Project: pedagogical conditions for teaching hyperactive children. A hyperactive child is a schoolboy, what should parents do advice from a psychologist

Many parents and teachers ask this question. We tell you how to interact with students who have Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

You may be mildly or severely confused if you encounter such children for the first time. They rush around the classroom, answer without raising their hands, cannot sit in one place and interfere with others and themselves. So? Partly. But, if you are reading this article, it means that you are a real professional and are worried about your students. Our job is to try to help you.

To begin with, let's try to figure out whether we understand the phenomena of ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) correctly.

Olya Kashirina. He constantly speaks, and speaks incessantly, in the classroom and at recess, on the topic and off topic. She can’t sit still, she constantly fidgets, bites her nails or a pen.
Vasya Zagoretsky. Quiet from the middle row. Soars in the clouds, completely detached from what is happening, answers the teacher's questions inappropriately, and sometimes spontaneously gives out something far from the topic of discussion.

Which of them suffers from these syndromes? Of course, it seems that Olya. But in fact, Vasya too.

Main characteristics

Impulsiveness. Sudden answers, sudden movements, such children are even called "on their minds."
inattention. Absent-mindedness, wandering in the clouds, constant distraction from the topic of the lesson and big problems with concentration.
Hyperactivityb. The topic of our discussion. An awl instead of an inner core, forgive us this joke.

These three indicators can be combined, and as a result we get children not only "reactive", but simply inattentive, sometimes even a little slow, who nevertheless still fall into the category of ADHD.
Perhaps a child with hyperactivity may seem like a real problem for a teacher. Twitchy, preventing others from responding, and sometimes, on the contrary, depressed. But such a child is always "in the know", isn't it? He is easily involved in the discussion, raises his hand and shows interest in non-standard formats.
But the most common combination, which at the same time brings the most diverse set of impressions to both parents and teachers, are children who are impulsive, and inattentive, and hyperactive. “Oh, I know such a child!” - now exclaimed those reading our article. We all know these kids. It is these students who have "periods" of behavior, ebb and flow.

And although in this article we were going to talk only about hyperactive children, we cannot do without comments about the "dreamers" with ADD/ADHD.

Invisible Apprentice

You know those too. Each class has its quiet, quiet dreamer at the window or a girl drawing something in the margins of a notebook. Alas, those children whose ADHD is more “inattentive” (the second indicator on our list) become invisible. As if Harry Potter had given them his mantle for a while. They do not show signs of violent behavior, so teachers treat them calmly or even in no way. What is the result? And as a result, the child becomes isolated and “absent”.
Parents scold him for bad grades, teachers for inattention, peers tease him by sticking the label “out of this world”. But what if it's not the child's fault?

It should be noted that boring or the same type of tasks lead to the transition of such children from the “on” state. to the "off" state. And it's not about "absence", absent-mindedness or inattention, because you yourself know: these guys turn on when they have a favorite activity. They are able to focus on what interests them. That is, the teacher will have to experiment with methods of presenting information and work on the inclusion of a larger percentage of the class (we often write about these methods in our group in in social networks).

For successful adaptation, such children may need the help of a psychologist or mentor who will “talk” the child and help them find themselves. More on this at the Fall Mentoring Conference GlobalMentori 2017.

Let's talk about the positives

Your hyperactive fidgets have some unique features, try using them in class.

1. Flexible thinking
Yes, these dreamers and visionaries can simultaneously consider 3-4 options for answering or solving a certain problem. In the natural sciences, offer them more "qualitative tasks" aimed at finding the causes of phenomena. In Russian or literature, allow the use of non-typical response forms. Let the essay be in verse, we are not on the exam. Get them interested.
2. Personal opinion
Yes, when we ask in a history lesson about the date of the baptism of Russia, we want to hear a clear year in response. But, if the question suggests multiple options, ask a hyperactive child. There were definitely more than 5 reasons for the 1917 revolution. As a historian, I can name 15. What if your student finds even more?
Yes, with their comments, inappropriate jokes or gestures, such children can bring down the general serious mood. But this is your way to get the engagement you want. Is the class silent? Ask your hyperactive dreamer. The fiery child's eloquence will surely awaken the sleeping class.

And yes, dear colleagues, such children keep us, teachers, in good shape. Such children will never do the same task twice.

Tips for working with children with hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD

    When it comes to a medical diagnosis, please do not rely on this article alone, you will need a curriculum and a school psychologist.

    Stay in dialogue with your parents or start one. Necessarily! They will only be grateful to you for a simple human attitude. Sometimes parents can suggest techniques that you can safely take to work.

    Do not try to change the child, yes, you can educate him, but you do not need to correct his personality.

    Ask the children themselves what they like. Take information from the source, he knows exactly HOW he likes to learn.

    Talk to the class. It can be difficult for both the quiet and the forced upstart to adapt to the environment of "normal" children, and it is better for you to subtly control the situation in order to avoid bullying in the future.

    To bring a child with hyperactivity back to work, use not a raised tone, but a personal appeal and eye contact.

    Students with ADHD may find it difficult to organize information and concentrate on something. They need a system. Use infographics (find it in our section on the website), step-by-step instructions, tips - both educational and life.

    Present any requirements to the child in different ways. Write on the board, speak, put the printed task on the table. For elementary grades, task cards and reference pictures are very good.

    Try not to let your child with ADHD out of your sight. Quiet people often sit on the back desks, as well as overly active guys. Better put them closer to your table. If we are talking about younger students - give the child a sheet or notebook, ordinary scribbles will help him concentrate. And get toys to relieve stress. An ordinary cube or a soft ball with semolina that you can fiddle with will help to calm your “restless hands”.

