Infantilism: is it good or bad? Who is an infantile person.

Good day, dear readers. Today you will find out the answer to the question, what kind of infantile person is this. You will know the definition of the concept of infantilism. You will find out what signs characterize an infantile man, woman, and also a child.

general information

Infantilism is immaturity, childishness, underdevelopment of the psyche.

An infantile person is a person who is dominated by incorrect behavior, the inability to take responsibility for his actions, the inability to make decisions on his own, the lack of a goal in life, no aspirations.

This condition implies that an adult has the behavior and character of a child. Infantilism is quite common in the practice of psychologists, leading to the emergence of other problems in the life of the individual. A person is able to fight this manifestation, however, he will need constant work on himself.

When mature people come into contact with infantile ones, one can cause irritation in others, which can lead to conflicts.

An immature subject cannot clearly perceive the people around him, does not know how to adapt to the prevailing circumstances, and will cause the people around him to be unwilling to communicate with him. An infantile person tries to interact with those people who, by their behavior, remind him of his parents. Otherwise, he risks running into conflict.

When there is a need for a love relationship, infantile girls and boys, first of all, try to find a person who resembles their father or mother, respectively. Often in such cases, the parents themselves choose the couple. As a rule, the chosen ones of infantile people are older people, socially successful. However, it must be borne in mind that biological parents may have a conflict with a person who, in fact, took their place in the life of an infantile personality. Often, it is the real mother or father that takes priority in the mind of the child, which leads to the breakdown of the marriage.

The reasons

It is believed that infantility is born in the process of education, in the period from eight to fifteen years in the presence of adverse conditions. At the initial stage, it manifests itself in disobedience to parents, hysteria, manipulation, and an irresponsible approach to learning.

  1. A bad example of infantile parents. The child copies their model of behavior.
  2. Excessive guardianship, the inability of the baby to make decisions independently.
  3. Imposing your opinion, your point of view on the little one, excessive control of the child's actions.
  4. Parents who spend too much time at work do not have enough opportunity to raise a child. Often their influence is replaced by a computer, watching television, listening to music. In such a situation, the child develops the illusion of permissiveness, he understands that he can manipulate everyone around him.
  5. There is an opinion that the school education system also negatively affects the development of the child's psyche. Today, within the walls of the school, all attention is concentrated on general education subjects, they do not focus on the process of education. The child is not explained what is bad and what is good. The lack of moral training leads to the consolidation of infantile patterns, immaturity.

Parents who exert severe pressure on a child in childhood, control his actions or surround him with unnecessary care, it is difficult to stop behaving like that as the child grows up. They see their baby in an adult and cannot change their behavior pattern. Parents can interfere in his personal life, get constant calls, express their advice. An infantile person is not able to resist such actions, he is afraid of independence and responsibility.

Characteristic manifestations

Infantilism can manifest itself in different ways in different situations. It can characterize the attitude to one's health, the creation of a family, to marriage. The thinking and character of an infantile person are practically indistinguishable from the thinking of a child. The immaturity of the personality is manifested both from a social and psychological perspective. The characteristic signs of infantilism include:

  • inability to make decisions without someone's help;
  • lack of independence;
  • unpredictability;
  • lack of desire to make adult decisions;
  • irresponsibility;
  • unwillingness to develop;
  • and selfishness;
  • dependent tendencies;
  • lack of life goals;
  • prone to addictions;
  • inadequacy;
  • impaired perception;
  • inability to adapt;
  • lack of social promotion;
  • difficulty in communication.

An infantile person can be identified by the characteristics of behavior.

  1. Such people are in no hurry to answer for their actions, they will gladly hide behind the backs of friends, wives or parents.
  2. The infant lives playfully. Such a person is fond of shopaholism, attend parties, hangs in computer games.
  3. He is not able to conduct introspection, is closed on his personality. Because of this, difficulties arise in understanding other people, the realization that others may perceive the world around them differently.
  4. Does not know how to take into account the interests of other people. This leads to difficulties in communication. It is hard to make new acquaintances, to make contact with people. The phrase "" is characteristic.
  5. A person has no goals in life, he lives for today.
  6. He does not know how to predict the future, make plans. Does not build strategies in behavior in order to achieve certain goals. He rejoices in results that are able to satisfy his needs for this moment.
  7. An infantile person in almost all cases is low-income, has difficulty finding a job, and there is no career advancement.
  8. Looking at an infantile person, you can see a shade of irony or contempt, lowered corners of the lips.

