Editor's work on the vocabulary of the manuscript. Elimination of lexical errors

A little more than a month is left before the New Year. And the closer this celebration becomes, the more the capital of Kuzbass is transformed. A new fir tree has already been installed on the main square of the city, and festive decorations can be seen on the windows of institutions and enterprises..

"prickly" question

Of course, the main attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Wherever a coniferous tree stands - in an apartment, on Soviet Square or under the walls of the Kremlin - it always captures the eyes of people. This year, attention to the main Kemerovo Christmas tree is especially great. This is due to the fact that the tree that was installed over the past 11 years has been replaced by a new one. The height of the spruce together with the podium is 25 meters, it is equipped with about 239,000 LEDs, which are placed on almost 1,900 decorative branches. But the subject for wide discussion was not the high technological equipment of the New Year tree, but its cost, which amounted to almost 18 million rubles.

– We have been talking about installing a new spruce for several years. They were caused by the fact that the old spruce was obsolete. Plus, every year we had to increase funding for its repair, because the branches and LEDs failed. According to the conclusion of the specialists who repaired this spruce, according to the results of the last winter period, about 30% of the branches did not work. It could be sorted out and restored, spent again from 300 to 500 thousand rubles, as we did in previous years, but it would become shorter by 30%, - said the mayor of Kemerovo Ilya Seredyuk.

The Kemerovo authorities did not want to install a "cropped" spruce in the city center. But the Christmas tree did not go to the trash either. It was handed over for restoration to the Promyshlenny district, where it will continue to delight local residents for several more years.

As for the cost of a new spruce, this issue can be considered debatable. Negative comments in the same social networks appear under almost any news that talks about spending six figures. Regardless of whether we are talking about the construction of a new "ring" or a cadet school.

- This is definitely not the most expensive Christmas tree, on the manufacturer's website there are options for both 29 million and 35 million. Yes, we could buy about the same as it was, for six million. But since we are moving forward and buying 10-15 years ahead, we must take into account modern requirements for these structures. At the same time, the spruce is already in a complete set and will not require any additions and improvements for 15 years. And no expenses, except for current ones, are planned for it in these years, - said Ilya Seredyuk.

It is worth noting that experts admit a higher market price for artificial spruce like Kemerovo. This is due to several factors, the first of which is the quality of the tree.

- The better the spruce, the more expensive it is. The price can reach up to 25 million rubles, if there are a lot of needles, a lot of branches and there will be a lot of tiers of branches, - he told Izvestia Andrey Shashkin, manager of a company specializing in street fir trade.

Also, the cost of a Christmas tree is affected by its exclusivity. After all, many spruces that are installed in city squares are piece goods and are not mass-produced.

Updated city

In itself, the purchase of a Christmas tree is part of the global renewal that happened to Kemerovo in the past year. Moreover, they occurred in all spheres of life of the city.

- We see how Kemerovo is being renovated. Roundabouts are being built, new transport hubs that have been in demand for a long time. The long-awaited roads appeared, the same Moskovsky Prospekt. And we have a comprehensive approach to updating the entire infrastructure around. The facades were repaired and the lighting was made, the yard areas were repaired. Kindergartens are being built, in the near future it is planned to build a school in microdistrict No. 7b, and now we are in the process of building two digital schools and want to lay a third one. Under the My New School program, previously built schools are being renovated, and this is not just a repair, but a comprehensive reconstruction. Transport is being updated, stopping pavilions are being modernized. There is a construction of large facilities that turn Kemerovo into another city, the sites next to them are changing. And we want the changes to concern not only the economic life of the city, but also other areas, including celebrations, - Ilya Seredyuk emphasized.

It is from this desire for renewal that a new holiday concept has emerged, which has absorbed all the best from its predecessor and has grown with new elements. The changes will be most noticeable on the Soviet Square, which is traditionally a place of festivities. So, the townspeople will be greeted on the square by new figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden made of fiberglass with a height of more than three meters. A skating rink will be built around the new spruce, which will be illuminated at night. And so that those who want to skate and play hockey do not have a reason to quarrel, to the delight of the latter they bought and already installed a hockey box. It will not do without slides and ice figures, which are loved by Kemerovo residents. Specialists have already begun to prepare material for them in their usual place - Lake Krasnoye.

- Among the novelties on the square of the Soviets is a town for a Christmas market. We are leaving the tents, we will mount beautiful pavilions for the sale of souvenirs and catering. And we want to cover the entire territory of the fair with a luminous dome of garlands. So everything will be new, not only the Christmas tree, - Ilya Seredyuk emphasized.

To match the holiday will be the design of the main city highways. The Iskitim Bridge on Lenin Avenue, the fountain on the square in front of the Drama Theater and the "balls" near the circus will be transformed. A few years later, the illumination of trees on Sovetsky Avenue will return, which, together with lighting on Vesennyaya Street, will create a magical holiday atmosphere in the city center. In total, 180 lighting consoles will operate in Kemerovo.