    Your main task as a teacher is to ensure that the child comprehends the material received. And you can always comprehend in different ways, so use different methods of fixing information. Stickers, boards with cards, colored pencils, markers, pen and paper, filling out tables - everything can be used, try it.

    Break any task into parts. Better less and gradually. And do not forget to repeat the task, again and again.

    Don't forget about the game format. Yes, “we are at school, not at the circus”, but healthy humor and high-quality involvement in the educational process has not bothered anyone yet.

    Attention Deficit Children, as the name suggests, need your feedback. Comment on their work and praise, only then they will try harder. It is important for them not only to understand the requirements, but also to get an assessment of their result. With the right praise in the child himself, you can form a motivation that will help him control himself.

Features of teaching a hyperactive child at school

Currently, an increasing number of children are diagnosed with delays in the development of oral and written speech (dysarthria, dysgraphia), postural disorders (scoliosis, flat feet), vegetative-vascular dystonia, enuresis. More and more children and adolescents are experiencing learning difficulties. They have impaired such important brain functions as attention, memory and thinking. As a result, they have learning difficulties. Teachers call it "the syndrome of preschool-school maladjustment." These are children with learning problems, attention disorders, but with normal intelligence and mild neurological disorders. Children with minimal brain dysfunction by the time they enter school do not yet have the biological maturity of a number of higher cortical functions, on which they must rely when mastering writing and counting. As a rule, they have a manifestation of hyper or hypodynamic syndrome.

Parents and educators of preschool educational institutions often have difficulties in preparing such children for school.

Agree: calm, quiet and obedient children scare! Immediately you start thinking: “Oh, what is wrong with him?” But is it normal if a child jumps over the heads of his crazed parents 24 hours a day? And where is the border between the norm and "brute force"? An active child is good, it means that, firstly, he is healthy, and secondly, he has at his disposal quite adequate parents who do not put pressure on education. He runs and jumps, breaks and folds, scatters and collects, crushes and builds, and also fights, bites, dances, sings, screams - and all this almost simultaneously. Only when you become a mother or a teacher of such a treasure do you understand the true meaning of the good old saying: “How good you are when you sleep!”

It turns out that there is a big difference between just activity and obsessive overexcitation. By what signs can a parent determine that his child has an attention deficit disorder (hyperactivity)?

Hyperactivity test.

Active child:

- Most of the day he “does not sit still”, prefers outdoor games to passive ones (constructors, puzzles), but if he is interested, he can read a book and assemble the same puzzle.

Talks fast and talks a lot, asks an infinite number of questions.

For him, sleep and digestive disorders (intestinal disorders) are rather an exception.

He is not active everywhere. For example, restless and restless at home, but calm - in the garden, visiting people who are little known.

He is non-aggressive. That is, by chance or in the heat of a conflict, he can kick his “colleague in the sandbox”, but he himself rarely provokes a scandal.

Hyperactive child:

He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when he is completely exhausted, he cries and hysteria.

He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers.

It is impossible to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, then in fits and starts, restlessly. He often has intestinal disorders. For hyperactive children, all kinds of allergies are not uncommon.

The child is uncontrollable, while he absolutely does not respond to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (home, shop, school, playground) behaves equally actively.

Often provokes conflicts. He does not control his aggression - fights, bites, pushes, and uses improvised means: sticks, stones ...

  1. Set a solid daily routine for the child and all family members.
  2. Stay with your child during homework to get them back to school. Remain calm and do not irritate or irritate the child.
  3. Give your child the opportunity to work at the rhythm in which the brain works. As soon as the child begins to sort out pencils, change pens or “dreamyly” look into space, you must immediately stop classes. Leave the child alone, talk to him about something extraneous and after 5-10 minutes return to the lessons.
  4. Show your child more often how to do the task better without being distracted.
  5. Reduce the influence of distractions during the child's task.
  6. Release children in the learning process from secondary, auxiliary, design work. Draw the fields yourself in the child's notebook, mark with a dot the place where you need to start writing.
  7. Remember that fatigue builds up even though the child is distracted and rested. Accumulating fatigue makes it difficult to comprehend, systematize and memorize information, seemingly learned information is forgotten (“erased”). This is especially important to remember when memorizing rules, verses, and other information.
  8. Learn a long poem in small chunks. After repeating a poem (or rule) by heart, a short break is needed before continuing with classes. In the evening, it is better to just read to the child again what he needs to remember, and not require him to repeat it. Additional listening to information contributes to its strengthening, but does not lead to overwork.
  9. Do not overload your child with classes in various circles and studios, especially in those where there is a significant load on memory, attention, physical overwork is likely, and also if the child does not experience much joy from these activities.
  10. Protect hyperactive children from prolonged computer use and television viewing.
  11. Remember that for a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the most effective means of persuasion "through the body" will be:

Deprivation of pleasure, goodies, privileges;

Prohibition on pleasant activities, telephone conversations;

Reception of "off time" (isolation, corner, early departure to bed).

  1. Remember that in the correction of the child's behavior, the technique of the "positive model" plays an important role, which consists in the constant encouragement of the desired behavior of the child in ignoring the undesirable.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle for your child - rest, sports, walks, good nutrition, flexible observance of the daily routine. When choosing sports, avoid those that are likely to cause a concussion. Attempts to “reset” the excess energy of reactive children with the help of enhanced sports do not lead to success. Reactivity will not decrease, and overwork may be excessive.
  3. It is necessary to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family, to show patience, care and gentle guidance of the child's activities. Care and proper organization of activities optimizes the development of the child, prevents deviations or complications in the course of this process.

