa Major) is the largest constellation in the Northern Hemisphere of the sky and the third largest angular area among all the constellations of the celestial sphere (skysphere), in addition, Ursa Major is the ancestor of the group of constellations of the same name.
Being one of the largest in area, Ursa Major directly borders as many as 8 constellations - these are Bootes, Dragon, Giraffe, Lynx, Lesser Lion, Leo, Veronica's Hair and Hounds Dogs.
Ursa Major is a non-setting constellation throughout Russia (more precisely, the main asterism of the Big Dipper constellation, which can serve as a huge night sky clock, is non-setting).

Stars and contour diagram of the constellation Ursa Major

The constellation Ursa Major is the most visible and recognizable constellation in our northern sky. In the constellation, as many as seven stars are brighter than the third magnitude - this is Epsilon Ursa Major (ε UMa, 1.76 m) - Aliot, α UMa - Dubhe, η UMa - Benetnash, ζ UMa - Mizar, β UMa - Merak and Fekda(γ UMa) with the controversial ψ Ursa Major Tai Zun(Fig. 2).

Sergey Ov

Rice. 2 Constellation Ursa Major. Names of the brightest stars. Lilac line - asterism "Big Dipper" as a symbol of Ursa Major

As you can see, Figure 2 shows the names of more than seven stars - not the brightest, but important for constructing the constellation diagram (Fig. 3), the stars Kaffa (Megrets, δ UMa), Muscida (ο UMa), Al Khaud (θ UMa) are added and suggesting pairing Alula Borealis (ν UMa), Tania Australis (μ UMa), Talita (Borealis - ι UMa, Australis - κ UMa).
It is noteworthy that paired stars form the asterism "Gazelle Leaps" that has come down to us from eastern stargazers. (Gazelle Leaps, Gazelle Footprints, Three Gazelle Leaps), delineating the far edge of the constellation. You can see the asterism Jumping Gazelle by moving the cursor to Figure 3.
To build our version of the schematic outline drawing of the constellation Ursa Major, almost the same stars are used as in traditional diagrams, but according to our outline, you can clearly imagine a polar bear:

Sergey Ov

Rice. 3 Diagram of the constellation Ursa Major. Chart by stars (outline image) of a polar bear (This very successful constellation scheme was proposed by X. Ray. It was she who served as the impetus for attempts to draw up their own constellation schemes).
Asterisms Big Dipper and Jumping Gazelle - hover over with JavaScript enabled

From the most ancient times, regardless of cultural and religious traditions, within this constellation, people have distinguished seven bright stars that form a schematic drawing of a bucket, which is now called " asterism Big Dipper". This asterism certainly deserves a separate image (Fig. 5), since it has another characteristic group, which requires additional magnification to show - these are visually double stars Alcor and Mizar, "rider" and "horse", respectively. There is a myth that in ancient times this pair was used to test their eyesight during the selection of warriors.
All, even not very bright stars included in the Big Dipper asterism have their own names, and received from different peoples - this is a chain of stars (starting from the handle and ending with the ladle of the ladle). All stars used to build the Big Dipper diagram are navigation stars.
A list of more than 230 stars of Ursa Major can be found by calling the list:.

Rice. four Asterism Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major.
Stars of the asterism "Big Dipper". Asterism "Horseman": Alcor and Mizar

After the contours and the brightest stars of the constellation have been studied to automatic recognition, you can begin to search for the constellation Ursa Major directly in the starry sky.

How to find the constellation Ursa Major

The constellation Ursa Major is usually found by its main asterism, the Big Dipper. It is best for someone to show the Big Dipper, it is enough to see this configuration of stars in the sky at least once, and it will always take shape before your eyes!
But what if there is no one to show the Big Dipper?
For the first time, the constellation Ursa Major on its own can be found as follows:

1. If you live at the latitude of Moscow, then after waiting for the month of April and going outside at about 11 pm local time, you will find the Big Dipper right above your head, at the zenith. You just have to correctly determine the angular dimensions of the bucket and mentally build its pattern according to the stars.
True, at other times of the year or if you are located significantly south of Moscow, you can’t do without a compass ...
To determine the angular dimensions, you need to know that the angular distance from Benetnash before Dubhe is about 26 °, the angular distance between the thumb and forefinger of the outstretched hand of an adult is 16-18 °, so the Big Dipper against the background of the outstretched hand will look approximately as shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5 Estimating the angular size of the Big Dipper using an outstretched arm.

2. What to do if you wait too long for the desired April? In this case, you need to prepare a compass and use the table proposed here:

Table A
The apparent location of the Big Dipper at the latitude of Moscow at 23:00 local time

Month of the year Direction Elevation angle Note
January Northeast 30° - 50° The bucket is turned vertically to the horizon
February northeasteast 40° - 70° Bucket deployed vertically
March East 50° - 80° Bucket deployed almost vertically
April Zenith about 90° Better look facing north
May West 55° - 90° Big Dipper Tilt 80 to 60
June Northwest West 40° - 70° Big Dipper Tilt 60 to 40
July Northwest 35° - 60° Big Dipper Tilt 40 to 20
August North-northwest 30° - 55° The bucket is turned almost horizontally
September North-northwest 20° - 30° Bucket deployed parallel to the horizon
October North 20° - 30° Tilt of the Big Dipper up from 10 to 30
November North northeast 15° - 40° Tilt of the Big Dipper up from 30 to 50
December Northeast 20° - 40° Big Dipper tilt up from 50 to 80

The note indicates the location of the Big Dipper in relation to the horizon for an observer looking in the direction of this asterism.