Holiday for everyone

Of course, festive events will not be limited to the city center alone. In almost every area, to the delight of local residents, snow towns, slides and various figures and compositions will appear. As well as hockey rinks, ice and winter sports grounds, ski facilities. There will be 26 rental points for citizens, where they can rent more than 2,000 items of equipment.

Christmas tree markets will appear in every district of the city. This year there will be 69 of them, and they will open according to a long tradition on December 15th. But before trading, sellers will need to fulfill a number of requirements.

- Last year, Kemerovo residents had complaints about the fact that the Christmas tree bazaars were not decorated enough, they were not fenced, and in general they did not look like they should be in the regional center. This year, these requirements will be taken into account, - said Ilya Seredyuk.

The Kemerovo mayor also said that on New Year's Eve and holidays, it is planned to increase the schedule of public transport. This will be done in order to shorten the breaks between flights connecting different parts of the city.

And so that the vivid impressions of the holiday did not lead to victims, 30 places were identified in the city for launching fireworks. Their list will be made public in the near future.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. This year, Kemerovo has been seriously updated, significant objects have appeared in the city. Therefore, the new concept of the holiday, which will soon appear before the townspeople in all its glory, is more than appropriate. And it remains to be hoped that the Kemerovo residents will share this course for renewal and take only the good with them into the future.

Exercise 14

1. Young birch oak grove turned green outside the outskirts.

A young birch grove turned green beyond the outskirts.
The young oak grove turned green beyond the outskirts.

2. Children pronounce a poem, standing scattered.
The children read the poem while standing apart.
Children read a poem, standing hardly.
Children read a poem, standing waddle.

3. The movie "The Return of the Black Blonde" is in theaters.

'The Tall Blond Returns' is in theaters

4. The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: "Stand flat, then it will be freer!".

The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: “Lie down flat (layer), then it will be freer!”.

5. Records continue.

Records are being set.
Athletes continue to set records.

6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat is walking along the corridor on tiptoe.

Suddenly she noticed: a cat was sneaking along the corridor.

7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.

Most of the time goes by without a trace.
Most of the time is wasted (wasted)

8. The teacher suggested that we write a test orally.

The teacher suggested that we do the test orally.

9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers.

At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its fur.

10. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions.

There is a significant improvement in living conditions.
There is an incredible improvement in living conditions.

11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.

The experience of recent years convincingly proves the validity of these gloomy predictions.

12. Widespread testing of this vitamin bioactive cream has led to extremely positive results.

Extensive trials of vitamin-bioactive cream have led to very positive results.

13. The stranger mounted a horse and rode on foot.

The stranger mounted his horse and (slowly) rode.
The stranger mounted his horse and set off.

14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in the sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears with grace and ease the simplest soiled dress. Who taught her grace?

The three-year-old Parisian is already a lady. Here she is barefoot rummaging in the sand, but even in the most modest and already fairly soiled dress she looks elegant and light. Who taught her grace?

15. From fatigue, my body gave way on my feet.

My legs wobbled from exhaustion.

16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed angrily, the drum groaned.

The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub: the guitar strings sang melodically (loudly), the drum beat.

17. Several new businesses and public transport have appeared in our town.

Several new public transport enterprises have appeared in our town (city).

18. Stand still and do not wave your eyes (from the speech of a kindergarten teacher).
Stay calm and don't wave your arms.
Stay calm and don't blink.

19. This is how I clench my fists on my arms and legs! (child speech)

This is how I clench my fists.

20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Yesterday I took a plane ticket and flew to Moscow.
I bought a new plane yesterday and flew to Moscow on it.


The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

1. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.
2. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers.
3. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions.
4. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.
5. Widespread testing of this vitamin bioactive cream resulted in extremely positive results.
6. The stranger mounted a horse and rode on foot.
7. The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!” .
8. Records continue.
9. Several new businesses and public transport have appeared in our city.
10. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

1. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.
2. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned himself.
3. There is an improvement in living conditions.
4. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of gloomy forecasts.
5. Extensive trials of this vitamin bioactive cream have resulted in extremely positive results.
6. The stranger got on his horse and rode at a pace.
7. The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: “Stand up straight, then it will be freer!” .
8. Records are set.
9. Several new public transport enterprises have appeared in our city.
10. Yesterday I got on a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Other questions from the category "Education"

  • Student's personal file. Are quarter grades placed on a student's personal file? I need an answer urgently!
  • please help me decide! ! (1.6*10 to the minus fifth power) *(4*10 to the second power)
  • perhaps 19.6 grams of sulphate acid was neutralized with excess magnesium oxide. how many speeches, approved sols?