It is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the fact that it is impossible to achieve the disappearance of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention in a few months and even in a few years. Signs of hyperactivity disappear with age, and impulsivity and attention deficit may persist into adulthood. Parents need to inform the teacher about the diagnosis of the child, and, if necessary, introduce the recommendations of specialists.

Hyperactivity- this is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor education, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics. The problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved by strong-willed efforts, authoritarian instructions and beliefs. A hyperactive child has neurophysiological problems that he cannot cope with on his own. Disciplinary measures of influence in the form of constant punishments, comments, shouts, lectures will not lead to an improvement in the child's behavior, but rather worsen it. Effective results in the correction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are achieved with the optimal combination of drug and non-drug methods, which include psychological and neuropsychological correction programs.

A school-based children's correction program should rely on cognitive correction to help children cope with learning difficulties:

  1. Environment change:

Build work with a hyperactive child individually. A hyperactive child should always be in front of the teacher's eyes, in the center of the class, right at the blackboard;

The optimal place in the classroom for a hyperactive child is the first desk opposite the teacher's desk or in the middle row;

Change the lesson mode with the inclusion of physical education minutes;

Give your child the opportunity to quickly contact you for help in case of difficulty;

Direct the energy of hyperactive children in a useful direction: wash the board, distribute notebooks, etc.;

Ignore negative actions and encourage positive ones;

Remember that it is necessary to negotiate with the child, and not try to break him!

2. Creating positive motivation for success:

Teaching demonstrations and stories should be short, light, fast and fun, updating a little each time to keep the interest alive;

Do not demand immediate answers from the child immediately after the explanation. Memorization goes well when the child is not required to reproduce everything that he has to remember, and he has no fear of forgetting something, being incapable and getting the disapproval of adults;

When conducting game lessons, remember that strong and vivid emotional impressions can disrupt children's activities. Vivid emotions create something like radiating foci of excitation and can disrupt both subsequent activity and the results of the previous one;

Use elements of the game, competition in the learning process. Give more creative, developmental activities and, conversely, avoid monotonous activities;

Give only one task for a certain period of time. If the student has to complete a large task, then it is offered to him in the form of successive parts, and the teacher periodically controls the progress of work on each of the parts, making the necessary adjustments;

Give assignments according to the work pace and ability of the student;

Create situations of success in which the child would have the opportunity to show their strengths.

Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions;

Remember that overwork contributes to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity;

Don't insist that the child be sure to apologize for the misbehavior;

Repeat your request with the same words many times;

Listen to what the child has to say;

In the classroom, it is desirable to have a minimum number of distracting objects.

Together with psychologists, help the child adapt to the school environment and in the classroom - develop school skills, teach the necessary social norms and communication skills.

3. Regulating expectations:

Explain to parents and others that positive changes will not come as quickly as we would like;

Explain to parents and others that the improvement of the child's condition depends not only on special treatment and correction, but also on a calm and consistent attitude.

The content of the article:

Hyperactive children are becoming more and more common in the modern world. What signs give out a hyperactive child, what parents should do, how to raise a hyperactive child, how ADHD is treated - these questions will be answered by a psychologist.

What is an ADHD diagnosis, or who are hyperactive children

If your child has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), don't panic. This does not mean that he will 100% have learning problems or difficulties in communicating with peers. It’s just that such children need to be given more attention so that the manifestations of hyperactivity are smoothed out. Early correction and treatment of ADHD will allow you to educate a mentally and physically developed personality.

ADHD is usually a consequence of hypoxia in the fetus during pregnancy or at the time of natural childbirth, when the baby's brain did not receive enough oxygen. A child with this syndrome is characterized by increased muscle tone, while he is very sensitive to sounds and light stimuli. Sleep in children with ADHD is restless, during periods of wakefulness they show excessive mobility and arousal.

These babies often start walking and talking earlier than their peers. At the same time, relatives rejoice at the abilities of the crumbs and believe in his special giftedness. But already from the age of three, parents begin to notice signs that cause concern. It becomes clear that the baby is unable to focus on any one activity. He may not listen to an interesting tale to the end or quit the game if he needs to concentrate.

Most of all, behavioral problems become noticeable at events that require organization (for example, holidays in kindergarten), a hyperactive child cannot stand in one place, he constantly spins and sways.

At school age, another feature is revealed that is very upsetting for the relatives of a hyperactive baby. The child cannot sit at a desk for a long time, concentrating on classes. He is constantly distracted by something, often gets up, walks, can interfere with classmates. Impulsive actions and overactive behavior are not the only problem at school. Already in the first grade, it turns out that the child is not easily given the assimilation of educational material. Difficulties may arise with counting, reading and writing. Parents are naturally very upset. Indeed, in the first years of life, their hyperactive baby developed so quickly that he seemed just a child prodigy. And now he does not stand out among his classmates or may even lag behind them.

The problems of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have long been dealt with by neuropathologists, child psychiatrists, psychologists and speech therapists.

What to do with a hyperactive child

The treatment of hyperactive children can be conditionally divided into: 1) medical assistance and 2) the conditions and efforts that parents must create for the child. Moreover, the role of parents is no less important for medical treatment, and in some cases it is decisive.

Treatment of hyperactive children

A neuropathologist prescribes medication and general strengthening physiotherapy to a hyperactive child, which are aimed at normalizing the work of the central nervous system.

Medical treatment for ADHD

For children diagnosed with ADHD, neuropathologists prescribe courses of medications that inhibit arousal and normalize the activity of the nervous system. First of all, the child needs B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and nootropic drugs (for example, glycine or hopantenic acid, only a doctor can prescribe more serious drugs). Also, a specialist may recommend additional treatment - herbs with a calming effect. Usually it is fennel, lavender, motherwort, valerian, mint, St. John's wort. Remember that self-medication is unacceptable, especially when it comes to children. All these funds can be given to a child only with the permission of a doctor.