After you have learned to find the Big Dipper in the sky, you will have the opportunity to know all the constellations of the Northern part of the sky.
But the first thing to use the opportunities that have opened up is to determine the position of the Polar Star. If you have found the North Star (Alpha Ursa Minor), then you know the exact direction to the north and can determine the cardinal points.
To find the Polar Star, you need to mentally draw a line between the stars of the edge of the Bucket from Merak to Dubhe and continue to the first bright star - this will be the North Star! You can test yourself mentally by building a Small Dipper from it, as if pouring it into the Big Dipper (Fig. 6). Polar Star is the most important navigational star, and Merak and Dubhe, helping to find it, is also called Pointers.

Rice. 6 How to find the North Star? - Very simple! You need to mentally draw a line through Merak and Dubhe.

In such a position as in Figure 5, the Big Dipper and the Big Dipper can be seen in early autumn closer to midnight, if you look at the starry sky turning to the north ... I believe that the picture does not require further explanation (otherwise, write to the forum)

History and mythology of the constellation Ursa Major

Among the many myths and legends attributed to the work of the ancient Greeks, I like the one that is considered the most ancient, and also the most logically harmonious, the essence of this myth is that in infancy Zeus was raised by the goat Amalthea and two bears Big and Small. Once, when Zeus was already an adult, Amalthea rushed to him and said that the bears, his nurses and intercessors of childhood, the hunters were about to drive into an ambush. Zeus barely ripened at the last moment, snatched his benefactors by the tails from the battle and carried them to heaven, while their tails stretched out. That's why sky bears have such long tails.

Claudius Ptolemy in his star catalog tries to follow the tradition and refers to the constellation Ursa Major the stars that create the image of the bear in the representations of his time. Subsequently, Jan Hevelius, in his atlas "Uranography", tries to follow the descriptions of Ptolemy as closely as possible, unfortunately the original atlas was created in the projection of the "divine gaze" - as if you are looking at the celestial sphere from the outside. In order for the picture to correspond to the "earthly" view of the constellation Ursa Major, as well as to highlight the stars, the collage brought to your attention was created:

Rice. 7. The constellation Ursa Major is a collage based on a drawing in the atlas of Jan Hevelius (only those stars that were included in the atlas by Hevelius himself are highlighted). When you hover over the figure, one of the traditional constellation schemes is displayed

Sergey Ov(seosnews9)

