What happens if you eat meat every day. The harm of meat to the human body

If you think that passions for vegetarianism have long subsided, and the question itself is no longer relevant, then you are mistaken: there are even more requests about whether meat is harmful or healthy in our time than 10 years ago. Science does not give an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is necessary to give up meat altogether: in order to figure out what happens to our body, if we completely exclude animal protein from our diet, we contacted a Real Clinic specialist, a nutritionist at the Institute of Cosmetology, Plastic Surgery and hormonal aging Alena Vladimirovna Sekinaeva.

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“Vegetarianism is a food system based on the complete or partial rejection of meat. The popularity of vegetarianism has been consistently high for many years in a row: in almost all restaurants, in addition to the main menu, there is a whole list of vegetarian and raw food dishes. If we discard the moral aspect and a tribute to fashion, consider the rejection of meat from a scientific point of view.

I want to say right away that there is no unequivocal evidence that vegetarianism is beneficial or harmful. This is due to the fact that conducting a qualitative study is difficult due to many factors, the influence of which must be excluded before making an unambiguous conclusion.

However, speaking about the advantages of vegetarianism, the following is always noted:

Plant foods have little energy value. On the one hand, it is good to lose weight on vegetables, but the complexity of this method is that saturation passes very quickly.

If the meat is completely replaced with vegetables and fruits, then you can not only reduce subcutaneous fat, but also remove toxins and toxins from the body. There is nothing better to normalize metabolic processes in the body. However, a 5-day course of giving up meat is sometimes enough for the detox to be successfully launched. Unlike animal food, vegetable food does not cause autointoxication, does not poison the human body with decay products during digestion.

As many studies show, adherents of vegetarianism suffer less from hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Plant products do not contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, as they do not have atherogenic properties.

Based on the foregoing, the rejection of meat is associated with a reduced risk of overweight and obesity, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

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But the medal also has a downside. The generally recognized disadvantages of vegetarian nutrition are the deficiency of amino acids, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins D and B12, polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, and dietary fiber. In addition, vegetable protein has a small amino acid composition and is less absorbed by the body. A serious lack of protein over time can affect the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems.

In products of animal origin is the so-called. heme iron, which is better absorbed than iron from plant products (15-35% versus 2-20%). At the same time, absorption depends on concomitant factors: for example, tannin contained in tea and coffee impairs iron absorption, as does phytic acid contained in legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. In addition, soy protein can form an insoluble compound with iron.

You should be aware that milk and eggs are not a sufficient source of iron, so lacto-vegetarians are also prone to iron deficiency, as are vegetarians and vegans.

How to solve the problem: monitor the sufficient intake of ascorbic acid, which prevents the formation of insoluble iron compounds and improves absorption by 3-4 times. Foods rich in ascorbic acid should be taken at the same time as foods containing iron.

Plant foods are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, but poor in omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids, which include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or their pro form, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are important for cardiovascular, eye, and brain development. If a person eats fish, eggs or a large amount of algae, then the problem of deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids does not arise.

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How to solve the problem: If the diet does not include seafood and eggs, then attention should be paid to ensure that the diet contains sufficient sources of alpha-linolenic acid in the diet, such as flaxseed, walnut, soy. It is possible to use soy milk fortified with appropriate additives or ready-made breakfasts.

What proteins should be in a vegetarian diet? The main difference between plant and animal proteins is the content of amino acids. Animal foods contain all of the essential amino acids, while plant foods may be deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. In this case, you need to add dairy products, soy to food, use food artificially enriched with the desired amino acid composition.

Zinc is found in both animal foods (oysters, shellfish, liver, poultry, and dairy products) and plant foods (legumes, nuts, soy products). However, phytic acid, found in legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, reduces the bioavailability of zinc. Special food preparation methods - soaking, using sprouted grains, beans and seeds, and bread leavening agents - reduce phytic acid and increase zinc bioavailability.

The problem of calcium deficiency in vegetarians is due to the consumption of foods rich in substances that reduce calcium absorption (oxalates and phytic acid) and vegetable proteins that promote increased excretion of calcium in the urine. This problem is more pronounced in vegans, since lacto-vegetarians can get enough calcium from milk and dairy products. It is important to understand that it does not follow from the foregoing that vegetarians necessarily suffer from calcium deficiency, but if this problem is identified, attention should be paid to these nutritional features.