Non-drug treatment for ADHD

To help hyperactive children, not only medications are used. They are recommended massage procedures that help relieve increased muscle tone, as well as physiotherapy (electrophoresis with drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain). In addition, the biofeedback method (BFB) and therapeutic exercises are effectively used in the treatment of hyperactivity.

If possible, it is worth enrolling the child in the pool. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and enables children to use up excessive activity. At home, you can carry out very useful water procedures: baths with salts and soothing herbs.

Another important point in the development of hyperactive children is remedial classes under the guidance of specialists - a speech therapist, a psychologist. The purpose of such classes is the development of speech, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, attention and memory, the ability to control one's behavior and restrain excitement.

What should parents of a hyperactive child do?

The next step in helping a child is to create comfortable conditions in the family. Naturally, all parents try to make their child as good as possible. But in this case, a special approach is important. It is necessary to properly organize the daily routine and nutrition, be attentive to family relationships, devote time to developing games and activities. Below are detailed recommendations for parents of a hyperactive child.


Proper daily routine is very important for children with ADHD, as it helps them become more independent and organized. A great option is to compose it in writing and hang it in a conspicuous place in the children's room. If the baby has not yet learned to read, the routine can be indicated by pictures: getting up, exercising, having breakfast, etc. Of course, everything will not work out right away, but over time, the child will acquire the skills of self-organization, obedience, and accuracy that he needs very much. It is extremely important to develop in a child the ability to plan things and bring them to the end, to develop responsibility for all their actions.

To make it easier for the child, help him by making clues. Write or draw on pieces of paper the things you need to do during the day and hang them on the refrigerator. For example, sort out books, pack things for school, put away toys on a shelf, and many other simple tasks.

Walks in the open air

Fresh air strengthens the body, calms the nerves, and also helps hyperactive children get rid of excessive physical activity. Therefore, do not forget about the need for regular walks. When picking up a child from kindergarten or from school, do not rush home. Spend an hour and a half at the playground. This is a great opportunity for a child to get unloaded after a strict routine in an educational institution. Let him jump, run, ride on a swing. Just remember that kids with ADHD get overtired too quickly. If signs of fatigue become noticeable, sit on a bench and let the child calm down and have a good rest. And then slowly take a walk.

A very good effect on hyperactive children is exerted by activities related to motor load - roller skating, scootering, skiing, etc. Try to keep the baby busy with some interesting activity, come up with an exciting game, make a snowman in winter, throw snowballs, ride down a hill. On weekends, if possible, go out of town to be in nature. Clean air and a calm environment have a positive effect on the nervous system of hyperactive children. From such a useful and exciting leisure time, the child’s emotional background will improve, and it will be easier for him to focus on his studies, as well as complete the tasks that you give him.

Proper nutrition

Hyperactive guys most often have stomach problems. Why is this happening? The reason lies in the excessive tearfulness and anxiety of such children, their imbalance, frequent mood swings. That is, they are often under stress. And stress, as you know, in the most negative way affects digestion. This means that the diet and diet of these children require special attention. Make sure your child gets healthy meals regularly. It is necessary to teach him to eat at the same time, to exclude fast food, chips, sweet carbonated drinks from the diet. Vegetables and fruits, as well as preparations with bifidobacteria, will be very useful.

Hobbies and sports sections

The next step is to find an exciting hobby for the baby. Nowadays, there are many different sections and circles. The advantages of such leisure are obvious: by doing something interesting for him, the child learns to focus on one activity and sit still for 40 minutes. In addition, he gets used to communicating in a team where the discipline of behavior is constantly maintained. And this is very important for preparation for study.
So, a small child will be very interested in the lessons of modeling, appliqué, drawing. Such activities develop fine motor skills well, which in hyperactive children is very often not well formed.

Very useful and vigorous activity: aerobics, dancing, various sports. Thanks to such activities, the child will be able to splash out excess activity, as well as develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements, and strengthen various muscle groups.

Separately, it is worth talking about chess. This game contributes to the formation of children's abilities for abstract and logical thinking, it simultaneously involves two hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to its harmonious development. In the left hemisphere, the processes associated with the creation of successive chains are activated, while the right hemisphere models possible situations. Also, chess develops a child’s memory well, because both short-term and long-term memory are used during the game. Moreover, the child works with different types of information: digital, visual, color stimulus. Young chess players receive many valuable skills, such as the ability to predict the development of events, make important decisions, calculate different options, etc. Problems with concentration, memory, inability to organize oneself are characteristic of all hyperactive children. Therefore, it can be argued that the regular game of chess is one of the most effective methods in their education.

Playing sports in teams will also bring considerable benefits to children. We are talking, first of all, about such sports: football, basketball, volleyball, water polo, hockey. The children will be able to usefully spend their excess energy, learn to interact with their peers, following the rules of the team game, and control their actions. And with hyperactivity, this is very important.

But in no case should you overload the child. Do not give it to many circles at the same time. Hyperactive children should not be overworked, otherwise they will form a negative attitude towards all types of activities that are offered to them, including studying at school. Choose exactly the activity that attracts the child the most.

All relatives of the baby should clearly understand what ADHD is. Such children do not always manage to control their actions, they often cannot calm down in time. This should be treated not as a disadvantage, but as a feature. Therefore, all family members need to develop a single tactic of behavior and strictly adhere to it. The main rule is to avoid extremes when raising a child. On the one hand, you should not overprotect him, and on the other hand, you should not make excessive demands and treat the baby too strictly.