In order to make sure that you are dealing with an infantile personality, pay attention to his relationship with his parents. If they are equal, a person shows concern, then this is a good sign. If the parents show strong guardianship, invade the subject's space, impose their behavior, then there is an infantile personality.

In men

Let's look at what an infantile man is, signs of such a condition.

  1. The person is incapable of action.
  2. He has egocentrism, obsession with his own personality. He considers himself a leader in any situation. When problems arise, they shift the blame to others.
  3. Inability to independently serve themselves in everyday life. Such a husband cannot do housework. It seems like a tragedy for him to wash the dishes or do the cleaning.
  4. Such men spend a lot of time playing games, they can spend hours on the Internet.
  5. Often he chooses a woman who is older than him, counts on parental care. If such a chosen one meets, the person remains a child forever.
  6. A man does not achieve great success in his career, often works in a low-paid place, does not strive for anything.
  7. There may be no hobbies, the ability to self-development.

Among women

Let's look at what an infantile, not matured woman is, signs of such a condition.

  1. The image of a little girl is created, which makes men want to take care and protect. Often, experienced men who have achieved a lot in life choose such frivolous, spoiled women for themselves, because they allow them to relax and change their usual way of life.
  2. Such women dream of meeting a young man who would take on the role of daddy. Looking for a potential groom, they are looking for a courageous, wealthy partner.
  3. An infantile girl finds herself in extreme situations, in bad stories, she constantly needs to be rescued.
  4. Such a young lady is more characteristic of a sports type of clothing, often reminiscent of children's outfits, more sequins, rhinestones, prints.
  5. Such a woman, as a rule, has many friends. She is cheerful and energetic. The social circle is represented by people who are younger than her. Men with such a woman are never bored.
  6. An infantile young lady in reality may not be such. Such a pattern of behavior may be a forced measure. A girl manipulates her partner in this way, she can pretend to be offended when, in fact, she is very angry, deliberately sheds tears, and shows a sad mood. She can pretend to be confused if she doesn’t know what she wants, easily makes a man believe that he is in charge, that without him she will be lost, will not survive.

Infantilism in children

This state is quite consistent with the development of the child's psyche. If you pay attention in time to the relationship of the child with his parents, then you can trace the beginnings of the development of adult infantilism:

  • the baby can constantly evade responsibility and obligations, while the parents indulge his desires;
  • in the life of the child, interest in games prevails, and not in learning, parents encourage him.

Teachers may indicate the possible development of immaturity when a student in class:

  • more engaged in games;
  • restlessness is present;
  • cannot concentrate on any business;
  • emotional instability;
  • immaturity and hysteria;
  • such children distract others in the lesson;
  • they do not complete tasks;
  • communicate mainly with those who are younger.

Such kids suffer from neuroses, become closed in themselves.

How to help a child

It is important to notice the presence of infantilism in the behavior of the child in time and begin to act.

  1. Always consult with the opinion of your little one, find out what he thinks about a particular problem. Discuss the family budget together. It is important that the baby feels equal, feels that he is also responsible for making any decisions.
  2. Parents can artificially create difficulties in a child's life so that he learns to overcome them.
  3. The kid can be given to the sports section. It is believed that sport allows you to strengthen a person, make him more purposeful and responsible.
  4. Make sure that the child has communication with peers and with people who are much older than him.
  5. No need to make a decision for the baby, no need to generalize it with yourself. The child must know that there is a "mother" and there is a "he".
  6. If the little one made any mistakes, it is necessary to work on them, analyze his actions, and realize how everything can be corrected. It is important to explain to the child what is good and what is bad.
  7. In the case when parents are not able to independently influence the change in the behavior of the child, they turn to a psychologist for help. A specialist can add medications to general therapy that improve memory, brain activity and concentration.

How to overcome infantilism as an adult

To become psychologically stronger, to get rid of infantilism, it is necessary to act.