List of notable and visible stars in the constellation Ursa Major

Star designation Bayer sign right ascension declination magnitude Distance,
St. year
Spectral class Star name and notes
Epsilon Ursa Majorε UMa12 h 54 m 01.63 s+55° 57′ 35.4″1,76 81 A0pAlioth; possibly has a brown dwarf component
Alpha Ursa MajorαUMa11 h 03 m 43.84 s+61° 45′ 04.0″1,81 124 F7V compDubhe (Dubhe, Dubh, Dubb, Thahr al Dub al Akbar, Ak)
This Big Dipperη UMa13 h 47 m 32.55 s+49° 18′ 47.9″1,85 101 B3V SBBenetnash (Alkaid, Elkeid, Benetnasch)
Zeta Ursa Major ζ UMa 13 h 23 m 55.42 s+54° 55′ 31.5″2,23 78 A2VMizar (Mizar, Mizat, Mirza, Mitsar, Vasistha); multiple star; visual double star with Alcor
Beta Ursa Major β UMa11 h 01 m 50.39 s+56° 22′ 56.4″2,34 79 A1VMerak (Merak, Mirak)
Gamma Ursa Major γUMa11 h 53 m 49.74 s+53° 41′ 41.0″2,41 84 A0VSBFekda, Fad (Phad, Phecda, Phegda, Phekha, Phacd)
Psi Ursa Major ψ UMa11 h 09 m 39.86 s+44° 29′ 54.8″3,00 147 K1IIITai Tsun
Mu Ursa Major μ UMa10 h 22 m 19.80 s+41° 29′ 58.0″3,06 249 M0III SBTania Australis (Tania Australis, Alkafzah Australis); semiregular variable
Iota Ursa Major ιUMa08 h 59 m 12.84 s+48° 02′ 32.5″3,12 48 A7IVTalita Borealis (Talitha Borealis, Talita Borealis, Dnoces, Alphikra Borealis); quadruple star
Theta Ursa Major θUMa09 h 32 m 52.33 s+51° 40′ 43.0″3,17 44 F6IVAl Haud, Sarir, Sarir Bonet
Big Dipper Delta δUMa12 h 15 m 25.45 s+57° 01′ 57.4″3,32 81 A3VvarKaffa, Megrez (Megrez, Kaffa)
Omicron Ursa Major ο UMa08 h 30 m 16.03 s+60° 43′ 06.4″3,35 184 G4II-III
Lambda Ursa Major λUMa10 h 17 m 05.93 s+42° 54′ 52.1″3,45 134 A2IVTania Borealis (Tania Borealis, Alkafzah Borealis)
ν Ursa Majorν UMa11 h 18 m 28.76 s+33° 05′ 39.3″3,49 421 K3III SBAlula Borealis (Alula Borealis)
Kappa Ursa Major κ UMa09 h 03 m 37.56 s+47° 09′ 24.0″3,57 423 A1VnTalita Australis (Talitha Australis, Al Kaprah, Alphikra Australis)
23 Ursa Major23 Uma09 h 31 m 31.57 s+63° 03′ 42.5″3,65 75 F0IV
Chi Ursa Major χUMa11 h 46 m 03.13 s+47° 46′ 45.6″3,69 196 K0IIIAlkafzah (Alkafzah, Alkaphrah, El Koprah)
Upsilon Ursa Major υ UMa09 h 50 m 59.69 s+59° 02′ 20.8″3,78 115 F0IVvariable of type δ Shield
Xi Ursa Major A ξ UMa A11 h 18 m 11.24 s+31° 31′ 50.8″3,79 27,3 G0VAlula Australis (Alula Australis); double star
Zeta Ursa Major B ζ UMa B13 h 23 m 56.40 s+54° 55′ 18.0″3,95
Alcorg13 h 25 m 13.42 s+54° 59′ 16.8″3,99 81 A5VSBAlkor (Saidak, Suha, Arundhati); visual double star with Mizar
Xi Ursa Major B ξ UMa B11 h 18 m 11.00 s+31° 31′ 45.0″4,41 component of the system ξ Ursa Major
15 Ursa Majorf09 h 08 m 52.39 s+51° 36′ 17.0″4,46 96 Am
26 Ursa Major 09 h 34 m 49.49 s+52° 03′ 05.6″4,47 267 A2V
24 Ursa Majord09 h 34 m 28.97 s+69° 49′ 48.6″4,54 106 G4III-IV
Phi Ursa Major φ 09 h 52 m 06.36 s+54° 03′ 51.4″4,55 436 A3IV
Pi² Ursa Major π² 08h 40m 12.90s+64° 19′ 40.3″4,59 252 K2IIIMuscida (Muscida); has planet b
83 Ursa Major 13 h 40 m 44.29 s+54° 40′ 54.0″4,63 549 M2IIIvar
Omega Ursa Major ω 10 h 53 m 58.71 s+43° 11′ 24.1″4,66 267 A1Vs
Tau Ursa Major τ 09 h 10 m 54.93 s+63° 30′ 49.6″4,67 122 Am
Tau Ursa Major B τ 09 h 11 m 00.60 s+63° 31′ 29.0″4,70
HD 91312 10 h 33 m 14.00 s+40° 25′ 31.9″4,72 112 A7IV
Rho Ursa Major ρ 09 h 02 m 32.73 s+67° 37′ 46.5″4,74 287 M3III
55 Ursa Major 11 h 19 m 07.94 s+38° 11′ 08.6″4,76 183 A2V
Sigma² Ursa Major σ² 09 h 10 m 23.53 s+67° 08′ 03.3″4,80 67 F7IV-V
18 Ursa Majore09 h 16 m 11.28 s+54° 01′ 18.2″4,80 118 A5V
36 Ursa Major 10 h 30 m 37.76 s+55° 58′ 50.2″4,82 42 F8V
78 Ursa Major 13 h 00 m 43.59 s+56° 21′ 58.8″4,93 81 F2V
HD 89822 10 h 24 m 07.86 s+65° 33′ 59.3″4,94 301 A0sp…
56 Ursa Major 11 h 22 m 49.61 s+43° 28′ 57.9″4,99 492 G8II
HD 92523 10 h 43 m 04.04 s+69° 04′ 34.5″5,01 426 K3III