Remember that mood swings in parents and their different reactions to similar cases negatively affect the psyche of a child with ADHD. Therefore, the behavior of parents should be even and calm, the most appropriate tactic, according to psychologists, is “affectionate severity”. In no case do not get annoyed and stock up on great patience. It will come in handy, because usually any questions and requests when communicating with hyperactive children have to be repeated more than once.

Raising a child with ADHD is a difficult challenge for parents. To make it easier to cope with this difficult task, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional psychologist. A good specialist will carefully study the situation, analyze it and select a model of behavior that is suitable for your family, advise on ways to successfully cope with certain problems.

Remember that for a child, a positive assessment of his actions by loved ones is of great importance. Therefore, be sure to praise him for every achievement (however small). For example, the kid drew a picture or was able to solve a difficult problem. Say that you are proud of him, tell others how smart he is. And next time the child will try even harder.

But in no case should you shout at such a baby. By this you will not calm him down, but on the contrary, bring him to excessive overexcitation and loss of self-control. If the baby shows excessive activity, it is better to act with gentle methods. Hold him close to you, stroke his hair, take his hand and start calming him in a quiet voice, repeating the same words: “Hush, hush, don’t worry, don’t worry, tell me what happened.” Repetition has a calming effect on the child's psyche, and the child relaxes.

Great benefit will bring special courses of preparation for school. Classes usually begin at the age of four. The kid will learn to read, write, count, and it will be much easier for him to learn the material at school. Psychologists also advise music lessons, because they have a beneficial effect on the children's nervous system.

And finally, it is worth noting - communicate with the child as much as possible. Engage in conversations, read books, offer to invent interesting stories yourself. This is much more useful than watching TV or playing monotonous computer games. Pay attention to the child, listen to him, show care and participation. Remember that your irritability and lack of understanding can cause a child with ADHD a lot of stress.

Given the steady increase in the number of children and adolescents with attention deficit disorder around the world and the opinion of experts that students with this diagnosis often suffer from school maladjustment, now there is an acute question about the specifics of teaching such children, about training psychologists and teachers to work with them.

Unique characteristics of students with may make it difficult for them to learn and develop positive self-esteem and the ability to express themselves and acquire certain learning skills. At the same time, taking into account such features can become the basis for effective learning (Mamaychuk I.I., 2003; Sirotyuk A.L., 2001), and the responsibility for finding teaching methods that help unlock the potential of these students lies with adults who, according to their activities interact with hyperactive children. To do this, it is desirable for teachers to either have additional psychological education (retraining courses), or to cooperate with a psychologist who will guide the work of the teacher and help develop methods of interaction in the kindergarten group or in the classroom. Moreover, it is also desirable for psychologists, as part of advanced training (at least once every five years), to take not only a theoretical course, including information about the physiological and psychological characteristics of children with ADHD, but also methodological training that will help them work effectively with children and teachers in the future. and parents.



LLC Training Center


Abstract by discipline:


On this topic:

“Peculiarities of organizing the education of children withattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)»


Rodionova Alexandra Alexandrovna

Moscow 2017

Introduction 3

1. Etiology and classification of ADHD 4

2. Symptoms of ADHD 6

3. Correctional and developmental education for children and adolescents with ADHD 10

Conclusion 14

References 15


Given the steady increase in the number of children and adolescents withattention deficit disorderaround the world and the opinion of experts that students with this diagnosis often suffer from school maladjustment, now there is an acute question about the specifics of teaching such children, about training psychologists and teachers to work with them.

Unique characteristics of students withattention deficit hyperactivity disordermay make it difficult for them to learn and develop positive self-esteem and the ability to express themselves and acquire certain learning skills. At the same time, taking into account such features can become the basis for effective learning (Mamaychuk I.I., 2003; Sirotyuk A.L., 2001), and the responsibility for finding teaching methods that help unlock the potential of these students lies with adults who, according to their activities interact with hyperactive children. To do this, it is desirable for teachers to either have additional psychological education (retraining courses), or to cooperate with a psychologist who will guide the work of the teacher and help develop methods of interaction in the kindergarten group or in the classroom. Moreover, it is also desirable for psychologists, as part of advanced training (at least once every five years), to take not only a theoretical course, including information about the physiological and psychological characteristics of children with ADHD, but also methodological training that will help them work effectively with children and teachers in the future. and parents.

The purpose of this essay is to determine the features of the organization of education for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  1. Etiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The etiology is not well understood. Most researchers suggest the genetic nature of the syndrome. Families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often have close relatives who had similar disorders at school age. To identify hereditary burden, a long and detailed questioning is necessary, since the difficulties of learning at school by adults are consciously or unconsciously "amnesiac". Pedigrees of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also often show a burden of obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals), tics, and Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. Probably, there is a genetically determined relationship of neurotransmitter disorders in the brain in these pathological conditions.

Along with genetic factors, family, perinatal and perinatal risk factors for the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are distinguished. Family factors include the low social status of the family, the presence of a criminal environment, severe disagreements between parents. Neuropsychiatric disorders, alcoholism and behavioral abnormalities in the mother are considered especially significant. Perinatal and perinatal risk factors for attention deficit disorder include neonatal asphyxia, maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy, certain medications, and smoking.

The term "attention deficit disorder" was isolated in the early 80s from the broader concept of "minimal brain dysfunction".

The history of the study of minimal brain dysfunction is associated with the studies of E. Kahn et al. (1934), although separate studies have been carried out earlier.