  1. It's time to realize that you are an infantile person. A person must decide to change, to do it of his own free will, and not under pressure from others.
  2. It is important to learn to take responsibility for your actions, stop shifting it onto other people's shoulders. It is time to understand that in your life there is no longer room for helplessness and weakness.
  3. You need to solve your problems on your own. If there is a difficult situation, then you can turn to your loved ones for help. But minor difficulties need to be solved by yourself. If something seems too complex, it can always be broken down into smaller tasks.
  4. If bouts of infantility are observed at turning points, it's time to work on self-confidence, ideally with a qualified specialist.
  5. You need to find your way. Learn to analyze your actions, choose your favorite thing. If necessary, change the type of activity, place of work to one where the results will be more tangible, which means that there will be an incentive to change and grow up the career ladder.
  6. Deliberately create a situation for yourself in which it will be necessary to make a decision without anyone's help. For example, get a job where you will be given some responsibility.
  7. You can ask your loved ones not to show unnecessary guardianship and prevent infantile behavior.
  8. You can get a pet to take responsibility for someone.
  9. You can act in a radical way, change your usual comfort zone, move to another city or move to a new job.
  10. Seek help from a specialist in the case when you can’t cope with your infantilism on your own. The psychologist will point out the qualities that hinder your development, give practical advice on how to overcome them.

It is believed that a person who was not taught to be independent in childhood cannot get rid of infantilism without the help of a qualified specialist.

Now you know what an infantile personality is. You have found out for what reasons infantilism can develop, and how it manifests itself. As you can see, both men and women are affected by this condition. In the case of the former, they are more condemned by society, it is enough to compare the concepts and daddy's daughter. A man with such manifestations is unable to create a family, unreliable in economic terms. The independence of women is normally perceived, a man happily takes on the role of a caring person, confirming his status as a leader.

An infantile person is, relatively speaking, such a person who "grew up, but did not mature." Infantilism can manifest itself in different ways. The fact that a person is not able to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. The fact that a person cannot make decisions at all, but asks all the time for advice from others. The fact that a person is not able to comfortably live autonomously without relying on another. A common example is older children living off their parents.

Actions (or their absence, when they are needed) can also be infantile. A fairly common occurrence is to get a scolding from the boss, not to dare to answer him, and at home to yell at the children. Agree with someone "so as not to spoil the relationship", and then sabotage the decision about which the agreement was reached. Avoid unpleasant clarifications and conversations. Blame someone for something you can't do. Playing helpless so that people will guess what you need instead of doing it yourself or asking. Regularly "forget" at home something you need and force others to supply you with it. And many more examples could be given.

There is an important nuance here. If a person does all of the above consciously, this is no longer an infantile person, but a manipulator. An infantile person does not realize that he is infantile.

And one more nuance. Even the most mature and responsible person can "regress" into infantilism for a while. Being conscious and responsible all the time is not so easy, and allowing yourself to be infantile (within "decent" limits) sometimes means allowing yourself to take a break.

An infantile person, most likely, will not do what he does not want to do. Therefore, he sees problems, but will try to avoid solving those that seem too difficult to him. He is unwilling to make decisions for fear of responsibility.

In scientific language, mental infantilism is the immaturity of a person, expressed in a delay in the formation of a personality, in which a person’s behavior does not meet the age requirements for him. The lag is mainly manifested in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and the preservation of childish personality traits.

An infantile person is a person whose behavior has retained pronounced childish features, such as:


The quality of personality, when a person sees, hears and feels only himself. When he is not able to understand and feel the state of another person. For a small child, this is natural, since the main thing for a baby is the satisfaction of HIS OWN needs for love, security, acceptance, warmth. An egocentric person has absolute confidence in his own rightness. If there are problems in relationships, then he will never admit that he does not understand people. That he may not understand something at all. He always thinks it's people who don't understand HIM.


Dependency in this case should be understood not as life at the expense of another (although this is also not excluded), but the inability or complete unwillingness to serve oneself. To a greater extent, this is inherent in men who categorically refuse to serve themselves (wash, iron, cook, even just heat cooked food) or do anything around the house. Just as small children cannot take care of themselves, so an infantile person, without doing anything around the house, demands to be served. In such a situation, the wife begins to perform the functions of a mother or older sister. The main argument that such men give is “I bring money into the house.” But, firstly, most women in our time also work and bring money into the house. And secondly, you need to clearly understand that at home and at work a person plays different social roles. Often an infantile person, even if he is a responsible worker at work, crossing the threshold of the house, instantly becomes a little boy.