46 Ursa Major 10 h 55 m 44.46 s+33° 30′ 25.2″5,02 245 K1III
47 Ursa Major 10 h 59 m 28.22 s+40° 25′ 48.4″5,03 46 G0Vhas two exoplanets: b and c
49 Ursa Major 11 h 00 m 50.48 s+39° 12′ 43.7″5,06 403 Am
15 Small Lion 09 h 48 m 35.18 s+46° 01′ 16.4″5,08 60 G2V
44 Lynxes 09 h 46 m 31.66 s+57° 07′ 40.8″5,09 556 M3III
38 Ursa Major 10 h 41 m 56.78 s+65° 42′ 59.3″5,12 224 K2IIIvar
44 Ursa Major 10 h 53 m 34.52 s+54° 35′ 06.5″5,12 676 K3III
Sigma¹ Ursa Major σ¹ 09 h 08 m 23.53 s+66° 52′ 24.0″5,15 498 K5III
27 Ursa Major 09 h 42 m 57.24 s+72° 15′ 09.7″5,15 442 K0III
37 Ursa Major 10 h 35 m 09.62 s+57° 04′ 57.2″5,16 86 F1V
16 Ursa Majorc09 h 14 m 20.55 s+61° 25′ 24.2″5,18 64 F9V
HD 92787 10 h 43 m 33.12 s+46° 12′ 14.5″5,18 116 F5III
67 Ursa Major 12 h 02 m 07.06 s+43° 02′ 43.7″5,22 111 A7m
31 Ursa Major 09 h 55 m 43.01 s+49° 49′ 11.3″5,27 223 A3III
HD 102328 11 h 46 m 55.61 s+55° 37′ 41.8″5,27 206 K3III
17 Ursa Major 09 h 15 m 49.81 s+56° 44′ 29.3″5,28 681 K5III
57 Ursa Major 11 h 29 m 04.16 s+39° 20′ 13.0″5,30 209 A2V
61 Ursa Major 11 h 41 m 03.03 s+34° 12′ 09.2″5,31 31 G8Vvar
55 Giraffe 08 h 12 m 48.79 s+68° 28′ 26.6″5,34 1062 G8II
74 Ursa Major 12 h 29 m 57.40 s+58° 24′ 19.9″5,37 274 A5e…
HD 117376 13 h 28 m 27.18 s+59° 56′ 44.5″5,40 236 A1Vn
41 Lynx 09 h 28 m 39.99 s+45° 36′ 06.5″5,41 288 K0III-IVhas planet b
HD 100203 11 h 32 m 20.76 s+61° 04′ 57.9″5,46 90 F6V
82 Ursa Major 13 h 39 m 30.58 s+52° 55′ 15.9″5,46 169 A3Vn
2 Ursa MajorA08 h 34 m 36.19 s+65° 08′ 43.0″5,47 158 A2m
HD 95212 11 h 00 m 14.70 s+45° 31′ 34.6″5,47 881 K5III
HD 77601 09 h 05 m 24.11 s+48° 31′ 49.3″5,48 348 F6II-III
HD 86378 09 h 59 m 51.72 s+56° 48′ 42.8″5,50 510 K5III
T Ursa Major 12 h 36 m 23.30 s+59° 29′ 13.0″5,50 variable star
70 Ursa Major 12 h 20 m 50.83 s+57° 51′ 51.4″5,54 701 K5III
HD 92095 10 h 39 m 05.74 s+53° 40′ 06.6″5,55 514 K3III
59 Ursa Major 11 h 38 m 20.69 s+43° 37′ 31.8″5,56 149 F2II-III
6 Ursa Major 08 h 56 m 37.49 s+64° 36′ 14.5″5,57 308 G6III
42 Ursa Major 10 h 51 m 23.76 s+59° 19′ 12.9″5,57 263 K2III
HD 104438 12 h 01 m 39.53 s+36° 02′ 32.2″5,59 362 K0III
81 Ursa Major 13h 34m 07.33s+55° 20′ 54.4″5,60 277 A0V
π¹ Ursa Majorπ¹ 08 h 39 m 11.74 s+65° 01′ 14.5″5,63 47 G1.5VbMuscida
HD 100615 11 h 35 m 04.90 s+54° 47′ 07.4″5,63 411 K0III
HD 73017 08 h 38 m 22.26 s+53° 24′ 05.7″5,66 241 G8IV
43 Ursa Major 10 h 51 m 11.08 s+56° 34′ 56.1″5,66 350 K2III
73 Ursa Major 12 h 27 m 35.13 s+55° 42′ 45.9″5,68 439 M2III
84 Ursa Major 13 h 46 m 35.68 s+54° 25′ 57.7″5,68 282 B9pEuCr
86 Ursa Major 13 h 53 m 51.04 s+53° 43′ 43.3″5,70 444 A0V
HD 87141 10 h 04 m 36.35 s+53° 53′ 30.2″5,71 154 F5V
HD 96813 11 h 09 m 19.11 s+36° 18′ 34.0″5,71 379 M3.5III
5 Ursa Majorb08 h 53 m 22.57 s+61° 57′ 44.0″5,72 285 F2III
HD 83489 09 h 42 m 14.93 s+69° 14′ 15.7″5,72 479 G9III:
57 Giraffe 08 h 19 m 17.18 s+62° 30′ 25.7″5,73 470 G8III
HD 89744 10 h 22 m 10.66 s+41° 13′ 47.5″5,73 127 F7Vhas planet b
47 Small Lion 10 h 54 m 58.22 s+34° 02′ 05.7″5,73 305 G7III:
HD 99283 11 h 25 m 57.18 s+55° 51′ 01.2″5,73 348 K0III
62 Ursa Major 11 h 41 m 34.50 s+31° 44′ 45.5″5,73 133 F4V
HD 102713 11 h 49 m 41.80 s+34° 55′ 54.3″5,73 227 F5IV
HD 77309 09 h 04 m 00.40 s+54° 17′ 02.0″5,74 336 A2V
32 Ursa Major 10 h 18 m 02.15 s+65° 06′ 30.1″5,74 249 A8III
HD 92354 10 h 41 m 48.31 s+68° 26′ 36.8″5,74 586 K3III
22 Ursa Major 09 h 34 m 53.39 s+72° 12′ 21.1″5,77 163 F7V
HD 80390 09 h 21 m 43.30 s+56° 41′ 57.3″5,79 477 M4IIIa
39 Ursa Major 10 h 43 m 43.32 s+57° 11′ 57.6″5,79 368 A0Vs
HD 106884 12 h 17 m 29.56 s+53° 11′ 29.2″5,80 382 K6III
71 Ursa Major 12 h 25 m 03.22 s+56° 46′ 40.3″5,82 1190 M3III
HD 99747 11 h 29 m 04.70 s+61° 46′ 40.0″5,83 107 F5Vawvar
