Where to find kims. "Leaks are and will be"

Sellers of answers to USE assignments claim that they receive them from the developers and organizers of the exam. For buyers, this is a chance to enter one of the prestigious universities. Officials threaten violators with punishments, but this seasonal business stubbornly reminds of itself from year to year. On the eve of the exam in computer science, history and biology, which takes place on May 30, KIMs (control and measuring materials) in these subjects appeared on the network.

Hello, we are looking for talent!

How to use the received answers

Scandals related to the publication of USE results on the InternetOn May 27, the Unified State Examination started in Russia. The day before, photographs of completed forms of examination sheets with answers to the Russian language exam appeared on the Internet.

Rosobrnadzor insists that the organizers of such schemes and websites are guilty of disclosing restricted access information (Article 13.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), paragraph 4.1 of Article 15 of the Law "On Education"). This information includes KIMs (control and measuring materials, that is, question forms).

The Law "On Education" says on this occasion that the information contained in the KIM refers to restricted access information, and that persons involved in the conduct of the exam are responsible for disclosing the information contained in the KIM. At the same time, during the exam period, those who took the exam also belong to the responsible persons.

The Code of Administrative Offenses says that the disclosure of such information by a person who has gained access to it in connection with the performance of official or professional duties entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles, on officials - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles.

Experts note in this regard that this norm gives grounds to hold accountable precisely those who themselves are related to the education system and the organization of exams. People who undertook to organize various "schemes" from outside will be more difficult to hold accountable.

Rosobrnadzor also reminds that paragraph 9 of Article 15 of the Law "On Education" prohibits participants in the USE and persons involved in its conduct to carry and use means of communication and electronic computers, including calculators. They are punished for this with a fine: for citizens - in the amount of three to five thousand rubles, for officials - from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 50 thousand to 200 thousand rubles.

On the eve of the USE 2016, information about the exam becomes the most relevant. Let's consider the most frequently asked questions.

Will there be answers to the exam? I saw (a) many VKontakte groups.

Indeed, when trying to find answers to the exam, variants of KIMs of the exam 2016, you can find specialized groups on the VKontakte social network, in which the expected answers are posted. Often, groups can have a name that is completely different from the topic, thus creating the effect of "masking" information.
However, any possibility of posting answers to the exam is excluded - the database of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is in closed access, which completely prevents the leakage of any information.
What then are VK groups? In most cases, these are fraudulent groups that are created for subsequent resale. Reviews that can make you believe the information are usually written by bots, and the reliability of the data is not confirmed by anything, so the risks of using the proposed answers to the exam are too high.

If there are no answers to the USE, then why do Caucasians who do not know Russian pass the USE with 99 points?

If we remove the subjectivity with which such a question is usually asked, then we can see that the situation with the USE results is not at all the way many people think.
According to the local educational authorities of the Russian regions in 2015, the average USE score was: in the Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories - 65 points, in the Kirov Region - 70, in the Perm Territory - 71 points, and in Tatarstan - 69. At the same time, the average USE score in the Russian language in the Republic of Dagestan, for example, was 46 points. And only 8 graduates scored 100 points in the basic subject.
In other words, graduates from the Caucasian republics pass the USE no better and no worse than Russian graduates from other regions. And suspicions of a greater likelihood of cheating on the exam with 100-point students from the Chechen Republic than from Moscow are the result of unjustified stereotypes that have developed.

Is it realistic to write off the exam?

Many are still wondering "how to write off the exam?" There is currently no way to do this in any way.

Firstly, video surveillance of the audience is installed at each examination point. These records from all regions are sent online to a single special center, where monitoring is carried out by observers specially accredited by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation.
. Secondly, at the entrance to the examination point, metal detectors are installed to detect any means of telephone communication, audio and video equipment on the examinee, which excludes the possibility of bringing gadgets into the classroom.

In addition, during the USE - 2016, it is planned to increase the number of technical means to suppress the mobile signal, which makes it impossible to use telephones or earpieces even by those who somehow managed to carry the device.

Are the USE options the same in Moscow and Vladivostok?

No. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in order to eliminate the risk of leakage of USE materials, has made a number of changes to the exam procedure since the beginning of exams in the Far East. Including for each time zone, different versions of the Unified State Examination were introduced so that schoolchildren, say, from Vladivostok, after the start of the exam, could not send assignments to Moscow schoolchildren.

My friends say that they bought the exam. Can they be trusted?

Of course, the USE system is young and developing. This format of the exam was introduced throughout Russia in 2008. And, of course, there were cases of leakage of assignments and purchase of answers, when one of the graduates could be lucky. For example, in 2011 there was a major leak of data about the Unified State Examination in the social network VKontakte.

However, at the moment, the system has reached a level at which the purchase of USE 2016 answers is completely excluded.

Thus, the conduct of the USE 2016 implies the objectivity and unprecedentedness of the procedure. And in any way it is impossible to buy USE answers, buy real USE KIMS or write off.

About the answers to the USE 2019, which are very interested in many schoolchildren.

The time for passing the Unified State Exam for graduates of this year is inexorably approaching. This, of course, is a very crucial moment in the life of every student who is on the verge of choosing his future profession. The exam is a summing up of all the work done by the student during the years of schooling. The most conscientious part of future graduates rely more on their knowledge base and diligently pore over textbooks in order to adequately pass the upcoming exam. But there are those who seek by any means in advance to get ready-made answers to their version of the exam using the Internet. Most often they are looking for answers to the exam and the exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies.

But more often than not, graduates will not be able to find anything but disappointment, since there are no answers to the exam either on the Internet or anywhere else. So why are attempts to find an "easy" way in this case futile?

The fact is that the questions of the Unified State Examination and the OGE are protected by the state, the number of people who have access to them is very small. Of course, given the high level of corruption in our country, one can assume the possibility of selling the necessary information by a member of the State Commission. It is understandable that this kind of service will be very expensive, and most parents of graduates will not be able to afford to use this information. Much more likely to get ready-made answers from the children of the commission members, their relatives and friends. But the circle of such “lucky ones” is very narrow, since none of them will share with others, for fear of being caught, and even because of elementary human greed. Even if we assume that someone bought the questions with tickets, it is clear that this person will try to return the funds he spent. It is best to offer available information on the Internet. Such cases have already occurred, but such merchants were immediately discovered and duly punished. Finally, even if someone has tickets, it is not certain that the questions on them will be correct. There is no guarantee that the tickets are executed by qualified people. Therefore, numerous offers on the Internet for selling answers to USE questions are nothing but falsification. These answers are obviously wrong. Those who wish to acquire them will only waste their money and, moreover, will receive an unsatisfactory assessment of their results.

Thus, it is obvious that the attempts of many schoolchildren searching on the Internet USE answers are mostly useless. Don't rely on luck either. Successfully pass the upcoming exam will help nothing more than perseverance and constant work.