Game orientation

An infantile person prefers entertainment over other activities. Fortunately, modern civilization provides many entertainment options that enable a child and an infantile adult to avoid boredom. Entertainment is different for everyone. These are endless gatherings with friends and girlfriends both at home and in bars, cinema, discos, shopping, the Internet, the purchase of “adult toys” (for men, this role is most often played by technical innovations). None of the above is bad. After all, mature people can do all this too. However, for infantile people, entertainment takes most(if not all) free time from work. By the way, often an infantile person is the soul of the company, a merry joker, it is good to have fun with him, he disposes to himself. But as soon as the celebration of life ends, it becomes nondescript, goes out and disappears until a new entertainment.

Infantile person.
I don't know
Whether I am infantile or not.
Maybe even the very fact that
That I can't decide
Gives me the right to be who I am.
A responsibility.
Strange word.
Awakening goosebumps.
On the one hand, it can even be annoying.
Does this mean that if other people experience the same thing, then the individuals who take on a ton of responsibility are a kind of masochists.
And if I admit my infantilism,
Will I be considered infantile or not?
Or is it another form of this very specific "ailment"?
Is it a disease at all?
And why are so many irritated data "sick"?
The main problems that stand out in "patients" are selfishness and denial of responsibility.
Personally for me,
These are two very disparate terms. After all, egoists are a kind of manipulators who use themselves to control their environment in order to achieve their goals (well, or simply to maintain a state of stagnation). And already in this case, a person cannot be called a "lying stone." Although, perhaps he is. It's just that this "stone" is raised by the people around him.
I am completely confused.

Infantilism is a special property of a person's behavior that characterizes him as an immature person, incapable of making thoughtful, balanced decisions. As a rule, such childishness and immaturity are a product of upbringing, and not a failure in the process of maturation of the brain.

An infantile person simply avoids all responsibility - nothing prevents him from "taking life by the tail and changing something in it", but there is no desire for such active actions.

Whereas, infantilism is a pathological condition that implies a delay in the psychological formation of a person for some objective reason. For example, oxygen starvation of the brain during intrauterine fetal formation. The discrepancy between human behavior and age characteristics becomes especially noticeable by the time they enter school. In the future, it only progresses.

The reasons

The origins of infantilism, according to experts from different countries dealing with a similar problem, should be sought in the childhood of a person. Of the many reasons they identified, here are a few of the main ones:

  • overprotection of parents - the child does not have the opportunity to make independent decisions and learn from his mistakes, he develops a habit of shifting responsibility to other people;
  • constant lack of attention and love from close relatives - a situation where the baby is left to himself most of the time, a kind of pedagogical neglect, in adulthood such children seek to compensate for the lost sense of care;
  • total control - if children are forced to account for literally every step they take, then, in contrast, they begin to express a kind of protest with their infantile behavior, they say, get what you want, I refuse to take responsibility;
  • forced rapid maturation - if a child, due to life circumstances, had to face the need to make important decisions too early, then later he may seek to avoid situations where a choice is required.

Sometimes diseases of the internal organs become a platform for infantilism, for example, when brain cells simply do not have enough energy for full-fledged activity. Or the emerging infantilism in women due to underdevelopment of the ovaries - a deficiency in the production of sex hormones leads to a lag in the maturation of higher nervous activity.


Among the whole variety of symptoms that can describe the behavior of a human infant, the following most characteristic signs of infantility can be distinguished:

  • inability and unwillingness to make important decisions, for which you will then have to bear personal responsibility - in situations where you need to urgently solve something, such a person will try to shift the task onto the shoulders of a colleague, relative as much as possible, or let everything take its course;
  • unconscious desire for dependency - infantile people can earn good money, but they are not accustomed to serving themselves in everyday life or are simply lazy, trying in every possible way to avoid everyday duties;
  • extremely pronounced egocentrism and selfishness - an unfounded belief that the whole world should revolve around them, their requests should be immediately fulfilled, while they themselves will try to find a thousand excuses for their own unfulfilled obligations;
  • difficulties in relationships with colleagues, partners, spouses - unwillingness to work on relationships leads to the fact that, in the end, such people remain lonely even in their own family;
  • an infantile woman can have fun at some event or party, while her apartment will not be cleaned, and the refrigerator shines with empty shelves;
  • frequent job changes - an infantile man justifies himself in every possible way by the fact that they find fault with him too much or force him to work, so they spend their whole lives looking for a job where they would be paid more and demanded less.

People-infants live literally like moths - one day. Often they do not have savings "in reserve". They do not strive for self-improvement, because they are sure that they are already good, everything suits them in themselves.