Foods rich in calcium and low in oxalates and phytic acid: cabbage, mustard leaves, turnips, broccoli, dried figs. But even with these products it is difficult to fill the body's need for calcium: for this you need to eat them in a huge amount. I recommend getting extra calcium in special supplements.

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Considering that dairy products and eggs alone are deficient in vitamin B12, it is natural that all vegetarians suffer from its deficiency. Accordingly, it is necessary to receive vitamin B12 daily from other sources: dosage forms, products artificially enriched with cobalamin.

Vegetarians consume more dietary fiber in plant foods than people who eat meat. A person on a regular diet consumes an average of 23 grams of dietary fiber, a vegetarian - 37 grams, a vegan - 47 grams. However, the recommended dose of dietary fiber is unknown.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that both a vegetarian diet and a diet containing meat have a number of advantages and disadvantages. If your goal is to lose weight, remove toxins, feel light, then a vegetarian diet will be the right decision for you. However, in this case, you need to adhere to the above recommendations for a balanced diet, or practice a partial rejection of meat in courses, for example, for periods of 5 days.

  • Anatoly Skalny, specialist in bioelementology, doctor of medical sciences, professor.
  • Stanislav Drobyshevsky, anthropologist, researcher at the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Marina Popovich, nutritionist, researcher at the State Research Institute of Preventive Medicine.

“They get old from meat”, “meat is poison” - whether we like it or not, the discussion around “meat-eating” and the myths surrounding it, mixed with real facts, are imprinted in our minds. In order to understand whether the human body really needs meat and what the possible harm is, we turned to specialists. their arguments.

Followers of vegetarianism convince us that meat is a sinful food, incompatible with spiritual growth, and that the energy of slaughtered animals is harmful not only to spiritual, but also to physical health.

This idea is not at all new, it has archaic roots: primitive tribes believed that by eating animal meat, a person appropriates its qualities - courage, cunning, quick reaction, visual acuity, etc. The modern version of these ideas is as follows: whoever eats meat becomes aggressive or stupid - in a word, enhances his animal qualities, degrades. This is a matter of faith, not scientific evidence.

Is man really born carnivorous?

According to the structure of our body and digestive system, we differ from both predators and herbivores. Man is precisely omnivorous, in a certain sense universal. This omnivorousness once gave us a certain evolutionary advantage: compared to plant foods, meat quickly saturates, but in its raw form it requires a lot of energy to digest, so all predators sleep after hunting. When the human ancestor learned to cook meat on fire, he got the opportunity to use time not only for getting daily bread, but also for intellectual activity - rock painting, making tools.

Can plant foods replace meat for us?

Partly. The protein content in meat is 20-40%, while in boiled vegetables, legumes - from 3% to 10%. Nuts and soy contain comparable amounts of protein to meat, but, unfortunately, this protein is less digestible. Energy and vital building materials obtained from meat are quickly included in metabolic processes. And for the digestion and assimilation of plant products, the body often needs to apply more effort (enzymes, digestive juices) for each unit of the extracted useful substance. The point is also that plant foods contain substances that bind useful nutrients, such as phytin, tannins, and dietary fiber.

Is it true that “meat makes you old”?

It is a myth. Optimal intake of animal proteins is one of the main prerequisites for good immunity. Deficiency of building components (proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, etc., mainly obtained by us from meat) in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system reduces bone density, leads to muscle and joint weakness. For example, selenium deficiency causes dystrophy of the muscles, including the heart muscle, and dystrophy of the connective tissue - ligaments, joints. In a word, they age quickly rather from a lack of animal protein in the diet. Although its excess is also harmful.

What is the harm?

Too much protein in the diet leads to calcium loss and overload of the urinary system, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes and tumors. High protein intake may be justified by increased physical activity. And with an inactive lifestyle, the harm from excess meat on the menu will be more than good.

How much meat to eat and how often?

Of course, this is a purely individual question. But you can answer it based on WHO recommendations: for an adult, about 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended per day. Moreover, this norm should only half consist of animal protein, and the rest - from vegetable. It turns out about 50 grams of meat per day. On the other hand, according to WHO statistics, those who consume more than 100 grams of red meat daily have a much higher risk of developing stomach cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to use it no more than three times a week, and the rest of the time to replace it with white poultry meat, fish, and liver.

Is it true that meat is the main supplier of toxins that enter our body?

