Pure blue sky is warmer and brighter than the sun. Analysis of the poem Pleshcheev Spring

Hello guys

Who will answer me which section we started to study with you in the last lessons?

Right. Today we continue to talk about spring, about natural phenomena associated with the onset of this season and get acquainted with A. N. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”.

Pleshcheev Alexei Nikolaevich (1825-1893) - poet, prose writer, playwright and literary critic. The poet's childhood passed in Nizhny Novgorod. His mother, Elena Alexandrovna, was engaged in upbringing, who managed to give her son a good education. Alexei Nikolaevich wrote a lot of works not only for children, but also for adults)

I will now read you a poem by this poet - "Spring". And you think about what sounds you heard when listening to this poem (reading by heart)

What is this poem about?

What sounds did you hear?

Well done, you are very attentive!

Think about who is the lyrical hero of this poem?

What helps to reveal the image of spring?

For now, let's open our textbooks to page 125.

Read the poem silently and mark unfamiliar words.

blew - blow

Azure - light blue, blue

passed - passed

Yes, indeed, in order to convey the mood of the poem, the authors use a special poetic language.

What is the mood in this poem?

Well done

Pay attention, with the help of which part of speech did the poet manage to show the reader the movement?

What month do you think the poet depicts? What helped you in this?

How do you understand the line: “And the forest will be clothed with foliage!”?

Right. And the phrase: "Nature's renewal"? What happens in nature at this time of the year?


Who, according to the poet, loves renewal of nature more than others?

What does spring bring to people? Find the answer in the poem

After reading this poem, can we say what mood the author had when he wrote this poem? Does the poet love spring?

Let's pause and highlight the main words

Now read to yourself, and the homework will be - learn this poem by heart. Let's write it down in our diaries

Let's summarize today's lesson:

What new have you learned?

What did you like about the lesson?

What caused the difficulty?

How did you do in class?

Thank you all for the lesson, we did a good job! Lesson over

"Spring" Alexey Pleshcheev

Snow is melting, streams are running,
In the window it blew in the spring ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

And the heart is so strong in the chest
Knocking as if waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took care of!

All faces look merry.
"Spring!" - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy with her,
Whose life is only hard work and sorrow.

But frisky children ringing laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!

Analysis of Pleshcheev's poem "Spring"

The image of spring in Russian literature is closely connected with the renewal of nature and its amazing transformation. This topic worried many poets who never ceased to be amazed at how wisely our world is arranged, and how many joyful discoveries it can give to those who can see and feel the beautiful. Many poets have poems dedicated to the first rays of the sun, melting snow and juicy young grass. However, the most famous of them is considered to be the work of Alexei Pleshcheev "Spring", written in 1872.

In the first stanza of this poem, one feels, albeit barely noticeable, but irreversible changes in nature. The caked and blackened snow turns into cheerful streams, and the author expresses the hope that "soon the nightingales will whistle and the forest will be covered with foliage." The clear blue sky and the bright sun are associated with the poet not only with the coming spring, but also indicate that "the time of evil snowstorms and storms has again passed for a long time." And this causes a feeling of genuine happiness in the author’s soul, his heart beats harder “as if waiting for something”. Along with winter, according to Pleshcheev, worries and sorrows go away. Even despite the fact that a rather difficult period of field work lies ahead, “all faces are looking cheerfully.” After all, spring brings with it not only new sensations, but also hopes for the best for those “whose life is only hard work and grief.” By such people, Pleshcheev means peasants, to whom spring gives them the opportunity to lay the foundations for personal well-being and provide themselves with a good harvest. That is why people are looking forward to the beginning of the sowing campaign with impatience and joy.

Contrasting a gloomy winter and a warm spring, Pleshcheev notes that life according to the laws of nature is natural and reasonable. Therefore, do not neglect them, so as not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to be in harmony with the outside world. It is this harmony that, according to the author's observations, is especially acutely felt by children and birds, who react with delight to how everything around is changing, and this sense of novelty gives strength to live, dream, believe and strive for the best.

Each line of the poem "Spring" is filled with warmth, sincere happiness and peace.. Alexey Pleshcheev masterfully managed to convey these feelings and create a complete picture of a changing world in which every little thing is important, whether it be “singing of carefree birds” or “high-spirited children’s sonorous laughter”. And it is these details, which many of us do not pay attention to in everyday life, that make it possible to fully experience how attractive life can be if you know how to appreciate what it gives to each person.

Analysis of Pleshcheev's poem Spring Grade 5 according to the plan


1. History of creation


3. Main theme


5.Size of artwork

6. Expressive means

7. Main idea

1. History of creation. The work "Spring" was written by Pleshcheev in 1872. Many Russian poets addressed the theme of the spring awakening of nature. The poem in question belongs to the most successful works dedicated to spring.