66 Ursa Major 11 h 55 m 58.41 s+56° 35′ 54.8″5,83 315 K1III
HD 111456 12 h 48 m 39.34 s+60° 19′ 11.6″5,83 79 F5V
HD 112486 12 h 56 m 17.64 s+54° 05′ 58.1″5,84 256 A5m
HD 85841 09 h 58 m 22.91 s+72° 52′ 46.6″5,86 370 K3III:
HD 89343 10 h 21 m 03.43 s+68° 44′ 51.8″5,88 410 A7Vn
HD 97989 11 h 16 m 41.93 s+49° 28′ 34.6″5,88 421 K0III:
HD 111270 12 h 47 m 18.93 s+62° 46′ 52.1″5,88 206 A9V
HD 71088 08 h 29 m 46.29 s+67° 17′ 50.7″5,89 322 G8III
HD 96834 11 h 09 m 38.55 s+43° 12′ 27.9″5,89 566 M2III
HD 73171 08 h 39 m 17.65 s+52° 42′ 42.1″5,91 397 K1III:
HD 94132 10 h 53 m 31.38 s+69° 51′ 14.6″5,91 142 G9IV
HD 78935 09 h 15 m 52.75 s+72° 56′ 47.3″5,93 291 F0III
58 Ursa Major 11 h 30 m 31.17 s+43° 10′ 23.0″5,94 183 F4V
HD 92839 10 h 45 m 04.02 s+67° 24′ 41.0″5,95 1132 C5II
HD 104075 11 h 59 m 17.54 s+33° 10′ 01.3″5,95 671 K1III
HD 79763 09 h 17 m 31.17 s+46° 49′ 01.9″5,96 367 A1V
HD 83126 09 h 39 m 27.92 s+67° 16′ 20.4″5,96 543 K5
HD 85945 09 h 57 m 13.57 s+57° 25′ 06.1″5,97 466 G8III
HD 120787 13 h 49 m 45.43 s+61° 29′ 22.4″5,97 395 G3V
HD 95129 10 h 59 m 32.74 s+36° 05′ 35.6″5,99 888 M2III
HD 68951 08 h 20 m 40.32 s+72° 24′ 26.3″6,00 948 M0III
HD 89319 10 h 19 m 26.88 s+48° 23′ 49.3″6,00 141 K0
HD 90470 10 h 27 m 28.08 s+41° 36′ 04.4″6,00 216 A2V
HD 89414 10 h 20 m 31.18 s+54° 13′ 00.7″6,01 457 K3III:
51 Ursa Major 11 h 04 m 31.28 s+38° 14′ 28.9″6,01 263 A3III-IV
HD 98772 11 h 22 m 51.25 s+64° 19′ 49.5″6,02 282 A3V
76 Ursa Major 12 h 41 m 33.95 s+62° 42′ 47.1″6,02 581 A2III
HD 119765 13 h 43 m 54.80 s+52° 03′ 51.9″6,02 345 A1V
HD 94669 10 h 56 m 14.51 s+42° 00′ 30.2″6,03 312 K2III
HD 95241 11 h 00 m 20.76 s+42° 54′ 43.3″6,03 148 F9V
HD 90745 10 h 30 m 26.65 s+64° 15′ 28.1″6,07 289 A7III
HD 96707 11 h 09 m 39.92 s+67° 12′ 37.0″6,07 355 F0sp…
75 Ursa Major 12 h 30 m 04.22 s+58° 46′ 04.1″6,07 428 G8III-IV
60 Ursa Major 11 h 38 m 33.54 s+46° 50′ 03.4″6,09 351 F5IIIs
37 Lynx 09 h 20 m 43.79 s+51° 15′ 56.6″6,14 95 F3V
HD 101013 11 h 37 m 53.05 s+50° 37′ 05.8″6,14 461 K0p…
HD 105043 12 h 05 m 39.76 s+62° 55′ 59.9″6,14 373 K2III
HD 113994 13 h 06 m 22.86 s+62° 02′ 31.1″6,15 377 G7III
HD 122866 14 h 02 m 59.78 s+50° 58′ 18.6″6,16 313 A2V
HD 83962 09 h 44 m 36.62 s+64° 59′ 02.6″6,18 351 F3Vn
U Ursa Major 10 h 15 m 07.65 s+59° 59′ 07.9″6,18 1743 M0IIIvar
1 Hound Dogs 12 h 14 m 43.43 s+53° 26′ 04.8″6,18 505 K0III:
HD 74604 08 h 48 m 49.28 s+66° 42′ 29.4″6,20 514 B8V
HD 98499 11 h 20 m 53.71 s+67° 06′ 03.1″6,20 439 G8
HD 108954 12 h 30 m 50.12 s+53° 04′ 34.2″6,20 72 F9V
HD 73971 08h 43m 00.19s+46° 54′ 03.6″6,21 412 G8III
HD 95057 10 h 59 m 17.89 s+51° 52′ 56.5″6,22 681 K0
HD 103736 11 h 56 m 53.27 s+61° 32′ 57.5″6,22 612 G8III
HD 80953 09 h 25 m 44.19 s+63° 56′ 27.7″6,24 809 K2III
HD 102942 11 h 51 m 09.51 s+33° 22′ 29.9″6,25 205 Am
HD 84812 09 h 50 m 23.67 s+65° 35′ 35.9″6,27 306 A9Vn
HD 101604 11 h 41 m 43.52 s+55° 10′ 19.2″6,28 1006 K5
HD 119213 13 h 40 m 21.44 s+57° 12′ 27.2″6,28 288 A4p SrCrEu
HD 85583 09 h 55 m 03.35 s+61° 06′ 58.1″6,29 389 K0
HD 99859 11 h 29 m 43.66 s+56° 44′ 15.6″6,29 221 A4m
HD 101151 11 h 38 m 32.33 s+33° 37′ 33.1″6,29 634 K2III
HD 101177 11 h 38 m 45.39 s+45° 06′ 30.2″6,29 76 G0V
HD 81025 09 h 24 m 55.64 s+51° 34′ 26.1″6,30 432 G2III
HD 99967 11 h 30 m 24.83 s+46° 39′ 26.9″6,30 985 K2IIICN-1
HD 71553 08 h 32 m 53.27 s+69° 19′ 11.9″6,31 619 K0
HD 87243 10 h 05 m 10.40 s+52° 22′ 16.7″6,31 330 A5IV
HD 119124 13h 40m 23.35s+50° 31′ 09.4″6,31 82 F7.7V
35 Ursa Major 10 h 29 m 54.43 s+65° 37′ 34.7″6,32 313 K2III:
HD 97501 11 h 13 m 40.10 s+41° 05′ 19.7″6,33 332 K2III
HD 99373 11 h 26 m 25.58 s+33° 27′ 02.0″6,33 188 F6IV
HD 73131 08 h 38 m 59.92 s+52° 55′ 30.5″6,34 581 K0