Types of infantilism

To complete the description of such a disorder as personality immaturity, it should be noted that it can be expressed in various forms. So, psychic infantilism is a slow maturation of a child. There is some delay in the formation of the personality of the baby - in the emotional or volitional sphere. Such children may demonstrate a high level of logical thinking. They are intellectually very developed and able to serve themselves. However, at the same time, their gaming interests always prevail over educational and cognitive ones.

Physiological infantilism is an excessively slow or disturbed bodily development, resulting in a failure in the formation of higher nervous activity. More often taken for. Only a thorough differential diagnosis by a highly professional specialist puts everything in its place. The reasons for its appearance may be infections transferred by a pregnant woman or oxygen starvation of the fetus. The signs of infantilism in such a child can be combined with the phrase “I want to show myself, but I can’t.”

Psychological infantilism - a person has a completely healthy psyche in a physiological sense, he is fully consistent in development with his age. But they deliberately choose "childish" behavior. For example, because of the transferred - as a kind of "protection" from an aggressive external reality. Then the habit of walling off and shifting responsibility for oneself to others becomes the norm of behavior.

Features in men

The bulk of the differences in the manifestation of infantilism among the sexes lies in the social views adopted in a particular society. If you look at the problem from this point of view, then infantilism in men is a sign of their failure as a protector, a “earner”. Such behavior is condemned in most social groups.

You can recognize a male infant by several characteristic features. He has a very close bond with his family, especially his mother. At the same time, the relationship between them can even be conflicting, but they cannot do without each other for a long time.

The parent dominates in such relationships. Therefore, becoming an adult, a male infant does not take on any responsibility - for himself, his family. In many situations, he behaves like a child. Infantilism in men quite often manifests itself in avoiding conflicts, the need to solve problems, avoiding reality in fictional relationships, for example, in.

But such a man is the soul of any company. He sincerely rejoices at any holiday and an occasion to have fun. He is always ready to become the organizer of the party, but only if someone else will finance it. He practically does not know how to handle money and earn it.

They can be most clearly manifested in his competition with his own children. He is sincerely offended if the wife pays less attention to him or buys more things not for him, but for the child. Scandals and quarrels in such a family will occur more often if a woman does not learn to find balance in relations with her husband and offspring.

Features in women

Society looks more favorably on infantilism in women. Often such "childishness" is even encouraged - many men are pleased to pamper their chosen one or educate her sometimes. Some husbands assert their ego in this way.

Women, on the other hand, are impressed by the role of dependents - this greatly facilitates their existence in terms of making important decisions. Shifting one's worries onto "strong male shoulders" has long been encouraged and welcomed in European society. However, the realities of our days are such that such behavior sometimes leads to a catastrophe in relations - two infants, colliding, are unable to help each other.

Sometimes they hide behind infantilism - beriberi, chronic fatigue, severe stressful situations lead to the fact that the nervous system cannot stand it. In an effort to save herself, a woman begins to move away from reality, becoming lethargic, apathetic. After the restoration of the reserves of vitamins and microelements, as well as energy, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity will again be active, bright, cheerful and life-affirming.

If the desire to have fun is the predominant trait of a woman’s character, without a desire to think about the future, to ensure her well-being and comfort on her own, we can talk about psychological infantilism. Encouraging such behavior can result in permissiveness and licentiousness, up to a violation of criminal liability. Punishment and "sobering up" is sometimes too harsh and harsh - serving time in places of deprivation of liberty.

How to get rid of infantilism?

It is quite difficult for an infantile person to realize his problems with decision-making. Few find the strength to fight and take steps to improve their lives - gaining independence. Most often, such people need the help of professional psychologists.

Positive results can be achieved faster if the request for help was undertaken in the early stages of the formation of a personality disorder, in the childhood years of a person's life. Group and individual trainings have proved to be excellent.

To properly organize the process of raising and becoming a child, parents can be recommended:

  • consult with children more often, ask their opinion on every important life event for them;
  • do not try to artificially create excessively comfortable conditions for the child - learn about all the difficulties, for example, at school, solve them together, and not shoulder the problem only on your own shoulders;
  • enroll him in the sports section - this is how responsibility and purposefulness will be formed in him;
  • encourage the child to communicate with peers and older people;
  • avoid thinking in terms of "we" - dividing yourself and the baby into "I" and "he".