Exercise 14 Indicate lexical errors in the following sentences, while highlighting cases of violation of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit sentences.

1. Young birch oak grove turned green outside the outskirts.
2. Children pronounce a poem, standing scattered.
3. The movie "The Return of the Black Blonde" is in theaters.
4. The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: "Stand flat, then it will be freer!".
5. Records continue.
6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat is walking along the corridor on tiptoe.
7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly.
8. The teacher suggested that we write a test orally.
9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers.
10. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions.
11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.
12. Widespread testing of this vitamin bioactive cream has led to extremely positive results.
13. The stranger mounted a horse and rode on foot.
14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in the sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears with grace and ease the simplest soiled dress. Who taught her grace?
15. From fatigue, my body gave way on my feet.
16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed angrily, the drum groaned.
17. Several new businesses and public transport have appeared in our town.
18. Stand still and do not wave your eyes (from the speech of a kindergarten teacher).
19. This is how I clench my fists on my arms and legs! (child speech)
20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Lyubov Mokhovikova
Summary of the lesson "Enterprises of our city"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 60"

Lesson summary:

« Enterprises of our city»

Compiled by the educator

preparatory group

Mokhovikova L.V.

Berezniki, 2014

Target: Raising in children a sense of love for their small homeland.

Tasks: Summarize children's knowledge about city Berezniki as a small homeland of children.

To develop children's interest and desire to talk about it, conveying in the story the emerging subjective attitude to the world around them.

Cultivate a sense of pride city, interest in the history of the region, respect for working people.

Material: map of Russia, Perm region, the city of Berezniki, exhibition of books about Berezniki, musical accompaniment, slides with sights cities, computer, photos of famous people, products city ​​enterprises.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Children, tell me, please, what is the Motherland? (This is our country, this is our city where we live, this is our Ural, etc.)

That's right guys. Motherland unites all people living in one country: they speak the same language, have the same passports, work, celebrate common holidays and, if necessary, defend their homeland from enemies.

caregiver: Guys, do you know the name of our Motherland?

(Children's answers.)

Our country is called Russia. She is very big. When people go to bed in one part of the country, the day is just beginning in another. At the same time, in one part of Russia, the bright sun can shine, and in another it can rain.

The song of V. Basner and M. Matusovsky “Where the Motherland Begins” sounds.

caregiver: Listen to what Zinaida Alexandrova wrote about the Motherland. (Children read the poem.)

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a shy birch

And chamomile hillock ...

And others will probably remember

Your native wide yard.

In the puddles the first boats

Above the rope, the stomp of feet

And a big neighboring factory

A loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has it

– We all know that we live in the best, most beautiful, most dear the city of Berezniki.

– And who knows how such a beautiful name appeared in cities)

caregiver: There were several islands on the Kama River, and one of them, overgrown with birches, was called Berezniki. Apparently, he beckoned to him with his beauty, because merchants often stopped on it and arranged merry fairs in the shade of trees. And later, the Nitrogen-Fertilizer Plant appeared here. Builders from all over the country came to the construction of the plant. In December 1929, they gathered in the old barn that served as a club and began to decide what name to give to the new city. Alone offered - Derzhinsk, others - Khimgrad, called Berezniki

(Child's story). Shows on the map of the Perm region.

“On a traditional silver heraldic shield, a blue ribbon runs diagonally from the upper left corner with three crystals of salt on it. Silver color symbolizes a miracle - magnesium and titanium metals, produced by VSMPO-Avisma Corporation

caregiver: Which of the first builders cities you know?

Children: Arduanov, Tsirenshchikov, Sarychev (show photos).

Practical work: on the map cities show street data.

caregiver: And now we will play - what other streets are there in our city.

Virtual tour of the streets cities using a computer (slides with sights cities) .

caregiver: The first builders built not only residential buildings, but also large factories, the products of which are very necessary for people.

- The whole country helped to build factories. And now our enterprises send their products to different parts of the country and abroad (to show on the map).

caregiver: What are the major industrial businesses you know?

Educator - introduces children to exhibits of industrial products city ​​enterprises.

A) URALKALI. Potash mines produce potash ore found deep underground in mines.

Why potassium ore?

That's right, potash fertilizers are made from it, which are used in agriculture.

And at the 4th potash plant there is a workshop for the production of edible salt. And there is salt in every home, because no dish can be cooked without salt.

B) VSMPO Corporation - AVISMA - is a titanium - magnesium plant. What is the main product of the plant? - titanium sponge It is the lightest metal. The hulls of submarines, missiles and aircraft are made from this metal.

C) Berezniki soda plant - produces whiteness, washing powder, "Sanitary". Every housewife has these detergents.

Outcome: well done, guys, you made good guides, you spoke in detail about our enterprises.