HD 86166 09 h 57 m 56.84 s+45° 24′ 51.8″6,34 418 K0III
41 Ursa Major 10 h 46 m 22.54 s+57° 21′ 57.8″6,34 756 M1III
68 Ursa Major 12 h 11 m 44.89 s+57° 03′ 16.0″6,34 970 K5III
HD 117242 13 h 27 m 59.73 s+52° 44′ 44.3″6,34 325 F0
HD 75487 08 h 53 m 05.93 s+59° 03′ 22.1″6,35 201 F5IV-V
HD 101391 11 h 40 m 27.44 s+57° 58′ 13.3″6,35 526 B9p…
HD 83869 09 h 42 m 43.12 s+48° 25′ 51.8″6,36 435 A1V
HD 90602 10 h 28 m 36.54 s+45° 12′ 44.1″6,37 763 K0
HD 95256 11 h 01 m 05.73 s+63° 25′ 16.4″6,38 284 A2m
HD 100470 11 h 33 m 56.38 s+36° 48′ 56.7″6,38 424 K0III
HD 110678 12h 43m 04.19s+61° 09′ 19.3″6,39 477 K0
HD 80461 09 h 21 m 23.61 s+45° 22′ 12.5″6,40 713 K0
HD 93427 10 h 48 m 49.86 s+65° 07′ 56.9″6,40 420 A1V
HD 97138 11 h 12 m 10.90 s+68° 16′ 18.7″6,40 300 A3V
HD 100030 11 h 30 m 53.14 s+47° 55′ 44.8″6,40 328 G9IV
HD 82969 09 h 37 m 37.52 s+60° 12′ 49.5″6,41 321 G5
HD 95233 11 h 00 m 25.58 s+51° 30′ 07.7″6,41 568 G9III
HD 97334 11 h 12 m 32.53 s+35° 48′ 52.0″6,41 71 G0V
HD 69976 08 h 22 m 44.06 s+60° 37′ 52.5″6,42 444 K0III
HD 89268 10 h 18 m 58.77 s+46° 45′ 39.1″6,42 830 K1III
HD 90508 10 h 28 m 03.81 s+48° 47′ 13.4″6,42 77 G1V
HD 93551 10 h 49 m 28.82 s+63° 48′ 36.0″6,42 862 K0
Star of Groombridge 11 h 52 m 55.82 s+37° 43′ 58.1″6,42 30 G8Vp
HD 103928 11 h 58 m 07.25 s+32° 16′ 26.6″6,42 155 A9V
56 Giraffe 08 h 15 m 50.52 s+60° 22′ 50.1″6,43 499 A7Vm
HD 98673 11 h 21 m 49.35 s+57° 04′ 29.4″6,43 255 A7Vn
HD 77692 09 h 06 m 43.16 s+59° 20′ 40.4″6,44 1132 A2V
HD 94084 10 h 52 m 32.11 s+52° 30′ 13.4″6,44 315 K2III
HD 95572 11 h 03 m 27.37 s+70° 01′ 51.0″6,44 734 K0
HD 89389 10 h 20 m 14.88 s+53° 46′ 45.4″6,45 100 F9V
HD 120874 13 h 50 m 27.77 s+58° 32′ 21.9″6,45 269 A3V
HD 73029 08 h 39 m 10.10 s+59° 56′ 21.3″6,47 360 A2Vn
HD 103500 11 h 55 m 14.10 s+36° 45′ 23.4″6,47 588 M3III
HD 119992 13 h 45 m 13.10 s+55° 52′ 48.8″6,47 110 F7IV-V
HD 123977 14 h 08 m 46.19 s+59° 20′ 15.7″6,47 438 K0III
HD 89221 10 h 18 m 32.91 s+43° 02′ 55.1″6,48 116 G5
HD 118536 13 h 36 m 39.89 s+49° 29′ 12.1″6,48 500 K1III
HD 82408 09 h 33 m 11.26 s+45° 30′ 49.9″6,49 584 K0
HD 101150 11 h 38 m 49.12 s+64° 20′ 49.1″6,49 640 A5IV
HD 104179 11 h 59 m 57.41 s+34° 02′ 04.8″6,49 374 A9III
HD 118970 13 h 39 m 14.92 s+51° 48′ 15.1″6,49 1495 K2
HD 122064 13 h 57 m 32.10 s+61° 29′ 32.4″6,49 33 K3V
HD 81790 09 h 29 m 47.87 s+55° 44′ 43.2″6,50 145 F3Vs
HD 83564 09 h 41 m 16.76 s+55° 51′ 59.7″6,50 412 K1III-IV
HD 83886 09h 43m 07.00s+54° 21′ 49.6″6,50 299 A5m
HD 113436 13 h 02 m 40.46 s+59° 42′ 58.8″6,50 615 A3Vn
HD 117043 13 h 26 m 00.37 s+63° 15′ 38.7″6,50 70 G6V
28 Ursa Major 09 h 45 m 55.38 s+63° 39′ 12.3″6,51 252 F2V
65 Ursa Major 11 h 55 m 05.74 s+46° 28′ 36.6″6,54 801 A3Vn
14 Small Lion 09 h 46 m 42.44 s+45° 06′ 53.0″6,81 270 K0IV
65 Ursa Major 11 h 55 m 11.32 s+46° 28′ 11.2″7,03 1025 A1spe…
72 Ursa Major 12 h 26 m 32.60 s+55° 09′ 33.9″7,03 472 Am
40 Ursa Major 10 h 45 m 59.86 s+56° 55′ 14.9″7,11 363 A8V
Lalande 21185 11 h 03 m 20.10 s+35° 58′ 12.0″7,47 8,29 M2V4th closest star; supposed to have planets
W Ursa Major h m s 7,75 162 prototype of variables of Ursa Major W type, Vmax = +7.75m, Vmin = +8.48m, P = 0.3336 d
HD 118203 13 h 34 m 02.54 s+53° 43′ 42.7″8,07 289 K0has planet b
HD 68988 08 h 18 m 22.17 s+61° 27′ 38.6″8,21 192 G0has planet b and unconfirmed planet c
HD 80606 09 h 22 m 37.57 s+50° 36′ 13.4″8,93 190 G5has planet b
Winnecke 4 h m s 9,0 510 M40; optical double star
SZ Ursa Major h m s 9,31 variable star
R Ursa Major 10 h 44 m 38.80 s+68° 46′ 33.0″10,10 variable star
HAT-P-3 13 h 44 m 22.58 s+48° 01′ 43.2″11,86 457 Khas planet HAT-P-3 b
CF Ursa Major h m s 12,00 variable star
WX Ursa Major h m s 14,4 variable star