Observing school-age children with such behavioral disorders as motor disinhibition, distractibility, impulsive behavior, the authors suggested that the cause of these changes is brain damage of unknown etiology, and proposed the term "minimal brain damage". Later, learning disorders (difficulties and specific impairments in learning writing, reading, counting skills; disorders of perception and speech) were included in the concept of "minimal brain damage". Subsequently, the static "minimal brain damage" model gave way to a more dynamic and more flexible "minimal brain dysfunction" model. According to the American classification of diseases DSM-IV, there are 3 variants of this disorder:

  • a syndrome that combines attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity;
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The most common is the first variant of the disease - a combination of hyperactivity and inattention. The second most common is the inattentive variant without hyperactivity. It occurs much more often in girls than in boys and is distinguished by a kind of withdrawal into one's fantasies and dreams, that is, a child can periodically soar in the clouds during the day. Finally, the third hyperactive variant without impaired attention can be with the same degree of probability a manifestation of certain disorders of the central nervous system and also individual properties.

temperament. In addition, children with neurosis and neurotic reactions suffer from impaired attention. Other diseases may also be accompanied by similar disorders.

Many parents and educators believe that the main problem is the over-mobility of the child. There is no doubt that a hyperactive child makes even the most calm and balanced parents and caregivers lose patience, disrupts order in a class or a kindergarten group, annoys not only adults, but even peers with his gushing nervous energy.

  1. Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit symptoms that persist for at least 6 months in a child and are severe enough to indicate a lack of adaptation and incongruity with normal age characteristics (six or more of the following symptoms must be present):

1. Often the child is not able to pay attention to details; due to negligence, frivolity, makes mistakes in school assignments, in work performed and other activities.

2. Usually has difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or during games.

3. It often seems that the child does not listen to the speech addressed to him.

4. Often fails to follow the instructions given and to complete the lessons, homework or duties at the workplace (which has nothing to do with negative or protest behavior, inability to understand the task).

5. Often experiences difficulties in organizing independent tasks and other activities.

6. Usually avoids, displeases, and resists engaging in tasks that require prolonged mental effort (eg, schoolwork, homework).

7. Often loses things needed at school and at home (eg toys, school supplies, pencils, books, work tools).

8. Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.

9. Often shows forgetfulness in everyday situations.

Symptoms of hyperactivity that persist for at least 6 months and are severe enough to indicate a lack of adaptation and incongruity with normal age characteristics (six or more of the following symptoms are required):

1. Restless movements in the hands and feet are often observed; sitting on a chair, spinning, spinning.

2. Often gets up from his seat in the classroom during lessons or other situations where he needs to stay still.

3. Often shows aimless motor activity: runs, spins, tries to climb somewhere, and in situations where this is unacceptable.

4. Usually unable to play quietly, quietly, or engage in leisure activities.

5. Is often in constant motion and behaves "as if he had a motor attached to him."

6. Often talkative.

7. Often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them to the end.

8. Usually hardly waits for his turn in various situations.

9. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes in conversations or games).

Poor academic performance is a typical phenomenon for hyperactive children. Meanwhile, the general level of intellectual development of such students in most cases corresponds to age standards. However, certain disorders are noted for such functions as attention and memory, and insufficient formation of the functions of organization, programming and control of mental activity is also characteristic.

These psychological features make it difficult to fully include the child in educational activities. During the lesson, it is difficult for these children to cope with tasks, as they experience difficulties in organizing and completing work, they quickly turn off the process of completing the task. The reading and writing skills of these children are significantly lower than those of their peers.

Their written works look sloppy and are characterized by errors,

which are the result of inattention, failure to follow the instructions of the teacher or guesswork.

Behavioral disorders in hyperactive children not only affect school performance, but also largely determine the nature of their relationships with other people. In most cases, such children have problems in communication: they cannot play with their peers for a long time, establish and maintain friendly relations, among children they are a source of constant conflicts and quickly become outcasts. They are characterized by impulsiveness and infantilism in social behavior. In adolescence, it can become antisocial.

In the family, these children usually suffer from constant comparisons with brothers and sisters, whose behavior and studies are set as an example for them. They are undisciplined, disobedient, do not respond to comments, which greatly irritates parents who are forced to resort to frequent, but ineffective punishments. Most of these children have low self-esteem. They often have aggressiveness, stubbornness, deceit, a tendency to steal and other forms of antisocial behavior.

  1. Correctional and developmental education for children

And teenagers with ADHD

In different countries, approaches to the treatment and correction of ADHD and available methods may differ. However, despite these differences, most experts consider the most effective integrated approach, which combines several methods, individually selected in each case.

Work on the correction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should be timely and must include:

  • family and behavioral therapy techniques that provide better interaction in families with children suffering from ADHD;
  • formation of social interaction skills in the course of special remedial classes;
  • correction of the school curriculum - through a special presentation of educational material and the creation of such an atmosphere in the classroom that maximizes the chances of successful education of children;
  • drug therapy, which is prescribed according to individual indications when cognitive and behavioral disorders cannot be overcome only with the help of methods of behavioral therapy, psychological and pedagogical correction and psychotherapy.


When, with the help of various exercises, we return to the previous stages of ontogenesis and rebuild those functions that were formed archaically incorrectly and have already been fixed. ten

To do this, they need, like any other ineffective pathological skill, to purposefully reveal, disinhibit, destroy and create a new skill that is more consistent with effective work. And this is carried out on all three floors of mental activity. This is a laborious, multi-month job. The child is born for 9 months. And neuropsychological correction is designed for this period. And then the brain begins to work more efficiently, with less energy costs. Old archaic connections, relations between the hemispheres are normalizing.


Let's imagine that a personally mature child wants to behave in accordance with the norms, wants to learn, to perceive knowledge. His parents raised him well. He must sit quietly in class. Must be attentive and listen, control yourself. Three difficult tasks at the same time. Not a single adult person is able to perform three tasks that are difficult for him. Therefore, syndromic work is that the child is given an interesting activity (voluntary). But in this activity there is post-voluntary attention (when we become interested in something and delved into it, we already strain without additional costs). Therefore, when they say that children with ADHD are able to sit at the computer for a very long time, then this is a completely different attention.