If intellectual decline was provoked by focal ischemia, then you need qualified help from a neurologist, drug treatment.

How to get rid of infantilism for a man - such issues should be resolved by a specialist on an individual basis. Without awareness of the problem, if he himself is not ready to work on himself, all the steps taken by his parents, wife, colleagues will be ineffective.

Experts can only give recommendations on how to get rid of infantility in adulthood - reconsider your life priorities, try to live separately from your parents, find a job that will require decision-making, but without excessive responsibility. You can try step-by-step planning - set quite achievable goals and strive for them.

Each person is the creator of his own destiny, and without internal work on himself it is impossible to achieve the harmonious development of his personality.

- Fly with me to a place where you will never grow up!
Never is a very long time...
"Peter Pan", J. Barry

Who did not like to listen to stories about the charming Peter Pan in childhood and dream of a country where you can remain a child forever? After all, being small, especially when you have already grown up, is so great: you can express your emotions without restrictions, not think about your daily bread, not be responsible for your actions and calmly skip classes, lying in bed, eating tons of raspberry jam and without stops watching your favorite cartoons.

But an adult will smile for a moment at such fantasies - and will again run about his adult affairs. And he will not say that he wants to give up everything and find himself in a carefree childhood. Because the life of an adult is no less interesting.

Or I'm wrong?

Alas, among us there are many such “Peter Pans” who show infantilism, irresponsibility, unwillingness to admit their mistakes in life. They demand love from others, while they themselves are simply not able to give it. Their emotions are reminiscent of the emotions of a small child: tantrums are replaced by unbridled delight, out of the blue there are deep resentments, now and then childish tearfulness appears, longing rolls over.

This is a collective image, and infantilism in each individual case manifests itself in different ways. But it is quite possible to systematize it.

Infantilism: the meaning of the word

What do we know about infantilism? Wikipedia gives this definition: "this is the desire to satisfy one's needs without expending energy, the desire to receive everything that is needed for life without doing anything for it."

There is another, albeit similar concept - infantilism. Wikipedia clarifies that this is the immaturity of development, behavioral traits that are characteristic of past age stages.

At the training System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan this concept is considered more broadly. It can be said that infantilism is an insufficient development in each vector that occurs in childhood before the onset of puberty. Natural properties, which for some reason have not received sufficient disclosure in due time, are strongly reflected in the character of a person, in his worldview and behavior.

If we imagine a certain scale of vector development, then its highest (development) value is the ability of a person to live not for the benefit of himself, not for his own benefit, to do everything not for his own interests, but for the sake of the whole society, for the sake of others. The so-called outward development. And the value marked on an imaginary scale somewhere in the middle, below average or at the very bottom - this is life "inside", or real infantilism. The meaning of the word in this interpretation, you see, takes on much more meaning: we can call infantile not only a person who lives at the expense of a parent, but also anyone who is seen in the manifestation of underdevelopment of properties.

Infantilism in fear of responsibility

Remember the sweet and kind hero of the country's most New Year's film "The Irony of Fate ..." Zhenya Lukashin: an adult boy, but still lives with his mother, solves his problems at her suggestion and, in principle, looks very infantile.

It's good if Nadya Sheveleva or someone else appears in the hero's life. It’s bad if life in the parental home, under the parental wing lasts until the first (and last) gray hairs, and the desire to acquire your own home, work and family does not appear.

What's this? The arrogance of a child who has not matured, the selfishness of a sexually mature child, or the excessive kindness of parents? Or maybe it's just a fear of responsibility, which has settled deep, deep inside and whose roots are all in the same childhood? A kind of mental infantilism?

If we are talking about the anal vector, it is important for such a child to learn to accept himself and adequately evaluate himself even before the onset of adolescence. And in this he definitely needs the help of his mother. Caring, capable of supporting, praising where necessary, helping to take the first steps in this life.

A child with an anal vector will not be able to cope with problems on his own - such is his nature. And if he is “thrown” by his parents to be torn apart by these problems, his negative experience, his resentment, self-doubt will just lead to the “activation” of such a life scenario, such a stereotype of behavior - the behavior of an infantile boy or an infantile girl who has not learned to live independently. life (and are unlikely to learn). At the same time, infantilism in women and men with an anal vector manifests itself almost the same, but more often it occurs in males (who are more closely connected with their mother).

How to deal with this type of infantilism? Don't rush, read on.