1. Bayer signs (ε Leo), as well as Flamsteed numbering (54 Leo) and Draper catalog (HD 94402) are used to designate stars.
2. Remarkable stars include even those that are not visible without the help of optics, but in which planets or other features have been found.

The constellation Ursa Major (Ursa Major) is seven particularly spectacular stars that are easy to find in the sky. These are stars of the second magnitude (the least one is the upper left star of the "bucket"). Excluding these stars, there are 125 more stars in the constellation brighter than the 6th magnitude.

The size of the constellation Ursa Major

The constellation Ursa Major covers an area of ​​1280 square degrees in the sky - this is one of the largest constellations. The size of the constellation significantly exceeds the boundaries of the "bucket with a handle." Measurements revealed, for example, that the stars of the "bucket" are located at rather unequal distances from us: the nearest star (Aliot) is 50 light-years away from us, and the most distant (Benetnash) is 4 times more. Near the star Mizar (which means "horse" in Arabic) is an almost imperceptible asterisk Alcor ("rider") of approximately the fifth magnitude.

Ursa Major in astronomy

For beginners-lovers of astronomy, Ursa Major can serve as a special "training ground":

  1. this constellation, as a starting point, as a guide, makes it possible to search for numerous other constellations;
  2. very clearly shows the apparent daily circulation of the sky and the restructuring of the appearance of the starry sky during the year;
  3. having remembered the angular distances between the stars of the "ladle", it is possible to carry out approximate angular measurements;
  4. amateur astronomers who have a barely perceptible telescope can view double and variable stars inaccessible to the naked eye in the constellation Ursa Major and even distinguish some galaxies (including the famous "exploding galaxy" M82.

Constellation Ursa Major: myths and legends

The constellation "bucket" has been known to people since ancient times. The ancient Greeks believed that constellation Ursa Major- this is the nymph Callisto, companion of Artemis, beloved of Zeus. But one day she incurred the disgrace of the goddess, transgressing the rules carried out by the companions of Artemis. And she turned her into a bear and set dogs on her. To protect his beloved, Zeus had to raise her to heaven.

Be that as it may, this event is dark: perhaps Zeus himself, hiding his own betrayals from the jealous wife of Hera, turned Callisto into a bear, and Artemis organized a hunt for her, either by mistake, or by teaching the far-sighted and vengeful Hera. Perhaps, in the end, that Hera, for the sake of revenge, herself turned Callisto into a constellation, and Callisto's son Arkad arranged a hunt for her by mistake. From time to time, some unknown girlfriend of Callisto, who at the same time turned into Ursa Minor, is also involved in this story.

Another myth, described by Philemon, tells that the baby Zeus was forced to reincarnate into a snake, and turn his nannies into bears, when his father Kron was looking for him, in order to, according to his habit, eat the newborn. From this place, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and the constellation Serpent came from. The constellation Serpent is not in the sky, probably - this is the Dragon. This is similar to the close location of all three constellations. However, this myth is possibly just a poetic fantasy.

Constellation Ursa Major on the constellation map

Ursa Major can be admired during the day. This can easily be done by finding it on one of the interactive ones. On the maps, you can find other large and small constellations and look at them in a big approximation. All in your hands!

Deep shot of the constellation Ursa Major

The constellation Ursa Major is one of the largest constellations in terms of area, the third after Hydra and Virgo. More than 200 stars belong to this section of the sky, and up to 125 stars of them can be distinguished with the naked eye, on a moonless night far beyond the city.

However, the constellation Ursa Major has become the most recognizable thanks to a group of seven stars that form the so-called. Big Bucket. Such easily distinguishable groups of stars are called "asterisms".

Since initially this region of the sky was associated with people only with the Big Dipper asterism, most of the existing names were corresponding:

  • The ancient Greeks called the constellation "Helika", which means "shell", sometimes "Arktos" - "bear" or "bear". According to some Greek authors, Ursa Major served the ancient Greeks as a navigator. According to Greek myth, Zeus turned two Cretan nymphs into bears in order to hide them from Kronos. According to another version - the nymph Callisto, to hide from his sister and wife - Hera.
  • The Indian (in Sanskrit) name of the constellation sounds like "Sapta Rishi", which means "seven wise men". We are talking about the seven sons of the god Brahma, who are considered the progenitors of all, as well as the actual creators of the universe. In Indian astronomy, seven stars of the Big Dipper are called by the names of the sages.
  • The Kazakh nomads called the constellation "Seven Thieves" (Zhetіқaraқshy). According to legend, Tengri, the supreme deity of the sky, tied two of his horses to an Iron peg. Here, the Iron stake (“Temirkazyk”) is, and the horses are two stars close to it (probably Polar A and Polar B). Then the seven stars of the Big Dipper are robbers who intend to steal horses, and therefore they constantly circle around them.
  • Chinese astronomers called the constellation "Northern Dipper" ("Beidou"), since in those days the handle of the Big Dipper pointed almost to the north pole.
  • In Slavic culture, this constellation was called "Moose", as it was originally associated with this animal. In Ancient Russia, the Big Dipper was also called the "Horse on the Prank", where the Big Dipper, like a horse, pinned to the North Star, constantly moves around it - around the prank.