There are outdoor games that require only the tension of attention. The child moves according to the conditions of the game, he can be explosive, impulsive. This may help him win. But the game is about attention. This function is being trained. Then the restraint function is trained. However, he can be distracted. Each task is solved as it arrives. This improves each feature individually.

But no medicine teaches how to behave, so two more directions are added:

Behavioral or behavioral psychotherapy focuses on certain behavioral patterns, either shaping or extinguishing them with the help of reward, punishment, coercion and inspiration.

Work on personality. Family psychotherapy, which forms the personality and which determines where to direct these qualities (disinhibition, aggressiveness, increased activity).

All this complex of methods of psycho-correction and drug treatment with timely diagnosis will help hyperactive children to compensate for violations in time and fully realize themselves in life.

Drug Therapy for ADHD

Domestic specialists in the treatment of ADHD traditionally use nootropic drugs. Their use is pathogenetically justified, since nootropic drugs have a stimulating effect on the higher mental functions that are not sufficiently formed in this group of children (attention, memory, speech, praxis, organization, programming and control of mental activity). The positive effect of stimulant drugs on patients with hyperactivity should not be taken as a paradox. On the contrary, the high effectiveness of nootropics seems to be natural, because. hyperactivity is only one of the manifestations of ADHD and is itself caused by violations of higher mental functions. In addition, these drugs have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the central nervous system and contribute to the maturation of the inhibitory and regulatory systems of the brain.

Specialists have also developed a system of a kind of "ambulance" when working with a hyperactive child. Here are its main postulates:

  • Distract the child from whims.
  • Maintain a clear daily routine at home.
  • Offer a choice (another activity that is currently possible).
  • Ask an unexpected question.
  • React in a way that is unexpected for the child (joking, repeating the actions of the child).
  • Do not prohibit the child's action in a categorical manner. Do not order, but ask (but do not fawn). Listen to what the child wants to say (otherwise he will not hear you).
  • Automatically, with the same words, repeat your request many times (in a neutral tone). Take a picture of the child or bring him to the mirror at the moment when he is naughty.
  • Leave alone in the room (if it is safe for his health).
  • Do not insist that the child apologize at all costs
  • Do not read notations (the child still does not hear them).

Important: It is impossible to scream and physically punish such children, since the opposite effect will be achieved, the child will not calm down, but will only become more excited and completely lose self-control.


Early detection of ADHD in children and immediate implementation of corrective measures using a set of effective modern methods can achieve significant results and overcome the difficulties of adaptation that are characteristic of them. Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder - Minimal Organic Brain Damage. This is a mental illness that often occurs in childhood. It manifests itself in constant inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The child does not appear sick in the traditional sense of this condition, but leaving the hyperactive disorder unattended, in the future, can create significant difficulties for the child in learning, interpersonal relationships, social and emotional development, which in turn can lead to the emergence of antisocial behavior. Therefore, early detection of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the organization of a plan to help such children with the involvement of pediatricians, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and parents is necessary.


1. "Children's pathopsychology" compiled by N.L. Belopolskaya. Moscow. 2004.

2. M.N. Fishman "Neurophysiological mechanisms of deviations in mental development in children" Moscow. 2006

3. T.G. Wiesel Fundamentals of Neuropsychology. Moscow. 2006

4. "Children with ADHD: Causes, Diagnosis, Comprehensive Care", ed. M. M. Bezrukikh. Moscow. year 2009.

5. V.V. Lebedinsky Disorders of mental development in children. Moscow. 1985

6. A.I. Zakharov "How to prevent deviations in the behavior of the child." Moscow. 1986

7. Borodulina S.Yu. "Correctional Pedagogy: Psychological and Pedagogical Correction of Deviations in the Development and Behavior of Schoolchildren." - Rostov N.D.: Phoenix, 2004.-352p.

8. Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. "A restless child, or everything about hyperactive children". - M .: Publishing house. Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001.-96s.

9. Drobinsky A.O. "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Defectology" -1999.-No. 1.-S.31-36.

10. Shishova T. “Hyperactive child. Be healthy.”-2005.-No.12.-S.72-76.

Out of ignorance, a hyperactive child can be mistaken for a naughty, hooligan, stubborn, or simply ill-mannered, that is, inconvenient for a caregiver or teacher. However, it is not.

Such children do have a number of shortcomings that can harm both the child himself and those around him, but with the right attitude and correction, a strong and creative personality can be developed.

Weak sides:

  • difficulty concentrating (the child is not able to pay attention to details, for example, does not pay attention to changing instructions in the process of completing a task);
  • cannot concentrate on tasks that require a long attention span (such as homework, although the child may be more attentive by doing something he enjoys);
  • listens but does not hear (parents and teachers have to repeat several times);
  • does not follow instructions and does not complete tasks;
  • often loses things necessary for tasks and daily activities;
  • may be sloppy (both in school assignments and in relation to their appearance);
  • distracted by extraneous stimuli (after being distracted, he may completely forget what he was doing);
  • often shows forgetfulness in everyday situations:
  • the child constantly spins in a chair or gets up from a chair;
  • the child gets up when he should be sitting (walks around the classroom during the lesson);
  • talkative;
  • begins to answer the question without listening to the end;
  • the child cannot wait for his turn when the situation requires it;
  • the child interferes with others by interfering with their conversation or play (may annoy other children).