2. The genre of the work is a lyrical poem.

3. The main theme is the spring renewal of nature and the feelings that it awakens in every person. The author is infinitely glad that the evil and cold winter has passed. Nature comes to life under the rays of the spring sun. Together with nature, the soul is cleansed of worries, new hopes and dreams wake up in it. An important point of the poem is the mention of people "whose life is only hard work and grief." The author does not forget about ordinary peasants. He believes that their plight is also brightened up by the onset of spring. The main heralds of spring are birds and children. Their "ringing laughter" and "singing" is a solemn anthem dedicated to the next fabulous transformation of nature.

4. Composition. The poem is divided into three parts. It opens with an image of spring nature reviving. In the second part, the author describes the human feelings that arise at this time. In the finale, there is a merger of human and natural triumph.

5. The size of the work is iambic tetrameter.

6. Expressive means. The author uses bright epithets (“brighter”, “frisky”, “sonorous”), which create a sense of celebration. Describing natural phenomena, Pleshcheev uses personification (“the forest will dress”, “streams run”). The opposition of "evil blizzards" to the "bright sun" greatly enhances the impression.

7. The main idea of ​​the work is the inevitable onset of happiness. Pleshcheev shows that the arrival of spring can revive not only nature, but also the human soul, which will forget all its sorrows and sorrows.


Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Spring".

Didactic exercise "When does it happen?".

Target: Introduce children to A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring". Learn to name the signs of the seasons.

Part 1.


Guys, tell me, please, what time of year is it?




That's right guys. The sun is shining brighter, the snow has melted, streams are running, migratory birds have returned from "warm countries".

The remarkable Russian poet Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev wrote about the arrival of spring as follows:

Snow is melting, streams are running,
Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.


Did you like this poem? Listen again how beautifully the author describes the arrival of spring (re-reading the poem).

Educator: Guys, let's remember how Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev wrote about autumn:


Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

Part 2.

On the tables in front of the children is a flower made of cardboard (a symbol of spring) and a yellow maple leaf (a symbol of autumn).


Guys, let's play, shall we? Before you lie a flower and a leaf. I will name the signs of spring or autumn, and if I named a sign of spring, show me a flower, and if autumn - a leaf.

The grass is green, the sun is shining ... (spring)

It became colder, the flowers dried up ... (autumn)

The snow is already melting, streams are running ... (spring)

The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows ... (autumn)

Birds flew to us from "warm countries" ... (spring)


What good fellows you are! We got a beautiful flowery spring meadow and autumn bright leaf fall!

Part 3

Mobile game "Birdhouses".


Guys, one of the first with the arrival of spring from "warm countries" starlings fly to us. And people make birdhouses for them (show the starling and the birdhouse in the picture).

Something we guys have been sitting with you! Let's play some more. Come out to me here (in the playing area).

Game progress.

In the play area there are pre-prepared chairs with pictures of birdhouses glued on (one less than children).


You guys will be starling birds, and these high chairs of your houses will be birdhouses.

You run, flap your wings and sing the song “Chiv-Chiv-Chiv…”. When I tell you "Go home!", you run to the chairs, sit on them. Some of the children are left without a birdhouse.

The game is played three times.

Finishing the game, the teacher puts another high chair, there are an equal number of high chairs and children.


What good starlings you have turned out to be. Take your seats.



Guys, today we met with a poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring" and remembered the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Autumn". We learned to distinguish the signs of spring from the signs of autumn and played an interesting game. Did you enjoy today's activity?

You are great fellows! Nice work! Clap your hands!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This summary of the lesson allows children to memorize the text using mnemonic tables (pictures) ...


: introduce a new poem; to teach to name the signs of spring, to sing emotionally, expressively, independently; develop poetic and musical ear; develop an interest in art.

The poem "Spring" by Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev describes the arrival of spring. Spring is a festive, young, joyful, cheerful image. It is associated with the awakening of vital forces. It denotes something more than spring - as a season. Nature is depicted not just as a background against which human life and activity take place, but also as part of his soul...
Reading this poem evokes in us a feeling of joyful expectation, a premonition of happiness.
We are all waiting for spring to come. Because after a long and snowy winter, after severe frosts, it's nice to go out into the yard and breathe in the smell of the warm wind, to see the first spring birds. It's good when the snow melts and streams run. The last snow has not yet melted, and young greenery is breaking through last year's grass. Thin sprouts reach for the sun. Soon everything is covered with a green carpet. Buds on poplars and birches swell, a subtle smell of sticky leaves is felt in the air. Gradually, the trees are covered with delicate greenery. It's all shown in the poem.

Snow is melting, streams are running,
In the window it blew in the spring ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

The sky is bright blue in spring. The sun shines in a special way: somehow bright, joyful and festive. It's getting warmer every day. There is hope that everything will be fine.

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

I want to walk down the street and smile at everyone. Not only nature dresses up in bright colors. People also take off their warm fur coats and coats. They wear beautiful and elegant clothes. Everyone is excited about the arrival of spring!

And the heart is so strong in the chest
Knocking like it's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took care of!

The poem leaves a good, joyful impression on the soul. please