Infantile emotionality

For the last 15 years, my ex-wife lived like she was still 17. She bought clothes in the teenage departments, could not bring herself to cook something at home, and often forgot her promises. I took on everything: shopping, and control of the family budget, and our joint vacation. Yes, and I mostly earned, and she - so, for tights and hairpins.

She was shocked when I said that it was time for us to leave ... I said that I was tired of living with a little capricious girl, that I needed a normal wife. She knew something about her infantilism, but she always thought it was cute. And I could not imagine another family life. I really got tired of her eternal tantrums and the behavior of an unbalanced teenager

There are options for everyone. Regardless of what mark you are on on the same scale - at the level of love for cats and dogs or the level of visual intellectual snobbery.

The article was written based on the materials of the training System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan

infantilism- this is a characteristic of a person, expressing the immaturity of her psychological development, the preservation of features inherent in earlier age stages. The infantilism of a person in the everyday sense is called childishness, which is manifested in the immaturity of behavior, the inability to make informed decisions, and the unwillingness to take responsibility.

In psychology, infantilism is understood as the immaturity of an individual, which is expressed in a delay in the formation of a personality when its actions do not meet age requirements. Some people perceive the infantilism of behavior as a matter of course. The life of a modern person is quite fast-paced, it is this way of life that pushes a person to such behavior, stopping the growing up and development of the personality, while maintaining a small and unintelligent child inside an adult. The cult of eternal youth and youth, the presence of a wide variety of entertainments of modern culture, this is what provokes the development of infantility in a person, relegating the development of an adult personality to the background and allowing him to remain an eternal child.

A woman with an infantile character is able to portray resentment when she is actually experiencing. Among other tricks, such feminists are armed with sadness, tears, feelings of guilt and fear. Such a woman is able to pretend to be confused when she does not know what she wants. Best of all, she manages to make a man believe that without him she is nobody and that she will disappear without his support. She will never say what she does not like, she will pout or cry and act up, but it is very difficult to bring her into a serious conversation.

The true infantilism of a woman leads her life into sheer chaos. She always gets into some kind of stories, extreme situations, from where she needs to be rescued. She has many friends, her appearance is far from the image of a lady, she is attracted to jeans, sneakers, various T-shirts with children's or cartoon prints. She is cheerful, energetic and fickle, her social circle mostly consisting of people much younger than her age.

Men love adventure because it causes an adrenaline rush, so they find themselves an infantile woman with whom they never get bored.

According to the results of one study, it turned out that 34% of women behave infantile when they are next to their man, 66% say that these women live in the image of a frivolous girl all the time.

The reasons for a woman's infantilism are that she acts in this way, because it is easier for her to achieve something from a man, she does not want to be responsible for her personal life or dreams that someone will take custody of her, this someone, of course, a mature and wealthy man.

How to get rid of infantilism

Infantilism is a persistent personality characteristic in psychology, therefore it is impossible to get rid of it quickly. To transcend to the solution of the question: how to deal with infantilism, you need to understand that for this there is a lot of work to be done. In the fight against infantilism, you need to be very patient, because you have to go through tears, resentment and anger.

So, how to get rid of infantilism. The most effective way is considered to be the occurrence of big changes in life, during which a person must get into such situations and conditions where he will find himself without support and he alone will have to quickly solve problems, and then be responsible for the decisions made.

Thus, many people get rid of infantilism. For men, such conditions can be - the army, special forces, prison. Women are more suited to moving to a foreign country where there are absolutely no acquaintances, and they have to survive without relatives and make new friends.

After experiencing strong stressful situations, a person loses his infantilism, for example, having lost material well-being, having experienced the dismissal or death of a very close person who served as support and support.

For women, the best way to deal with infantilism is the birth of a child and the responsibility that comes with it.

Too radical methods are unlikely to suit every person, and the following may happen: due to sudden changes in life, a person may close in on himself or, having failed to cope with his duties, will begin to regress even more (regression is a protective mechanism of the psyche that returns a person to lower stage of development of his feelings and behavior).

It is better to use more accessible situations, for example, cook dinner yourself, then clean up, do an unscheduled major cleaning, go shopping and buy only what you need, go and pay bills, move out from your parents or stop living at their expense. There are a lot of such situations in life, they sometimes seem insignificant, but one who knows what an infantile character is understands how infantile individuals behave in such cases, how burdensome these situations are for them.