This is true. But this is more likely due to the quality of the meat and the conditions in which it is produced: when growing animals, antibiotics, hormones and feed saturated with a variety of chemicals are used. In the process of storage and sale, meat is treated with preservatives.

Are there ways to somehow reduce the harm, to minimize it?

Give preference to fresh meat, rather than meat products and convenience foods. Rinse, and even better - soak the meat in cold water. Ideally, do not use the first broth (that is, bring the water in which the meat is cooked to a boil, drain, pour cold water again and cook the broth). However, in "organic" meat or in the meat of wild animals, these chemicals are practically absent.

Ethics, economics, ecology

Humanity should consider these three aspects

Tens of billions of animals are killed every year to be used as food. The tightness and poor conditions in which they are grown is not just an ethical issue. This artificial rearing system leads to more and more massive use of hormones, antibiotics, etc., which ultimately affects our health. In addition, animal husbandry is one of the most environmentally polluted industries. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that it accounts for 28% of all methane emitted into the atmosphere.

And finally, the economy: animals raised for meat, for example in the United States, consume five times more grain than the entire population of this country, calculated David Pimentel, a professor at Cornell University (USA). This grain could feed about 800 million people, he says. The so-called organic meat on a human scale is a real luxury. What is the way out? In 2006, a group of scientists from the Netherlands patented a special meat production technology that allows growing a steak of a given structure and fat content from individual cells. So far, this is a very expensive procedure, but it is hoped that over time it will be much cheaper than raising animals.

TEXT: Masha Budrite

ANSWERS TO MOST OF THE QUESTIONS OF CONCERNING US we are all used to searching online. In this series of materials, we ask just such questions - burning, unexpected or common - to professionals in various fields.

AT recent times More and more people are giving up meat, some for ethical reasons, others for health reasons. And yet, which is better - eating meat or being a vegetarian? Does meat really contain essential substances and which ones? Can a vegetarian diet be balanced? Is it true that meat is a carcinogen? We asked these questions to an expert.

Masha Budrite

nutritionist, graduate of King's College London

It is believed that our ancestors stopped being vegetarians about two and a half million years ago - and then they did not even know how to hunt and make fire, so they ate the raw meat of dead animals. Half a million years ago, hunting became a way of life, and ten thousand years before our era, people began to domesticate animals. Both hunting and agriculture required communication between people, and hence the development of the brain - that is, meat-eating indirectly contributed to human evolution. Recently, researchers found that meat-eating allowed our ancestors to reduce the period of feeding newborns and the interval between births - that is, to increase fertility.

Of course, the most important thing that meat, eggs and milk give us is high quality protein. Animal proteins are closer in composition to human proteins than plant proteins, and therefore the body absorbs them more easily. However, eating exclusively plant-based foods will just as well cover the body's need for essential amino acids - if the diet is varied enough. One of the problems of a vegetarian diet is the lack of two essential amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, which are needed, among other things, for the formation of collagen (the protein of ligaments, skin and nails). But this need can be met if there are legumes, soy, seeds and nuts.

One of the most important trace elements for humans is iron. It is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, and also for the transport of oxygen by the blood - iron is part of its hemoglobin protein. According to the WHO, iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affecting more than two billion people. The risk group primarily includes populations with limited access to meat.

Iron is also found in plant foods, but in animals, like in humans, it is included in a chemical complex called heme - and that, in turn, is part of the hemoglobin molecule. So, heme iron, that is, iron from animal products, is absorbed much better. In addition, oxalates, derivatives of oxalic acid, which are present in sorrel, black pepper, celery and, for example, bran, interfere with the absorption of iron. Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps iron to be absorbed. Other processes also affect the absorption of iron - for example, infections or a momentary need for it.

In principle, some plants contain more iron than meat - and less is absorbed from them. There is twice as much iron in soy as in beef - but 7% is absorbed from soy, and 15% from beef. On the one hand, meat satisfies the body's iron needs more effectively, and on the other hand, a plant-based diet is no worse if it is balanced and thought out. In the end, with an iron deficiency, you can drink its course in tablets - you just need to remember the risk of overdose, which manifests itself primarily in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Animal proteins are closer in composition to human ones than plant proteins, and therefore the body absorbs them more easily.

An important substance found only in animal products is vitamin B12. It is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and for the formation of blood cells, and its best source is the liver. Vitamin B12 is not produced by plants at all - but if you cut out meat, you can get it from fish, eggs, and dairy products. Vegan foods like soy milk and cheese are fortified with vitamin B12. , which is necessary for normal muscle contractility, including the heart, can be found primarily in dairy products. If you do not eat them, for example, because of lactose intolerance, then know that calcium is found in green vegetables like broccoli, figs, oranges and nuts.