  • generous (even to the detriment of themselves);
  • responsive (can be an assistant both at home and at school);
  • energetic (active in sports and physical education);
  • kind;
  • bold;
  • creative;
  • funny (can become the center of attention among children);
  • friendly;
  • direct;
  • with a heightened sense of justice.

Hyperactive children have problems with academic performance, these are the so-called “achievement swings”. Today the child "brings" home only nines and tens, and tomorrow in the same subjects he can get two. This is very frustrating for parents and surprises for teachers. Teachers assume that the child did not prepare for the lesson today or simply did not want to answer well.

In fact, the reason for such results may be a violation of the daily regimen and the child simply did not get enough sleep. An ordinary student, even if he didn’t get enough sleep, by the middle of the lesson can get together and answer, and a child with a hyperkinetic disorder will be uncollected, impulsive and capricious throughout the day. As a result, it shows worse results than it could.

child with and hyperactivity(ADHD) when performing any task, he is strongly distracted by extraneous stimuli, such as sounds. As a result, none of the cases is brought to the end or done superficially. He constantly jumps from one activity to another, it is impossible to captivate him with something for a long time. This is also the reason for the clumsiness, which is manifested in the fact that they constantly drop something, knock down, stumble upon furniture.

Helping such a child will consist in learning self-regulation and control over his own body. You should teach your child relaxation techniques, teach them to enjoy relaxation. This can be achieved through meditative tales, breathing exercises, listening to relaxing music. It is also necessary to send the child to learn the development of reaction speed and coordination of movements.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often have additional problems: stuttering, dyslalia, dysarthria, high fatigue and aggressive behavior, as a result of which the child has insufficient mastery of the school curriculum, low self-esteem, social isolation. In such situations, you should contact specialists as soon as possible: neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, speech therapists and defectologists.

One of the biggest challenges for children with ADHD is the difficulty in self-organization. Such children are often late, they cannot allocate their time. Being distracted by extraneous stimuli, they often do not have time to complete a test or a test in a limited time, however, knowledge is enough to successfully complete the control. In such cases, negative methods of influence, such as swearing or pulling, do not work on children with ADHD and cause a protest and aggressive reaction.

First of all, you should set specific goals for the child and give short and unambiguous instructions.

The child should be encouraged, which will stimulate his efforts to achieve the task.
If it is time for the child to change the type of activity, then you should warn him about this 5-10 minutes in advance.

Many parents turn to specialists in connection with the difficulties of adapting the child to the team, teachers refer most of these children to a child psychiatrist, and in some cases this decision is made by the teachers' council. Parents give up and lose hope, become aggressive. Desperate parents apply severe disciplinary measures to their children in the form of punishments, shouting, spanking, etc. All this does not give a positive result, but rather causes aggression.

The leading role in the correction of ADHD is assigned to behavioral psychotherapy, including education of children and their environment. Often in families in which a hyperactive child grows, the psychological microclimate is disturbed, quarrels occur between parents about the upbringing of such a baby. Therefore, the emphasis should be placed on the development of the emotional stability of the parents themselves and the development of a unified upbringing strategy with a predominance of support and encouragement methods. In addition, the family must maintain a clear regimen for the life of the child.

More and more hyperactive children are in schools, and it is not at all easy to approach them. After all, the teacher has other students who require attention. It is much easier to transfer him to another class or to another school. Quite often, such children, despite their amazing abilities and creativity, are among the underachievers by the end of the first grade.

If there is a child with ADHD in the classroom, he should definitely be given more attention, create a more pleasant atmosphere, and subsequently he may turn out to be a very bright and bright student.

First of all, you should organize the workplace in such a way that the child is as distracted as possible.

    Sit the student at the front or center of the class, away from distractions.

    Place him next to a student who can serve as a positive role model.

    Use as many visual teaching aids as possible.

    If the child loses attention and starts to interfere, occupy him (let him read aloud part of the training paragraph or the condition of the problem).

    If the child is distracted, imperceptibly signal to him to return to the task, or simply go up to him and touch his shoulder, making it clear that he is behaving incorrectly, without swearing or shouting at the same time.

    Encourage the desire to learn (board of the best students of the day, week, month).

    Create a list of rules that students must follow. Formulate a list in a positive way: what should be done, not what should not be done. Make sure children know what behavior is expected of them.

    Inform parents not only about the negative sides of the child, but about the positive ones.

    Reduce the number of time-limited exams and test papers. These exams are of little educational value and prevent many children with ADHD from demonstrating their knowledge.

    Always write instructions on the board for completing assignments. Leave directions on the board until the end of class. There are students who cannot write down or memorize verbal instructions on their own.

    Allow yourself to joke, be original. This can defuse the situation.

    If classmates disrespect a child with ADHD and make fun of him, give him important tasks in front of other children and explain how important it is to do it well. This will increase self-esteem and responsibility.

    Organize creative classes where a child with ADHD can show their creativity.

Thus, teaching children with ADHD requires a lot of attention and effort from both the parents and the teacher in whose class such a child is studying. In this case, parents should even more carefully choose a teacher who is able to understand and be patient in his teaching. There is a need for a constant dialogue between parents and the teacher for a quick and high-quality response to changes in the behavior and learning outcomes of the child. This will contribute to the timely correction of the child's behavior and help him build good relationships with classmates.


  1. Bolotovsky, G.V. Hyperactive child / G.V. Bolotovsky, L.S. Chutko, I.V. Popova. - St. Petersburg: NPK "Omega". - 2010. - 160s.
  2. Gippenreiter, Yu. B. Communicate with the child. How? / Yu.B. Gippenreiter. - M.: ACT, Astrel. - 240 s.
  3. Oaklander, V. Windows on the child's world. Guide to child psychotherapy / V. Oklander. - M.: Klass, 1997. - 336s.