Stars of the Big Dipper

"Ladle" Ursa Major

The Big Dipper is formed by the following seven stars:

It is noteworthy that the Big Dipper asterism has another name - "Hearse and Wailers". According to this idea, three stars form mourners, led by a leader (“Al-Qaeed Banat is ours”), behind whom a funeral stretcher moves.

On average, the stars that form the Big Dipper are located at a distance of 120 light-years from Earth. These luminaries are not the brightest in our sky, their average magnitude is close to 2m. However, it will not be difficult for almost everyone to find them in the sky.

Allocate the so-called moving group Ursa Major, the core of which consists of 14 stars. 13 of them are included in the constellation Ursa Major, and 5 are in the Big Dipper (Merak, Fekda, Megrets, Aliot and Mizar). Unlike the stars of this group, which move at a similar speed in one direction, the other two stars of the Dipper (Dubhe and Benetnash) move in the opposite direction, as a result of which the shape of the Big Dipper undergoes noticeable deformation over 100,000 years.

It is worth saying that in 2009 a new study found that in fact Mizar and Alcor is a sixfold system, where the double luminaries Mizar A and B revolve around the binary star Alcor. Do not be surprised, they are often born in pairs, and in clusters.

Other objects of Ursa Major

In addition to the Big Dipper, in the constellation Ursa Major, you can also observe an asterism called "Three Gazelle Jumps", which looks like three pairs of stars. These are the following couples:

  1. Alula North South (ν and ξ),
  2. Taniya North and South (λ and μ),
  3. Talita North and South (ι and κ).

Near Alupa Severnaya is a red dwarf called Lalande 21185, which is elusive to observe with the naked eye. However, it is the sixth closest star system to the Sun. Closer than the stars Sirius A and B.

Observational astronomers are well aware that this constellation contains the galaxy M101 (called the Pinwheel), as well as the galaxies M81 and M82. The latter two form the core of what is probably the nearest group of galaxies, located at a distance of about 7 million light years. Unlike these distant objects, the astronomical body M 97 ("Owl") is located within the Milky Way, hundreds of times closer. The Owl is one of the largest planetary nebulae.

In the middle, between the first and second "gazelle jump", with the help of optics, you can see a small yellow dwarf, similar to our Sun at number 47. From 2000 to 2010, scientists discovered three exoplanets, gas giants, revolving around it. Also, this star system is one of the most similar to the solar system and takes 72nd place in the list of candidates for the search for planets similar to Earth, carried out as part of the planned NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder mission. So for an astronomy lover, the constellation is of great interest.

In 2013 and 2016, two of the most distant galaxies from us were discovered in the constellation, respectively z8 GND 5296 and GN-z11. The light of these galaxies, recorded by scientists, was 13.02 (z8 GND 5296) and 13.4 (GN-z11) billion years.

Among non-astronomical facts, it is worth noting that the Big Dipper is depicted on the flag of the White Sea Karelia, and on the flag of Alaska - along with the polar star.

Flag of Alaska (left) and White Sea Karelia (right)

List of constellations in the spring sky
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Ursa Major ... Wikipedia

Click on the image to enlarge it name Ursa Major (genus n. Ursae Majoris) Abbreviation UMa Symbol Ursa Major Right ascension ... Wikipedia

- (lat. Ursa Major) the constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, in which a group of 7 stars is distinguished Big bucket; the middle star of the bucket handle is called Mizar, next to it is the faint star Alcor ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Ursa Major), the famous constellation of the northern part of the sky, which is otherwise called the "Plow" or "Big Dipper". Its drawing is formed by seven stars. The five stars from the Plow make up a mobile CLUSTER, a group of stars that move in the same direction across... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

- (The Great Bear, Charles's wain, Ursa major) a vast constellation of the Northern Hemisphere; in our latitudes it is visible at all times of the year. The seven main stars are arranged in the shape of a ladle. Very noticeable in the sky and convenient for orientation. A line drawn ... ... Marine Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 arctos (2) constellation (121) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (lat. Ursa Major) constellation of the Northern hemisphere of the sky. Seven stars of B. M. make up a figure resembling a ladle with a handle. The two brightest stars, Aliot and Dubhe, are magnitude 1.8 visual magnitudes. According to the two extreme stars of this figure α ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (lat. Ursa Major), the constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, in which a group of 7 stars is distinguished Big bucket; the middle star of the bucket handle is called Mizar, next to it is the faint star Alcor. * * * URSA MAJOR URSA MAJOR (lat. Ursa… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Big Dipper- The constellation of the Northern Hemisphere, in which there is a group of seven stars Big Dipper. The middle star of the handle of the Mizar bucket, next to it is the star Alcor. Seven stars of the Big Dipper shone low over the horizon (V. Garshin. From the memoirs ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

- (lat. Ursa Major), the constellation Sev. hemispheres, in which a group of 7 stars is distinguished Big bucket; cf. bucket handle star Mizar, next to her is the faint star Alcor ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Big Cart, Max Frei. "Big Cart, or Big Cart, - this is how some nations called the constellation Ursa Major. The concept of the book is as follows: the map of the constellation was in a certain way superimposed on the map of Europe, ...
  • Big Cart, Fry Max. Max Frei's new book links geography and astronomy, earthly and heavenly. "Big Cart or, Big Cart, - this is how some nations called the constellation Ursa Major. The concept of the book ...