For the absorption of calcium, it is necessary, which can be obtained from fatty fish and eggs, as well as from foods enriched with this vitamin. As you know, the main "source" of vitamin D is the sun, as it is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The British Dietetic Association recommends being in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day between April and September, and taking vitamin D supplements during the other months. Unfortunately, just being in the sun is usually not enough - after all, we protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation (and we do it right).

The debate about whether meat is healthy or not seems to never end. One has only to say to adherents of meat that in the absence of the consumption of this product, a person will not be able to fully live, as vegetarians immediately object to them, stating that meat is the main root cause of almost all of our diseases. Which side to take on this issue? Is it possible to live without meat and what is the danger of its excessive consumption?

Among the big pluses of meat is its taste. Undoubtedly, meat dishes are one of the most appetizing, no wonder no feast goes without them. If you look at it from a different angle, spices and sauces give meat such a taste - without all this, the meat is not so tasty.

Meat contains protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins. One of the arguments in favor of eating meat is the prevention of anemia due to its iron content.
But there are no more useful substances in meat for our body. So, it does not contain fiber, which helps to normalize the work - as a direct result of this, meat is difficult to digest, and the body will spend a lot of energy processing it. And it, by the way, is just not in meat - it does not have carbohydrates. In addition, it contains a large amount of heavy fats and cholesterol!

Is it good or bad to eat meat?

The discoveries of scientists in recent years also do not please adherents of meat. One after another, studies are being conducted, the effect of which is disappointing: meat consumption is a prerequisite for the occurrence of almost all serious diseases. Well, in the list of causes that contribute to early mortality, meat is in third place after smoking and alcohol!
Excessive consumption of meat leads to constant processes of decay in the intestinal tract. With all this, the liver and kidneys begin to work hard to neutralize the toxins formed as a result of putrefactive processes. In addition, such processes lead to disruption of the work of these organs.

The harm of meat significantly enhanced by modern methods of its processing. All sorts of hormones that enhance the growth of animals, food in which a large amount of nitrate and pesticides, chemicals that give the meat an attractive color - all this actually does not leave useful substances in the meat and generally enhances harmful qualities.

If it was previously believed that for the full viability of a person it is necessary to consume 150 grams of protein per day, then progressive nutritionists do not recommend exceeding the norm of 45 grams. In addition, if earlier it was argued that it must be both animal and vegetable proteins, now nutrition professionals are convinced that the body's need for proteins can be completely and completely satisfied by consuming exclusively plant foods.
Of course, it is impossible to force absolutely all the inhabitants of our planet to stop eating meat. Since if for some it is quite simple to do this, then it is difficult for others to imagine their life without this product. In addition to all this, the absolute exclusion of meat from the menu can also lead to health problems. Genuine vegetarians face a lack of vitamins D and B2, as well as some essential amino acids for health.
How to proceed? How not to harm your well-being, and satisfy your own needs?

First, you need to remember the most important rule of healthy eating: you need to eat in a balanced way. When vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes are present in your daily menu in addition to meat, the harm from meat will be significantly reduced, it will be easier for the body to digest and assimilate it.

Never exceed the prescribed rate of meat consumption. Including the most notorious meat-eaters, it is recommended to organize a day without eating meat at least once a week.

If we talk about what kind of meat is considered the most harmful, then this is primarily the meat of mammals. The least harmful is considered white poultry meat, as well as offal. In fact, fish meat does not contain harmful properties. Try to eat less harmful types of meat.

Pay special attention to the choice of meat and the method of its preparation. Purchase only fresh meat. Here, of course, those people who have their own households are lucky - unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

Before preparing a dish of meat, soak it for an hour in cool water. You also need to remember that you can not use the first meat broth - it must be drained. Also, meat should not be fried, it should be boiled, stewed or baked.

The correct combination of meat with other products that can enhance or, on the contrary, weaken its harmful qualities is considered extremely important.

It is highly undesirable to eat meat with vegetables that contain starch. It is best to take fresh herbs, cucumbers, green beans, onions as a side dish for meat.
Whether it is worth eating meat, of course, is up to each of us to decide. We only gave information for reflection - probably, it is as a result of reading it that someone decides to adjust their diet.

The debate about whether meat is good or bad seems to never end. One has only to declare to meat lovers that without the use of this product a person will not be able to fully exist, as they are immediately countered by vegetarians who claim that meat is the main cause of almost all of our diseases. Which side to take on this issue? Is it possible to live without meat and what is the danger of its excessive consumption?

Among the main virtues of meat- its taste characteristics. Of course, meat dishes are one of the most delicious, no wonder no feast is complete without them. On the other hand, spices and sauces give such a taste to meat - unseasoned meat itself is far from being so tasty.

Meat contains protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins. One of the arguments in favor of eating meat is the prevention of anemia due to its iron content.

However, meat does not contain other components important for our body. So, it does not contain fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract - which is why meat is hard to digest, and the body has to spend a lot of energy on its processing. But this very energy in meat is just not there - it does not contain carbohydrates. But there are more than enough heavy fats and cholesterol in it!

The discoveries of scientists in recent years also do not please meat lovers. One by one, studies are being conducted, the result of which is disappointing: eating meat is the cause of many serious diseases, including asthma, diabetes and cancer, problems with the cardiovascular system and joints (arthritis, osteoporosis). And in the list of causes of early death, meat ranks third after smoking and!

Excessive consumption of meat is fraught with constant processes of decay in the intestines. At the same time, the liver and kidneys begin to work hard to neutralize the toxins resulting from putrefactive processes. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the work of these important organs.

The harm of meat
significantly enhanced by modern methods of its processing. Various hormones to enhance the growth of livestock and poultry, feed saturated with nitrates and pesticides, cruel conditions for slaughtering animals, chemicals to give the meat a beautiful color - all this practically does not leave its useful substances in the meat, exacerbating the harmful properties.

If earlier it was believed that for a full-fledged human life, you need to consume 150 g of protein per day, then modern nutritionists do not recommend exceeding the norm of 45 g. Moreover, if it was previously believed that these should be both animal and vegetable proteins, now experts in the field of nutrition they assure that the body's need for proteins can be completely and completely satisfied by eating exclusively plant foods.

Of course, it is impossible to force absolutely all people to stop eating meat. After all, if for some it is quite simple to do this, then others simply cannot imagine their life without this product. Besides, complete exclusion of meat from your diet can also lead to health problems. True vegetarians face a shortage of vitamins D and B2, a number of important amino acids. Disorders of the nervous system, impotence, fragility of bone tissue - this is what is fraught with a complete rejection of the use of meat products. Vegetarianism in childhood and during puberty is also unacceptable. Therefore, it is so important to find a golden mean in this matter.

What to do? How not to harm your health and satisfy your needs?

First of all, it is worth remembering the main rule of a healthy diet: you need to eat a balanced diet. If in your daily diet, in addition to meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, legumes are present in sufficient quantities, the harm of meat will be significantly reduced, it will be easier for the body to process and assimilate it.

In no case should you exceed the prescribed rate of meat consumption. Even the most notorious meat-eaters are recommended to arrange a “fasting” day without meat once or twice a week.

If we talk about which meat is the most harmful, then this is, first of all, the meat of mammals: beef, pork, lamb. Less harmful is poultry meat, especially white (chicken fillet), as well as offal. Fish meat is practically devoid of harmful properties. Try to give preference to less harmful types of meat.

Pay special attention to the choice of meat and its preparation. Buy only fresh meat, if possible - environmentally friendly. In this regard, of course, it is good for those people who maintain their own household - alas, not everyone can afford such a luxury.
Before preparing a dish using meat, soak it for an hour in cold water. The first meat broth should never be used - it must be drained. Meat can be boiled, stewed, grilled (and can be included in this category) or baked, but in no case - fried or smoked. Do not overuse spices in meat dishes.

Very important is the combination of meat with other products, which can enhance or, conversely, weaken its harmful properties. So, it is highly undesirable to eat meat with vegetables containing starch (potatoes, pumpkin, corn, radish, squash). It is preferable to take fresh herbs (lettuce, parsley, sorrel, dill), cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, onions as a side dish for meat. Green vegetables act as a good iron inhibitor, which will allow you to get the most benefit from eating meat.

To eat or not to eat meat, and if so, what kind and in what quantities, of course, it is up to each of us to decide. We only gave information for reflection - perhaps it is after reading it that someone decides to change their lifestyle, approach to nutrition.